My lost and found warlock

by Faerynail

24 Mar 2021 730 readers Score 7.2 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This work is totally fiction and made up and enjoyable if you know what you like. Do enjoy.

Let's begin with a question, What do you do when you find out that your long lost boyfriend appears after a year and a half he vanished from the face of the Earth? No amount of scrying magic was able to find him!?! This happened to Lucas, a second year mage who fell in love with a third year warlock, their love was beyond the three fates themselves but it ceased to be the day Lucas woke up and found that Brody had disappeared. Now after all that time, he had learnt to move on but of course he tried having other affairs after the grieving period was over but it was never the same and he just gave up.

Now after his graduation and having gotten a job at a magical researchers firm for spells and incantations, life was starting to look on the bright side and maybe , just maybe he thought he would find love again.

Just like any other normal weekend, he had gone grocery shopping and came back, it was beans day and so he prepared, but prior to sitting down after the preparations, someone knocked at the door, "who could it be? " He thought, so he went on to open the door and it was just the mail man, his mom has sent him his second package of beans, well it was beans day to say the least but then he saw something or rather someone behind the mailman, he couldn't believe his eyes, it couldn't possibly be, it was Brody in the flesh, immediately he rubbed his eyes on instinct, maybe it was a rough week's back fire playing mind tricks on him but no, it was Brody.

Now the mailman was confused so he excused himself and moved along. Frozen, confused and mouth agape, Brody broke the ice "hey Lu-C! Longtime" that's all he said with his goddamn killer smile, and a tan??? Come on it was not fair and when did he get more buff and extra handsome, how could I hate him now and how dare he use that nickname after what he just made me pass through?! Who does he think he is? How could he just barge into my life without a postcard to inform me that he was okay!?! "I can explain and answer all those questions but right now, I need your help!" he said,  oops! He had forgotten that warlocks had telepathic tendencies and so did mages with abilities to block that ability, except wizards which was the lowest rank in the magical world. Tele-blocker up and now he could go back to keeping his thoughts to himself. "Wait, did he just say he needs my help?" Lucas thought, but yet again he needed to speak up and the first word he spoke was "Kiss me!?!"  his body had betrayed him after 18 months of astral meditation and this is all he could say, Brody chuckled and this just made Lucas blush brighter than an African tomato, what was happening to him? Why was his body reacting differently? Which reminded him that he should have taken his friend Lexi's advise and get laid fast. His bodily betrayal was worse than a troll's curse and that would be a problem. " If you wanna, " he replied with a wink and it got worse, it leveled up to a bulge raise but his strong will and the burning question he's been wanting to ask over powered this urge to jump Brody, " what happened?" Lucas asked but before Brody could answer,  the room  started to rattle like an Earth tremor passing through, "oh no! They've tracked me here,! You have to help me, please! I need sanctuary…please!" he pleaded and he looked cute when he pleaded which again led to him thinking of all the kinky stuff he would do with him. I mean he left Lucas a virgin on the verge but that doesn't mean he didn't have sex but it was the worst and most unenjoyable sex in the whole world. "Fine, but you owe me like many times" Lucas gave in but he needed to collect some personal things first,"

emoc omet ginths e dene" Lucas spoke the summoning spell but before all his things could find him, he had a loud grunt,more like a cry, Brody had been hit by a daimon spark and he was unconscious, he had to act fast so he uttered a pure light spell and severed the connection to which it was summoned but it drained most of his power to teleport more than one person to the safe house but in looking at unconscious Brody, he had to try and basing on the knowledge from his perimeter spell, Brody's persuers were less than two doors away and he let his instincts take over and he said the spell

" ley lines lined, ragtn tshap faseyt" and he could feel power being drained from him and a piece of his life force was taken off as a recompensation for the lack of energy and the last thing he heard was Brody's voice beckoning him to come back to him…. 

To be continued

by Faerynail

Email: [email protected]

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