My first real gay encounter

by BillyBoy

3 Nov 2021 4403 readers Score 8.1 (42 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Bad party

She works for the school district. I hate teachers. They are so self-important, and always complain about how little they get paid. It's the same story over and over.

She is excited for me to meet her friends. They all seem pretty much the same to me. Conservative wannabe party people. Most are nice but a couple of the guys are jerks. Always telling everyone how hard they work and how little they get paid. 

We go to someone's house where the party is going on. I'm in the basement with a few of them shooting pool. My girlfriend is upstairs doing lines and drinking Tequila. Yes, teachers have some coke around so no one knows they are all broke. I know this story. I'll be carrying her home after a while. 

Jake comes downstairs. He recognizes me from some other gathering we've been to. He is drunk. He comes over and grabs me. He plants a big kiss on my mouth and grabs my ass. He is a big, drunk strong guy. I don't fight him off much. I don't want to start a fight. He kisses me and finally lets me go. Laughing at me.

Everyone laughs and calls him a bitch. The evening goes on. It's late. Time to get my girl and go home. I wander around the house looking for her. No luck. Finally, I find her passed out with another girl in a back bedroom. All is well there. She can sleep for a while. I'll have a couple more drinks, then call it a night. Jake is in the hall. He takes my arm and tries to pull me into the next bedroom. 

"You didn't fight me as much as I thought you would."

In we go. He pushes me against the wall and gets to it. Both hands under my shirt and his tongue in my mouth. I let him have a moment before I start to resist. His hands are grabbing at my chest like he is feeling me up like a girl. His mouth is wide open, wet, and sloppy. He isn't letting go. I guess I wasn't fighting as hard as he expected, either. My arms were sort of just hanging there. I was surprised. He takes my head in his hands and looks me in the eyes."You're going to be my bitch. Aren't you. bitch?"

I guess I didn't respond as he expected. I just stood there, staring back at him. My mind was blank. His hands on my face and his deep stare in my eyes put me into some crazy trance. I didn't say a word. He kissed me again. I let him. He opens my mouth with his tongue. I let it roll in. His hands slowly drifted down. Down and over my chest. He loosens my pants. I couldn't speak. I just laid my head back and let him kiss me. And pull my belt loose.

The next thing I know my arms are pulled back behind me, with my belt wrapped around them at the elbows. My shirt is unbuttoned and open. His tongue is in my mouth. His hands are all over me. I'm in a daze. What the fuck? He tightens the belt. My shoulders pull back. I feel him bump the back of my legs. I slide down, kneeling on the floor. I hear a belt buckle rattle. His pants open up. Then fall to the floor. He is hard. He takes a handful of my hair and pulls my head in close. His cock is pressing against my cheek. He points his cock toward my mouth and it pops inside. 

"Suck me good my little bitch."

What am I doing? The door is closed. He is leaning against it keeping it that way. Keeping anyone from coming in, and keeping me from getting out. His cock tasted... like cock. A dull blue light flashes in my face. He is taking pictures of me sucking him off. I'm struggling with my belt holding my arms back. I'm struggling with his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. He has one hand firmly on the back of my head. Guiding me forward and back. The other one is holding his phone, recording me sucking his cock. 

Someone walks by the door and knocks. We both stop. The someone walks away. 

"This isn't working, sweetie. It's time we go."

We are out to his car before I know what happened. He pushes me into the back seat. He follows me in and it's on again. His cock in my face. I open up for it, like a good girl. What the fuck? He is a lot more aggressive with me. He loosened the belt around my arms. My hands were positioned in front of my face. I held his cock and his balls while he throat fucked me. The back of my throat gets a good workout. He is holding my head and mouth fucking me. I'm choking and trying to catch my breath between thrusts. 

"Eat it you fucking whore!"

And then he came. "Shit!" Cum everywhere. I'm glad we were in his car. What a mess. But I did get plenty in my little virgin mouth, too. 

I'm trying to put myself back together. "Can I go now?"

"No sweetheart. I'm taking you home tonight. Your stupid girlfriend can get her own ride."

On the ride to his house, he was asking me a lot of rude questions. Stuff like "How long have you liked to suck cock?" He was just trying to embarrass and humiliate me. And it was working. "How many cocks have I sucked? Or was mine your first?"

I didn't answer any of the questions.

Finally, at his house, he took me roughly through the garage, grabbing some nylon rope on the way through, and into a back bedroom. He used the rope to tie my arms back behind me. Wrists and elbows are bound together.  He forced me to my knees and tied me to the foot of the bed. He took my head in his hands and told me what I could expect.

"You're going to suck my cock, again and again, my little slut. And you're going to love it."

He came back into the bedroom drinking a beer. He gave me a sip. And then my evening got even worse.

"I've changed my mind." As he is untying me from the bedpost. "Get up there."

A big wad of cloth is forced into my mouth. He uses a roll of black tape to hold it in. He wraps it around and around. He is looking at me lustfully as she wraps the tape around my gagged mouth and head. He grabs one of my 'tits' and pinches it hard. He keeps squeezing until I try to scream. My helpless gagged mouth lets out a muffled whimper. I'm forced down on my face on the bed. My jeans slip down and off. A rope wraps around my ankle. My leg is pulled out to the corner of the bed. Then the other. I'm tied, gagged, and spread out. Helpless. He pulls me up and pushes a pillow under me. I start to panic. But it's much too late.

He is on me, rubbing a long stream of lube up and down my butt crack. 

"You're going to be my butt boy tonight. My ass lover. My little fuck hole. How do you like that?"


Part 2. Ass lover -coming soon!

by BillyBoy

Email: [email protected]

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