My college wrestling friend wanted to try hypnosis

by tylerjaygym

20 Jan 2023 9890 readers Score 9.4 (153 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Bro! How are you so fast? Like a greased up ferret.”

Wrestling practice was over and the trio of me, Mike, and Brad were getting changed in the locker room. Practice today had been a hell of Coach’s design; circuit training. Push-ups, dips, sit-ups, squat jumps, sprints, just about everything. Coach had spent a lot of that session shouting at us to go harder or go faster.

Mike especially got a few shouts as he was always the slowest at sprints. Big, clumsy guys like him take too long to get going and can’t turn around quickly. Brad, on the other hand, was the smallest of us three and really quick. He was going round in the same group, and I swear I saw him run an actual circle around Mike at one point.

I was a in a different group with some of the more serious guys. We kept our heads down and pushed through the best we could so Coach mostly left us alone. That gave me a few opportunities to watch the rivalry. Coach would shout at Mike for being slow, Mike would shout back apologies, then he’d take the chance on anything strength-related to tease Brad, who would then taunt Mike back on anything requiring speed or flexibility.  It hadn’t ended with training.

“Mikey boy. Not all of us are ungainly monsters lurching around the place.”

“So that’s it! You’re gonna stay as a skinny little boy so you can run away from me. Makes sense.”

The three of us were stood at the lockers getting undressed for the showers as Coach passed by.

“Adams. You’re not supposed to kill the floor when you run. Try being lighter on your feet, like Davis here.”

Brad sniggered at Mike’s discouraged face.

“Don’t think you’re better Davis. If I didn’t know better I’d think you’ve never lifted a barbell in your life.”

As Coach marched away the other two resumed taunting each other. Tired, I finished undressing last and so the three of us were standing just in our towels. Mike and Brad were giving each other pushes and poking whatever muscle they were insulting like little kids.

I stood up and motioned towards the showers and the three of us headed over. After relieving some of my tension with Mike a few days ago, I’d felt like normal again around him. I wasn’t worried so much about getting hard in the showers, it was under control. Besides, I hadn’t been rolling around on the floor pressed up against him this time.  

A few other guys were still showering as we went in, so we grabbed a few showers in the back. The showers were like our dorm ones, an open room with several showerheads. A big block that came up to around shoulder height in the middle meant it was shaped like a circle. We threw on towels onto the block and started rinsing off all the sweat.

“By the way BD, you still coming to ours for pre-drinks later?”

Brad rolled his eyes at Mike. “I’m still coming. And I thought I told you not to call me that.”

“What’s wrong with BD? Didn’t you say your school mates call you that? Just your initials anyway.”

“You know what it stands for, Mike.”

Mike grinned. “And it’s true! I mean look at it, even soft it’s ridiculous.”

“It’s still weird being called Big Dick. You wouldn’t like if I called you Tiny Dick would you?”

“OOOOOOH. You hurt me bro. Not nice to lie.”

“Anyway, yeah I’m coming. When you guys thinking of starting?”

I hadn’t come up with a proper plan for where we going yet. I’d just assumed we’d figure it out over drinks. I  replied, “About 7? We’ve got some beers and stuff left over that we grabbed from that frat party remember? So, we’ll just finish some of it off then head out.”

Mike gave Brad a playful slap on the ass, “And don’t be late BD.”

Brad gave him a punch back on the arm. “You’re confused, it’s you guys that are always late.”



Later that evening, Mike and I were in our dorm room searching through whatever alcohol we had.

“That’s all the beers. Got that tequila bottle as well, still can’t believe you grabbed that man. Gotta hand it to you.”

“Mike, you dared me to. It was so awkward trying to carry it as we left.”

“Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have said to get that big one.” Brad laughed.

Right on cue at 7, Brad rang Mike’s phone.

“Yo. You here? Cool. Okay, second floor, turn right. Into the awesome room with the door open and the two hunks inside. Haha, no. What? You gonna say that to my face? Hey? He cut me off, man.”

Soon enough, Brad came strutting in.

“Hello ladies. Good to see you made an effort.”

He gestured at the casual t-shirts and shorts we were wearing. His jeans and button-up shirt a clear contrast.

“We’ll get changed in a bit, calm down BD. With all that chest you’re showing off I’m surprised you bothered with the shirt.”

“Too much for you?” He went to do up one of buttons.

“He’s being an ass as usual, ignore him Brad. Anyway, what’s the first drink? Beers?” I passed out a can for each of us.

“So, what are we doing while we drink guys?”

“Ring of fire? We’ve still got the cards, right Mike?”

We sat the tequila bottle in the middle of our desk and spread the cards around it.

“Where did you guys get this thing? That’s an entire night out right there.” Brad looked suspicious.

Mike pointed at me. I just tapped the side of my nose knowingly and drew a card.

“Oh, good start. 6 is dicks so everyone drink up.”



An hour later we’d gotten through a few cans each and a couple of shots.

“Fuck this rule man.”

“There he goes again! Shot of tequila for swearing bro.”

Brad reluctantly poured another shot of tequila and downed it. Mike look very pleased with himself.

“You two girls got a toilet here or just piss out the window?” Brad asked.

“Left down the corridor, that last one on the right.”

Brad got up and wandered out. As he did, Mike leant in and whispered to me.

“Hey, I had a fun idea dude. Wanna hear?”

“This isn’t another dare right?”

“Nah man. You remember you hypnotised me like last week?”

Oh shit. “Yeah, but… nothing much happened, right?”

“Well yeah. But wouldn’t it be fun if you hypnotised BD? Made him like, bark like a dog or something? Come on, Joey.”

“Fuck it, why not.”

Maybe it was drinking, but it did sound fun. Just get him to do some random things to entertain Mike, that would be fine.



Brad sauntered back into the room and settled down at the desk. Mike was giving me a vigorous nod and motioning at him. I grudgingly nodded back.

“Yo BD. You wanna do something fun?”

Brad narrowed his eyes, “This isn’t another dare is it?”

“Nah it’s cool. Joey here, can hypnotise people. Wanna give it a go?”

Brad narrowed his eyes at me, “You what?”

I sighed, “I did it to Mike once before. Look my granddad showed me how to do it with his pendant.”

“Yeah, yeah. The magic necklace haha.” Mike wasn’t helping.

“For real? Sure, I guess then. Not going to work anyway.”

I positioned myself directly across the desk from Brad, and Mike shuffled around to give me some space. I took the pendant out my drawer and came and sat back down. I wasn’t sure how well this would work, especially when Brad was pretty cynical. It worked well on people that believed in it or could be convinced to pretty easily like Mike.

“Okay, so eyes on the pendant. Not you Mike. Just, watch it swing back and forth. Good. Keep watching. Left, right, left, right. Focus.”

He initially rolled his eyes at me but started watching the pendant.

“Good. Left, right. Back, forth. I will count down from ten. At zero, you will be calm and relaxed. You will be under. Understood?”

Brad nodded, still watching the pendant.

“Good. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Zero.”

I stopped swinging and looked at Brad. He was pretty relaxed, but was that just the beers or the hypnosis? Mike started waving his hand in front of Brad, who didn’t react.

“Dude! So cool… Is this what I looked like? Haha, it really worked? How do we know?”

“Before I just asked a few questions… Brad, tell me something you’re embarrassed about.”

“I used to do ballet.”

Mike and I looked at Brad and the passive way he said that. Mike burst out laughing.

“Yes, fucking yes! This is good man, love this. Oooh, ooh, make him say something else.”

“Why did you do ballet? Did you like it?”

“I did it because my mom made me. I’m flexible because of it, but I hated it.”

Mike was clearly enjoying this a lot.

“Okay, okay, make him bark like a dog. Can I make him do it? BD, bark like a dog.”

Brad barked a couple times and Mike just about fell off his chair.

“Joey, am I magic? Did I do that?”

“Yeah, once people are under they usually respond to just about anyone. It’s getting people under that’s the hard part.”

I didn’t like the smirk that Mike had on his face.

“BD… you like being called BD?”


“You like it when I call you BD now. And when Joey calls you it.”


Mike giggled and bounced up and down on his chair. He was looking between me and his victim, perhaps enjoying this too much.



After a few personal questions and random requests from Mike, I was about ready to bring Brad back. But Mike had a more serious look as he asked his next question.

“BD, what do you think about us two?”

“You’re my best friends. I like giving you two shit and I like that you tease me back.”

Mike looked kind of touched by that and to be honest I was a bit too.

Brad continued, “I like going to wrestling with you two. It’s fun having bros like that.”

“We’re way better than you at wrestling, right?”

“You two are bigger and more muscular so yes you are better at wrestling. But I don’t want to be as big as you, I like being athletic and toned.”

“See. I knew it. I’m better.” Mike looked satisfied and proud at that, but I wondered.

“So, you like being slim Brad?”

“Yes, fit but not huge.”

“What do you like best about your body?”

I expected him to say his biceps. He’d worked on them most in the last couple of weeks and it was what he flexed when we looked in the mirror at our progress.

“My cock.”

Mike’s jaw hit the floor. It took a second for me to register what Brad said.

“Your… cock?”

“Yes. It is the longest of any guy I know at 8.5 inches.”

Mike butted in, “But I thought you didn’t like people calling you Big Dick?”

“I like when you two do it.”

“Oh yeah, right, that’s what we did, haha. But other people?”

“When women compliment my size it turns me on. I don’t like people doing that normally, in case I get hard.”

“So, you like chicks saying your cock is big? That’s what you like?” Mike was insistent.

“I love it. I don’t care so much about them complimenting the rest of my body, but compliments on my cock size make me aroused.”

Mike looked at me and we made eye contact. I felt like I knew what he was thinking. He licked his lips and looked back at Brad. Was this going to happen? Before I could form any thoughts in my drunk brain, Mike started talking.

“BD, you’re drunk and horny right now?”


“You ever been fucked before?”


Alarmed, I looked at Mike. He turned back to me.

“Maybe it’s all the tequila dude, but… I got this idea, I wanna- I wanna fuck him with you. Sounds so good right? You wanna?”

“I don’t know Mike…”

“It’ll be awesome, Joey. He won’t remember. And… I fucking loved our stuff together. Think how good its gonna feel!”

I looked back at Brad. Truthfully, it would be good. Getting Brad in the mix would feel good.

“Joey, this might be weird but… I want to see you fuck him.”

That was it. Hearing that from Mike, and thinking about the things we’d done together, I was up for a drunk, horny fuck with my bros. I turned back to Brad.

“Brad. You are horny and want to get off now.”

“I do.”

“You want to be fucked by me and Mike.”

“I want to be fucked by you and Mike.”

“Brad. I will count down from ten and when I reach zero you will wake up and not remember this conversation while you were under. From now on, if I-“ I glanced at Mike.

“If I, Joey, and only I, say the word ‘luciferous’ you will be instantly hypnotised again. Understood?”

I’m not sure if Mike heard that as he was looking intently at Brad the whole time.

“Yes Joey.”

I counted back from ten and Brad woke up. He looked around the room and at me and Mike.

“Guys, I told you that hypnosis wouldn’t work… But… maybe I’m drunker than I thought.”

Mike looked confused as he probably expected it to happen straight away. I knew better.

“You want to do something else then Brad?”

“Actually, yeah… I’m weirdly horny actually, you put something in the tequila.” Brad laughed.

“No Brad. But, if you’re horny, do you want to get off with me and Mike?”

“Yeah sure, sounds fun.”

Mike got it then and stood up from the desk. “Yes! Aha, I mean yeah sure.”

We each stood up and I locked the door. Standing in the middle of the room Brad started undoing his buttons. Mike and I took our t-shirts off. Just as Brad was getting to the last button, I reached over and moved his hands. Undoing the last button myself, I slipped the shirt off of Brad.

Mike seemed to like this. As I unbuttoned the top of Brad’s jeans, Mike took off his shorts and boxers. Standing there completely naked, one hand went to his semi and the other hand went to his nipple. He started playing with himself as he watched Brad and me.

“BD, take off his shorts.” Mike obviously liked this turn of events.

Brad slipped down my shorts, revealing the bulge in my boxers. I was steadily growing harder from all this attention. Then, as Brad stood up I pulled down his jeans and boxers in one motion. His expanding dick wasn’t even fully hard yet, but it was huge. It flopped out of the front of his jeans.

“Wow BD,” I said, “that is enormous. I didn’t realise you got even bigger than when you’re soft.”

“Thanks Joey.” Brad gave me a genuine smile and seemed pleased with that compliment. “Your boxers are still on, can’t have you being the only one.”

He got on his knees and pulled down my boxers, my now fully hard dick sprang out, pointing straight up at the ceiling. Brad reached up and grasped it with both hands.

“Never felt another guy’s cock before, feels different.”

He began slowly stroking me, cautiously feeling his way around and getting to know the shape of my dick. I’d been focussing on Brad, but I looked up at Mike and saw an incredible sight. He was pinching his nipple and stroking his rock solid shaft at the same pace as Brad stroked me. For a second, I imagined that was my dick being stroked with his strong hands. I looked upwards and found his eyes, taking in the whole scene before him. His gaze moved between Brad’s cock, his body, back to Mike’s own cock, and then to me being serviced. He looked over my dick, my body, and found my eyes too. He must have really loved the sight of his two buddies like this.

I beckoned to him, and he walked forward. I took one of Brad’s hands and placed it on Mike’s throbbing member. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling, how hard it was getting me. Standing side by side, I could feel his warmth and his movements as he breathed deeply. I turned my head towards him and pulled his head in for a kiss. Intimate, passionate, he returned it. Our tongues felt each other as Brad explored both of our shafts.

Suddenly, I felt a warmth envelope my hardness. I looked down and found Brad’s mouth wrapped around it, sucking me. Surprised, I laid my hands on his head as he bobbed up and down. I hadn’t even told him, he just wanted to suck me.

“Mmmm fuck yeah you little slut.” Mike grinned as he watched Brad. “I guess this is what it looked like when I had your big cock in my mouth. Fuck this is hot.”

For a couple of minutes, we stayed like that. Me and Mike standing up, Brad’s mouth on my dick, and his hand on Mike’s. Mike’s hands went behind his head and his eyes closed as my hands once again explored his body. I ran my hand along his abs, up across his chest where my cum had pooled a week before, and up his arms. We were a sight, three horny guys studying each other’s bodies, breathing heavily. Mike’s eyes opened as he looked toward me.

“You know what I want.”

I did. I pulled my dick from Brad’s mouth, slick with his saliva. I pulled him up and guided him onto Mike’s bed while Mike kneeled at the far end in front of Brad’s face. Immediately, Brad went to Mike’s cock. He had practiced on me and gotten pretty good judging by how much of Mike he managed to take and the gasps from Mike.

Admiring this, I walked over to Mike’s drawer where he kept his lube. I brought it back and squeezed a generous amount on Brad’s ass and my fingers. I then proceeded to slide them inside him, one at a time. Loosening him up for what was to come.

After a minute, I removed my fingers and positioned my cock against Brad’s hole. Mike was watching intently.

“Fuck yes Joey. Plough his ass, fill him up with your huge cock man.”

I started pushing in and Brad moaned like a bitch around the cock filling his mouth. I slid forward until my pelvis touched against his cheeks. I held there for a moment, letting him adjust to my size and letting me feel him. The feeling around my dick was so warm and tight, his insides hugging tightly to me. I could see the pulse in my dick as it throbbed.

Then, I started thrusting. Slowly at first but ramping up as I was overcome by how amazing it felt. Looking at Mike kneeling at the end of the body I was fucking, I felt so connected to him and Brad. I was sweating, panting, thrusting.

“I need to see this.”

Mike pulled out of Brad’s mouth and got up off the bed. He walked around next to me, hands rubbing my muscles as they flexed and tensed rhythmically with each thrust.

“That’s so fucking hot. That’s it, pound him, like that. Yeah, keep going.”

He then walked over to the desk. Confused, I watched as he picked his phone up, swiped a few times, and then propped it on the desk. I realised he was videoing me fucking Brad. He checked it then came back over and got back on the bed to resume the blowjob he’d left.

“I gotta get this on video bro. It’s so fucking hot I think I’m losing it. I got it so it sees all three of us.”

Honestly, I think this made me even harder. I was slamming away at my friend Brad as he sucked my huge buddy Mike. I was panting and sweating so hard I could barely talk. I just moaned at Mike how much I was enjoying it.

“I’m getting fucking close Joey. You?”

I nodded; I was right on the edge.

“Me too. Finishing pose man, flex as hard as you can for the camera as you cum.”

I just about managed to get my arms up and flex my arms for Mike as my eyes scrunched up and my body convulsed and I started to fire shot after shot of sperm right up inside Brad. Just as I was finishing, I opened my eyes and fixed on Mike. His arms were up and flexing too, he was watching my body ride the waves of pleasure from Brad’s ass.

“Joey. Joey. Fuck. AAAaaaaaahhhh.”

I stayed inside Brad, showing off for Mike as his face squeezed and every muscle tensed. I could see him twitch as each rope of cum filled Brad from the other side. He stayed there as his climax subsided, both of us inside Brad.

Just then, I felt Brad’s ass squeeze tighter on me as a moan came from him. Through all the pounding and sucking, he had been stroking himself. And now, the big loads shooting inside him had finished him off and his cum covered Mike’s bed.

All of us panting and sweaty, I slid out of Brad. A little bit of my cum dripped out of him as I did.

“Mike, this is definitely one of your better ideas.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back as he walked to me.

“It really was. You were awesome.” He gave me a kiss as we stood there.

“You need to stop getting cum all over my bed though.”

I laughed and looked back at the bed where Brad lay. He clearly wasn’t listening to us, but this was a mess I had to clean up.

“Luciferous. Brad, when I snap my fingers you will go and shower. Then, get dressed and sit down at the desk again. At that point, you will forget everything that happened since I first hypnotised you. Understand?”


I snapped my fingers and Brad dutifully walked off to the showers.

“BD, BD, wait.” Mike caught him and wrapped a towel around before he left. “Imagine the other guys seeing him naked and dripping your cum as he walks around!”

“Good catch! Although, that is a hot thought. Well, I guess we should get dressed before he’s back. You still want to go out?” I asked.

Mike shook his head, “Nah bro, nothing that we could do to top this.”