My Army, Myself

by Charles

21 Nov 2020 3590 readers Score 9.3 (96 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It’s hard for anyone who hasn’t been to war to understand the overwhelming feelings that can arise in a soldier during the course of a military action. I don’t judge another soldier’s actions by the standards of a civilian society. There are few things to prepare a man for the violence of wartime and its aftermath. At least that’s how I look at my life and my behavior along the way.

I entered the military at an early age, just after high school. By the time I had concluded my first tour I had acquired a wife and shortly thereafter a son. Now I’ve lost my wife and am no longer in contact with my son.

When I reenlisted for a third tour against my wife’s pleadings, she filed for divorce. I had never been willing to face relationships that had become difficult, so I was happy when soon reassigned to a war zone. Afghanistan was the theater where my life began a radical turn.

As I said, nothing could have prepared me for the aftermath of such violence. The first time that I saw a friend blown in half by an IED, I think my psyche became totally damaged. I began wanting to cling to my buddies, as though we could protect each other by holding each other closely. Of course, I didn’t, that wouldn’t have fit the rugged American male that we were all trying to play. But, in my case, that was nothing but show.

It was in a late night shower as warm water washed away the dirt and grime of another long day’s patrol that I first saw him step under the shower head next to mine. Though he seemed much younger than me, he was actually only a few years younger. However at age 27 I had already begun to acquire a hard patina that reflected the strain of too many patrols and seeing too much dying. He had only recently been assigned to our outpost and still had the allure of youth and about him.

I had noticed men’s bodies before, what man wouldn’t in the desolation of a foreign tour? Still, most of us tried to make do with a silent jerk-off under the sheets while recalling images of our wives and girlfriends back home. There was also the camaraderie that accompanied an occasional grab-ass between soldiers. An unspoken closeness rose in those situations. Though the behavior was acceptable, I was aware that over the months, the feel and view of youthful firmness in a man’s naked buttocks began slowly replacing thoughts of women as I silently played with my cock beneath the covers each night.

This night proved to be my turning point. Standing under the warm spray I stole sharp glances at the young soldier as he turned his slender body to capture the full effects of the spraying water; a movement which I began privately hoping was for my benefit. My eyes hungrily longed to linger on his smooth body taking in the sleek muscular frame. Startled by my thoughts, I soon thought that a conversation between men might distract me away from the warmth that had begun creeping into my cock.

“Hey, you’re pretty new here at Delta 8, is this your first time in the forward lines?” I asked.

He turned and I was struck by the clarity of his blue eyes.

“Yeah,” he answered. “I was down in Kabul for a while, but was just reassigned yesterday.” He shrugged as he said, “And today I went on my first patrol.”

“Was it eventful?” I asked while watching his hand go between his plump buttocks to begin soaping the crack. I found a desire to say “I can do that for you,” but was afraid of what would happen.

“Nah,” he said pausing for a while before continuing, as though he wanted to talk more. “Peaceful I guess.” He hesitated before continuing, “But nerve-racking just the same.”

“Yeah, it gets better though.” I pulled on my soapy cock as his eyes darted downward at my motion. “That’s a lie, it never gets better; I wish I didn’t have to tell you that.” I wanted to tell him that if I put my tongue up his asshole that might help.

Startled by that thought, I asked myself. “What? Where did that come from?” I was also trying to resist the swelling in my rod.

The young man looked back into my eyes before letting his glance drop again to my crotch. “I was afraid of that,” he muttered.

Taking my hand away from my prick, now partially engorged, I extended a handshake without thinking of how this might appear. “I’m Dave, Sergeant Dave Michaels.” I was fully aware that my cock was nearly at full staff.

“I’m Cecil, Cecil McDonald,” he said, “from Iowa” while his eyes strayed to my cock.

We stood facing each other and I noticed that he had begun covering his own pole with a spread hand, as though he was trying to hide a stiffy. I looked down at his crotch, then back up, our eyes met. Then he abruptly reached out to rub his fingers lightly across my cock, “Is this okay?” he quietly asked. My knees grew weak with the touch.

Glancing around the empty shower room, I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I grimaced followed by a chuckle and shrug, “I’ve never been in this situation before.” We stood uncertain while both of our engorged penises spoke for us. “I guess we can hear somebody coming,” I muttered a dumb-sounding reply. “But I don’t know what to do next, do you?” I softly mouthed the words.

My heart had begun throbbing in my chest. I wanted to leave but was too compelled to stay. Just standing naked with Cecil had bypassed any experiences I’d had so far.

“I do,” Cecil mouthed the words back to me. Then he whispered, “Watch for anyone coming,” then he turned and began backing toward me.

The first brush of my penis against the silky skin of his soft ass cheeks electrified me. He continued pressing against me and soon I felt my hard cock wedge into the cleft between his cheeks as he began rubbing against me. My breathing became sharper and I responded to his movements with thrusts between the silky, wet buttocks that felt so soft to my cock. My pre-cum made the man’s crack slick.

I moved closer as he bent forward and the tip of my rod moved downward to the puckered ass hole. Startled by the feeling, it took a few seconds for me to catch my breath.

“You can push into me,” he whispered. I placed my hands on his hips while pressing against the tight muscle. At first restricted by the tightness of the sphincter, it slowly began to give as my hard cock head pressed deeper into the warm tunnel. Then with a sudden release, my rod slide into the unfamiliar sensations of a tight anus.

I heard Calvin gasp while I wrapped my arms around the man’s slender waist and pressed my lips against his shoulder. We stood locked together for a moment, feeling warm water cascade over our bodies. It was he who first began squirming his hips and I felt my cock moving inside him.

Surprised by the unfamiliar sensation of the man’s slick, warm hole, my hips slowly rocked driving my hard shaft deeper within him before withdrawing again. We moved in unison and I felt the swing of his arm as he stroked his own cock. His moans were soft as I began humping him more powerfully. The newness of the experience had me struggling to contain my rasping breath so I pressed my lips against his shoulder.

My balls begin to tighten while I rocked my hips back and forth. The initial tightness of his hole had relaxed and my penis was wrapped in the slick pleasure. Inside his body I found the sensation of moist, warm silk.

After a while I felt Cecil twist and jerk his hips before whispering, “I’m coming.”

I knew I could no longer contain the pressure increasing within me and I pulled him tightly when the first hard squirts of my discharge shot deep into him. With each spurt the young man pressed even harder against me, squeezing his tight hole around my shaft. When my semen became emptied inside of him, I was suddenly spent. I slumped against his body, my arms wrapped around him; my head lay on his shoulder. The weight of a long day and the embrace of silky skin had depleted me.

We stood together while my penis slowly slipped from him. It was then that I suddenly became alert to our surroundings. A cold shower room was all that witnessed our interchange. The natural sounds of the building joined with flowing water to exaggerate the silence. Suddenly self-conscious, we both separated and returned to the shower heads that were still streaming water. I rinsed my cock with soap as I watched the young man spread his ass cheeks and bend slightly while water rinsed between them. I wondered if my juice was still in him, but was afraid to ask. This was all so new.

Unsure of what to do next, I continued watching him wash while turning off my own shower. Stepping out of the shower line, I began drying and nervously glancing toward the doorway. Though it seemed that we had gone undetected, I was still troubled by what had happened between us. Once dry, I wrapped my towel around my waist and stepped into my pair of clogs ready to leave the room. Turning toward Cecil, who was still in the process of drying, words failed me except “I’m going.”

The young man smiled and stepped from the shower to embrace me as he briefly planted his lips on mine. “Thank you,” he said. I pulled backward finding that I was more uncomfortable with the embrace than our sex. The barracks was nearly dark when I padded silently toward my space and finally slipped into bed.

I woke with a start the next morning 30 minutes before revile. Something about the impending day disturbed me. Then I remembered the night before. Things were different now. I’d had sex in the barracks with another soldier. What would this do to my frame of mind? Still, my hard cock beneath the covers called me to fall back into myself to get lost in memories of the night. So I did, satisfying myself with my hands and the memory of the warmth of Cecil’s body.

As a Sergeant I had a relatively private space and once I was certain no one was about I kicked back the cover and treated my throbbing pole to a good massage. In my mind I wanted more of Cecil; I wanted to hold his slender body. As I stroked I thought of the feel of his body enclosing my cock. From deep within me the urge for release began and I clasped my balls with my free hand to squeeze just as cum shot over me splashing onto my stomach.

After quickly wiping myself dry of cum, I dressed for the day in my desert kakis and boots and left for the mess hall. Inside the room as we ate breakfast there was the low muttering of men awaking for the day. I sat with another Sergeant, Patrick, to confer over the day’s assignment. My platoon had been given escort duty for a supply convoy heading north into territories recently cleared of hostiles.

After breakfast I called for a platoon meeting with instructions for our assembly time and place. My group was filled with experienced men so there was little need to discuss preparation. Everyone knew their duties.

I returned to the mess for a 2nd cup of coffee when I saw him. Cecil had entered the hall with a group and seemed lost in conversation with two others. I watched him until his eyes lifted to mine before we both quickly turned away. Inside of me my heart had jumped with the brightness of his eyes. This reaction felt silly, sort of school girlish, and I was embarrassed. The soldier in me fought to suppress feelings of excitement.

I wanted to walk to him and…and...”What?” I thought; “what did I want to do?” The freshness of last night’s memories over shadowed what I knew was a very delicate situation. And even after knowing fulfillment from our sex, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to repeat the event, though it had felt right, very right.

On the road up, packed inside the back seats of a supply truck, I sat next to a soldier holding his rifle. Darkly handsome and brimming with self-confidence, he was in a talkative mood. At least his chatter kept my mind off the previous night. Though the route had been cleared of insurgents several weeks before, we could never be lax.

“So Sergeant,” he talked on, “Where you from?”

“Colorado,” I answered. He was soon telling me of his home in northern Maine, “Where snow gets so deep it take a plow just to go to the mail box.” He chuckled at that.

I didn’t know if that was true, having never been to Maine, but it didn’t seem to mind to Larry. He chattered, about his home, how he loved the Army, and what a good shot he was. All the while he would touch my leg with a pat, or poke emphasizing a point. At first I thought it was just part of his personality, but when the touches began including an occasional squeeze, I had my doubts. Our driver was an Afghan regular, who spoke very little English. He seemed to be oblivious to the two of us.

“So Sergeant,” Larry asked after giving my thigh a squeeze a little too close to my crotch to be ignored, “So Sarge,” he repeated, while giving me another squeeze. “Do you think this old war will ever end, or just go on forever? Maybe our kids will be fighting over here?” I tried to resist the pleasure of his touch, but soon felt my cock begin to swell from the man’s squeezing,

I could only note that I didn’t know, I wasn’t a fortune teller. At that point he reached for a cigarette and lighter in his pocket. Once the cigarette was lit, his hand fell over the crotch of my trousers. “Sorry man,” he said pulling away. “I wasn’t paying attention,” then he turned to give me a big smile with a wink. I ignored the sensation he had caused, but suspected that it had been deliberate.

Our supply train was slowed as we encountered damage to the road due to seasonal rains. We knew that no road was predictable in this North Country. What with extreme weather and poor roads this trip was beginning to have the hallmarks of a long one.

We had several stops to make, unloading supplies of food and petrol. I made contact with each commander to account for the supplies and receive the proper signature. Larry made himself my escort, though I hadn’t requested one. However, it was a bit comforting to be followed by an armed soldier since this was Afghanistan and nothing was every completely secure.

By the afternoon I began to have concerns regarding time, and radioed back that we were running late and might need escorts to meet us on the road back. Night travel in this part of the country wasn’t encouraged.

As the day wore on and the truck tossed about, Larry’s hand began spending more and more time resting on my leg without my objection. His positioning meant that with every joggle on our winding route I would feel the pressure of his fingers between my legs as our bodies nudged against each other’s. Though I tried, I couldn’t prevent the swelling in my trousers, which Larry seemed well aware of.

After our last stop, I received permission to return to base even though dark would fall before we got back. Command was comfortable that we would encounter no problems, though a convoy of battle jeeps would be sent out to meet us.

We began the route with sunset starting to drop behind the distant shadow of mountains, while the temperatures fell. We put on our heavy coats and Larry resumed his chatter regarding the Maine countryside, and whatever else crossed his mind. I was trying to keep my attention on the road ahead.

As shadows lengthened and it grew colder, I felt Larry’s hand slide under the edge of my coat to between my thighs. I jumped slightly with the touch. “What do you think you’re doing, man?” I whispered. I put my hand in my lap to remove his, but instead only rested my palm over his hand. He whispered, “It’s all okay, Sergeant, it’s all okay; it’s nice and warm down there.” I saw his teeth flash from a smile. With the continued pressure, I my cock grow stiffer, pressing against my confining underwear and trousers.

After what seemed like miles, Larry’s squeezing had grown more intense. I felt his fingers on the buttons of my trousers. He loosened a button and inserted a finger through the fly in my boxers and began rubbing through the nest of my thick pubic hairs. I had to catch my breath from the sensation. The man whispered again, “It’s all okay, Sarge, all okay.”

The truck engine droned on while the night grew darker. Though heated, the cab of the truck did little against the dropping temperatures. Our driver, Ishmael, kept his eyes peeled on the road and if he was aware of anything going on in the truck, he revealed nothing. The interior remained unlit as a precaution.

My erection pressed upward against my trouser leg. I felt the soldier’s hand creep through the fly of my military issue underwear, first dwelling among my pubic hair before sliding down my shaft. I pushed my hips upward as his fingers grasped my hard prick. He began stroking me while sharp jolts of pleasure shot upward as my cock head rubbed against the stiffness of my trousers.

With the roar of the truck and our driver’s apparently disinterest, I lost myself in Larry’s touch, moving my buttocks and aware of the tightening inside me. I could feel the stickiness of pre-cum inside my pants leg. Within my balls I could feel the beginning pressure of fluid preparing for escape when Larry leaned over to whisper in my ear, “Can I suck it?”

I was first shocked by the suggestion but my reply was reach down and to pull my cock from my pants keeping it under my coat. I motioned my head toward the driver. Larry whispered, “They don’t care; Afgan men don’t care.”

I realized that he was probably right, at least from the rumors around the camp. I placed his hand on my dick and whispered, “Go ahead.” I was past carrying what anyone thought.

The young soldier leaned over placing his head downward over my lap and I felt the sudden brush of his mouth inhaling my swollen prick. I gasped, but then allowed myself to relax to the feeling. Larry began contracting his lips and mouth to increase the vacuum on my prick. I placed my hand on the back of his head to begin lightly pushing downward while squeezing my buttocks to rise up and meet the downward thrust of his mouth.

As our heat rose sweat began gathering around my neck. The air of the cabin became warmer from the heat of our bodies. At some point Ismael cracked the side window on the driver’s side; apparently our passions were fogging the windshield. I was beyond caring what he might think.

Our sex continued for nearly an hour through most of the remaining ride. My body became covered in sweat. Occasionally Larry would lift his head, “For air” he said. At those times I would reach for the soldier’s hard pole standing through the fly of his trousers. I stroked it with no more concern about our driver. If he knew what was happening, he gave no appearance of caring.

The attention from the young man from Maine was nearly overwhelming at times. Sometimes I forced him to stop sucking while I suppressed the desire to come; once the urge had subsided I would signal him to resume. The strangeness of this situation, traveling at night in a military truck driven by a foreign driver through a hostile zone while being sucked off by another soldier, at times left me gasping from the intensity of the moment. It all seemed surreal.

After what seemed to be an eternity, I began to feel that I could no longer hold my release. I had edged closer and closer through the drive but now knew that I no longer had a will or ability to resist; I wanted to shoot my cum in this soldier’s hot mouth. Without warning, the most shattering blast of cum that I had ever felt shot through my manhood. Larry’s head jerked as he choked from the suddenness of the eruption but he remained engaged with my cock sucking up the waves that followed.

Finally it stopped and I felt Larry licking the drops that had slipped from his mouth. The pungent smell of semen filled the cab of the truck. Larry rolled down the window to spit my discharge out into the cold. When he turned towards me with a mischievous grin, I saw the glitter of my semen on his chin before he wiped it off. Suddenly self-conscious, I reached down to return my shrinking cock to my trousers and button up just in time for us to approach our post. I was suddenly aware again of Ishmael as we arrived at the base just as the jeep patrol was starting to leave.

As I disembarked and turned from the truck to go report our run, I heard Larry say, “Hey Sarge.” Turning I saw him grab is crotch as he said, “Thanks man.”

I woke earlier than usual the next morning with my cock rising hard through the fly on my boxers. It was a serious boner, and though I had been sucked empty by the young soldier the previous night, I could feel the need to milk my nuts, or as my brother and I used to say, “Unload our pajama glue.”

The barracks was quiet, with only sounds from outside indicating that morning had begun. Isolated in my small space, not really a room, but a private space between the storeroom and a wall of storage lockers, I had hung a blanket over the opening creating privacy. It was still dark when I lowered my covers to take hold of my raging prick while my fingers and commenced lightly stroking the magic stick. Pre-cum had begun to leak, lubricating the rod.

Lightly massaging my testicles as I began the pole action, my mind slipped into memories of last night. In my mind I was harboring a desire to swap places with the soldier who had sucked me off in the truck. I’d never performed fellatio on another man but while I felt his warm mouth sliding over my penis, I knew that I would reciprocate if asked.

It wasn’t long before I began arching my back as my balls tightened ready to release their man juice. Then, just before feeling the release I heard, “Oh shit Sarge, I’m sorry.”

I opened my eyes to see the corporal from my company staring at me with his mouth gaping. Like it had been coordinated, my man milk suddenly squirted uncontrollably over my chest and stomach with thick, white globs.

With my body jerking in pleasure, I quickly flipped on my side away from his peering eyes, “God damnit Corporal, close the damn curtain.”

“I’m sorry Sarge, I’m so sorry,” he said dropping the curtain behind him while continuing to stair, “The Major sent me to get you up, you’re due in his office immediately.”

“Well fuck Barnes, what a fucked-up situation,” I growled once my hot fluid had finished spurting. Swinging my legs from the bed and with my palm scooping the white juice that had squirted all over my torso, I looked him in the face and said, “Well shit man, stop staring and hand me that towel from the back of that chair.”

The Corporal muttered, “Sure Sarge” as he reached for the towel and handed it in my direction. “I’m sorry, I never thought…” his voice trailed. I stood up and stripped down my boxers now covered in cum.

“You never thought what, that NCO’s do the same thing that you do? What’s wrong man,” I realized that the Corporal hadn’t stopped staring at my tool since he came into my space. “You can quit staring at me now; ain’t you ever seen a man with a boner before?” After wiping my hands and stomach I tossed the towel to the back of my space. I was now standing fully naked in from of the young man, my cock still hard as a rock. “Go tell the Major that I’m on my way, boy.”

The young man pulled back the blanket doorway to leave before turning toward me and saying with a slight smile, “Yes Sir, I have seen one like yours before, just not as big as what you’ve got.” With that he left the enclosure.

After receiving my daily assignment (my platoon would be happy to know that we’ll stay on base unloading supply trucks today), I went to the mess tent for breakfast. Afterward, heading back to my tent, I approached the Corporal who had interrupted me this morning. His eyes were following mine as we approached from different directions. I suddenly had an idea and signaled to indicate that he should step off the pathway. I stepped to the side myself and waited for him to approach.

“What’s your name, soldier?” I asked when he walked up to me.

“Anderson, Sarge, Mike Anderson.”

“Well, Corporal Mike Anderson,” I began, lowering my voice, “I think you should stop by my space tonight after light’s out. I might have something for you to inspect.” His head jerked back before a slight smile spread his lips, “Yes Sarge, I’ll do that.” Saying nothing more, we went our separate ways.

by Charles

Email: [email protected]

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