My Almost Grown-up Christmas Wish

by West Coast Fan

31 Dec 2023 1523 readers Score 9.4 (25 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is an original work of fiction.  Any charters or similar situations resembling persons living or dead is purely coincidental!  Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated!

Chapter 2

Wednesday could not come fast enough for Billy and Danny!  They trained every day except Christmas day to get ready for their upcoming match against Education Inc.  In addition to training, they were also working on their strategy for the match as well.  They figured that their opponents would underestimate them since they were just “students”!  Plus Mr. Perez’s tag partner was unknown to them, they were not sure what to expect.  They decided they needed to come out quick and take advantage of every opportunity their opponents gave them!  Plus, Danny really could not wait to get his hands on Mr. Perez in the ring!

Wednesday finally arrived and Billy and Danny went to the address Mr. Perez had texted them.  It was in a former warehouse that was well maintained.  They got there early, the door was opened so they went in.  Inside they noticed a professional wrestling ring in the center of the warehouse.  Some folding chairs randomly around the room and doors to the locker room.  Nobody was around yet so they head to the locker room to start changing.  They put down their gym bags with their gear and took off their sneakers and then started to strip of their hoodies, t-shirts, sweats.  They were standing their just in there jocks and socks.  The unzipped their gym bags and started pulling out their gear.  For today’s match they decided to go with their shiny black bikini trunks and shiny black boots with black laces.  Off came they jocks and they slid on their black trunks and adjusted their big uncut manhoods to fill out their pouches!  Then they started to lace up their boots.  After they were done they looked each other over checking out how they looked and they looked damn good!  They headed out to the ring and got in to start stretching.  While they were stretching the door to the warehouse opened and in came their opponents!

“You found the place okay we see”, said Mr. Perez.  Then they noticed Mr. Alvarez!  He walked in behind Mr. Perez.  He was a mountain of muscle standing at 6’ 4”, a broad chest big arms and legs.  He had black curly hair that went just below his ears.  He was wearing a navy-blue Henley that was stretched tight across his chest and blue jeans that were bulging at the seams.  He was sporting a dark tan as well.  Mr. Perez was wearing a black crewneck cotton sweater that was tight across his chest as well, tight black jeans that show off his legs better than his usual work chinos and khakis.  From his street clothes, Mr. Perez looked pretty muscular!  Billy and Danny approached the ropes and Mr. Perez introduced his tag partner to Billy and Danny.  Danny noticed that they didn’t have any gym bags with them, so he thought maybe they already had their gear in the locker room.  Danny said, “we’ll wait for you to go get your gear to change and then we can get going!”  “No need”, said Mr. Perez and with that he and Mr. Alvarez started to take off their sneakers and socks.  Billy and Danny watched as they started to undress right there by the ring!  Mr. Perez slipped off his sweater, he was wearing a tight black t-shirt underneath.  As he pulled that off, it revealed a chest of perfect pecs covered with a light layer of chest hair that went all the way down to the top of his jeans.  Then Mr. Perez undid his belt and top button of his jeans and slowly pulled the zipper down and peeled them off.  Underneath his tight black jeans he was wearing shiny red bikini trunks.  He filled out his pouch as well as Billy and Danny, so he guessed he was at least 8” of uncut meat as well!  His arms on full display with 20” biceps and thick hairy thighs!  For Danny, it was a sight he had only ever dreamed about in English class! 

There before him was his hot English teacher getting ready to wrestle with him!  Danny could not help himself and started to tent in the pouch of his trunks.  Mr. Alvarez slipped his Henley over his head and there were two perfect peaks of pecs!  Mr. Alvarez’s chest hair was just a little thicker than Mr. Perez’s.  He undid his belt and the buttons of his tight blue jeans and peeled them off.  He too was wearing a matching shiny red bikini trunks.  His pouch was just a beautiful mound of meat!  He had to be packing at least 10” of uncut meat in that pouch (the trunks were tight enough that they could see he was uncut too)! His biceps had to be at least 24” and he had true tree trunk hairy thighs as well! While they were both folding up their clothes and placing them on one of the random folding chairs, Billy looked down at Danny and noticed that he was tenting in his trunks as well at the sight of Mr. Alvarez.  Then Mr. Perez and Mr. Alvarez headed towards the ring both barefoot!  Billy and Danny backed up and gave them room to enter over the middle ropes!  Seeing both teachers in front of them, Billy and Danny knew they had the right strategy for the match!

Both teams met in the center of the ring to go over the rules since there was no ref for this match.  They agreed to 2 out of 3 falls by pin or submission.  They wanted to keep it a clean and fair match.  Since there would be no ref for this match, both teams agreed to pat each other down checking for illegal items.  Granted both teams were wearing bikini trunks so there really is not much room in there except for their rods and balls but rules are rules are rules!  Danny and Mr. Perez approached each other (they were almost pouch to pouch), Mr. Perez slid both of his palms across Billy’s ass checks firmly, then brought them up and over his hips meeting in the center of Billy’s abs.  Then he slid his fingers under the fabric of the pouch and swept both of his thumbs over Billy’s cock on the way down!  He gave a quick smile as he was doing it!  Then he crouched down and ran his hands over Billy’s boots, gently squeezing them as he went along.  Billy took the challenge!  Billy took his hand and cupped Mr. Perez’s ass, rather than sweeping them over his ass cheeks!  Then Billy brought his hands up and over Mr. Perez’s tights meeting in the center of his furry abs.  Then Billy slid his fingers a little deeper than necessary under fabric of his pouch and began stroking up and down with his thumbs on the outside of his pouch!  He could feel Mr. Perez getting firm under his touch!  Unfortunately since both teachers were wrestling barefoot, Billy and Danny did not get to feel their calves!  Oh well, maybe another time!

Danny and Mr. Alvarez approached each other.   Mr. Alvarez had big hands and firmly placed them on Danny’s ass checks taking his time as he palmed Danny’s ass.  Then he slid them over his hips and met in the center of Danny’s abs.  He then took his right hand and palmed Danny’s pouch slowly on the way down.  Then he crouched down and ran his hands over Danny’s boots.  On his way to standing back up his left hand “accidentally” bumped Danny’s bulge!  Danny knew what he was going to do after that little “accident”!  Danny firmly placed his hands on Mr. Alvarez’s ass cheeks and instead of making a sweeping motion he just squeezed them nice and hard!  Then he swept his hands over his hips and met in the center of the forest on his abs.  Rather than palm Mr. Alvarez’s bulge, Danny just straight up gently squeezed his manhood from base to tip!  He felt Mr. Alvarez stiffing up under his touch, mission accomplished!  The teams faced each other and decided that Billy and Mr. Alvarez would start.  Danny and Billy started to back into their corner but keep their eyes on their opponents stopped about half-way watching as their opponents were backing into their corner.  Just as Mr. Alvarez was half-way over the middle rope and getting on to the ring apron, Mr. Perez turned to him to say something.  At that moment, Danny nudged Billy and Billy took off charging at Mr. Perez’s turned back!  Danny brought his arms up and then came down hard with a double ax handled chop, boom!  Arrgghh cried out as Mr. Perez dropped to one knee from the force of the blow!  Billy quickly pulled him up by the back of his hair and smashed his face into the top turnbuckle, bam!  Omph!  was all Mr. Perez could say!  Billy then turned him so his back was against the turnbuckles, grabbed his wrist and Irish whipped him into Billy and Danny’s corner!  Round 1 has begun!!!!

by West Coast Fan

Email: [email protected]

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