My 1st blow job: German exchange student

by Jeremy Miller

4 Jan 2023 5089 readers Score 9.1 (80 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I studied German in high school. ‘Studied’ might be too strong a word. ‘Attended’ German class is probably a more accurate description of the sad state of affairs. But since I started German as a freshman, I was able to form a couple of sentences by the time I became a junior. That year, our German teacher organized a school trip to Germany. That’s one of the benefits of growing up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood in a good school district. There was enough of a critical mass of families with both the means and interest in exploring the world to make such a trip even a possibility.

Our high school had a sister ‘gymnasium’, as they call high schools in Germany, in a town called Gummersbach, not too far from Cologne. In the fall, the American students would be going to Germany for two weeks, staying with a host family. And the following spring, the German students would be coming to the US for two weeks, staying with the family of the same exchange student they had hosted.

The school always paired up boys with boys and girls with girls, but they also tried to find students more or less the same age. They would never pair up a 14-year-old German student with a 17-year-old American student and vice-versa.

I had registered well before the deadline, but for some reason, my paperwork got lost. It’s only when all my classmates received a picture of their exchange student, and I didn’t, that the error was discovered. That’s when my parents, who really wanted me to go to Germany and had already paid for my very first passport, got involved to get things fixed. Our security deposit check had been cashed way before the due date. So, it clearly wasn’t our fault if my paperwork got lost by the school. The German teacher apologized profusely and assured my parents that the school would right the wrong. They informed the other school in Germany of the situation and asked them if there was any straggler on their side who had not registered by the deadline but was still interested in hosting an American student. Luckily, one boy showed interest. The only hiccup was that he was only 14 while I was already 16. I would have preferred a boy my age, but if this was my only option, I still preferred to be paired up with a 14-year-old than not go to Germany at all.

I eventually received a picture of my German exchange student. His name was Timo. He was kind of cute. He had light brown hair sprinkled with what looked like blond highlights. He had spiky hair, kind of like the singer of Kajagoogoo, a band from the 80’s, but without a mullet.

I was completely closeted at the time, although I had already come to the realization that I was into dicks. The locker room in gym class was both the highlight of my day and my biggest fear as I was constantly fighting a boner while watching the other guys get down to their underwear.

The big day finally arrived, and we all boarded a flight to Frankfurt, followed by a 2-hour coach ride to Gummersbach. Most students had never left the US, let alone gone overseas, and many were flying for the very first time. The tearful goodbyes of some of the students at the airport felt overly dramatic to me. Some of the moms were crying as if their baby had been taken away from them. On my side, I was trying to play it cool and reluctantly gave a hug to my mom in front of my friends and a fist bump to my dad.

I had never made a pass at another dude before. And I had only been kissed once by a ‘girlfriend’ I had managed to land for prom night. My only true sexual experiences had always been with my right hand. Secretly, I was hoping that being 5,000-miles away from home and school might lead to my first real opportunity. It was too bad that Timo was only 14 years old. Based on his picture, I didn’t even think Timo had dick hair yet.

When we got to Gummersbach, the bus stopped in a big parking lot where a large group of kids and parents were already waiting for us. I was amazed by the number of Mercedes, BMWs, and Audis in the parking lot. Even a couple of Porsches. Either there was a lot of dough in Gummersbach or the students who signed up for the exchange program all came from money. I spotted Timo in the crowd right away and went to say hi to him and his parents. Timo’s dad offered to carry my big suitcase. But before driving away, we first had to line up to a teacher who had a big clipboard and was checking off each pair of students that had managed to find their match.

Timo’s English was much better than my German, which wasn’t saying much. He had a German accent, of course, and was searching for words at times, but he was otherwise fluent and could carry a simple conversation in English. He had been studying English at school since he was ten. But even before that, he would listen to English songs on the radio and watch movies in English. Meanwhile, I could count to 10 in German and decipher a few words on a cereal box. So, we ended up speaking English together. So much for practicing my German!

However, Timo’s parents didn’t seem to speak English as well. Besides, they made it a point to only speak to me in German, since that was the whole purpose of the exchange. By the end of my 2-week stay, I was able to ask people to pass me the bread with them somewhat able to figure out what I was trying to say.

Once we got home, I was introduced to Timo’s sisters, Angela who was 17 and Vivian who was only 9. Timo’s parents were both dentists and money didn’t seem to be a problem. Money wasn’t a problem at my home either, but they were still a league above my family. Both his mom and dad drove a Mercedes and their custom-built house was on top of a hill with a great view of the valley below. Their dentistry practice was attached to their house, so they didn’t even have to commute to work. But the most amazing feature was an indoor swimming pool in their basement. Back home, I had several friends with an above-ground pool and even a couple with a below-ground pool. But I didn’t know anybody with an indoor pool. I had hit the jackpot apparently. My German family was loaded! And although their house had two guest bedrooms, we all agreed it would be better for me to share Timo’s bedroom where there was plenty of space for a spare bed that I helped move with Timo’s dad.

Our daily routine in Germany was not that different from in the US. We went to school in the morning and attended the classes of our respective exchange students for the first three hours. Needless to say, I understood very little of what was going on. After that, we switched to classes in English for the rest of the day with our American teachers who had made the trip to Germany in an attempt to avoid us falling behind too much with our schooling back home. We also had a couple of field trips organized during our stay, including one to Cologne where we visited the cathedral and a museum.

On the second day, Timo’s parents organized a pool party at their house. A dozen boys showed up, including a couple of American freshmen from my school. But since it was Timo’s crew, all the guys were 14 or 15. I was the oldest. All the German boys wore Speedos and the two American freshmen also had to wear Speedos that were provided to them by their host family. Neither had brought any swim trunks to Germany. Why would they? There was no proper changing room in the pool area, just a little nook in the corner where the boiler and filtration system were, which people used as a makeshift changing area. I was surprised to see how the German students seemed a lot more comfortable with nudity than the Americans. They had no problem stripping to their bare bones and letting their dick out while putting on their Speedos. A couple of guys even slapped each other’s butt with their towel while changing.

In gym class back home, no student would ever get fully naked in the locker room. Adults seemed OK with nudity at the gym or after playing sports, but 14 years old is when most boys are going through some changes and are very self-conscious of their body. There is always this rivalry between late bloomers trying to conceal the fact they barely have any dick hair, if any, around their boy-size dick, and the early bloomers, who already have an adult-sized dick by the time they’re 14 and are happy to show it off, nestled in their thick hairy bush. Being a late bloomer myself, I would have been embarrassed to strip down at 14 and I felt for the two American freshmen who were desperately trying to conceal their little boy package while changing.

But being a 16-year-old among a bunch of 14-year-olds, I could hold my own, and I was now ‘that guy’ who was happy to linger naked, dick out, a little bit longer than necessary. At least, the pool party gave me confirmation that Timo already had dick hair indeed, actually a lot more than me at his age. And to my big surprise, he also already had hairy armpits, which I certainly didn’t have at his age. That kind of changed my perspective on Timo being off limits for my experimenting with dudes while in Germany.

While in the pool, there was a lot of wrestling and skin-on-skin contact. Here again, the two American freshmen looked out of their element in their Speedos, visibly self-conscious about the size of their bulge. Meanwhile, the German students didn’t seem to care, even those whose tiny bulge gave away the fact they still had boy-size dick and balls.

Timo and I spent time in the pool pretty much every day after school. We would often be joined by his best friend Hans. Hans was 14 as well, but he might as well have been 12. He was a full-on ginger, with freckles all over his face, arms, and shoulders. And his pubes were just as ginger as the curly hair on his head. I had never seen ginger pubes before, and I found it quite intriguing. What was even more intriguing to me was that Hans had no problem changing in front of Timo and me, even though he still had a tiny little dick, skinnier than my thumb, and a tiny pair of nuts, not even the size of hazelnuts. And what I called his pubes was just a light dusting of ginger hair, forming a thin patch circling the base of his tiny cock. Hopefully for him, he was a grower. Or maybe his dad was a horse and Hans knew his cock would get bigger in due time. Regardless, I couldn’t help but respect how Hans owned it, showing some balls that were much bigger than his actual balls.

One evening, when we went up to Timo’s bedroom after dinner, the two of us started talking about sex. We both admitted being virgins. I would have been impressed if it hadn’t been the case for him. We also taught each other a bunch of dirty words in the other’s language. I was here to learn German after all, and nobody ever said it had to be academic. That’s how I learned that ‘Shwanz’ meant dick, ‘Erektion’ meant erection, and ‘Schamhaar’ meant dick hair. Although Timo spoke good English, he never learned any of these words at school or on television and was quite happy to expand his vocabulary.

While we were teaching each other all these dirty words, I kept strategizing on how we could move from words to action. And getting each other naked was Step 1 in my book. I always slept in pajama pants, no socks, no T-shirt. Before going to bed, I would brush my teeth in the bathroom, still dressed up. And once I was done, I would go back to the bedroom, strip down to my underwear, turn my body toward my bed, take my underwear off, so that Timo could only see my ass rather than my dick, and put my pajama pants on. Even though we had seen each other’s dick while changing, and it was completely appropriate in the swimming pool, seeing each other’s dick in the bedroom felt off-limits.

But after a few days in Germany, once Timo and I got more comfortable in each other’s presence, I started stripping down more casually, without turning around to conceal my dick. I wasn’t dangling it in his face either, but I would just strip facing whichever way I happened to be facing at that time, without turning toward my bed the way I did the first couple of days. I was trying to act as nonchalantly as possible, pretending being naked in front of him was no big deal, even though inside me my hormones were raging, knowing Timo could take a peek at my dick.

I loved watching Timo’s reaction. On the one hand, he would try to respect my privacy and look the other way when I was stripping in front of him. But on the other hand, he didn’t turn completely, and I could sense he was trying to catch a glimpse of my dick from the corner of his eye, without me noticing. One evening, as I was changing and my underwear had just dropped to my ankles, I caught him staring at my dick more intensely than before.

‘If you want to look at it, you can just ask’ I said. ‘You already saw it at the swimming pool’.

Timo turned dark red and looked the other away. I had caught him staring and he was beyond embarrassed. Still naked, I took a couple of steps toward his bed and said: ‘I know you want to see it. There’s nothing wrong with it’.

I just stood there, dick out, facing Timo, until he eventually turned his head toward me. Since I was standing up and he was sitting on his bed, my dick was at eye level, right in his face. We just stayed there for a few seconds, me standing in front of him, fighting my nascent boner, and Timo looking at my dick, both of us pretending it was no big deal. But it was a big deal, for him and for me.

‘You wanna touch it?’ I asked.

Timo just sat there petrified, not answering my question.

I grabbed his wrist and guided his hand toward my dick. Timo formed a fist and touched the tip of my dick, my hand still holding his wrist.

His hand touching my dick instantly sent a 10,000-volt discharge throughout my whole body. I was just overwhelmed that another guy was touching my dick for the very first time. My dick immediately stiffened and went from mostly soft to rock-hard in a matter of seconds. No soldier could ever have been standing at attention for a review of the troops the way my dick was in Timo’s hand. Luckily, I saw some movement in Timo’s briefs and could tell he was getting hard too. That was the hottest thing that had ever happened to me.

We just stayed there for what felt like an eternity, my dick throbbing in Timo’s hand, precum starting to drip out of my piss slit.

‘It feels great’ I told Timo. ‘Can you jerk it?’

‘What does ‘jerk’ mean?’ he asked.

‘Just move your fingers up and down’ I said.

And just like that, Timo started jerking me off, very slowly at first, but eventually picking up the pace, giving me a full-on hand job. My heart was racing, banging against my rib cage. I was afraid his parents would hear my heartbeat from downstairs.

And within a few strokes, my cannon exploded, shooting a big rope of my boy juice up in the air. Timo had a poster of George Michael on the wall on top of his bed and my jizz ended up in George Michael’s mouth, which stood at eye level for me standing up, on the other side of his bed. I had jerked off hundreds of times, but no orgasm had ever come anywhere close to that one. I was on top of the world, with my dick in another guy’s fist and boy juice squirting out of my dick like a backyard firework on the 4th of July. My second discharge didn’t fly as far, but still landed on the wall, just below George Michael. The other volleys soiled Timo’s comforter until my teenage balls eventually ran dry. I just stood there, my dick still in Timo’s fist, coming down from the incredible high I had just experienced.

‘Dude, it was incredible!’ I told Timo, ‘You’re a champion at this’.

Timo got off the bed, his dick tenting in his briefs, he quickly ran to the bathroom, and came back with a wet rag. He started sponging my spunk out of his comforter. Meanwhile, I grabbed a tissue and sponged out my first volley, which was now dripping out of George Michael’s mouth and down onto his stubble. When we were done cleaning my boy mess, we looked at each other and giggled like 5-year-old girls.

I looked at Timo’s tenting briefs and asked him if he wanted me to return the favor. He nodded. I put my hands on the waist band of his briefs and lowered them. His German dick sprung out, begging for attention. He lied on his back, on the part of the comforter that hadn’t been soiled by my spunk. I sat next to him and started to jerk him off. Timo wasn’t cut. I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do with his foreskin as I had never faced that situation. He brought his fingers to his dick, forced his foreskin down, and let me continue.

It felt unbelievable having another guy’s dick in my hand. Timo’s dick was shorter than mine. The guy was only 14 after all. With all four of my fingers around his shaft, I could only make small strokes, bottoming out in his pubes and rising to his dickhead. I was still focusing on his foreskin, not quite clear on what to do with it, but thinking I had to make it part of my jerking somehow. Timo closed his eyes, started moaning a little, and all of a sudden, his German juice started flowing out of his dick. He didn’t shoot nearly as far as I did. George Michael was safe on this one. His jizz ended up on his chest and stomach, several volleys of creamy German juice. On my side, I was enjoying the whole scene and my dick was still rock-hard, still throbbing. Timo grabbed the cum rag, cleaned up his boy mess and threw the rag in the dirty laundry basket.

We looked at each other, neither of us knowing what to say. I eventually broke the silence and said: ‘It was amazing! Thanks Timo’.

‘Thank you too’ he replied.

I went back to my bed and fell asleep right away. I had the best sleep of my life. The alarm clock the next morning interrupted my dreams of butterflies and unicorns. Even though we fell asleep at a reasonable time and still had a full 8-hours of sleep, I could have slept until 2pm, given how relaxed I was.

I had a big smile on my face when I came down for breakfast. Timo’s mom noticed my cheerful mood and asked me why I was so happy.

‘Ich schlafe sehr gut’ I managed to say.

It wasn’t Goethe-level literature, and I couldn’t get the past tense right, but Timo’s mom understood I had a good night’s sleep. I remained in a great mood all day. I felt no regret or no shame for what Timo and I did last night. Quite the opposite, I felt like a fucking rock star. Even though it was just a hand job, I felt like if I had lost my virginity. Another guy had touched my dick and I had touched his. And he made me shoot all the way to the wall on the other side of his bed. I felt all grown up and stuff. Nothing could have brought me down that day. Even math class felt interesting. I was studying the equations on the board, trying to decipher what the teacher was saying in German. At lunchtime at the cafeteria, everybody complimented me on my good mood. I was sizing up all the other dudes one-by-one, counting in my head how many had already received a hand job from a girl and how many were stuck at the jerking off stage. I concluded that more than half were still bottom dwellers. I felt my dick twitch in my pants just thinking about it. I was enjoying life and living the dream, but I also couldn’t wait for the day to be over to get back into the bedroom with Timo tonight.

After dinner, the whole family watched a movie on television. It was ‘Back to the future’. It was dubbed in German, but since I had seen the movie in English many times, I was still able to follow the storyline. It was so weird to hear Michael J Fox speak German, especially with a voice that didn’t even sound like his. But German or not, I still enjoyed the scene with him in his purple underwear in front of his teenage mom. I wish I could have given him a hand job then. After the movie, Timo and I both went upstairs, brushed our teeth and went back into his bedroom. Timo and I hadn’t had a chance to sit down and have a serious conversation yet. We each sat on our bed and looked at each other in an awkward silence.

‘So, did you enjoy last night?’ I eventually asked.

 ‘Yes’, said Timo, kind of embarrassed and looking down at his feet.

‘I enjoyed it too’ I said, ‘It was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. George Michael is my witness’.

We both laughed at my joke.

‘Do you want to do it again?’ I asked.

‘Yes’ Timo responded after a long hesitation.

‘Do you want to do it now?’ I asked.

He nodded.

I got up, walked toward his bed, and sat right next to him, both of us tenting in our briefs. I brought my fingers to his briefs and started tracing his hard-on underneath the fabric. He eventually raised his ass a little and I pulled his briefs down to his ankles, exposing his magic wand, which already had a droplet of precum on top.

For some reason, you could lock the door in Timo’s room from the inside. It kind of surprised me when I first noticed it. My bedroom door back home certainly couldn’t get locked. I went to the door and decided to lock it. I’d rather get caught with the door locked and come up with a bogus excuse as to why it was locked rather than having Timo’s mom walk in on us, rock-hard on his bed, holding each other’s dick.

Even though Timo was only 14, his dick wasn’t that of a little boy anymore. It was a real man’s dick, or at least it felt that way to my 16-year-old self. His dick was a bit shorter than mine, no longer than 5 inches, when mine was probably 5 ½ at the time. But it was already thicker than mine. It felt meatier in my hand. That’s how, at a very young age, I realized I didn’t have the thickest cock in the world. At 16, my dick wasn’t completely done growing, but it had already reached some kind of a plateau. But Timo, who was only 14, already had more girth than me and more girth than I probably ever would.

Timo’s dick was harder than a diamond and it was throbbing under my grip. I could feel his blood flowing through it with every heartbeat. And his cock grew out of a decently thick bush, his pubes being a bit darker than the hair on his head, not mentioning his blond highlights. That made his whole package manlier than a 14-year-old. He didn’t have much hair on his upper legs but had started to grow a little velvety patch on his inner thighs, which made him look manly as well. His balls were probably the same size as mine, but the skin of his ball sack looked thicker than mine, if that makes sense, with lots of wrinkles that felt rugged to the touch. My ball sack felt softer, almost silky. It felt like my sack was just there to hold my balls while his felt more like armor that was there to protect his German nuts from the French.

‘Your dick is shorter than mine, but it’s thicker’ I told him, kind of stating the obvious.

‘But it’s not fair’ he replied, ‘You’re 16 and I’m only 14’.

My comment was meant to compliment him on his girth, but it got kind of lost in translation, literally. It didn’t matter, I kept playing with his 14-year-old dick. I was really fascinated by his foreskin since I was cut and didn’t have any. His foreskin wasn’t as prominent as some guys’. It covered the bottom part of his dickhead, but his piss slit still stuck out. His foreskin probably wouldn’t have been long enough for docking. I wondered if orgasms felt any different with or without a foreskin. Meanwhile, Timo appeared to be just as curious about my exposed dickhead as I was about his concealed weapon. My dick was so hard I could have drilled a hole in a concrete wall. I wasn’t sure what made me harder, if it was Timo grabbing my dick or me grabbing his.

I was so horned up that my dick was leaking precum like a fountain, which dripped along Timo’s fingers. I was staring at his cock more so than his face. And after a while, I grew the balls to tell him: ‘I wonder what it tastes like’.

‘I don’t know’ he responded, ‘probably not very good’.

‘I want to find out’ I said.

And just like that, I got down on my knees in front of him, opened my lips, and swallowed his German sausage. A shockwave travelled though my entire body, from my lips all the way down to my cock and my feet. Thank God I was holding the bed with my left hand because my legs would have faltered had I been standing up. I had another guy’s dick in my mouth. That was the most incredible experience of my life. His dick didn’t really taste like anything , aside from the swimming pool chlorine. But I could still taste a little bit of piss residue on the tip of his dick and some sweat caught in his foreskin. There was also a manly musk rising out of his pubes, which were millimeters away from my nostrils. It was intoxicating. Having another guy’s dick in my mouth was all I could think of. Meanwhile, my own dick was throbbing in Timo’s fist, and it felt like my flow of precum had turned into the Niagara Falls.

I didn’t just stop at tasting his dick. No fucking way I would. I started bobbing my head up and down and my tongue was circling around his dickhead and foraging in the gap between his dickhead and his foreskin. Timo gasped and lay back on his bed. Although he was just holding my dick in his hand, he pulled a bit on it when he moved back, and I almost came on the spot. I had no clue what I was doing and whether I was any good at sucking his dick, but I believe any guy can make up for his lack of technique with willpower. And no guy had ever had more willpower in the history of cock sucking than I did at that very moment. I was sucking on Timo’s dick like I was in a trance, and Timo started moaning more intensely. Whatever I was doing seemed to be working. I heard a solid grunt coming out of Timo’s mouth, his cock expanded in my mouth, and a flow of salty fluid started flooding my mouth.

That’s all it took to get me going as well and my own cock erupted and shot a huge load on the wooden frame of Timo’s bed. Timo wasn’t even jerking my cock. He was only holding it firmly in his fist. But whatever shaking his body was making under the assault of my hungry mouth had been enough to send me over the edge. The more Timo’s cock kept flooding my mouth the more my cock kept shooting boy juice on his bedframe. My shots were so intense that there’d probably be a dent in the wood frame when I’d be done shooting. I was in a state of daze, and I kept pumping furiously the remaining juice out of Timo’s cock. When his grunting started to sound more like pain, I let go of his spent cock. Timo also let go of my cock, which was still throbbing and still expelling the remanent juice left in my teenage balls.

I now had a mouthful of German dressing and started experiencing the taste of it. It tasted weird, definitely salty. But more so than the taste, it was the consistency that was strange, a gooey fluid, mixed-in with more liquidy precum, melded with my own saliva. I pondered for a while and decided to swallow the whole thing. It’s not so much that the taste was appetizing. It was more the thrill of swallowing another guy’s jizz. Just one gulp and Timo’s German juice travelled down my throat and into the depths of my guts.

I just collapsed on the carpet and lay there for a few seconds. Timo was doing the same on his bed.

‘Holy fuck!’ I managed to say, ‘It was intense!’

‘Yes’ Timo concurred, ‘It was GOOD!’

I grabbed a couple of tissues and cleaned up my boy mess on his bedframe. Timo had nothing to clean up since his juice was already deep in my guts. And we both went to bed without saying another word.

I couldn’t sleep very well that night. A lot of conflicting thoughts were racing through my head, and I was feeling really nervous. I was completely closeted at the time and still wrestling with the whole gay thing. As much as jerking off with Timo had been liberating, sucking his dick felt like a whole different line had been crossed. I felt exposed and felt I now had an even bigger secret to hide. If anybody ever found out that Timo and I had been jerking off together, I felt like I could handle the situation. Jerking off with another dude could pass on as experimenting. I had heard of plenty of boy scouts playing with each other under the tent, some even bragging about it. That wasn’t really gay, just a phase. I had also heard rumors of a game called the ‘cookie game’, which a friend of mine at summer camp overheard other guys playing in their cottage next-door. But sucking another guy’s dick was beyond just experimenting. That was gayer than gay! Timo came hard in my mouth because I did a great job sucking him. I’m not bragging; I’m just saying. That was gayer than gay! And I came hard when he blew his load in my mouth. He was just holding my dick, not even jerking it. That was gayer than gay! I also wasn’t sure how Timo felt about the whole thing. I knew he had enjoyed the blow job. He flooded my mouth and couldn’t have faked all the grunting. But I wasn’t sure how his mind felt about it. What if he stopped talking to me? What if he told his parents? What if his parents told my school? What if the school told MY parents? What if all the other kids found out? What if I became ‘the gay kid’, ‘the school’s fag’, ‘the cocksucker’?

I still had four days left in Germany, and I felt like I had to back track and stay on my best behavior for the remainder of the trip. My only saving grace was that Timo was just as exposed as I was, which would probably be enough to keep his mouth shut. Sucking another guy’s dick was definitely gay, but getting his dick sucked by another guy was pretty up there too. And he would probably want to keep that to himself.

I woke up the next morning not looking my best. Timo’s mom took notice and asked me how I slept.

‘Nicht sehr gut’ I responded. I made up some stories about birds waking me up at night and how I couldn’t fall back asleep. The day went by super slowly. Classes were boring as fuck. The only highlight was lunch break at the cafeteria when I daydreamed about the different guys at my table, trying to guess which one has the biggest dick and which one would moan the loudest if I ever blew them.

That evening at the dinner table, Timo and I were pretty quiet. Timo’s mom enquiring about how school went didn’t prompt more than a two- or three-word response. We brushed our teeth in dead silence, both dreading the moment when we’d been facing each other in his bedroom and would have to deal with the aftermath of last night’s events.

As always, I’m the one who broke the silence.

‘Timo. Are you mad at me?’ I asked.

‘No, I’m not mad at you’ he replied: ‘Why would I be mad at you?’

‘I don’t know’ I said, ‘I was afraid I made you do something you didn’t wanna do. And I don’t even know if I was any good at it’.

‘Oh no!’ he said, ‘You were very good at it’.

I already knew he had enjoyed my blowjob. His squirming like a little bitch kind of gave it away. I just wanted to stir the conversation toward a place that wasn’t all that bad. But I felt proud that he acknowledged my cock sucking skills.

‘I really loved it’ he added ‘It felt very good’.

I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I heard him say these few words. I also liked that his vocabulary was somewhat limited. It forced him to tell it to me like it was, without any filter or beating around the bushes.

‘Would you do it again?’ I asked

‘Yes’, he said ‘It felt good’.

And just like that, his German sausage was back in my mouth. I worked a mean blow job. At that point, I didn’t care about anything else. All my worries from last night went out the window and I was savoring his sausage like there was no tomorrow. I had fantasized about sucking dick forever, and now that I had one at my disposal, and an eager one at that, I was going to take full advantage of it. I only had three more evenings to play with Timo’s cock, and I was going to relish every minute.

I bobbed up and down his shaft like I had the day before, but I tried to pay more attention to his foreskin, twirling it with my tongue. I was reading every sound he made, figuring out what was working and what wasn’t. This was a great testing ground for me. This exchange program was meant to enhance my skills. I just focused on my cock-sucking skills rather than my German.

When I felt Timo getting close, I looked up and watched his face contort as his dick exploded in my mouth for the second day in a row. There is nothing hotter than watching a guy not able to control his facial expression because pleasuring is taking over. And knowing it was my mouth-in-training that was extracting all that German juice out his cock filled me up with pride.

After Timo came down from his high, he looked at me and said: ‘It’s my turn to suck your dick’.

‘Timo. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to’ I replied.

‘Yes, I have to’ he said ‘Otherwise, it’s not fair’.

I sat on my bed. Timo walked toward me and got down on his knees, still naked, still rock-hard. I sat up, dropped my briefs to my ankles, and my dick sprung out, smashing my stomach on the ascent. And it stood there proudly, the hardest it had ever been.

Timo looked at me and said: ‘Can you tell me before you come? I don’t want your sperm in my mouth’.

‘I will’ I replied.

Timo opened his mouth and went down on my cock. His mouth just stayed at my dickhead while his hand jerked my shaft. A movie called ‘Arizona Dream’ with Johnny Depp had just been released that year. My older sister had bought the CD of the soundtrack. Iggy Pop had written several of the songs and the lyrics of one of them went: ‘When your hand was down on my dick…     … it felt quite amazing’. That’s exactly how I felt when Timo’s mouth touched my virgin dick: Amazing and overwhelmed!

To be perfectly honest, Timo’s blow job was lousy. Especially now that I’ve had dozens of blow jobs to compare his to. He was clearly returning the favor out of obligation, more so than because he really wanted my dick in his mouth, kind of like a girl who reluctantly services her boyfriend, hoping she’d get a new pair of shoes out of it. But I didn’t care. Having a guy suck my dick was a surreal experience. I couldn’t tell if this was higher or lower on my bucket list than sucking his dick. But regardless, it was way up there, especially since a week ago, the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me was jerking off with my left hand. I wasn’t able to last very long when I was 16 and I certainly wasn’t gonna last very long my first time being blown.

‘Timo, I’m gonna shoot’ I warned him.

He moved his head out of the way and kept jerking my dick with his hand. And a big volley of boy juice shot out of my dick. It shot straight up, passing his head and my head on the way up. It didn’t quite reach his bedroom ceiling but still landed back down on top of my hair. A second volley followed suit and hit Timo in the face. That caught him by surprise, and he let go of my cock abruptly. It didn’t really matter since my cock was already in motion and erupting on its own by that point. My third volley hit him on the chin. I grabbed my dick with my right hand and finished myself off. As a good Samaritan, I angled my dick in such a way that my other volleys flew to his side and landed on the carpet. Fuck! It felt GOOD! My balls eventually ran dry, and I let go of my spent cock, which was still proudly standing straight up.

‘I’m sorry’ I told Timo, staring at my cum running down his cheek.

‘It’s OK’ he responded, more surprised than really upset.

‘You shoot very far’ he added.

‘I know’ I said, ‘My dick was very excited’.

Timo and I continued jerking each other off every evening for the rest of my stay. But I decided it was best if I didn’t blow him again. I certainly didn’t ask him to blow me. And next thing you know, it was already time to fly back to the US.

The following spring, a couple of German students weren’t able to make the trip to the US. One of the students who had to cancel was Timo’s age and the school decided it would be best for Timo to take his spot, and be paired up with a boy his age, rather than with me. There wasn’t any other 16-year-old German who wasn’t already paired up with his American exchange student. So, my family ended up not returning the favor. We just had Timo over for dinner one evening. My parents really wanted to meet him and thanked him profusely for his family’ hospitality when I was in Germany. This probably worked out for the best. Having Timo in my house would have been kind of awkward and the layout wouldn’t have been as private to fool around with him.

But now that I had tasted cock, I knew for sure that’s what I wanted for the rest of my life!

by Jeremy Miller

Email: [email protected]

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