Milking Time

by gregster

30 Sep 2019 748 readers Score 8.7 (3 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Midnight Meeting

Tiffany closed the door behind her as the last of the amazons filed in to the room.

"I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight," Tiffany addressed the dozen girls sitting in the room with her. "I appreciate your all showing up on short notice. I'll try to make things short and sweet, so we're not too terribly obvious to everyone else on the Island about holding meetings in the middle of the night."

Along with Clyda and Dee Dee, nine other girls who Tiffany considered to be her oldest and most trusted friends made up the group in the room.

"As you all probably no doubt know, things are building to a head ever since Jordan came to the Island," said Tiffany. "We've basically got two groups, or two 'schools of thought' here. There's our group, who believes in treating everybody more or less equally. When girls perform well, we reward them fairly and often, and move them along regularly in the develop-ment of their cocks, and sexual advancement, so they can become members of the family here."

"And then there's Barocca's sect," continued Tiffany. "Don't ask me how or why she turned out the way she did, but Barocca's a control freak. She believes in absolute domination and control over the girls under her. She makes them work outrageously hard for any sexual favors, and then she doles out the pleasure and the rewards with an eyedropper. It's beyond me why any of the girls are loyal to her, but she's got a handful of followers."

"The last time we counted, we had just over fifty amazons on the Island," said Tiffany. "How many would you say are loyal to our way of thinking?"

"Easily two thirds of the girls on the Island are faithful to us, Tiffany," said Dee Dee. "There can't be more than a dozen in Barocca's little clique. But most of them are fanatics, and would do anything for her."

"I know that ever since we announced we were giving Jordan special treatment, we opened a bigger can of worms than any of us could have imagined," said Tiffany. "Things are going to come to a head, one way or another, regardless of whether Jordan makes it all the way through the main event or not."

"That's a foregone conclusion love," said Clyda. "Jordan took everything Ebony could dish out at her. And my balls are still sore from the finale this afternoon with her."

"I'm afraid Clyda's right," said Dee Dee. "Barring something totally unexpected, I don't think there's any way Jordan won't make it through the main event. Then we aren't going to have any choice but to make her one of us."

"The fact is," said Tiffany, "Barocca's going to use this string of events to try and push for more changes, whether Jordan makes it or not. Barocca would like nothing better than to run this Island with everyone under her thumb, just the way she wants. I don't think any of us here want that to happen."

"All right, Tiffany. So we can expect some sort of challenge or power play from Barocca in the near future," said Darlene. "So what do we do when she makes her move?"

"What we need to do," said Tiffany, "is stack the odds in our favor, and give ourselves every chance to come out on top. Two things would push Barocca over the edge, and have her so fucking mad, she'd play right into our hands, and we'd have her just where we wanted her."

"The first one is obvious," continued Tiffany. "We make certain that Jordan passes the main event, and becomes a shemale like the rest of us. Seeing Jordan reach the Holy Grail in so short a time, after she had to work so long and so hard to become one of us, will drive her wild."

"And just what's the second thing you have in mind, Tiffany?" asked Clyda. "As if I didn't know."

"That should be even more obvious," said Tiffany. "We see to it that Jordan comes out of her operation with even more cock between her legs than Barocca!"

"Damn, Tiffany!" exclaimed Darlene. "You sure aren't asking for very much. Just turn everything upside down from the way we're used to doing things around here, and promote Jordan to the head of the fucking class while you're at it."

"All right, I'm sorry that things are so drastic sounding," said Tiffany. "But we're going to have to confront Barocca whether we like it or not, sooner or later. And I don't know about you, but I'd rather stack the odds in my favor ahead of time, and have a chance of controlling the outcome, rather than wait and let her force things upon us."

"There's also a couple of things I think you ought to know about Jordan," continued Tiffany. "Dee Dee and I have already had a couple of long talks with her, and I assure you, we'll have many more."

"Talk is cheap, Tiffany," said Roxanne. "Suppose you do have Dee Dee work her magic on Jordan, and suppose she does turn out bigger between her legs than Barocca is. How are you gonna control her then? If she doublecrosses you, and sides with Barocca or Ebony, we could be worse off than we ever were."

"I'm well aware of the risk we're taking," said Tiffany. "But Dee Dee and I have given this a lot of thought, and I think I know how we can keep Jordan in check."

"It's actually very simple," said Dee Dee. "If there's one thing Jordan wants more than anything else in the whole fucking world, it's to have a cock, and to be a shemale amazon, just like the rest of us."

"The cock that I make to give Jordan will be a very special one," continued Dee Dee. "Yes, it'll be fucking huge, and it ought to make Barocca's eyes pop out of her sockets when she sees it on Jordan. But I'm also installing more safeguards and failsafes in this one, than in anything I've ever created before. If Jordan gets out of line, I can cut her off with the flip of a switch, or a couple of keystrokes. She'll still have her cock, but she'll never see a hard-on again, and that would absolutely devastate her, after everything she went through to get it."

"Dee Dee and I have already laid down the law regarding certain things with Jordan so far," said Tiffany. "Not to mention the fact that after an afternoon with Ebony, she calmed down considerably. If and when she makes it through the main event in one piece, we'll hit her with this next. Given a choice between living out her fantasies with us if she behaves, or risking it all and possibly losing everything by siding with Barocca, I think she'll choose us."

"Like I said before," continued Tiffany, "I know what I'm proposing here is very risky, and that there's a lot of things that could screw up in one way or another, and backfire on us. If anyone's got a better idea, or another way they'd like to try and do things, now's the time to make yourself heard."

"What about taking a vote, and simply having the majority be officially in power here?" asked Roberta. "There's easily many more of us than there are of Barocca's clique."

"A good idea," replied Tiffany. "But that would only solve things temporarily. Unless we get Barocca out of here, she'll continue running things behind the scenes the way she is now. Things will continue to fester, and in a few months, if not even sooner, we'll be back to where we started from all over again."

"Then why don't we just kick Barocca's ass, and show her who's boss?" asked Darlene.

"Believe me, Darlene, that's crossed my mind too," said Tiffany. "We could just boot Barocca out of here, without any explanations, and even use force if necessary," said Tiffany. "But that would just be exchanging one set of problems for another. Other girls would wonder why we did what did, and possibly come to resent us in the future for it. We'd probably have another set of malcontents on our hands."

"Don't forget another thing," said Dee Dee. "Although we're in decent shape here on the Island, must of us are lovers, not warriors. We came here because we like to fuck, not to fight. And if we do something like that unprovoked against Barocca, then I know damn well that Ebony will side with her; as well as anyone else who's loyal to her. We'd wind up having a mini gang-war on our hands. It's bad enough getting fucked by Ebony. I don't think any of us are ready to challenge her to a battle."

A few girls muttered under their breath, and shook their heads. No one seemed to have any plans that seemed better than what Tiffany had just proposed.

"But Tiffany," asked Roxanne, "even if we can get rid of Barocca, what are we gonna do about Ebony?"

"That's a good question," admitted Tiffany. "I know Ebony and Barocca are tight, but I'm not sure just how she'd react without Barocca here to lead things."

"Ebony's not as bad as everyone thinks," said Dee Dee.

"Easy for you to say, girl!" exclaimed Clyda. "You haven't been reamed by her when she's got no thoughts, except for her own pleasure and release."

"Oh yes I have," said Dee Dee. "Not as often, or as recently as some of you here. But I've felt Ebony's wrath plenty of times. I'll be the first to admit that during sex, she can be a regular Frankenstein."

"But I've also worked with Ebony more closely than any of you have," continued Dee Dee. "Ebony's a hell of lot smarter than she looks. She helped me set up a lot of the computer systems we've got here, as well as overseeing and installing the security operations. I know that because she's big, black and hung like a fucking bull, that Ebony intimidates the shit out of a lot of the girls here. Having Barocca play things up the way she does only adds to the effect. I'm probably the only one besides Barocca, who's sat down and had some sincere talks with Ebony. This is going to sound crazy, but I'm willing to bet that if Barocca weren't here, Ebony wouldn't be nearly the ogre that everyone thinks she is."

"All right, Dee Dee," said Clyda. "If you're positive we'll be able to live with Ebony, if we should have to oust Barocca, that's good enough for me. I agree with Tiffany that we've got to take some sort of stance, otherwise things are going to start crumbling all around us here."

"I'm afraid I agree with Tiffany also girls," said Roxanne. "We'll have to force Barocca to make some sort of power play, and then use that against her, to get her out of here."

"So here's how I see things happening," said Tiffany. "First, we see to it that Jordan passes the main event. That'll begin to start Barocca's blood boiling for certain. And then we make certain Jordan's got more cock than Barocca does when we unveil her to the rest of the colony. When we display her to the rest of the Island, and Barocca gets a good look at her, she'll go fucking ballistic. That'll provoke Barocca into acting rashly, and she'll probably issue some sort of challenge or ultimatum to us."

"If that doesn't piss Barocca off enough to come forward and make her move, I don't know what else will," said Darlene.

"That's the understatement of the year, Tiffany," said Roberta. The rest of the girls laughed among themselves for a moment at that.

"Tiffany, you do realize that Barocca will be so livid with anger, she'll probably direct her challenge directly at Jordan herself," said Clyda.

"That's exactly what I'm counting on," said Tiffany. "So once Barocca makes her move, and issues her challenge, or her demands, the ball will be in our court, and that's just the way I want it."

"I don't see how forcing things to escalate to the boiling point is just what you want, Tiffany," said Darlene.

"The reason is this, Darlene," said Tiffany. "What few rules and bylaws that we have here on the Island are very clear on certain points. One of them is that if one amazon should ever challenge another, whoever is challenged gets to choose the type of contest, or 'duel' that will take place. It's kind of like the old time code of honor. We'll have Jordan respond to Barocca with a contest that we know Jordan can win, and we also take whatever devious steps are necessary to ensure that she wins."

"Remember a few things girls," said Clyda. "At the time, Jordan only has to accept the challenge from Barocca. She can name the type of contest, and when it's to be held in a couple of days. That'll give us time to think of something, and make certain that she comes out on top."

"All right," said Tiffany. "For the time being, I think that covers things. Not a word of any of this to Jordan. For now, I still want her to think that she's got to do things on her own."

"It looks like you'll be putting in more time than usual in your lab, Dee Dee," said Clyda. "Do you think you'll need any additional help to get things done?"

"How about it, Dee Dee?" asked Tiffany. "Do you think you can come up with something that'll make sure Jordan passes the main event?"

"I doubt that Jordan will need help of any sort myself," chuckled Dee Dee. "But yeah. I'll come up with something that'll guarantee the results we want. And don't worry, I can handle creating all the special effects and requirements you'll want. But there's a couple things that I think everyone here ought to know. I told everyone that the reason I had to give Jordan a partially effective pill when we turned her over to Ebony, was due to a lack of time. That wasn't entirely true."

"The real reason," continued Dee Dee, "is that someone tampered with my PC. The entire partition that holds all my formulas, my research and development files, was gone. All I could do was throw together a patchwork pill for Jordan, and we're lucky she survived her afternoon with Ebony. I didn't let this on to anyone until I was certain what had happened.

"I did a tape restore later on, and was able to give Jordan a proper pill the next day, when we turned her over to Clyda. I think everyone could see the difference in the results. The point is, we're having to deal with something else I never thought we'd have to here on the Island: sabotage from within.

"If I had to name anyone, I'd pick Barocca or one of her cohorts who came in and screwed with my PC. Of course, I have no proof, and it'd be my word against hers, but that's my gut feeling."

"That's terribly unsettling news," said Tiffany. "But it just might help us in the long run. I agree with your hunch that Barocca's probably at the root of that problem too. If we can ever find a way to prove that, it'll be that much easier to get her out of here. The rest of you take extra caution with your PC's and with general security the next few days."

"Since we're using a Windows image here, I'd suggest that you all lock your PC's when you're not using them," said Dee Dee. "Or better yet, go in to the BIOS, and set a Power-On password. Then turn them off whenever you're not using them. That'll make damn sure that nobody gets into it that shouldn't, without a major effort. Anyone who needs help setting that up, be sure and call me."

"Okay. Everyone get back to your quarters, or wherever you're supposed to be this evening," said Tiffany. "Everybody on the Island knows that something's brewing in the air, with all the shit that's been happening. If you happen to find out anything important that you think I should know, come tell me in person. We're not going to risk using the phones or even e-mail, for confidential matters, until this is over one way or another.

"Last but not least, leave Jordan to myself, Dee Dee and Clyda. So far, she seems really receptive to our way of doing things, and siding with us. We'll give her the news as she needs to know it. I guess the only other thing would be to tell the other girls to lighten up and be a little friendlier with Jordan; but tell them to try and not to make it too obvious. If we can make her feel more at home here, we've got a better chance of pulling this whole thing off."

Barocca Confronts Ebony

Barocca and Ebony sat together in Barocca's quarters, watching a delayed video broadcast of the final moments of Jordan finishing her afternoon of sex with Clyda. As the final scene came to an end, Barocca pressed the button on the remote control and turned off the monitor. She let the remote land loudly on the end table next to her.

"I don't believe it. I simply can't fucking believe it!" exclaimed Barocca. "Neither you or Clyda could manage to put that little slut away, and get her ass carted off the Island."

"What is your problem, girl?" asked Ebony. Ebony was shocked at the amount of emotion and hatred in Barocca's voice.

"My problem?" said Barocca. "Excuse me, but I think we ought to be talking about your problem, Ebony. And for that matter, Clyda's too. You used to eat little tramps like that alive, and then send them home screaming. You had her all to yourself for over five hours, and you couldn't finish her off. What the fuck did you think I was talking about?"

"Now wait just a damn minute, girlfriend," said Ebony. "It's true I fucked Jordan hard and heavy yesterday. And if you'd bother to watch the fucking tape, you'll see there are plenty of times when she was crying out loud and she came awfully damn close to giving it up completely and calling things off.

"But the fact is, she didn't," continued Ebony. "Jordan sucked it in, she took whatever I dished out to her, and didn't snap. I respect that from anyone I have sex with, because I know I'm not the easiest damn partner in the world to please. I also give Jordan credit for having enough smarts and determination to actually seek us out and find the Island and get invited here in the first place."

"Oh I see," retorted Barocca. "What you're trying to tell me is you prefer Jordan over some of the amazons here on the Island."

"What gave you that idea?" exclaimed Ebony. "Yes, I like Jordan, because I think she's cute, she's determined, and she'll probably fit in well here. I never said I put her ahead of anyone else here on the Island."

"Now you're already admitting you'd like to see that little blonde slut here on the Island as one of us," said Barocca. "Admit it, Ebony. You couldn't get the job done. You're getting soft!"

Ebony froze in her seat on the sofa, and simply glared at Barocca, as her words hit home. After a moment, Ebony's emotions reached the boiling point, and then shot past.

"Soft?! Who the fuck do you think you're calling soft, girl?" shouted Ebony. Ebony stood up from her seat on the sofa, and glared down on Barocca from her full height. Barocca shrank back and recoiled at the force of Ebony's emotions. She had obviously pressed the wrong button on Ebony. She'd started something inside Ebony she couldn't control.

Barocca had been working to instill a dominant, aggressive personality in Ebony, so that she could oversee and keep the new girls under her control. Now her own devious planning was coming back to haunt her. Ebony stood up in front of Barocca, and ripped open her skirt which was held together by a Velcro patch. Ebony glared at Barocca, in only her bikini now.

"For your information Barocca, Jordan took plenty of my cock inside her. She took it more times than I can remember, and she gave a damn fine accounting of herself with me the other day. As a matter of fact, Jordan took me deeper and more often than just about any other girl on the Island, including yourself, honey. And you had the advantage or warming up, and breaking in with some of the other girls, before they turned you over to me, I might add."

"I think it's time I showed you just how 'soft' I really am Barocca," said Ebony. Ebony leaned directly over Barocca, as she squirmed in the sofa. Ebony stuck one muscular arm out to brace herself against the wall.

Ebony knitted her brows, and released the mental control over her cock. In a matter of seconds, it looked as though someone had shoved a softball inside her bikini panties; then a second, and finally a third, as Ebony's cock and balls swelled to life inside her panties. Inside Ebony's bra, her breasts swelled slightly at the sexual excitement mounting in her. Her nipples rose and stiffened, becoming starkly visible under the fabric straining to contain her twin mountains. With her other hand, Ebony reached down to her bikini panties. With one quick flex of her wrist, Ebony snapped the knot holding her panties on, and tossed them to the side.

Ebony's cock was usually almost a foot long, and not quite several inches thick in its limp state. In the heat of the moment, Ebony's cock sprung to its full size and hardness in near record time. Three feet of rock-hard shemale cock hovered in the air before Barocca's face.

Ebony shifted her hips, swung her weight, and the head of her cock and several inches of the shaft slapped loudly against Barocca's cheek.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" squealed Barocca.

Ebony's response was to lean back, and twist her hips farther back than before, and lean and twist into Barocca like a baseball batter. The last third of Ebony's cock slammed into the side of Barocca's head and face, twisting her head to one side with the impact. Barocca's head snapped back into place with a look of utter fear and shock. Ebony turned her hips so that her cock was just inches away from Barocca's face, hovering in the air like a warhead.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ebony clearly spaced and enunciated each word for Barocca's benefit. Ebony leaned forward so her face was only inches away from Barocca's. "It's probably crossed your mind that I could rearrange your face without even having to use my hands, if I wanted to, girl. But that would be too fucking obvious, and too many questions would be asked. So I'm gonna teach you a lesson in another way."

"Be serious Ebony," said Barocca, glancing nervously about her. "Everyone knows that they film practically everything on the Island to begin with; including inside our quarters." Barocca gestured to the tiny video camera in the upper corner, with its red light flickering, indicating it was filming away.

"And with all the shit going on with Jordan here on the Island, they made it crystal clear that now they're watching everyone like a hawk. Especially the monitors in our quarters. So just what are you gonna do to me, now that you know you've got an audience?"

"Just this," replied Ebony. Ebony got up from Barocca, reached over into her small handbag, and brought out a small device, about the size of a calculator. Ebony flicked it on, removed the stylus from the side, entered a few swift commands, and then returned the unit to her handbag.

"What the hell was that?" asked Barocca.

"That was a Palm Pilot," retorted Ebony. "And that was a batch file I just ran on it. That batch file runs a program on the security computer which will make certain that no matter what happens in these rooms for the next two hours, the only thing anybody will see will be the two of us having a little 'girl talk' on the sofa and watching TV for the evening. That actually happened Tuesday or Wednesday of last week, but they'll see it with tonight's date and time."

"But, but how?" Barocca stammered.

"How did I learn about computers?" Ebony completed the sentence for her. "You really ought to pay more attention to people, and not judge them on the surface Barocca. You and almost everybody else thinks that because I'm big and black, and in charge of physical conditioning, that I've got more dick than brains."

"You forgot that I'm also in charge of security too," continued Ebony. "If you had ever taken the time to read my file, or really get to know me, you'd find that I went to college before I came to the Island. And that when I came here, I spent a lot of time with Dee Dee, and I picked up a lot of tips and knowledge on computers." Barocca swallowed hard, and glanced nervously about the room. She was completely at Ebony's mercy.

"As I was saying, Barocca," said Ebony, "now I'm going to show you the 'hard' way, just how 'soft' I really am."

Ebony picked Barocca up bodily, lifting her like a child, so that her midsection draped over her shoulders. Ebony carried Barocca into the bedroom, and then let her flop onto the bed on her back. Ebony reached down and ripped off Barocca's bikini panties.

"When was the last time you had your backdoor banged, Barocca?" asked Ebony.

Barocca stared at Ebony in stunned silence, with her eyes wide open.

"Can't remember?" retorted Ebony. "That's good. Because I'm gonna make damn sure you don't forget this for a long time, girl." Barocca began to sweat and tremble on the bed.

"Oh, and don't even think about getting a hard-on, and joining in, and maybe relieving yourself along the way," added Ebony. "I know damn well we can all control whenever we do or do not get a hard-on here on the Island. If I see your dick so much as even hint at getting any bigger, I'll shove my cock so far inside you, that I'll be able to shove my balls in too." Ebony began stroking the shaft of her cock, getting it ready. "It's way past due that somebody taught you some fucking manners, and brought you down a peg, girl."

At that point Barocca knew she had no choice but to try and fight; and fight hard.

"No!" she yelled, and began to struggle. Barocca flexed every muscle in an attempt to get away; her abs, her arms, and her legs. She twisted her torso and struggled like mad. Ebony just held her down, and laughed at Barocca's struggles. Ebony grabbed Barocca's legs so that she was spread-eagled on the bed underneath her. Then, Ebony lined her cockhead up against the rim of Barocca's ass.

Ebony's red-hot, rock-hard massive cockhead slammed its way past Barocca's sphincter and buried itself in her rectum. An expression of agony shot over Barocca's face, as she tried to ignore the pain, and not give Ebony the satisfaction of yelling out.

"Trying to play the tough act, huh?" said Ebony. "Well, I've got a newsflash for you girl. That was only head of my cock that you just took inside your ass now. We haven't even started to have fun yet. Let me give you a taste of what you're gonna get."

Ebony took a deep breath and readied herself to deliver the forward thrust. Ebony's thick hands gripped Barocca's legs so she was virtually immobile beneath her. With one long, powerful thrust, Ebony buried a full twelve inches of her cock into Barocca, into the very depths of her rectum. And Barocca truly did scream then.

"C'mon girl. Suck it in and take it!" shouted Ebony, as she paused for a moment. "Don't feed me any bullshit about how I'm hurting you. Each of us takes enough pills here on the Island so I know that you're damn near invulnerable down there. You'll hurt like hell for a day or two, but after that, you'll be as good as new, and we both know it."

Ebony slowly slid her cock so that it was almost all the way out of Barocca's ass, and then slammed it back in, and then rested. Barocca could feel Ebony's cock stretch her open wider and deeper than she had felt in years. She could feel it throbbing, giving off incredible heat. Then a slow and long slide from Ebony, and then slam!

Ebony wanted Barocca's ass. With a crash, Ebony's exploding cock head was between Barocca's hard buttocks again, finding and smashing home into her ass. With the fist-sized cockhead imbedded, it was already unleashing and oozing precum into Barocca's rump. The agonized scream of the vicious breaking of Barocca's ass accompanied the liquid sensation filling her bowels.

Six, and then seven inches of penetration. Ebony fucked her pole deeper into Barocca's tight ass. Nine inches, then eleven inches, each orgasmic thrust deeper, so that more and more of Ebony's weapon enjoyed the caress of Barocca's ass. The grumble of internal displacement as fifteen mammoth inches found a home. Each fuck thrust from Ebony producing a high-pitched wail and epileptic reaction as Barocca's body nearly went into shock.

"Ah! Such a nice hot, tight ass, Barocca! So fucking good!" Ebony moaned.

Ebony began to pick up the pace and power of her thrusts, no longer resting. With each slam into Barocca's ass, Barocca let out a small scream. Faster and faster Ebony pounded her ass, every stroke just as painful as the first. Then Ebony began jerking into Barocca, her strokes no longer rhythmic.

Ebony suddenly grabbed Barocca's hair and her head was jerked to the side and up, so that her eyes looked into the face of Ebony, as black as the ace of spades.

"Don't tell me you were you a virgin in the ass, girl?"

Barocca didn't answer. "Please," she protested. "Please let me go..."

Ebony grinned. "You and I both know that's too good to be true. But you've done it so seldom, you might as well be. I love fuckin' a virgin ass! We've only just started girl, and you sure won't ever forget it!"

Barocca closed her eyes in despair. What was happening was her own fault. She hadn't meant to do it, but she had asked for this, by pushing Ebony over the limit.

Suddenly, Barocca was grabbed again and lifted off the bed. Ebony's massive arms held Barocca's body completely off the bed, with her cock sticking inside her like a telephone pole. Ebony rammed even more of her cock inside Barocca, letting it ream and stretch her ass to unbelievable limits. Ebony had Barocca completely skewered on her cock like a piece of meat on a roasting spit. Ebony placed her hands on her hips and just glared at Barocca, with a look that told her the worst was still to come.

"Hey, guess what, Barocca?" asked Ebony. "By my guess, you've taken right about twenty inches of me inside of your butt so far. That's almost, repeat almost as much as Jordan took inside her the other day from me."

The realization of Ebony's words hit Barocca, as she became aware of how badly her anus had been ravaged. Without warning, Ebony reached down to Barocca's hips, and flexed her powerful arms. Five more inches of Ebony's steel-hard cock smashed and impaled itself into Barocca's ass. Barocca's eyes rolled back in their sockets, and she screamed like a banshee.

Ebony reached down and gripped Barocca just below her shoulders with her hands. Ebony gave a light lifting thrust, to propel Barocca's weight forward and upward. This generated an almost vertigo-like feeling in Barocca, as she was lifted through the air without warning.This brought Barocca to a near perpendicular angle, and almost level with Ebony's face. Barocca was still plungered on Ebony's massive cock like a hot dog on a stick. Ebony was completely supporting Barocca's weight, using only her cock like a tree limb.

Ebony brought her face close to Barocca's and let her gaze deeply into her eyes, so she could see the fire burning in their depths.

"Since you've obviously got it in for Jordan, and you've never come up with one simple fucking reason why," said Ebony, "I figure I'll treat you the same way, and show you the same amount of mercy that you'd show her, if you had your way with Jordan. Which is little, if any."

Barocca was then dumped again on the bed, her ass quivering and vibrating on Ebony's humongous cock. Barocca's ass lips were spread apart by Ebony's fingers as she was impaled deeper onto that horribly thick cock. Because Barocca was already well lubricated from Ebony's earlier fucking, it easily, if painfully, slid even further into her wet and stretched tunnel.

Ebony held Barocca as her asshole was impaled by the amazon's massive cock. Now the pain Barocca thought couldn't possibly increase tripled and shot through her whole body. It was beyond any pain Barocca had ever thought existed. Barocca screamed so hard, she thought her throat would tear.

Barocca felt as if she was being ripped apart while Ebony's cock thrust deeply, pounding and pushing and punishing her stretched asshole. Pain continued to flood Barocca's being, as she wondered when she was going to pass out. But as Ebony's thrusts in her ass continued, and grew more and more painful, she realized that she was to be denied that small mercy.

Ebony's strong hands gripped Barocca's waist and she gasped as what felt like hot steel rammed its way into her damp and abused ass. Barocca felt Ebony's hot breath on her skin, and shivered as Ebony drove her massive cock brutally in and out of her poor ass, each thrust slamming against her ass cheeks, making them shudder and quiver.

"I think I want you looking at me," Ebony said grinning. She grabbed Barocca's head, and forced her to look at her, as she brutalized her ass. Ebony again rammed her hard three-foot tool into Barocca's ass again.

Ebony seemed to slow a tiny bit, but the power of her thrusts did not lessen. Barocca grunted in time with the thrusts of Ebony's punishing, pounding blows. Ebony's rock-hard cock stuffing Barocca full, her stomach heaving in time with her massive cock battering her insides. Ebony was cursing Barocca now, calling her "special bitch", "sweet slut", "whore," and other names as she slammed her cock into Barocca.

Amidst Barocca's spastic flailing, and ceaseless tearful screaming, Ebony felt the satisfying slap of her groin slapping Barocca's ass. Ebony continued to violently fuck Barocca with her full three-foot length for over half an hour.

Barocca felt something break deep inside her soul, her whole body heaving and jerking as a fire of pain and humiliation raced through her nerves. Barocca's body betrayed her as the explosive orgasm of Ebony rocked her body. As Ebony continued slamming into her ass, making her wail and jerk on the end of her throbbing cock as she neared her orgasm, Barocca's skin feeling like it was burning.

Then Ebony came, suddenly ramming into Barocca with brutally hard strokes, as she flooded her ass with her lava-like cum. A torrent gushed into Barocca's ripe ass, and still more was coming. Barocca felt like her ass was filled with liquid fire. Between the merciless pounding of the shaft of Ebony's cock, and the white hot cum it was spewing out, Barocca felt like she was being ripped apart.

Barocca didn't know if she could contain the full amount of the massive load that Ebony had stored in her balls or not. One small consolation was that Ebony had other plans, besides filling Barocca's ass with her jism.

Suddenly, Ebony released her grip on Barocca's hips, and pulled her massive shaft out in one long stroke. As Ebony pulled her engorged cockhead out, the swollen ridges of the head brushed against the walls of her anal chamber brutally. A loud, satisfying 'pop' was heard, as Ebony pulled her cock completely out of Barocca's ass. Ebony clamped on the shaft of her cock with hands briefly, letting the rampaging orgasm build to even greater pressure.

"Here's the rest of the load, slut!" yelled Ebony. "And keep your fucking mouth shut. You haven't earned the taste of my cum today."

With that, Ebony began stroking the shaft of her cock with her right hand, and squeezing her loaded balls with the other. Long thick strands of shemale cum launched out at Barocca. The loads traveled several feet easily, before landing loudly on Barocca's face and the rest of her body. To Barocca, it almost felt like someone was assaulting her with a garden hose. Ebony's jism was landing with enough force to actually be painful in some areas.

For over a minute, Ebony continued to spray and shower Barocca with cum. By the time she'd finished, it looked as though someone had dumped a gallon of white paint over Barocca's face and body.

Finally, Ebony's orgasm spent itself, and the spray of cum slowed to a trickle. Ebony brought her tremendous cockhead to her lips, and greedily sucked and slurped the last remnants of her cum into her mouth. Ebony could easily engulf all of her cockhead in her own mouth. "That's the only part of my cum that I want to taste today," said Ebony. "Anything that landed on you is tainted today."

Ebony let her cock relax and return to a more normal state, of about nine inches long, and a couple of inches thick. She stood towering over Barocca, with her hands on her hips, and glared at her.

"All right girl, get up and take a bath or shower, and clean yourself off," said Ebony. "While you're doing that, I can find the door on my own. I don't know what the fuck happened to you, to make you act the way you've been lately. But I am sick and fucking tired of it."

Barocca trembled and looked at Ebony, with fear in her eyes.

"What I did just now, I did because you ran your mouth off, one time too many without thinking," said Ebony. "The next step is up to you. If you want to turn back into the old Barocca that first came here, and everybody liked, then we'll see about patching things up."

"But if you insist on being some kind of power-hungry, control-freak, bitch-goddess," continued Ebony, "then we're through, girl. And if you ever cross me, or piss me off again, I'll fuck you so hard, I'll make what happened to you tonight seem like a walk in the fucking park."

Ebony turned and walked out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She paused to stuff her bikini bottom into her handbag, and donned her skirt again. With her cock at a more or less normal size, she could get away with no underwear for the short walk to her own quarters.

Jordan's Instructions

The morning after her sexual marathon with Clyda, Jordan awoke early in her quarters again. Jordan felt absolutely no ill effects from such a workout with Clyda's massive cock yesterday. Jordan lolled about on the bed. She had dreamed vividly about her afternoon with Clyda. Her body still tingled when she remembered the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed from Clyda, and how sweet and delicious her cum had tasted.

As Jordan became fully awake, she glanced about the room. As her gaze moved towards the door, Jordan noticed another envelope had been shoved underneath, and was lying on the carpet just inside the doorframe.

"Another mystery message," thought Jordan. "That's one thing that's been consistent since I've been here. This makes one for each day that I've been here on the Island." Jordan opened the envelope and immediately recognized Tiffany's flowery handwriting.

Jordan: Congratulations on another job well done! Clyda couldn't say enough good things about you, during her session with you yesterday afternoon. As you now must realize, you're two-thirds of the way home on your journey here on the Island. There is only one more test that you must pass before all your dreams will be realized. But I must warn you that this final test will be even more stressful and grueling than the first two tests combined. However, we're all confident that you'll make it past this final hurdle, just like you have the previous two. Please report to my quarters at 10AM this morning, for some more instructions. Tiffany

Jordan showered and prepared herself, and dressed in a light red skirt with a pretty flower print, and chose a light pink bikini to go with it. Donning the skirt over her bikini panties, Jordan went to the kitchen for an early breakfast.

To Jordan's surprise, several of the girls invited her to sit at their table with them. The girls were surprisingly friendly towards Jordan, and thankfully didn't grill her for intimate details of her sex sessions with Ebony and Clyda. It was mainly girl-talk, and most of them wanted to know details of some of the events in the outside world. After almost being a complete outcast for the first few days, Jordan welcomed the company and companionship. A few minutes before ten o'clock, Jordan politely excused herself, and reported to Tiffany's quarters.

Jordan knocked politely on the door, and Tiffany answered a moment later.

"Morning, Jordan," greeted Tiffany. "Come on in. How are things going?" Jordan noticed that Clyda and Dee Dee were also sitting on the sofa in Tiffany's quarters, and smiled as she greeted them.

"This morning things are a lot better," said Jordan. "Not only do I feel absolutely sensational after an afternoon with Clyda, thanks to Dee Dee's wonder-pill, but some of the other girls are starting to open up and talk to me now."

"That's great," replied Tiffany. "It just takes them a little while to get to know you, that's all. Plus you are a bit of a celebrity here. Just act natural, and don't brag or flaunt about what's happening to you, and you'll fit in fine here."

"That's good to hear," said Jordan. "But how come everyone slips letters under my door when they want to talk to me? I noticed you've got telephones as well as computers here on the Island."

"That's one of the things that we want to talk to you about this morning, Jordan," said Dee Dee. "A lot of things are starting to happen fast and furious around here since you arrived, and since we decided to give you special treatment."

"We've basically got two groups, or two 'schools of thought' here on the Island," said Tiffany. There's our group, which is very liberal and friendly. We believe in treating everybody fairly. When girls perform well, we reward them whenever they merit it, and move them along regularly in the development of their cocks, and sexual advancement, so they can become members of the family here."

"And then there's Barocca's sect," said Clyda. "None of us knows how or why she turned out the way she did, but Barocca's a fucking control freak. Myself, I think it's because she made one too many bondage videos before coming to the Island, but that's beside the point. She believes in absolute domination and control over the girls under her. She makes them work outrageously hard for any kind of sexual favors, and then she doles out the pleasure and the rewards with an eyedropper. It's beyond me why any of the girls here are loyal to her, but she's got a handful of followers."

"Another thing that you didn't know about Barocca, Jordan," said Tiffany. "You pissed her off more than you could possibly imagine by trying to suck down more of her cum than she wanted you to, on your first day here. If you had been alone with her, she would've really told you off, and probably had it out with you right then and there. But since there were other girls that were brand new to the Island also in the room, she kept her cool somewhat. Barocca still wants to come across as cool and sexy to the new girls, in the hopes of having some of them side with her."

"Ideally, we'd all like to be one big happy family, here on the Island," continued Tiffany. "But Barocca's been running her group the way she does for a long time. I'm afraid that since we've bent the rules, and given you special treatment, that Barocca is going to lobby, and demand that she be allowed to do the same for someone in her group. Or make some other type of demands or challenge to us."

"We felt that you ought to know about what's happening here," said Clyda, "but that you only needed to know the basics. Leave the politics and the actual power plays to us. The less you know, the less you could accidentally blab, and have it find its way to Barocca. 'Loose lips sink ships' and all that sort of thing."

"So in a nutshell, that's why we've been resorting to being so secretive with you Jordan, whenever we've needed to contact you," said Dee Dee.

"Okay. That's enough 'cloak and dagger' stuff for one morning," said Tiffany. "Just follow our instructions, Jordan, and everything should turn out fine. As soon as we can tell you more, you'll certainly be the first to know."

"The other reason we've called you here this morning, Jordan," said Tiffany, "is to brief you, and give you an idea of what to expect during the main event."

"That's where I've got to satisfy all five of you at once, for however long you decide," said Jordan, with a trace of nervousness in her voice.

"That's right," said Tiffany. "And I've been waiting for a shot at payback, after you took some liberties with me during the milking ritual."

"And I haven't had a chance at that little pussy of yours yet, either," added Dee Dee.

"Don't think it'll be a walk in the park with me either love," said Clyda. "You're going to have to really earn your wings here on the Island."

All three of the amazons had positively wicked grins on their faces, as they looked at Jordan. To their surprise, Jordan returned their stares lustfully to each girl.

"Well, why don't we get in a little 'extra practice' this morning, so I can show you what I can really do, and then you'll be certain that I'll pass?" asked Jordan.

Tiffany took control of the situation. "As tempting as the offer is, Jordan, we're going to wait until the actual main event, before anyone has you again. Unfortunately, each one of us has duties that we have to perform on the Island, including you. We've made an announcement that the main event will be held this Sunday morning."

"Do you think you can keep yourself under control for that long, love?" asked Clyda.

"I guess I'll have to," said Jordan. "But I've gotta tell you, it's gonna be really hard to wait that long for me."

"I'm glad to hear that you're excited about it Jordan," said Tiffany. "But I want to warn you and remind you that is going to be a very severe test for you. Not a joyride to be taken lightly. First of all, Ebony is going to be there. I'm sure you remember your afternoon with her? And with four other horse-hung shemales in the same room, you'd damn well better believe that Ebony is going to be excited as hell, and she's probably not going to be as easy on you as she was the first time."

Jordan's thoughts drifted back to Ebony's monstrous cock, hammering in and out of her pussy and her ass like a black piledriver, and she winced involuntarily.

"We also know from your video career before coming to the Island, that you did a few anal scenes; maybe even a double-penetration scene here and there that we don't know about," said Tiffany. "How about a double-anal scene, Jordan?"

Jordan could only stare at the other girls with an amazed expression on her face, as she imagined what Tiffany was describing.

"Did you ever do a double-insertion in your pussy, love?" asked Clyda. Jordan sat still in her chair, as the impact of Clyda and Tiffany's words hit home to her.

"Don't think for a fucking minute that just because you've only got three orifices, that you're only going to have to deal with three cocks inside you at any given time," warned Tiffany. "I guarantee that we'll stretch your cunt, ass and throat farther and deeper than they've ever been stretched before, and in ways that you've never thought were even humanly possible."

"You'll also have to deal with myself, Tiffany and Barocca, girl," said Clyda. "I'll tell you in advance that we're all roughly the same size and shape downstairs. But I certainly want another crack at you. Tiffany's been lusting at the chance to get inside your pussy. And Barocca certainly wants to show you the business end of her cock, after the milking ritual."

"And don't forget about me," said Dee Dee. "I'll be frank in that I'm not the most well-hung gal on the Island. But I do definitely make up for it in other ways. Like Tiffany said, we're not gonna have any sex right now, but I think you deserve a sneak preview of what to expect from me, once Sunday rolls around. You'll find that there's a reason I always wear loose fitting skirts, and never just bikini panties like some of the girls here."

Dee Dee stood up from the sofa, walked in front of Jordan, and quickly removed her skirt. Dee Dee was now naked except for her sandals and her bikini top.

Jordan gasped as she got a clear, unobstructed view of Dee Dee's cock. Dee Dee's cock hung down ten inches in its limp state, but that was not what shocked Jordan. Even limp, Dee Dee's cock was at least four inches in diameter. Underneath Dee Dee's prick, Jordan could see Dee Dee's balls. Dee Dee had nuts that even soft, were at least the size of softballs. They were easily as large as Ebony's or Clyda's balls had been when those girls were at their peak of arousal and intensity. Jordan sat there with her mouth open in amazement, as she gawked at Dee Dee's cock and balls.

"Ordinarily, I have the new girls genuflect whenever they see my cock," giggled Dee Dee. "But in your case, I think I'll make an exception." Dee Dee picked up her skirt, and fastened it about her waist, and sat down on the sofa again.

"Thanks for giving Jordan a final reality check, Dee Dee," said Tiffany. "Now I want you to realize, Jordan, that despite what you just saw and just heard, that you're among friends here. It's just vitally important that you understand the seriousness of the situation, and that if you listen up, and follow instructions from us, everything will work out in the long run."

"Remember, Jordan," said Dee Dee, "we said we'd find a way for you to make it through a day with Ebony, and we did. I also told you that you'd enjoy an afternoon with Clyda, and that was true too. We're not going to send you to the main event with no preparation. On Saturday night, I'll have something for you, that will give you a fighting chance."

Jordan looked somewhat relieved but still had a look of nervousness on her face.

"We'll give you enough help so that you can accommodate all the cockmeat that's going to be shoved inside you, Jordan," said Tiffany. "But as I said earlier, you're going to be subjected to more cock, in more ways, for longer periods of time, than probably ever before in your life. In short, you're going to have to be ready to give the performance of your life on Sunday."

"Well, I'll admit that you've certainly scared the shit out of me, this morning," said Jordan. "But I've also come too far, and endured too much, first with Ebony, and then with Clyda, to give up and turn back now. If you say I've got a chance, then it's a chance I'm going to take, and I'm going to make the most of it."

"That's good to hear, Jordan," said Tiffany. "We may have other instructions for you before the main event, but for now, just relax as much as you can, and be ready on Sunday."

"I do have one other question, and I hope that you won't think I'm too rude or too nosy for asking it," said Jordan.

"What's that, Jordan?" asked Tiffany.

"Well, I couldn't help but noticing how unique and different Dee Dee's cock is, compared to some of the others that I've seen," said Jordan. "I was wondering if Dee Dee could tell me a little more about it."

"Okay, that's fair, enough. I don't see any harm there," said Dee Dee. "To begin with, I was one of the very first girls on the Island, and I developed the procedure for giving the girls cocks, and then helping them enlarge and develop them, when they had earned it.

"I'll confess that I've always been a cum freak," said Dee Dee. "I mean I've really enjoyed seeing the girls here as they developed skyscrapers between their legs, and there was always an informal competition to see who had the most meat. I've the most incredible sex of my life here on the Island, and been surrounded by more cock and more cum than anyone knows what to do with.

"But as I said, I'm a cum junkie. So I decided early on not to concentrate on trying to keep up with everyone in terms of sheer size and length, as far as my cock went. As you can tell, I produced a new kind of formula that I used on my own cock, that resulted in the incredible thickness of my shaft, and the massive balls that you got a look at.

"My cock is also incredibly thick, as you can tell. And I was the one who developed the straps and rings you saw used in the milking ritual, so that our erections are harder, we shoot off more cum, and the feelings are more intense."

"How big is your cock, compared to some of the other girls, Dee Dee?" asked Jordan.

"Size-wise, I top out at about fifteen to sixteen inches," replied Dee Dee. "That's probably plenty bigger than anything you saw back in the outside world. But around here, it makes me the 'runt of the litter', among the senior amazons, so to speak. But I make up for it by being able to deliver some of the biggest cum shots on the Island."

"Wow!" exclaimed Jordan. "What's the biggest load you've ever shot off Dee Dee?"

"Well, the one that the girls talk about the most, happened a long time ago, when there weren't that many girls on the Island," said Dee Dee. "But it's captured on videotape, and Clyda and Tiffany were there running the cameras, to watch it. I've got the distinction of being the only amazon on the Island to ever gag Ebony, and make her say 'uncle'."

"That's incredible," said Jordan. "How did it happen?"

"Well at the time, there weren't that many of us here," said Dee Dee. "And we raised money by filming virtually all of our sex scenes, as well as doing custom videos and photo sets for special customers. I was doing a scene with Ebony, and Clyda and Tiffany were filming it. Ebony was being her typical self, dominating the majority of the scene, and she wouldn't let me cum for the longest time. When Ebony finally sucked me off, and brought me to a climax, I had built up a load in my balls like Niagara Falls. I shot off so hard, so fast and so long, that even Ebony eventually coughed and almost choked on it. She had me pull out, and I still completely plastered her face and hair with my load."

"As I recall, that wound up being one of our best selling videos for the longest time," said Clyda, with a chuckle.

"Ever since then, Ebony has always treated me with a lot of respect, almost as an equal," said Dee Dee. "We've each helped the other in terms of computer and security matters a great deal. It's one of those things that I don't bring up or brag about a lot for obvious reasons. When someone else does bring it up, I play it down, and say 'oh I got lucky that day', and don't make a big deal about it. I caught Ebony by surprise that one day, but I don't tempt fate by boasting about it."

"All right, Jordan," said Tiffany with a laugh. "This concludes our 'shemale history lesson' for today. I want you to report to the kitchen, and just go through your duties normally for the next few days, until Sunday. Dee Dee and I will see you Saturday night, and give you the final pep talk before everything happens the next day."

"Above all," continued Tiffany, "none of what you've heard in this room should be told to anyone else. If anyone asks, all you know is that you have to perform in a marathon or gang-bang on Sunday, and that's it."

"Hurry on off to the kitchen, love," said Clyda. "If we need to contact you for anything we'll either come see you in person at your quarters, or through the 'usual means'."

"All righty," said Jordan. "I guess I'll see all of you together again on Sunday. Thanks for being open with me, and telling me more about things on the Island." Jordan got up, and headed out the door to the kitchen, to finish out her duties there.

Tiffany, Clyda and Dee Dee sat down again in Tiffany's quarters.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Tiffany. "Do you think we pulled it off?"

"Well, your little speech certainly humbled Jordan, that's for sure, Tiffany," said Clyda. "And I thought her eyes were going to pop out when she saw your cock, Dee Dee."

"For the time being, I think we've got her cowed enough to do as we say," said Dee Dee. "I'll come up with something that'll help Jordan pass the main event, but I'll try to make it like the first pill, so that it'll humble her while she does it. As long as Jordan doesn't figure out that we actually want her to pass the main event, and fixed things so she would, I think we'll be all right."

"Dee Dee's right," said Tiffany. "If Jordan passes the main event, but still gets put through the wringer in the process, then we should be able to control her from there on."

Barocca's Recruiting - Barocca Gets Her Way

The next few days were busy ones for Barocca. In addition to her regular duties on the Island, Barocca made the rounds of the Island. Barocca had a very precise list of things she needed to do, and others that she needed to ensure happened, in order for her plan to succeed.

Barocca racked her brain, and recalled one girl she had met several years ago, who just might be game enough to see things her way, and want to come to the Island. If she could convince her to want to come here, Barocca would have what she thought would be her perfect partner to see all of her plans come to fruition. After the fiasco with Ebony the night before, Barocca decided that she couldn't trust Ebony completely, and it wouldn't hurt to have someone else in her inner circle.

The first step was getting her telephone access increased. Barocca paid a visit to Debbie who was in charge of the network on the Island. Barocca settled into one of the leather chairs on the other side of Debbie's desk in her office.

Barocca grimaced involuntarily as she rested her bottom on the seat of the chair. Even though she had been an amazon for years, and had built up a 'toughness' or 'immunity' to having sex with the oversized cocks on the Island, Ebony had reamed Barocca until her ass was raw. There simply wasn't any defense against a creature like Ebony, when she blew a gasket, and Barocca had paid the price as she found that out the hard way.

"C'mon, Debbie," said Barocca, as she continued her sales pitch. "It's not like you can't do this for me. I need to have more telephone access to the outside world, and I need a secure line."

"Explain to me just why you need something so special, Barocca," said Debbie.

"All right. But keep this under your hat, Debbie," said Barocca. "In a few weeks from now, both Tiffany and Clyda's birthdays fall, and they're only two days apart. I want to make some calls to the mainland, and the outside world, and have some special stuff sent here for the celebration. That way, we can hold one gala party for both of the girls at once."

"But we've had birthday parties here before, and nothing ever this elaborate," said Debbie.

"That's because Tiffany and Clyda are the two amazons who've done the most towards setting up our little Island paradise here," said Barocca. "Not to mention, that next month is going to be the five year anniversary of our little home here. I wanted to do something special to celebrate all three occasions. That's why I need the secure phone access, and why I've come to you directly, instead of through regular channels."

"Okay, Barocca," said Debbie. "I can make the phone access happen for you; that's easy. And throwing a birthday bash for Tiffany and Clyda is really sweet of you too. But I want something out of this deal too."

"All right, Debbie," said Barocca. "Just tell me what you want, and I'll see what I can do about it."

"That's easy, Barocca," said Debbie, as a devilish grin spread across her face. "I want you."

"Me?" gasped Barocca. "Debbie, I had no idea you felt this way."

"C'mon, Barocca," replied Debbie. "I've liked girls more than guys ever since I can remember in the first place. Once I finally found my way to the Island, I noticed that all the girls are cute and busty here, but you stand out head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. And then I watched you one time while you were strapped in the milking device for a day. I haven't been here that long, so I know eventually that I'll have a dick of my own between my legs; but I've hardly been able to stop thinking about seeing you shoot off so many times that day."

"Okay, Debbie. I'm really flattered that you feel that strongly about me," said Barocca. "Just what would like for me to do for you?" Barocca knew she had to be extremely careful at how she played up to Debbie and the other girls she needed to influence. She couldn't be too easy, and she couldn't be too stern and demanding, either.

"It's like I said, I haven't been here that long on the Island," said Debbie. "So I don't have anywhere near the buildup or endurance that the other girls do, to be able to take you inside of me. But I do have a fantasy that you can fulfill for me, and really get me off."

"And just what did you have in mind, Debbie dear?" asked Barocca. Barocca was careful to add some huskiness and sexual charm to her voice. The quicker she could get Debbie's desire to build, the easier it would be to play things out to a satisfactory conclusion.

"First, I want you to fuck my tits," said Debbie. "I don't have the absolute biggest set of knockers, but I did pose a number of times for the big boob magazines, and the photographers always told me that they were bigger than a lot of other girls'."

"Okay. One tittyfuck. You got it," said Barocca. "Anything else?"

"Yes," said Debbie. "After you fuck my juggs, I want you to shoot off in my mouth. I love the taste of cum as much as anybody around here does. But I want you to do a really nice, slow, controlled jerk-off, so I can swallow every drop of your cum and really enjoy it. I've been here long enough to know that you and the other amazons have phenomenal control over your cocks. I know that you can make yourself cum like this, instead of shooting off like a fire hydrant. Right now, there's no way I can suck you off like that. Maybe later I'll be able to, but not now."

The two girls stared at each other as they sat on opposite sides of Debbie's desk.

"So what do you say, Barocca?" asked Debbie. "If you do what I want, I'll do what you want; and I can have that phone set up in your quarters this afternoon. It's almost lunchtime right now anyway, and I know that no one will be coming back here for at least an hour."

Barocca leaned back in the chair, and took a deep breath. She brought her hands together in a contemplative pose. Barocca let a quizzical look form on her face, as she pursed her lips together, and mulled her options over. She needed the phone access, but it was very important not to jump too soon at Debbie's offer like an eager schoolgirl.

Ordinarily a newcomer to the Island being so bold would merit severe disciplinary action, if not outright expulsion. But Barocca needed Debbie more than Debbie needed Barocca and both girls knew it. Barocca let her eyes wander about the room for a moment, and then slowly brought her gaze face to face with Debbie.

Barocca let one of her dazzling smiles that had broken so many hearts, and been the inspiration for so many jerk-off sessions in the pages of men's magazines flow across her features.

"I say lock your door, and close the window blinds, Debbie," replied Barocca. "If you want to get your first taste of real shemale cum, I'll be happy to oblige you."

Barocca made a mental note to be sure that she dealt with Miss Debbie personally, later on down the road. But for now, on to the business at hand.

Debbie got up and locked the office door, and quickly pulled down the window blinds. Barocca got up and turned away from Debbie, as she removed her bikini top, and her skirt. Barocca decided to give Debbie a little extra bonus, and she let the mental control over her cock relax, while it was still inside her bikini panties. Instantly, Barocca's cock expanded to almost ten inches long, and almost several inches thick. Her balls were now the size of two tomatoes. It looked like someone had stuffed several large sweat socks inside her panties.

While Barocca removed her clothes, Debbie did the same. Being clad similarly to Barocca, Debbie was naked in no time. Debbie had a large set of full, natural knockers that were larger than Barocca's. But although Debbie had clean skin, her complexion was nowhere near as dark as Barocca's, and the contrast between the two girls was very pronounced.

For a moment, the two girls stood surveying each other, this being the first time they had each seen other naked this close together. Barocca found herself attracted to Debbie's good looks, and large melons, but still resolved to discipline her at a later time and place.

Debbie looked at Barocca's dark bronze figure with awe. Although she'd done it with girls before, none before were as stacked and as exotic looking as Barocca. And the massive bulge in Barocca's bikini panties had Debbie's mouth positively watering.

"Don't be shy, girl," said Barocca, turning on the charm. "Come here and unwrap the 'surprise package' Barocca's got for you." Barocca indicated the two bow knots that held her panties together on the sides of her hips. Debbie quickly knelt at Barocca's feet, and easily undid the two knots. Barocca's panties fell away, leaving her cock fully exposed and dangling in the air in front of Debbie.

"Go on girl, touch it," said Barocca. "I know you want to. Show me what you can do with it." Barocca released all control over her cock, willing herself to an erection as fast as possible. It wouldn't hurt Debbie to know that she wasn't responsible for the result.

Between Debbie's fondling and stroking on her shaft with one hand, squeezing her nuts with the other, and sucking on her cockhead, Barocca's prick quickly swelled and grew to its full length before the astonished Debbie. Just over twenty inches of rock hard cock were thrusting out from Barocca's crotch like a missile. Barocca stepped back a pace, and let Debbie get a good look at just how huge her cock really was.

"Well now, " said Barocca. "I think you've definitely gotten me ready for action, Debbie. Too bad you don't have any oil or lotion here. Then we could really enjoy what's going to happen next."

"I'm way ahead of you, Barocca," said Debbie. "Just give me a second." Debbie reached into a drawer of her desk, and produced a bottle of baby oil.

"Damn, this gal really did think of everything," Barocca thought to herself. "Oh well, that's one more thing she'll answer to me for, in time."

"Well what are you waiting for, honey?" asked Barocca. Debbie got on her knees close to Barocca again. Barocca's cock was pointing straight out a ninety-degree angle. She poured a long stream of baby oil all along the shaft of her cock, starting just below the very tip of her cockhead, and moving all the way down to the base, near her pelvis.

As the oil began to seep down the sides of Barocca's cock, Debbie quickly began stroking the shaft of Barocca's cock up and down, and back and forth with her hands. The feeling of Debbie's strong young hands as they rubbed over the veins and ridges of Barocca's cock turned Barocca on more and more.

Debbie also began trying to suck on Barocca's fist-sized cockhead. But being so new to the Island, there wasn't any way that Debbie could get more than half of it inside her mouth.

Barocca responded by reaching for the bottle of baby oil, and poured some liberally over Debbie's knockers. Debbie's tits were full, firm melons, and as Barocca massaged the oil onto and around her nipples, she could feel them stiffen and rise beneath her fingers. The stimulation on her breasts caused Debbie to grow more passionate, and somehow swallow even more of Barocca's cockhead than she thought was possible.

The two girls pleasured each other in this manner for a few minutes, until Barocca pulled away. Barocca's cock looked like a tan-colored aluminum baseball bat, which had been dipped in oil.

"Okay, girl," said Barocca. "Now you've got me good and hard, and slicker than a greased pig as well. Lay down on the carpet like a good little slut. I'm gonna fuck those over-sized melons of yours good now."

Debbie eagerly assumed the position for Barocca. As Debbie pushed her boobs together and balanced them on her chest, it looked like she was trying to contain two flesh-colored bowling balls.

"Holy shit, girl!" said Barocca as she got a good look at Debbie. "You got in line at least twice when they passed out the tits. But as you can see, I went back for seconds myself, when they handed out the cock meat."

Barocca straddled Debbie's torso with one leg on either side of her. Barocca picked her cock up, and let it land loudly on Debbie's tummy with a loud slap, so that Debbie could truly feel the size and weight of her prick.

"Wow! That tool of yours is fucking huge, Barocca," said Debbie.

"Having second thoughts, are we?" teased Barocca.

"No way!" squealed Debbie. "Go ahead and do it to me, Barocca. I can't take the suspense any longer."

"All right then. Here we go, girl," said Barocca.

Barocca reached over to the bottle of baby oil, and poured even more oil along her rock hard shaft. Barocca thrust her cockhead between the crevice formed at the bottom of Debbie's two massive breasts. Debbie's tits were so heavy, Barocca actually had to exert more strength and force than she would've thought necessary to get her cock between the twin mountains.

Once her cockhead was buried, the rest of Barocca's cock slid in much easier. Barocca reveled in the feeling of having her cock sandwiched between so much titflesh. When a gal had such massive boobs as Debbie did, and knew how to use them, it was almost as nice as having her cock in a girl's pussy. Barocca enjoyed titty fucking because she could rear back and really thrust her cock in and out hard, and rarely have to worry about hurting her partner.

Barocca decided to exercise just a little domination and discipline over Debbie in this position. Barocca began by letting her cockhead graze Debbie's chin and jaw on some of her forward thrusts. Not every time, and not very hard. But enough to make Debbie realize the size and power of the piece of meat between her tits.

Barocca also took liberties with Debbie's huge, leathery nipples. Debbie's giant teats were almost four inches across, and the nipples themselves were as thick as her thumbs, and stuck out almost an inch. Debbie was holding her breasts on the sides, so they made a perfect handhold for Barocca as she fucked Debbie's tits.

Barocca fucked Debbie's tits in this manner for almost twenty minutes. Barocca varied between short powerful strokes, and a series of quick, jackhammer like thrusts. Barocca and Debbie stared deeply into each other's eyes as they brought each other to greater heights of pleasure. Perhaps at a later date, they would become more intimate, and then more sexy chatter and talking dirty would occur between them during sex. For now the girls were each completely engrossed in their own lust for pleasure.

Eventually, Barocca felt herself building up to the point of no return, and then past it. Ordinarily, Barocca would increase her stroking for the maximum feelings and intensity of her cum shot. But she had promised Debbie to do it differently this time, and Barocca needed the favor that Debbie could grant her. Barocca quickly pulled her cock out from between Debbie's knockers. Barocca gripped the shaft of her cock, and clamped down with hand and wrist, forcing the eruption building inside her balls to hold back for a few seconds.

"All right girl!" said Barocca. "You wanted to taste my cum? Sit up and get ready, because here comes the mother load."

Debbie quickly rose up to a sitting position, and opened her mouth as wide as she could. Barocca had seen other girls look forward to their first times on the Island before, but Debbie had a look of anticipation almost like she was expecting a religious experience. Barocca thrust her cockhead towards Debbie's mouth. To her surprise, Debbie engulfed her entire cockhead, and had her jaws firmly fastened on it. Barocca released her hand on her cock, and let several streams of hot jism flood into Debbie's mouth and down her throat.

Debbie's eyes flew open in astonishment, as she realized the heat, the taste, and the force of Barocca's cum entering her mouth. Debbie first let out an inarticulate squeal that couldn't really be identified, as she absorbed Barocca's cum. This quickly changed into a deep, throaty moan of purest passion and enjoyment, as Debbie savored Barocca's jism.

Barocca released more pressure on the shaft of her cock, and also increased her strokes, as she let more cum flow faster into Debbie. The girl couldn't take a complete full force cum shot yet, but it wouldn't be long. She was a natural cocksucker, Barocca realized.

Barocca gave in to pleasure, and began moaning as the feelings overtook her, and started talking nasty and sexy to Debbie, as she gulped away.

"Oh, yeah, girl!" purred Barocca. "Suck all my cum down, like a good little slut. You really do love the taste the taste of cum, don't you honey?"

Debbie somehow managed to nod her head, and even suck a little harder on Barocca.

"Well, you came to the right place if you like cum, honey," said Barocca. "We can feed you enough jism until you drown in it, and then some."

For over a minute, Barocca continued to shoot off at a more or less controlled rate, into Debbie's greedy mouth. Barocca had to admit that Debbie had sucked down her cum at a better pace than she would've thought, treating her to a nicer orgasm. Debbie kept on sucking well after Barocca's last spurt, completely draining nearly every drop of jism from her shaft.

Debbie had a glazed look in her eyes, as she finally came back to reality after being lost in the euphoria of sucking off Barocca.

"Your cum is fucking incredible, Barocca!" said Debbie. "I've never tasted anything so sinfully delicious."

"I've gotta admit, that was pretty damn good, Debbie," said Barocca. "I like a gal who knows what she likes and can finish what she starts."

The two girls looked at each other somewhat awkwardly for a moment. At another time and place, Barocca would've definitely liked to continue the fun and games that had just ended. But for now, there other more pressing matters to attend to.

"Well, as much as I enjoyed myself, Debbie," said Barocca, "I've got things to do this afternoon. I trust that you'll take care of your end of the bargain?"

"You got it, Barocca," replied Debbie eagerly. "I'll have the phone set up and in your quarters before you know it. You'll be able to use it right away."

"Good girl," said Barocca. "We'll have to do this again sometime. But after we've got you started on the 'development plan' here on the Island. Then I'll show you how to really fuck and suck."

"I can hardly wait, Barocca," said Debbie.

Barocca recognized the heartfelt devotion, and true addiction of an utter sex slave in Debbie's voice and actions. With a little effort, Barocca knew she could easily have another die hard in her small entourage of sex concubines in Debbie. Barocca stood up, and picked up her clothes.

"I've got a restroom in the back where you can tidy up if you want, Barocca," said Debbie.

"You really do think of everything, girl," said Barocca as she smiled at Debbie.

After she entered the small restroom, which also doubled as a bath and shower, Barocca wiped herself down with a towel, and applied some perfume and deodorant. She also ran a comb through her hair. Then she donned her bikini panties, and then her top. Barocca fitted and nudged her breasts until they were displayed full and luscious in the cups, and nestled together nicely, showing a lot of cleavage. After putting on her skirt again, Barocca looked almost as she had when she had first entered Debbie's office. Barocca smiled and waved good-bye to Debbie as she left the office.

Barocca's Recruiting - Barocca Finds A Friend

Later that evening in her quarters, Barocca plopped down onto her bed in disgust. It wasn't until now that Barocca realized what a daunting task she had ahead of her, in trying to contact the girl she wanted, and then recruit her. Even though Barocca now had a phone with secure access to the outside world, the type of information she needed wasn't exactly easy to come by.Barocca hadn't kept that much of a personal phone or address book even before she came to the Island. What little that she had with her now were all hopelessly out of date.

She had thought about calling some of the magazines she had posed for over the years, in the hopes of perhaps reaching an editor or staff person who might remember her. But of the dozens of titles she'd posed for, only a smattering of them even bothered to list themselves in any type of phone directory. And those only listed an 800 number for subscriptions or adver-tising. Certainly not intimate details about the models posing in them, or the staff that worked for them. The couple of times she'd actually spoken with someone, and not a recording, she had no way of convincing them that she was who she said she was. It had been at least several years since her last pictorial. That was a lifetime in the adult magazine business.

Local phone directories that were available through the Internet searches weren't much help either. Barocca had only known the girls she worked with by their performing names, or maybe by just a real first name only. Names like 'Seka' or 'Little Oral Annie' certainly weren't going to be in the directory listings. "I know mine wouldn't be," Barocca thought to herself.

On top of that, Barocca could only assume that Jeanne was still living somewhere in the Los Angeles or Southern California area. That was where she had last known that Jeanne was living. Even if she was still there, that only narrowed things down to finding one person in well over ten million people.

Barocca even tried sorting through the endless mountain of porn on the Internet, hoping that she might find a website or a fan club devoted to who she wanted.

"Shit!" thought Barocca. "It seems like every other girl who ever worked in porn has photos posted of her here. Including half of the girls that are on the Island now. And most of them have some type of fan club or tribute page that somebody's put up."

Frustrated at the lack of progress she'd made that night, Barocca gave in for the night, and went to bed. Thinking and reminiscing about all of her modeling and video work in the past caused Barocca to dream.

Barocca's dreams that night were a disjointed mix of her modeling and video days, and were punctuated by visions of being either molested and/or annoyed by Ebony and Jordan, both of whom had overgrown pricks, even by the Island's standards. As a result, Barocca was cranky and irritable when she awoke the next morning.

The troublesome dreams of Ebony and Jordan did serve a purpose to Barocca. It caused her to recall a series of videos she'd made for a company in Southern California, which were almost all catfight or wrestling style videos. Barocca hadn't particularly enjoyed making them, but they did pay well, and they had been a reliable source of income, without the fear of bouncing checks. Something she couldn't say about every company or director that she'd worked for.

The more Barocca recalled working for that company, the more details she remembered. During dead time between filming sessions, she'd flipped through some of the company fliers and catalogs that were in the company's office. Barocca had seen girls in all stages of their careers that had worked for the company. Veterans like herself; new starlets who were just starting out; and older girls on the downside of their careers, trying to hang on for a just a little longer. Then it hit Barocca: she had seen the girl's name on one of the older catalogs! She was positive about it. She knew her face and features well enough, that she couldn't be mistaken. And the company had used her most common name in the business, to capitalize on her appeal.

Now if only she could remember the name of that fucking company! Then it hit Barocca. She hadn't bothered to keep any sort of accurate count or history of anybody's video and magazine appearances. But other people had.

Barocca hopped in front of her computer again, and brought up her Internet browser. She did a search for a site she had seen a link to the other day, but hadn't bothered going to, because she didn't think there would be any point to it. After a few moments of scanning the search results, Barocca found the site she was looking for: The Adult Internet Film Database.

Barocca clicked on the link, and held her breath. After searching for smut on the Internet, Barocca had become leery of the hype and promise. Too many sites and links were broken, or turned out to be nothing like what they were advertised as. A moment later, Barocca breathed a sigh of relief as the graphics for the site began to load. "Okay. I've got one foot in the door. Now what do I do?" thought Barocca.Fortunately, the site was user friendly, and easy to use, with a minimum of menu choices and cluttering advertising banners. "It says: type in the name of a performer, and click 'go'. Seems simple enough." Barocca typed in the word 'Jeanne', and clicked her mouse on the icon.

About several seconds passed, as the application did its work. To Barocca's surprise, over a dozen results were displayed. Girls with the same first name, and different last names, as well as girls with variations on the spelling of the first name. Fortunately, they were sorted alphabetically according to the first name, and then by the last name, so it made it fairly easy to scroll down and find the entry she thought she wanted.

Barocca highlighted Jeanne's name, and clicked 'go' again. The hourglass appeared for the next several seconds as it processed. In seconds, the screen was filled with dozens of lines of neatly arranged text that filled the window, and scrolled on past the bottom. They were sorted alphabetically by the film title, a date when available, and sometimes some comments. There was only one problem.

"Page one of five!" Barocca exclaimed to herself as she looked at the bottom of the scroll bar. "Damn! I know Jeanne told me she'd been in the business for a few years when I met her. But I had no fucking idea she'd made this many videos. I'll never sort through all of these!"

Barocca moved over to her bed and sprawled out on her back, and let her thoughts come to her. "All right. I've found a decent source of information here. I've just gotta figure out the right way to use it, is all. There's no way I know enough about Jeanne's career to know which videos are which on this site."

Barocca relaxed and meditated, and thought some more about the puzzle that was presented to her. Suddenly it hit her. "I've got it! I know a hell of a lot more about my own video career, than about somebody else's. If I can manage to find a list of my own titles, I know I can figure out which ones were the wrestling ones."

Barocca went back to the PC, and went back to the main menu of the site. In the model name field, she typed in her own name, and held her breath, and clicked 'go'. To her relief, hers was the only name that displayed in the results field; not over a dozen, as with Jeanne's name."I knew there was a reason I chose a unique name for this business," Barocca chuckled to herself. "And they even spelled it right. Now to see if whoever designed this site, and did the research really did their homework on me," thought Barocca. She highlighted her own name, and clicked 'go' again.

The search results were much quicker this time. "Well, that figures," thought Barocca. "I wasn't a wallflower, but I didn't jump at the opportunity to make a video every time somebody called me either."

The display indicated Barocca had made just over sixty videos. "That can't be right. I know it can't more than about two-thirds that amount. I mean I should know; I was there." Then Barocca inspected the actual titles. Although she was no marketing expert, she soon caught on to the concept of some of the titles. "Some of these must be collection or rerun tapes from their titles. And who knows how many times some of my scenes were used multiple times for these things."

Then Barocca settled down, and began slowly reading and digesting the information before her. "Ah, here we go! Some of these have got to be the ones that I made for that company. 'Black Battling Bitches'. 'Catfighting Cunts'. With names like these, it's a wonder that they sold any of them at all. Let's see now. These were made five years ago. That sounds about right. I hadn't come to the Island then." At that point, the information stopped. "Hey! Where's the name of the fucking company that made any of these things?"

To her relief, Barocca realized that she only had to click the scrollbar on the bottom right of the screen, to display the final few fields of information. "Here it is: Napali Video. I knew that name was just on the tip of my tongue! That's what I remember them calling themselves when I worked for them. Now for the next trick: to see if these guys are still in business after this many years."

Barocca then did a search for 'Napali Video' and found a short list of results. Some were for other companies selling their videos. Others were some reviews of various titles. One of the first links was for the actual company website itself. "Now we're getting somewhere," thought Barocca.

As she scanned the various menus, Barocca was intrigued to find out that the company was still in business. They were taking orders for videos that would ship in a month or so, as well as a huge list of recent and older titles for sale. "Great! Now all I've gotta do is get in touch with them."

That proved to be more difficult than Barocca thought. The company took orders via snail mail, but their address was a Post Office box in Los Angeles. They had a phone number, but it was only a recording on an 800 line, where you could order videos with a credit card.

"Shit! So close, and yet still so far," muttered Barocca. Then her eyes happened to notice a link at the bottom of the page. "E-mail us with questions about special orders and custom videos," Barocca read aloud. "That's right! I remember making one video where he wanted me and another girl to act as if we were talking to some guy, while we did it. I've got no idea if the same guy who ran the business is still running it now, but this is a way to get in touch with somebody there. But what am I gonna say to these people?"

Barocca went to lunch, and mulled the problem over in her head. By the time she returned, she had formulated a plan of action. When she was seated at her computer again, Barocca wrote an e-mail to the company.

"Hi! My name's Barocca, and I worked for you as a model, a number of years ago. (She listed several titles, and included details about the actual locations of the video shootings, as well as some of the off camera events that stood out in her mind. Something that only someone who was there when the videos themselves were made could know.) I'm still in the modeling business, although I haven't been quite as active as I once was. (She'd have to come up with some way to explain her absence. That could get sticky, but she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.) I really enjoyed working with you before, and was wondering if you had any opportunities or openings to do so again. If you think you still would be able to use me, please e-mail me back, and leave me a telephone number so I can talk to you about it in more detail. Thanks! Love, Barocca."

The next day, Barocca signed on to her computer at the end of the day, and found an e-mail waiting for her in her in-box. It was actually from someone at Napali Video after all! Barocca clicked on the message, and read the body of the text. It was indeed from the fellow who ran the company. He remembered Barocca from several years ago, and some of the personal details she had supplied, had convinced him to contact her. He was eager to talk about possible future projects with her, and even supplied his telephone number.

"It's about fucking time," thought Barocca. "Finally, someone who believes I'm who I say I am, and is actually willing to talk to me."

Barocca dialed the number, and was soon talking with him across the country in Southern California. Long before she had started in the modeling and video business, Barocca had made herself talk in a very cultured, almost exotic sounding voice, as a matter of habit. It had served her well in her video career, and most people instantly recognized her when she spoke to them, including the fellow at Napali Video now.

Barocca engaged in a lengthy conversation with the fellow. To make a long story short, Barocca was welcome with open arms, to come back to the business whenever she wanted to. However, when she had tried to drop a hint and pry any information out of him on Jeanne and other girls' whereabouts, she found that he didn't know a lot more than most people. As Barocca was getting ready to end the conversation, he did give her one more glimmer of hope.

"It's funny that you should mention Jeanne, Barocca," he said. "That's twice in one week her name's come up. One of the fellows who does my still photography for me said that he'd done a photo shoot with Jeanne just last week. He was surprised that she was still in the business too. He thought she'd packed her bags and left a long time ago."

Barocca's eyes lit up on the other end of the line. It was a good thing he couldn't see how she was squirming on her seat like a nervous schoolgirl.

"Hey, that's great!" said Barocca. "Do you think you could give me his name and number please?" Barocca wrote it down carefully, asking him to repeat it twice. She thanked him, and promised him, he'd be the first one she called whenever she was in town looking for work again.

As she read the name and address in front of her, Barocca recognized the photo-grapher's name. She'd worked with him a number of times. She couldn't hope to remember which layouts she posed in for him, but the name was definitely familiar. Barocca dialed the new number in front of her. After a couple of rings, a man's voice answered. Barocca introduced herself to him, hoping that her voice would trigger a reaction in him as well.

"Barocca? Hell yes, I remember you!" he exclaimed into the phone. In the background, Barocca could hear a woman's voice angrily asking him what the fuck was going on.

"Oh shit," Barocca blushed. "I hope I didn't get you into trouble with your wife."

"Don't give it a second thought," he replied. "I'm changing film during a photo shoot here, and one of the prima donnas here has her nose out of joint. Let me call you back in an hour when I wrap things up here, and we'll talk more."

Good to his word, the phone rang at Barocca's end, a little over an hour later.

"So where've you been keeping yourself, Barocca?" he asked. "I haven't heard from you in years."

Barocca made up a story about thinking she'd found 'Mr. Right' and had settled down for a while. Only now things had changed, and she was thinking seriously about getting back into the business again. And that she was also trying to contact a few old friends. She told him how the fellow at Napali Video had tipped her off about him photographing Jeanne recently.

"Well now. I think that we can work something out here," he replied. "But it's gonna cost you. I know you've been taking care of yourself, if you're thinking about getting back into this business. Give me an exclusive so I can do your first photo shoot on your return to the world."

"Oh I could give you an exclusive, all right," thought Barocca. "Pictures and videos that nobody would believe were real in fact. Me and dozens of other girls." Barocca knew that a limited amount of what they produced on the Island was big boob and girl-girl stuff that could be marketed almost anywhere, without getting into the shemale angle. There were plenty of photo sets and videos that were only sold to private collectors.

"How about this idea?" proposed Barocca. "Not only can I get you some exclusive photos of myself. I can also get my hands on plenty of material of Ebony also. Guaranteed that none of these have been published anywhere before. I'll e-mail you some ZIP files of them, to give you a sample of them. Then you give me a way to get in touch with Jeanne. Once I actually contact Jeanne, and know you're on the level, I'll Fed-Ex out the original prints and negatives to you."

Barocca knew that he could make a lucrative fee just selling the copies of the prints to his own special clients, as well as on the Internet. With the negatives, he'd make a major profit selling them to the magazines. All for enough information that wouldn't even fill up an index card.

"You got a deal girlfriend!" he exclaimed. "You send me some of the samples tonight, and I'll have the nitty gritty on Jeanne back to you before you're in bed tonight."

"Sounds great," replied Barocca. "Look for something in your in-box from me in a little while."

Barocca sent him several ZIP files with over sixty explicit, topless shots of herself and Ebony. Nothing that showed what they were like between the legs nowadays, but still nice stuff.

"If he truly comes through with the info on Jeanne, I may actually send out the other stuff," thought Barocca.

Good to his word, less than half an hour after she had sent the ZIP's, Barocca received an e-mail in response. Filled with anticipation, Barocca opened the document. It was short and to the point. A name, address, and telephone number; even Jeanne's e-mail address.

"If nothing else, he's certainly thorough," thought Jeanne. "This had better be the real thing on Jeanne, or I'm gonna be pissed." Barocca looked at the information before her, and then at the clock. It was only about seven o'clock in the evening in California. Now was as good a time as any to take the final step.

Barocca took a deep breath, and forced herself to remain calm. If this actually turned out to be Jeanne's real telephone number, and Barocca could contact her, the real job had only just begun. She would still have to find a way to convince Jeanne to come to the Island, and hope she would want to become a shemale, like herself and the other girls.

The phone number that the photographer listed had an 818 area code. "That means Jeanne's still living somewhere in LA or one of the suburbs down there," thought Barocca.One encouraging sign was that two people on the phone had mentioned that Jeanne was still working in the business, as recently as a week ago. That meant that Jeanne had to be taking decent care of herself, to still look good enough to be photographed for magazines.

Barocca hoped that Jeanne hadn't fallen into the tragic cycle of doing the modeling work, and then throwing all her money into booze or drugs, as a number of other girls had done towards the end of their careers. Barocca would have to do her best job of salesmanship in getting Jeanne to see things her way, and eventually come to the Island.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Barocca thought to herself, as she punched Jeanne's number into the telephone. After several rings, a woman's voice answered the phone.

"Hi, is this Jeanne?" asked Barocca.

"Yes, this is Jeanne," she replied. "Who's this?"

"Hey, this is a voice from your past," said Barocca. "Does the name 'Barocca' ring any bells to you?" Barocca was counting again on her unique voice striking a chord with Jeanne.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence, and then a light seemed to flash in Jeanne's head at her end of the line. "Oh, yeah! I remember you now. We both worked for a little while for that one company who made all the wrestling and catfight videos. What the heck was their name again?"

"You mean Napali Video," said Barocca. "The guy who runs it put me in touch with the photographer who works for him, and he gave me your number."

"Yeah, that's right," said Jeanne. "We were never in the same films, but we bumped into each other in the office and on the way to locations a few times. I remember you now. How've you been, girl?"

"Well, I stayed in the business myself for a couple more years after that," said Barocca. "Then I kind of dropped out of it. I found other things I wanted to do."

"Well, like you heard, I'm still doing the nasty for the films and magazines myself," said Jeanne. "I guess I've been in it so long now, that it's in my blood," she chuckled.

Barocca breathed a small sigh of relief at her end of the line. If Jeanne was still going strong after this many years in the business, there was a good chance that just might be able to persuade her to see things her way, and convince her to come to the Island.

"So what's up, Barocca?" asked Jeanne. "Is this just a social call, or did you have something else you wanted to talk about?"

"All right, I'll cut to the chase," admitted Barocca. "Please bear with me, if I'm a little long-winded here, but I'll try to make things brief. I remember a series of videos you made back in the 80's called 'Bi and Beyond'."

"Oh yeah, those things," said Jeanne. "You wouldn't believe some of the letters I got, after those came out. I had no idea that that people would actually like those, and want more."So far, Jeanne didn't sound like she felt fed up or disgusted when talking about those older videos.

"Well, I wasn't one of the ones who wrote you any fan letters," said Barocca. "But a friend of mine showed them to me a few years later. I hope you won't think that this is really weird or kinky Jeanne, but I thought you were incredibly sexy in those."

"Why thanks, Barocca," said Jeanne. "But I mean, everybody knows those were all faked scenes. They just glued a dildo to me, and painted it to match my skin. That's all they did."

"That's true," said Barocca. "But you looked like you really got into your scenes, anyway. And that really got me off watching you."

"Yeah, it was kind of nice 'being in charge' in a scene like that for a change," laughed Jeanne. "I had a lot of fun making those. It's too bad they don't have a way so you could do that in real life."

Barocca couldn't believe her ears. Hearing Jeanne admit that she liked her shemale strap-on scenes was too good to be true. She had to proceed very cautiously now, but it was apparent that Jeanne might just be interested in what she had to say next.

"Well, you may think this will sound really odd," said Barocca, "but I think I know a way that you could actually do that in real life."

"Get out of here!" laughed Jeanne. "I'm no scientist, but I know the body just doesn't work that way, girl."

"That's what most people, think," said Barocca. "Like I said, I know a place that could actually make that happen, if you think you want to give it a chance."

"I think you must've been standing too close to those photographer's flash bulbs when they went off," said Jeanne with a laugh. "You'd still have to find a way to convince me that something like this was even possible in the first place."

"Then let me show you some proof, Jeanne," said Barocca. "The one photographer gave me your e-mail address. So you've got a computer, right? Let me send you some ZIP files of photos of girls where I'm at that have gotten the 'treatment'. Take a look at those, and then I'll call you back tomorrow night."

"Okay, Barocca. I'll give you a chance to show me what you've got," said Jeanne. "Send me some of your best stuff, and if I'm convinced, I'll talk more to you tomorrow."

Barocca put together an assortment of photos of girls who were about halfway along in their cock development on the Island. Most of these featured girls whose cocks were anywhere from ten to fourteen inches long. She hoped that these would be enough to convince Jeanne to take her seriously.

Barocca avoided sending Jeanne anything on herself, or Ebony, or any of the senior amazons. Better to see if she could convince Jeanne with the more moderate and somewhat realistic material first. If she could sell Jeanne on that, she'd have her just where she wanted her, once she got a good look at herself or Ebony.The next night at a little past ten o'clock, Barocca dialed Jeanne's phone number in her quarters again. Jeanne promptly answered on the other end.

"Well, what did you think?" asked Barocca anxiously.

"Either one of two things has happened," said Jeanne. "First, either you've become some type of animator or graphic artist with way too much fucking time on her hands. The other thing is that you just might actually be telling the truth."

"I stared at some of those pictures until my eyes hurt," continued Jeanne. "And if they're fakes, they're better than anything I've seen anyone post on the Internet, or printed in the 'TV' magazines. Because you sent me so many of these, part of me is almost ready to believe you. So give with all the dirt girlfriend, and don't spare any of the juicy details."

"All right, Jeanne," said Barocca. "Get comfy, because this is gonna take a while. Here's what really happened to me in the few years since we last bumped into each other at the video company."

Over the course of the next few nights, Barocca told Jeanne all the intricate details of the Island. The only things she left out were the phenomenal sizes that the cocks of the senior amazons could reach, and the milking ritual. She didn't want to lay things on too thick, too soon to Jeanne. Barocca dropped minor hints on how she felt about Jordan, and the way that things were on the Island. By the time she was finished Jeanne knew more about things on the Island than a lot of the just recently arrived girls.

At the end of the third night of marathon phone conversations, Barocca summed up her sales pitch to Jeanne. "So that's how it'll work, Jeanne. You get an all expenses paid trip to the beautiful Bahamas. And if you like what you see, you can join the family, and become one of the girls here. What do you think?"

"Well, even if everything you've told me turns out to be bogus," said Jeanne, "I could still sure use a vacation, and I've never been to the Bahamas before. And if these girls are all that they're cracked up to be, and I can become one of them too, then I may just not want to leave."

"All right! That's the spirit, girl," said Barocca. "Just come here, and check things out, and then make a decision. That's all I ask."

"So how am I gonna get there, anyway?" asked Jeanne. "I'm not exactly rolling in dough right now."

"Just let me take care of that," said Barocca. "In a couple of days I'll send some money to your Paypal account. Then all you'll have to do is book a flight out of LA Airport. Once I get it all squared away, I'll call you with the final details. Just have your bags packed, and be ready to leave in a few days."

Barocca had a plan formulated on how she thought she could get Jeanne to the Island, without raising too much suspicion. It would mean doing some personal photos, intimate phone calls and private webcam shows for friends and contacts she still had from the outside world, but she was certain she could pull it off. That much activity might eat up a lot of bandwidth and slow things down on the small network that was set up on the Island, but she was past the point of no return by now. And then once Jeanne was actually here, Barocca would take her under her wing, and work her magic on her.

"And then," thought Barocca, "we'll really see some changes around here."

Clyda's Suspicions

Later that evening, Clyda went to Dee Dee's quarters.

"I don't know about you," said Clyda, "but I've noticed some things going on around here that just don't seem to add up."

"I've spotted some things that aren't exactly kosher either," said Dee Dee. "What have you noticed?"

"Well, for openers, Barocca seems to have developed a 'Jekyll & Hyde' personality lately," said Clyda. "While I was having lunch today, I overheard girls talking about her. If she isn't flying off the handle for the littlest things with some girls, then she's buttering up others, asking for special favors from them."

"And I've noticed some funny things about the phone system we use," said Dee Dee. "Between myself and Ebony, we monitor and spot check all the security and information systems activity here on the Island, including the telephones." She went over to her computer terminal, and opened a spreadsheet program. "This is a chart of the telephone usage here on the Island."

"We keep a running tally of the usage over a one year period," continued Dee Dee. "See the major spike here in the last two weeks?"

"Maybe that's just taking into account that we're bringing new girls on board," said Clyda.

"I don't think so," said Dee Dee. "First off, new girls are only allowed a limited number of phone calls, except for around the major holidays. Here's what I found out when I did a detailed search and breakdown on phone usage." Dee Dee pressed a few more keystrokes, and a new chart came into view on the screen.

"Notice that for almost every other phone number, the usage is almost identical," Dee Dee continued. "Very little variation. Now look at all the usage on this one line here."

"Somebody's really got a case of the jabbers," said Clyda. "I mean everyone knows that girls like to talk, but this one's running a regular telethon out of her room."

"It gets better," said Dee Dee. "First, this line wasn't there last month. I double-checked the number. Secondly, it's a secure line that can't be traced or tapped into. Only a handful of the senior amazons are allowed to have those. Requests for those are supposed to go through Ebony and me. Neither she or myself got any kind of paperwork or a request for a secure line anytime recently."

"Someone really is trying to be a regular 'James Bond' in our midst here," said Clyda. "Is there any way to find out what they're doing with that line?"

"Well like I said, we can't tap into it to hear conversations," said Dee Dee. "But since we operate on such a small network and phone system, I can pull up a list of the numbers that they've been calling. We probably couldn't do this in the real world on a full-scale network. But there are a few advantages to running on a smaller scale, and having designed and installed things ourselves here. Let me run a query here, and we'll find out a little more in a few minutes."

In a few moments, a display of all the numbers that had been dialed from the new line, as well as times and the length of the calls was displayed.

"For the first few days, they were calling everyone, everywhere," observed Dee Dee. "None of the calls is very long. It's almost as if they were searching for something, or doing research."

"Then by the third day, they seem to have zeroed in on this number," said Clyda, pointing to the 818 area code. "Over three hours a night, and at almost the same time each night, too. We could call that number ourselves and try to confront whoever answers," said Clyda. "But that might not be the wisest course of action. Do you have any ideas?"

"That would only alert whoever we call," agreed Dee Dee. "And then they'd relay that back to the Island to their contact here. There is another way we might find out what we need to know. See that alphanumeric number in the left-hand column? That's the port identification number. Each wall jack in every room has one labeled on it, so we can track them and troubleshoot them, when we need to."

"Okay, so what's your point Dee Dee?" asked Clyda.

"My gut feeling says that Barocca, or one of her group is behind all of this," said Dee Dee. "Right now, I don't have any proof, or any way to tie any of this together. But logically, who else has any kind of reason to operate behind everyone's back in secret, and try to stir things up like this?"

"You're right," admitted Clyda. "I think that the deeper we dig into this, the less we're going to like it. So what's the next step?"

"I want to go with my gut feeling, and get a look at the port number in Barocca's quarters," said Dee Dee. "That'll tell us whether or not she may actually be behind this."

"Easier said than done, girl," laughed Clyda. "All of us are strictly 'persona non grata' over there. And if we tried to force our way in there, it would set off an ugly scene, with all sorts of accusations flying back and forth."

"Precisely, Clyda," said Dee Dee. "You, me or Tiffany, or anyone from our 'clique' could never make it without tipping everyone off. But I think I know a way we can still find out what we need to know. I've noticed that Ebony has been acting a little differently lately."

"Different? What do you mean, Dee Dee?" asked Clyda.

"This is going to sound funny, but Ebony's been acting, well...nice," said Dee Dee. "Do you remember how sweet and friendly she was when she first came to the Island, before she grew so large, so unexpectedly on us?"

"That's right," said Clyda. "It wasn't until after her growth spurt, and she started hanging around with Barocca, that she began to act so differently, and started displaying her split personality to everyone."

"Just recently, it's like Ebony's got something on her mind that she doesn't want to talk about," said Dee Dee. "I'm going to ask Ebony to run a check on the phones on that side of the Island. I'll come up with some type of task or excuse so she'll need to verify all the ports and the extensions for the records. She'll be able to get into any room over there without arousing any suspicion. Then we wait to she what she finds, we compare records, and we see if my hunch was right."

"And suppose it turns out that this is coming from Barocca's quarters?" asked Clyda.

"Then we'll go to Tiffany with our findings, and we'll have to make a command decision," replied Dee Dee.

Ebony Changes

Ebony made her way through the West sector of the Island, running an inventory and a check on all the wall jacks and the extension numbers, as Dee Dee had suggested. This was something that hadn't been done in a long time, and the activity helped take Ebony's mind off her thoughts of Barocca.

It was the middle of the morning, and just about all the quarters were deserted, as the girls were off at their various duties or assignments. As head of security, Ebony had a master key, which let her go anywhere on the Island. So far, everything had been routine. Nobody had anything that they weren't supposed to have. Ebony jotted down the room number, who lived there, the phone extension, and the number of the wall jack on the sheet on her clipboard.

Finally, Ebony couldn't put it off any longer, and she found herself standing in front of the door to Barocca's quarters. The last time she'd been here, both girls' tempers had flared, and Ebony had done something that she wasn't terribly proud of. At the time, Barocca had pushed Ebony too far, and in the heat of the moment, Ebony had made her pay the price.

As a result, Ebony hadn't been back here in several days, as she let her emotions settle, and tried to sort out how she felt about Barocca.

Ebony knocked on the door, and received no answer. Waiting a moment to see if she heard anyone stirring inside, Ebony inserted her master key in the lock. "Might as well get this over with," thought Ebony.

Inside, Barocca's quarters looked just like they'd always looked. The door opened into a living room, or main room with a sofa and another chair, with a TV and stereo in the corner. To the right was a small kitchen. While most meals were served in the communal cafeteria, girls were allowed to keep a limited number of snacks on hand in their quarters. Branching off to the left from the main room was the bedroom and bathroom. Ebony knew that virtually every set of rooms on the Island was identical to this, the only difference being some designs were reversed in other areas of the Island.

Ebony entered Barocca's bedroom and strolled over to the corner of the wall where her phone was plugged in. "That's funny," thought Ebony. "I thought Barocca's phone line was white, or maybe a light tan color. This one's black. Oh, well. That shows how much attention I paid to the furnishings when I was in here. All we ever did was fuck when we were together here." Ebony bent down and jotted the extension number, and the port number to the page on her clipboard.

"Okay, that wraps things up here," thought Ebony. "I'll get this back to Dee Dee, and then there'll still be time for lunch, before I hold the conditioning class this afternoon. I'll just snag one of Barocca's diet sodas on the way out from the refrigerator."

Ebony left everything as she had found it in Barocca's quarters, and strolled out to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door, Ebony squatted down to survey the items.

"Diet soda, diet sodas," murmured Ebony. "You wouldn't think she'd need this much stuff in here. I mean, we do have a cafeteria here on the Island."

Ebony's gaze turned to the side of the door she'd just opened, and her mouth fell open. Neatly stacked on the side racks were a number of diet sodas; but it wasn't those that caused Ebony to gape in surprise. Next to the cans of soda was a small plastic container. It was unmistakably the same type that most drugstores used when they gave a prescription to someone.

"What the fuck is this?" Ebony muttered aloud. Ebony could barely pronounce the name printed on the label, of whatever drug was in the vial. "I'm not a doctor, but I know good and well you don't keep your pills in the refrigerator," said Ebony. "You keep 'em by your nightstand, or somewhere else where you'll be sure and remember to take them."

Suddenly, images from the past began to make sense to Ebony. Squatting in front of the door like this, she was completely blocked from view from the living room.

"Now I know why Barocca always insisted on getting sodas herself for the two of us," thought Ebony. "And why she always either opened it for me, or brought it to me poured in a glass already."

This discovery also combined with another minor revelation that Ebony had noticed. In the past few days, several girls had remarked to Ebony that she was much friendlier to them, and she hadn't disciplined or threatened anyone either. Ebony had found herself feeling brighter and cheerier without really knowing why.

"That little bitch!" Ebony thought to herself. "I'm gonna take these over to Dee Dee and find out exactly what they are. I can't be positive, but I'll bet anything that Barocca's been feeding me a steady diet of these things, for who knows how long."

Ebony returned to Dee Dee's office, as she was monitoring the network and doing some work on her PC.

"Hi Dee Dee. Here's the info on the phones that you wanted," said Ebony. She laid her clipboard on the desk next to Dee Dee.

"Thanks Ebony," replied Dee Dee. "This'll help me keep tabs on the phone system now. We hadn't updated those in a long time."

"That's good. I also wanted to know if you could do a favor for me, Dee Dee," said Ebony.

"Sure. What do you need?" answered Dee Dee.

"I need to find out what these are," said Ebony. She laid the vial of pills on Dee Dee's desktop.

"Where'd you get these?" asked Dee Dee, with a trace of astonishment in her voice.

"First, let's get the low down on these," said Ebony. "I want to know what they are, and then I'll tell you where I got them from."

"All right, Ebony," replied Dee Dee. "Let me pull up the AMA's web site."

"The what?" asked Ebony.

"American Medical Association," said Dee Dee. "If they don't have the information we need, I'll bet they have a link to another site that can tell us. It may take a little while until I can be sure I've got the data on this...."

"You just do whatever you need to do," said Ebony. "I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers on these things. And I want to see whatever you find for myself, so I know there's no questions." Ebony had a note of fierceness and determination in her voice that Dee Dee knew better than to question.

"Okay. But bear with me, because this may take a bit to find things out, and get it right," said Dee Dee.

Dee Dee wrote out the full name of the drug from the prescription label on an index card, and stood it on its side in front of her monitor for easy reference. Dee Dee had to follow links to several different sites before she finally found what she needed to know.

"All right, Ebony. Assuming the pills are actually what the label says they are, here's my opinion on what we've got here," said Dee Dee. "Take a look at the page for yourself. The name and the medical ID number on the label both match up exactly with what I found."Ebony scooted her chair next to Dee Dee, so she could get a close-up look at the screen.

"Am I reading this right?" Ebony exclaimed. "She's been feeding me fucking steroids?" Ebony slammed her fist down on the desktop hard enough to topple the vial of pills.

Dee Dee recoiled involuntarily from Ebony's actions, but Ebony quickly composed herself and took a few deep breaths.

"I'm sorry, Dee Dee," said Ebony. "I didn't mean to take this out on you. I got these from Barocca's quarters. After I got the information on her phone, on the way out, I went to get a soda from her refrigerator, and found them in there next to the cans." Ebony explained her suspicion on how Barocca might have been slipping the pills into her sodas. "So how do we know if I've actually got these in my blood or not?"

"Well, we'd have to have some tests run," said Dee Dee. "I don't have the equipment to do this kind of analysis here on the Island. I'd have to send it to a lab somewhere."

"All right. Let's do it," said Ebony. "I want you to take enough of my blood and send it to some lab that you trust."

"Okay. Just let me go and get my medical bag, Ebony," said Dee Dee.

After Dee Dee had drawn the sample, Ebony turned to her and asked, "So what's the low down on what these things may be doing to me, Dee Dee?"

"Well, in addition to making you stronger and more powerful," said Dee Dee, "the most common side effects are depression, mood swings, and maybe even a deepening voice for a woman. That's just on the surface. They can lead to a lot of other problems inside your body if you take them long enough."

"This is also just my opinion," continued Dee Dee, "but these things may have made you slightly susceptible to Barocca's will or suggestions too. I'm not talking 'mind control'. But maybe just enough of an effect to where you'd subconsciously agree with or go along with whatever she said."

"In case you haven't heard, I haven't been with Barocca for several days," said Ebony bitterly. "I'm guessing that maybe these are starting to wear off just a bit, or possibly that I've started to build up a tolerance."

"Tiffany and Clyda had remarked to me about how some of the girls started to notice a change in your mood lately," said Dee Dee. "Um, you also mentioned that you haven't seen Barocca in a few days. Do you want to talk about it?"

Ebony let out a long sigh. "All right. But I'm going to give you the condensed version. A few days ago, the two of us were watching the end of the video with Jordan and Clyda together. Barocca got bent out of shape, because Jordan made it through a day with both me, and then with Clyda. I don't know what Barocca's got against her, but she hates Jordan's guts.

"Well, Barocca ran her mouth off, and she said a few things about me that she shouldn't have said. I lost my temper, and I did a few things with Barocca that I'm not terribly proud of, now that I think back on it. Let's just say that after I got done with her, Barocca couldn't sit down for a while."

Dee Dee swallowed hard as the impact of Ebony's words hit home. She'd been around on the Island long enough to know exactly what that meant all too well.

"I haven't been back since then," said Ebony. "These pills may be starting to wear off some, which could also be why I've started to be a nicer person again."

Dee Dee and Ebony sat in their chairs on opposite sides of the desk in awkward silence for a moment.

Ebony sank back in her chair, and brought her hands to her face. She was trying very hard to compose herself and keep in control of her emotions. Ebony reached over to the corner of Dee Dee's desk, and grabbed some tissues to wipe her face with. Dee Dee tried to remain calm herself, and not do anything to exacerbate the situation. She'd never seen Ebony in a state like this before. Finally, Ebony tossed the tissue in the wastebasket, and leveled her gaze at Dee Dee.

"Dee Dee, what's going on around here?" she asked in a slow, quiet voice. "I never wanted to hurt anybody. I came to the Island because there were other girls here who felt the same way I did about sex and other things. We were all so happy when we first started out. What's going on?" Ebony's voice trailed off to a whisper as her emotions reeled again.

Dee Dee stood up, and walked around to the other side of the desk, and extended her arms towards Ebony. Ebony saw her, and stood up, and reached out her arms to embrace Dee Dee. The two girls just hugged for a moment.

Dee Dee gasped for a moment, as she felt the power that was in Ebony's arms and body. Dee Dee's head barely reached Ebony's boobs because of the size difference. But Ebony was only returning the affection.

"Let it out, Ebony," whispered Dee Dee. "Just let it all out, honey. You've got your emotions all bottled up inside you, and that's not good for you."

Ebony's body wracked with sobs for a few moments as she let her emotions pour out. Finally she composed herself, and sat back in the chair again, still holding Dee Dee's hands.

"I just can't believe it," said Ebony. "After all this time, I thought she was my friend."

"Believe me, Ebony," said Dee Dee, "I don't think Barocca cares for anybody but herself these days. And since the two of you aren't on good terms anymore, I think she's gone on to other means to try and get things done."

"From what you and I have figured out this afternoon," continued Dee Dee, "I think we have a really good idea of what's going on at the Island lately. A lot of it is still supposition, and it would still wind up being our word against Barocca's though.

"Let me and Clyda take everything we know and go to Tiffany with it. We'll come up with a plan for what to do next. Barocca doesn't care if anyone else gets hurt, so long as she gets what she wants. You've still got friends here on the Island, Ebony. We won't forget you if you stick with us, and help us if we need you."

Ebony left Dee Dee to go and hold her conditioning class that afternoon. Once she had left, Dee Dee called Clyda and Tiffany's numbers, and left a message for the three of them to meet that afternoon after their duties were finished. Shortly after five o'clock, the three girls all convened in Tiffany's quarters.

"Okay, Dee Dee," said Tiffany. "What's up? What have you found out?"

"Well, it's like I suspected," said Dee Dee. "After Ebony returned from taking inventory of all the telephones, I compared the findings, and my hunch was right. The owner of the new line in the West sector, that's been running up the phone bill is just who we thought: Barocca."

"All right. So we know the rotten apple here is Barocca," said Clyda. "That's not exactly a newsflash. What do we do now, play 'Perry Mason' and accuse her of formal charges?"

"Even though we've now got proof that Barocca is doing things," said Tiffany, "we still don't know exactly what she's up to."

"Besides that, I'm afraid that there's another development too," said Dee Dee. "Ebony also confessed to me, that she thinks Barocca has been drugging her in some form, for who knows how long." Dee Dee detailed how Ebony had shown her the bottle of pills that she'd found in Barocca's quarters.

"Ebony also confessed that she and Barocca aren't the best of friends lately," said Dee Dee. "In fact, when they saw the end of the tape of Jordan's afternoon with Clyda, Barocca pushed Ebony too far, and Ebony really had it out with her. As a result, Ebony hasn't seen her since, and the lack of the drugs in her system may explain the changes in her personality."

Tiffany sat back and digested all of what she'd just heard. "Now things are beginning to become come into focus. Barocca's trying to set up her own private little army, or 'task force' on her side of the Island. She must've thought that she could operate in secrecy, or that no one would question her authority to be this bold."

"And I'm saving the strangest for last," said Dee Dee. "The change in Ebony's emotions and her personality has been dramatic. When we discovered what Barocca had been doing to her this afternoon, Ebony actually broke down and cried in my office. None of us have ever seen her like that before."

"If I found out that someone I thought I trusted had been screwing with my body," said Clyda, "I'd be shook up too."

As Dee Dee related her findings, Tiffany had again been sitting in her chair, her hands folded together, contemplating everything that was said, as they learned more and more.

"You're awfully quiet over there Tiffany," said Clyda. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, now that we know what Barocca's up to, I've been formulating a plan," said Tiffany. "It's got some risks in it. But hear me out as I explain things, and tell me what you think of it."We've got a good idea now that Barocca may be trying to bring someone to the Island in secret. Or so she thinks. For right now, we leave everything alone and let Barocca go through with her plot, and do whatever it is she's doing."

"But isn't that playing into Barocca's hands, Tiffany?" asked Dee Dee.

"Yes. But if we kill this plot, Barocca will just come up with something else," said Tiffany. "Remember we agreed we wanted to get Barocca's plot out in the open, and then nail her in front of everyone, so there can't be any questions or excuses."

"All right, so we let Barocca think her plot is working, and wait for things to happen," said Clyda. "What do we do in the meantime?"

"We solidify our position, and continue to stack the odds in our favor, so that we're really in control of the outcome," said Tiffany. "And from what Dee Dee has told us, I think I know what we can do that'll give us the final trump card we'll need."

Clyda sat up in her chair, and almost dropped her drink. "Tiffany, you can't be thinking what I think you are," she exclaimed.

Dee Dee was also looking at Tiffany with a deadly serious look on her face. "Tiffany, if you're planning what Clyda and I both think you are, that's an incredible risk to take."

"Nobody said this was going to be simple and easy," said Tiffany. "We've already hashed this out before. From what Dee Dee's told me, and from what we've all noticed in the past few days, I think the time is right to go to Ebony, and see if she'll side with us."

"You do like to live dangerously, don't you?" retorted Clyda.

"Stop and think about things for a minute," said Tiffany. "We were all here on the Island before Ebony came here. Remember how sweet she was, when she got here? It wasn't until her 'growth spurt', and she started hanging around with Barocca, before she started to change."

"That's right," said Dee Dee. "Ebony was here first, we all got along so well with her, and the sex was fantastic with her. Then Barocca arrived later, and then a few months later, Ebony was transformed. That's when Ebony began to act different."

"Now that Ebony's beginning to become free and clean from whatever Barocca's been feeding her," said Tiffany, "she's become the same sweet girl we remember from the beginning."

"I know it's risky," continued Tiffany. "But if we wait, Barocca may try and patch things up with Ebony, and eventually swing her loyalty back to her side. It's unlikely, but it just might happen."

"So what's the rest of your plan, Tiffany?" asked Dee Dee.

"I say the three of us should meet with Ebony," said Tiffany. "She's known all of us almost since the beginning here. If we really profess our love and friendship to Ebony, especially with the way she feels she's been betrayed by Barocca, I think that she'll be ready to see things our way, and side with us."

"I think you may just be right, Tiffany," said Dee Dee. "Being proactive with Ebony, rather than sitting back passively seems like the best course."

"All right then," said Tiffany. "I'll call Ebony, and set up a meeting for tonight after dinner."

A Deal With Ebony

After dinner that night, Tiffany, Dee Dee and Clyda waited anxiously for Ebony to arrive in Tiffany's quarters.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do, Tiffany?" asked Clyda. "I mean, inviting Ebony to your quarters of all places."

"Where else do you suggest?" said Tiffany. "It couldn't be in Ebony's quarters. The three of us could never get there unnoticed, whether we went singly, or all at once on that side of the Island. And this is really just about the only place I feel secure in, even on our side of the Island. Like I said, I know what we're doing is risky, but we agreed to this earlier."

"If this doesn't work out, I'm going to personally see to it that they carve that on your bloody tombstone," muttered Clyda. Tiffany was about to come back with a similar retort to Clyda, when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in please," said Tiffany.

Ebony entered the room. Like most girls, she was wearing a skirt, with bikini panties on underneath, some sandals, and this time a halter top with a flower print, which still displayed the size of her breasts, but didn't flaunt so much cleavage like a bikini top.

"Hi, Tiffany," said Ebony. "Girls," as she smiled and nodded to Clyda and Dee Dee. "What did you want to talk to me about?" All the girls noticed a change from the Ebony they had known recently. This Ebony was a much calmer, relaxed girl, with a sense of passion that burned beneath her, but not the barely restrained animal that Barocca had wielded iron control over earlier.

"Well Ebony," said Tiffany, "Dee Dee and Clyda have told me quite a lot that's been going on in your life recently." Tiffany quickly recapped Barocca's various illicit operations of late. "And last but not least, Dee Dee tells me you suspect Barocca has been drugging you for a period of time?" asked Tiffany.

"Yes, that's right," said Ebony. Tiffany could tell that Ebony was plainly upset and angry about discussing the subject, but she was controlling her temper. The Ebony of a couple weeks ago would have gone ballistic, and maybe even have resorted to physical violence.

"What we're here for Ebony, is to reinforce a few things, and to make it clear to you how we feel about you," said Tiffany. "From what we just discussed, it's obvious that Barocca will probably make some type of power play in the near future."

Tiffany paused before laying everything on the table. "What we want is for you to be on our side Ebony, when everything hits the fan, whenever that is."

"We've always been your friends," said Clyda. "And we've always treated you as a friend with the same amount of love and respect, as when you first came to the Island."

"I'm not trying to rub salt in a wound, Ebony," said Tiffany. "But you've seen just how little Barocca cares about you, if things aren't going her way."

Ebony folded her arms underneath her breasts, and stared evenly at the other three girls. So far, she hadn't lost her cool, and was still listening to what they had to say.

"I hate to admit it," said Ebony, "but Barocca has definitely shown herself to only be a 'fair weather friend'. But what's in it for me, if I change to your side?"

"Just this," replied Tiffany. "We'll still treat you with the same love and respect as we always have. With Barocca out of here, we can have things back to the way they were in the beginning."

"Who was it who contacted you, and made it possible for you to come to the Island, Ebony?" asked Clyda.

"That was you and Tiffany," replied Ebony.

"And once you were here," said Tiffany, "do you remember how Dee Dee took you under her wing, and helped you learn computers. As well as giving you your cock?" Ebony nodded, and a warm smile began to form over her facial features.

"And do you remember how the four of us all worked together, and taught each other all the tricks we know about sex, and how good it could be here on the Island?" asked Tiffany.

"Yes I do," replied Ebony. "Those were some of the best times in my life."

"Tell me, Ebony," asked Dee Dee. "Have you really enjoyed sex when you've been doing things for Barocca?"

Ebony let out a long sigh, mentally debating about how she felt, and whether she should let her true feelings be known. Finally, Ebony replied in a level voice. "To be honest, not that much. Sure I've fucked girls, and there's been a little pleasure, and some release. But you're right. It hasn't been the same as when I first came to the Island."

"What I'm trying to say, Ebony," said Tiffany, "is that the three of us still feel very strongly about you. We liked you enough to seek you out and entice you to come here to the Island in the first place. And we certainly weren't disappointed when you arrived."

"I wasn't sure, but I strongly suspected that you hadn't really been enjoying yourself, while you were being fed the drugs from Barocca," said Dee Dee.

"We noticed that when you were with Jordan, sometimes you weren't the Ebony we first knew," said Clyda. "Then towards the very end, when you held Jordan the way you did, you seemed to once again become the sweet Ebony we all knew and loved."

"I'll admit that at times during the day with Jordan, I wondered why Barocca had insisted that I be so rough with her," said Ebony. "And the more Jordan just gritted her teeth, and took me inside her, the more I began to question Barocca's motives."

"Like I said earlier Ebony," said Tiffany, "Barocca doesn't care about anyone but herself nowadays. But the three of us, as well as many other girls on the Island, still care about you a great deal."

Tiffany paused for a moment before going on. "As the saying goes, 'actions speak louder than words'. So here's part of our proposition. The three of us want to show you we're really sincere about how we feel about you. We want you to have each one of us, one at a time, to do anything you want to, so you can remember how good it can be here on the Island again."Ebony was momentarily stunned as Tiffany's words sank in.

"Tiffany, I had no idea that that any of you still felt this way about me," said Ebony. "After everything Barocca's had me do, I wasn't sure if the other girls were afraid of me, or just plain hated my guts." Ebony reached for a tissue, as her emotions started to overcome her. After she composed herself, Ebony stood up and walked closer to the three girls.

"After everything that's happened since Barocca tried to twist me, and pervert me, I can't believe that you three, and other girls still feel the way that you do about me," said Ebony. "And to show you that I'm sincere in this too, I'm going to add this to the deal."

"Yes, I want to have sex with three of the best friends I've ever had on the Island," said Ebony. "I'm going to do each of you, one at a time. I'm going to let you each dictate how and where you want it done. How hard, how long, you name it. Since you're going out on a limb and sticking up for me, I figure that this is the least that I can do."

Ebony reached down and unfastened the Velcro holding her skirt on with one motion.

"Dee Dee," said Ebony, "you were the first one who really opened up to me, and showed me things on the Island. Both in sex, as well as so many other things too. Tiffany, Clyda, don't take anything the wrong way here. I like all of you an awful lot. But I want Dee Dee to be the lucky first one of our little group here."

A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz Dee Dee

Ebony stood by the side of the bed, and playfully motioned for Dee Dee to come to her.As Dee Dee rose from the chair, she unclasped her skirt in one swift movement, baring and displaying her huge flaccid cock to Ebony. Dee Dee reached behind her back, and easily undid the knot holding her bikini top on. With a deft flick of the wrist, she had it off, and proudly displayed her firm breasts to Ebony. Dee Dee walked over to the bed and knelt down on the edge of it in front of Ebony.

Ebony lowered her head, and the two girls embraced each other, as their lips met, and their tongues found each other. As the girls expressed their passion for each other, both opened their eyes. Ebony's dark brown eyes met Dee Dee's bright blue eyes. No words were spoken, and none needed to be. After far too long, Ebony found herself in the embrace of a lover who completely accepted her, and treated her as an equal.

Dee Dee released her lips from Ebony's, and began stroking and licking Ebony with her tongue, as she progressed down her body. Dee Dee rubbed against Ebony's powerful neck and started to slide along her body. Dee Dee quickly undid the small knot that was holding Ebony's halter-top onto her frame. Ebony quickly shook it off and tossed it to the side.

Dee Dee played and fondled with Ebony's massive boulders that passed for breasts. Even using two hands, it was a lost cause trying to hold one of Ebony's whoppers. As she rubbed her head back and forth, Dee Dee's hair stimulated Ebony's nipples and she massaged Ebony's frame with her own naked body. At first, Ebony didn't react much, just gave a low throaty moan and bobbed her head.

After playing and fondling with Ebony's juggs for a few moments, Dee Dee looked up at Ebony. "I could play with these twin basketballs of yours for hours, Ebony. But we both know what I really want." Dee Dee made no attempt to conceal the lust and anticipation in her voice.

"What are you waiting for girl?" replied Ebony. "You know what to do."

Dee Dee could feel Ebony's breathing increase, and her heartbeat start to quicken. Dee Dee knew it had been far too long since Ebony had engaged in sex, and had truly enjoyed it. Too many times Ebony had simply gone through the motions during sex, as she had enforced Barocca's will for her.

The first telltale signs of pussy juice were beginning to appear from Dee Dee's pussy, as she felt Ebony's potent body against hers. Dee Dee ran her hands down along Ebony's smooth stomach, and then onto her hips, which quivered to her touch, until she came to the bikini panties that were hiding the one thing above all else that she was dying to see and touch. Dee Dee wanted to savor the moment and tease herself before she gave in to her basest instincts.

Dee Dee also wanted to put on a show for Clyda and Tiffany who were watching eagerly from the side of the room, as they coupled together in a large overstuffed chair. Dee Dee ran her hands lightly around Ebony's genitals while they were still in her bikini panties, which had a feel like velvet to them. Dee Dee soon saw a portion of the tip of Ebony's cock beginning to appear above the band of her panties. Dee Dee resisted the urge to touch it, instead enjoying the feeling of Ebony's balls in her hands.

Dee Dee herself was already naked. Her own cock was still in a flaccid stage. Because of her cock's unique size and shape, it was already over nine inches long, and even thicker than Ebony's at this point. Dee Dee stood up so that her crotch was closer to Ebony's and began thrusting and gyrating herself against Ebony's panties just like a house dancer in some strip bar.

The electricity of feeling Dee Dee's cock against her own cock caused Ebony to squeeze and embrace Dee Dee. Not hard enough to hurt her, but enough to briefly surprise Dee Dee with her strength and power.

Ebony lowered her head, and found Dee Dee's large, firm breasts. Ebony placed her mouth on one of Dee Dee's tits, and easily engulfed the entire nipple. Dee Dee had a unique type of nipple, that was not always erect and protruding, like so many other girls'. After a few moments under Ebony's powerful tongue, Ebony released the teat. The entire nipple was now swollen a darker brown, and it jutted out proudly from the rest of her breast, as if someone had stuck the tip of their thumb there.

Ebony smiled and gazed at Dee Dee after she released her nipple. Dee Dee beamed back at her, and didn't say a word. Dee Dee just grabbed her other breast, and quickly thrust into Ebony's waiting mouth, so that it could receive the same loving treatment as the other.

By now, Dee Dee's cunt was starting to moisten even more from Ebony's actions, and knowing that Ebony would be invading her shortly only got her even wetter. Dee Dee's attentions must have obviously turned her on, for now Ebony began to display her cock.

Sensing Dee Dee's incredible anticipation to want to play with her cock and balls, Ebony concentrated, and released the mental control, that kept her prick at a controlled size. Instantly it looked as though at least two softballs had been shoved in Ebony's bikini panties. A quiver of pleasure spasmed through Ebony's body as the transformation took place.

Dee Dee gasped in surprise and pleasure as she was nearly face to face with Ebony's massive member. The only thing separating them was the small patch of fabric of Ebony's bikini panty. Dee Dee looked up at Ebony, and gasped, "My god, you're even bigger than I remember, Ebony."

Ebony beamed back down at Dee Dee with the warmest smile anyone had seen on her face in ages. "What can I say, Dee Dee? I'm a growing girl."

Dee Dee could hold off no longer and grasped Ebony's panties firmly and pulled them down. Dee Dee was rewarded with Ebony's cock dropping into her hands. Dee Dee knew that it was the biggest cock on the Island, by far. Ebony's cock was almost a foot long, and it wasn't even erect yet.

Dee Dee's hands gripped Ebony's huge prick and began to fondle and stroke it. Dee Dee reached up and began to massage Ebony's shaft. Dee Dee then began running her hands over Ebony's balls, then down the length of her shaft. This was incredibly horny for Dee Dee as she was stroking Ebony's huge cock, and she concentrated on Ebony's huge piece of meat, as it started to increase in girth and length before her eyes.

Ebony's cock grew and expanded, like a snake rising from a burrow in the ground. All this time Dee Dee was running her hands along the length of Ebony's cock. At last all of Ebony's cock was displayed, and slowly stiffening and lengthening under Dee Dee's patient strokes. By now, Dee Dee's hands couldn't even fit around the girth of Ebony's massive shaft.

Dee Dee took it firmly in her hands and began to move them back and forth, up and down the length of the massive rod. Dee Dee took the end of it, and slid the loose flesh of Ebony's foreskin back and forth over the cockhead and began to lick at it. Ebony moaned in pleasure and flexed her cock so that it snapped out of Dee Dee's hands, swinging from side to side.

Tiffany and Clyda sat back on the side and watching the awesome sight of Ebony's cock getting completely hard. From hanging in a wide arc between her legs, then barely a few more moments, and then it was lunging straight out, twitching in the air in front of the huge amazon's belly.

Dee Dee could clearly see how the skin was stretched tautly all the way over the exposed length of Ebony's cock and continued smoothly merging with the shaft at the cockhead. It was strange knowing how this huge organ shrank to such a smaller size when Ebony's body was not excited, and she exercised control over her cock. Dee Dee moved to her knees again and kissed the cockhead, slowly drawing her tongue back along the length of Ebony's cock to her balls.

Ebony's balls were huge compared to the size of most of the other shemales on the Island. Compared to everyone but Dee Dee's that is. Dee Dee ran her hands over them and weighed one in the palm of her hand. It was bigger than Dee Dee's fist. Dee Dee grinned with pride, as she looked up at Ebony. "Your cock is even huger than I remember, Ebony. But my balls are still bigger than yours."

"I'm not fully warmed up yet, girl," teased Ebony. "We'll see just who's the biggest in a little bit."Ebony backed up so her cock was in Dee Dee's face again.

"If you wait too long, her prick will swell up too large to fit in your mouth," said Tiffany.

"That's what you think," said Dee Dee. "I was one of the first ones who showed Ebony how to use her cock when she first got here. I still know a few tricks about cocksucking."

Tiffany had taken a jar of lubricant out and handed it to Dee Dee. Dee Dee greased Ebony's cock up. While Dee Dee slathered the gooey oil onto it Ebony's cock, Ebony dipped her hand into the jar and began rubbing it on Dee Dee's cunt.

Ebony continued to rub Dee Dee's pussy, and she continued to massage Ebony's cock. Dee Dee could now feel Ebony's fingers at work on her clit, and her knees went weak. With Ebony's cock as long as her arm and as thick around, veins bulging along the length of it, she could see the flow of blood through it; the end twitching with every heartbeat.

Dee Dee had to have Ebony's monster in her mouth, so that she could feel the size and texture with her tongue. The veins on Ebony's cock were starting to throb as Dee Dee bent her head and tentatively ran her tongue down the entire length of it. Her cautious licking was soon replaced by grasping Ebony's cock with both hands and guiding the head into her mouth. Dee Dee greedily rolled her tongue around the head of Ebony's cock, tasting the first traces of pre-cum, then sucked and drew Ebony further into her mouth.

Dee Dee had been on the Island for years, and her body had accumulated a strong tolerance for all types of sex with the monster-sized cocks that abounded there among the shemale amazons. Dee Dee concentrated, and she felt her jaw and facial muscles slowly expand. At first she felt like they wouldn't reach far enough. Then gradually, Dee Dee felt Ebony's entire cockhead slide into her mouth.

Ebony shuddered as she felt Dee Dee's warm mouth engulf the head of her cock. "That's it girl. You've got the biggest part of me inside you now. The rest will be easy."

Although the rest of Ebony's shaft was slightly smaller in width than her cockhead, Dee Dee knew that the real job had only begun. Dee Dee concentrated more, and forced the muscles in her throat to relax. Where Ebony's cock had seemed impossibly large just a moment before, it now began to slide slowly down her throat.For longer than she cared to remember, Ebony had been having sex with mostly newer girls who were either too scared of her, or too new to the Island, to do anything effective with her cock, no matter where they tried to take it inside them. Now Ebony was being engulfed by one of the most experienced girls on the Island, as well as one of her truest friends.

Dee Dee quickly had six inches of Ebony's shaft down her throat. A few more moments, and she had swallowed nine inches of Ebony's meat. Dee Dee paused to briefly compose herself, and catch her breath, and then resumed her efforts on Ebony. Shortly after this, Dee Dee had over a foot of Ebony's cock wedged down her throat.

Ebony was reeling in delight as she felt Dee Dee suck her cock down further and further into her throat. When Dee Dee paused again, Ebony reached down with her hands, and gently stroked the sides of Dee Dee's jaws and throat. When Ebony ran her fingers gently over her throat, Dee Dee could feel the huge urethra shaft, and the bulging veins on Ebony's cock, as they brushed against the inside of her throat.

"Oh yeah, baby. You just love Ebony's big black meat stick, don't you?" Ebony teased Dee Dee.

All Dee Dee could do was manage a nod, and wink her eyes, as she glanced back up at Ebony.

"C'mon honey. Just a little more. Show me you can do it girl," said Ebony.

Dee Dee took a deep breath through her nose, and gave one more final effort with her throat, as she sought to engulf as much of Ebony's cock as she possibly could. With a gulping, slurping sound, Dee Dee swallowed four more inches of Ebony's tremendous cock. Dee Dee gave a series of odd sounding grunts and moans, as she tried to adjust to more cock in her throat than ever before in her life.

Hearing Dee Dee's noises, Ebony briefly became concerned that she'd pushed Dee Dee too far. "Are you all right, honey? Are you okay?" asked Ebony, as she gently patted Dee Dee on the back of her head.

Dee Dee gave Ebony a look filled with bliss through her eyes. Ebony had seen that same type of look on girls' faces before; but only after they'd been fucked senseless by her in a more conventional manner.

"You just take it easy lover," said Ebony. "I want you to take only as much as you want, and you feel you can handle of me inside you. This is the 'new', or maybe I should say, the 'good old' Ebony you're with tonight."

Dee Dee gave Ebony a look of love and understanding that needed no words. After a moment, Dee Dee began to stroke and massage Ebony's cock with her throat. Dee Dee soon worked herself into a rhythmic motion, rocking back and forth on the shaft of Ebony's monster cock. Dee Dee was actually swallowing more of Ebony's meat with her throat, than many of the newer girls had been able to take between their legs.

To Ebony, the feeling of having her so much of her cock sucked so gloriously, and so deeply by Dee Dee, was bliss that she hadn't felt in more time than she could remember. Ebony gave in and let Dee Dee work her magic on her engorged shaft. She playfully gripped the back of Dee Dee's head, and gently forced her head up and down.

For over fifteen minutes, Dee Dee milked Ebony's cock like it had rarely been milked before. Eventually Ebony felt the passion in her cock rise and boil one time too many, as it passed the point of no return, and gave in to the orgasm that had been far too long in coming.

"Oh, yeah," Ebony mumbled. "Oh, fuck, yes!" as Ebony's voice quickly grew to almost a shout. "That's it girl. Suck like you haven't sucked before!"

Spurred on by Ebony's words, and also able to feel the ominous rumbling of Ebony's cock in her throat, Dee Dee intensified her efforts.

"Damn, you're good Dee Dee!" shouted Ebony. "You want cum, and Ebony's gonna feed it to you good. Get ready, girl. Here it comes!"

Dee Dee could feel the throbbing pressure build up in Ebony's cock until she almost wondered whether or not her throat could take it. An instant later, the first bolt of Ebony's cum rocketed out of her cockhead, and directly into Dee Dee's stomach. In rapid succession, Ebony released splurt after powerful splurt into Dee Dee.

Dee Dee could feel the vibrations of each splurt of jism as they were forced along the thick shaft of Ebony's urethra, and finally out her cockhead, and into her gullet. Although Ebony's cock was shoved far too deep in Dee Dee's throat for her to effectively taste Ebony's cum, Dee Dee knew from the satisfying warmth building in her tummy that Ebony's jism was as sweet and pure as when she'd first received her cock.

For well over a minute, Ebony continued to pump her seed down Dee Dee's throat, literally force-feeding her cum into her. Ebony's powerful hands stroked the shaft of her cock, and squeezed her huge, leaden balls. The effect was almost like continually forcing liquid or paste out of a tube like a grease gun.

Finally as Ebony's orgasm abated, she pulled her cock out so that only the head was still in Dee Dee's mouth. Ebony let Dee Dee receive several mouthfuls of her cum that she could fully taste and savor before swallowing greedily down her throat. Dee Dee finally released Ebony's cockhead, and licked her lips, to lap up the last remaining traces of Ebony's cum. Dee Dee had swallowed one of Ebony's more powerful orgasms, and not a drop had been wasted or spilt.

"My god, Ebony. That was fucking incredible!" said Dee Dee.

"I should be the one thanking you," said Ebony. "You and your throat did all the work."

"But we aren't finished yet, Dee Dee," said Ebony. "The one thing that hasn't changed about me, is I've still got the staying power of a fucking horse. And I mean that literally."

Ebony moved slightly away from Dee Dee and motioned for her to lie down on the bed on her back, below her massive cock. When Dee Dee was comfortably cushioned on her back, she could see that all Ebony would have to do was lean forward to penetrate her. Ebony positioned herself and Dee Dee could see that her monster of a cock was flaccid now and just hanging down between her legs to just above her kneecap.

Ebony smiled at Dee Dee, and took her cock in her hands and began to stroke and fondle her own cock and balls. In no time at all, Ebony's cock was fully erect, reaching its three-foot length, reaching and thrusting out into the air like a battering ram. Caught up in the moment at seeing her own massive hunk of cockmeat at full erection, Ebony paused for just a moment of play and showing off.

Gripping the shaft of her cock, Ebony raised her cock so that it was pointing straight up towards her head. Ebony playfully moved her massive breasts to the side, so that there was room for the thick, engorged shaft to reach her head.

For a few moments, Ebony gave a display of tittyfucking herself for Dee Dee, as Tiffany and Clyda gaped with open eyes from the side. Ebony licked and teased her cockhead, and then greedily swallowed the entire head in one motion.

As Ebony let her cockhead plop out of her mouth, she also let the shaft of her cock slide out from between her boobs. Exercising terrific mental control over her cock, Ebony let the huge shaft fall to a just above a ninety-degree angle, jutting out from her crotch. Ebony gently let her rock hard cock land next to Dee Dee's flaccid cock, which was lying limply on her crotch and thigh. Without using her hands, Ebony made her cock playfully bounce up and down several times on her thigh and tummy, to get Dee Dee's attention again.

"You see what I mean, Dee Dee?" said Ebony. "I'm just like the 'Energizer Bunny' in those commercials on TV. Except I keep fucking and fucking and fucking..."

Dee Dee giggled out loud at Ebony's joke, but smiled even broader, as she knew what was soon about to happen to her.

Ebony gripped the shaft of her cock, and slowly began to rub her cockhead gently against Dee Dee's cunt, and Dee Dee was amazed at the warmth that generated from it. Although part of Dee Dee was tense and nervous at the sheer massive size of Ebony's cock, she also felt a complete sense of trust and comfort while being with Ebony. The Ebony that was making love to her now was the girl she'd known in the beginning, who would never dream of hurting anyone.

Ebony reached down and took a hold of the massive cylinder of her meat and rubbed the head against the lips of Dee Dee's cunt. Ebony reached down and worked at Dee Dee's clit.Ebony's cock was so huge Dee Dee doubted that she could get it inside her. Ebony stepped forward just a tiny bit and Dee Dee could feel the pressure of it against her.

Dee Dee slid one of her fingers into her cunt and helped widen her slit. While doing this, with a gentle forward thrust from Ebony, she managed to slip the head of Ebony's cock to the inside of her pussy lips and now she could feel a definite forward pressure from Ebony.

Ebony had only barely penetrated Dee Dee's cunt. There were barely a couple of inches of her cock into Dee Dee. The back edge of the head of her massive prick was just on the verge of completely entering Dee Dee. Dee Dee let out a soft cry of pain as the full girth of Ebony's cock stretched wide the walls of Dee Dee's cunt and the head finally slid in.

Ebony paid particular attention to massaging Dee Dee's clit, and Dee Dee could feel the pre-cum lubricating her lips as it rubbed her. Ebony nudged open Dee Dee's cunt lips further with her fingers and slowly began to feed several inches of rock hard cock up inside her cunt. Ebony then began to slowly stroke the shaft of her humongous hard-on, which had the immediate effect of stiffening her cock even more. Ebony pressed her cock forward, inch by inch. It slowly slithered in and began moving up and back, in and out.

"There you go girl," said Ebony. "It's just like when you were sucking me. Once the head is in, the rest is easy. I know you've done this before, Dee Dee," said Ebony, "so we're gonna get right to the nitty gritty here. Are you ready girl?"

"Yes, Ebony, yes," panted Dee Dee. "Put that big log of yours deep inside me."

Ebony gripped Dee Dee's buttocks lightly for traction, and gave a long slow, powerful push forward. In one smooth stroke, over a foot of Ebony's cock eased into Dee Dee's cunt.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" squealed Dee Dee. "I'd forgotten just how big you are, Ebony. But it feels even better than ever to have you back inside me again."

At first it hurt Dee Dee slightly to have the walls of her cunt stretched to this amount, but then her conditioned body quickly adapted to the mammoth invader in her pussy, and accepted it. Ebony was gentle and after pressing forward as far as she could go, to where she had almost half of her cock up inside Dee Dee, she paused. Dee Dee looked back at Ebony to wonder why she had stopped.

"I'll bet you thought that this was going to be just a one-way street tonight, Dee Dee," said Ebony. "But for sucking me off the way that you just did, you deserve a bonus, girl."

Ebony reached down and began fondling Dee Dee's balls, and stroking the shaft of her cock. As she worked on Dee Dee's jewels, Ebony kept up a series of short powerful thrusts of her cock into her cunt, using her powerful hips to generate jabs of pleasure. As Dee Dee's cock came to life under her hands, Ebony opened her eyes in amazement.

"Damn girl! You weren't kidding about these nuts of yours," said Ebony. Even in their present state, Dee Dee's balls were as large as Ebony's. Ebony knew that when Dee Dee was at her peak frenzy later on, that they would be considerably larger. "Are you sure these are real, girl? You haven't been pumping 'em up with saline or anything have you?"

Dee Dee giggled, and let a wicked grin flash across her face. "Nope. That's all me you're holding down there, Ebony."

"Well, I'm gonna do a lot more than just hold these babies, Dee Dee," said Ebony. "I'm gonna milk you so you shoot off big time in a little bit. Just lay back and enjoy the ride."

In little time, Ebony quickly had Dee Dee's cock fully stiff and erect. The size between the two girls' cocks were interesting and somewhat similar. In terms of length, Ebony had over twice the length Of Dee Dee's. Ebony was just less than three feet in length; while Dee Dee barely hit sixteen inches. In width, both girls' cocks were almost identical. When fully erect each girl's cock was over four inches thick. With Ebony's huge hands, she could comfortably squeeze and stroke the biggest, thickest cocks on the Island to massive ejaculations. Everyone else had to work harder due to their smaller hands.

Now that she had a comfortable position, Ebony pushed her massive prick in and out of Dee Dee's cunt just like a piston. After a few moments, Ebony increased the length and depth of her stroke to where she had twenty inches of her meat into Dee Dee. Ebony continued to work and massage and stroke on Dee Dee's cock and balls with her strong hands.

Tiffany wouldn't have believed it possible, but Dee Dee was being fucked by well over half of Ebony's cock! Once she had penetrated as deeply as she could, the rhythm of Ebony's thrusts became faster.

Dee Dee started to moan, as she was filled like never before, from Ebony's enormous cock, with over half of it buried inside her. Ebony was now definitely beginning to warm to the task of fucking Dee Dee's tight cunt, and Dee Dee whimpered with each stroke of her prick. Ebony's cock was like a piston pumping into Dee Dee, and she screamed out as Ebony impaled her. The sex of the recent months paled into insignificance as she received an unforgettable fuck from Ebony.

Ebony was forced to stop several times as she held back, and let the mounting pressure in her cock, as well as Dee Dee's cock, lessen and abate. Ebony would grip the head of Dee Dee's prick, and squeeze it hard, forcing the pressure building inside to subside for a bit.

From the side, Tiffany and Clyda could see just how large Ebony's cock was and how deeply it penetrated Dee Dee, because of the large bulge it visibly made inside Dee Dee's stomach as it moved in and out. The pounding on Dee Dee's cunt from Ebony's cock was driving Dee Dee crazy, and she knew that she was going to come, and very soon. Deep waves of warmth radiated out from the center of her body; the deepest part inside Dee Dee, where the head of Ebony's cock was reaching into Dee Dee's womb.

The squeezing and fondling from Ebony's hands were incredible to Dee Dee. If she hadn't known better, she would have sworn she was strapped into the milking device. Ebony fucked Dee Dee for half an hour, pushing her to the brink of ecstasy, and then holding back and breaking off at just the right moment to prolong the pleasure. Dee Dee alternated by squeezing and fingering her breasts, and then by simply flailing at the bedcovers with her fists, as Ebony's meatpole impaled her.

Finally, Dee Dee lifted up her head and panted out to Ebony. "Ebony, I could let you fuck my pussy for hours. But if you don't finish the job on my cock, and get me off, I think I'm gonna explode!"

Ebony grinned down at Dee Dee with a loving smile. "All right girl. You want it, you got it. Here comes the home stretch!"

Ebony increased the power and intensity of her cocking pistoning into Dee Dee to a level that Dee Dee would not have thought possible. Likewise with her hands on Dee Dee's cock and balls. What had felt firm and strong a few moments ago, now felt like a vise to Dee Dee.

As waves and levels of ecstasy she had never felt before washed over Dee Dee, she lost all control, and began bucking and thumping on the bed, as though she were going into convul-sions. Dee Dee was lying on the king-sized bed, with her rump close to the edge, where Ebony was penetrating her.

With Ebony humping Dee Dee, and both Clyda and Tiffany watching, Dee Dee's orgasm hit. Ebony grabbed the shaft of Dee Dee's cock with one hand, and with the other began milking Dee Dee's balls.

The first splurt of cum from Dee Dee's cock looked like the first time a garden hose that had built up pressure for a long time, was released. A long powerful spray, not a single stream, erupted from Dee Dee's cock. The stream of jism traveled swiftly through the air past Dee Dee's face and head, and continued on without stopping, until it met the headboard of the bed, and the wall immediately behind it with a loud splat. Dee Dee tossed her head, and squealed like a banshee in delirious ecstasy. Dee Dee's cries startled Tiffany and Clyda as they watched from the sides.

"Hey watch what the fuck you're doing!" muttered Tiffany. "Who's gonna clean this place up?"

"Don't look at me," retorted Clyda. "It was your idea to invite Ebony here anyway, love."

As Ebony saw the incredible ejaculation by Dee Dee, it spurred her on to greater efforts as her own orgasm began to hit, deep inside Dee Dee's pussy.

Dee Dee threw her head back and cried out at the same time Ebony gave a sound. Ebony could feel her cock throbbing in Dee Dee as it began shooting off. Dee Dee could feel Ebony's prick pumping her hot spunk into the deepest reaches of her cunt. It felt like a high-pressure hose was shooting off in all directions inside her pussy.

Ebony continued to jerk Dee Dee off in a slightly different manner than usual. Instead of a series of constant, even stroking, Ebony gave a number of short powerful strokes, and let the pressure and pleasure build inside her balls. When Ebony knew she had let the pressure build to the ultimate degree, she quickly released her grip on the shaft of Dee Dee's cock, and shifted so that both her hands were gripping Dee Dee's nuts. Even Ebony's large hands couldn't fully contain the two massive swollen orbs that were now Dee Dee's balls.

Another massive shower of Dee Dee's jism arced through the air to plaster the headboard, the pillows and the wall. When Ebony bent forward, something must have shifted inside Dee Dee, for now Ebony's prick slid even more deeply into Dee Dee. It wasn't forced or painful, just deeper. Ebony kept stroking herself and grasped Dee Dee's prick at the base and squeezed. Dee Dee's cock released a half dozen more powerful splurts that continued to whitewash Tiffany's headboard and the surrounding area.

In the meantime, Dee Dee was amazed at how many times she felt Ebony's juices squirt up into her pussy, while still performing her masterful work on her cock and balls. Ebony gave forth a final gush and stopped rocking her hips.

Dee Dee orgasmed heavily, at the same time as Ebony shuddered and jetted her semen into Dee Dee deep inside her cunt. Ebony's jism splashed against her insides with such force that Dee Dee felt she was being washed out by a power hose.

Above Dee Dee, Ebony panted at her exertions, while Dee Dee continued to stroke herself and play with her own cock. Although a few droplets of Dee Dee's cum trickled out of her cock and landed on her tummy, almost the entire cumshot had landed past her head, and several feet beyond that.

"Holy shit, girl!" exclaimed Ebony. "You weren't kidding about those balls of yours. Where'd you get a set of nuts like that anyway...Krypton?"

Dee Dee just laughed and giggled at Ebony's remark. "I told you Ebony. I knew I couldn't keep up with everyone in size here on the Island. So I went for developing my balls, and my cum shots instead."

"I just may have to take a few pointers from you later," said Ebony. After a while Ebony could feel Dee Dee getting soft and Dee Dee's cunt muscles relaxing.

Ebony withdrew her massive cock with a loud 'plop' and cum gushed out of Dee Dee's pussy like a torrent. Dee Dee was spent and she knew she would dream of the next time she would be fucked by Ebony.

Clyda got up and knelt beside Dee Dee after Ebony pulled her prick out of Dee Dee. Clyda looked down between Dee Dee's open legs and saw the juices streaming out just like a waterfall. Clyda immediately bent her head to lap at Dee Dee's dripping cunt. After spending several minutes lapping up as much of Ebony's cum as she could from Dee Dee's cunt, Clyda got up and smiled at Ebony.

"Well, well, well. Aren't we the greedy little thing?" asked Ebony. "The way you lapped up my cum right there, I'd say Jordan's having a nasty influence on you."

"Don't you believe it, love," replied Clyda. "I was cum crazy long before Jordan ever arrived here. She just brought some of my vices to the surface again."

"Well that's good, because I'm glad that you're here, Clyda," said Ebony. "Because you're next on my little 'hit parade' this evening."

Dee Dee rolled off the bed, and managed to stagger over to the sofa, where she almost fell into Tiffany's arms. Dee Dee was almost ready to collapse on her feet from the ordeal from Ebony, but her face was a mask of blissful contentment. "Ooh. Anybody get the number of the truck that just hit me?" she blurted out.

"That was a 'Mack truck' called Ebony," replied Tiffany. "And I think I speak for all of us, when I say we're all tickled pink to have her back. Ebony, Clyda's all yours, honey!"

A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz Clyda

Ebony knew that she was ready to find another mate, and fuck someone senseless, and now Clyda was next on the list. Clyda reached out her arms, and eagerly embraced Ebony, as they began to explore each other's bodies.

"Hello, Ebony," said Clyda. "I haven't had you in the longest time. After seeing what you just did to Dee Dee, I hope there's enough energy left in your cock for me."

"Don't you worry about me, Clyda," replied Ebony. "Me and my cock are just getting started here. Speaking of which..." Ebony let her voice trail off, and pointed down to her prick. Ebony's cock was already tumescent and starting to lengthen and thicken in front of both girls' eyes. Ebony's shaft was slowly rising to nearly a horizontal angle from her crotch, to hover just above the bedcovers, as it grew in size.

The two gorgeous girls remained locked in each other's arms, their huge tits mashed against each other, gazing in each other's eyes. Ebony moved her leg between Clyda's. Each had a thigh pressing against each other's cunt, and they could also feel the thick turgid shafts of their cocks rub against each other. They began grinding together slowly. Their mutual gaze dropped from eyes to lips. Slowly, Ebony began moving her face toward Clyda's. She smiled seductively. Slowly the distance closed. Ebony slid her tongue out and wetly licked her full, lips. Clyda was getting wetter and starting to lose control of her emotions. She could feel her cunt juice oozing out in reaction to the mutual grinding between them. She watched Ebony's lips and tongue getting closer until they were only an inch or two away.

As Clyda found one of her huge breasts and sucked Ebony's nipple deeply between her full, pliant lips, she placed the slick flat of her tongue on the hard teat and massaged it slowly. Ebony threw her head back in arousal, feeling this beautiful woman's teeth biting lightly down around her nipple. Goose bumps sprouted around her breast. Clyda pressed both globes together and began sucking on both, from one to the other, suctioning in the nipples until they were small rocks. As she suctioned one nipple, she could taste a small amount of fluid that leaked from Ebony's teat. She was amazed that Ebony could actually give her some tit milk. But she welcomed it into her mouth and swallowed hungrily.

Clyda knelt down next to the bed with her face on the bedcovers alongside Ebony's cock and watched the transformation of Ebony's cock with awe. It was like watching a slow-motion film of a plant growing to full bloom. The shaft of Ebony's massive prick quickly reached the spot where Clyda's head was, and soon progressed over a foot further, beyond her face, as it lunged and stiffened into its full, magnificent, three-foot length. To complete the effect, and add to the similarity of being compared to a tree limb, veins began to fill with blood, and come to life on the shaft of Ebony's cock. Clyda gasped in awe as she took in all of Ebony's beautiful cock.

"What's the matter, girl?" Ebony asked playfully. "Afraid you've bitten off more than you can chew?"

"Not a chance, Ebony," replied Clyda. "It's just been so long since I've seen you like this, as well as having the chance to really enjoy it with you."

"That's right, Clyda," said Ebony. "I'm gonna let you pick just how you want it done, and let you take only as much as you want of me inside of you. Of course, you do have a sort of tough act to follow, after Dee Dee there."

"She always was a showoff," retorted Clyda. "But I do intend to make the most of this golden opportunity here though. I've always favored the good old 'flagpole sitting' position, Ebony."

"Ooh! Going to work without a net on me, are you?" teased Ebony. "Well tonight, your wish is my command, Clyda. Just give me a minute to get situated for you, girl." Clyda moved out of the way, and let Ebony position herself, and lie on her back on the bed.

Clyda knew that Ebony was not exactly what one would call a petite lady; to her awe, Clyda had herself measured Ebony's height in the past, and knew that she stood just over seven feet tall in her stocking feet. No matter how many times she saw Ebony, it was always truly impressive.

Ebony's melon-sized breasts, her firm pair of buttocks, and a wonderful pussy under her flat tummy were easily enough to make any woman or man drool with delight. As she stared at Ebony's long thick thighs, and her gaze move upward towards her crotch, Clyda envied the very best piece of cock to be found on the Island.

Clyda's pussy was becoming wet, just looking at Ebony's monumental cock. But still, despite her incredible horniness, Clyda began to doubt her earlier words. Clyda found it difficult to imagine how she could take Ebony's length of meat into her body without getting her cunt ripped open in the process.

Clyda knew that Ebony's erection was measuring over thirty-six inches. That was over three feet of shemale cock! Even without trying to take in the whole shaft, could Clyda withstand such an awesome impalement? Clyda was soon going to find out.

Ebony reached over and grabbed a large handful of lubricant jelly from a nearby jar. Ebony started at the head of her cock, and began massaging it all up and down the length of her cock. As she gripped her cock, Ebony's hands made loud slicking and slapping sounds as she oiled her shaft up. Ebony looked over and winked at Clyda. "What are you waiting for honey? 'John Henry' here is ready and raring to go."

"Dee Dee was right," said Clyda with awe. "You are even bigger than I remember, Ebony."

"Well maybe I have added a little extra size, from all the stuff Barocca's given me," said Ebony. "But like I told Dee Dee, I'm the Ebony that you knew from the beginning. You know you can trust me not to hurt you, honey."

Deep in her heart, Clyda knew Ebony was being honest and truthful with her. The old Ebony of a few weeks ago would've already had her impaled on her cock instead of asking her nicely, and waiting for her to climb on board. And she would've shoved her cock as far in as she felt like it, with no concern for anyone's pleasure but her own.

By now, Ebony's sexual energy was so intense, just being next to her was causing Clyda to absorb it, and become caught up in the moment. The sight of the Ebony's mighty weapon sent a little tingle through Clyda's body, and her vaginal and ass muscles contracted and relaxed a few times in quick succession, and a warm glow permeated her whole being.

Clyda slowly but surely moved towards Ebony's magnificently beautiful, shiny brown penis, now fully erect and poised for action. It never ceased to amaze Clyda how Ebony's cock had that enormous head at the end of the shaft that was thicker than the rest of the shaft. It would feel exquisite to soon be feeling a high-pressure shot of hot, silky smooth sperm rocket into body from Ebony later on. Another tremor of anticipation tingled through Clyda's body as she prepared to mount Ebony.

Clyda climbed onto the bed, and gingerly positioned herself with her crotch and pussy poised just above Ebony's cockhead. By the time Clyda put the huge cockhead against the swollen lips of her pussy, Ebony's horse-sized cock was trembling with anticipation. Clyda applied a healthy amount of oil to her waiting pussy, which Ebony's cock would soon invade. Tiffany's blood pressure slowly rose, and her heartbeat quickened as she and Dee Dee watched Clyda begin to mount Ebony.

A transformation seemed to overtake Ebony when Clyda made the first contact with her cock. There was the unmistakable feeling of Clyda's soft and pliable, warm and welcoming cunt nestling on top of her cock.

Clyda had the huge tip inside her almost immediately and pumped the shaft with her hands to ease a little of the massive member between her already stretched cunt lips. There was an intense look of concentration on Clyda's face and she had made up her mind she was going to make this work, somehow.

Ebony was trembling in agitation as she lay on the bed, and obviously wanted to get on with the business at hand. Clyda gave a nervous fidget, as she tried to position herself atop Ebony's cock. Ebony's frustration began to show at only being able to penetrate a few inches into Clyda.

"Hey! No fair starting when I wasn't ready," protested Clyda.

"Just kidding, Clyda," said Ebony. "I said I'd do you the way you wanted, and I meant it. But you're so fucking gorgeous looking up at you from down here, that I just couldn't help myself there for a minute."

Clyda instantly took the only suitable action that would matter. At first Ebony's plunges met some resistance in Clyda. After an amazingly short time however, the resistance lessened, as Clyda's body adjusted to the size of Ebony's cock, and her pussy juices were flowing freely. Clyda reached down and grasped Ebony's hands with her own for balance. Slowly the entire cockhead penetrated Clyda's pussy, followed quickly by several inches of her shaft, as Clyda's pussy accepted and adapted to the huge invader.

Clyda forced herself to hold herself relatively still as she sat atop Ebony's agonizingly splendid thrusts, and by skillfully riding with them most of the way, she allowed Ebony's magnificent cock to sink deeper into her moist white flesh. Clyda poured her whole being into each monstrous stab, and Dee Dee could see her rump quiver with each thrust. Clyda slowly, juicily and with obvious relish, absorbed more and more of Ebony's incredible sausage.

Both Tiffany and Dee Dee echoed Clyda's muffled cry of pleasure when Ebony's immense cock penetrated deep inside Clyda's pussy. It was the final lunge at the end of a superb foot-long stroke from Ebony that did the trick. Now that she was becoming more used to Ebony, Clyda grinned at her, and reached down petted and stroked her cock as best she could and she slowly worked more of her cock into her cunt.

By this time, the lower portion of Clyda's belly was already beginning to bulge out slightly from the mass of firm cockflesh within and Tiffany and Dee Dee could see her progress directly as the bulge moved ever so slowly up her stomach. Clyda took in about twelve inches before she groaned out in pleasure, and had to stop and catch her breath before going any further.

"Clyda, your pussy is just as sweet, and just as fine as I remember it," said Ebony.

"Your cock is still everything I remember and more too," said Clyda. "But I've only just begun here. I want to feel this beast of yours really fill me up, Ebony."

"Those are the words I've been waiting to hear girl," said Ebony enthusiastically.

As Clyda settled herself down onto Ebony's cock, the determined humping of Ebony's powerful hips began. In the air as Clyda balanced atop Ebony, her downward thrusts onto Ebony's cock began as just a few inches long. But as Clyda gathered courage and confidence in estimating the motions of Ebony, her stabs grew longer, and longer. As she reached down and gripped Ebony's massive shaft Clyda noticed that both hands together barely fit around her fuckpole.

Tiffany could faintly see the length of Ebony's cock outlined on Clyda's belly as she released her grip and let herself fall farther down on Ebony's cock at her own pace. Dee Dee and Tiffany couldn't believe what they were seeing. This beautiful brunette was being fucked completely senseless by Ebony and loving every inch of it. Clyda's head thrashed from side to side as she repeatedly flicked her hips and strained to take even more of Ebony's cock in her, waiting for Ebony to release her seed deep into her hungry pussy.

Clyda quickly made the twelve inches inside her cunt that she had paused at seem almost insignificant. Clyda swallowed more and more of Ebony's cock, forcing inch after inch inside her even faster than when she had begun. This time, Clyda took Ebony by surprise. Within a few moments, Clyda had engulfed a full two feet of Ebony's cock in her pussy.

It was an amazing and extraordinary spectacle: a lovely, flawlessly beautiful brunette, impaled upon the most magnificent shemale cock on the Island. With two feet of Ebony's shiny brown pulsing penis trying with growing effectiveness to find a safe haven in Clyda's womb.

Clyda could stand no more. During one hump she reached down and caught hold of Ebony's balls with her outstretched hand. Being anchored firmly now, the flailing thrusts of Ebony were greeted with a delicious, lubricated sliding of her now rock hard brown penis in and out of Clyda's creamy pink vagina.

"Damn, Clyda," said Ebony. "You weren't kidding when you said you wanted me deep inside of you. Are you trying to set a record or something?"

"As far as records go," panted Clyda, "I think I've reached mine. I don't think I could take too much more of you, and still see straight tonight."

"Okay, Clyda," replied Ebony. "You don't have to force yourself and take any more of me tonight. You just enjoy what I've got inside you so far. But I do have a surprise for you, just like I did for Dee Dee."

Slowly, Ebony released Clyda's hands, letting her dictate the pace and tempo. Then Ebony reached her long arms out, and found Clyda's cock and balls. Clyda was already well aroused from riding on Ebony's cock to begin with. Her cock quickly sprang to life under Ebony's skilled hands, and reached its full size. Clyda sported not quite two feet of cockmeat, and her balls swelled up to the size of two tennis balls beneath her shaft. Ebony's strong hands gripped Clyda's cock like a vise, and she gripped both of Clyda's nuts in the other.

"Oh my god..." gasped Clyda. "Ebony, that's fucking incredible!"

"That's right girl," said Ebony. "You just ride up and down to your heart's content on me, while I take care of business down here. We're covering all the bases tonight."

Clyda rode Ebony's cock in a slow and steady rhythm, like a horse on a merry-go-round. The wonderful pressure and squeezing of Ebony's hands on her cock and balls spurred Clyda to taking even more of Ebony's shaft inside her pussy. Towards the peak of her performance, Clyda was taking well over two feet of Ebony into the very core of her being.

Ebony worked Clyda's cock like a master with her hands. On her forward strokes, Ebony brought Clyda's foreskin all the way over the head of her cock, temporarily covering her fat cockhead. Ebony applied gentle pressure to Clyda's nuts, feeling them squirm and shift in her huge hand, like two billiard balls.

Lying nearly flat on her back, the sight of seeing Clyda's luscious cock so close to her face drove Ebony crazy. Ebony knew that any sudden shifting of her body could result in drastic consequences for Clyda, who was perched so delicately on her cock above her though. As tempting as it was, Ebony resisted the urge to lean forward and swallow up Clyda's cockhead.

Tiffany and Dee Dee, seeing Ebony obviously restrain herself, were both moved and impressed at how much she had changed. The 'old' Ebony would not have had a second thought about gorging herself in such a position, without a second thought for her partner.As Clyda's pleasure and pressure steadily mounted in her cock under Ebony's attentions, Ebony expertly knew when to back off and let it briefly subside, to prolong the joy. At times, Ebony would give a firm squeeze on Clyda's cockhead, forcing the building fluids back down her shaft, and allowing the escalation of pleasure to begin again.

Although she couldn't suck Clyda's cock, Ebony enjoyed herself by rubbing Clyda's fat cockhead against her heavy tits. The red-hot cockhead brushing against her tender breasts worked to drive both girls to more intense sensations.

For almost half an hour, Ebony and Clyda worked each other to greater heights of pleasure. Both girls' bodies were covered in a fine film of sweat, and both were panting heavily from their exertions, as well as the joy they were feeling. Eventually Ebony's thrusts into Clyda increased to a more frantic pace.

Tiffany could tell by the ever-increasing inward wrinkles of Ebony's rump that her climax was not far off. The pre-orgasmic ripples had been passing in waves through both Ebony and Clyda's body for some time now, and Tiffany knew they would both soon erupt. The eruptions that would soon be coming from the two shemale amazons would definitely be impressive, and Tiffany wanted a front row seat for it.

Ebony hadn't forgotten though. The pressure was building in her shaft and balls to a degree she had never experienced before. Clyda was rubbing her nipples with ecstatic vigor. The incredible stimulation to her own oversized cock from Ebony's hands was becoming almost unbearable. When Ebony started to come, the pressure was too much for Clyda's insides and Ebony's cum began to pour out and splatter all over her crotch and tummy. At the same time, Clyda felt all her breath rush out as her own orgasm began to overpower her.

Clyda began to moan in ecstasy, and shouted out to Ebony, "Watch your hands, Ebony! I want all the squeezing force I can get on my cock.""What are you talking about?" wondered Ebony.

Clyda quickly moved her own hands down to the shaft of her cock, and shoved them between Ebony's. Now there was a black-white, black-white pattern of flesh gripping the shaft of her cock from just above the balls, to just below the head.

"Oh fuck, yes!" screamed Clyda, as her orgasm rocked her body. "Watch out for your eyes, Ebony!"

Together the four hands produced a sight seldom seen on the Island. The first spurt of cum from Clyda's cock was like someone had set off a fire hydrant. Like Dee Dee's orgasm earlier, it was a huge fountain-like stream of jism.

Clyda's cum rocketed out from her cock and plastered the pillows, bedcovers and headboard of Tiffany's bed over four feet away. Five more massive eruptions from Clyda's cock continued to soar past Ebony's face and head, and drench the end of the bed and headboard.

As Tiffany and Dee Dee watched Clyda erupt like a volcano, Tiffany grew more and more distressed. "Oh shit, not again," muttered Tiffany, as she curled with Dee Dee. "First you. And now her. Where the hell am I supposed to sleep tonight after the mess you two have made?"

"Well..." replied Dee Dee, with a devilish look. "My bed is always open for you, Tiffany."

"I just may take you up on that offer," said Tiffany. "But only after I've had my turn with Ebony in a little bit."

The sensuous groans of Clyda and deep-throated roar of Ebony blended into a loud crescendo when Ebony climaxed in ecstasy. The final drive by Ebony was not fully anticipated by Clyda, but she did nothing to discourage it. A long groan gurgled from somewhere down where Ebony's penis was pushing her breath out. More sperm from that cum stroke trickled out between Clyda's legs. On the next stroke a veritable fountain of sperm shot out from all around Ebony's slippery member, spraying onto the bed.

Towards the end, as her orgasm finally began to abate, Clyda let her hands slip off the shaft of her cock. At one point, Clyda moved farther up than she intended, and when Ebony drew back for another thrust, her cock sprang free of Clyda's vaginal grip and began spewing semen all along the length of her body. Clyda was soon covered from her crotch to the hair at the front of her head and she opened her mouth wide to catch what she could of Ebony's cum, as her hands went to her pussy to complete her own monumental orgasm. Clyda squeezed her boobs, and began to sensuously massage some of Ebony's cum into her skin.

Now that Clyda was no longer impaled on her cock, Ebony leaned up and reached one hand behind her back to steady her. With her other hand, Ebony gripped the shaft of Clyda's cock, and greedily engulfed her head in her mouth.

Ebony's mouth and throat were able to milk out several long splurts of cum from Clyda's cock, although the vast majority of her orgasm had been spent on Tiffany's bedroom furniture.Ebony finally let Clyda's cock slide from her lips after a few moments.

"Well I must say, I am impressed Clyda," panted Ebony. "You've been practicing to shoot off a load like that, even with my help, girl."

"Ebony, you always did bring out the best in us," replied Clyda, "and I love you for it."

As Ebony's final thrusting slowed, and the flow of juices from Clyda's legs ebbed to a trickle, Clyda looked to see Dee Dee and Tiffany gawking at them with open eyes.

"Well now," said Ebony. "That's two down, and one to go. And I want you to know Tiffany, that I've been saving the best for last."

Tiffany stood up and smiled at Ebony. "I've always felt very strongly about you too, Ebony."

"You were the very first one that contacted me, and eventually convinced me to come to the Island," said Ebony. "So I'm gonna make your having to be the last in line especially worth the wait, Tiffany."

"Don't mind me, you two," said Clyda. "I've got to take a breather, or I think I'll collapse right here and now. Ebony, Tiffany's all yours." Clyda dismounted Ebony, and gingerly made her way to the sofa to sit next to Dee Dee.

A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz Tiffany

Tiffany strode over to Ebony, and reached out her arms to embrace her. Tiffany placed her hands on Ebony's and leaned over so that she was sure to feel her large breasts on either side of her head. Ebony moved the side of her face to nuzzle in closer to Tiffany's right breast. Tiffany smiled to herself and held Ebony's hands tightly as the two girls groped closely together.

"You always did love a great set of tits, didn't you, Ebony?" asked Tiffany. Ebony's response was a warm mumble, as she had her face buried between Tiffany's huge boobs, while they were still in her bikini top. "I guess I'll take that as a 'yes'," giggled Tiffany.

Tiffany had moved her whole body so that she was up against the bed, as close to Ebony as she could be as they knitted together. Ebony rolled her head around between her breasts and Tiffany moved her hands up her body to her lovely hair. Tiffany stroked it, ran her fingers through it, down to her neck. Tiffany cupped her hands around Ebony's neck and then caressed her cheeks with the outsides of her hands.

Ebony was responding positively, and Tiffany was starting to crave Ebony. Tiffany ran one of her fingers over Ebony's lips and Ebony opened her mouth and sucked it. Tiffany sat on Ebony's lap and looked straight in to her eyes. Then they kissed. Just kissing on the lips at first, but in seconds Tiffany's tongue was in Ebony's mouth, licking her lips, laying on her tongue and caressing it.

They were kissing deeply and passionately and Tiffany's head was already spinning. As they kissed, Ebony's hands were on Tiffany's neck, feeling her beautiful warm body and pressing it up against her own. Tiffany broke from her kiss and started to kiss Ebony's neck. Tiffany licked it up and down, watched her lovely face as Ebony stretched her neck to give her more area to lick.

By now both girls were making a conscious effort to exercise the mental control over their cocks, and keep them limp and at a manageable size. The time would come shortly when both of them let themselves go, but for now they were caught up in the rapture of each other's bountiful breasts.

Tiffany pulled back slightly from Ebony, and her cleavage came in to view, full and firm and inviting. Ebony immediately moved down to kiss her breasts and love them, rub her face against them, hold them in her hands. Ebony leaned back to look at Tiffany in her bikini bra and couldn't help but kiss Tiffany more. Ebony touched Tiffany's breasts in her bra, spread out her fingers and held each one, and ran her fingers all over it. Ebony loved big breasts and Tiffany's were fulfilling all her desires.

Ebony reached around to the back of Tiffany's neck, and undid the knot holding her top, watching as her breasts relaxed and were freed. Ebony slowly slid the straps down her arms, enjoying every moment of revealing them entirely, watching her nipples appear. Once Ebony saw them, she lost all restraint and yanked her bikini bra off the rest of the way and began to suck her nipples.

Tiffany's tits were so lovely, looking absolutely delicious. Ebony kissed them, wrapped her tongue around them, and enjoyed them every way she knew how. Ebony bit them carefully, pinched them just enough to let Tiffany know she wanted her badly. Then Ebony pinched them a little harder.

Ebony smiled as she lowered herself down to Tiffany and they both gasped as soon as their nipples touched each other. Ebony reached behind Tiffany and loosened the bikini bra that encased her over-sized breasts, and then removed it and tossed it to the side. Ebony's face lit up like a kid at Christmas with a new toy, when she saw Tiffany's knockers fully exposed.

Tiffany felt a flood of wetness flow from her pussy. Tiffany was already wet, but the sensation of their nipples and breasts so close turned her on even more. They kissed with their breasts touching; Ebony ran her hands up and down Tiffany's back, into her hair, over her ass; she couldn't be close enough to Tiffany. Tiffany was moaning, Ebony was moving down her neck to her breasts, squeezing them gently, squeezing the nipples roughly, tasting them, and stimulating every part of her breasts.

As their breasts rubbed together, Tiffany could feel Ebony's nipples grow, and felt her own swelling and tightening as well. Slowly, she lowered her head and gently kissed Ebony's mouth again.

After a few persistent moments, Ebony's mouth opened and their tongues touched. The kiss held more tenderness in it then their previous kiss had. Tiffany ran her hands up and down Ebony's back and finally cupped and squeezed her magnificent buttocks. Ebony moaned into Tiffany's mouth and began to caress Tiffany's flesh as well. When they finally broke the kiss, Ebony's tongue slithered down to Tiffany's throat, then to her collarbone.

Tiffany thought she would squeal in orgasm when Ebony's tongue swabbed across one of her nipples. After agonizing moments played on each breast, Ebony shifted her weight further down to Tiffany's belly. Her tiny hands began to dance up Tiffany's thighs. When Ebony's fingers grazed the swollen lips, Tiffany shivered in delight.

"All right girl," said Tiffany. "As much as I love you and your boobies, I just can't hold myself back any more. Get down and show me you still know what to do with a cock."

Tiffany knelt in front of Ebony, stroked her neck then her back, and reached under her with her free hand and started massaging her balls. They were huge, like softballs, but the warm skin wrapped around them was so soft. Tiffany couldn't help but kiss and rub her face next to them, they were so smooth against her skin. Almost immediately Ebony's cock came to rampaging life again. Tiffany couldn't wait for her cock to grow to its awesome size. With Ebony's cock rapidly expanding, Tiffany started stroking it. Tiffany just touched Ebony's cock with her fingertips at first. She was surprised at how silky smooth it was, warm and firm, yet soft and sensual. With that, she got down on her knees and leaned under Ebony.

Tiffany took it in her hands and started stroking Ebony's shaft while running her tongue all over her cockhead and around the large urethra. In a minute she stopped stroking Ebony's back and began working her cock with both hands.

Both of Clyda and Dee Dee's eyes grew in direct proportion to Ebony's cock. They knew Ebony was huge, and the stories of her sexual prowess were famous on the Island; but both were shocked at how thick and hard it still remained after two major fuck sessions already this evening. Ebony's cock was now fully three feet in length and easily over three inches thick.

Finally Tiffany opened her mouth large enough to get the head of Ebony's cock just inside, and continued to stroke the shaft and kiss and lick the flared head and urethra. Tiffany then opened her mouth very wide and placed it over Ebony's cockhead. Since Tiffany was one of the senior amazons, her face and jaws quickly adapted to Ebony's huge cockhead, and in little time, she had the entire fist-sized head in her mouth. Closing her mouth around it she now started to pump Ebony's shaft in and out. She was taking about four inches in and making slurping sounds and rolling her eyes.

Like all the girls, Tiffany was over a foot smaller next to Ebony, and watching her work like this to bring pleasure to the giant amazon was an incredible turn-on to Clyda and Dee Dee.It looked like Tiffany was now taking in about seven inches of Ebony's shaft in her throat, and loving it from the way her body was slowly moving up and down, and her nipples looked as though they were as hard as diamonds.

The sensation of tasting Ebony's cock with her own saliva mixed in really turned Tiffany on. Tiffany loved the feel of it, and ran her tongue around Ebony's urethra while closing her lips and feeling the veins on her cock pulsating. By now Ebony was secreting pre-cum continuously, and the sweet flavor did nothing but make Tiffany work her for more. After a few moments, Ebony gently pulled her cock out of Tiffany's mouth.

"I love what you're doing down there, Tiffany," said Ebony. "But look me in the eyes, and tell me whether you'd rather suck my cock, or be fucked by me."

"You've gotta be kidding, Ebony," laughed Tiffany. "There's no question at all."

Ebony took hold of her cock and held it down at a right angle from her tummy. Tiffany climbed onto the end of the bed, and then got on her hands and knees.

"Everyone's got their own favorite position, Ebony," said Tiffany. "And doing it doggy-style has always been mine. This way I can take you deeper than in any other way inside of me."

When she was close enough, Ebony held her cock down to Tiffany's pussy and told her to move her rump back down onto it. Tiffany mashed herself down on it, but it looked way too big to fit in her little pussy. Tiffany's pussy lips weren't even close to opening wide enough to take Ebony inside. Ebony rubbed her cock up and down against Tiffany's pussy to lubricate it with her juice, and also put her saliva on it to make it even more slippery. When Ebony asked Tiffany to push down on her cock again, she rubbed it all around Tiffany's crack, which slowly opened much wider.

Dee Dee and Clyda couldn't believe the site of beautiful Tiffany kneeling naked in front of the massive shemale Ebony with her huge cock poised at the entrance of her vagina. Ebony's gigantic flared cockhead was touching both of Tiffany's inner thighs. Ebony's cock was shiny slick when she asked Tiffany to press her pussy down on it. Tiffany couldn't believe how fat it felt between her legs; it totally covered and pressed her pussy lips inward.

Slowly Ebony pulled her massive cock out, as Tiffany lay there panting in anticipation. After lubing her cockhead with her saliva, Ebony then pushed it back into Tiffany. Tiffany's pussy lips parted slowly at first, and then suddenly opened wide to receive Ebony's cockhead. Tiffany felt a momentary pang of pain, and then quickly it was less painful, until Ebony's cockhead was inside her, and was ready to reach the still unstretched part of her pussy. Ebony's cock was just so big it felt like Tiffany's entire cunt was being stretched open and invaded by a telephone pole.

Clyda piped in from the side, "You've got about five inches of Ebony into your pussy; you're doing great girl!"

"That's what she thinks," muttered Tiffany. It felt like she had a football being shoved up inside of her. Tiffany could feel the sides of her pussy pressing against her lower guts, which were pressing against her pelvis. Tiffany's pussy lips were spread around the enormous cockhead and it was pushing against her opening when she said, "Clyda, she's stretching me so much, it feels fucking incredible."

From the side, Clyda responded, "Hey, I can always take over if you'd like, love."

"No fucking way!" retorted Tiffany. "It's bad enough I had to be the last in line here. No way I'm giving up my turn with Ebony."

With that, Tiffany began pushing her body onto Ebony's cock ever so slowly. Her eyes winced with pain as the flared head passed though her now stretched vagina opening. When Ebony's cock was several inches inside she pulled back a little. Not wanting to remove Ebony's cockhead, but just enough to relubricate the walls of her pussy. Tiffany moved again and took a little more of Ebony's immense cock into her shaved and contorted little pussy.

Dee Dee and Clyda were embracing each other, and watching Tiffany being fucked by Ebony. Tiffany's body was rapidly adjusting to the size of Ebony's massive cock inside her, as about seven inches of Ebony's cock would disappear into her vagina.

Tiffany was groaning loudly, the guttural sounds coming from her raising the exotic level of this experience. Tiffany now had just under a foot of Ebony's cock inside her pussy.

"I want that monster of yours inside me Ebony," said Tiffany. "And I want it buried fucking deep! Lube it up good, and then ram it in me!"

Dee Dee was overcome with lust from the spectacle she was witnessing.

"All right girl. Just remember: you asked for this," replied Ebony.

Ebony pulled out and re-lubed her cock, applying a generous portion of baby oil along the shaft and her cockhead. Ebony then pushed it back into Tiffany and pulled back on her waist and hips. One long, powerful thrust from Ebony buried just over a foot of cockmeat inside Tiffany. Before Tiffany knew it, this incredible monster of Ebony's had crammed back into her vagina, even deeper than before.

Tiffany was moaning. "Ebony, you're fucking wonderful," she insisted. "I can't remember the last time I was filled up like this." Tiffany had unbelievably stretched her insides to accommodate twenty or so inches of Ebony's huge pulsating cock.

"I thought you said you wanted me deep inside you girl?" replied Ebony. "Without warning, Ebony gave another powerful plunge forward. Another five inches of her cock rammed into Tiffany's pussy. "Now you've just barely passed the two-foot mark Tiffany. Now you're gonna know what it really feels like to get fucked by me."

Now when Ebony pulled her cock out of Tiffany on the backstrokes, some of her cock would pull the flesh of Tiffany's inner pussy walls outside of her vagina, wrapped snugly around its girth. Tiffany was slowly starting to get into a rhythm now that her vagina and Ebony's cock were well lubricated with her juice. Throughout her fuck session with Ebony, Tiffany's own cock had been growing steadily larger and harder, without any help or stimulations.

Ebony pushed her huge dick up into Tiffany again and the feeling of her cock opening Tiffany's cunt up was wonderful. Feeling that immense cock of Ebony's between her legs, spreading her pussy so wide as it buried itself in her, was an incredible turn-on for Tiffany.

Tiffany was sprawled on the bed underneath Ebony and spreading her legs out as wide as possible to accommodate her huge meat-muscle. Tiffany's mouth was open and tears were streaming down her cheeks as Ebony continued to fuck the hell out of her. Tiffany loved the feeling of Ebony's cock pulsating against her pussy walls and feeling her deep in her gut. Tiffany was gently tilting against Ebony to control the power of her thrusts.

To Clyda and Dee Dee's astonishment Ebony had immersed well over two feet of her gigantic cock into Tiffany's body. Tiffany's legs were fully stretched as open they could possibly be which helped ease most of the pain of Ebony's entrance inside her. When Ebony's next thrust worked against the back wall of Tiffany's pussy, she let out a scream. Tiffany could feel Ebony going deeper inside of her. Ebony had worked at stretching Tiffany's cervix so much that it could give way to her huge cock.

Ebony was fucking Tiffany with well over two feet of her powerful cock. The feeling of being fucked so deep inside was giving Tiffany strange yet wonderful sensations as she could feel Ebony sliding through her pussy.

"Oh fuck me, Ebony," Tiffany cried as she felt areas of her body being fucked that she had never felt at all before. "Fuck me deeper and harder!"

Now it was Ebony's turn to be surprised. "Tiffany are you sure you want me to do that? I mean, you've taken more of me inside of you than Dee Dee or Clyda already. You don't have to try and impress me."

Tiffany twisted her head back so that she could look Ebony in the eye, while she was on her hands and knees. "I said shove that monster of yours in me farther!" said Tiffany. "I want to feel you deeper in me than I've ever felt you before. If I can't take it, I'll be sure and let you know."

"All right girl, you got it," said Ebony.

Ebony intensified her pumping and thrusting into Tiffany. What was happening to Tiffany had rarely, if ever happened before on the Island. Ebony was cutting loose all inhibitions, and filling Tiffany literally to the bursting point. Tiffany slowly started to move with Ebony, feeling all kinds of emotions: wicked, slutty, depraved, and sensuous.

Inch by delicious inch she stretched her pussy to accommodate Ebony's raging flagpole. Moans of delight emanated from Ebony each time Tiffany gained another inch of her cock inside of her pussy. Tiffany couldn't believe what was happening to her or how hypnotic the feelings were she was experiencing. Tiffany loved feeling that meat of Ebony's go so deep inside her, through her pussy, cervix and into her uterus. She was so very hot and ready to cum.

Tiffany felt her own cock continue to thicken and enlarge, as it hung down between her legs, and grazed the bedcovers. Because of the position she was in, there was no way Tiffany could effectively reach down and stimulate her own cock. Taking Ebony as deep inside her as she did was requiring all of her skill and concentration. She'd have to wait until later, to be able to bring herself off, and shoot her load.

The feelings running through Tiffany were beyond her ability to describe. What should have been rending and tearing her insides to jelly was somehow the deepest, most profound pleasure she had ever felt. Tiffany had no idea how she was managing to absorb this much of Ebony's cock inside of her, and not be screaming in agony, even if she was a senior amazon.

A tiny warning signal somewhere in the back of her brain told Tiffany that this was a once in a lifetime experience, and that she should be thankful she was able to do it this time, and survive to tell the tale. Attempting this a second time could prove disastrous.

Tiffany was just kneeling there and getting totally fucked in such an overwhelming way, completely helpless as this massive beast called Ebony had her way with her. Tiffany could feel Ebony pressing against the back of her womb and it felt wonderful to feel something alive and moving so deep inside of her. Suddenly, Tiffany felt something large hard and wet slap against her ass cheeks. It took a moment for her to realize what she'd experienced. Ebony's balls were now slapping against her butt! That meant that Ebony had buried her entire shaft inside of Tiffany.

"Holy shit, girl!" exclaimed Ebony. "I don't know where you're putting it, but you've managed to take my entire cock inside of you. Are you sure you're okay down there?"

"This is the most delightful moment in my life," Tiffany panted as she continued to pump her thighs against Ebony while her body was wracked with pleasure from Ebony's cock.

Ebony was in her own sexual stupor. The fire from her balls had spread down the inside of her thighs, back to her butt, up her spine, and down her legs to her toes. Ebony's hands started roaming all over Tiffany's body in an attempt to somehow share her experience with her. Ebony fucked Tiffany hard and heavy like this for over twenty minutes, before she finally reached the point of no return, and felt the pressure inside her cock rising to the inevitable end.

By now, Tiffany knew that Ebony would release her sperm deep into her very soon. Ebony bounced a little which made her cock poke against Tiffany's tummy and she could feel the first warm tingling of Ebony's fluid gushing inside of her. Ebony's massive cock was barreling in and out of her when Tiffany felt her pussy explode in a breathtaking orgasm.

Tiffany had spasms for what seemed forever, and then started all over again when she felt Ebony's cock shoot off inside her. She continued humping Ebony's cock, as she felt her start to erupt inside her. As Ebony's long denied load finally erupted, Tiffany's orgasm thundered through her.

Just then Ebony started to nod her head and make noise. Before Ebony could say anything, she shot her cum into Tiffany and she took off again on an incredible orgasmic ride as Ebony quickly filled her pussy with her seed, which was quickly overflowing from her cunt.Ebony's balls pumped semen hard and fast. She came with such force, injecting Tiffany's overfilled, overstretched twat with so much cum that it seemed like gallons squirted out between them. Ebony gave a bestial roar of lust, as her cock continued to shake with pleasure.

Pulling out, Ebony tried to control her spasming cock, but so much pressure was being released that even she couldn't completely master it. Ebony was cumming with such force, that it was all she could do to just hold her shaft pointed away from her body at a ninety-degree angle. Ebony's cockhead, dark brown and full, pulsed seemingly with a mind of its own. Cum jetted everywhere.

For the third time that night, Tiffany's bedroom furnishings took a beating. Even after shooting off several huge torrents of jism inside Tiffany's womb, Ebony's cock was still unleashing towering waves of jism that seemed as if there was no end to them.

Tiffany watched sheet after sheet of Ebony's sperm launch over her head to plaster against her pillows, bedcovers and headboard, over four feet away.

"Oh jeez, not again," Tiffany grimaced to herself. Tiffany's bed reminded her of years ago, back in High School, when she and other girlfriends had taken some bleach and poured it on their cut-off jeans, to make a sort of tie-died blue-white blotchy effect. Her bedroom furniture, which had started out as a lovely, dark blue color scheme, now bore more than a passing resemblance to her bleached jeans from years ago.

"Oh well," Tiffany thought to herself. "It's a small price to pay for the fucking of a lifetime, and to know that we've got Ebony back to normal, and that she's on our side again."

Eventually, Ebony's orgasm ran its course, and the huge seven-foot amazon finally came back to earth after one of the most intense orgasms she could ever remember since coming to the Island.

Ebony looked just like Tiffany had imagined she would. Whatever the depth of the feelings that Tiffany had just experienced, Ebony had gone light years beyond that. Tiffany suspected that this might have been the first time that the seven-foot amazon had truly had the power of her three-foot cock unleashed to its full potential. Because of her uncertain status with Barocca, Ebony had been exempt from the milking rituals. So until now, no one knew for certain just what Ebony was truly capable of.

Tiffany rolled over on her back, so that she could get a good look at Ebony's face, as well as her cock. Tiffany gasped in surprise as she got an incredible display of just how big Ebony truly was, compared to even the senior amazons. Tiffany's cock was fully erect and throbbing, reaching to not quite two feet in length, and coming to just below her breasts, when she was fully extended and stretched out on her back.

As Ebony relaxed and her breathing returned to normal, she let her cock land on Tiffany's tummy next to her cock for a moment. Ebony's cock was almost two inches thicker than Tiffany's. And as far as length went, there was no question whose was the biggest. Tiffany couldn't be certain on something so huge, but it seemed to her that Ebony might even have gained a couple of inches in size. Ebony stretched out her arms to release the tension in her muscles, and her cock lifted up in mid-air again.

Ebony's cock looked every bit as dominating and powerful as it always had. Tiffany leaned up so she could lick the bottom of the shaft with her tongue, and move on up to the head to lap up the last remnants of her monumental orgasm. Although Ebony's cock had finally stopped shooting off, Tiffany was undoubtedly certain that Ebony could make herself perform at the same incredible level long into the evening if she wanted to.

Tiffany also noticed that when she tasted Ebony's cum now, it was sweet and delicious tasting. Dee Dee and Clyda confirmed this too, when they met later. Many girls who had been forced to service Ebony had remarked that Ebony's sperm usually tasted very strong and almost bitter. Dee Dee suspected that the only way this might be caused was by some type of chemical imbalance in Ebony's body. The knowledge of Barocca feeding Ebony the various drugs had probably been the reason for this change in her.

Finally, Ebony let out a long sigh of breath. "Oh my god..." was all she could get out, before she had to take another deep breath. "Tiffany, I have never felt anything remotely like that in my life!" exclaimed Ebony. "I don't know how to begin to thank you, as well as Dee Dee and Clyda for treating me like this tonight."

"Well I know exactly what you can do," said Tiffany. "I want to let you be the first one to know that we aren't finished tonight, Ebony."

"What do you mean?" asked Ebony. "Don't tell me the three of you still haven't had enough? I may be strong, but even I've got my limits, you know."

"What Tiffany means, Ebony," said Clyda, "is that the three of us aren't finished with you."

"That's right Ebony," said Dee Dee. "We're gonna bring things to a fitting conclusion here tonight the only way we know how."

"Wait a minute.... you don't mean..." stammered Ebony.

"We want to show you how grateful we are for what you've done for us, Ebony," said Tiffany. "We want to have sex with you, with you on the receiving end now."

"Come on, Ebony," asked Clyda. "When was the last time Barocca or anybody else really showed you good sex could be here? She's had you being the intimidator and the enforcer for so long, you need someone you really love and trust to show how good things can be again."

"Please, Ebony," said Tiffany. "We'll take things just the way you did it with us. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, and you can dictate to us how long and how hard you want it done. What do you say?"

Ebony pursed her lips together, and mulled her thoughts for a moment, weighing her options and the rediscovered love and trust she felt for Tiffany, Dee Dee and Clyda. Ebony's face broke into a wide grin. "Dee Dee, Clyda: I say get your butts over here and get ready to help Tiffany. And get those cocks of yours good and hard. And make it quick. I'm going to give all three of 'em a workout you aren't gonna forget!"

With that, Dee Dee and Clyda eagerly sprang up from the sofa where they had been cuddling together, and quickly bounded across the room to join Tiffany as they prepared to give Ebony the fucking she hadn't had in far too long.

A Night To Remember - Ebony Gets Triple-Teamed

"All right, girls," said Ebony, as she addressed Tiffany, Clyda and Dee. "Here's how it's gonna be tonight. You're right in the fact that I haven't been fucked for longer than I care to remember. And when I was, it usually wasn't with anyone who could fill me or satisfy me. So here's what we're gonna do..."

Ebony reached up to the head of the bed, and grabbed several of Tiffany's pillows. She placed these at the end of the bed in a small pile. Then Ebony carefully positioned herself so that her rump was directly on the pillows.

Now Ebony sprawled out on the bed on her back. She was actually lying partly downhill, with her butt raised up into the air. Then Ebony scooted her body forward, so that her tailbone was lying just on the edge of the cushions. From here, here pussy and her asshole were easily accessible.

"Dee Dee, front and center," commanded Ebony. "I don't want you to think that I'm playing favorites with anybody tonight, but I want to suck that hunk of sausage between your legs, like it's never been sucked before. Tonight I'm gonna drain those over-sized nuts of yours."

"Tiffany, Clyda," continued Ebony, "you two get the honor of satisfying me downstairs. I've got myself positioned so that you can both get at each of my holes with no trouble. I want you to start slowly with your tongues and fingers on me. Then I want you to go to the next level and give me a good fist fuck in both holes to get me ready for your cocks.

"When you stick your cocks in me, I want you to fuck me like you've never fucked anything before in your life. Remember a couple of things, girls. Not only am I incredibly fucking horny tonight from all the work so far tonight, I honestly can't remember the last time somebody banged my box and really brought me off. The other thing is this: I'm over a foot taller than any of you. So I can take considerably more substance inside my pussy or my ass or my throat, than you to begin with. On top of that, thanks to the pills we normally take on the Island, and whatever Barocca's been feeding me recently, that means my limits are almost boundless down there, and in my mouth.

"So if you hear me making any strange moaning and groaning noises, rest assured that you're doing the job, and getting me off. I'm not making fun of anybody, but with all the stuff in my body, it'd take a train wreck to actually hurt me when I'm having sex. Any questions?"

Tiffany, Clyda and Dee Dee glanced at each other in awe for a moment, and then quickly smiled at Ebony. It was rare when they could completely cut loose and have sex even among themselves and the other senior amazons, without having to remember to show some restraint and not worry about hurting the others. Now Ebony was telling all three of them to pull out all the stops, and hold nothing back when they gangbanged her!

"All right, Ebony," said Tiffany. "You want to get fucked hot and heavy, the three of us will be more than happy to accommodate you. Let's go girls!"

Tiffany settled down on her knees on the carpet next to the edge of the bed, next to Ebony's right leg. Clyda followed suit, and knelt down next to Ebony's left leg. Quickly then, Ebony spread her legs so Tiffany could stick her soft face into place over her crotch. Ebony surprised both girls by being limber and athletic enough so that even with her tremendous size, she could still spread her legs almost completely perpendicular from her body, like a cheer-leader or a gymnast. Now Tiffany and Clyda had an almost unobstructed view and access to Ebony's pussy and asshole.

"Clyda my friend," said Tiffany, "not only was I here first, but I didn't get a chance to shoot my load earlier with Ebony tonight. So I've got dibs on her pussy for the remainder of the action here." Tiffany claimed her prize quickly, eager to get her hot, wet tongue going on Ebony's pussy.

"Well, I suppose I should take offense," Clyda replied good-naturedly. "But I've always wanted the chance to do Ebony in the back door anyway. That's something I've never done before tonight. So I'll be more than content with her butthole tonight, love."

"Ooh!" Ebony said out loud, arching her back some as Tiffany licked hotly right into her pussy lips. The sensation was wild, driving her crazy. Tiffany's tongue shot a wet fire up Ebony's cunt, and she began to roll her ass, the way she did when she was finger-fucking herself and getting to the point where she might come.

"All right, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "That's enough talking by you. I want you to get to work on my cock and balls now honey."

Dee Dee knelt down alongside Ebony's head, and she reached for her cock. Ebony grabbed it with one huge hand and began pulling on it. After a moment, Dee Dee's cock started to grow. And it kept on growing until even Ebony needed her two big hands to hold it. Dee Dee's cock grew to over sixteen inches long. Using both hands, Ebony massaged Dee Dee's cock, feeling it stiffen and become rock hard. By now, Dee Dee's cock was thicker than even Ebony's wrist.

Ebony brought Dee Dee's huge cock to her mouth and licked its large head. It smelled wonderful and tasted delicious. Ebony licked across the top portion of Dee Dee's big thick shaft. The end of Dee Dee's cock had to be at least four inches thick and got even thicker further down the shaft, as it neared her balls.

Ebony kept licking it and then took the head of Dee Dee's cock to her lips and pushed it into her mouth, tonguing it some more. When Ebony removed it, it glistened from her saliva and she was determined to take as much as she possibly could of Dee Dee's meat inside her, and then drain every drop of cum from her balls.

Tiffany was lapping Ebony's snatch long enough to make her come, and bring her off like she hadn't been done in a long time. Ebony shuddered as Tiffany's tongue felt wonderful, rubbing away at her pussy like that. Ebony could sense that her eventual orgasm would be big, and trembled all over at the thought.

Clyda worked her tongue furiously into Ebony's ass, spreading her sphincter apart some, slurping into her hot hole and listening to Ebony whining in pleasure, deep in her chest. It was great for Clyda, getting to Ebony in a way that when using her own fingers herself, Ebony rarely had brought herself off like this before.

Ebony reached down and pushed Tiffany's head down, and shoved her deeper into her heaving snatch. Ebony rolled her hips and lifted to it, while the good feelings got better and better in her pussy. Clyda continued to probe and finger Ebony's butt with her fingers and tongue. Ebony briefly broke away from sucking on Dee Dee's cock. "Oh, Tiffany!" she panted, swinging her head from side to side and breathing harshly. "Oh Tiffany, eat me up! Just eat up my pussy!"

"Hey! Who told you that you could stop sucking on my cock?" Dee Dee playfully scolded Ebony, as she placed her hands on her hips, and feigned like she was frustrated.

Ebony put Dee Dee's hard cock between her lips, rubbing it across her tongue. Ebony pushed her tongue back and forth across the hard shaft. The roughness of Dee Dee's cock was making her pussy tingle. Ebony continued stroking Dee Dee's hard meat with her hands until eventually Dee Dee was getting excited. Dee Dee's hard meat scraping on Ebony's throat was turning her on. It was so large and hard, and it felt so good.

"Oh fuck, yes, Ebony!" said Dee Dee. "Do it to me. Do it to me good!"

Ebony humped the end of Dee Dee's fat cock a couple times while stuffing the huge cock in her mouth. Ebony's eyes were still closed as she held Dee Dee's shaft between her lips and kneaded it, stroked it and massaged the long shaft with both hands. For fifteen minutes Ebony worked hard and fast, then harder and faster continually increasing the pace. Ebony was determined to make Dee Dee cum. Ebony sucked hard, slurping nine inches of Dee Dee's meat in her mouth.

Tiffany responded to the feelings flowing through Ebony's body, and which were partially delivered to her and Clyda. Tiffany's long, thick tongue pushed harder, licked more avidly, and a hot, bright spot began to grow swiftly around Ebony's stimulated clit. Ebony's cunt got all hot inside, turned wetter and juicier, and she humped jerkily against Clyda and Tiffany's face, and quivered and gasped as she started to come.

It was a delirious, thrilling sensation that made Ebony hump her crotch, and made her kick her legs and begin digging her fingers into Tiffany's head.

"I'm coming!" Dee Dee husked. "Oh Tiffany, you horny little minx, you're making me and Ebony both cum!"

Suddenly, Ebony could feel Dee Dee's breathing increase, and her stomach muscles tightened up. Ebony knew that Dee Dee's release was only moments away.

Then a tremendous gush of thick white cream erupted from Dee Dee's cock and down Ebony's throat. Dee Dee was cumming, blasting Ebony's mouth with an ocean of sperm. For over thirty seconds, Dee Dee's cum flew down Ebony's throat, and she briefly thought that she couldn't handle the huge quantity of cum. Ebony intensified her efforts, relaxing her throat, and gulping mouthful after mouthful of Dee Dee's jism greedily down her throat.

Ebony's heels beat against the carpet, and the edge of the bed, and great, racking shudders whipped over her taut body. Ebony came, again and again, her eyes rolling back in her head and her jaws locked like a vise on the shaft of Dee Dee's cock. Finally Dee Dee's spurting cock abated, and Ebony could pull the head out of her mouth, savoring the last traces of jism that clung to it.

"I'm impressed, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "You haven't lost any of your touch when it comes to cocksucking. But you of all people should know that I went for quality and quantity, when I developed my own cock. I'm still ready and raring to go."

Ebony eyes gaped in wonder at Dee Dee's cock hovering in front of her face, inches away. If Ebony hadn't known that she had just now swallowed a huge load of Dee Dee's jism, it would be impossible to tell. Dee Dee's cock was still firm and hard, and her balls were still throbbing with massive quantities of sperm left inside them, ready to be unleashed.

Reeling from the pleasure, Ebony lay flat upon the bed while her massive tits heaved up and down and her mind spun. She knew that Tiffany was still lapping her inflamed pussy, and Clyda was still rimming and reaming her asshole. In a daze, Ebony was sorry, because she knew now that Tiffany and Clyda would stop in a few moments. But it made her break out in a tremendous grin, because the fun and games had only just begun for the evening, and it wouldn't take all that much more to make her come again!

"Well Ebony," asked Dee Dee playfully. "Are you just gonna stare at my cock all night?"

"All right girl," said Ebony. "Never let it be said that I don't like a challenge." Ebony slobbered spit all over Dee Dee's cock, and immediately went back to work. Ebony was in her glory. She soaked Dee Dee's prick shaft and huge balls with her drool, greasing her cock for her throat again. "I'm gonna get you nice and wet for sucking," she mumbled, kissing and licking Dee Dee's growing cock. "Nice and wet."

Clyda could hardly believe it. Ebony, was actually sucking Dee Dee's cock in a near marathon fashion. Ebony had barely paused, after she had first drained Dee Dee's cock moments ago. Clyda became jealous, wishing she had thought of something like that first.Ebony sucked Dee Dee's rod, running her lips and tongue the length of Dee Dee's growing prick shaft. Dee Dee's cock tasted great. Ebony whipped her tongue over Dee Dee's bloated cockhead. The sweet seepage of Dee Dee's cum as it oozed from her piss-hole was sticky and hot.

Their mouths drooling, Tiffany and Clyda watched Ebony work on Dee Dee. Clyda gasped, her heart leaping into her throat as she witnessed Ebony gobble the entire fat head of Dee Dee's cock into her mouth in one swift motion.

"Holy shit," Clyda moaned, rocking on her haunches, as she worked on Ebony's ass from her position. "Suck her good, Ebony."

"Okay, Clyda," said Tiffany. "Ebony's proved she can definitely take our tongues inside her holes. Do you think she's ready for the next step?"

"Oh, she's definitely ready for the next level, love," replied Clyda. Clyda and Tiffany playfully touched their fists together to show Ebony just what they were going to do to her next.

First Clyda pushed one finger in Ebony's asshole inserting it all the way. Clyda spit a couple times on Ebony's ass and smeared her saliva around her anus until she could easily fuck Ebony's asshole with her long finger. Ebony felt one finger probing around her rectum, then a second one and a third. Clyda was stretching her asshole pretty wide once she got her fourth finger in. Clyda wasn't too easy about it either. Clyda fucked in and out of her anus fast and hard making Ebony grunt from the force and pressure each time she jammed her fingers in.

Then Clyda pulled out and began twisting her fingers in Ebony's asshole trying to penetrate her ass with her whole hand. Ebony was letting out a continuous loud groan and grunt as she knew Clyda wasn't going to stop until her whole fist was inside her ass. At the same time, Tiffany then reached between Ebony's legs and started inserting her hand up her cunt. Briefly, Ebony instinctively tightened up trying to keep her out, but in it went. Tiffany's hand disappeared inside her fuckhole.

Ebony stretched her mouth wider. She took Dee Dee's cockhead and sucked, dripping ooze coating her tongue. Slowly, over eight inches of Dee Dee's thick cock shaft vanished down Ebony's throat. Now in position, Ebony cradled Dee Dee's massive nuts and sucked deeply, enjoying Dee Dee's meaty cock.

Dee Dee lurched forward, the head of her prick fucking Ebony's throat. Dee Dee moaned in ecstasy, hands stroking at Ebony's face and hair, her thick cock fucking her throat. Ebony almost gagged as this time, a full twelve inches of Dee Dee's prick clogged her throat. Ebony's face reddened and her eyes bulged, but she didn't retreat. Ebony was determined to swallow every inch of Dee Dee's tubesteak, and nothing was going to stop her from attaining her goal.Ebony moaned. The slurping and sucking noises coming from Ebony's mouth were driving Tiffany and Clyda crazy as they watched Ebony engulf Dee Dee's prick.

"Dee Dee's getting rock hard, Ebony," exclaimed Clyda. "Suck her, Ebony!" She nearly swooned, her blue eyes bugging out as she watched Ebony turned Dee Dee's prick into a slab of hard throbbing steel.

Ebony felt her pussy suck Tiffany's whole hand up inside her, as her swollen pussy lips locked around her wrist. Tiffany's arm pumped upward as Ebony pushed downward impaling herself on her arm. Several strokes from Tiffany, and Ebony felt another storm begin to well up inside her, looking for release.

Ebony lay panting and wild-eyed as Clyda reversed the direction of motion and she cried out as her asshole was being stretched again. Clyda pulled her hand out until just before the tip of her thumb would leave her hotness, and then she forced it back inside. Clyda repeated the process another four or five times before she removed it entirely. Clyda pushed harder and harder and harder until finally Ebony's asshole stretched wide, almost feeling like it would rip right open. Clyda's fist entered Ebony's ass. The sensation burned for just a moment when her hand passed through her anal opening. Ebony's cunt was already forced open, occupied by Tiffany's fist from above in her pussy, and now her asshole was full too with Clyda's fist.

Ebony felt Clyda probing around in her ass and could feel her hand touching and bumping Tiffany's fist that was in her other hole just on the other side of the thin membrane separating her ass and cunt. Tiffany thought it was cute when Ebony tried to clamp onto her fist, whenever she tried to pull out of Ebony's hole. The same thing was happening in her ass, almost as if Ebony was afraid she might force it out of her cunt, or expel Clyda's fist from inside her ass. But every time Tiffany tried to pull out of Ebony, she squealed as it pleasured the inside of her delicate cunt walls.

Tiffany laughed at her, "What's the matter, Ebony? Can't you handle a couple of fists up inside of you?"

"I don't think Ebony can talk just now, Tiffany," said Clyda. Ebony's mouth and throat were filled to nearly bursting with a foot of Dee Dee's cock wedged inside.

At the other end of the bed, Ebony was impaled on both ends, a fist in her asshole and a fist in her cunt. "Hey Tiffany, I can feel you in there, on the other side of my fist," Clyda remarked. "God, I like this girl! Let's give her a real fist fucking, Tiffany."

Ebony proved knew what she was doing with Dee Dee's meat. For fifteen minutes, her fingers, like fluttering butterflies, skimmed the length of Dee Dee's cock shaft. Her tongue, she used as a whip, lashing it over and over again across the thick bloated head of Dee Dee's cock inside her mouth. Ebony's fingers hefted Dee Dee's huge balls, and began to knead and squeeze them. A dizzy feeling began to sweep over Ebony. Dee Dee's balls were incredibly heavy with another load of jism. Knowing her ass and pussy would also soon be filled with Clyda and Tiffany's cum thrilled Ebony beyond belief.

Dee Dee, moaned in ecstasy, her balls rumbling again, jabbed hard, fucking her prick deep into Ebony's gullet. Dee Dee thrust her hips forward, and suddenly her balls smacked against Ebony's chin. Dee Dee's prick stretched Ebony's mouth wide open and throbbed deep in her throat.

Clyda began pulling her fist from Ebony's asshole and then plunging it back in. All Ebony could do was let out loud groaning sounds as Clyda pistoned her fist in and out of her tight asshole. Her anal hole opened and closed repeatedly to accommodate Clyda's fist. A couple of times Clyda pulled her fist out leaving a giant gaping hole where her fist had been.

"Look at this fucking asshole, Tiffany." And they both stared into Ebony's wide-open rectum.

"Nice ass you've got, Ebony," Tiffany remarked. "Almost as nice as your pussy." Tiffany yanked her fist out of Ebony's cunt, and then plunged it back in without warning, causing Ebony to writhe in pleasure. "In a little while, we're gonna shove more than just our fists inside your holes. Are you ready for that?"

"Take it from me, Ebony's more than ready," replied Dee Dee. "I haven't been sucked like this since my last trip to the Milking Chamber."

Then Clyda plowed her fist back in before Ebony's gaping asshole closed up.

Then Tiffany started doing Ebony's cunt the same way. Tiffany's fist emerged from her slit then got swallowed up again as she rammed it back inside Ebony again. Tiffany continued ramming in and out of her hole, while Clyda did the same in her ass. Then both girls began ramming Ebony's holes together, both forcing their fists in at the same time making Ebony take a pounding like she'd never had before in this manner.

To Ebony, it had briefly felt like they were ripping her apart. But it hurt for only a moment, and then Ebony became aroused as the movement of Tiffany's fist and forearm kept going across her clit. Now Tiffany was kneeling between Ebony's wide spread thighs and she had her fist pressed against Ebony's pussy. Her forearm was wet with Ebony's love-juice right up to the elbow, and Tiffany punched it back inside her tight cunt.

Ebony moaned in pleasure as she was stretched once more by Tiffany and Clyda's fists. Clyda's fist was the size of Tiffany's own, but Ebony's pussy and asshole were larger than anything the two girls might have shoved them in, before this. Ebony's pussy and asshole had now quickly adapted to the size of the girls' fists. Now Ebony was flexing her hips and her ass cheeks, grinding down on both of the twin pistons inside of her.

Dee Dee bent down from above, and sucked one of Ebony's hefty breasts into her mouth. Dee Dee gnawed at Ebony's huge nipples as she continued to ram her thick cock down Ebony's throat. With Dee Dee bent over in this position, Ebony couldn't resist, and she reached out and began tweaking and stroking Dee Dee's own leathery nipples with her fingers. Ebony's strong fingers quickly transformed Dee Dee's nipples to rock hard little buds that looked like the tip of a finger mounted on her breasts. After a few moments of the unexpected pleasant stimulation on her nipples, the feelings overwhelmed Dee Dee, as she felt the sensations in her cock go past the point of no return.

Dee Dee rose to sitting position again, and reached out and grabbed the back of Ebony's head. Dee Dee began fucking Ebony's throat with quick powerful strokes. Every inch of Dee Dee's massive hard-on was shoved down Ebony's throat. As she fucked her throat, Dee Dee's over-sized balls slapped loudly against Ebony's jaws and cheeks.

"Here it comes, Ebony!" Dee Dee shouted. "Show me you've still got what it takes baby!"

Dee Dee's prick shot off like a fire hose again. Stream of hot, sweet jism rained down directly into Ebony's gullet like a waterfall. Ebony could feel the warmth of Dee Dee's juices spreading throughout her body, washing over her in a wave of pleasure. Ebony was gasping for air and almost choking, but was fiercely determined not to give up her hold on Dee Dee's meat. Dee Dee's cock unleashed its load into Ebony's mouth and throat for almost a minute before it finally trickled to a stop.Ebony pulled her mouth from Dee Dee's cock. "Dee Dee, you almost ripped out my tonsils," she panted, clearing her throat.

"Wow! That's twice you took all of Dee Dee's cock inside you and didn't spill a drop," Tiffany said. "God. I don't believe it." Tiffany looked at Dee Dee's cock. Even after shooting off twice, Dee Dee's prick was still long, hard, and ready to use. Ebony grinned triumphantly and stared at Dee Dee's cock. She was damn proud of what she had just done, and her smile proved it.

"I told both of you that I'd get Dee Dee hard," said Ebony. "And that I'd drain these monster nuts of hers too."

Dee Dee playfully wagged her finger in front of Ebony in a scolding motion. "I've still got one more load in my nuts before you finally empty my tank, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "But I'm gonna wait just a minute before I let you suck me again. I've never seen anybody get fist fucked the way Tiffany and Clyda are doing it to you. I want to watch the finale of this part of the action."

Clyda turned to face Tiffany and then, before her disbelieving eyes, she pushed her entire hand inside Ebony's asshole, in one long, powerful stroke. Clyda twisted her wrist and forced more of her arm into Ebony's body, twisting and thrusting until inch by inch she had pushed her entire forearm inside her lover, right up to the elbow!

Not to be outdone, Tiffany reached down with her free hand and started to rub Ebony's swollen clit with her thumb. She crushed it down roughly against her pistoning forearm and Ebony screamed with pain induced pleasure. Tiffany shoved her fist into Ebony's pussy, and then followed with a similar stroke to Clyda's. Tiffany buried her arm all the way up to the elbow in Ebony's pussy.

Ebony screamed as Clyda and Tiffany kept up the pressure behind that last push from each of them, forcing the rest of their arms between her buttocks. Ebony felt her sphincter and cunt being stretched to agonizing dimensions as the widest part of Clyda's hand forced its way inside her.

They double fist-fucked Ebony for more than ten minutes, with both girls providing all the strength that was required for such a massive violation. The sounds of their combined arms as they rammed in and out of Ebony were sickeningly wet, as Ebony's love-juices were pistoned out of her by the irregularly shaped violation. The excitement built and became unbearable. Ebony was being fucked by both girls' fists, and fucked hard. Ebony was being brutally fisted and she was getting more and more turned on.

Until now, only Dee Dee had allowed herself to gain an erection, as the girls concentrated on pleasuring Ebony in other ways. Still, even in its limp state, Ebony's cock was an almost foot long tube of meat, as thick as a salami. Ebony's body stiffened momentarily, as the waves of pleasure overtook her.

One heaving wave of passion followed by another, and another, and another. Ebony's body began to shake and tremble, almost as though she were going into convulsions. The huge, turgid shaft of Ebony's meat began to flail back and forth wildly, as Ebony shook with the sensations that were overriding her body. Ebony's cock began to slap loudly against her tummy. Clyda and Tiffany each had their face close to Ebony's crotch and hips as they fucked her with their fists, and only now found out that they had gotten too close for comfort.

Without warning, the flailing motion of Ebony's cock landed loudly against each girl's face and forehead.

"Ouch! Hey watch what you're doing with that thing!" Tiffany playfully exclaimed.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that you could put somebody's eye out with that?" retorted Clyda.

Then it happened. Ebony clenched her butt cheeks as hard as she could, and gripped both girls' fists while they were both inside her, just before the giant orgasm violently racked her from head to toe.

"Oh god yes!" Ebony exclaimed. "Don't stop now. Shove your fists in harder!"

"Ebony's cumming, Tiffany. She likes it!" exclaimed Clyda. Ebony's orgasm lasted a full minute before subsiding. When it did, the girls' fists were expelled from her soaked holes with loud satisfying 'plops'. Ebony lifted her head slightly up and stared at her lovers.

Tiffany and Clyda held up their arms to compare them against the other's. Each girl's arm was coated with Ebony's juices to just past the elbow. They gaped in surprise as they realized just how far they shoved their fists into Ebony, and still not completely filled her.

"Damn, you're a hot one, aren't you, Ebony?" Tiffany asked.

"Ebony's a little too busy to talk right now girls," giggled Dee Dee.

Ebony tilted her gaze towards Clyda and Tiffany, and grinned somewhat embarrassed. At this point, Ebony had her mouth completely full of Dee Dee's cockhead, as she went to work on Dee Dee's cock for the third time. All she could do was give Tiffany and Clyda a look that told them both how much she had enjoyed their efforts. Tiffany and Clyda looked at each after they had just finished fisting Ebony. Both girls' arms were coated from the elbow to their fingertips with Ebony's pussy and anal juices.

Each girl began rubbing her coated forearm, removing most of the juices, and letting them collect in the palm of their free hand. Tiffany and Clyda relaxed the mental control over their cocks, willing them to become stiff and erect. In a few seconds, both girls' cocks were reaching a foot in length, and standing out stiffly from their tummies at ninety-degree angles.

Tiffany and Clyda used the collected juices from Ebony as lubricant for their cocks, and began applying it, and massaging it onto their stiffening shafts. The girls' hands made an assortment of slipping and slacking noises, as they lubricated every inch of their rock hard cocks, as Ebony watched them with lust in her eyes.

Then Tiffany straightened up and began playing with her big testicles. Clyda did the same, grabbing each hefty nut in one hand, and pulling them out and away from her cock, showing Ebony just how big they were.

Now, as Ebony watched Clyda and Tiffany's cocks getting rock hard and extending out from their crotch at least eighteen inches apiece, and she felt the heat in her loins building and spreading again.

In no time at all, Tiffany and Clyda's cocks had reached their full length of just under two feet apiece. Each girl's cock glistened in the lights of the room, from all the liquid and juices that had been rubbed into it. Numerous veins bulged out along the shaft of both Tiffany and Clyda's cocks. The huge urethra shaft on the bottom looked as though a large cable was strapped to each girl's cock.

By now Tiffany and Clyda were getting incredibly turned on just by looking at the other's erection, not to mention the awesome sight of Ebony sprawled on her back, and sucking off every inch of Dee Dee's cock down her throat. When Tiffany and Clyda had their fists inside of Ebony, both girls had known that even with shoving their arms into Ebony up to the elbow, they had not fully reached her body's limits. Neither girl was sure if even two feet of cockmeat in both holes would completely fill or satisfy Ebony. But they were certainly going to have one hell of a good time finding out as they fucked Ebony!

Tiffany and Clyda paused momentarily from stroking their hard-ons as they watched Ebony go to work once more on Dee Dee's cock.

"Ooh, Ebony," Clyda gasped. "Suck her. Suck Dee Dee off one more time." Clyda squirmed, her tits jiggling as she ogled Ebony from her position, and continued to finger and stroke her cock.

Ebony trembled as she filled her mouth with Dee Dee's cock for the third time. Ebony sucked deep on Dee Dee, feeling her throb against her lips and tongue. Spasms rippled through her young body as she inched the head of Dee Dee's cock toward the back of her throat.

"Fuck her face, Dee Dee!" Tiffany squealed as she stroked Ebony's thighs and tummy trying to keep the rest of her body as calm as possible.

"Suck that meat down, Ebony," encouraged Clyda. Ebony was shaking with anticipation and lust. Dee Dee's cock clogged her throat and she almost gagged. Raw lust kept Ebony from yanking her mouth off Dee Dee's prick. Ebony wanted it all and as Dee Dee jerked forward, she relaxed her throat and took the head of Dee Dee's cock into her gullet.

Dee Dee twitched her sides, her chest heaving as she plunged her rigid cock into Ebony's greedy mouth. Dee Dee twisted, her balls twitching as she fucked her cock deeper into Ebony's wet sucking mouth.

Ebony stroked the base of Dee Dee's prick and her cum-filled balls. Ebony swooned, her throat stretched as Dee Dee's cock throbbed in her mouth. Dee Dee pushed forward deeper into Ebony's throat, her face flushed red. Ebony's throat muscles could be visibly seen as they contracted against and massaged Dee Dee's shaft. Ebony desperately wanted every inch of Dee Dee's prick in her throat again.

Dee Dee gave it to her. Moaning, she lunged forward, fucking Ebony's throat with her fat throbbing prick. Dee Dee twisted her rump and jabbed violently at Ebony's sucking mouth. Clyda gulped, her eyes popping as she watched Ebony devour Dee Dee's prick. "Chew her up, Ebony," she moaned. "Make Dee Dee cum again."

Now Tiffany scooped some more of Ebony's juices off her arm, and into her hand. As she applied more of the slimy substance to her massive hard-on, she looked down at Ebony and smiled gleefully, then Tiffany started to slide her hand up and down the huge length of her shaft, as though she were masturbating her massive cock.

Clyda followed Tiffany's lead, and did the same thing. Clyda let a large dollop of Ebony's juices roll down the shaft of her cock from the cockhead, and followed its progress along the rest of her shaft with her eyes. After a few moments of stroking, Tiffany and Clyda had their cocks primed and ready for some serious fucking. They thrusted out into the air like two flesh-colored missiles. The opening on each girl's cockhead opened and closed slowly like the mouth of some giant worm or snake.Ebony placed her crotch almost directly under the end of Tiffany's stiff shaft and wriggled her ass until the big cockhead was resting against her cunt lips. When the hard head of Tiffany's long cock touched Ebony's slippery slit, she pushed forward and the big knob slipped right in. Ebony gasped and just let the hard, hot flesh soak in her quivering gash. Ebony shuddered, squirming her pussy against the head of Tiffany's cock. She felt the pressure against her clit and swooned. Tiffany, her balls rumbling with hot cum, fucked forward. The power of her thrust and the hardness of her cock split Ebony's cunt lips like tissue paper. The head of Tiffany's prick filled Ebony's tight pussy.

Tiffany wriggled a little more, hunched upward, and four or five inches of her prick slipped into Ebony's pussy. Tiffany began making fucking motions, lurching upward ever higher, soon shoving several inches into Ebony on each upward thrust. "Oh, Ebony, you can't imagine how good this feels!" exclaimed Tiffany.

Then Clyda turned back to Ebony and positioned the well-lubricated tip of her giant penis in the cleft of Ebony's buttocks. Clyda slowly pushed the head of her giant cock through Ebony's asshole, and then she began to thrust easily in and out, gradually working her way deeper into her huge amazon lover.

Clyda grasped her own long cock with both hands, about ten inches from the blunt cockhead. She wriggled her ass, seemingly to get more comfortable, and guided her shaft even deeper into Ebony's ass. Clyda hunched upward, shoving three or four more inches inside, then settled her buttocks down until only the head was embedded. She repeated the thrusting motion a few times, then stopped, leaving only the head buried inside Ebony again.

With each thrust, she opened Ebony's rectum wider and deeper until she stopped for a moment at twelve inches or so. Once that happened Clyda started to increase the tempo of her thrusts, changing the angle of entry to stretch Ebony's walls further, allowing her to cram more and more of her huge cock into Ebony and to make room for it. Clyda grunted loudly and stepped forward. Clyda's balls swayed back and forth from her exertions. Clyda's rump jerked forward and her cock fucked Ebony's greasy-hot butthole. Hot milky fuck cream began to trickle out of Ebony's ass, and down over Clyda's prick and coated her balls.

Ebony's cunt was very wet and Tiffany quickly sank twelve inches into the much bigger woman with one stroke, filling deeply into her womb. Tiffany fucked Ebony forcefully for a couple of minutes and then withdrew.

Ebony's head was reeling. Her mouth and throat were stuffed with Dee Dee's prick. Spasms racked her pussy and ass from Clyda and Tiffany's cocks, as she eased back her head. Ebony dragged her teeth along Dee Dee's twitching cock, her tongue flashing over the hard throbbing cockmeat. With only the cockhead in her mouth, Dee Dee abruptly slammed forward, fucking her throat, shoving almost a foot of her prick down Ebony's gullet.

"Make her cum," Tiffany moaned as she plowed her cock into Ebony. "Suck her off!" Tiffany rubbed her hands frantically over Ebony's thighs and hips as she twitched on her back.

"Cream her mouth, Dee Dee!" exclaimed Clyda.

Ebony was in a frenzy. She thrashed on her side, her legs spread wide as she jerked her rump while Tiffany and Clyda buried their cocks in her holes. Dee Dee continued to fuck Ebony's mouth with her fat meaty prick. Dee Dee jerked, sighed and twisted as Ebony's hot eager mouth started the cum churning in her big balls again.

Ebony was out of her mind. She jerked her head back and forth, feasting on Dee Dee's prick as she fucked in and out of her mouth. Ebony sucked and used her tongue, feeling Dee Dee's cock swell. Ebony's fingers massaged Dee Dee's swinging balls and she gurgled deep in her throat, knowing that soon Dee Dee would be creaming her mouth yet again.

"Well Clyda," said Tiffany, "I think we've got Ebony good and primed for the grand finale. Don't you agree?"

"Oh absolutely, Tiffany," replied Clyda. "I think it's high time we gave her what she's really been craving all evening." Then Ebony moaned with pleasure as Tiffany rose pushed the head of her cock further into her pussy again.

Clyda slowly copied Tiffany's example, and began filling Ebony with the full length of her massive cock into her amazon lover's tight rectum. Clyda took a firm grip with both arms around one of Ebony's muscular thighs, and started to fuck Ebony's ass mercilessly, her flat stomach slapping against Ebony's muscular buttocks and thighs.

Tiffany looked down to see Clyda's progress. Her eyes popped. What she saw sent spasms scurrying through her hot body. Ebony's ass looked like it was split wide open from Clyda's piledriver. Hard, thick shemale cockmeat was now brutally spreading both of her holes incredibly wide. Ebony bucked like a wild mare on Tiffany's prick, bathing her cock in scalding pussy-cum. Fuck juice gushed from the pulsing walls of Ebony's cunt, and flowing out over her jiggling butt cheeks and down onto Tiffany and Clyda's swinging balls, staining the bedcovers.

Ebony thrashed like a stuck pig. She humped up, taking huge thrusts from Clyda's cock into her ass. Rock hard cockmeat filled her bowels, with Clyda's precum juices overflowing and mixing with her own scalding juices.

Clyda jerked hard, shoving an impaled Ebony along the pillows and the bed covers. Clyda's balls swelled again, as her pleasure increased. Streams of Ebony's juices leaked out of the hot bubbling depths of Ebony's butt. Squishy sounds echoed, blending with Tiffany's grunting and Ebony's squeals of pleasure. Tiffany and Clyda quickly reached down, and shoved the pillows back under Ebony's rump again. Ebony lifted her legs and angled her body for more stabbing from both girls' cocks. Ebony was rewarded with an even harder thrust of Clyda's pulsing cock.

As Tiffany and Clyda paused for a moment to gather their strength, they noticed another trembling beginning to surge through Ebony's powerful body. Slowly but surely, Ebony's massive penis began to come to life again. Both girls could see the head of it slowly begin to inch forward along her tummy, as it began to grow and enlarge.

"Uh oh," said Tiffany. "Look who's woken up, Clyda."

"I was wondering how long Ebony could manage to hold off," said Clyda. Ebony still had her mouth completely engorged with Dee Dee's massive hard-on. But she managed to tilt her head slightly downwards and give Tiffany and Clyda a sexy look, and wink at them.

"Now, now, Ebony," giggled Clyda. "Mind your manners, and don't try and talk with your mouth full."

"And speaking of manners," added Tiffany, "who said you could jerk yourself off tonight? You just leave that to us. We're treating you this time around."

"However," said Clyda, "If you need something to do with your hands, show me how well you can massage and play with those two watermelons you call tits. I want to see you get them primed and ready. Jordan tattled and told us how you could actually squirt some milk out of those beauties."

"After we fuck you senseless," said Tiffany, "you can bet we're gonna be awfully thirsty. So we're counting on you to 'serve refreshments' at the end."

Ebony immediately began massaging her huge melons, her large hands kneading her breasts, and tweaking her nipples. With all the sexual activity assaulting Ebony from so many different sources, it wouldn't be long before she was ready to squirt like a stream from her knockers. Clyda and Tiffany began to pump their cocks into Ebony's holes at a slightly slower, steady pace than before, while they began to work on Ebony's cock and balls.

Each girl reached down and grabbed one of Ebony's oversized nuts in one hand. They both applied strong, methodic squeezing and pressure to Ebony's balls. In no time, Ebony's nuts had swollen so that they were larger than two softballs at the base of her cock.

As Tiffany and Clyda tugged on Ebony's balls, it caused her cock to be pulled up from the surface of her tummy and abdomen, and now point straight up into the air. It was like watching a time lapse film of a tree growing, or a telephone pole reaching up into the sky. Ebony's cock took less than a minute to reach its full length of just over three feet. The massive cockhead was almost twice the size of Tiffany's fist, and glistened in the lights of the room.

By the time Ebony's cock had reached its full erectness, it was over four inches wide. A network of corded veins ran up and down the shaft like miniature cables. The urethra shaft was so thick and engorged, it was almost as thick as some average cocks that Tiffany and Clyda had seen on men, before coming to the Island. Ebony's balls had swollen so full and hard, that Clyda and Tiffany could barely contain one in their hand, and they now had to exert some considerable strength when squeezing them, to have any effect. Tiffany and Clyda surveyed their handiwork and gasped. Even Dee Dee momentarily stopped fucking Ebony's face to gaze at the massive member.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Tiffany. "I think we've created a fucking monster here, Clyda."

"I'll say," agreed Clyda. "Ebony's gonna go off like a fire hydrant, to say the least. And me without my protective mono-goggles tonight too. Oh well, who wants to live forever?"

Ebony gazed at her own monumental erection with awe. Even she had rarely seen herself brought to this degree of arousal. Ebony continued fondling and massaging her boobs. By now, Ebony had her huge nipples fully erect, and was doing her best impression of a Jersey cow at the milking machine. The huge teats were now several inches long, and easily as thick as two of Ebony's fingers were.

Ebony gripped her long nipples and pulled up on her boobs so that she was lifting and supporting the full size and weight of her breasts by her nipples alone. It looked like Ebony had two bowling balls delicately balanced on her chest. Ebony let her breasts roll about on her chest as she held onto the ends of her nipples.

Clyda and Tiffany's jaws dropped open, and stared at Ebony's knockers in disbelief. Now that Ebony had their attention, she let her boobs fall back into a more normal position on her chest again. Ebony gripped her humongous nipples with both hands, and gave a long powerful squeeze on each. Long sprays of milk gushered out from Ebony's nipples. The spray reached all the way to her cock and balls, and some of it even landed on Clyda and Tiffany.

"Oh my god!" squealed Clyda. "Don't you dare waste any more of that sweet nectar, Ebony!"

"Just keep yourself good and ready Ebony," panted Tiffany. "We're gonna fuck you hot and heavy now, and then we want those babies in our mouths. So don't waste any more milk!"

"Don't forget to save some for me too!" Dee Dee chimed in from above. "As soon as I unleash this last load in my nuts, I want some of that too!"

"Okay, Ebony," said Tiffany. "From now on, it's no more 'Mrs. Nice Amazons' tonight. Clyda and I are gonna shift into overdrive down here. And Dee Dee's gonna make anything she's done tonight seem calm by comparison too. Are you ready honey?"

Ebony gave Tiffany and Clyda a look of ultimate determination, and even fiercer excitement, and managed to nod her head, as she continued to gorge herself on Dee Dee's cock.

Both girls held one of Ebony's meaty thighs in an upward position for balance and leverage. Tiffany jerked her head back and rammed her two-foot cock straight up into Ebony's pussy. Ebony gave a shrill cry as the humongous intruder forced it's way fully into her pussy depths and then began to pant when Tiffany started to screw her with the full strength of her powerful cock.

Clyda mustered her strength, and did the same, shoving the remainder of her cock into Ebony's ass in one powerful stroke. Clyda grunted in satisfied excitement, as she felt her balls land on Ebony's ass cheeks. Now Ebony was completely impaled with two feet of Clyda's cock in her ass, and the same amount of Tiffany's cock in her pussy.

"Damn, Clyda!" exclaimed Tiffany. "I can feel your cock next to mine, when we've each got them shoved into Ebony like this. It feels fucking incredible."

"You can say that again, love," panted Clyda. "The feeling is indescribable. I've never seen anyone who could take so much meat in her, and still beg for more!"

Ebony reveled in the sensation of fullness and it wasn't long until her pussy was cumming. Ebony's girl-cum sprayed out onto Tiffany and Clyda's legs as a strong, rolling orgasm washed over her pussy and rectum.

And then Clyda and Tiffany began to fuck Ebony in earnest. As Tiffany did so, the mass of her giant cock bore down just next to Ebony's clitoris with each inward motion and then as she pulled out, rubbing on the sensitive organ, sending Ebony into a rising spiral of pleasure.After less than a minute of this treatment Ebony was writhing and squirming in pleasure once more. The shudders of Ebony's huge body were transmitted to Dee Dee, Clyda and Tiffany as they fucked her, and all the girls enjoyed the incredible sensations they were producing.

Ebony briefly went limp on her back as she was assailed by wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure and she saw stars before her eyes as it seemed as though she rode from one orgasm straight into another.

Tiffany and Clyda now coordinated their efforts, to fuck Ebony as hard as they possibly could. Both girls released their hold on Ebony's thighs, and lowered her legs so that they were lying on the bed covers again. Ebony's legs were spilt almost completely perpendicular from her body now.

Clyda and Tiffany each reached out with their hands, and gripped the shaft of Ebony's cock. Ebony's colossal shaft was far too thick for them to fully encircle with one hand. But all of the girls had made a habit of exercising and strengthening their hands and wrists on the Island, so they were still able to exert a surprising amount of force on Ebony's cock. Tiffany and Clyda began masturbating and stroking Ebony's humongous shaft in unison. They each had to shorten the length of their cock strokes into Ebony, so they could maintain their grip on Ebony's cock.

Each girl now took a turn ramming her cock into Ebony as far as it would go, burying her massive shaft to the balls. Both girls' balls slapped loudly into Ebony's ass cheeks on the inward thrusts.

Clyda and Tiffany timed their thrusts so that they performed like a piston, or the levers on a locomotive. As soon as one girl pulled out, the other shoved deeply into Ebony with all the force that she could muster. Both of them power-fucked Ebony like this for over twenty minutes.As the pressure in Ebony's cock built towards the boiling point, Tiffany and Clyda could sense this. When it did, they each gripped Ebony's huge cockhead and squeezed with all their might. This temporarily forced the juices back down into Ebony's balls. They would wait a moment, and then begin masturbating Ebony's cock again. Tiffany and Clyda kept us this steady routine on Ebony's cock throughout the rest of the festivities.

Now Clyda glanced down and saw the oozing flow from Ebony's holes and sucked in her breath. Curious, she reached over, and stroked Tiffany's heavy balls. Clyda's fingers glided along Tiffany's prick shaft and touched the lips of Ebony's cunt. Fresh juice greeted her. Clyda sucked in her breath, and redoubled her efforts from feeling the throbbing nuts of Tiffany's thick cock.

Clyda watched with jealous eyes. She saw the ease with which Tiffany's cock now fucked Ebony's pussy. Clyda saw the juice from both girls flowing freely. "Fuck her, Tiffany. Empty your balls!"

The frenzied storm of Ebony's orgasms slowly began bringing Tiffany into her own climax. Tiffany's cock swelled, stretching Ebony's gushing cunt to the limit. Tiffany rammed forward, fucking her exploding prick deep into Ebony's pussy. Hot cum shot from her pisser, drenching Ebony's already-flooded cunthole. Ebony squealed, reveling in Tiffany's strength, in her cock and the hard-hitting jabs to her pussy. Ebony angled her body up, taking Tiffany deep. Screaming and twisting, Ebony climaxed again.

Tiffany's balls erupted. A hot jetstream of white cum shot from the tip of her fucking prick. Tiffany's cum squirted deep inside Ebony, triggering another explosion in her pussy. Tiffany fucked her cock in and out furiously, the combined efforts of both girls dragging the screaming Ebony back and forth along the bed covers.

Ebony took the first thick wad of Tiffany's cum deep in her hot boiling cunt. Ebony's incredible body was actually sucking the cum out of Tiffany's cock like a vacuum cleaner. The action sent her into another convulsive orgasm. Ebony reacted wildly. She was getting fucked and was loving every hot sizzling moment. Ebony's urgent fingers found her jiggling tits. She milked them roughly, adding pain to her pleasure. Lights flashed behind her eyes.

Tiffany lurched forward, carrying Ebony with her as another explosion erupted in her balls. A thick steady stream of jizz poured from Tiffany's cock, mixing with the buttery ooze that was now filling Ebony's hot steamy pussy.

Clyda fucked Ebony's butt relentlessly. Her swollen balls slapped against Ebony's juice-stained ass cheeks. Clyda dropped her head, her big eyes glowing. With her cock buried in the stormy vat of Ebony's churning asshole, Clyda reached the point of explosion. She lifted her head and screeched an ear-piercing sound as her balls burst.

Ebony held on, riding the full fury of Clyda's passion. Hot spastic orgasms swept through her pussy and ass. Ebony humped and churned, her ass muscles throbbing an erotic beat against Clyda's plunging prick.

Clyda's cum filled Ebony's asshole, and then flowed even deeper into her squishy insides from Clyda's exploding balls. Ebony held Clyda's cock tight, fusing her naked flesh to her. Ebony rode Clyda's climax to the very end. Again, Ebony's body was absorbing and accepting the incredible amounts of cum that Tiffany and Clyda were pumping into her like a firehose.

Eventually, the sensation of Clyda and Tiffany erupting inside Ebony, and filling her with molten sperm was too much for the huge amazon. Clyda and Tiffany could feel Ebony's cock shake and tremble more violently than even before, and knew that her climax was only seconds away.

"Holy fucking shit, Clyda!" exclaimed Tiffany. "Ebony's gonna explode on us any second now!"

"That's an understatement love!" paned Clyda, as she continued thrusting into Ebony's ass, and gripping her cock as best she could. Even though Ebony had all of Dee Dee's cock buried in her throat at the moment, she suddenly let out a huge, bestial moan from the very depths of her being. Ebony's cock began pulsing and throbbing so violently, that Tiffany and Clyda's hands were momentarily knocked loose by the unexpected force.

Without warning, the first torrent of cum rocketed out of Ebony's cock. It was a thick stream over an inch wide, and was so thick, it looked like water being shot out of a hose. Quickly, Tiffany and Clyda clamped their hands back onto the shaft of Ebony's cock, and held on for dear life. Ebony's cum soared straight upwards, and splattered against the ceiling. If it had not been there to stop it, Ebony's cum would easily have traveled several feet higher.

"Good fucking grief!" Tiffany and Clyda exclaimed as one, as they watched Ebony's jism launch past their faces and heads, and continue its upward path. Dee Dee stopped her thrust-ing into Ebony's mouth, and just gaped in awe at Ebony's sexual power. As it hit the ceiling all four girls were quickly splattered and covered as Ebony's cum caromed off and hit them at all different angles.

Ebony continued to shoot off like a super-powered fountain for over a minute, as she had both of her holes hammered by Tiffany and Clyda's cocks, and sucked lustfully away on Dee Dee's meat in her mouth. By the time Ebony's cock finally began to stop shooting off, the ceiling was hopelessly splattered with a tremendous amount of her jism.

"This is getting fucking ridiculous," muttered Tiffany. "I'm gonna have to have this place repainted after this!"

"This was your idea after all, love," retorted Clyda. "I hope you're bloody well satisfied."

Tiffany was almost drained. Three more hard lunging fuck-thrusts finally emptied her balls. Tiffany moaned, finally making an attempt to dislodge herself from her screaming mistress. Ebony took Tiffany's last jab and swooned. Pleasure ran rampant through her vibrant young body.

Clyda fucked forward again, dragging Ebony across the bed. More hot cum burst from her cock with each jab. Clyda's jism gushed into Ebony's ass like a river. Clyda's eyes seemed to glow, and she flipped her head high, catching sight of Dee Dee. The blonde girl still had her cock buried to the balls in Ebony's throat.

Ebony stayed with Clyda, refusing to give up until she had drained every ounce of cum from her bails and had satisfied herself completely. Briefly, Ebony's head hung back, eyes glassy. Ebony continued to suck away on Dee Dee's cock like a motorized machine. Ebony's hips, working on their own, sucked the head of Tiffany's prick into the spongy softness of her still-orgasming cunt.

Eventually, both Tiffany and Clyda's cocks finally stopped throbbing and shooting off inside of Ebony. As they pulled them out from Ebony, each girl's cock was limp from the massive effort, and almost back to their more normal size of six inches.

The sight and sensations of seeing Tiffany, and then Clyda, and then Ebony herself each brought to a roaring climax was too much, and Dee Dee began thrusting her cock faster into Ebony, as she felt her cock pass the point of no return.

"I've been saving the best for last, Ebony," cried Dee Dee. "Here comes the mother load!"

"Dee Dee's finally gonna cum," Clyda said as she watched Dee Dee jerk and twist in ecstasy. "Dee Dee's gonna cum, Ebony. Suck her good!"

With Dee Dee fucking her cock in and out of her mouth, Ebony gnawed on her cock shaft. Ebony gripped Dee Dee's massive balls and milked her stabbing prick with her throat. Ebony gulped, her pussy and ass still tingling from Clyda and Tiffany's cocks, as she felt the rumbling cum in Dee Dee's balls erupt.

Dee Dee screamed as her balls burst. Hot thick shemale-cum rumbled through her prick and spewed from her pisser. Dee Dee moaned as the first spraying wad splattered the back of Ebony's throat and oozed down her gullet. Dee Dee groaned again as another thick squirting wad gushed into Ebony's mouth.

Ebony gulped as thick wads of jism flooded her mouth. Ebony's cheeks filled with Dee Dee's jism. Cum squirted down into her throat. Ebony sucked as Dee Dee battered her mouth with her cock, and her head was spinning as still more cum poured from Dee Dee's prick.

"Ooh!" Clyda moaned as she stared at Dee Dee's jerking rump. "Cream her, Dee Dee. Cream her!" Ebony's throat contracted like a machine as Dee Dee continued cumming into her mouth. "Ooh, suck out her balls, Ebony!"

Ebony sucked with all her might as she fucked her mouth up and down Dee Dee's exploding prick. Ebony chewed on Dee Dee's piercing prick shaft, her eyes bulging as cum gushed into her mouth and down her throat. Feasting on Dee Dee's cum, Ebony pawed her balls, her raw lust keeping her from pulling her mouth away. It didn't matter to Ebony if she choked. She wanted every drop of Dee Dee's cum.

Tiffany swooned as Dee Dee thrashed and whimpered. She craned her neck, her eyes wide as she watched Dee Dee fuck Ebony's mouth. Her legs stiff, Dee Dee kept fucking her prick into Ebony's sucking mouth. Her sweat-covered balls hit Ebony's chin. More cum spurted from Dee Dee's prick and gushed down Ebony's throat. Dee Dee's ass humped, her prick stabbing at Ebony's mouth as her balls continued to churn out thick gooey wads of cum.

Ebony took Dee Dee's cock even deeper into her throat, her balls lodged against her chin as Dee Dee spewed cum. Ebony sucked harder, with Dee Dee's prick stuffed in her gullet. Ebony pulled on Dee Dee's balls as she moaned and jerked wildly from side to side.

Dee Dee lunged hard, fucking her prick in Ebony's mouth to the balls. The last squirting wad shot into Ebony's throat. Dee Dee groaned and tilted her head to look directly at Ebony.With her mouth filled with Dee Dee's cum, Ebony released her balls and leaned her head back, her mouth popping off Dee Dee's prick as she collapsed onto her back.

"Wait! Don't swallow it, Ebony," Dee Dee gasped. Dee Dee leaned down to Ebony, plastering her mouth to hers. Dee Dee sucked, drawing into her eager mouth a huge wad of her own warm, gooey cum. Dee Dee moaned in pleasure as she savored the exquisite taste.

Ebony and Dee Dee twisted in each other's arms, their bodies fused in passion and their mouths clamped together. Finally, Ebony released her grip on Dee Dee, and slowly pulled away.

"Shit," Ebony gasped as she squirmed out of Dee Dee's grasp. "I almost thought I was gonna drown." Ebony abruptly sprawled on her back on the bed, her head still reeling from the incredible experience she'd just been through.

"I told we'd do it to you like never before, Ebony," boasted Tiffany. "What do you think of our little 'team effort' tonight?"

Ebony looked as though she was dead to the world, as she lay on her back on the bed.

"Oh, my gosh," said Tiffany. "She's out like a light! You don't suppose we overdid it, do you?"

"You've gotta be kidding," replied Clyda. "Just look at the expression on her face." Ebony had a smile on her face that even the Cheshire Cat would have envied.

"Clyda's right, Tiffany," said Dee Dee. "My mom used to breed dogs for a living. Every time we'd send a female out for breeding, they'd come back looking just like Ebony is now. There's nothing wrong with Ebony. But she ought to remember this night for a long, long time."

"There's still one thing I can't figure out about Ebony," said Tiffany. "Clyda, you and I each pumped a major load of jism into each of her holes. It ought to be running out of her like a river now. But look. The only thing that squirted out of Ebony was her pussy juice. Not our cum."

"Holy shit, you're right," said Dee Dee. "I shot three major loads into Ebony's gullet in less than an hour. And her tummy never even swelled in size, not even temporarily. Where the hell is she putting it all?"

"If I didn't know better, I'd say she was feeding off of it," remarked Clyda.

"Okay, let's get her up, and into the shower so we can all get cleaned up," said Tiffany. "I think we can still manage to play with her boobs for a little bit when she wakes up, once we're in there."

The girls teamed together, and quickly moved Ebony into the large shower in Tiffany's bathroom. Clyda and Dee Dee sat Ebony on the molded loveseat in the far corner of it, while Tiffany adjusted the spray and temperature of the water.

"It's a good thing we knew we'd be using these things for more than one person," said Tiffany. "It cost us a little more when they were built, but I think it was money well spent." The large custom-built shower easily held the four girls, including one as large as Ebony. Tiffany adjusted the spray of the water so that it arced overhead and came down on all of the girls like a gentle rain. This way they could have just a little more fun with Ebony, and still clean them-selves off at the same time.

Clyda and Dee Dee took advantage of the situation, and found Ebony's huge nipples first. Ebony's nipples were now at least two inches long, and as thick as two of their fingers were.Each girl sucked long and hard on Ebony's nipples, filling their mouths with the sweet, warm nectar that Ebony could produce. It wasn't truly mother's milk, but none of them were going to complain or ask questions at a time like this. It was simply something that Ebony could do because of all the changes that her body had been subjected to, and the other three girls accepted that fact. After a few moments, Ebony filled stirred from her slumber.

"Ooh, what's going on?" she asked, as she felt the beautiful sensations of her nipples being sucked, and felt the water cascading down on her from above.

"You swooned on us for a few minutes after the grand finale out there," said Tiffany. "And we thought we'd kill two birds with one stone next. So here we are."

"I see," replied Ebony. "Cleaning up, as well as serving 'refreshments'."

After that, few words were needed between the girls. After a few moments, Clyda and Dee Dee released their hold on Ebony's nipples to give Tiffany a turn. Ebony briefly surprised the other three girls by lifting one of her huge breasts to her mouth, and placing the thick nipple on her lips.

Ebony gave a friendly smile and winked at them. "Hey. You weren't the only ones who worked up a thirst back there."

A few moments later, all of the girls were satisfied with a taste of Ebony's nectar inside them, as well as sufficiently clean from all the sweat and cum that had accumulated on them from the evening's workout. They exited the shower, and quickly dried and toweled themselves off, and then began putting their clothing back on again.

Ebony finished first, and after she was clad in her skirt and halter-top again, she turned and faced Tiffany to address her.

"Tiffany, I want to thank you, Clyda and Dee Dee from the bottom of my heart for what's happened tonight. I haven't felt anything like this since I came to the Island, and you've restored my faith in you and the other girls, so that not everyone thinks I'm a monster or an ogre anymore after all I've done over the years.

"I want you to know that if Barocca actually tries any kind of power play or takeover, that you can count on me to be first in line, to help boot her ass out of here, by any means necessary.

"But remember, this is only if Barocca actually tries something on us. This is gonna sound weird, but I've friends with her too long, to not give her the benefit of the doubt. Every-thing that you've told me is still 'your word against hers'. I still haven't completely sorted out how I feel about Barocca. So I'm not gonna do anything against her, unless she actually makes her move against us. If she does, you know that you can count on me."

With that, Ebony reached over to Tiffany, and wrapped her arms around her in an embrace of genuine love and affection. Ebony did the same to Clyda and Dee Dee, and then smiled and left the room.

"Well, all things considered, that went about as well as expected," said Tiffany. "It's only a matter of time before Barocca pulls something, and now we know we've got Ebony on our side when she does."

"I guess the next step is having your room declared a disaster area, love," chuckled Clyda.

"You can say that again," replied Tiffany. "Jeez! We really did a number on this place, didn't we? Where am I gonna sleep tonight?"

Dee Dee reached over and playfully grabbed Tiffany's hand. "Like I said earlier, my bed is always open for you Tiffany," with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"Dee Dee, I'm gonna take you up on that offer," said Tiffany. "But I said sleep, and I meant sleep this time. We all have lots of things to do tomorrow, and we're up late enough as it is after all the festivities tonight. As tempting as the offer is, it won't look good if we're all staggering around baggy-eyed and half-awake tomorrow. But I will take a rain check, and we'll definitely get together 'one on one' sometime soon."

"Okay, party pooper," teased Dee Dee. "Sleep it is, tonight. I'm bushed too."

"And I'll get some of the newer girls assigned here tomorrow to clean up the place and change the linens here," said Clyda. "It's a good thing that rank does have its privileges."

Barocca's Plans

Earlier that night, on the other side of the Island, Barocca was quite busy in her quarters, as she worked away on her computer.

"I've gotta admit it to you Ebony," she muttered to herself. "You definitely are smarter than everyone thinks you are. That little batch file you wrote for the security computer does everything that you said it would." Barocca entered a few more keystrokes on the computer, and paused to inspect the file she was working on.

"The only problem is, you weren't too terribly clever about where you put the file itself, Ebony. All I had to do was map a drive to the security computer's volumes, and then do a search for any files with a .BAT extension. There were only a handful of those there, and the name itself made it stand out like a sore thumb. You're not the only one who went to college, and is smarter than she looks around here, " Barocca muttered.

"Once I found the file, it wasn't too hard to adapt it, so that it could also be used to cover up and mask activity on other parts of the Island too. Nobody's gonna know about any of the plans I've made, or what I've got planned for tonight, until it's too late."

Barocca then resumed working on the program she was writing, and tapped in a few lines of code.

"I know a fair amount about computers myself. Dee Dee thinks that all her files were deleted or erased from her PC last week. That's not entirely true. I moved all of her data from her PC to mine. I won't pretend that I've got the same type of medical experience and education that Dee Dee has. But she's left enough menus and instructions on her own files, that after I've read through them a few times, I don't think there'll be too much trouble to prevent me from being able to create my own shemale amazons.

"Dee Dee wanted to be certain that someone else could use her software and her equipment without her being present, in case of an emergency. She thought they'd be safe on her own encrypted PC system. But there were more than enough hacking tools on the Internet to do the job. And more than enough devoted fans from my network of followers on the outside to show me how to use them, if I promised them a few 'special favors'. The really hard part was getting them to actually talk to me about PC hacking and technical skills, instead of sex!"Barocca had now solved one problem: learning about computers. Part of the problem of getting Jeanne to the Island in secrecy was overcome by using her network of devoted fans and adorers who she still kept in touch with, via e-mails. Barocca had simply offered some new photo sets and videos for sale to some of her more devoted fans, most of which were quickly snapped up. Barocca also had a number of fans who were more than happy to 'donate' her a few hundred dollars, if it meant the chance to receive a personal phone call from her, or have her film a custom video or personal webcast for them in the near future. Once the money had been secured in a Paypal account, Barocca had contacted Jeanne in Los Angeles, and trans-ferred the funds to her account. Then Jeanne was able to book a flight to the Bahamas at her end. Barocca had told Jeanne to register at the hotel, and then send her an e-mail with her room number and telephone number once she was settled in."The biggest problem will be figuring out a way to use Dee Dee's lab and operating room alone for a few hours, but I've got an idea brewing for that. I've come too far and sacrificed too much to be stopped now." A small beep from the computer, and a flashing icon on the toolbar told Barocca that she had a new e-mail message.

Barocca read the message with a smile of pure glee. "Perfect. Jeanne's right on time."Barocca saved the file she was working on, and closed the application. "There'll be time to put the finishing touches on that later. Right now, it's time to set things up and pick up Jeanne."

Now Barocca dialed the hotel, and asked for Jeanne's room.

"Hey Jeanne, it's Barocca. How're you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, girlfriend," replied Jeanne. "This place is gorgeous. I can't wait until I see you."

"Well, tonight's the night honey," said Barocca. "All you do is pack a few things in an overnight bag, and then head down to Pier 39 at eight o'clock, after dinner. Just dress simply; say some short pants, and a casual shirt or blouse. Ask for Ramirez. He'll be expecting you. He's been well paid, and won't ask any questions. He'll take you from the Main Island to our little place. I'll be waiting for you there."

"All right, Barocca. See you soon. Bye."

After hanging up, Barocca double-checked the computer to see if the new version of Ebony's batch file was running as it should.

"Beautiful! No matter what happens tonight, all anyone will see will be blank corridors in the security cameras. And there won't be any record of keys opening any electronic locks, or the access badges opening the perimeter doors after hours."

Barocca knew that her and Ebony's sector, or the 'West sector' occupied the majority of the western half of the Island. Tiffany, Clyda and Dee Dee's girls lived on the Eastern sector of the Island. There was a small connecting tunnel that ran through the center of the Island that joined the two together. Other than that, the two halves were almost isolated.

Barocca had already enforced a policy that anyone in her group could sleep with whom-ever they pleased, and do whatever they wanted behind closed doors. The only stipulation being that whatever they did, it was to be confined to their quarters for the duration of the night. Barocca had used Ebony to discipline some of the girls who had tried migrating in the middle of the night, and been caught, as an example.

"The chances of anyone sticking their nose out and spotting myself or Jeanne, are worse than the proverbial snowball," laughed Barocca, as she walked out of her quarters, and towards the perimeter doors, which would lead towards the Island itself, and the shore. On the way out, Barocca picked up a small handbag, and carried it with her.

Once Barocca reached the shore of the Island, she settled down to wait for Jeanne, and let her mind roam, as she explored the various possibilities of all the plans and plots she had in the works. "Yes, there'll certainly be some changes made around here," she thought.

After a few moments, Barocca heard the low whine of a boat motor in the distance. The boat stopped about thirty feet from shore. It was dark enough now that all Barocca had to do was move behind some of the dense shrubbery, and she was completely concealed from anyone on the boat who didn't have a high-powered spotlight to shine in her direction.

From the boat, a figure stood on the side of the deck, and turned on a powerful flashlight. The figure made a large cross, or 'X' figure with a sweeping motion. This was followed by a big circular motion. After a pause, the process was repeated two times.

"X-O-X-O-X-O. Perfect. The age-old symbol for 'love and kisses'," said Barocca as she watched. Barocca stepped out from behind the bush, and removed her own flashlight from the handbag. She flicked it on, and repeated the same signals and motions from the beach.

A small dinghy was lowered from the side of the boat, and two figures were seated in it. A man and a woman. One figure quietly rowed the short distance to shore. When they reached beach, the man hopped out and pushed the dinghy onto dry land.

Barocca walked up to the man, and quietly greeted him. Although it was dark, Barocca could tell that the figure still sitting in the boat was indeed Jeanne. Barocca opened her handbag, and produced a large roll of bills. She handed them to the man, and then shined her flashlight on them long enough for him to assess the validity and the amount of money.

"My thanks for a job well done, amigo," said Barocca. "And remember, no one must know about tonight. Agreed?"

The man smiled broadly, and nodded his head in agreement. He turned and gestured to Jeanne, and waved for her to come forward. Barocca and the man held the boat steady, as Jeanne climbed out, and onto the beach. The man entered the boat again, and began rowing the short distance back to the mother craft.

Jeanne greeted Barocca with a hug. "Barocca, it's been ages!"

"Hey, I'm glad to see you too, girl," Barocca replied. "But we need to get inside. Then, have I got a story to tell you."

With that, the girls walked back toward the complex, with Barocca leading the way.

by gregster

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024