Mike's Story

by Graham Nancledra

30 Apr 2023 1346 readers Score 9.7 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was while I was at High School in the far southeast of Kentucky at the age of just over fifteen, that I realised a couple of things about my life. First, that the hellhole of a town I was being brought up in had absolutely no future as far as I was concerned and that I would get out as soon as I could. Where to, I had no idea. Secondly, I was very sexually interested in guys. Girls did absolutely nothing for me.

The only good two things about my life were that I was good at sports and had good Phys Ed teachers and trainers who encouraged me and that I had couple of pals I could mess around with.

I was good at football and track and field, good enough to represent the State and get to travel a little which opened my eyes to just what an awful shithole of a place I lived in. That fired me up, to work harder at my studies to get to a decent college or University as far away from home as possible. 

It was one of my pals, we called him Jadie; his initials were J.D., who got me onto getting older guys to part with some money for favours of a sexual kind. It started first by showing them my hard dick, then slowly it grew into letting them touch it, and then sucking me. Then J.D. introduced me to a guy who lived way out of town who took photos of naked guys like me. I thought it exciting, and loved the cash he gave me. I had no idea what he was doing was illegal as I was too young, but it got more interesting when he introduced me to some guys who were slightly older than me and we did a lot more than be naked, jack off and be sucked off.

I had a naturally big body, and I was taller than most of the guys of my age at school. I used to get a boner in the showers and the guys would mostly stare at it in awe as I was by far the biggest dicked guy. I never got joshed by the guys as I was the jock of the class. Even at that young age I liked big muscley guys and big cocks. The idea of a guy with a big cock wanting to suck on mine really excited me very much.

One day, J.D. came to me and told me that the guy who had been photographing us had been arrested. To be honest I was scared stiff in case the police could identify me from the photos. I decided then to stop that sort of thing. I’d made quite a bit of money which I had saved.

I had been lying to my folks about what I’d been doing to earn money. They seemed satisfied that I was saving for college and University.

I was also lucky, that my coaches, saw potential in me for a scholarship promoted by a local business. I was encouraged to work hard on my grades, and sure enough I won. So, at the age of eighteen, I was interviewed for placements at three universities and won a place well away from home in St Louis. It was a good place and not too far away from home to upset my folks. 

I found a decent dorm and had a good roomie, who was very studious compared to me the jock. I spent a lot of my spare time at the gym, and I decided to try to major in Animal Husbandry. Don’t ask why, it seemed to be the easiest topic on the list. Getting animals to fuck was the way I saw it. I soon found out some of the gay haunts in the City and was soon, fucking around with some guys, and found a way to sell myself to some older guys. Yes, I was very busy, studying, training, travelling to events, and fucking, but I had the energy. Track and field was my speciality and I was a very good all-rounder.

After a couple of years, I was starting to tire of the same old, same old, and was getting itchy feet. Animal Husbandry was not the easy topic I thought it could be and I was slowly losing interest and my grades began to fall. My body was getting bigger and stronger; all the exercise I was getting helped me a lot. Throwing the javelin, discus and shot putt helped a lot plus all the gym work and increasingly I was being told by some of my gay guy pals, just was a good-looking catch I’d be for some guy, some day.

I was restless, and for the first time in my life, I had the chance to go to San Francisco. There was a national track and field event and I had been entered for the decathlon. To my great surprise I did quite well coming fourth overall and I was approached by a coach from Oakland, to come over to join his team. It didn’t need much persuasion to get me to agree, and although I pissed off my sponsors, I had enough money from my sexual activities to make my way to the Pacific coast.

This was the life I wanted. I was getting the best professional coaching I wanted, I was improving, my body was getting bigger and harder and most of all, just over the bridge was San Francisco, the gayest city on the West Coast. It didn’t take me long to get noticed and soon I had met a guy who was an Escort and told me I could earn thousands with my body and good looks.

With the advice I got from the guy, the money was rolling in and I was especially careful to stay away from the drugs and booze scenes in the city. Being more of a high-class escort was a bigger earner and I could be more choosey as to who I was with. There were plenty of good-looking young business types who wanted time with me.

I suppose it was seven or eight months after I had moved to the West Coast, that I got myself a gym membership. I had been told that it would be a good idea as there was the possibility of more escort work via contacts, I could make there. It was right. Business was good, sex was exciting, the guys attractive and they liked me and what I had to offer. Good looks, a hard muscled body and a large thick cock that stayed hard. Plenty of guys were prepared to pay for me to fuck them. I would say a prayer of thanks to whoever it was who got me into Escort work.

It was when I was with a guy I had seen around a few times but never made contact that I was engaged to spend the night. We’d got naked and I gave him a good fucking and we were relaxing afterwards, and he asked if I had considered doing porn. I hadn’t, and I explained that I did escort work because I could choose the guys I wanted to fuck with, though there was still the exhibitionist streak in me from the days of the backstreet photographer back in Kentucky.

There were some guys I wouldn’t choose to be with at all. Having seen some porn, I wasn’t into a lot of the guys I had seen, though, there were some who I’d have in an instant. Also, the idea of some director telling me what to do and how to do it didn’t appeal.

To give him his due, the guy listened to me, and he offered me the chance to talk to a guy he thought I might like. It was another night’s cash for what seemed just a talk with some old guy the next night so I agreed. I didn’t have to say yes.

That next night, to my surprise, the guy who turned up was in his early thirties and was a good-looking guy, who was a director of a gay porn production company. He had seen my profile on an Escort website and had tried to contact me directly. I recalled the mail. We spoke about my concerns and likes and dislikes. He thought that a way could be found to work in my concerns. We spoke about money, and I was impressed. He offered me another meeting in a few days’ time where we could talk more and privately. The catch was that I could earn money fucking with some highly attractive guys.

I thought about it and studied the porn-sites photos and yes, they did have some really exciting guys I’d like to fuck. I was very tempted to say yes, but it would be the extent of my involvement and who with and the cash. If they wanted me then they’d have to pay and I was more then determined to get what I wanted for myself, even down to the smallest detail.

I turned up at the company’s office as arranged and the producer was there, and we got into a very business-like conversation. I was asked if I’d do a photo-shoot which would not be for release just some shots of me stripping and some nude shots. I agreed and we went into a studio in the same building where everything was set up. There were two other guys there, The photographer, a lighting guy, and the producer.

Slowly I was asked to take off my clothes as the lights were adjusted and positions arranged, and many photos taken. Close ups of my face, my abs, pecs, biceps, my back, legs, backside, and bulging crutch were all taken. Then I was asked to take off my underwear; slowly and deliberately showing off my butt, then gently and deliberately pulling down the elastic band over the length of my cock pushing it downwards. Then there was no cock left to push down and my dick flew upwards, released from the band, make a loud slapping sound as my dick hit my flat belly. There was a gasp from the three guys upon the final revelation of my dick. The photographer focused in on my dick and I was asked to grab hold of my cock. I refused.

“Why not”? It was demanded of me. “Not part of our agreement”. I told them firmly. I started to get dressed and there were protests. I was determined that I was not going to be taken advantage of. I lay down the law as I saw it.

“If you want me, you will comply with the agreement we make. Any deviation and I will be out. I want a full legal agreement that lays down what I will and will not do and who with and who I will not do it with. You will agree to the full agreement about payment and frequency of performances”. I had thought long and hard about it since the earlier meeting. There was an exasperated sign from the producer, maybe he had never had such a troublemaker like me before. “so, you had better get a pen and notebook at the ready, these are my terms”.

Over the next ten minutes I detailed who and what I’d perform for his camera’s and most definitely what I’d not do. There was no protest from the producer. I gave him two days to come up with a price per performance, including a percentage extra for each extra person performing with me. His eyebrows rose on that demand. I left him to consider his offer to me very satisfied by my performance and confident that I’d get what I asked for. I was determined to get exactly what I wanted and to be a hard-nosed bitch on set, but a totally hard dicked stud when in action.

I was not too surprised a couple of days later when my cell phone rang, and the producer came up with nearly all of my demands. The problem was the remittance and the percentage. So, I said no, and increased the remittance by fifty percent and hung up. He was back within twenty minutes with a twenty-five percent increase, so again I said no – fifty percent and that the company would pay all travel and room expenses and after telling him that I would have more demands if they were not met.

This time it took him an hour to come back to me with a full agreement. I asked for the full contract the delivery and I spent a couple of hours reading through the contract before signing both copies, and photocopying my copy and sending the companies copy back to them. One thing had to be sorted out. My Porn name. I had an idea that my porn persona would be French or French Canadian and I would be called Guillaume Gris. That was turned down flat. “The fuckers would never be able to spell the name”. I was told. “Plus, your voice is pure Kentucky; it won’t work”. So, I suggested William and changed the French “Gris” to Grey. That was more acceptable, and I insisted that it was always to be William and never Willy or Bill or Billy. They agreed instantly in case I decided to add another clause to the contract.

I waited a couple of weeks before I was contacted for the first shoot. It was to be with another good-looking guy at a swimming pool. I was in a tight pair of speedos on a sunbed and the other guy offers to rub in sunscreen and of course goes too far and releases my dick. The poor guy had problems swallowing my length and was gagging a lot. The producer kept cutting and re-starting the action which, I found frustrating and upsetting. We had started at eight am and it took nearly two hours before I was rimming out the guy’s ass and giving him a good hard fingering. The sun was getting high and very hot. The pool was very inviting, but I wasn’t allowed to cool off in the water or to drench myself with cooling water. We’d finished by four thirty. I must have fucked the guy in eight or nine positions for over three hours before we were both allowed to shoot our loads. I had edged so often that I had built up a massive load. This was pre-PreP and so was done with rubbers. Finally, I was allowed to dive into the pool and cool down. The other guy became very friendly with me, but my mind was on being paid. The agreement was cash. I hauled myself out of the pool when called over by the producer. He passed me a thick envelope with cash inside whispering to me not to show the crew and other performer. I went to the changing area and to the toilet and counted the money. It was correct. I was pleased. I left the private pool in the car arranged for me by the production company happy with my days’ work. Yes, the stop-start of the action was a bore, but the other guy was cute, even though he had problems swallowing all my dick.

The agreement had stated that after the first video, the company had the option of cancelling or taking up the option for ten more videos on a fully exclusive basis. There was a four-week hiatus before they contacted me again. This time it was to be on location on a farm some fifty miles outside of San Francisco. A car had been hired to drive me and another guy in the film to the location. Again, we started very early. I was up for this shoot at five am. This time the ‘storyline’ was that a hitch-hiker had been picked up by three other guys of which I was one and we stopped off at the farm to each fuck the guy on a trailer on the back of a tractor. In the distance about a mile away was the main road, with lots of traffic passing by. Some people must have tremendous eyesight, because during the shoot, a police car was coming along the track towards us. There had been a complaint from someone about our activities, which was strange as none of us were naked. The producer was chatting to the cops, and I guess a lot of money must have been exchanged as the police got back in the car and drove away with no problem. The filming and fucking continued. I wasn’t so happy with the other two tops I was working over the bottom with and let the director know so. I was happier with the envelope of cash with the extra percentage dollars for the extra guys.

I then did a couple of one on ones in an amazing building where most west coast porn, gay, bi and straight was shot. No problems. One was with a very sexy blond bottom who was so nervous but calmed down as soon as I was rimming out his hole before spending what seemed like half the day fucking him in all points of the compass and in all positions except against the ceiling.

I was put in a shoot, again around a swimming pool, but this time with seven other guys. This I found enjoyable up to a point. The guys were all as hot as hell, tops and bottoms and the couple who were vers. It was a pity that one of the other total tops was fucking sensational and I really wanted to get deep inside his hole but it was not available. What made it worse was that we were directed to kiss each other as we each fucked another guy, side by side, and the guy was a magnificent kisser. I was majorly turned on. During a break, I found myself talking to the guy who was based in LA. I had never been, and I found myself being invited to visit and stay. When I pointed out that we were both tops, he winked at me, “Don’t tell a soul, but I’m only a top for porn. They like me to top because of this”. He waved his humungous dick at me and gave me a wicked grin.

Later during another break in the shooting of the orgy, we were talking again on the side away from the rest of the crew. You’ll want to be careful of a couple of guys in the scene. They are like me, a top on film but a bottom in real life, both of them are very clingy. They find a top guy they like and try hard to appear in these fuck films all the time with you and put the work out that they are in a relationship with you. He passed me the names telling me to avoid the guys like crazy especially one who was into leather, S&M and fisting and so on.

This was the first time I had actually spoken to another performer during one of these shoots. It was a good day and so far, the best experience. As usual I was paid cash as per my contract and the increment for the extra performers was correct. I shared my ride back to the city with my new pal during which we made a date for me to visit LA.

The next video was set in the changing room of a gym and included one of the guys my friend had warned me about. It was a scene with four guys working over two bottoms in two scenarios’; strangely I got to fuck but the other ‘top’, who I had been warned about, didn’t fuck but he seemed to be constantly sucking on my cock during every shoot. He also had a cock about the same size as mine and it was constantly hard. I was able to be released from the guy’s mouth long enough for me to fuck the bottom boys.

My next shoot was an out and out orgy. Eight tops with three bottoms. If there was a plot, then I never got it. The guys were all either hot or hung or both, even the bottoms. The action was continuous and free flowing. If we needed a break from the action, we could take it. I took regular breaks and watched the other guys sucking, rimming, fucking, and kissing. For the first time, the shooting of the video took a week. I cursed myself for not having a daily rate in my contract. I’d be more careful next time. During the third day of the shoot, my final day, I noticed that four guys where behind the camera watching the proceedings. One of them was the clingy cocksucker from my previous shoot. He was dressed in a leather harness, chaps, and a leather jock. He walked over to me to say hello, asking how I was. I was naked from the shoot and hard. He took advantage of my nudity to grope my cock, stroking it and telling me what a great dick I had. He was also playing with my nips as well. He was also making obvious noises that we should privately get together some time. I was non-committal and looked over to the other top guy, still behind the camera, and also dressed in a leather get-up, and looking very stern. He was also about six foot four. I asked my admirer about him. I was told that he was Dutch, very hung, very thick, and very top with a really nasty side to him. I would see later if I waited for their scene to be filmed.

I was still being stroked and being given admiring looks. “You want to see his cock? It’s bigger than any of you lot over there”. He nodded to where the orgy was continuing to be filmed. “Hey Hans, come and say Hello to the sexy William here”.  The tall Dutchman padded over to us, offering his hand. With his thick accent he introduced himself, looking into my eyes with a slight look of menace in them. He pulled that hand that was wanking me away and reached forward to try to take its place, but I turned away slightly. I knew how to get my own way. “Only if I get to play with yours”. The threatening look in his eyes instantly changed to one of delight, and a smile crossed his previously angered face, and he opened his mouth wide and put his curved tongue to the top set of perfect teeth and hissed “Ja”. The next moment his cock was out, and it was true, he put the rest of the guys to shame with the enormity of his cock. I decided that I would stay to watch the shooting of the next scene if that meat was involved.

I reached out to take hold of the gigantic dick and he took hold of mine. I was stroking what I could hold of his monster, amazed at the size of it as he was gently working what was by comparison my tiny weiner. I had always been so proud of my size, ever since I was a youngster showing off in the school showers. I was transfixed by the thing until I heard my voice being called to come and rejoin the orgy. Reluctantly I let go of the Dutch guys meat and made my way back to do some fucking and sucking.

My mind wasn’t on the action I was involved in but on the tall Dutch guy and that monster meat. When it came to my money shot, I gave one of my best, giving the cameramen plenty of time to set up for the different angles filmed when coming. I was thinking of the monstrous size of the cock I’d been holding an hour or so earlier.

With the other guys I had been filming with earlier I took my shower and was changing when the Dutch guy came over to me and congratulated me on my money shot. I told him I was thinking of his monster at the time. “Maybe you can shoot just a big a load when I’m inside you and fucking you” he menacingly stated. "Other miracles have been known to happen”. Was my simple but effective reply. There was no way that was going to happen.

The set had been arranged so that there was a largish square bed in the centre enough for four guys to mess around on. The two obvious bottoms were moved around by the two tops and those of us who had stayed around to watch  the action. There was an obvious gasp when the Dutch guys cock came out, one guy standing next to me, one of the bottoms in the orgy, whispered to me that he’s never be able to take the guys dick. The two bottoms were now being moved around by the two tops at will and being shared. The fucking was amazing. I had been warned that the scene would get nasty. There was a break during which a set of dildoes were produced, some of them obscenely large. I thought that surely, they were not going to be using them. The smallest must have been two and a half inches in diameter. The guys were careful not to swap the dildoes between partners, but the size of the things going into the holes got larger and larger.

What got me was the evil delight that the Dutch guy had on his face each time a larger phallus was pushed into the willing bottoms hole.  I was about to turn to leave when there was a break. My cocksucker came to me during the break, delight in his eyes and telling me that we wouldn’t believe the next scene. Most of the guys from the orgy had gone home. For some reason, I stayed on.

Next was the fisting scene. I had drawn the line about fisting in my contract. I didn’t want to do it or have it happening in my scenes. I hadn’t said that I didn’t want it in scenes I was not involved in. I watched fascinated but not excited by the action of both the guys fists slowly making their way inside the bottoms now widely stretched holes. Both the tops had massive erections, the Dutch guy obviously so. What happened next was simply amazing the tall European pulled out his arm so that his fist was still inside the bottoms hole and put his cockhead against his well lubricated fist and was pushing his huge dick into his fist as it was still in the guys hole. The cameramen where right up there getting the close-ups. The room was silent during the action, and I watched as the guy was now actually jacking his fist in the guys hole. The only sounds now being the appreciative noises from the Dutch guy and my cocksucker. What finally got me was when the Dutch guy turned to look around and sought me out and asked if I was enjoying it.  Fascinated, I was. Enjoying it, I wasn’t. This was not my scene and Like most of the other guys who had participated in the orgy, I left.

I wasn’t disillusioned by what I had seen, what kept me going was the extra interest from the guys I was in contact with from the Escorting service. I was able to really push up my prices. I had decided on one thing. I would see out my contract to do ten scenes and that would be it. No more.

My next scene was far more interesting from a personal point of view. I had been paired up with a couple of fair-haired guys, both handsome, both nicely muscled, both hung, both versatile. They were from a group of guys brought over from overseas, supposedly as East European’s. It seemed that Porn had opened up in that part of the world and had hit the US and the company wanted to have some of these guys as part of their stable. Actually, most of the guys were not East European but German, Austrian and Danish but who would know the difference. I was attracted to both the guys instantly and they to me as well. The scenario was that they would be walking along the beach and would pass me by, and we’d all look back at each other and hey presto, we’d be in bed fucking in the next instant.

The action was good, the direction was excellent, and I found myself really attracted to the shorter of the two guys. He was the best rimmer, the better cocksucker and the better bottom, and yes, he could kiss for Germany. He was accepting of the attention of his friend as well who also gave him a good fucking as well. They both knew what to do and how to react to the camera and its position. I think it was the easiest of all the shoots I did. What I really did like was when the shorter guy was sitting deep on my cock, facing me riding me totally deep and his friend came up from behind and also entered the sexy guy’s ass with me. He accepted both dicks with ease and at one point had us both stop fucking and he was fucking himself on both our shafts. Added to that was the pure look of acceptance and enjoyment of the double fuck on his face and the quiet sexy smile he gave me as he was being royally screwed. His kisses were the sweetest both during fucking and orgasming and when all the action had stopped and the filming completed, he held onto me for an age, totally relaxed. I was quite happy as well as the other guy was also cuddled up to me. We showered together and they asked me to join them of a pizza which I agreed to quite happily. It was rare but the guys came back to my place for an all-night session of more action. The guys were regulars in the European porn scene. They had been brought over on a six-month visitor’s visa by the production company as a trade with their company in Germany. They weren’t supposed to be paid any money in the US, but money was being transferred to their company back over the Atlantic. They also earned some cash from Escorting. The shorter and older of the guys was Carl from North Germany, the other, and more the leader and more open of the couple was Anders, from Denmark, though he definitely looked the more Slavic of the two.

The guys had three weeks of their time in the US left to go and were looking forward to getting home to get all the money they had earned in the US. In the morning we had one last fuck session and cleaned up. I passed my cell number and e-mail to both the guys and Carl gave me his address in Germany. When they left it was Carl who gave me the sexiest and warmest kiss. That evening I had a text from Carl thanking me, promising me he’d keep in touch and telling me that he wanted me to be in his personal private orgy with all the best guys he’s fucked with. I thanked him and thought nothing more of it.

More Escort work came in and I was really pulling in the money I was close on six figures in my bank account, and I wondered if I would ever have got to the figure if I was still in that deadbeat town back in Kentucky. Most probably I’d be offering my cock to dirty old men in some dingy room for a hand full of dollars.

My next film came along to a change. I had been called into the production companies office to be told that I was to have a new director for my next scene. They were one of the very best and award winners as well. It was hoped that they’d get me to some marvellous performers with the hottest of guys.

I turned up on the lot on time as always and greeted a couple of guys I knew from previous video’s and asked about the set up. They hadn’t been given a script yet. A few more guys turned up and I glanced at them and had to agree that they were the hottest group of guys I had seen on a set since I had started filming. The director walked in, and my heart sank. It was a short fat guy in a dress, with bleached blond, beyond the shoulder length hair, covered in make-up and stinking of cheap perfume.

The director started to give the outline of the plot in a falsetto lispy voice and was talking to someone about what they were expected to be doing. I was looking around at the other cast members wondering what they were going to do to me or better still what I was going to be doing to them when the voice stopped and then shrilly shouted if someone would look at ‘me’ when they were giving directions. Then even louder “I’m talking to you Will”.

I hit the roof. At full blast which must have been heard throughout the whole building, I told the director that my name was William, that it was not, Will, or Willy, or Bill or Billy, (I deliberately spat out the letter B, each time) and that according to my contract I was to be addressed at all times as William and would only answer to William. I ended by shouting “Have I made myself absolutely fucking clear”.

There was a total silence in the room. Just the buzz of some electronic equipment. I counted to ten. There was not a murmur.

“Right”. I said loudly, “No apology, that’s it I’m off. I’ll take my money now thank you”.

The diminutive piss poor drag artist, shouted back that I’d done fuck all, so there would be no pay.

I’d kept my contract with me each day I was filming in case of any dispute, and I pulled it out from my bag, and read out the appropriate lines of my contract.

I shouted back. “I don’t have to do any fucking thing. I’ve kept to this contract, you’ve broken the contract, so fucking pay up”.

A number of the guys were watching this with interest. There had been contracts broken before, but it was always the company who had the performers by the balls. This was different; this time someone was standing up for their rights even over a petty matter about a name.

The director remained silent. One of the more intelligent of the other performers spoke up. “you should have read all our contracts before hiring. William has his contract with him, and if what he has read out is correct then he has you by the balls”.

“If you have any”. Said another voice sotto voce.

There were giggles.

I held out my hand for the cash, making a note of the number of performers on the set.

An envelope with no name was thrust towards me with massive ungraciousness from a so-called woman. I counted the money, and it was short. The uplift was missing. I shook my head. “Where’s the performance uplift?”

Another scream from the tiny director. “What the fuck do you mean, performance uplift”?

Again, I reminded the director to read my contract. “I’m sure you have budgeted for it”.

“The budget’s fucking spent”. I was told.

I looked at the other guys who were now stunned. If the budget was spent there would be no overtime payments if the filming, went over schedule. It didn’t matter just how much more fucking there was to be done, we were paid to fuck.

“See you in court”. I called out to the room. “You broke the contract so that’s still four exclusive films you’re going to have to pay me for”. There was a hubbub in the room as I made to the door. The guy who had spoken up for me earlier came running after me, thrusting his business card in my hand. “Call me later, call me later, it’s important you do”.

I made my way home. By the time I got back the production company were calling me. They were not best pleased. I told them plainly. “I kept to my contract. If that bitch of a director had apologised to me then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. It’s too late now. I’ll be taking legal advice”.

“It’s just about your name”.

“You guys know just how hard I negotiated the contract with you. Every part was important to me”. I hung up. No doubt they thought I was bluffing.

That afternoon, I called the number on the card I was given when I left the lot.

“Can we meet”? The guy asked. “I can come round to yours right now if you like”.

I gave him the address and twenty minutes later he turned up.

His brother was a lawyer and knew of his involvement in the porn industry. The brother had been representing several porn performers over their rights in the industry over conditions, copyright, and health issues. He’d be interested in talking to me. I was interested in sure, but what were the chances of success? You’d have to talk to find out I was advised.

I relaxed for the first time since leaving the lot. “Some of the guys are pissed off, they didn’t get any action, but we were all paid. The drama queen had no option, and some guys are really pissed that there would be no overtime”. He told me.

I admitted that I was pissed at missing on some of the guys as well. We looked at each other with that knowing look. “I got no clients tonight”. He admitted to me. “Neither have I”. I confessed. “Shall we get it off”?

For the next few hours we did, with no director telling us what to do, telling us to cut when things were getting exciting, or calling for a fluffer to get us hard again when we’d lost impetus. It was good.

The guy put me in touch with his brother who was really good. He was able to negotiate a buy out of my contract. I got all that I was contracted for. I agreed not to perform for any other porn company, and it cost me a couple of thousand dollars, but I won. My porn name all but disappeared and within a few years I was forgotten only to be remembered on one of those ‘whatever happened to...’ sites. One good thing happened. I wanted to get out of San Francisco. The Dutch cocksucker who had a thing for me, found out my home address and began pestering me on an almost daily basis. He was still involved in the porn business, but I’d gone right off him since witnessing him fisting on the set. I remembered the guy who had offered me a date in LA. Word had got around about what had happened with me in San Francisco, but the guy was generous enough to offer me time at his place whilst I sorted myself out. We got on fine, and he even brought back some of his tricks for threesomes which I found really exciting.

Then out of the blue I took a chance on moving to Texas, to near Dallas. A leather tanning company was looking for someone to train to make leather goods. Saddles, Bridles, Hats, Jackets, Boots, Shoes. I don’t know why but it appealed to me. So, I applied, and much to my surprise I was taken on with no questions asked about my past. For the next three years I learned as much as I could and found that I had a natural aptitude for it. Dallas was not too far away for me to do a little escorting for a while which I was able to keep from my employer and as a bonus, I kept getting messages from the cute muscled bottom guy I had met in SF. German Carl, kept in touch.

After the three years were up, I worked for the tannery for a few months, but I wanted something better. I knew that I could transfer my new skills to a better set of customers than I’d find in Dallas but where? I knew California was not on and I didn’t like the idea of settling in New York of the Eastern seaboard. Carl was still writing and I had found and kept the video of him and Danish Anders fucking with me. He was so fucking cute and I loved the way the camera had caught the differing looks in his eyes. Carl had stopped doing Porn in Europe and had been studying accountancy. I’d still quite a bit of money put away, it was now well into six figures and not far off from the seventh, and so thinking that I’d like a holiday somewhere different and where I didn’t have to speak a non-English language, I booked a month in England and wrote Carl that I was visiting over there. He came back that he’d like to see me again and we agreed to meet up in London for a few days.

Meeting Carl again was great. We really got on the sex was fantastic, in fact he was the perfect bottom for my top, and we discovered that we both liked group action, remnants of our days in porn. We visited Soho in Central London and went into a gay goods shop. There were leather items for sale there, Harnesses, chaps, cock straps, caps, hoods, gags, gloves, whips, crops and so on. They were not well made. I knew that with my skills that I could make much better equipment. An idea was brewing in my head, There was a market for certain leather goods for sure, would it be possible for me to set up a business here in England? I am though, not a businessman, and I was kicking myself for not doing the right courses when I was at university. Carl and I were wandering around London, and I was somewhat distracted with my thoughts, he asked what the matter was with me and I confessed my plans to him especially setting up a business in the UK.

We passed by a newsagents and Carl pulled me into the shop and told me to look out for crafts magazines and see if there were any devoted to leather, he insisted that we were not into porn stuff. We were able to find three magazines. In a nearby café, Carl had us both looking for businesses that maybe for sale, leather goods equipment and suppliers and distributers. We found plenty of the latter but not the businesses. Carl had a further idea and went back to the news agents and brought back another magazine and a map. He told me to look in the new magazine for rundown properties with building space potential. There were some with potential, but the costs were very high. When I told him of my limit, he hit me with “I have some, not a lot”. I couldn’t help but like the guy, in fact I was getting rather fond of him.

Then suddenly he calls out in a mouthful of long German words and excuses himself. He gets on his cell phone and is talking in German to someone, only pausing to ask if I minded if someone came to see us tonight. Carl has this sexual expectant look in his eyes which I like in this quiet German guy.  “You will like, you will really like I’m sure”. He tells me. This is a Swiss guy, from a banking family and more than that you will find out.

Later we are back in my small hotel room at about eight pm and Carl’s cell phone rings, and he talks in German, and he excuses himself and leaves the room, returning a couple of minutes later with a very tall, and indeed a very good looking guy who is built like the proverbial. The guy must be six two tall and at least two hundred thirty pounds, with the dirtiest couple of eyes I have ever seen. I must have been undressed in a split second. He smells wonderful almost exuding sex out of every pore of his body.  Damn this is a fine man. How the hell does Carl know about him I want to know.

“This is Chris”, Carl tells me and to Chris I am introduced as Mike. When we shake hands there is a firmness of our hands and a massive pulse of electricity. We look at each other as if we instantly want to be naked and fuck.

Carl explains to Chris. “Mike is looking to start a business here in England which might have a good potential, what he needs is some help and advice from you maybe not financial but certainly help with guidance”. Carl then turns to me and says that Chris runs a couple of businesses here in England, both are successful, and it’s through one of them that he knows him. Maybe Chris can give some pointers. All the time, Chris and I are looking at each other, eye to eye. He seems to be puzzled about something about me and for the first time he speaks more than a couple of words. He has a hard almost guttural voice in a very heavy German accent.  “I know you from somewhere, but I just cannot place where it is that you are from”. I’m about to tell him that I’m from the US but Carl speaks German to Chris once again. I can guess what he is saying from two words I catch which are the same in English and German. William Grey and Porn. I can see in Chris’s eyes that he now knows what he needs to know about me for his memory. His eyes become all knowing and his smile broadens. I like this look on his face and know that we are going to have some fun, and good fun soon. Chris opens his legs wider in front of me turning slightly in his chair to face me directly, and converses with Carl. To my ears the words ‘fick’ and ‘ficken’ come often and it is very noticeable that Chris is getting very excited in between his legs. He leans back in the chair thrusting his pelvis forwards towards me and his throat seems to tighten. Carl is answering in short statements mostly starting with the word Ja! A hand very casually starts to play with his now bulging crutch and I now feel my cock beginning to really expand in my jeans. Chris then makes a firm sounding statement in German and Carl translates. “Let’s all get naked”. “Amen to that”, I immediately think to myself and suddenly both of us are standing up and stripping each other naked as fast as we reasonably can, Carl is undressing himself. I take off Chris’s crisp white shirt and gasp at his body. He is smooth, and built to perfection, with a massive chest with delicate raised nipples that are almost pointing to the floor, and a beautiful set of abs, ripped to almost flawlessness, and so tempting that I had to rub my hands over them counting each as I hit each mound of hard muscle. Fuck, he’s got eight, dammit, eight, I want to lick them but prevented by Chris lifting off my shirt.

His dirty, wanton eyes scan my body, and he gives a snort of approval and beds over to lick my nipples, so very gently that his tongue just touches the tip of each bud. Wow what a sensation. Immediately I have learned something from this very sexy guy. You don’t have to attack nipples to get a sensation from them. Carl is now naked and stroking his beautiful cock very slowly. His eyes are demanding sex but in a totally different way from Chris. He is a much quieter guy but there is an understated fire in his eyes that I remember from when we fucked on video the first time. Then without really noticing it we are all naked and checking out each other’s bodies. The three of us fit but in different ways. Chris, the tallest and be biggest body; it’s so noticeable that he works out a lot. Carl, the shortest by a good six inches on Chris but his body is perfect; beautifully toned and muscled. The guy is so cute, maybe a little vulnerable looking but when he gets naked, his demeanour changes and he doesn’t become a tiger or a lion, but there is a total desire for sex, and good hard sex in his face. I’m sure he’d do anything reasonable I’d ask him to do. Then my body. Still fit from all the exercise I do. I might not do track and field anymore, but I do keep my body shape and I have what I think is a hunky muscled body.

For me it’s Chris that I’m more interested in, not that my intention is to ignore Carl. I want that body, and I want that body against mine with my dick deep inside of him and I want to fuck the life out of him. There seems to be the same sort of desire from Chris. He is already sucking on my cock and taking the full length into his mouth and throat. I am sitting up at the top of the bed, and he is lying flat on his stomach slightly raised up on his veined forearms and blowing me and looking into my eyes with the greatest desire. I want to kiss the guy so much. Carl, clever guy, comes and kisses me instead as if he senses my desire. He knows me better than Chris and he turns around, standing on the bed and bends over to show off his wonderful ass hole to me, pushing his buttocks back into my face. Resistance is futile, I know, and I let my mouth and tongue surround the delightful hole and lap away. My mind now going through all sorts of scenarios of what the three of us can get up to. Carl is chuntering away in German. Chris might understand what he was saying but I hadn’t a clue. Whatever he was saying had the right effect.

Chris gave up on his deep throat action on my cock and stood up pulling Carl away from me and gave him an order in German. The guy went down on my cock and was sucking away on my already wet cock. On the other hand, Chris leant over to me and was kissing me deeply, holding my head with both hands, turning his head slightly as he invaded my mouth with his tongue and our noses rubbing against each other. He then stood above me and rubbed his big thick dick all over my face and then told me to suck it and to suck it good.

He had a sweet tasting dick, flicking the underside of his cockhead, I could taste his lube and I loved the shape of his thick dickhead in my mouth. He started to face fuck me and I felt his shaft extending itself deeper into my mouth. I relaxed my throat and changed my breathing to enable him to start to enter deeper into my mouth, he gave a guttural sound of approval. I was enjoying this face-fucking from this highly attractive man, more than at any other time when I was escorting and performing. Then there was a lot more kissing, body licking, nip play before we seemed to slip into a triangle of sucking on each other’s cocks and balls as we just about lay on the bed and I felt Chris going beyond my balls and to my asshole. The sensation when he hit my hole was just that, sensational, he made me feel so good, that the nerves in my body seemed to zing right up my body to my brain. I had Carl’s hole right in front of my face, and again, I pushed my face deep into his hard muscled ass cheeks and thrust my tongue into the muscle. Carl called out to Chris. “Whatever you’re doing down there keep doing it what he’s doing to me is fantastic”. There was a mischievous giggle from Chris, and he continued to give me the most amazing rim.

I really needed to return the favour to Chris, and asked the guys to change around and I now had access to the muscled man’s hole. For a few seconds I stared at the backside, his ass cheeks opened for access for my face. My desire was to get my dick inside that muscle and stretch open that tight looking hole. I had no idea if the guy was up to be fucked or not, for now I was focused on preparing that hole for my dick. I started to finger around the area as I licked and was delighted when  the sphincter relaxed and I was able to open up the hole with my tongue. More and more Chris was giving off this deep growl and as I probed deeper with my fingers he was tightening and relaxing the muscle around my fingers. Chris was eating away at Carls hole, but he found the time to announce that he wanted to see me fuck Carl and for him to do the same. That was not a problem for me, but my desire was for his hole. I knew that Carl would be up for what was proposed.

This was still before the days of PreP, and fortunately I had plenty of rubbers and lube with me. So did Chris. He seemed to have come prepared for action despite the business arrangement we were to talk about.

The fucking started with me fucking Carl, who sat on my dick as I lay on the bed with Chris lying on the bed his face inches from my dick, jacking on his heavily veined cock and at times reaching to play with my balls and to feel the thickness of my dick as I fucked my friend. Chris was excited by what he saw and was calling out encouragement to us both.

Then he decided that he wanted to fuck as well. I watched him rubber up and cover his dick with lube and I withdrew my dick reluctantly from Carls tight hole and Chris pushed Carl over onto his back raising up the guy’s legs before entering the fucked hole with his larger dick. I was really over excited to see Chris fucking. He had the body of a Greek statue and great looks and a great dick too. Carl was taking him like the pro he used to be, and I loved watching the guy stretch the hole pulling back the muscle seemingly gripping the invading cock as tight as it was possible, what also excited me was the view I had of Chris’s ass. He had splayed his legs wide as he fucked from behind and it gave me a great view of his hole too. I had the greatest desire to get in that butt and give the stud the fucking of both our lives. There was something I had to continue to do.

Chris was now fucking hard, fast and deep and all I could focus on was his asshole pulsing to and  fro in front of my face. I just had to get my face in there and eat it as he fucked. It wasn’t easy and I could tell that Chris wanted both sensations at the same time, fucking a great butt and having his butt reamed out at the same time. To give him his due, he slightly adapted his fucking so that I could keep my mouth at his hole for most of the time and he was growling out his appreciation. I was jacking on my cock, rubbing in the pre-cum lube that was dripping off my piss slit. I wanted Chris to relax for what I had planned next. I had to pull away from his hole for a few seconds to find what I was looking for. He looked around at me to see why I had stopped rimming him. His eager dirty sex crazed eyes gleamed when he saw me sliding down a rubber over my cock. I slapped his ass cheeks hard. Crack! His jaw fell open, and his sexy eyebrows raised up higher but the desire in his eyes never faltered. I stood up to steady myself and then crouched down pushing a hand down on his heavily muscled back which was damp with sweat to steady myself and aimed my dick right at his hole. I had slight resistance as I pushed against his hole using my thumb on the top of the base of my cock to make the correct angle of entry. Another hard slap to the side of his pelvis loosened him slightly and I was able to get my cockhead inside of his hole. He had stopped fucking Carl but was still deep inside of him. I pushed in some more until I felt more resistance, felling his shute tightening around the top of my dick. Then I heard the deep satisfied moan from him, and I moved in even deeper. More than half my dick was in him, and it felt good, but not as good as I wanted to feel. I started to slow fuck him and he took up the motion of fucking Carl again.

Slowly and surely, I felt my dick being encompassed by his hole until I felt that glorious sensation of being totally in this sexy guy’s butt. I admitted to myself that this was the most attractive and desirable man I’d been with since I left San Francisco those years back. I was now really pounding into the man and looking down on his beautifully muscled back. There was no doubt about it that the guy was fit and took good care of himself.

He called out for me to hold still and to let him fuck himself on my shaft. Oh, it was so good, and from the noises from the front Carl was liking it as well. Chris was well and truly being the pig in the middle fucking Carl as he rode my dick deep inside of him. He was doing all the work, calling out just how great everything was. He never asked but I think that evening I would have let that guy fuck me. As it was, we spent the rest of the time fucking Carl who was just as sexily quiet and uncomplaining about everything. At one oint in the evening Chris admitted to me that he had seen my video’s and was a fan. He boasted to me. “I have wanked off watching you so many times”. He pronounced the w in wanked as a heavy ‘V’ Chris was amazing, and I was soon to find out just how amazing he was.

We’d all shot our loads and lay on the bed recovering, Carl and Chris slowly talking to each other in German. We showered and then Chris spoke to me asking what I was looking for. I told him of my idea to set up a personal leather goods business and that I had some funds and most probably a sort of smallholding that I could set up a home and a separate building on the same site where I could work. I explained about my ideas for the business, fashion clothing, leather accessories, saddles, horse gear, leashes and so on. He asked about sexual clothing. I told him I could do that as a sideline. We talked about money and my being a foreigner setting up home and a business in the UK. He thought for a few moments. “I know of some people who can be of help. They are clients of mine. They are not connected but one is a lawyer, and the other works in property. Give me a week and I’ll get back to you”.

He was as good as his word and soon enough I had been put in touch with an immigration lawyer whose first action was to try to get me in bed. It put me in mind of my escorting days but now I was doing it for legal help. Then Chris gave me a hint about a property he’d been told about. It was south of London on the road to Brighton, and it was a decent sized house with a small stables area that he thought I could use as a work area with a bit of imagination.

After giving the lawyer a few more free fucks, the property was mine, all the legal work done for free, and I was well on the way to legal status in the UK. Not an easy job I later found out. Well, it was a few more free fucks. Carl became involved and I was happy for that. I’d always liked the guy ever since we met on the Porno set and fucked. He came to live with me in a sort of informal relationship and he put some money into the business and takes care of the admin and financing.

Chris on the other hand has been a godsend. He has told some of his clients about my work and I get lots of orders for leather gear for couples. The better looking of the guys, I get to strip for measuring which is sometimes very interesting. Some of them have got me into S&M but not in an over-the-top way. Some guys are really nasty to each other, and both get off on it. It takes all sorts. Carl, sometimes gets involved with the more good-looking guys and has also developed a taste for gentle S&M. His quiet demeanour coupled with his stunning good looks and sexy body is perfect for the bottom role.

Over the years we have developed the business and home admittedly spending a lot of time and money on improving things and working very late sometimes to complete orders. Chris brings us some amazing guys to the home, for business (for him) and fun (for us), and we have developed a taste for some really hot weekend parties.

He stunned us one weekend turning up unannounced with a stunning guy. This was a wonderfully built blond guy, at two metres tall and really handsome and confidence that oozed out of him. He was ex-military we were told, but not to talk too much about it or his work. When he did talk, he had this deep rumbling sexy voice. We had to get him into the stables to be measured for a harness and some other accessories. For this guy I do it for free, just to get him naked for measuring. By god was he ever a stunner, naked he was perfection and when he dropped his jockstrap and his cock sprung out, well my jaw hit the floor, Carl was drooling, and Chris was grinning all over his face. There are not too many gay guys at two metres’ tall and a dick the size that the guy had. Of course, having a tape handy for measurements was useful, and I can honestly say that his dick when measured along the top was just on ten inches, and his thickness was just over seven inches. I was determined to measure him for the gates of hell. Somehow, we all got naked during the measuring of this stud of a man and eventually I got him measured for all I had in mind for him.

We got him back to the house and upstairs into the main bedroom and we fucked for hours, He even got to fuck me, though with difficulty as I don’t bottom all that often and certainly not for a dick that size.

Strangely he was not one of Chris’s clients; they had met in a gay bar in Brighton. The superstar was apparently very choosey about who he fucked with, but he and Chris hit it off. The guy was into tall guys and Chris with his devilish eyes must have fitted the bill.

The next morning after breakfast, I couldn’t resist it, but I just had to get the guy back in the stables to check the measurements, and I took the chance for a private blow job on the guy and arranged for him to return for a fitting the next week. Oh boy was I ever, going to be careful with this order and to get him back maybe alone. Then as an afterthought, I asked his name. “Stephen – with a ph and not a v”. Yes, I wanted to see more of this Stephen. I arranged a date for him to return for a fitting passing him my business card. He told me he lived about twenty miles away. I asked him to call me a day before coming again and he agreed, with the sexiest of smiles. When I told him that the gear was on the house, he argued that he couldn’t and that he’d have to pay. When I insisted, he asked me what would be the more expensive, the material costs or the labour costs. I told him it was most probably the time it would take to produce the goods. “Then I’ll pay for the time”. I liked the guy.

Did I ever work on the gear for Stephen. A labour of desire rather than love. In bed at night Carl was very excited at the thought of Stephen being with us again and was very eager for him to join us at one of our weekend parties. I liked the idea as well but had a feeling that he might not want to come. There was something Chris had said in the back of my mind.

Much later than I’d hoped, Stephen called me. He’d be happy to come for the fitting the next day if that was fine. It was. Everything was ready and I managed to ask him if he’d like to stay for dinner with Carl and myself. He agreed and we made the date.

He turned up looking sensational in a pair of jeans and a very tight burgundy T-shirt. I couldn’t wait to get him naked for the fitting. First was the harness. Carl was with me for the adjustments to the straps and the settling of the material. My measurements had been accurate the harness fitted very correctly and sat around his enormous pecs perfectly, I couldn’t resist licking one of his nipples. There were a couple of bicep bands. I’d made these with adjustable straps as his arms and biceps were fucking huge. Stephen had pumped up his arms for me when I measured him when we were alone, and he had twenty one inches. Finally, I had made for him two lower garments, first was a leather jock with a removable pouch and a four ring gates-of hell for that amazing dick of his. I knew we’d have trouble fitting these as his cock was hard all the time. I have an answer for this problem especially with the more horny but less attractive customers. I keep a bowl of ice-cubes in the freezer. It works every time. I was reluctant to do this with Stephen but needs must. A handful of ice cubes around his balls had an immediate effect, enough for me to fit the jock first; his cock and balls placed properly around the cockring, and the pouch also fitted. I stood up to admire the guy playing with his nips to get his cock hard again to see the effect of the pouch bulging. It worked perfectly. I’d made the pouch of a soft leather and it was very obvious that the material was really being stretched by the monster cock inside.

Last of all was the gates of hell for his cockshaft. I’d had to have specially made the four rings for his thick cock. Undoing the pouch on his jock, I was able to slip the first leather popper around the cockring and slide it under his balls. Then I put on the other four cockrings down his shaft. Jesus that was a difficult task, his cock as so fucking hard. Then I moved the leather strap to separate his big low-hanging balls and put the second popper onto the first cock ring and so on until all four rings were held in place. Fuck, even with four rings squeezing his shaft, the veins stood out frighteningly on his cock and there was still at least four inches of his cock not covered by the gates of hell. I could have made two more rings.

I had to call Carl into to come and see this. Stephen looked amazingly handsome and totally sexy in the leather gear. Stephen even looked approvingly at himself in the mirror. Carl sank to his knees in front of Stephen and was sucking on the bulging cockhead that was pointing almost heavenwards in the gates of hell. I’d seen Carl suck on many hot cocks, but nothing was ever half as sexy as seeing him on Stephen’s monster. I was majorly turned on and had a major desire to get my face into the sexy backside so wonderfully enhanced by the black leather straps of the jock. I had to stop myself for a moment, and I asked the guys, if we should get to the bedroom now and fuck or fuck after we had eaten. Silly to ask I know, and we headed to the bedroom where we sucked, rimmed, and fucked for three hours.

We called out for a home delivery meal and then spent the next few hours fucking again. Stephen did ask me how much the labour costs for the gear and I said I’d let him know.

Over then next couple of years Stephen came to stay a weekend with us when we’d be naked or just in the leather gear all weekend. He never came to any of our parties, which was a shame, but he did surprise us one evening when he brought with him a guy who was almost as quiet as Carl but looked like Stephen’s brother. The guy was stunningly good looking, muscled, and tall and blond. Not as tall and as built as Stephen but, to me, he was the most desirable man I had ever seen, not the equal of Stephen but just that little bit more of an edge. To this day, I am madly fancying him. The guy’s name is Gerren, he is now married to Stephen and they live on the edge of the earth in the far west of Cornwall, and they adore each other, and I think he has a thing for me too, if he hadn’t been snapped up by Stephen and I wasn’t living and fucking with Carl, I’d like to think that he’d be my life partner.

Stephen and Gerren turned up out of the blue. We hadn’t seen or heard from Stephen for a few months and we were somewhat shocked when Stephen announced that he was selling his home and moving down to Cornwall to live with Gerren and to work there. They were sorting out the belongings that weekend. The first thing I decided that would happen was that Carl and Stephen would go out to Crawley to the supermarket to get things to eat for the evening. I wanted to find out more about this Gerren guy who I really wanted to ravage like crazy.

I sat him down on the sofa with me with a large glass of wine each and started to ask about his life and so on and I got in early about my past life and my short-lived porn career and said that it was how I met Carl first of all. I then put on a tape of one of my films, subtle as hell I am, and watched his reaction to me and my body and performance.  Of course, I got hard and so did the sexy as hell, Gerren. Then I got really bad, and whipped out my dick and started to jack off in front of the guy who knew where to look. So, I stripped off and invited him to join me ensuring he took good notice of my nine-inch dick.

He turned me down. He told me to jack off if he wanted to, but he’d wait until Stephen and Carl returned. The fucking prick-tease. I’d never been turned down before – ever. What he had in his trousers seemed to be impressive and I really wanted to know what was there. I knew that Stephen was into tall guys, good looking guys and liked a man with a sizeable dick. This guy Gerren certainly had lots of the attributes Stephen liked but what about the cock. So, I jerked off and he watched interested, saying nothing except smiling and certainly not touching me or himself. I turned to watch a part of the porn I had performed in and got to a part I really liked, I was fucking a hot bottom and sucking on a huge dick at the same time, and blasted off my load, collapsing onto the sofa. All Gerren said was that I’d better clean up the mess and get dressed before the guys returned from shopping.

 It’s laughable now, but I obeyed. Just as I finished dressing, I heard the car return and all Gerren said was that he was sure the guys would smell my spunk in the room as soon as they walked in. The fucking shit! Though I couldn’t help but love the guy. The guys came in and instantly Stephen made his way to Gerren. Those guys were smitten with each other. I noticed Gerren whispering to Stephen who looked at me and winked and smiled. “You nasty fucker”, was all he said with his eyes.

The next hour or so was spent preparing the food and eating it and we got the full story of how they had met; the best part was Stephen falling asleep the first time the guys were naked together. We were invited to come down to Cornwall to stay at what sounded like an idyllic home on the edge of nowhere. “Come during the summer, Mike, you’d love it, you can be naked all day long”. Stephen encouraged.

We were enjoying each other’s company and I noticed that Carl and Gerren where quiet most of the time; Stephen and I doing most of the talking and then would you fucking know it, Chris turned up out of the blue. He of course knew Stephen, but he also hadn’t heard the news of Gerren and Stephen’s moving away to the other end of the country. When Chris set eyes on Gerren it was like a cartoon where a male character sees a sexy female and the eyes pop out of his head. I knew what was going to happen. I’d now have to fight off Chris to get to Gerren when the now, inescapable group sex would happen.

The sex happened, and it was great, Gerren as it turned out had a cock almost as huge as Stephen’s and as big as mine. Now wonder he didn’t seem over impressed when I jacked off in front of him earlier. It seemed that Gerren’s butt hole was out of bounds for dick, but he more than made up for it by fucking and he fucked Carl royally. There are only two things that I remember from that night. Firstly, Gerren fainted when he shot off an absolutely massive load all over the place. We were concerned for him for a few moments. He came too and apologised saying that it never had happened before.

Then later, I woke up hearing noises coming from the spare bedroom where Stephen and Gerren were sleeping. Chris had been ordered to sleep with Carl and myself. There was no way I was going to let him be with Gerren. Chris was not with us. It must have been two in the morning and there was a definite sound of sex happening next door. I got out of bed and crept to the spare room to find the door open wide and the bedside lamp on. I got an instant erection when I saw what was happening. I also went back to the room to wake up Carl, telling him to be quiet and to follow me.

We looked in the door. There was a threesome going on. Stephen was flat on his back with Chris riding his massive dick. Stephen was holding down Chris with his huge arms wrapped around the guys back as he couldn’t move. The best bit was that Gerren was behind Chris his dick aimed at his well filled hole and pushing his huge dick also into Chris’s hole. Chris was complaining; this had never happened before. It was Gerren, I think, who told him to shut the fuck up, this was what he’d got for trying to fuck when he had been asleep. The guy was merciless, pushing his big tool into Chris forcefully. Carl let out a gasp. We had the perfect view from the door the two huge dicks were really stretching that tight hole of Chris’s. I just had to jack off and couldn’t help it but to step inside the room to get a better view. Gerren was now spanking Chris hard. Carl was next to me and gave out an audible “Yeah, harder”. Stephen and Gerren gave no hint that they knew we were there. We crept closer and closer to the trio and had the perfect view of the two hung blonds pounding the muscle stud Chris for all they were worth.

This was not a fuck for pleasure but for punishment. If what I’d heard earlier was correct, they were really taking it out on Chris and the way Stephen was holding him down to his body was tight, really tight. There was no escape for Chris, not with Stephen’s massive arms around him.

I know Chris and he is a wonderful and very helpful guy and Carl and I wouldn’t be in the position we are now without his immense help but there is also an arrogant side to Chris when it comes to sex, and he is a total sexual being; I knew that what was happening to him would knock out some of the arrogance from him. He wanted sex with Gerren, and he was having sex with him but not on the terms he wanted. This was Gerren and Stephen’s terms.

Chris was now begging for the guys to stop and each time he asked the spanking from Gerren continued and the fucking became more ferocious. Stephen told him sternly. “We’ll decide when we will stop”. One side of me was kicking myself for not filming this. It would sell that’s for sure. There were enough of Chris’s clients who would love it.

I was now so close to shooting that I had difficulty in edging, and I realised that to early I had gone over the top. I was now standing right next to Gerren and could clearly see his thick cock ramming into Chris alongside his lover’s larger cock. Gerren’s body was also well and truly pumped up, his chest huge and his abs taut, I adored the guy. I interrupted the action putting my face directly in front of Gerren and we connected, kissing deeply and with passion and I shot my load all over Chris’s V shaped muscled back and his ass cheeks. Carl came aside me and did the same. We walked back away from the trio it was Stephen who was next to shoot, pulling out of Chris and ripping off the rubber, Gerren pulled out too walking around to Chris’s face, and shooting all over it and into his hair, again shooting a spectacular load of semen. Stephen pushed Chris to the floor making him kneel aiming his dick at the chest, he called Gerren to his side and told him to chew his nips. Gerren was onto them like a shot from a rifle chewing away at them and Stephen growled deeply and again Chris got covered all over his chest and abs with the fourth load of cum. Stephen then pushed Chris onto the floor with his foot and told him to get the fuck out. Chris scampered out of the room, and for the first time Carl and I were acknowledged by the guys. “Enjoy that”? Stephen asked us with a massive smile. “We knew he’d try something on with us and we were right and ready for him. The poor fuck has never been doubled before but he had now”. He then shouted out loud for Chris to get his sad arse out of the shower, there were four other guys who wanted to use it”. He then gave out a huge guffaw holding Gerren to him and kissing him passionately and deeply. “One of our best double fucks I think”.

I knew then that I was to be very careful in approaching Gerren for a one on one”.

We’ve remained friends, have visited Cornwall a few times, unfortunately we missed their wedding, but we have entertained them here at our place, we even went sailing with them and with five other guys and had the most amazing time, and Chris? He’s still very good friends with Stephen and Gerren and knows how to behave with them.

Carl and I have a great relationship. Basically, we are both pigs when it comes to man sex, and we have the same taste in men. I wouldn’t change a thing about our relationship. I have no regrets about my past and being a gay adult star. It’s so long ago now and I think most people have forgotten me. I still smile inwardly when I hear the name William and try hard not to laugh at the name Bill or Billy. And Carl? He hasn’t changed one bit. He still looks the same to me, and he is still the loveable sexy quiet guy who turns into a tiger in bed. Thank Goodness.

by Graham Nancledra

Email: [email protected]

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