Midsummer run

by Leather pants slut

8 Mar 2024 1080 readers Score 9.5 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


And the last of the three also arrived exactly on time,” Ulf says to Ivar, “Congratulations!”

Lars and Jorn are already inside. The boys hug each other.

“I will remove your butt plugs,” says Ulf.

As he frees the boys from their butt plugs, he notes “All three of you have marks on your ass. Since you completed the Midsimmer run in time, I can wash off those stamps for you and take off your chastity device. You can then choose whether you want to participate in the festival as a submissive or Dominant.”

All three boys look a bit distressed.

"What?" asks Ulf, “This was your dream, wasn't it?”

Jorn speaks first while he feels the buttock on which the stamp is located. “I think I met a really nice guy and that stamp is his claim on my ass…”

"I understand." says Ulf, “You are free to participate in the match-up. You can then be paired with the Dominant boys who have a claim on your ass. The chastity cage will remain on. It is up to the Dominant boy to decide whether it will be removed”

“I'll take that risk, I want to meet the boy who claimed my ass.”

"Fine!" Ulf says “You’ll participate in the match-up” Ulf looks at Ivar and asks “And you, what do you want?”

Ivar looks desperate “That last 'demon' was Haukon. I want Haukon as Dominant. But I promised Lars…”

“Go for Haukon,” says Lars, “I'll be fine. If you go for the match-up, I will too.”

Ulf looks content. “A wise decision by all three gentlemen. I will take you to the gym, where the match-up will take place later.”

Ulf gives the boys time to recover, freshen up and eat and drink something.

When Ulf leads the three boys into the gym, there are already many submissive boys with marks on their buttocks. A Dominant supervisor is waiting for the three boys with arms crossed. “Three new losers again, Ulf?” he asks, referring to submissive boys who don't complete the run on time and are forced to participate in the match-up.

“No,” says Ulf, “these are three winners.”

* * * *

All the Dominant boys are already in the gym and when all the submissive boys participating in the coupling are also present, Ulf steps forward. “Gentlemen, Dominants and submissives. In a moment, the jury will read the numbers stamped on the submissives' asses. I then mention the names of the Dominants. They’ll step forward. After that, I mention the name of the submissive. The submissive boy will kneel before the Dominant. If there are multiple Dominants, the submissive boy may choose which Dominant he kneels before. This Dominant takes the submissive to his room.”

Ulf looks around the room for a moment. “And this is important: you get an hour to get to know each other. After that hour, the Dominant leaves first. If the Dominant wants to continue with the submissive, he will provide the submissive with a collar with his name on it. When the submissive leaves a little later, he’ll know that the Dominant wants to continue with him if there is a collar present for him. If the submissive also wants to continue with the Dominant, he puts on the collar. If he does that, from that moment on you are a legal couple, and the submissive boy is under the Authority of the Dominant boy.

Ulf waits a moment and then says “Okay, let's get started.”

The jury reads out the numbers on the buttocks of the first submissive boy. Ulf calls out the names of the corresponding Dominant boys. They step forward. Ulf then calls out the name of the submissive boy. He steps forward and kneels next to one of the Dominants. The chosen Dominant takes the boy to his room. This goes on until the jury arrives at Lars.

The jury carefully studied Lars' buttocks. “Number 13 and number 16” the jury calls to Ulf. Ulf then searches for something on his iPad, “Marcel Grijpstra and Ries Wolters” he calls out. Two boys walk forward from the corner. “Submissive number 7” the jury calls. “Lars Veenstra” calls Ulf, without having to look anything up.

Lars walks forward with a lump in his throat from nerves. Two boys are standing in front of him. One of them gives him a pain in his stomach. The boy has a mean, rat-like face. The other boy seems a little older. He is tall and has a long and stern face, but his eyes are warm and, important to Lars, he is dressed in a beautiful full leather outfit. This boy is a bit intimidating for Lars, but he also gives Lars butterflies in his stomach. Lars kneels before this boy. The Dominant boy takes Lars to his room.

The jury arrives at Ivar “Number 8 and number 19”. “Haukon Schonewille and Remco Vollebrecht,” Ulf calls out. Haukon and another boy walk forward. “Submissive number 8” the jury shouts. “Ivar van Leeuwen”. Ivar walks forward and pauses to study the boy next to Haukon. The 'demon' of the shed turns out to be a beautiful boy with chestnut red curls and sparkling emerald green eyes that look cheerfully and kindly at the world. He briefly makes eye contact and makes an apologetic gesture as he walks towards Haukon. The beautiful boy smiles kindly at Ivar and makes a “don't worry” gesture. Haukon is confidently waiting for Ivar. Ivar goes weak in the knees when he sees the stalwart farmer’s son in full leather. He wants to kneel in front of Haukon, but Haukon already hugs him and gives him a big kiss. Haukon takes Ivar to his room.

* * * *

When Lars and the Dominant boy, Ries, arrive at the latter's room, Ries offers Lars a seat. “I also bought some mead for the occasion, that’s is a honey wine. Would you like a glass too?” asks Ries.

“Yes please!”, Lars answers, happy for something that can help calm his nerves.

The Dominant boy hands Lars a glass of mead,  takes a seat opposite him and says “Welcome here in my room Lars. I am Ries Wolters. I understand that you could’ve chosen to be a ‘free man’, but choose to participate as a submissive in the match-up of your own volition?”

“Yes,” Lars says hesitantly, thinking how he should formulate his feelings.  He decides to be completely honest and tells about Ivar, his best friend and lover, about Haukon and how Ivar is in love with both of them.”

“I understand why Ivar chose to match up with Haukon,” says Lars, “but to be honest, I am quite jealous,” Lars says with something of an apologetic tone in his voice. He looks straight at Ries and continues his story in a more confident tone. “If it had not been for you, I would have chosen to continue alone as a 'free man'.” The corners of Lar's mouth twitch into a somewhat cynical smile, “then I would have been freed from that rotten penis cage. But my meeting with you has changed my mind.” Lars briefly thinks about how to describe his experience with Ries. “I felt so safe with you. So warm and secure. It reminded me a bit of my supervisor here, Bastiaan.”

When the name 'Bastiaan' is mentioned, a smile appears on Ries' face.

Lars' eyes narrow slightly as he studies the Dominant boy. “All the boys who took part in the run are eighteen years old,” he says, “but I think you're older.”

“That's right,” says Ries with a twinkle in his eye, “I'm twenty-one.”


Lars looks at Ries questioningly.

“When a submissive boy has served a Dominant boy for at least two years, he can choose to become a Dominant himself,” says Ries, “Of course with the permission of his own Dominant. Bastiaan has been my Dominant for three years.”

Lars looks shocked.

“As you may have noticed, Bastiaan is a healer. When I was eighteen, I had my trauma. Bastiaan helped me with that. Not only that, he taught me how to help other boys and heal from trauma. Bastiaan has inspired me and I am now studying to become Friiö.”

“Ah, so you did the same thing for me that Bastiaan did for me before,” says Lars.

"Indeed. It felt good to be able to give you back what I previously received from Bastiaan.”

Ries takes another sip from his glass of mead.

“When we arrived here on the island two days ago for the run, I met Haukon,” Ries continues, “Nice guy, handsome too. We clicked immediately. He told me about you and Ivar. He consistently called you and Ivar “my boys”. He told that he dominated Ivar and Ivar, in turn, dominated you. Haukon was very adamant that he wanted to keep you together. “

"Oh?" is the only thing Lars can say.

“So you see, Lars, there is no reason to be jealous of Haukon. He wholeheartedly wishes you your relationship with Ivar. He recognizes that Ivar also has his dominant side. Haukon thinks it is important that you and Ivar stay together.”

“But if you become my Dominant, how will that work?” Lars asks.

“Submissive boys are supposed to move in with their Dominant. But I'm still studying, and I live in a small student room. It wouldn't be practical for a submissive boy to move in with me. If you accept me as Dominant, I will let you move in with Haukon and Ivar. I can come to you at the weekends to help you, as your Dominant.”

“Wow!” Lars exclaims, “do you want to do that for me?”

“Yes,” says Ries with a mischievous glint in his eye, “Haukon and Ulf came up with this plan, and I decided to help them, you, with it. Call me an inveterate romantic.”

Lars gets up and walks to Ries to give him a hug and a kiss. “How incredibly sweet of you!”

Lars looks shyly at the Dominant boy for a moment. “But eh... You're pretty sexy too.”

“Don't worry little one, I'll still have plenty of time to Dominate you.”

A buzzer goes off.

“It's time for me to leave. At the second buzzer, you can go back outside to the hall.” Ries gives Lars a wink. “If I want you as my submissive, you will find a collar with my name on it in front of the door. If you want me as your Dominant, put on the collar.”

Ries gets up and leaves the room.

Lars's heart seems to be beating in his throat. He can get his Ivar back and have this sweet, sexy boy as a Dominant. He'd get a hard-on just thinking about it. If it weren't for that damned penis cage.

The second buzzer goes off.

When Lars leaves the room he sees a black leather collar next to the door. He picks up the collar and feels it. The leather feels soft and comfortable. On the front of the collar hangs a silver heart with the name 'Ries' on it. There is a small padlock hanging from the open clasp. There is no key. Lars puts on the collar and clicks the padlock closed. There is no way back now. He and Ries are now a couple in the eyes of the law.

* * * *

By Balder!” Ivar exclaims as they enter Haukon's room, “You look fantastic in that leather outfit. So dominant and so hot.”

Haukon hugs Ivar and kisses him “I missed you too, my slut”, behind his back he grabs a bottle of bubbles that is waiting on a table.

“We have to celebrate this, boy,” says Haukon as he opens the bottle of bubbles.

The boys look into each other's eyes and raise their glasses. “To love!” shouts Haukon. “To love!” Ivar repeats, “And passion!” he adds. “That one too,” Haukon confirms.

Under the influence of the sparkling wine, the tensions of the past day fade away from Ivar. Haukon points to a comfortable seat and Ivar takes a seat. Haukon also sits down “Let me be open, Ivar. I want you as my submissive boy. That is quite a commitment for both of us. Before we go any further, I want to know what you think about that. Be honest. If you have any concerns, I want to hear them.”

“I am in love with you Haukon,” says Ivar, “I want you as my Dominant.” There is still a hint of restraint in the tone of Ivar's last words.


“But… I am also in love with Lars.”

“I know, darling. Do not worry. You and Lars will not be separated. Lars is moving in with us.”

"How do you know that?" Ivar asks in surprise. Without waiting for the answer, he says “Move in with us? Where then Haukon? If Per and Aukje see that I am submissive, we will probably no longer be welcome.”

“Friiö Dijkstra will convince Per and Aukje,” says Haukon in an authoritarian tone and without explaining anything further.

“But...” Ivar still sputters.

Haukon looks at Ivar silently and forcefully, making it clear to the submissive boy that he has to accept this explanation.

“By Freyr!” says Ivar, “what an authoritarian bastard you are, but I always get horny when you do that.”

Haukon can't suppress a grin. “Did you have any further reservations, Ivar?” he asks sternly.

“I think I still have trouble being openly submissive and I don't think I can be obedient all the time.”

“You don't always have to obey me. You can always be forgiven, again and again.” Haukon carefully examines both his hands from all sides, “But not before these big hands have had a good conversation with your ass.” he notes.

Ivar groans painfully and his face contorts into a grimace as his cock wants to get hard after this announcement but is still trapped in a cock cage.

“You don't mind the spanking you get from me that much, do you?” Haukon asks in surprise.

“No, not at all,” Ivar says hoarsely with pain, “I get a hard cock from your promise, but that damn penis cage is in the way.”

“Then we will get rid of that thing as quickly as possible,” Haukon promises, “Ulf still has the key. I only get that when I am your Dominant.”

The first buzzer rings.

Haukon gets up to leave the room.

“Haukon, please wait!” Ivar shouts. Haukon turns and looks at Ivar questioningly.

“Would you like to put the collar on me?”

“That's against the rules.”

For a moment Haukon seems to have second thoughts. “Oh, what the heck!” he says, “I'm going to be with the most rebellious submissive boy there is. It is completely in style to seal our love in our own way, against the rules.”

Haukon walks to the door, turns around again and says, “Come with me, my slut, and I will put your collar on you.”

* * * *

Now they are a real couple. Haukon walks proud as a peacock through the building, on his way to Ulf. He has his arm around Ivar's shoulder and is leading the submissive boy along with him. Ivar still wears only a jockstrap with a t-shirt, now supplemented with a collar that advertises his submissive status. Haukon walks with his back straight and his head held high, the bulge in his crotch sticking out. His thick, stiff cock is clearly visible in his tight leather pants.

The Dominant boys they meet along the way look at the scene with endearing approval. There are still quite a few submissive boys who are not matched with a Dominant boy. The submissive boys the couple encounters on the way to Ulf alternately look with envy at Ivar and the impressive cock and balls, so clearly visible in Haukon's pants. Ivar quietly enjoys the envious looks. That hot fat cock, that the submissive sluts look at so eagerly, is the cock of Haukon, HIS Dominant. Ivar is, if possible, even more proud than Haukon is.

Ulf is already walking towards them when Haukon and Ivar enter the room. He hugs both boys. “Congratulations guys! You really are a beautiful couple.” He looks at Haukon. “I suppose you want the key to your boy's chastity device?”

“Yes,” says Haukon, “I promised Ivar that I would take that thing off as soon as possible.”

"Now? Here on the spot?” Ulf asks in disbelief.

“I hadn't thought of that, but that's a good idea of you Ulf”

Ivar's cheeks turn red, he feels warm and horny.

Haukon looks at Ivar and caresses the boy's cheek “You have a beautiful cock, nothing to be ashamed of. Your cock doesn't belong in a cage. I'm going to do something about that now.”

Ulf hands Haukon a key and a bottle of lotion. “Maybe his cock is still a bit raw after being in that cage for days,” Ulf explains the lotion.

Haukon squats in front of Ivar and takes down the jockstrap in one movement. The penis cage is now visible. Ivar's pinched genitals look cramped. Haukon opens the lock and carefully slides the cage off Ivar's cock, which immediately becomes lumpy. Haukon lovingly applies a generous dollop of lotion to his lover's dick. Ivar growls deeply and in no time his mast is at full strength. Haukon rises gracefully from his crouching position. He places his left hand on Ivar's neck and with his right hand he massages the cock and balls of his newly liberated boy. Haukon gives Ivar an aggressive dominant French kiss while deftly juggling the boy's balls between his fingers. He removes his tongue from Ivar's mouth and looks straight at him while he jerks him off. “Cum for me, my slut,” Haukon says huskily, “show everyone here how horny you are.”

Ivar's knees are no longer able to hold him up as he comes with a deep grunt. Fortunately, his Dominant supports him as his cum shoots out profusely and into his hair on his throbbing cock. Exhausted, he sinks to his knees. He is face to face with the bulge in Haukon's pants that is so coveted by many submissive boys. He is still panting from his orgasm, but soon he moistens his lips with his tongue.


Haukon interprets that as the signal to take his cock out of his pants and offer it to the boy kneeling in front of him. Ivar touches and admires the mighty Dominant hard cock. He playfully licks Haukon's cockhead. A shudder goes through the Dominant boy's body. With pleasure, he looks around the room again at all those submissive boys who would love to sit in his place. Ivar lustfully throws herself on the pleasure rod. He swallows the colossus in one go to the back of his throat, his nose touches Haukon's pubic hair.

Haukon screams and starts fucking Ivar's mouth and soon dumps his load in Ivar's mouth. Ivar carefully licks his Dominant's dick squeaky clean and carefully puts it back in Haukon's pants. In one movement he stands up and gives Haukon a French kiss to let him have a taste of his own cum.

“Look, this is how you do it guys!” says Ulf to the breathlessly watching submissive boys.

* * * *

That night, or rather, what is left of the night, Ivar sleeps in Haukon's arms. It's a good thing both boys are exhausted, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to possibly fall asleep. Ivar wakes up late in the morning. He carefully extricates himself from the embrace of the still-sleeping Haukon. Once freed, Ivar looks curiously under the sheets. And yes, Haukon has an inviting-looking morning wood. Ivar quietly crawls under the sheets and gives the still-sleeping Haukon a blow job. Haukon slowly wakes up and lets Ivar do his thing for a while. Ivar already starts to taste Haukon's precum. Ivar is shocked when Haukon suddenly says “Stop!”.

“We have to hold back now, my slut.”

Ivar sticks his head above the sheets in bewilderment.

“After the run and the match-up, the Festival starts today. We still have a lot of fucking to do today.”

Haukon pulls the sheets off the bed. “Come on! Have a shower. And shave, your cock and balls as well. I'll get your clothes ready for you. I have a present for you.

When Ivar steps out of the shower fresh and smooth, Haukon is waiting for him with a large silver ring. Ivar looks a little scared.

“No boy, this is not a penis cage. Actually, it's the opposite.” Haukon says as he slides a silver cock ring, with the name 'Haukon' engraved on it, onto his boy's cock and balls. He strokes Ivar's cock until it is completely hard. Haukon picks up a new pair of leather pants made of super thin, soft burgundy leather. "Put it on".

The pants are super tight. The soft leather caresses Ivar's buttocks. The pants run deep into his ass-crack, making his ass stand out. The cock ring makes his cock super hard. A sturdy shaft, balls and glans show in detail under the thin, super tight, shiny leather.

Haukon gives him a tight T-shirt with a Superman logo on it and white sneakers that Ivar steps into with bare feet. Finally, Haukon puts the collar on Ivar. He takes a few steps back to study the result. “This is just right!” he says happily. “My submissive boy is a stalwart guy with a big cock in his pants, which all caged submissive sluts will yearn for.”

Ivar looks at Haukon questioningly.

“There are more submissive boys than dominant boys” explains Haukon. “The submissive boys who did not complete the run or were not matched with a Dominant are still wearing a penis cage. The only satisfaction those poor guys can get is when they get fucked in their mouth or in their ass. There aren't enough Dominant cocks to satisfy all the submissive asses. That's why you're going to do charity work today by fucking some submissive ass with that hot cock of yours.”

“I was hoping you would fuck me, but this is hot too,” says Ivar.

“Sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself for a good cause boy!” Haukon says as he playfully slaps Ivar's butt.

“Thank you for this hot outfit Haukon!”

Haukon kisses Ivar on the cheek.

“Come, let's go my prince. The audience is waiting for us.”

* * * *

The two boys walk like royalty through the corridors of the building on their way to the hall. Haukon as the reigning monarch, and Ivar as his sturdy prince. They enter the room where they already see the group of their friends standing. Ulf talks to the beautiful boy with chestnut red curls and emerald green eyes, whom Ivar has met before. Jorn stands next to him and wears a collar, just like Ivar. The handsome boy is his Dominant. Ivar smiles when he concludes that Jorn has found his prince charming.

 Ivar feels a sharp pang of jealousy when he sees that Lars is also wearing a collar and standing next to a very sexy, stern-looking young man. But Lars immediately breaks away from the group and enthusiastically walks towards Ivar.

“Ivar!” Lars shouts as he throws himself around Ivar's neck and showers him with kisses. “How nice that you chose Haukon, you look good too! What a cool outfit.”

“Yes, I got that from Haukon, isn't it sweet?”

“I was hoping that Ivar would be my boy,” said Haukon, “and because I want my boy to look his best, I bought this for Ivar in advance.”

Lars drags Ivar to the group. “You should meet Ries!” he says. Lars almost pushes Ivar against Ries and says “Ries, this is Ivar, who I told you about”.

“Hello Ivar, I'm Ries Wolters,” Ries gives Ivar a firm hand and looks him straight in the eye with a warm, but also dominant look.

“Ivar van Leeuwen,” says Ivar with a confidence that must come from his toes. The strict Dominant boy makes his knees weak, and he gets a sick feeling in his lower abdomen. It only makes his feelings of jealousy stronger. “If this is Lars' Dominant, then I can't possibly compete with him,” he thinks.

“I hope Lars has said mostly good things about me?” Ivar nevertheless asks in an amicable tone.

“Oh, most definitely!” says Ries, “I'm glad Lars has such a good friend.”

When Ivar rejoins Haukon, Haukon has a grin on his face, he seems to be able to read Ivar's thoughts because he whispers in Ivar's ear “Eh, kid, you don't have to be jealous. Didn't I promise you that Lars and you would not be separated?"

Ivar makes a face at Haukon, and Ries decides to intervene. “I know about your relationship with Lars, Ivar. I have no intention of getting between you and him. As a student, I don't have enough space to let Lars move in with me. Lars will just move in with you. It's fine if you continue to dominate Lars. From what I understand, you've done a great job so far.”

Ivar looks surprised and relieved at the same time.

“I will come to you during the weekends,” Ries continues, “Just like Bastiaan, I am a healer. I will be able to help you both.”

Ivar looks at Haukon questioningly.

“He can also spank you, if you like that.” jokes Haukon.

“You’re joking,” says Ivar.

“I was, but when I think about it, I think I mean it”.

Ivar's cheeks turn red, but he says defiantly “Yes, I’d like to be spanked by Ries. Aren't you getting jealous now?”

“Meh, if I was the jealous type, I would never have gotten involved with a slut like you.”

Haukon winks at Ivar, who pouts. Haukon pulls Ivar towards him “The fact that you are a slut is one of the reasons I love you.” He kisses Ivar on the neck.

Shortly afterwards the beautiful boy with the chestnut red curls approaches Haukon and Ivar. “I'm Remco Vollebregt,” he says while shaking both boys' hands, “Ivar, isn't it? Thank you for introducing Jorn to me.”

“No thank you, Remco, Jorn needed a prince charming, and I found him for Jorn” Ivar has a mischievous smile on his face.

Jorn comes to stand next to them and puts his arm around Remco's waist. “What a hunk, isn't he? He's so sweet too!”

“We look a bit out of place,” says Remco, “with all those boys and men in leather here.”

“It doesn't matter,” says Haukon, “the more the merrier. And beautiful boys like you are of course always welcome.”

Ulf asks the boys' attention “You are among the lucky ones who are Dominants or submissives matched with a Dominant. As far as I know, none of you wear a chastity device. There are still many boys with a chastity cage. They haven't cum in days. To give them relief, they have been offered to report to the living room if they want to get fucked. It is the job of the boys without a chastity device to meet that need.” Ulf looks at his watch “Gentlemen, it's in ten minutes. Duty calls. We need to start fucking submissive asses. The submissive boys who want to be fucked are waiting for us in the living room.”

* * * *

All the submissive boys who want to be fucked have gathered in the living room.

Haukon and Ivar are the first of the 'Dominants' to arrive in the living area. The submissive boys whose cocks are still caged look lustfully at the two tough boys. They lick their lips when they see the outlines of the hard cocks in the tight leather pants the boys wear. Will it be the cock that will take their ass and give them relief from their sexual frustration? Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get the relief they so desperately desire.

However, there is one boy who looks at Ivar sceptically. “Um, you're wearing a collar. You are nothing more than a Dominant's slave," the boy says in a scornful tone.

An ominous grin appears on Haukon's face as he hands his riding crop to Ivar. “That is correct,” he says, “and I now order my 'slave' to give your submissive ass a merciless trashing.”

Ivar walks menacingly towards the recalcitrant boy. "Kneel!" Ivar orders the boy. The boy does not obey. Ivar grabs the boy by the neck and forces him to kneel. “I said kneel.”


A red welt appears on the creamy-white buttocks of the kneeling boy.

“Your ass up!” Ivar says softly but with a commanding tone. This time the boy obeys and raises his buttocks in the air.


Hard hits of the riding crop quickly descend on the boy's buttocks. Deep red streaks well up. The boy visibly tenses, but apart from some restrained groans he doesn't make any ruckus.


The moaning becomes a little more urgent, but the boy still resists.

“You can always use the safeword ‘Donut’ if you're not as tough as you pretend to be,” says Haukon in a scornful tone.


The boy's moans now turn into whimpers. “Mercy!” he shouts.

“That's not ‘Donut',” notes Haukon.

*Chkkk* *Chkkk*

The last two hits are a bit milder; Ivar thinks it's enough. He opens his fly and takes out his hard cock and balls. “Look at me,” Ivar shouts down. The boy looks up and sees Ivar's beautiful thick pole and filled balls from below. The boy's eyes fill with lust.

“Yes, that looks nice, doesn't it?” says Haukon, “You didn't expect that from a 'slave'. That cock has already spoiled many boys' asses. If you ask Ivar nicely, he will fuck your ass too. However, if your attitude does not improve significantly, I will personally ensure that you can forget about getting a good fuck today.”

The boy looks almost desperately at Ivar's sturdy cock and balls that hang intimidatingly just above his face. “Sir, please! Please forgive me and fuck me. I need it so bad.”

“Lick my balls first. If you do your best, I will fuck your ass.”

While the boy eagerly licks his balls, Ivar surveys the living room with a proud look, which is filled with submissive boys who are all still wearing a penis cage. Every time Ivar looks straight at one of the boys, he lowers his gaze submissively. Meanwhile, loud moans are heard from one of the submissive boys who is now being fucked vigorously by Haukon. A boy has crawled into the very corner of the room and is looking scared at the actions of Haukon and Ivar. He is a slight, almost angelically handsome boy.

Ivar grabs a bottle of lube and hands it to the boy who is still licking his balls. “Make my cock and your boy pussy very wet with this.”

“Thank you, Sir!” The boy massages Ivar's cock with the lube and applies a generous amount to his asshole. He turns around and sticks his ass back to indicate that he is ready to be taken by Ivar. He wastes no time and takes the submissive boy firmly: in one go Ivar drives his pole into the boy's hole.

The slut screams out. “Aah! Damn!"

Ivar pushes the boy's back down, forcing him to raise his ass to allow Ivar to drive his cock even deeper into his boipussy. "Don’t whine! You were begging me to be fucked.” Ivar gives the boy's already ravaged buttocks a few more hard spanks.

“Yes Sir, thank you, Sir!”

Ivar has now found the boy's prostate and makes sure that his thick fuck rod touches this organ as much as possible. He fucks the boy at a relentless pace, with long strokes. The boy can hardly bear the unrelenting attack on his prostate anymore.

“Aaah, ooooh, Sir! Please, aaaaaah!”

Ivar ignores the boy’s cries and continues tirelessly to subject the boy to a firm pounding, the likes of which the boy has probably never received in his life.


The boy has been fucked into oblivion by Ivar and has surrendered to the Dominant fucker. Only incoherent but blissful sounds come from the boy. Ivar still stoically fucks in the same rhythm. Haukon made Ivar cum hard not too long ago, so Ivar can keep this up without a problem.

Haukon is already busy fucking the next submissive boy. Ivar continues to impale the ass of the previously recalcitrant boy. The boy babbles with blissful sounds and he pushes his ass towards Ivar's cock. The cock that brings him to, for him, unprecedented ecstasy.

The submissive boy's muscles contract and his whole body convulse as he experiences a long and deep anal orgasm. Ivar has to exert a little more self-control because the sphincter of the cumming boy contracts around his thick cock. Still, he manages to continue fucking the ass with long strokes.

The boy collapses exhausted. His eyes are rolled back and some drool is running from the corners of his mouth. That's when Ivar pulls out of the boy's pussy. He gives the boy's crimson buttocks a playful pat. “I see that a firm approach is doing you good.” Ivar walks to the bathroom to freshen up.

When he returns to the living room, all the boys without a cock cage take their responsibility, satisfying the submissive boys still wearing a cock cage. Even the otherwise submissive Lars makes a boy happy by fucking him deep in the mouth. Ivar sees the handsome but scared boy still sitting quietly in the corner of the living room. He walks towards the boy, who looks at him with frightened eyes. He sits down next to him on the floor and offers the boy his hand.

“Hi, I'm Ivar, what is your name?”

“I… uh… I… my name is Vidar.”

“Nice to meet you, Vidar”

“Hello, Ivar... You're not going to hurt me, are you?”

"Of course not! But I notice that you've come to the living room. Here submissive boys who still wear a penis cage are fucked. You're here, but you don't exactly look like you want to join in the fun.”

“I'm afraid of those tough, dominant boys. That's why I didn't participate in the run. I chose to be brought here.”

“But that means you still have a chastity device on and you're horny in the meantime…”

“Yes, I want to have sex badly, that's why I came to the living room. But this is too intense for me.”

“What do you like?”

“I think it's hot to suck cock,” Vidar says, stealing a glance at the large bulge in the crotch of Ivar's tight leather pants.

Ivar snuggles close to the slender boy, gently caresses his neck and places Vidar's hand on the bulge in his crotch. “Do not just look at it, you may also feel it.”

Vidar moans softly as he explores the contours of Ivar's hard cock and balls through the thin leather with his fingers.

“I would find it hot if you sucked my dick.” Ivar pulls down the zipper of his fly.

Vidar looks at Ivar a bit uncertain, as if asking for permission.

“Go ahead, my cock and balls are all yours.”

The boy inserts his finger into the fly and gently strokes Ivar's cock. “Mmmm, nice,” the boy whispers. He brings his head to Ivar's crotch. His nose is just above the open fly of Ivar's pants. He inhales the scent of the leather of Ivar's pants and the musk of Ivar's cock and lets out a horny moan. He positions himself so that he can give a good blowjob later. His face down, towards Ivar's crotch. His ass is sticking up in the air.

The submissive boys only wear a jockstrap, so Ivar has free reign. He wets a finger and massages Vidar's boy pussy.

Vidar allows Ivar to play with his ass. He frees Ivar’s cock and balls from the fly. He looks at the colossus with admiration. He raises his ass a little higher in the air, signalling to Ivar that he is free to play with the ass of the boy.

Vidar licks the balls and then runs his tongue up the shaft to the glans. Once there, he takes the cock into his mouth up to the balls in one go with his tongue. He starts sucking the cock passionately and with dedication. The timid boy turns out to be an experienced cock sucking slut.

Ivar moans. He sticks a finger in Vidar's ass. He massages the boy's prostate. In response, the boy sucks even more passionately. Where Ivar was able to stoically fuck the recalcitrant boy without cumming, he is now powerless with this talented cock sucker.

“Vidar,” he says, groaning, “I'm going to cum soon.”

Vidar's response is to suck Ivar's cock even harder.

Hoping to distract the cock sucking slut for a moment, Ivar fingered the boipussy even more intensely. To no avail, as Ivar shot jet after jet of his seed into the boy's eager mouth.

Vidar came now too. Ivar feels the boy's sphincter tightening around his finger. The boy's body shakes. Ivar caresses the boy's back. “Thank you, Vidar. You really give a good blowjob.”

Vidar first licks the cock clean. "Thank you. You have no idea how I've been longing to suck such a nice cock for the past few days.”

“Oh, I definitely have an idea.” Ivar gives Vidar a hug and a kiss.

“You are so sweet to me. When I saw you spanking and fucking that other boy I was a little afraid of you…”

Ivar grabbed his collar. “I'm submissive, just like you. Haukon there is my Dominant.”

Vidar smiles, “Well if that's submissive…”

Ivar pulls an almost solemn face. “I only dominate boys because I was ordered to do so by Haukon.”

Vidar is laughing out loud now. “Of course…”

“Ask Haukon yourself”

Vidar looks a little sad. “At least you have a Dominant. I'm going to the house for submissive boys without a Dominant.”

“You will be well taken care of there.”

“A lot of discipline, little sex.”

“Haukon will probably agree if I visit you in Groningen. He believes that submissive boys without a Dominant should also get enough sex.”

"Nice! And also hot. I look forward to it. Thank you, Ivar.”

* * * *

After the orgy, Haukon and Ivar go to their room to freshen up and to recuperate. In the shower, the boys wash each other extensively while continuously giving each other kisses. Both boys are sexually exhausted, but their mutual love is no less.

"I am so proud of you. Several submissive boys have asked me to allow you to take care of them again. Especially that boy who you trashed so hard was quite insistent.”

“It was hot to dominate boys, but for this weekend I had my share of being dominant. From now on I want to be submissive to the most beautiful and most stalwart Dominant on the island, who just so happens to be my Dominant.” Ivar hugs Haukon and kisses him.

“Anyway, I've had enough sex for a while. But sex is no longer on the agenda for today. There is dinner tonight. Provided by the boys who do not yet have a Dominant. They will serve us, you don't have to do anything. Just relax tonight. You've earned it."

“You're right, I'm tired.”

“Tomorrow is the second day of the festivities and I'll let you join in as a submissive.”

“Are there enough boys for the dominant role?”

"Do not worry. I'll make sure you don't want for anything.”

by Leather pants slut

Email: [email protected]

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