
by Oldfinger

10 Nov 2022 902 readers Score 8.8 (12 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Weekends can be a bitch. During the week you have a routine: get up, go to work, work, eat lunch, work s’more, go home, rest, eat s’more, go to bed. Its easy, do the same things five times and Boom its the week end. Notice how all the words in that routine are short. Five letters at the most. That means this routine goes back thousands of years. Back to cave man days. Cave man didn’t have week ends, just routine. Interrupted by an occasional saber-tooth tiger, I’ll admit, but routine.

Then we invented the week end. At first it was just Sunday. Then they added a half day on Saturday. Then a full day. Now you’ve got two whole off days off to deal with. That’s why they invented bars, dance halls, whore houses. Just to occupy your time and rob you of your paycheck.

I’d heard about this little dance hall at work. Some guys were talking about the action to be found there. Much BS. But I was a little interested,. So this one Friday night I fired up the trusty-rusty Ford and made it over to ‘The South-West Corral’. The parking lot was half full. Well, the paved part was completely full with a little spill-over into the bumpy, muddy part. That’s of course where I parked.

Opening the front door I entered a world of country music, cheap (but not inexpensive) beer, and air so laden with tobacco smoke you need radar to get to the bar. So, with my radar turned on I made it to the bar and ordered a cold one. Turned out to be a Miller. Sipping it I checked out the ambiance of ‘the Corral’. Mostly country music from a ‘Hi-Fi’ in the corner, some horsey leather here and there, a saddle, one of those bridle things and a pair of spurs were on the wall. Then I scanned the clientele assembled, boy, girl, boy, girl. In the booths, out on the dance floor, at the bar even. Except for me. And the bartender. I found out his name is Irv.

“Friday night is usually like this.”, he said,”Now Saturday night they’ll be more singles floating around. Come in here tomorrow night about nine. Things will be hoppin’.”

So here I am nine o’clock Saturday night. Is the place hopping? At least I found a place to park on the pavement this time. Going through the front door everything looked the same as last night. Irv was at the bar, the same twangy tunes were coming out of the speakers and the cowboys and cowgirls were in abundance. I took a stool at the bar, ordered a beer and started nursing it as Irv and a barmaid were very busy dishing out beers and drinks. Finally Irv caught a break in the action and came over to talk.

“Glad you could make it Jerry”, he said, “things are hoppin’. See that gal in the green dress talking to those other gals?”

I turned and spotted four girls gabbing in a group in the far corner of the dance floor. The girl in green was a little taller than the others and a little prettier. She did stand out.

“Nice”, was my suave comment.

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly. She goes by the name ‘Michelle’.”, Irv replied.

Then he said something that really caught my attention. “Sure blowjob, that one.”

“Nice”, was my suave comment.

“There’s only one problem.”

Thinking fast I asked, “What! She’s got a boyfriend that’ll kill you if you look at her sideways?”

“No, no, no, nothing like that”, Irv assured me.

“Well then, what’s the problem?”, I rather heatedly asked.

Irv leaned over close to me as I turned my head to catch his whispered comment.

“She’s not really a girl.”

I pulled back like he’d farted in my face. Turned to look again at the girl and said rather incredulously, “Nah, you gotta be kiddin me!”

Irv merely shook his head and smiled. “Sometimes ya gotta trust old Irv”, he added.

“Not that I’m desperate or anything”, I stammered out, “But I think you’re wrong!” Then I added, “Sure blowjob, huh?”

With that I spun on the barstool and strode confidently out onto the dance floor. I could hear Irv laughing in the background behind me. I strode confidently (for me) over to the quartet of pulchritude and fixing my steely gaze at the girl in green gave her my best pickup line.

“Hi, could I have next dance, please.” That last word was a little whiny I know, but it’s worked in the past (once).

She looked me up and down like I was a slab of bacon in a butcher shop and after a pause, with the other girls giggling, said, “Sure, one dance.”, as she held up one finger.

“Is that all I get?”, I asked.

“We’ll see. You’ve got to pass my test.” , she volunteered.

Up close she looked even better than at a distance. Her hair was sorta reddish-blonde. Her eyes, not exactly blue but not quite green either.

“They call me Jerry.”, I said, though it didn’t come out quite the way I meant. She looked at me quizzically. and asked “Is that what they call you, or is that your name?”

“Well, that’s what my mother calls me.”

Somehow this wasn’t going quite as smoothly as I’d imagined.

She then zinged me, “You have a mother?”

I had to change the conversation. “Why don’t we go out on the patio, the air is a little thick in here.”
I held the door to the patio open for her and as she went through it she brushed her breast against my arm. Could be just an accident, or not. She definitely seemed to be opening up to me. Animal magnetism I guess. We danced till the song ended and while waiting for the next one I made my second move. It never fails, it’s a killer. Of course, this is the first time I’d ever used it.

“You know, there’s something I’ve wanted to do since I first saw you.” I admitted.

“What? Five minutes ago?”, She replied.

“That’s right.”, I said, and I moved in close and planted my lips on hers. My arms were wrapped around her holding her tight. My tongue teased her lips and her mouth opened and our tongues did a fandango together. As the clinch continued I pushed her back till she was braced against my leg unable to move. She then broke loose from my lip lock and engulfed my ear with her mouth, her tongue exploring my ear canal.

And then she whispered in my wet ear, “Oh baby, I wanna eat you up. I wanna suck you till you explode in my mouth!”

How can a guy pass that up. I tell you it’s just torture what these girls do to guys.

“Uh, I have an apartment just up the street. I guarantee it’s more private than here”, I volunteered.

“How about my place? Its just down the street and I’ll feel more comfortable there. I hope you’ve got a car, some friends drove me here. My car is at home.”, she said as she looked up at me with what I took to be lust, or perhaps it was just pity.

“Of course, I have my trusty, rusty Ford out front”, I replied. She gave me her slightly quizzical look.

“I have to get my sweater and tell the people who brought me that I’m going. I’ll meet you at the bar.” With that she turned and went back inside, but she gave me a quick glance just before she closed the door.

I wandered back over to the bar. Irv had his back turned as he was washing some glasses and I sat on a stool and waited for him to finish. Just then Michelle came by, grabbed my hand and sang out “See ya Irv, thanks.”

I’m still not sure what that meant.

We got to her apartment by a somewhat indirect route, but it was a short drive and I parked behind a newer model Plymouth that I assumed,. correctly, was hers and walked up an open stairwell to her second floor unit. Inside I was a little stunned to see she lived in absolute luxury compared to yours truly.

“Boy, I’m glad we came here”, I stammered out,”my place is a little uhh, shabby in comparison”.

She had a three-place sofa, a 21” TV, a stereo, a coffee table with an obligatory coffee table book, two single padded chairs. I was actually a little embarrassed .

“Oh, I do alright. Have a seat on the sofa, I’ll get us a drink and a surprise.”, she replied.

I checked my pants to make sure they hadn’t picked up anything from my car seat before I sat down. I tried to relax, but I kept thinking about what Irv had said, “She’s not really a girl”, and “Sure blowjob”. This could turn out to be a very interesting night.

Just then Michelle returned carrying a tray with two glasses containing pink wine and two pieces of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

I tried to contain my excitement at the sight of chocolate cake but I couldn’t. “You made this?”, I asked, as I dove into my slice of cake wishing there was more.

“All by my lonesome.”, she replied. With that she slid up next to me placing a hand on my knee. I slurped some of the wine and when I set the glass down she guided my hand to her breasts while her other hand was now halfway between my knee and crotch. Someplace in the back of my mind was the thought that I was supposed to be the one doing the seducing, but here we were with her hand now almost to my jewels. Mind you, I wasn’t too upset with this role reversal, just surprised.

As I was feeling her mini-breasts, she was stroking my totally excited cock. With my free hand I undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants. She was in the process of unzipping me while pulling my pants down. I helped her as best I could while she had hold of my cock. She was also sliding down onto the floor between my legs. I was trying to kick off my pants, but they were hung up on my shoes. So now I was trying to kick off my shoes but they were on too tight. I was trying to reach the laces with my one free hand, but suddenly my butt had slid off the sofa and was hanging in space and I was in free-fall down to the floor and as I did I banged my head, hard on the end table. I lay there for a few seconds as the pain and stars from the blow faded. Meanwhile Michelle was suddenly in ‘nursey mode’ and concerned.

“Are you alright, are you hurt?” she asked.

Actually I was embarrassed more than anything, but I thought I’d play the situation for all it was worth.

“Ooh” I moaned, “I think I’m bleeding”, I blurted out.

Well, that did it. Michelle was all over me checking me out. There was no blood apparently and my butt was ok, but then I gave it away by giggling and smiling.

“I thought you were hurt, but you were just faking it. You are mean”, she said with her pouty look on her face.

“No, no”, I answered, ‘It did hurt when I banged my head. I think I’m alright now. I didn’t mean to scare you”, I lied.

She hugged me and then reached down and untied my shoes, pulled them off and pulled my pants off too. The next thing I knew was she was slobbering all over my dick and her lips were wrapped around its poor little head as she gave me first-aid in her own inimitable way. Also on the first-aid menu was her massaging my balls. Irv was right. She was a sure blow job.

Michelle was working hard on my cock, especially the now swollen head. If she kept this up I was gonna squirt in record time. She knew that and let my cock go to suck on my balls. First the left one completely in her mouth, then the right one. Then both at once! She applied maximum suction on both of them and I thought I wasn’t going to get them back. I never realized my scrotum could stretch that far. Then she went to work on my cock again, this time working on depth. Not that I’m that long, but she had it down to the base and then some. It felt so good my head was spinning and I was getting close to climax. There started a seriously good tickley feeling on the underside of my cock, and the pumped-up head was telling me it was going to pop, soon. Again, Michelle started to pull out to suck on my balls, but I had to cum and held her head down on my cock. With a final grunt and groan I cut loose my first cum shot deep into her throat, and then a second and third. I wanted this feeling to go on forever, but it was already tapering off and she was still sucking furiously away. I had to tell her to slow down before she ripped the poor thing completely off.

She looked up at me with a sly little smile and then gulped my load down. I had to return the favor and that other thing Irv said was in the back of my mind, “She’s not really a girl”. I didn’t really care. I’ve eaten my share of pussy and sucked more than my share of cock. I was going to eat it, no matter what it was.

“There’s something I’ve got to do”, was all I said as I pushed myself between her legs, pulled up her skirt and gazed at her panties. There was a bulge in them that no pussy ever made and I pulled them down while her little cock flopped out. I gazed lasciviously at her male adornment and licked on its soft underside. Then I felt Michelle’s hand on the back my head as she pushed my face onto her cock.

I took her cock head between my lips and swirled my tongue around and around the sensitive end of it, then lowered my face down until my lips were at the base of her cock. She was closely shaved, so there were no pubes to tickle the inside of my nose. Her cock was the perfect length for my mouth, all the way in it just touched the back of my throat. I started in giving her short strokes, about 2 to 3 inches up from the base of her boner. At the same time my tongue was massaging the cock’s underside. I wasn’t neglecting her balls either, my left hand gripping her scrotum gently tugging and twisting it about. She squealed and bounced her butt up and down as I continued to work on her juicy cock. After a bit I could tell she was getting close to cum time and I slowed my sucking down, then letting her cock go started licking her balls and sucking on them much as she had done to me a few minutes earlier. I sucked them as deep into my mouth as they would go and sloshed them back and forth with my tongue. Then I decided to go lower and leaving her very wet scrotum traveled down to her sweaty asshole, circled it several times with my tongue and then stiffening it up poked it right into the center of her pucker-hole. With my tongue shoved as far as I could into her rectum I wiggled it up and down as far as I could. The effect on her was electric, she moaned loudly and grabbed her cock giving it two or three quick jerks and sprayed her cum all over her torso. I kept up my tongue wagging act until she finally dropped hold of her cock. I then slid up her side and kissed her. I slipped my tongue into her mouth where both our tongues resumed their fandango from earlier.

She turned her face to me and with a very serious expression on her said “That’s the best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

Now that’s the sort of thing every guy (or gal) likes to hear even if it isn’t strictly true.

“You can have it again any time you want.” I replied and that was definitely true.

I stayed over night and sometime during the dark hours we did it again only with both of us up the old yin-yang. She did me face-to-face and I did her doggy-style. (We were young and full of juice in those days).

Notice I’ve always spoken of Michelle (or Michael) as Her because she was in almost all ways a lady. Except, of course for the dangly parts hanging down between her legs. She worked for many years as a receptionist at a local firm and occasionally salesmen or other visitors came through and she would accompany them for a night on the town. Never heard of any complaints.