Me and My Tenants

by rae121452

18 Nov 2019 3665 readers Score 9.5 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Ron and Gary needed cash.  They were waiting for a pay off on a renovation job they’d done but they needed fast cash now to fund another job they had lined up.

“It’s not like we need a lot, even 500 bucks would tide us over.” Gary said.

He and Ron were lounging on my sofa buck naked after just having taken turns plowing my hole.  I was busy at the kitchen counter fixing dinner for the three of us, nude also.

“I’d help if I could,” I said, “but I’m short this month, too.  I’ve got just enough to get through till I get rent payments at the first of the month.”

“There has to be a way to get some quick cash.” Ron said.

I was leaning over to put food in the oven when I said, “Maybe you could sell something.”

I stood up and looked at Gary and he gave me a knowing smirk, then turned to Ron and saw the same look.

“We’ve got something we can sell.” Ron said.  “I bet we could make 500 bucks in a couple of hours.”

“What?” I asked but I already had a feeling what the answer would be.

“You love getting fucked.” Gary said.  “I bet we could find plenty of guys who would pay for your hole.”

“Are you shitting me?” I asked.  “What, you want me to walk the street like a crack whore?”

“No, not like that.  It would be controlled and we’d be there to make sure it ran smooth.”

“Red’s” Ron said to Gary.

I had heard all about Red’s.  It was a bar on the edge of town that even the cops were afraid to go into.  It attracted the hardest guys in town, guys who’d just as soon kill you as fuck you.  It wasn’t a gay bar or a straight bar-it was a fuck anything that holds still bar.

“Red would go for it.  We’ll throw in a free fuck for him and he owes us a favor anyway.” Gary said.

“Guys, I haven’t agreed to any of this shit.” I said.  I have to admit I was intrigued, though, and my cock started to get hard.

“Your dick is growing just thinking about it.  You know you want to.” Ron said.


He turned back to Gary and said, “We can make it an after hours party.  Sell tickets for a fuck, close the bar and let them run a train on his ass.  We’ll charge 25 bucks a pop and we’ll only need 20 guys to make 500.”

“20 guys?  You want me to let 20 guys fuck my ass in one evening?  Are you crazy?” I said to the two of them.  My cock was standing straight up and my ass hole was puckering just thinking about all of that dick.

“Okay, I’ll think about it.”  I already knew that I was going to say yes.

“Come on, asshole,” Gary said to Ron, jumping up, “let’s go talk to Red.  My phone is downstairs.”

I watched the two of them leave, their muscular asses flexing.

“Dinner in half an hour!” I called

They were back in 20 minutes.

“It’s all set for this Saturday night.” Gary said.  “We’re calling it “The Saturday Night Fuckathon”.  Red said he’d start talking it up to the regulars, he thinks it might help his business.”

Saturday came and I was nervous.  By Saturday afternoon, I was REALLY nervous.

“I don’t know, you guys.” I said to Ron and Gary.  “This could get out of hand and go really bad.”

“We’re going to be right with you the whole time.” Ron said.  “We’d never let anything bad happen to you.  Now, go get into your oldest jeans and t-shirt and let’s get you ready.”

I went and put on a pair of almost worn out jeans that were too tight for everyday wear and a t-shirt I had shrunk in the dryer.

“Not bad.” Gary said.  “We can make it better.”

He pulled the t-shirt over my head and cut off the bottom half and the sleeves, then had me put it back on.

“Better.” Ron said.

“Okay, now the jeans.” Gary told me.

I shucked them down and handed them to him.  He held them up while looking at me, then cut the legs off up to the crotch and handed them back.  I pulled them on and there was barely enough fabric left to hold my cock and balls.

“Turn around.” Ron told me and I spun my ass to face him.

  “Not slutty enough.” he said.  “Remember, most of these guys are used to jailhouse pussy.  You need to get them interested.  Come over here.”

I walked over to him and he spun me around again and picked up the scissors.  I felt him cutting away at the fabric on my ass.  When he was finished, the entire ass area was cut away from the top of my ass crack down and my cock and balls were hanging free.

“That will do it.” Gary said.  “Let them see what they’re going to be fucking.”

The evening sped by, helped by a few stiff drinks to shore up my courage.  Right about midnight Ron and Gary hustled me out to the van and we were soon on the road.  The drinks had helped and I was sort of looking forward to being a whore.

We parked in Red’s parking lot and we all got out, me in my barely there whore outfit.

“Okay, here’s how it will go.” Gary said.  He showed me a sign he’d made that said ‘Fuck This Ass $25’ with an arrow pointing down.  He put a loop of cord over my neck so that the sign hung over my back, then he put a small zippered pouch on a cord around my neck so that it hung in front.  Next, he handed me a sheaf of hand printed tickets.  I looked at them and they said ‘Good for One Ass Fuck $25’ and were numbered 10 to 200 by tens.

“You’re going to walk around inside the bar and sell your tickets.  We’ll be right behind you in case anybody wants to get rough or tries for a free ticket.  It’s up to you how much you let them handle the merchandise but if it sells the ticket, I say go for it.  Keep your cash in the front pouch.”

“I can’t believe I have to do the selling AND get fucked.” I said.  “You guys make pretty lousy pimps.”

“Yeah, well, you may not even sell any tickets.  Let’s see what kind of whore you make.”  Ron replied.

We walked over to the door and we went in.  If I had been on my own, I would have turned around and went right back out.  The first thing that hit you was the smell.  It was a combination of stale beer, unwashed cock, old piss and those cakes you find in a urinal.  The second thing was the clientele.  These were some big motherfuckers.  Most of them were hairy, on their heads and everywhere else.  Leather jackets, wife beaters and worn out Levi’s were the standard wardrobe, most of them torn and with various parts of ass and balls exposed.  Most of the guys were ugly and mean looking, too, with muscular prison work out bodies.  My poor little ass hole was in a permanent pucker thinking about what these brutes were going to do to it.

The guy behind the bar looked up and said, “The entertainment has arrived.  Step right in, fellas.”  

He was probably in his fifties with bright red hair cut short and close to his scalp.  He was one of the few clean shaven guys in the place and was actually pretty nice looking.  He had on the same outfit as his clientele and I noticed how muscular his arms, shoulders and chest were.

The clientele had stopped any talking when we walked in and now we stared at each other.  Ron grabbed me by the arm and spun me around so that my sign and ass were on view.  I heard the voices and some laughter start back up and Ron grabbed me again and pushed me forward.

“Sell those tickets.” he said.

I pushed through the crowd, most of the guys towering over me, inhaling the aroma of leather, beer, unwashed balls and old reefer.  More than once my ass got grabbed and my hole got fingered.  I finally made it to the opposite side of the room where I was confronted by the biggest guy yet.  He was sitting on a stool with his back against the wall, one leg raised and his foot resting on another stool.  The crotch of his Levi’s was torn and his loose ball sack with two giant nuts hung down off of the stool.  I judged that standing he was probably all of 6’8”, most of it hard muscle.  He had dark hair combed straight back and a big brush mustache.  I couldn’t tear my eyes off of his gigantic balls.

“See anything you like?” he asked.

I looked up at his eyes and was ready to run for help.

“You mist be the butt boy they’ve been talking about all night.” he said.  “Turn around.”

I did as he said and then he said, “25 bucks, huh?  Bend over.”

I did as he told me to and I felt his hand in my ass, his hard finger probing my hole.

“Feels pretty tight.” he said.  “I like a tight hole.”

I turned around as he stood up, a giant next to me and he reached into his pocket and counted out 25 dollars which he handed to me in exchange for a ticket.


“I’ll be seeing you later.” he said and cupped a rapidly growing cock the outline of which looked already at least 8 inches long and it wasn’t even all the way hard.  I was scared and turned on, both at the same time.

Seeing the alpha dog in the room buy an ass fuck ticket seemed to open the flood gate and within 15 minutes I had sold out.  Some of the big monsters who bought tickets scared the crap out of me just looking at them; I could only imagine what it was going to be like when they got their cock up my ass.

Ron and Gary came over to collect the cash from me and I said, “I don’t know about this, you guys.  I may have to back out before I wind up in the hospital.”

“Are you nuts?” Gary said.  “You see what we’re dealing with here.  These guys will tear us limb from limb if you blow them off.  You’re not going anywhere.”

He grabbed me and he and Ron dragged me into the men’s room.  When we got inside, Gary tore the little bit of clothing I had on off of me and said, “Get on your knees.”

When I did, he pulled me over next to the urinal and pulled out a pair of handcuffs that he used to secure me with my hands behind me to the water pipes.  Ron then pulled out the cock cage they had put on me during my trip to Buffalo and snapped it around my cock and balls and locked it.

“This will keep you out of trouble till we need you.” Gary said.  “You can sit here and admire the wildlife, it’ll turn you on watching all of these guys piss and get you hungry for cock.”

The turned around and left me there, kneeling next to the stinky piss trough totally nude.

Before too many minutes had passed, one of the customers came in.  He was a big guy around 6’2” with a bushy beard and a soft belly over his belt.  He saw me and laughed, then came over and looked behind me at the hand cuffs.

“Looks like somebody was a bad boy.” he said.

He steeped up to the urinal and unbuttoned his pants and drew out his fat cock.  He reached into his pants and fished out his balls so that they hung out of his fly, too, for my inspection.  His cock was soft and already so fat that I doubted I could have gotten my hand all of the way around it and his balls were as big as golf balls, hanging down in a loose sack.  He lifted the cock and released a thick stream of piss into the urinal, some of it spattering out on me.

“You’re the pussy boy who’s going to get fucked tonight, aren’t you?” he asked as he shook off his fat cock.  I just nodded the affirmative.

He reached into his pocket and drew out a ticket.

“I hope you’re used to taking fat meat.” he said.  “This thing gets about twice as wide when it’s angry.”

He laughed again, shaking his monster meat in my face and then buttoned up and left.  As much as I was frightened, I was also getting really horny.

A few minutes later, the next pisser came in.  He was an older guy, probably late 50’s and thin and rangy.

“You taking a survey?” he asked as he unzipped.

“My friends put me here till later when they need me.” I replied.

He pulled out his cock, a meaty uncut piece of meat about 6 inches long soft and let his piss splash into the trough.

“You’re going to see just about every cock in the place this evening, I guess.  Your friends must have wanted to give you an education.”


He shook off and then stepped over in front of me.  He held his cock in his hand and rubbed the head over my face, smearing the last few drops all over me.

“Might as well make you of some use.” he said.  “I never can get those last few drops out of my foreskin.”

He tucked his cock away and then left me sitting there with his drying piss on my face.


Several minutes later, Ron and Gary showed up, all smiles.

“We’ve got great news!” Gary said.  “We’ve got another 20 guys lined up for you to suck off at $10 a head after you’re done being fucked.  We can make another $200!  We‘re calling it the “After Party Suckathon“”

For a minute I was speechless until finally I yelled, “What are you two, fucking nuts?  You expect me to service 40 guys?  I’ll wind up in the Emergency ward!”

“It’s not 40 guys.” Ron said, abashed.  “Some of the guys you’re going to suck off are the same ones who are going to fuck you first.”

“I must be in the twilight zone.  I must be out of my own fucking mind.” I said.

“20 dicks aren’t that many.  I’ve seen you do almost that many before.  Come on, we really need you.” Gary said.

Honestly, after seeing some of the cocks I had just seen pissing, I kind of liked the whole scenario.

“You don’t get to ask me for any more favors for at least 6 months if I do this, nothing!  Do you agree?”

“We swear.” Ron said.  “I knew you wouldn’t let us down.”

The boys left and I sat there for 20 or so minutes until someone had to piss again.  This time, it was a younger guy, probably in his 30’s, slim, good looking and sexy.  He looked at me kneeling by the pisser, then stepped up and opened his fly.  He hauled out a beauty of a cock, thick and veiny and about 5 inches hanging soft.  As he started to piss, he lifted his cock and said, “You want some of this?”

“No thanks.” I said.  “Piss isn’t really my thing.”

When he’d stopped pissing, he lifted his cock and pointed it at me and said, “You want some of this?”

“Actually, yeah, I want a lot of that but I promised I wouldn’t do any freebies tonight.  I’m supposed to do strictly pay for play.  Did you get a ticket to fuck me?”

Just then the door opened and Red, the owner and bartender came in and stood at the urinal while my new friend moved to one side.

“I’d like to,” my friend said, “but I’ve got a real ass hole of a parole officer who makes me account for every red cent.  He caught me one morning with a trick who had spent the night and he’s been riding my ass into the ground ever since.  Topping really isn‘t my thing anyway.”

I thought for a minute and then said, “All of my fuck tickets are sold out but I can still suck you off after.”

I looked up at Red and asked, “Can I ask you a big favor, Red?  Can I borrow 10 bucks off of you until later?”

“Sure.” Red said, “You’re good for it.” and dug into a pocket and came up with the 10 dollar bill.

“Give it to him.” I said, nodding my head at my new friend.  “I said I wouldn’t do any freebies but I didn’t say I wouldn’t buy myself a treat.  Go out and find my two ass hole buddies and tell them I said that you’re number 21 in the suckathon.  And hang around after; I have a friend who’s a parole officer and a really good guy.  I’ll talk to him.  When he gets a look at you and finds out you’re a bottom, he’ll move heaven and earth to get you on his case load.”

My new friend left and Red stepped up to the urinal.

“That was nice, what you did.” he told me.  “Most of these guys have had pretty shitty lives.  When you treat them nice they really appreciate it.”

He unzipped his fly.

“He seemed like a good guy, plus he had a really nice cock and I try never to pass up that combination.”

Red hauled out his own dick.  It was one of those perfect pieces of meat, a smooth column flopping down about 5 inches soft, the head perfectly proportioned to the shaft so that the whole thing was smooth, just right for sliding down my throat or into my ass hole.

“Whoa!” I said.  “Talk about a nice cock!  I can’t wait to get that beauty in my hole.”

“Sorry, little fella,” he said as he pissed, “I don’t mix business and pleasure and when I’m at the bar it’s all business.”

“You’re at least going to let me suck you off, though, right?”

  His cock had started to grow involuntarily.

“Sorry, babe, I never break my own rule.  Not that I’m not tempted as you can see.”

His cock had gotten fully hard, standing straight up at about 8 inches of smooth dick meat.  My mouth actually watered for it.

“At least give me a taste.  Do you ever take a night off?”

He moved over and let me suck the perfect head of his cock for just an instant.

“Yeah, I take a night off every Monday.  I need to get back behind the bar.” he said, tucking his beautiful cock back into his pants.

“Wait.” I said.  “Look in my pants pocket over there.”

He did so and drew out the stack of cards I had carried in with me.  Each of them read “FREE suck and fuck, anytime.” and gave my phone number.

“Take a card and give me a call.  I’d rather spend a while on that cock without being rushed anyway.”

“I’ll do that.” he said.


“One more favor?” I asked.  “Take the cards with you.  If I particularly like any of the cocks fucking my ass or throat tonight, I’ll send them over to the bar and you can give them a card, okay?”

“Good to see you getting something out of this.  It’s almost show time, so I’ll see you outside.”

I was nervous all over again.  It wasn’t too long until Ron and Gary showed up and uncuffed me and led me to the back room of the bar.

There I was confronted by a contraption I’d never seen before.  It had splayed legs like a saw horse but a broad padded platform on top that was cut out into a u-shape at one end.  On the legs were adjustable pegs that could be raised and lowered to different heights and Velcro cuffs attached.  The top also had a pillow and a u ring and a metal handle on each side near the end.  The whole thing was on casters so that it rolled.

“We built it this week.” Ron said.  “It’s a fuck bench we designed ourselves.  Climb on.”

They helped me up onto it so that I was lying on my stomach, my legs spread and my feet perched on the side pegs.  My cock and balls hung down in the u cut out and the metal handles were at each side of my hips.  My ass was spread and totally open to the assault of any cock.

“Pretty neat, huh?” Gary said.  “We’re going to patent this baby and sell it online.”

He and Gary proceeded to arrange me on the fuck bench, adjusting the foot rests and velcroing my legs in place and snapping my hand cuffs into the ring on top.  When they were done I was totally restrained and helpless.

“These guys will get off on the rape vibe.” Gary said.  “Don’t act too willing.”

Ron said, “That’s pretty hot looking, the way he’s tied up with his ass hole spread open.  Maybe we should fuck him to loosen him up.”

“No time, now.” Gary replied.  “It’s Showtime!”

They grabbed the sides of the fuck bench and rolled me out into the bar.  Red had turned out most of the lights and thrown out everybody who wasn’t paid up for the fuck and suck party.  The boys rolled me into the middle of the bar and the patrons crowded around, slapping my ass and fingering my hole while laughing and whooping it up.

Ron had a big tube of silicone lube that he showed to the crowd while he screwed a nozzle tip on the end, and then he stuck the nozzle up my hole and emptied nearly the entire tube in my ass.

“Your party meat is ready to fuck.” he announced.  “Who has the first ticket?”

My friendly giant from earlier in the evening stepped through the crowd.  He had pulled his shirt up over his head with his arms still in the straps so that his chest and stomach were exposed, hard muscles sculpting the skin.

“We meet again, little buddy.” he said while unbuttoning his fly.  He hauled out his big cock, already hard.  It was at least nine inches long, covered in veins and with a fat cone shaped head.

“You ready for this?” he asked, waving his giant cock at me.

“Fuck, I should be paying you for the chance to ride that monster.” I said.

He laughed and walked around to my exposed ass where he pulled his pants down to his knees so that his long ball sack swung free beneath his towering dick.

“I’ll try not to hurt you.” he said, positioning his big cock head against my puckered hole.

“Don’t worry about me; I just want to feel that sweet cock all the way up my ass shooting your ball juice in me.” I replied.

He pressed his cock into me and I felt my hole open around his fat cock head.  When it had popped through my ass ring he kept up the pressure and I felt his steely cock opening the second ring of my ass before too long and soon I felt his wiry pubes rubbing against my ass.

“You took it all on the first try.” he said.  “Not many guys can do that.”

“That shows how much I want it.” I said.  “Now fuck my ass like you own it.”

He started slow, sliding his big meat in and out of my hole, grabbing the metal handles at my sides to gain my traction.  Every time he thrust in, I felt my hole expand inside and let out a gasp of pleasure.  The cock cage that I was locked into prevented my cock from getting hard so all of my sensation was concentrated in my ass.

He leaned forward so that his chest was resting on my back and started long dicking my hole.

“Red says that you’re not even a pro, you’re just doing this to help out your friends.” he whispered in my ear as his cock pounded my ass chute.

“Well, I’m a whore tonight so I’m going to give you your moneys worth.  You said you like a tight hole.”

 I started to tighten my ass muscles, clamping down on his long piece of meat.  I heard him let out a gasp and his fuck tempo sped up, his giant balls slapping against my own.  I knew he couldn’t hold out long.

“Goddamn!” he cried out.  

I felt his huge meat swell up even bigger inside my ass and then his hot juice blasted into my guts, soothing the heated ass walls.  He kept the full length buried in me until his cock head had finished spurting.

Red came over while the giant fuck stick was still buried in my ass and placed a red plastic bucket on the floor under my ass.

“It’s hard enough keeping the floor clean.” he said.  “This should take care of the run off.”

“Make sure this fucker gets one of my cards.” I said to Red.  “I need more of his cock when I’ve got time to enjoy it.”

“You’re going to get more of it tonight.” the big fucker whispered in my ear.  “I’m signed up for the suckathon, too.  I want my cock in both of your holes.”

“Now there’s something for me to be looking forward to.” I replied.  “I hope your balls are refilled by then so you can feed me a big load.”

I felt him ease his softening cock out of my hole, only to immediately be replaced by more hard cock meat shoving into it.

The next couple of guys were nothing to write home about, in out, in out, dump your load.

Number four was special, though.  He was an older guy, probably late 50’s with long gray hair and a wild beard.  He came up and stood watching as Number three plowed my hole, playing with his cock.  When he’d gotten fully hard I was amazed.  He had a fat cock head that look like a beefsteak tomato on top of a long shaft that started out super thick under the head and then tapered down to a thin diameter at the base.  It looked like an ass fuck dream and I could only imagine how it was going to feel when my ass hole was spreading and puckering each time he fucked it.

“That’s a unique fuck stick.” I said as Number three was blowing his load in my ass.

“You’re just about to find out, hope you enjoy it.” he said, taking his place at my spread hole.  

At first, I honestly didn’t think he’s be able to force the massive head inside of me but thanks to all of the lube and the cum loads already in my hole, it popped through my ring without too much teeth gritting.

 Because of the shape of his shaft, the rest of his cock just sort of slid in.

“That feels fantastic and you haven’t even started fucking yet.” I said.

“I think you’ll enjoy this, then.” he replied and started moving his cock in and out of my guts.  

The feeling was indescribable, the fat head punching into my tight chute and the uniquely shaped shaft opening and closing my ass rings every time he moved in and out.  I was squirming and pushing my ass back to feel more of his cock in me.

“Holy fuck, where have you been all of my life?” I cried as he started to slam his cock into me.

I don’t know how long he fucked me but I do know that I shot a load out of my limp dick in the process.

Finally, I felt that impossibly big cock head grow even bigger and then what felt like a fire hose blasting into my guts.  His cock marinated in my juicy ass for a minute until it had shrunk a little bit and then he began the process of backing it out of my fuck chute.  The huge head was almost as difficult to get out as it had been to get in and after it spread my hole open to the max, it popped out with a sound like a champagne cork.

“Red,” I hollered over to the bartender, “make sure this fucker gets one of my cards if you have to staple it to his forehead!”  I turned my head over my shoulder and said to my superb fucker, “And if you don’t call me, I know where to find you and I will track you down.”

“If you were that impressed, how can I refuse?” he said.  “I rarely find an ass as talented as yours, so you’ll be hearing from me for sure.”

The next couple of guys, same old same old, squirt a load.

I had lost count when the next interesting fucker walked up.   He was a young black guy, his cock and balls swinging free from his fly.  His cock was a big one, 8 inches or so and uncut.  His balls were the kind that are tight in a meaty sack so that his cock seemed to grow right out of them.

“You about ready for some chocolate sauce?” he asked, stroking his big dick.

“Baby,” I said, “my ass is craving for some sweet chocolate after all of these vanilla beans.  I can feel this one just about to blow his load so be ready to fill my hole as soon as he pulls out.”

Just as I said, the cock in my ass started spewing just about then.  When it slid out, I felt the black guy’s broad cock head pressing against my hole.  My ring was so relaxed from being fucked that there was no resistance as he invaded it and I could feel the stored up cum loads squirt out of me around his shaft.

“Damn, baby, it’s a good thing I like it nasty and messy.  The cum is dripping out of you like a faucet.”

“Then you’d better shoot a load of black babies up there and do your thing for integration.” I said.

He laughed and said, “One fresh load of black babies coming up.  When I get done filling your ass up it‘ll be like an NAACP meeting up in there.”

He turned out to be a surprisingly good fuck, giving great pleasure to my numbed hole.  He took his time, sliding in and out and building up a new tension in my ass that had my hole puckering around his shaft.

“Man, you ought to be the one charging.  You can play that dick like an instrument.” I said.

He laughed and kept plowing my hole, never hurrying.  By the time I felt his cock swelling inside me getting ready to unload, he had re-energized my fuck channel and made it hungry for more cock.  Even when his cum started flying, he kept up his slow fucking, painting the whole interior of my ass with his hot seed.


As his meat shrank inside me I said, “Tell Red to give you one of my cards.  That dick has turned me into a chocoholic and I’m going to need a regular fix from now on.”

  His long cock slithered out of my sopping hole and another of the boring fuckers took his place.

After a few more unmemorable fuckers, things started looking up again.  Two young guys came up to my ass together.  They were totally nude and both had big hard cocks standing out in front of them.  I judged them in their early thirties and they looked somewhat alike.  Ron and Gary saw them, too.

“Okay, fellas, no trouble.” Ron said.

“We’re not trouble.” the older of the two said.  “We’re brothers.  We like to watch each other fuck ass.  Usually we wind up having to fuck each other so this is a special event for us.”

His younger brother already had his fat cock firmly lodged in my hole.

“I can’t believe you guys have any trouble getting laid.” Gary said, wrapping his hand around the older brother’s hard dick and giving it a few pumps.

“Nobody seems to want to take on two of us, especially brothers.” he said.

“Well this must be your lucky night because I and my two buddies here have got no problem with any of that.” Ron said.

“Look at that.” the older brother said, nodding at his brother’s cock sliding in and out of my ass.  “He’s a damn fine fuck with a really hot cock.”  He reached over and slid his hand between his brother’s ass cheeks and said, “Feel his hole.  Tightest fuck I ever had.”

Gary had by now slid his hand between the older brother’s ass cheeks and was fingering his hole.

“Tighter than this little hole?’ he asked.

“He’s probably tighter than me.” the younger brother said as he fucked my ass.  “And if he keeps fingering my hole, I’m going to blow my load.”

The older brother moved in and began finger fucking his brother’s hole.  I felt the cock inside of me grow more rigid and then the heat of his cum splashing into me.  The younger brother withdrew his still hard cock and it was immediately replaced by his brother’s.

Ron pulled the younger brother over to him and began rubbing his stiff cock against his bare ass while Gary continued fingering the other brother’s hole.  The older brother was now fucking me, his fat cock sliding in and out of my ass.

“It never takes me long to cum when I’m fucking in my brother’s juice” he said.  “And having my ass played with will make me shoot even faster.”

Having said that, I immediately felt his cock stiffening in my fuck tunnel and then his ball juice erupting into me.  He withdrew his cock and Gary and Ron led the brothers over to a dark corner of the bar.

By now my ass was literally running with cum, a steady stream leaking out of my hole and dripping into the bucket below.

The next couple of fuckers were garden variety boring and I almost dozed off while they took turns fucking me.

At long last, the final fucker of the 20 pulled his cock out of my hole and nothing replaced it.

Ron and Gary came over to my fuck bench.

“You did it.  You actually took a 20 cock train.” Gary said.

Ron was standing behind me and he said, “Man, your hole is gaping as big as a silver dollar.  I hope it puckers back up.”

“Help me off of this thing, you two ass holes.” I said.  “If my fuck hole is ruined you only have yourselves to blame.”

Gary turned to the crowd and said, “We’ll be taking a short break and then we will commence the Saturday Night Suckathon!”

The boys loosened my restraints and helped me over to a bar stool where Red had a G&T waiting for me.

“I thought you’d probably need that after getting your hole ridden all night.  You’re a better man than I am.”

“Or a bigger fool.” I said.  “And I still didn’t get to sample your dick.”

“Plenty of time in the future for that.” Red replied.  “Right now, you’ve got something else to consider.”

“What’s that, ass hole reconstruction surgery?” I asked.

“No, this involves a bet.” he replied.  “Some of the patrons, most of them actually, have been laying odds with me that you won’t do something.  I took their bets because I knew Ron and Gary need cash but you can turn it down.”

“How much are we talking about?” Ron asked.

“I figure close to another 500 dollars if he does it.” Red said.

“And what exactly do they want me to do?” I asked, already shuddering.

“Drink it.” Red replied.

“Drink what?” Gary asked.

“The cum bucket.” Red answered.

They all looked at me and then Ron went over and picked up the cum bucket and we all looked inside.

 The crowd closed in around us, watching.

Inside the bucket there was at least 3 inches of cum that had been blown into my ass hole and leaked back out.  Ron moved the bucket and we watched it slosh back and forth.

“Never mind.” Red said.  “I’ll give the bets back.”

I looked at the ring of faces surrounding us, looks of horror, lust and disbelief combined in their expressions.  The room was silent.

“Oh, hell, give me the bucket.” I said to Ron.

He handed it to me and I got up and faced the crowd, then raised the bucket to my lips.  They were staring, not believing I’d actually do it.  I tipped the bucket up and started swallowing as quickly as I could until the bucket was empty, then threw it across the room and wiped my mouth with the back of my arm.

“Alright, you miserable fuckers, every one of you assholes had better pay up!” I said.

The room erupted in laughing and calling out to me, while I suffered an onslaught of slaps on the back.

Ron and Gary were staring at me open mouthed and Red said, “I can’t believe you actually did that.”

“Fuck’em” I said.  “I bet nobody in here will ever fuck around with me if they can help it.”

I downed my gin and tonic and turning to Ron and Gary I said, “Let’s get this show on the road.  I’ve got some dicks to suck if we ever want to get out of here tonight.”

Ron announced the beginning of the suckathon and I got on my knees in front of a barstool.  As luck would have it, my first cock was my friendly giant.

“I can’t tell inside of that cage you’re wearing but you must have balls the size of cantaloupes.” he said.

“All in a night’s work” I replied.  “Now get those pants down and let me enjoy myself for a change.”

He shucked his jeans down and kicked them off and his huge cock flopped out in my face.  I lifted his heavy balls in one hand and lowered my mouth over his swollen cock head.  After I had sucked him for a minute or two, taking his meat down my throat until I had swallowed the whole thing a few times, I spread his legs over my shoulders.

“Let me get a taste of your ass hole before I drain your nuts.” I said, then pushed his legs up and back until his ass was spread open in front of my face.  

His ass crack was totally hairless and his puckered ass hole looked like it had never been opened.  I licked his opening and his whole body shuddered with pleasure.  It turned me on to no end to think that there were about thirty guys watching me eat his ass.

I licked and sucked his pucker and fucked my tongue in and out of his hole, all the while listening to him moan with pleasure.

Finally, I lowered his legs and said, “Now feed me that cock and cum.” and went to work on his massive piece of meat.  

My lips slid up and down his shaft and I used my tongue to trace patterns over the surface, all the while stroking his spit drenched ass hole.  When he came, his whole body stiffened and he arched his back to fuck my throat.  His cum blasted out of his piss slit so hard I’m lucky it didn’t blow my head off.

I raised my head from his meat and asked, “How was that?  There’s more of that in store if you give me a call from my card.”

“Babe,” he said, “I already put your number in my phone before you blew me.  You’ll probably get tired of my cock long before I get tired of you servicing it.”

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” I replied.

My next couple of cocks was nothing special but thankfully quick cummers.  After I had finished with my fourth, I noticed my fucker from earlier, the older guy with the uniquely shaped cock sitting next to me.

“Are you next?” I asked.

“I could be but I’ve got something I’d rather do than get sucked off.” he said.

“If it involves fucking, my ass hole is out of service.  Anything else I’ll consider.” I replied.

“I saw you rimming that guy’s ass earlier.  I love to rim, too.  I especially love to rim a guy who’s just been fucked and you’ve been fucked all evening.  How about sitting on my face while you suck the next cock?”

“Why not?” I said.  “A tongue would probably feel really good in my ass after the workout it’s had.”

He smiled and got on the floor and maneuvered under me so that my ass was over his face and I sank down onto him.  I felt his hot tongue go to work on my hole immediately and I went to work on the next cock shoved down my throat.

He was an excellent ass eater and he continued probing my hole throughout the next couple of customers.

 Finally I said, “Let me know if you want to come up for air.” and he responded but tonguing my ass even harder.

My next customer was the black guy from earlier.  He sat on the stool and lowered his jeans so that his beautiful cock and balls were in front of me.

“This one is going to be pure pleasure for me.” I told him.

“If your suck hole is half as good as your fuck hole, you’ve got an on call dick whenever you want it.” he told me.


I went to work on his beautiful ebony shaft and his big ball sack, sliding my lips up and down his cock and sucking his balls one at a time.

“Let me eat your ass out.” I said.

“We’ll save that one for when we’re alone.” he replied.  “That way, you know I’m going to call you.”

I went back to work, sucking his cock head and forcing it down my throat till my nose was buried in his wiry pubes.  I had his full length buried in my throat when I felt his shaft swell and the molten juice from his balls start spewing out of his cock head.  I didn’t even have to swallow; it shot straight into my stomach.

My last cock of the evening was my friend from the urinal.  He was such a beautiful young guy that even after all of the cocks I’d serviced that evening, he was still special.  He sat on my stool and pulled his cock and balls out of his jeans fly so that his loose ball sack was drooping over the edge of the stool.  I started out licking his sack and sucking on each of his balls and pretty soon I had a big eight inch piece of meat standing up in front of me.  

When I took his cock head in my mouth he said, “I don’t usually get into having my cock sucked, I usually do the sucking myself but I know I’m going to love this.”

I slid my lips up and down over his fat shaft and then he said, “Pull on my balls.”

I wrapped my hand around his sack and pulled down and his cock got even harder and fatter.

“That’s it.” he said.  “Yank on my balls and I’ll shoot my load.”

I pulled down, holding his balls so that my fingers formed a tight ring around his sack just above them.  I moved my hand up and down in a milking motion while concentrating on his fat cock head, bouncing my mouth up and down on it while tonguing his piss hole.

“Oh, fuck!” he said.  “Here it comes!”

His cock head swelled in my mouth and started shooting deliciously sweet ball juice. Every time I pulled down on his balls, another shot of hot cum spurted into my mouth for me to swallow.

“I knew you’d taste delicious.” I said.  “I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”

Over in the corner, Ron and Gary were sitting with the two brothers naked on their laps and I motioned them to come over.  When they stood up, both of their cocks slid out of the brother’s asses, who had been riding them.  The boys walked over with their big cocks jutting out in front of them.

“I think the three of you should meet up, you’ve got a lot in common.” I told them.

My urinal friend wrapped a hand around each of the hard dicks in front of him and said, “Yeah, I can see already that we all love your cocks.”

“Why don’t you come home with us tonight and you can show us how much you love them.” Ron said.

“Don’t you have to check in?” I asked.

“I’ve got a friend there who mans the front desk.  He’ll cover for me in exchange for a blowjob.”

“Great!” I said.  “That way, first thing in the morning I can get you in contact with Mr. Johnson and maybe get you a more compatible parole officer.”

Ron grabbed my friend’s ass and said, “Johnson is going to love you and you’re going to love his cock.  But I get to sample that ass first.”

He and Gary led him back to where the brothers waited.

So, that was the end of the “Suckathon”.  After awhile, every cock looks and tastes alike and I would have been asleep from boredom if it weren’t for the fact that I had a tongue snuffling and probing in my ass hole the whole time, seeking out every last drop of cum.

When I had finally sucked my last cock, I pulled my ass up off of his face.

“That’s the end.” I said.  “Time to go home.”

“That was even better than fucking you.” he said.  “Can I eat your ass again after you get fucked?”

“Give me a call; I’ll arrange something for later this week.  But you have to promise to fuck me too.”

“It’s a deal.” he said, getting up.  “This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

I looked around for Ron and Gary and spotted them in the dark corner with the brothers still.  Gary was sitting on a table with his legs spread while the older brother sucked his cock and the younger brother was on all fours on another table, Ron’s face buried between his ass cheeks while my urinal friend knelt in front of him with Ron’s cock in his mouth.

“Looks like your buddies are busy.” someone said and I turned around to my friendly giant.  “I could give you a ride home.” he said.

“I don’t know if my ass hole can handle your monster cock again this soon and I feel like that old Rod Stewart story, like I’m going to go to the emergency unit and have gallons of cum pumped out of my stomach.”

“We don’t have to do anything.” he said.  “I’d just like to cuddle you.”

I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck and then brought my legs up and wrapped them around his waist.

“That’s the best offer I’ve had in a long, long time.” I told him.  “But, first I’ve got to get those two bastards to get this cock cage off of me!”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Later that week, Ron and Gary came up one evening with a wad of cash.


“Here.” Gary said.  “We made over a thousand bucks last weekend.  We want you to have half.”

“Hold that thought.” I said.  

Both of my boys were already nude and I got on my knees and sucked both of their cocks into maximum hardness.  Jumping up, I got my camera and took profile pictures of their big upstanding dicks, then printed out the photos.  While they watched, mystified, I trimmed the photos and glued them onto a poster board I had hidden behind the sofa.  When it was completed, I turned it to face them.

Across the top the poster read “Saturday Night Cockathon” and below that “2 Cocks to choose from.  $20 dollars each for a fuck or suck.  Have them both for $35.” and below that were the cock photos, each with the name below it.

“You’re shitting us, right?” Ron said.

“Not in a million years.” I replied.  “I already worked it out with Red and we’re going to use the same scenario, private party after closing.  He’s already scored some Viagra’s to keep you two in fighting form so that you can service as many as possible.  Of course, your cocks will never be as popular as my ass hole so we won’t make nearly as much.”

“We’ll see about that, you little cocksucker.” said Gary.  “I bet I make more than you did.”

“In your dreams.” I replied.  “Now, you two make yourselves scarce.  My new black friend from the bar is coming over and I’m going to need at least 4 hours uninterrupted time with him.  My ass hole eater is stopping by later, too, so I’ll need you two in the mood to fuck me so he’ll have something to suck out of my hole.”

“Geeze!  I feel so used.” Gary said.