Matt Stryker

by R. Eric

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Making A Future

We got upstairs, and he was doing what I dreamed he’d do. He was kissing me, and he meant it! He loved me!! And I was getting that head rush, or what they called swooning, which I never understood before. Because he was kissing me with intent. I believed he loved me because he put all of his effort into it. Backing me up as we entered my room.

“I want to see you,” I muttered.

He nodded. “I want to see you, too.” His hands pulled my sweater off and shirt in one try. “I’m clean. No STD’s and none of that new virus…AIDS. That was a part of my coming to Hollywood.”

“I was tested, too,” I began unbuttoning his shirt and pulling his shirttail out. “I’m clean, too.”

He’d lost some weight since I saw him last, but I figured that was while he was gone. I could fatten him up. Even with that loss of some mass, he was gorgeous! And he smelled amazing. I was kicking my shoes off as he unzipped my jeans and slid them down which I stepped out of instantly, doing the same with his pants. He was wearing boxers, and they sort of slid down with his pants. He was no small fry. Let’s just say, he had nothing to be embarrassed by in the locker room when he was in school. He was breathtakingly beautiful.

He looked down as he slipped my briefs away. “Beautiful.” He whispered to me.

Now I could see where the goodie trail led.

“Who’s going to start?” He asked.

“Touch me, Matt.” I nearly begged. I was begging. I loved having him hold me as much as I enjoyed holding him. Being naked, skin to skin was like nothing I could describe. But his touch started a fire I never imagined would happen. Feeling that hand caress my cock sent electricity to my head and I wanted more. Much more. I couldn’t get enough quick enough! I turned us around and shoved him back on the bed and instantly took his man tool in my mouth. I said, I’d sucked a couple of cocks, but none like his. Yet, somehow, I got it in my nose in his pubes without much effort making him groan and arch up. Anticipation works wonders, but it didn’t take much before he cried. “I’m gonna cum!!” Which I was and was not ready for. Another grunt and cry from him and he shot in my mouth, and I was not ready for as much as he put out! It was warm, slippery and between salty and sweet and he came three or four times in pretty awesome amounts, but I sucked it down, slurping it completely. “I love you!”

My heart was nearly bursting when he said that. I slowly came up his stomach and chest, my lips and tongue making the trip up his body to his neck, and he pulled my face to him as he kissed me much gentler than he did before.

“I love you, Eric.”

I know, guys in this era were supposed to be in touch with their feelings and cry if necessary. Guys just don’t because we are trained not to! But I was tearing up now! This amazing human being just said he loved me.

“I’ve wanted you to say that” I said, my voice breaking. “I love you, too.”

“Make love to me, Eric,” Matt said hoarsely.

He bottomed!?

“I want you to,” Matt nodded. “I want you in me.”

“I’ve never…”

Matt nodded patiently. “I know, but I want you to be the first man you cum in.”

In my hurry to get up here to my room, I remembered something we needed. “Be right back!” I said and raced downstairs, only realizing I didn’t have the store keys. My father said he enjoyed having his prostate tickled. Would Floyd? The room Mom and Floyd shared was closer than the store and I didn’t need a key. Running in their room, I knew where Mom kept her supplies. Sure enough, he had what I was looking for. “Floyd! You dog you.” I chuckled and raced back up the stairs and found Matt propped on his elbows with the question on his face. “Needed the cleanser.” I waved the bottle at Matt.

Matt smiled. “You have that in stock?”

“Yes, but I didn’t have the keys.” I jumped in bed with Matt. “This is Floyd’s supply.”

“Your principal!?” Matt balked, just as I did.

“Yep.” I chuckled. “I’m tempted to razz him about it.” Then I shrugged. “Many straight guys are finding anal stimulation is not a bad thing…or gay. Dad did.”

“Your father,” Matt repeated.

“He liked it.” I nodded.

“How do you know!?” Matt croaked.

“He told me.” I chuckled.

“Is there nothing kept hush-hush in this family!?”

I thought a second. “Nope.”

Matt grunted and took the bottle. “It’s been a few years, but I think I remember what to do. Like an enema, right?” He waved the bottle at me. “Five minutes, right?”

“Right. It is an enema.”

It was a long five minutes, but Matt exited the bathroom with a sheepish smile. “I’m ready.” And he lay down on his back. “You got the lube.”

I waved another bottle at him.

He nodded, raising his legs up. “I prefer it on my back. I want to face you.”

I was going to do it! I was going to make love to Matt! I started to shake as the adrenalin rushed through me. “Sorry, I’m kind of excited.”

Matt chuckled. “I hope you are!” He ran his hand over my cock. “I’d say you are.”

“I mean….” I grinned leaning in our faces touching as I kissed him slowly. “I want to do this right.”

Matt grinned. “You will.” He kissed me back. “I trust you, Baby.” Then he stopped me, both hands on my shoulders. “It’s been a few years, so prep me…you know how to do that?”

I nodded. “Knowing and having done it are different things.”

Matt rolled his eyes. “It’ll be fun. Just take it slow.”

I did what I had been told to do. Never did before, but… I put some lube on a finger and stuck it gently at the entrance of his ass. Gently moving forward. Reapplied the lube and did it again. He was tight and warm. Then two fingers, then three. Gently moving and scissoring my fingers. “Here goes.”

He nodded.

Applying the lube to my aching cock, which was aching because all this touching of Matt had aroused me more. What I felt as I was beginning to enter him…the sensation on my cock was mind-blowing. The tightness and warmth on my cock was sending signals to my head that made me want to move. I held back.

“It’s good. Go!” Matt growled. “Faster and harder!”

I didn’t need to be told again. I had a rhythm in a few seconds but having not done it before. He gave some cry, and I came much too quickly. “Sorry, Matt.”

Matt looked at me. “Sorry? For what?” He asked incredulously.

“I came too fast.”

“Oh, Baby. Don’t worry about that.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close kissing me gently. “It was your first time. It was great!” He chuckled. “And there will be other times. Many, many other times. It felt wonderful. I love you.”

I smiled at him. “I love you, Matt.”

Then a quick clean up and he almost seemed like he didn’t want to do it to me. I put my hand on his arm.

“Aren’t you going to make love to me?”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Matt said quietly.

“You said you trusted me. I trust you.”

He shrugged. “Okay.” Then he grinned a little slyly. “I don’t guess your father told you what to expect, did he?”

I nodded.

“Of course, he did. How did he know this stuff!?” Matt asked.

I shook my head. “Really!? Mom and Dad weren’t virgins when they met. They never claimed to be.” I saw Matt’s eyes widen. “Dad has had sex with a man.”

Matt sat up straighter, “No way.”

I nodded. “Dad never claimed a label. The only thing he said was he was a sexually active adult human. Who had sex with other sexually active adult humans. Gender specifics weren’t a requirement.”

“Figures,” Matt handed me the cleanser. “I’ll be ready.”

Then we started again. He ran his hands over me as he concentrated on my nipples and worked slowly down then nipped the tip of my cock and engulfed the whole thing in one shot! The moist warmth caused me to pull him tighter as he worked. This time, I didn’t cum quite so quickly. I already had cum a few minutes ago. But soon I was beginning to feel it peek and shot cum in his mouth.

“Okay,” Matt said softly. “I think the first time, you need to be on your stomach. It’s easier. Just remember to relax. After I enter you, it will take a few minutes for your muscles to ease up. Okay?” Then he ran his lips over mine. “I love you. The fact that I will be your first….it means so much to me.”

“Don’t ever leave me, Matt.”

He shook his head. “I couldn’t. I won’t…ever.”

Then he did the same thing I had done to him. Prepping me with his fingers and I began to worry a little because it felt like I was full there and that was just his fingers.

“You’ll feel like you need to go to the bathroom at first. I’ll take it slow.”

And he was right. He readied me as I felt the tip of his cock touch me down there. Slowly he inched forward, and it felt just as he said. I needed to crap! Relax, I said to myself. He paused a moment, sensing the muscles relax. The pressure eased and I could feel him in me. Matt was making love to me! It was real, not a fantasy. He was telling me not only in words. All too soon, he let out a little cry and I felt him cum in me. His arms encircled me as he caught his breath.

“I love you, Eric.”

Okay, not to be all girly and shit, but my heart was bursting, and I felt my eyes tear up. He did love me. “I love you, Matt.”


I woke and knew I was being stared at. Rolling over I grinned at him.

“Happy birthday,” Matt said quietly and smiling.

“Was last night my present?” I asked.

He chuckled. “Well…I guess it was. How did you like it?”

“It was mind-blowing. Did I do alright?”

He nodded. “Absolutely. You were amazing. Are you sore?”

“A little,” I nodded. “We’ll have to keep it up. It gets easier the more you do it.”

His left eyebrow rose. “Was that your way of asking for more sex?” He grinned.

I chuckled. “It was.”

He kissed me, “Gladly.”

And we did it again. He made love to me again. It still hurt a little, mostly from being sore, but not bad.


I sat up and looked at my clock and rose suddenly. “It’s twelve o’clock!”

Matt looked confused. “Do you have to be somewhere?”

“Work!” I answered rushing from the bed and heading to the shower. “I have that smoothie bar and I help Mom…”

“Oh,” Matt pushed back the covers. “Can I help?”

I stopped. “You want to?”

“Of course,” He nodded. “I don’t know one plant from the other, but you point it out, I’ll get it. Or clean up…whatever.”

I thought a moment about his exposure. People here knew we had a family connection with Matt. “Almost everyone knows you.”


All of the school knew I went with him to the Emmy Awards. All of Charleston knew he was family. “Nothing, I guess.” Then I smiled at him, “Sure.”

He grinned getting up, “Deal. We can share the shower.”

I grinned. “There’s hardly enough room for one in there.”

“So, we have to be close.” He kissed me.

Having a naked, slippery Matt was awesome, but I needed to get downstairs. As I was dressing I watched as Matt was tying his shoes. “You’ve lost weight.”

He looked a little uncomfortable nodding, but embarrassed. “Yeah. I lost it in rehab.”

I was surprised. “Rehab!? That’s where you were for the last month?”

“Yeah,” Matt admitted. “I had to get off all the meds.”

I sat beside him. “I’m so glad you did. I knew you would leave them behind.” Running my fingers in his dark locks. “I’m very glad. I’ll help you if you want.”

He smiled at me, “I know. I’m hoping you will.” He sighed. “I have a busy schedule coming up. I’ll need energy and be able to relax when needed. You can do that?”

Damn, he smelled good. “I can.”

He smiled. “Well, that’s what I hoped for when I mentioned you coming to work with me. If you can do it. I’ll listen. I’ll obey. And I don’t care who finds out about us.”

It hit me. He was putting his career in my hands. “Matt, I don’t want you to give up on your dreams. You’re a great actor. I’ll stay on the sidelines; even help you get ready for your dates.” I shoulder bumped him on that one.

He chuckled. “You know that last engagement was a network idea. I never fucked her.” He said seriously.

“If you did, would you do it again?”

He looked shocked. “No!”

“Good answer.” I kissed him, my fingers running through his hair. “And…don’t fuck me.”

Now he was surprised. “Don’t?”

“Last night I knew what making love means. We will never do…that other thing.” I thought about that a bit more. “Well…we don’t have to call it that. Good recreational sex is fine.” His smile grew as he heard what I was saying. “The only thing I don’t you had sex…” I hit him in the arm hard, “…with my aunt!”

“Ow!” He said rubbing his arm where I hit him. Then he nodded. “I deserved that.”

“With my aunt!” I objected again, then shivered. “Ew.”

“Okay, okay…that was wrong. It wasn’t that often. Even right after we got married. It just sort of…died.”

“Which I don’t get,” I looked at him puzzled. “Why? If you’re gay…” Then I held my hand up. “Don’t misunderstand, I’m glad you married her, or we won’t have met. But why?”

He looked embarrassed again. “I like girls.” He shrugged. “I like guys.” Then he looked at me slyly. “Guys turn me on more, but…” he shrugged. “Which is easier? Girls. So, that’s where I went.”

“Because girls were easier,” I nodded. “Acceptable.”

“Not all families are like yours. In fact, I bet there are nearly no families like yours. My family definitely was not. When Mom found me in bed with a guy and freaked out! I mean ballistic! She was screaming and shouting…if I hadn’t run off, she would have killed me.”

“Really?” I knew things were hard out there for most gays, but…a mother killing her son? They were the first ones to accept their son’s lifestyle…most times. “Maybe she’s changed her mind.”

Matt chuckled and rose, “I’m sure she has since I got a TV show. She’ll be even more accepting if I do a movie. In fact, I guarantee we’ll hear from her and my brother soon after it’s released.”

“No wonder you loved my family.” Then I smiled.

He stopped me by putting a hand on my arm. “Last night, we did…I did something I don’t do. I never did it with your aunt even.” He got closer and put his arms around me. “You got me. No condoms.”

I nodded. “I know.”

“You know!?” Matt asked surprised.

I nodded again. “Matt, I’ve been with you every day since you married Aunt Mary.”


I went to my desk and pulled a box out of a drawer. Opening it, I pulled out all of his letters. “I’ve kept every letter you ever wrote to me,” I explained. “And they weren’t just letters. It was almost a daily journal. What you thought, felt, and wanted almost every day. I know all about how you felt about your foreman when you worked construction, how you felt you were leaving him in a lurch when you quit pursuing acting. About your director.” I showed him a letter. “I even knew when you suspected Aunt Mary of cheating the first time.” I grinned.

Matt blushed. “I wrote all that!?”

“You did.” I smiled, “And it wasn’t just in words, I got the emotion with it.”

Matt grinned with a shrug. “I can’t explain it. At first, I was doing this writing to give you a connection, I thought, with a male figure after your father died. That was sort of stupid, I mean, you have a super grandfather and uncle. Even Floyd Hiott now, but I couldn’t stop. From the day I met you, I felt a connection with you. It became a compulsion.” He pressed his lips to mine gently. “I guess you know me better than anyone on the planet.”

I hugged him. “I do. That is who I fell in love with.” My hand ran over his face gently. “You’re a beautiful human being, Matt. Not just physically.” I put my hand on his chest above his heart. “But you. The real you.”

“I love you.”

I looked at the clock. “Oh my god! It’s almost one!” I grabbed his arm. “Let’s go!” He had to follow or fall in the floor. I wasn’t giving him a choice.

We strode in just before one o’clock. “I am so sorry, Mom.”

She looked up with a knowing smile. “It is your birthday. I told you not to worry today.”

“I have people depending on me. I have that runner who needs his banana smoothie to keep away the leg cramps, the lady with arthritis….”

She grinned even more. “So, I take it…” she motioned between the two of us, Matt and myself, “…we’re good now?”

“Very good,” Matt nodded, his arm going around me and bumped his head against mine gently. “I sort of…gave him his birthday present.”

She nodded. “Uh huh.” She looked a bit dreamy, “Ken used to give me presents like that.”

“Mom!” I groaned, but she knew it was in good humor.

“I wonder what Floyd will give me this year.” Mom pondered, knowing I was still getting used to the idea of him and Mom together.

“Or you, him.” Thinking of the cleanser I found. I shrugged. “He is a very good-looking man,” I admitted. “Even with his clothes on.”

That made Matt’s eyebrow rise. How open were we with these…usually private things? Mom just waved me off.

I shrugged to Matt, “You come down in your boxers, I see a good bit of it.” I smiled at Matt. “We are the same gender of the same species.” I said logically. “What I didn’t see I knew was there.”

Matt gave a hesitant nod. “Okay.”

“You had to explain to Floyd last night,” I said, but I knew it couldn’t be bad since Mom was still talking favorably about him. “What did you tell him?”

Mom was a little less happy about telling me. “He…doesn’t understand Matt’s place in the family. I explained about my sister’s marriage and you, Matt, you were going through a rough spot. You came home to family.” She shrugged. “You’ll have to tell him any other parts. He should be okay with it.”

“If he isn’t?” I asked.

She looked at me firmly. “He’ll be driftwood!” She said just as firmly.

Matt looked more confused. “Huh?”

“She means she’ll cut him off,” I explained.

“Oh,” However, he didn’t understand. “What?”

I chuckled, “He’ll either be okay with it, or she cuts him off and sets him adrift.”

“Oh!” Matt got it!


Matt did help! He was packing crates and bags for customers. Getting looks from all the customers.

“You’re that…Merit guy from TV…that Mob show.” A woman marveled pointing at Matt as if he could forget who he was.

Matt nodded. “I am. I play him on TV, the name’s Matt Stryker.” He extended his hand to her.

She shook his hand, “My husband loves that show! Wait until I tell him. Why are you here!?”

“He’s family,” Mom said a few feet away. Matt just smiled even bigger.

Word got out and soon there were more people here than ever. To Your Health, the business, wasn’t too far out of the way, but you came here on purpose. No one just “dropped by.”

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” Matt whispered to me.

“Are you kidding!?” I laughed. “This means more business for us. It’s a great idea!”

“Would you like to have me for a few weeks?” Matt asked with a grin.

I looked at him surprised. “Weeks? How?”

“I have nowhere to be for a few weeks. Then even less until we go to Australia.” Matt answered. “Undercover Mob finished taping season two.”

He was staying!? I nearly lost it. I grabbed his arm and shoved him in the storage room. There I kissed him hard.

He was laughing when we broke apart a bit. “I take it that would be okay with you.”

“Hell, yeah!”

“Do you think your Mom will be okay with it?” He asked as Mom came in the storeroom.

“Woops.” She said but heard the question. “Would his Mom be okay with what?”

Matt smiled at me. “Having me here for a few weeks?”

I got my sense of humor from her and Dad, so of course, she frowned. “I don’t know. If you stay we may have to hire more security.” She thumbed back to the store. “They are really coming in.” Then she smiled as she came over to us, hugging both of us. “Having you here will be very much appreciated.”

Matt nodded. “I guess we should get back out there.”


He did just what he said he would and yes, business boomed! Everyone came to see him at the business. Next, we told Floyd Hiott.

He listened as we told him why Matt was here. When we told him it was because he loved me as I did him, his eyes grew. He looked over at Mom, “You know about this and are okay with it?”

Mom was sitting beside Floyd and nodded. “Why wouldn’t I be? Matt’s a good man. So is my son. They could do much, much worse. They’re both adults.”

Floyd was not so sure, his face told us that.

“Come on, Floyd,” Mom said patiently. “It’s happened since the dawn of man. Why are you surprised?”

Floyd shook his head. “It’s just that…he doesn’t act queer! Neither of them do.”

Matt chuckled, “And how are we supposed to act?”

“You know,” Floyd said annoyed. “All girly and shit. Prissy.”

Matt, the constant actor went into a Valley Girl voice, his voice a full octave higher and sounded like a girl. “That is so grody, to the max, gag me with a spoon. Like fer sure.” He even had the limp wrist hand movement and damn it if he didn’t sound prissy. He was back to being manly Matt. “How was that?”

I was a little wider-eyed looking at him then as was Floyd and Mom. I just nodded. “That was good. Scary…but good.”

“It was really the first thing that came to mind with the prissy thing,” Then he was valley again. “O’ m’god. Totally!”

Mom and I both laughed at him. Floyd just frowned more, “You did that way too well. You're not gonna put on a tutu or wave pom-poms are you?”

Matt just grinned and bobbed his eyebrows.

Floyd sighed. “I knew there were queers around. I knew some in ‘Nam, but those were times when there were no women around. It was normal to take away tension.”

“And maybe, it was love.” Mom suggested. “Love and comfort in spite of the war.”

Floyd gave a grudging nod. “I guess.” He sighed. “Fine. If your mother is okay with it, who am I to say otherwise? I understand about discretion. I won’t say a word about it to anyone.” He looked at me. “What does that mean when you saw me in boxers that night?”

I grinned. “It’s a moment I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. I think about it often.”

He looked doubtful at me. “Seriously?”

Matt and I rolled our eyes at the same time. Mom just jabbed him in the side with her elbow.

I nodded. “I’ve returned the anal cleanser to your room. I didn’t have the keys for here, so…”

Floyd was blushing beet red now.


School was different now. I was enjoying it! Don’t get me wrong, I liked it before, but now, because Matt was “in the family“ and there I was really popular. Business was booming and I was much more popular at school, not that I ever really tried to be in the past, but now the students were saying hello that I was surprised some even knew I was alive in the past. Mr. Hiott was different, too. He was still the iron fist of education. He was, after all, planning to be my new stepdad. When he got the nerve to ask Mom. I had no doubt she was going to say yes. She loved him. You could tell. He adored her.

Now the hard part. My Aunt Mary. First, we had to tell my grandparents, Uncle Earl, and Aunt Pat.

It was Thanksgiving and from the look on granddad’s face, he was caught completely unaware. Grandma just nodded with a smile. Earl and his wife, Aunt Pat didn’t even blink. We were just confirming what they suspected.

“Okay.” Earl shrugged. Pat just nodded.

“Why didn’t I notice?” Granddad asked. “No one here is surprised?”

Grandma grinned at him and patted his arm, “You’re very good at some things, Dear, but being observant isn’t always one of them.” She rose and kissed Matt on the cheek. “I guess, welcome to the family again.”

And as much as I had said about my family to Matt, about my Great Uncle Bob and how accepting my family was with things still amazed him. “Thanks.” Matt smiled, but you could see he was shaken. “I’m relieved to hear it.”

Granddad just slapped his hands on his knees and sighed. “You haven’t told Mary yet, have you?”

“No,” Matt and I said at the same time.

Granddad shook his head briefly. “Well, get ready. She’s here now. No time like the present.” He pointed as the Mustang stopped in the driveway.

My Aunt Mary stopped at the entrance to the living room from the dining room, looking at Matt. “Why are you always here? Our marriage ended. Take the hint, you’re not welcome anymore.”

“Only by you,” Granddad said.

“Now sit down and listen for once, Mary,” Grandma said firmly. Mary may be in her late twenties, but she was still their daughter and obeyed. “We told you on day one when you brought Matt here, he would always be welcome. No matter what decisions you made. This is your father’s and my home, and he’s welcome. Period. You brought him into our lives. There’s no one else to hold responsible.”

I looked at my aunt. “And I am so grateful you did,” I commented. “You see….?”

Matt took my hand. “We’re in love.” He confessed.

My aunt’s eyes grew staring at us and our joined hands. Then her eyes got angry. “What!?” She jumped up. “How could you do this to me?” She demanded of Matt in a shout that was nearly a shriek. “Do you know how embarrassing this is!?”

Mom shook her head. “Well, at least she’s consistent.”

Earl muttered. “Annoyingly so.”

“You’re fucking gay!?” Mary shouted at Matt having not heard her siblings. She rushed at him and slapped him as hard as she could. “You son of a bitch!!”

I instantly got up and grabbed her back, Mom and Earl were on their feet to stop her as well. Grandma went to Matt.

“I want you out! Get away from me, you faggot!” Mary screamed at Matt.

Mom was the one that flew into a rage and slapped her sister as hard as Mary had struck Matt. Shocking Mary to silence. “You selfish little bitch.” Mom said quietly and angrily. Mom’s face was red with fury. “How DARE you? Matt has been honest, and he’s been a welcome member of this family since he arrived. More than you.” Mary, still stunned into silence just stared at Mom and in growing shock. “Where were you two and a half years ago? I lost the man I was devoted to for nineteen years!” Mom pointed at Matt. “Matt was there. You weren’t. He kept in contact, coming again and again even after you dumped him. You didn’t come at all. No phone calls, nothing! You are so self-involved! Even now, this is all about you! It was right in front of you. We all saw it! For years! You didn’t notice they were in love with each other.”

I stepped in front of Matt. “He’s a good man that you threw away. I am so thankful you brought him into our lives. Into my life. Don’t you dare treat him like this.” I said to her quietly. “He is on the verge of being an acting giant; and if you say one word about this to anyone. If he suffers because of something you said…”

“You won’t ever be comfortable here anymore at family events.” My granddad continued for me and pointed at Matt, “Because HE will always be here!” His voice and tone left no doubt that was how it was to be.

“Please, sis,” Earl begged next to her sister. “Think about someone other than yourself. For once! They’re happy together.” He pointed to Matt and me. “Can’t you see that?”

Mary looked with shock from Matt to Mom, Grandma, and Granddad. “You’re siding with him?” She motioned to Matt.

“He’s family,” Granddad said firmly.

“He’s a good man, Mary.” Mother said.

Mary couldn’t believe it. She rushed out of the room. I didn’t fail to notice that she didn’t leave but went to where her room had been growing up and slammed the door.

I looked at Grandma. “Do you think she’ll come around?”

She gave the shrug and nod, “She didn’t leave.” She pointed out. “Mary has always been selfish, but she is my child. I raised her like I did your mother and uncle. It should be fine. She just needs time.”


It was Thanksgiving morning went Aunt Mary came down. “I’m sorry,” she said to Mom. “I should have been there when Ken died. It just…made me so uncomfortable. I know…” she stopped knowing what Mom would have said. “It shouldn’t have been about me. I should have been there for you. I am sorry.” Then she looked at Matt and smiled weakly. “Matt, I am sorry, too. About the whole thing. You are a good man, and I took you for granted.” Then she looked at him fiercely. “But if you hurt my nephew. I’ll kill you!”

Matt looked surprised. Even I backed away with the vicious nature of the threat. I had no doubt she could and would.

“Any coffee left?” Mary smiled at Grandma pleasantly as if nothing was amiss.

Yep, we were sometimes very odd.


Matt did fly back to L.A. to film a holiday special for Christmas. You know, boy meets girl during Christmas Season, deals with a crisis, marries the girl on Christmas Eve. The Hallmark Channel stuff, how typical. So sweet it was gooey. It aired just before the Christmas Holidays. What can I say? He was good. Too good. At the end, I hit him in the side as we were on the couch eating popcorn. He was never hurt, just surprised.

“Ouch!” He looked stunned. “What was that for?” He asked.

“For being too good an actor,” I grumbled. “I believe you enjoyed kissing her.”

He waved at the screen as the credits were rolling. “That was Heather Locklair! Of course, I enjoyed it! I’m gay, but I’m not dead.”

Floyd had come over and was watching it with us and Mom. He chuckled. “Glad to hear it.”’

I grinned nodding. “And that scene where she grabbed your ass?”

“I didn’t mind that either.” Matt grinned back at me. Then his eyebrows bounced. “But you’re the only one that gets my ass.”

Floyd frowned. “I’m not glad to hear that.” Now, it was more comedy than fact. Floyd saw how we were together and was fine with it.

Mom grunted, “You men! You’re all disgusting.” Shaking her head.


Matt brought back a few scripts which he studied. One was for a good story. It was the story of Cinderella, only the gender roles were reversed. Matt was to be in the place of the Cinderella character, only now, Cinderfella, with an evil stepfather and stepbrothers. He would go to the ball and marry the princess, who was in line to be queen. His fairy godfather uses his magic to get Matt to the ball. No glass slipper though. Matt brought the movie script for Australia. He had me look at it.

“A western,” I was sitting cross-legged on my bed as I read it. After I had looked it over. Matt nodded. “You know what’s on page 130, don’t you?” I asked.

“I do,” He nodded. “And on 310.” He shrugged. “Is there a problem with people seeing my naked ass?”

I didn’t know how to answer that. “I don’t know. Are you okay with it?”

He shrugged. “I don’t care. Everyone’s got an ass.”

I nodded.

“You know…” he began sitting next to me. “I will be naked in the scene on 310 with Felicia, who will also be naked.”

“I saw.”

“I will be making love to her,” Matt said cautiously.

“I know.”

“I’ll be acting,” Matt added.

“I understand.” I could tell he was bothered, not about the nude scene, but how my reaction would be. “I will be honest. The idea of you making love to someone other than me bothers me. You will get an erection, I’m sure. Felicia Combs is a beautiful woman.”

“Are you going to be okay with that?” Matt asked. “They won’t film my erection or show my dick, but it will be there. The erection, that is.”

“I wonder how Paul Newman, or the other wives or spouses deal with it?” I asked.

“Why Paul Newman?” Matt asked.

“Because he and Joanne Woodward have been married for so long,” I replied. “They had to have dealt with it before. Not the nudity but love scenes.”

“Just remember. It’s all choreographed. Like a dance. You saw the directions written in the script. It’s the business. So much so, I may not get an erection at all. We will be getting direction from the director. It’s a job.”

I kissed him passionately. His response was immediate, and I heard his breathing change. “Were you acting then?” I asked as I moved away an inch.

“No way,” Matt choked nearly breathless.

This time I kissed him again. “Good answer.” And pulled him down on the bed.


Matt had to go back to begin filming season three of Undercover Mob. I had to finish my senior year. I missed Matt. He had become such a big part of my life, and his absence was felt. This time, he called every week. I had begun changing his eating habits when he was in Charleston. So, I was always asking what he ate. He had gained back the weight he’d lost when in rehab. I was worried that what had triggered him to take the pills and use alcohol would tempt him to do it again. He admitted he was tempted but swore he didn’t fall back into that trap. He had sold his condo, and now was living with his co-star, Angel Gomez. She was gorgeous. I never asked if it was anything other than living together, even when the tabloids made it seem like more. Could it have been? Sure. Was it? No. I trusted him. I know, husbands and wives are often the last to know when it happens, but really? Does it always happen? No. Until shown otherwise, I believed in Matt.

I didn’t know if he’d be there, but I was graduating. My high school was a good size and my class held about 300 students. Everyone in my family came. Grandma and Granddad, Earl, and Pat, even Aunt Mary. The auditorium was packed. And we were to march to a seating area on a row of chairs. We did and I saw an empty spot next to Mom and knew Matt had not arrived. I knew he might not be able to come. He was at the end of shooting season three. When there were slight murmurs while the Valedictorian, who wasn’t me, was giving her speech. I just had to glance back. There he was.

“There he is again!” Doug Barnes, a guy in front of me and a member of my class said. “There’s Matt Stryker again.” He leaned back. “Who is he to you again?”

I just grinned. “He married into the family.” I shrugged, “He divorced my aunt, but we didn’t divorce him, and he didn’t divorce us!”

The names were called and when my name was called, I strode up and took my diploma from Floyd Hiott.

“You made it,” Floyd grinned handing me the diploma.

“Thanks.” I winked at him and took the diploma, “Do I call you Dad now?” He just grinned slightly more, and he did what he didn’t do to the other students. He hugged me.

As we gathered together afterward, I had to restrain myself to keep from doing more than just hug Matt. Damn, he smelled good. If you didn’t suspect already, I had a fetish, okay?

“How long can you stay?” I asked Matt.

“I leave in the morning,” Matt said sadly. “We leave in a month, so get ready.”

“I’m ready now,” I grinned. “I still have some calls to make to be sure what we’ll need is there in Australia and being shipped on time.”

Doug Barnes and some others had come over and overheard having been close because it was Matt they wanted to see and talk to. “Australia!? You’re going to Australia? Why?”

Matt gave me a brotherly hug, “This is my new Personal Assistant.”

“A job?” Doug asked amazed, “You just graduated from high school! I mean you JUST did!!”

“I’ve done diet and health maintenance for over a decade. Now, I’m doing it as a job.” I explained. That spread like wildfire.


Back at the warehouse, Matt and I excused ourselves as soon as we got home.

“Excuse us,” I said to the others taking Matt’s hand and rushed up the stairs.

Mary was a little amazed. “Are they always like that?” Mary asked Mom.

Mom shrugged. “Most of the time.” Then she looked back at her sister. “Ain’t love grand?” She chuckled.


I didn’t get any sleep that night. And in the morning, I took him to the airport. In the car Matt and I said our goodbyes.

“I’ll be back in three weeks.” Matt reminded me.

I nodded sadly. “I know. But that’s three weeks!”

“You’ll be busy,” Matt said smiling. “It’ll pass.”

I nodded again. “I’ve got a lot of last-minute things to get done. I need to make sure the produce was ordered; the free-range chicken and unprocessed beef are sent. Not to mention the herbs and spices.” I informed him.

“Sounds like you have it under control,” Matt observed. “But why so much?”

“You’ve got to have flavor,” I said like it was obvious. “I make all the condiments. Mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Even salsa! You can’t get organic and process free without those things. The smoothies need other things.”

Matt nodded with a smile. “What do I know? I can’t boil water.”

“I’ll give you private lessons.”

“If you do it naked,” Matt grinned with a smile, “I’d take those lessons gladly.”

We had a passionate parting in the car. Then a friendly parting at the airport. Separating like this hurt me. I could see it in his eyes, too, but we kept it as friends for the world to see.


It would be Summer here, but Winter in Australia, so I packed for the season. They did it so the really hot weather was not a problem. It would be in the sixties then. As low as in the thirties at night and seventy in the day. We were staying on location for three weeks. I was making sure I had everything covered. Matt was right. I was busy. Phone calls and a computer we got to make sure things were covered. The IBM we got was a new model but still used those discs for everything. The modem was to make sure the arrangements were done. I would be up late talking with people, and I heard the accent so much I barely registered it now. I hired someone to take over my smoothie bar. We had other employees, one to help Mom get those herbs and stuff in the gel caps. The woman I hired for the smoothie bar was a Wiccan. I had never met one that said it proudly. Not a witch, a Wiccan. Big difference. I guess mixing smoothies was second nature for her. What did I know? Did she cast spells and make potions? Just a week before I left, Mom came home from her date with Floyd.

“Look!!” She waggled her left hand in front of me. The diamond glistened even in the low light of the evening.

I grinned at her. “He finally asked you.”

“He was so cute!” She told me excitedly. Floyd was blushing. “He takes me to the wonderful restaurant, and I could see he was so nervous about something. Then he takes me to the beach and he asked me to marry him!” She all but squealed. She was a teenage girl again.

I looked back at Floyd who wasn’t embarrassed, not quite, but looked away and was turning red. “Did you answer?” I asked Mom.

“I said yes, of course.” Mom said as if I didn’t know that. “Mrs. Floyd Wilhelm Hiott.” She said dreamily.

“Wilhelm?” I asked Floyd grinning at him. “You’re middle name is Wilhelm?”

“Yeah,” Floyd nodded softly, embarrassed digging in an ear to avoid looking at me. Either he was embarrassed by the name or Mom’s enthusiasm, but he was smiling. “German Grandfather. Mom’s side.”

“Well,” I walked over and hugged him. “Welcome to the family, Wilhelm.” I patted him on the arm. “Do I call you Dad now?”

He gave me a slight shove with a smile.

Mom took my hand, “Now, Honey, you know I loved your Dad very much.” Mom said quietly.

I was surprised at this. “I know, Mom. I always did.” I assured. “Floyd here is a great guy. I like him very much. Dad and Floyd were friends before. He would approve. Don’t worry about that. I just want you to be happy.”

Mom nodded seeming to feel a little more relieved.

“Besides, he knows I’d hurt him if he hurts you. And Matt would kill him!” I commented lightly. “Remember me telling you that…Dad?”

Floyd was beet red now, “Yeah…yes, he did.” He told Mom.


Mom was now having a lot to do herself. I felt better about leaving her with some hired help. Matt did fly back as the week finished. Most arrangements were done, all that was left was a last bit of packing and go. This time the only ones to see us off was my Mom and Floyd. Mom let the tears come as we said good-bye.

She shook her head. “I prepared myself for this, but…and I know it isn’t forever, but you’re leaving home. This time for good.”

“Aw, Mom,” Tears were welling in my eyes, too. Floyd and Matt were standing back a bit to let us finish our farewells. “I’ll be back.”

Mom nodded. “To visit,” She said. “Your home is with him now.” She nodded in Matt’s direction. “Baby, he’s a good man. You take care.”

“Floyd is a good man, also.” I nodded to Floyd. “He’ll make a good husband…and father.”

Mom glanced back at Floyd who simply smiled back. “He will,” Mom agreed. She caressed my face. “Your father was so proud of you. He would be proud of the man he helped bring up.” She hugged me. “I want my boys back safe.” She said to Matt and me. She hugged Matt. “I’m glad you’re my son now.”

Matt smiled. “He’ll be fine. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Be good to each other,” Mom cautioned. Then Floyd stepped up.

“You take care of her, Wilhelm,” I teased, but softly. “You are a good man. I couldn’t have found a better man for her.”

Floyd bowed slightly. “Thanks. She’ll be fine. I promise.” Then the man hugged me hard. “If I’d had children before, I would have loved to have one like you. Now that I have one, I hope I can claim a part of you.” And there was a tear in the staunch marine’s eye. “Take care, son.”

“I’d be honored to have you as a father,” I said. Then Matt hugged him, the kind of hug men do that really isn’t a hug, but close enough. Feelings and all that just isn’t done between guys. Geez. Where did that come from?

by R. Eric

Email: [email protected]

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