Man Date

by DaiveL

6 Jul 2023 1227 readers Score 6.9 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Man Date

Theo paid his $10 entry loped upstairs bought a Scotch and dry at the bar and took a seat on one of the stools on the raised walkway that ran around the dance floor. The music pumped but there were few on the floor. 

He drank his first one slowly winding down from work, then joined the building crowd on the floor dancing with no one in particular acknowledged a few friends here and there. Gretchin joined Theo for a good dance and climbed all over him doing his usual slutty bump and grind, laughing as T bear hugged him and played with his nipples through his shirt. Not that it meant anything he’d had Theo the first or second time they met at the Wednesday Movie night. Been there done that. 

They both worked Cinema and sometimes ran into each other, either at Mandate on a Thursday or Pokies on Sunday. Thursday because it was quieter and you could dance, Friday and Saturday it was a sardine tin and you couldn’t move on the dance floor. Theo asked Gretchin if he wanted a drink because he needed a rest, “no T I’m fine besides I see something new” he kissed Theo. Theo said “be good Greg” “Always, Very good” “Don’t traumatise him too much” 

Gretchin waltzed off, making a beeline for the wide eye newbe. T sauntered past Greg and goal-bait, stepped behind GB put his left hand on the L/H shoulder grabbed his right hip, pushed his groin into the bubble butt looked Greg in the eye as he whispered “do you want to fuck” the reply, with both hand over his shoulders holding T’s neck against him was “not tonight daddy” Greg roared with laughter and said “burnt” T dropped his hands to GB’s crutch, hugged him gently and said to Greg “he’s been around the block, Hmmm Ni-ice, enjoy the ride Gretchin” 

G replied with a laugh “fuck off go and find your own, see you Wens-D if your not at the Prince Sunday night” T kissed GB’s neck, licked him from shoulder to ear, said “later” and wandered off to the bar, grabbed a drink and cruised the walkway around the dance floor until he found an empty stool. All the time eyeballing a tall slim guy little older than GB with a swimmers build wearing a tank top and shorts. Whom was dancing mainly by himself. 

T was sitting enjoying his drink when tank top walked over the dance floor leant on the railing in front of T, put his hand thru the railing and touch T close to his package. Introduced himself as Pete and enquired who Greg was, the hand got close to the goal. T smiled and told him don’t worry Gretchin will get to you soon enough. Pete smiled and tilted his head as if to say “what” 

“You’re new on the the scene aren’t you? Don’t worry he’ll get to you”. T was leaning with his elbows on the norrow counter on his side of the rail so they could speak without yelling over Donna Summer. Pete asked T to buy him a drink, “OK, grab the seat beside me and keep an eye on my drink”. When T got back Pete was sitting on a stool by itself, having moved some stools from around it, “where am I gunna sit” Pete got up for T to take the seat which was slightly out from the rail.

Pete then moved in front of T and sat in his lap, took T’s hand and placed it on his crutch, (he was glad to meet T). T’s hands found a nice hard cock free balling in the light baggy shorts he cupped the package in one hand and played with it, moved the other slowly over the stomach to chest giving the hard nips a tweak, grabbed the throat and pulled back gently licked the sweat of Pete’s neck and whispered in Pete’s ear don’t worry Gretchin will definitely get to you. 

Pete ground his arse into T’s crutch turned his head and kissed T whilst he did a lap dance on a very hard cock. Pete then stood up just enough to get his hand on T’s package unzipped his jeans, freed T’s cock, moved the crutch of his shorts aside and lowered himself onto T’s cock popping it in and out a few times after the initial slow entry all the time slightly dancing. T could not believe what was happening he just hugged Pete to his chest whilst Pete continued to dance, sometimes stopping and milking the hardness with amazing muscle work. 

The walkway area was not well lit and they were it a relatively dark erea. Theo thought, go for it put his hands thru the arm holes of the tank top and pinch the hard nipples whilst kissing Pete’s neck. Gloria and Donna ran thru a couple of song whilst Pete did his slow dance, T stuck his his fingers in Pete’s mouth for him to suck on and returned the wet finger to hard nips and circled then lightly, teasingly with an occasional pinch. Pete then put his arm over T’s shoulder half turning and really got into a rough French kiss.

Pete backed up a bit and whispered in T’s ear “I love your cock, will you cum in me” “After the next couple of songs”  “stand up a little and get my finger good and sloppy” he then put his index and middle finger in T’s mouth fucking it gentle took his fingers passed them thru his & T’s legs and gently entered T’s arse and started to finger T. He soon got his reward. 

Pete put his arm back over T’s shoulder and kissed his passionately whispered in T’s ear “that was great would you like to come back to mine for some more”. He looked around to check no one had noticed, most people were dancing. Pete turned back to the dance floor did a little bounce up and down, worked T’s still hard cock with his arse muscles again, slowly lifted off and wrapped his hand around T’s cock. 

Not that anyone was around to see, did a quick scan of the room dropped to his knees and licked T clean and zipped him up. Rose kissed T passionately turned back to the dance floor and sipped his drink. Like an Angle. T couldn’t help himself he had to check out that tight hole, amazingly there was very little seepage he then checked the cock that was dripping but was hanging down the leg semi hard. T got close to Pete’s ear “lets go to the Loo, I want to take my time sucking you off”

They made their way to a nearby Toilet, one stall was busy T entered the other and sat on the lid. Pulled Pete’s shorts down revealing a quite large hard cock and went for his life cleaning the lovely slime and working the head with his lips and tongue but couldn’t resist going ball deep and started to hum, flicking his tongue out occasionally to the smooth balls, stuck his index and middle in Pete’s gob, got them nice and slimy then went to work on his prostate. T backed off to just mouth work when he felt the balls raise and get a nice reward. He then stood up and kissed Pete sharing the goods. 

As they relaxed Theo said “your a nice package are you gay or do you just like some cock sometimes?” Pete replied “get fucked” with a bit of a laugh, “yes please”. They both laughed. Pete confessed that he’d had a girlfriend before he came up to Melbourne, “I preferred to suck off her twin brother though, that’s all he would do.” “He was kool as long as no one else knew, but didn’t want to fuck, I’m very much on the gay side of bi.” “I’ve enjoyed a bit of front bum occasionally, but I thought it was for pissing through until one of the guys I go to Tech with got me a bit drunk and had his wicked way, sounds like we’re much the same”. “I’d love to come back to yours, but I’ve not had a lot of sleep”. “Worked last night, watched movies and played Go until six am, didn’t get to bed till midday and had to start work again at four pm”. “I need to crash”. “Have you got wheels? I can drop you home and we can exchange numbers”. 

Pete said “that would be nice, I know I sort of came on a bit strong and slutty but I’d had several joints before I caught the cab, was as horny as hell and you were only looking”. “Is that guy Gretchin your other half?” “How do you deep throat and not gag” “Greg doesn’t do half, as I said he will get to you, but he never goes back for seconds”. “He, Had me, the second time we met at the movie night that when he taught me, Banana”. “We’re mate’s I love him but don’t know much about him, other than he is a root rat, mostly bottoms”. 

“He’s a friend of a group of guys I’ve met recently, from what I hear he had a really hard time somewhere in northeastern Vic where he came from”. “Was really tight with his best mate whom was fucking him senseless”. “His mate was the ruck, Chris was the rover”. Small town, they played together right through to under eighteens”. “A rumour started that Chris liked cock and his mate abandoned him”. “He got beaten severely, ended up in hospital here in Melbourne”. “has never gone home or spoken to anyone there since not even his parents, his Mum visited his sick bed said he was Dead to her, all secondhand he never told me”. 

“He did nursing for a few years, now is an usher in the city I can give him your number next Wednesday at movie night if you like”. “No need as I said, I was really horny and needed to scratched that itch”. “I hope, you’d like to scratch it again, I’d definitely like scratch your back sometime, banana?”. 

“You might have to paint a better picture, yes Bananas cheaper than a dildo and you can practice anywhere”. “Fuck, you!” “Yes please, how about tomorrow night”. “It’s a date, how about that lift home I’m in Elsternwick”. “ You’re not Jewish.” “I’m in Hampton, you’re on the way home for me”. “What’s  this movie night you keep mentioning”? “If you still want to see me after you’ve had your wicked way tomorrow night, we’ll talk about WensD, but it can be a late night” “I’ve got late classes Thursday Friday, so that’s OK” “where are you studying”? “Doing dance the performing arts academy” “A gypsy, that’s why you're so supply” “Lets blow this popsicle.” “Are you OK with dogs? Knut’s in the ute” “nut’s?’ “With a K, he loves em, they’re Special” “You know you need high heels if you’re gunna be a stand up comic” 

“You gunna be warm enough?” “I checked a coat” They walked out and down Carlisle St to the car park beside Luna Park, Got Knut out of the ute and did a lap of Luna park. As they walked they talked “He’s Ok in the ute for so long” “It’s his ute I only drive it, he’s been with me since I was twelve, the only time he ever stays at home is when I am at the Tech”Best security system there is, never makes a noise, just lays on his blankie in the passenger footwell unless someone he doesn’t know tries the door, that only get’s good woof if they take it any further he screams blue murder” 

“What is he?” “Deerhound/Boxer, great on rabbit and foxes, never know what hits them, he just swoops, grabs their neck gives them a shake and trots back to me.” “we have three hundred acres of dairy and one twenty of mostly bush, he’ll occasionally take on a roo but usually I’d call him off, unless we needed some steaks and dog meat.” “He’s a great mate, only ten years old still in good shape.” “I take him to the beach to run and swim regularly and we go home fairly often and run down some bunnies, he’s a very good boy, watch this.” 

They were at the beach end of the carpark, the ute was close to Ackland St Theo took the lead off. “Knut, sit” Knut sat and starred at Theo. Theo walked away hand in hand with Pete They were almost at the ute when they heard a soft, woof? “ In the back”  A bullet shot between them and landed in the ute tray, T steadied Pete “you OK? And you stop being a smartass” He touched Knut’s nose and got a lick “Drop” He held his hand up as if to signal stop, unlocked the ute reached over to let Pete in, grabbed seat cover, dog bed and water feeder off the floor and put it behind the passenger seat.

Theo headed down Ackland to Barkly St left into Mitford then into Southey St “Knut be alright back there?” “You know your way round” “Yah if I don’t click my finger and hit my leg he’d probably stay in the ute until he starved.” “My first share place when I came to the city is up here in Byron St, big old place that we sublet from a bloke who’d been renting it from a solicitor since the sixties.” “He was still paying fifteen pound a week charged us seventy five dollars, huge old place four of us had room’s each, there was a mad electronics nut living in the servants quarter behind he paid fifty.” “Built my amp and made my speaker boxes they weigh a ton, cast ferocrete.”

“Just up here into Glenhuntly Rd up thru the junction to Orrong Rd and turn right I’m just down the left” “Good I can continue down Orrong and come out onto Nepean just before the servo” “My last show tomorrow finishes at one am we’re on six thousands so the boss might let me go early just after midnight, I’ll just have to do the ramp tramp by myself in the late arvo” “You can translate that to English tomorrow night when you see me” “I’ll be too busy eating out” “Everything closed!” 

“I’ll be eating out in your bedroom, beside which there’s alway the Waiters club or one of the Taxi cafes if we get hungry” “Eat out, what do you mean?” Theo chuckled. “That’s my place the white two up two Deco place on the left.” “Despite seeming to be a slut I’m very new to this your my second I’m almost a virgin.” “A nice country boy” T laughed “All will be revealed tomorrow, is yours on the left or right down stairs?” “Have you met the nice dutch bloke upstairs on the right” “I’m number two on the right, what are you talking about the two in number four upstairs are sisters - if you know what I mean.” “One’s Jan, don’t know if she’s dutch.” “your not the only one that was, is, green, I’ll explain tomorrow see you here about twelve fifteen, here’s twenty I know your a student, drop into a chemist before your class tomorrow buy a travel douche, ask Jan when you get home she’ll be about none of her business starts till late evening she’ll tell you what to do.” “I’ve gotta go, still have to walk Knut on the beach or he’ll terrorise me all morning, I’ll get your number from you tomorrow night, sweet dreams” They kissed and Theo drove away. 

by DaiveL

Email: [email protected]

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