Luke & Noah with crew of ten Journey to the land down under

by Butch

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Luke and Noah visit  Sydney, Australia

Written by Parrin McCoy

Chapter 3

It was a typical warm summer's day in Australia. All the guys were gathered around and were heading to Adelaide for a day's adventure while Luke & Noah had plans for a rendezvous with Sydney, New South Wales capital.

Everyone said their good bye's and well wishes with hug's and man smooche's and smile's filled with giggle's as the vehicle's zoomed to their respective destination's with love and fun filling the air.

Within an hour, Luke & Noah arrived in Sydney and the coastal city was in full zoom mode on the hot and sultry day with people everywhere. Sydney is a lot like Miami FLORIDA but has an Australian charm all it's own. Luke & Noah had a list to see what they could in the day's allotted time frame and started taking picture's of Sydney Harbour from the lookout point showing the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Tower in the distance, almost like the Space needle in Seattle WASHINGTON. 'Man Noah isn't this just an awesome picture coming from Luke's lip's as Noah responds, 'ain't it though my lover! Wish we could take this back with us to the USA! After spending some time in the local shoppe's off the waterfront, the two continue their excursion of Aussie villa's.

Making their way to the Sydney Harbor Bridge, the two lover's go hand in hand and check out the dominant architectural structure. It's size and design cover the Sydney Harbour Bay. A shoppe with candied-apple's draws Noah's interest and he purchase's two candied apple's for them and two mango energy drinks and they get back in their vehicle and find their way to the Darling Harbour Shoppe Area that was like a mini mall American version complete with food, clothing, a zoo, gymnasium for the art's and many other visual catching shopping area's. You know Luke, this is a once-in-a-lifetime scenario, us being here in Australia, enjoy it my lover bugger, Noah kissing Luke's cheek then finding his way to his succulent Yankee lip's and planting a pec and a smile on Luke's face. Luke shedding a tear which Noah catches with his ring finger, wipe's it on Luke's lip's and engage's him with a lengthy kiss and an 'I love you and bear hug from the two compatriarc's.

After some shopping and more touring, the two make their way to the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens...alot like Central Park in New York City but complete with every flower and animals of the country of Australia. Getting to see Kangaroo's, Giraffe, Wombat's, Flying Foxe's, Koala's and Wallabie's made our day... watching Luke cuddle a baby Wallabie was priceless, it suckling on his fingers wanting a milk treat but getting fooled in the process but so content.

Our next stop was the Queen Victoria Building and the 'Shop 'til ya Drop much like Macy's in New York City....I'll tell ya, they had ANYTHING & EVERYTHING and by chance they didn't, they could get it for you while you were there. Marvel Comic's and Tom Holland who plays 'Spiderman was at the Marvel Shoppe and it made Luke's day as he love's 'Spidey and got an autograph, handshake, small talk and a hug from Tom. To my astonishment, they had a Model Railroad Museum of the World and we are big time train collector's and enthusiast's and bought quite a bit of model railroad memorabilia to be mailed back to the State's in 15 day's, "free" shipping. When we left, we were famished so we made our way to the next Sydney iconic view. 'The Sydney Tower Eye. It is a comparison to the Space needle in Seattle WASHINGTON but also can compare to the 1982 World's Fair Gold Sunsphere which is covered in actual gold in Knoxville TENNESSEE. The views made for more picture taking and some more shopping for t-shirt's and 'what not then on to dinner in the dining room. It was just marvelous and we had Jackaroo Chop's, Baked Potato, Lamington, Pavlova and St. Agnes what a eating we had and just delicious and the atmosphere with Sydney and Sydney Harbour in the background.... just perfect!

Our next to last visit was St. Mary's Cathedral, built in 1821 and a symbol of Gothic Architecture. Pope John Paul the 2nd visited the church in 1986 and although the beautiful structure wasn't officially deemed finished until 1865, a fire destroyed all of the structure that year, making its official finished creation in 1928. We were treated to awesome visual stained glass picture's in its Gothic tapestry. There was a music study group in the sanctuary and Noah, being the musician he is played 'Amazing Grace on a student's trombone, receiving a standing ovation from the occupants in the cathedral's chapel, just spine tingling & amazing the sound reverberating through the structure. After a communal prayer with the other tour resident's, we took off to our final destination, 'Bondi Beach.

Man, what a beautiful sculptured ocean area.....Bondi Beach is just awe inspiring. We went barefooted, just in our cargo walking short's on the beach enjoying the sights, the water and sand between our toe's and feet...just everything was like a dream as Luke pulled Noah down to meet him and latched his arm's around his waist and began kissing him. After a good 30 second's, Noah pulled back and said, 'Woooooo' Tiger....easy, we have some more to see! Luke chuckling and telling me he loved me and I replied, 'I love you more!

We walked a good half mile to a secluded beach section.....there was a bed in the sand, I kid you not about 20 yard's off shore, safe from any ocean currents. A young gentleman...probably early 20s came up and greeted Noah and shook his hand, the two of them grinning and then the young man who's name I found out was Tanner, said.....'have a romantic hour you two leading us to the bed in the sand and smiling as he left out-of-sight. Noah turning to me saying SURPRISE Luke! I began to tremble and wrapped my arm's around him and gave him a big 'plop kiss on his Southern jockulistic lip's. I said, 'hooooow! Noah grinning profusely out his ear's telling me Oz had connections and Tanner is his nephew so we worked some magic and here we are babe! The two stud's then shucked one another's cargo's and were pinned against one another kissing and rubbing their bulbous asse's with their hand's and muscular backs, not to mention their dick's precumming on one another...pressed together like a subway ride on rush hour. Luke masturbating and frotting their fat thick pecker's together, Luke 7.5" and Noah a whopping 11.5". The sexual electricity was intense as Noah lifted Luke off the sand and sat him so softly on the bed, brushing the sand from Luke's feet then his...the sun setting of Sydney Bay in the westward distance.

With Noah hovering over Luke, he tells Luke from his lip's...' my man, I want our stay here to be special with the guy's but memorably perfect for us.....I love you Luke to the moon & back. And Luke replie's in a Doofus chuckle, 'Ditto Noah...'Ditto!!! Luke kisses' Noah and Noah lavishly kisses Luke's chest and body, nibbling and sucking Luke's sensitive nipple's...making Luke's groin surge upward and his hard dick pointing straight up! Noah licking his way to Luke's mustache style trimmed pube's, spitting in them and tonguing the dark black public hair's of his 'fellar then licking up the base of his cock then deepthroating his man, gagging but taking his length and 6" fat studly girth. Luke is in ecstasy and is groaning and moaning then Noah sucking his plump family shaved jewel's, nursing each one then both in his country boy mouth. Luke saying, 'Fuck Noah, stop that or I'll give you a gusher of cum! Noah ending his assault then turning Luke over and going to town on his ass, his man puss, 'the Love Tunnel Cavernous Route of Sexual Personification known as a good raw sexual fuck!

Good thing the ocean waves were crashing on the man-made rock breech wall because Luke's moan's were getting growly and high pitched as Noah tongued ravenged the man 'puss, it opening wide for Noah's dick tapping at its entrance, then Noah plopped inside Luke's ass lip's in tight hold of the insemination device betwix Noah's muscular leg's.

Noah started out plunging DEEP inside Luke, causing a sexual pain that was nerve vibrating for Luke causing him to wrap his leg's around Noah's waist and lock him inside him. Noah never slowing down creating a smacking suction inside Luke's asshole as it gripped his babymaker that was filling it's cum station with enough precum to create a white creamy succulent paste on his dick and the entrance to Luke's 'puss!!! Noah romantically kissing Luke as Luke let's out a scream from in under the Carolina Blue Bed Sheet's, 'I'm cumming Noahey!!!!! And fuk did his sexy ass cum! His dick shot a short spurt then (12) more strand's of semen, watery with some white globe's of man swim fishe's in the ejaculation over his cut muscular chest and cum gutter abdominal's. Luke stopping his fuking long enough to tongue suck the protein into his mouth, add his own spit, swish it around and hover above Luke's open mouth as the deposit is returned full circle in a drizzling dripfest from Noah's mouth to Luke's, then kissing and Noah continuning his fuking of Luke rhythimically slow as he snowball's with his man, what a sight.

Oh heck Luke, I am going to breed you babe comes from Noah's lip's only second's later and with that the nearly foot long dick pump's copious amount's of man protein inside his lover's sexual male docking device of sexual fervor...Noah continuing to fuck Luke with his DNA until he pull's out and Noah suck's and tongue's it out of his manpuss then Luke help's the process and felche's the cum in Noah's mouth.

Noah falling on top of Luke, dick to dick, pube's to pube' he lock's lip's with his lover and then 'Ball the Snow of Semen from mouth to mouth, 'to and 'fro until they just kiss and the sun set's behind them now in the bed on the Australian Bondi Beach! Luke saying, 'I do so love you Noah! And Noah with his patented German response....'Ich liebe dich meine besten freund und liebHaber Ehrmann....fur immer und ewig! (I love you my bestfriend and loverman husband, alway's and forever!)

About an hour later, the two lover's arrive back at Oz's with the guy's who had just gotten back from Adelaide, surprised there is still a town left with the eleven of them together. Oz asking Luke & Noah if they had a great day and the two lover's in sequence saying, 'alway's and forever my friend fur immer und ewig! And all the guy's grinning & saying 'way to go you two, way to go, we love ya!!!