Love Of Family

by tklwriter

29 Jun 2022 318 readers Score 9.0 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Hospital

The night seemed to drag on for Levie, and in his opinion, morning couldn't come soon enough. He was grateful that Jaycen was safe and that his baby was sleeping peacefully in the bassinet beside his bed. The redhead gingerly sat up and looked down at Tracey. He looked up and silently thanked the God, Goddess, and his parents for bringing the two most important and loved people in his life to him. Levie also thanked the higher powers for his family and the love and support he's always had from them.

Tears dripped down the young man's cheeks as he relived everything he'd just gone through. He couldn't ever remember being so scared or feeling so helpless. The more he thought, the more his heart sank, and he began massacring himself for not being able to protect his son. Levie kept kicking himself for not brandishing his gun and shooting the fucker who'd attacked him. Closing his eyes, he longed for his mate's arms to hold him. It was at times like this that Levie needed Greg the most. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Levie quickly answered before it woke Tracey.

"Baby boy, I love you. I can feel your anxiety."

Levie's face lit up when he heard Greg's voice on the other end. "I love you and miss you so much, babe. I wish you were here with us, holding me."

"I wish I were there too, my sweet boy. I know I've already said this earlier, but thank you for doing everything you possibly could do to protect our son. You're already proving you've got what it takes to be an awesome Dad."

Levie softly cried with his soon-to-be husband. "But, I di…"

"Levie Michael Stillmont! Stop thinking and talking like that, or I'm gonna kick your adorably cute red-haired ass when I see you."

Greg's threat and chuckling lightened Levie's mood and had him joining the brunet's chuckles. "Fine, be that way, Greg Stillmont. You're sure talkin' tough over the phone." He giggled.

"Oh, you're soo gonna get it, baby boy." Greg paused. "Are you feeling better, my little leprechaun?"

Levie gasped and felt his Mom's spirit hugging him. "M...Mom always called me her little leprechaun. I can feel she's happy you're using the pet name."

"That's amazing. Right before I said it, I could feel someone hugging me and heard a soft whisper telling me to call you my little leprechaun."

"She loves you. Mom's proud you're her son and is happy you take care of our family." Levie wiped his tears as he softly kissed Tracey's forehead.

"Get some rest, my love. I'll be with you and our boy before you know it."

"Thank you for comforting me. You're always there when I need you. I love you, my knight."

"As long as I'm able, I'm gonna be there, my prince. I love you, sweet sleep, my love."

"Sweet sleep." Levie sighed as he ended the call and set his phone back on the chair. He lay down, closed his eyes, and drifted into a refreshing, peaceful sleep.

Levie woke up with a smile and the sound of his boy asking to be fed in his ears. He sat up, stretched, and yawned before getting to his feet and heading into the bathroom. While he was in there, Levie heard the door open. "I'll be right out." He hollered as he finished peeing and washing his hands. The redhead dried his hands and opened the door. He was greeted by a friendly nurse bringing breakfast for the father and son pair. Levie politely turned down the nurse's offer to feed his son.

After the nurse left, Levie tested the formula's temperature, threw the towel over his shoulder, and picked up Tracey. They sat in the rocking chair, and Levie cradled his angelic baby boy. "Let's see how hungry you are this morning, Tracer." It wasn't long before Tracey was full. Levie smiled as he burped the tiny baby and cradled his son. The redhead closed his eyes and began singing "Brave Little Soldier." Tears fell from his eyes as he kissed the cooing boy's cheek. "You're my brave baby boy, Tracer. I love you so much. You'll never know how bad I feel that I…"

"If my future husband finishes that sentence, he's gonna be pinned down and tickled into oblivion."

Levie was so excited at hearing his mate's voice that he almost forgot he was holding his son. "Greg, you're finally here."

Greg smiled and rushed over to his boys. The brunet sat beside Levie and wiped the streaming tears from his cheek as he lovingly kissed them. "I love you, my sweet boys." He smiled and gently took Tracey in his arms, kissing the baby's forehead. "Forgive me, little angel, but the king needs his mate." Both men chuckled when Tracey squirmed and cooed as Greg lay him in the bassinet. He grunted when Levie jumped onto his lap the minute his arms were free. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "My sweet prince, I love you."

"I love you too, my brave knight." Levie smiled and lay his head on his future husband's chest. "I've been craving and aching to feel your heartbeat, Greg." Suddenly, the redhead burst into tears and sobbed on the strong shoulder.

Greg wrapped his arms protectively around Levie and cuddled against him. He softly smoothed his mate's red locks with his lips and kissed him. "It's okay, Levie. You're safe, Tracey's safe, and even though the house burned, everyone else is safe. It's time to start working past the pain. You did everything you could, and you did protect our boy."

"Please, don't ever leave me or lose our love."

"That, Levie Michael, will never happen." Greg smiled, caressed his red-haired boy's cheek, lifted his chin, and gazed into the shimmering eyes he'd fallen in love with at the party. "You and our little boy hold my heart and control my world. I couldn't bear to lose either one of you."

"Tracey and I are never leaving your side, Greg Stillmont." Levie smiled and passionately kissed his soulmate.

"Mmmm, what's wrong, big guy? Troy asked as he cuddled against Jaycen.

"I'm just all over the place emotionally, baby boy." Jaycen kissed Troy's hand. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he lay his head in his husband's lap. "Babe, we could've lost our kid and grandson. Then, I had to face the thought of the possibility of losing you also. Finally, the house almost burned down. I'm so tired, Troypup." Jaycen's voice cracked as he broke down, sobbing in his mate's arms.

"Hey, the important thing is that everyone's fine. I love you. You've always been my protector and the protector of our family." Troy kissed his lover.

"Troy, the next time you go on a rescue without backup, I'm putting your adorably cute and firm ass over my knee." Jaycen chuckled as he sat up and leaned into Troy's chest.

"I'm hoping I never have to do that again, lover. But, if I had to, I'd do it again if it means keeping my boys safe." Troy kissed Jaycen's lips.

The redhead gazed into his boy's eyes. "I know you would, Troy. Hell! You'd face down a grizzly if it meant keeping Lev or Trace safe. Thank you for rescuing our boys. You're just as much my rock as I am yours."

Troy smiled and nuzzled his nose against Jaycen's neck, causing the bigger man to giggle and squirm. "I love you, Jaycen."

"I love you too, Troy."

Jaycen and Troy looked up when they heard a knock. "Hey, Reenie. How are ya?" The pair asked in unison as they got up and hugged the pastor.

Maureen giggled and returned the affection. "The family's been through hell and back, and you're asking how I am." She shook her head. "I love you guys."

"Are we included in the love fest?" Greg asked.

The moment he, Levie, and Tracey walked into the room, they were given hugs and kisses, and Maureen relieved the soon-to-be husbands of their precious bundle.

"I keep tellin' ya, Greg. They all just love us for our baby. Then give him back at feeding and changing time." Levie squealed and boisterously laughed as he was pulled into Jaycen's lap and tickled by both his Bropops. "Okay, I give. I love my Dad's. " The redhead screeched before hugging and kissing both men.

Greg yelped and the room filled with his squeals and laughter when he was given the same treatment as his mate. The brunet sat in Troy's lap and looked up at Jaycen and Troy. "I love you guys." He wiped his tears as Levie sat in Jaycen's lap. He and Levie were cuddled and kissed by the older men, with Maureen smiling at the sight.

"It's fuck..." She paused and giggled when all four men gave her a stern glare. "Oh, please, you all know this kid's gonna be cussing up a storm when he grows up. Aunt Reenie's just teaching him early the wrong words to say." Her statement had everyone laughing like crazy. "Anyway, what I was saying is, it's amazing how Lev and Greg are like younger versions of you two." She paused and kissed Tracey's forehead. "Any of these guys don't treat you right, and Aunt Reenie will kick their asses." Again the room filled with joyful laughter.

Maureen handed Tracey to Greg and sat in a chair beside the hospital bed. "There actually was a specific purpose for my visit, guys."

"What's going on, Reenie?" Levie asked as he sighed happily when his brother's arms wrapped around him, and Jaycen kissed his cheek just before laying his head on the younger redhead's shoulder.

"Well, I have something to ask Troy and Jayce." She paused. "How would the two of you feel about being Dad's again?"

The four men's eyes widened, and their jaws dropped when they heard the question. Maureen chuckled as she watched the flabbergasted guys digesting her question while looking back and forth at each other. Finally, she got up, relieved Greg of Tracey, and placed him in the bassinet after kissing the baby's cheek.

Troy finally broke the silence. "Jay and I would love to be Dad's again. We've even discussed the possibility of adopting or searching for a surrogate to have our child."

Levie's eyes widened and sparkled as he became excited and animated. He jumped up and turned to face the older men. "Pops, are you guys serious?" Troy, Jaycen, Maureen, and Greg shook their heads and laughed at his reaction.

Greg reached out and pulled him onto his lap after Troy moved over into Jaycen's lap. "Calm down, sweet prince." The brunet giggled and cuddled his mate.

"Aww, that's adorable, sweet prince." Maureen giggled when Levie blushed and smiled. "Two of my church's members have become parents before they're ready. The young couple came to me and asked if I knew of any good parents who'd want to adopt the boy. I asked them if they had any qualms about a same-sex couple adopting their child. After they said it made no difference to them as long as it was a loving home, I asked if they'd heard of you guys. It turns out they are patrons of the ranch and literally screamed the family's praises." Maureen paused and sipped her water. "So, what do you two say?"

Jacen and Troy held hands, stared into each other's eyes, and nuzzled their cheeks together. Greg and Levie looked at the couple and mimicked the older men. Maureen watched the heartwarming scene with tears in her eyes. Having been as close as she was to the couple, she had seen the powerful and lasting love between the two men. However, seeing it in such an intimate display, coupled with Levie and Greg's continual growing love for one another, was an incredibly indescribable experience. It was definitely one she'd treasure.

"Have they named the child yet?" Jaycen asked as he and Troy wiped each other's tears.

"No, they wanted the adopted parents to name the newborn."

"Are we gonna be Bruncles?" Greg asked. He giggled when he saw the looks everyone gave him for the name splice.

Jaycen and Troy looked at one another, silently communicating. Finally, their heads nodded in synch. "We'll do it." They said in unison. The hospital room broke out in a symphony of joyous cheers and congratulations.

Maureen gave the five men a kiss and hug. "I was ninety-nine percent sure that you'd adopt the boy." She smiled. Before leaving, Maureen confirmed that she'd be at the house later that day for the wedding rehearsal, as long as the roads were clear. The pastor gave everyone one last kiss and hug, then went to speak with the young couple.

Levie and Greg jumped into the older men's laps, cuddling and kissing them. Jaycen and Troy giggled and squirmed as they soaked up every bit of the love their guys showed them.

"I get to be a Bruncle." Levie giggled. He had to admit, the nickname was growing on him.

Troy and Jaycen chuckled and shook their heads. "I guess the nickname's here to stay," Troy said as he kissed Greg's cheek. "It is cute," Jaycen stated as he did the same with Levie.

"Tracer's gonna have a Brocuz to grow up with and bond to." Levie smiled as he thought about the kids running around the ranch, just like he did.

"We're gonna need to expand the houses." Jaycen and Troy said in unison.

An hour later, the four men and their baby were waiting inside the ER lobby for their ride. Thankfully, the storm cleared out, and the roads were safe for travel. Lyle and Ev'lynn were taking the boys home in their SUV. The older couple had just parked and walked inside. They were about to leave when Maureen's shrill holler stopped them. They chuckled when the boisterous minister ran towards them in her shiny light purple six-inch heels.

"Fuck! I need to hit the gym more often." Maureen spouted as she panted and caught her breath. "I'm glad I caught you."

"Reenie, calm down and breathe, sweetie." Ev'lynn gently patted the younger woman's back.

"What's up, babe?" Troy asked.

"I've got some awesome news about your soon-to-be adopted kids," Maureen smirked as everyone's jaw dropped.

"What adopted kids?" Lyle and Ev'lynn asked in unison.

Troy and Jaycen grinned and hugged their parents. "Mama, Dad, you guys are gonna be grandparents," Troy said. "A couple in Reenie's church is having a baby they're not ready for, and we're gonna adopt..." Jaycen finished for his husband and suddenly stopped as he and Troy stared at each other then, the couple looked at Maureen. "Did you say, kids? As in more than one?" Jaycen and Troy asked in unison.

Maureen cracked up laughing at their reaction and response. "I was wondering when that would reach your thought process." She laughed so hard that she had to lean against the wall for support. Finally, she calmed down enough to continue. "Laura and Brad just found out they're having twins. A boy and a girl."

"Twins?" The couple asked as they wiped their tears.

Lyle and Ev'lynn stood in momentary confusion as they watched things unfold. Greg, Levie, and Maureen were working overtime to keep from cracking up with laughter at the situation.

"Ly, babe, our first granddaughter." Ev'lynn shed her tears while her husband held her in his arms.

Levie walked up to Jaycen and Troy, hugging and kissing them. "Names?" He asked with a knowing smirk.

Troy and Jaycen giggled as they looked at each other and their gathered family members. "Marcus Lyle, and Stacy Ev'lynn Stillman." The men said in unison.

Lyle and Ev'lynn were speechless, and it took the older couple a minute to process before they could move and embrace the young men. Both husband and wife cried on their son's shoulders. "Jayce, Troy, we're extremely proud of you two, and we can't wait to meet our new grandchildren," Ev'lynn said.

Later that night, Greg and Levie were in their room, enjoying the time together. Brandon and Rhett had Tracey in their room for the night. Greg smiled and tested Levie's ankle and wrist restraints. "I do, love seeing you, helpless and vulnerable, my adorable prince."

Levie squirmed and giggled when Greg's warm tongue slowly licked up and down his armpit hollows. His toes curled and uncurled as the tip flicked and tickled its way around the deep, slightly hairy crevice. As soon as the brunet's fingers latched onto his exposed ribcage and started wiggling and kneading between each rib, Levie's shrieks and high-pitched cackles filled the room.

Greg chuckled and rubbed his hard dick against his mate's equally hard member. He dipped his head lower. His tongue swirled and licked along the walls surrounding the redhead's navel. He licked his lips as he listened to the gasps and squeals coming from his bound lover. He could feel the cum rising in his shaft and knew Levie was feeling the same pressure. "You ready, my love?" He asked as he uncuffed his mate.

Levie nodded and gasped as Greg's thick, lubed cock slowly worked its way around his hot, writhing ass crack. The redhead's body arched in anticipation of his lover's gentle penetration of his longing sweaty ass. His arms and legs wrapped around his mate's muscled torso and waist. Finally, a long moan escaped his lips as his mate's shaft entered his eagerly waiting body. Greg sighed as he felt the familiar sensation of Levie's ass, sucking in his shaft. The men's bodies worked in synch like a well-trained partnership. Each one knows about the other one's wants, desires, and hot spots to drive them wild with passionate abandon. Their lips smashed into each other as sweat coated their bodies, and they panted into their connected mouths. The couple whispered "I love you" to each other as Greg's orgasm triggered Levie's.

Troy and Jayce lay in their bed, chuckling. "Babe, stop listening to the boys." Troy admonished his child-like mate but couldn't make it sound credible because of his giggles.

"Well, at least we know our boys satisfy each other." Jaycen squealed and tried to protect himself from the pillow Troy battered him with. "You're a meanie." The redhead pouted.

"And, you're too adorable when you pout. We're sooo dead if our son and daughter pick that up from you and Lev." Troy shook his head and lay beside his muscular redheaded lover. He sighed as he listened to Jaycen's calming heartbeat.

"Are you sure you're ready to be the father of two infants?" Jaycen asked as he kissed Troy's lips.

"Definitely, especially when I think about all the help we'll have." Troy paused and wiped his tears. "Did you believe how excited Linda, Tom, Brandon, and Rhett were?"

Jaycen wrapped his arms around Troy, cuddling the brunet. "We've got a one-of-a-kind family, and it's growing by the day, my sweet loverboy."

"I love you, Jayce."

"I love you too, Troypup." The men closed their eyes and fell into a peaceful night's sleep wrapped in each other's arms.