Linc on Cam

by Phaggotry

19 Mar 2023 1374 readers Score 9.2 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

When Linc Cannon saw Antoine and ‘em out of the corner of his light brown eyes from across the street he started to walk a little faster.

Linc was halfway home from the blacktops across the way when he thought he was safe from another day of their cruel and unusual taunts. As Linc saw Antoine and his friends leaving the gymnasium he was shamed from weeks earlier, Link knew another around of gibes were tumbling down the pipe when he heard Antoine and his loudmouth shout, “Eh, Nutt-Nutt! I got something for that sweet tooth of yours.”

Linc ignored him, doing everything in his power not to look over at him or at the basketball he was surely dribbling between his legs.

“Aw, Nutt-Nutt, don’t be like that, man,” Antoine egged on. “It ain’t like your sweet ass ain’t never had a sugarcane in your mouth before!”

His friends laughed.

Linc, without thinking, looking over at Antoine and his friends across the narrow street dribbling his basketball with Antoine and ‘em grabbing their crotches at him.

“Made you look!” Antoine shouted, making him and his small band of hoodlums burst with laughter. “Sweet-ass punk!”

Linc started to walk so fast he was practically jogging; except he was no punk. He didn’t want to give any of them the impression he was running away from them.

“You know you want to get an up close and personal taste for you sweet tooth, Nutt-Nutt.” Antoine said, making his way across the street towards Linc. “And it comes in the form of a thick banana just the way you like it!”

“Fuck off!” Linc mumbled, making his way around the corner.

“You say something, Nutt-Nutt?” Antoine asked, dribbling his basketball between his legs as he started to ride on Linc’s tail with his bunch of goons not too far behind. “Don’t be acting shy now, Nutt-Nutt. It ain’t like you got something in your mouth right now to be acting so smart!”

Linc started to cuss the overstuffed backpack weighing him down, stopping him from getting away like he wanted.

“Keep it up, Nutt-Nutt. We got your fucking M.O. right here. So you don’t need to be playing this game with me and the fellas. We got plenty to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours, just like that dumb-ass Brian did the other day. Remember that?”

The gym. “Fuck you!” Linc shouted, throwing up his middle finger.

Linc wasn’t sure what to expect from Antoine, especially with his no-good friends around. But he was certainly startled when Antoine grabbed him by the strap of his backpack, pulling his boney behind backwards.

“Now what the fuck you say, Nutt-Nutt?” Antoine asked in a long sexy bass-carrying whisper. “You said you need to suck me off, too? Notta fucking problem! We can scoot it right over here.”

Antoine and his lousy friends cornered Linc off the street into a small abandoned fenced-in vestibule atop a short stack of stairs. Linc tried fighting back. But he was subdued, outnumbered, six to one, with two guys holding him against a wall as another guy tried to force Linc on his knees, two of the other guys served as lookout while Antoine hurriedly unzipped his pants, giving his hardened dick a couple of mean swats.

“Like I said before, Nutt-Nutt, there ain’t no reason to be shy, man,” Antoine’s voice seemed to boom in the small passage as he violently rubbed his dick across Linc’s resistant mouth. “Open up. This was the thing I was talking about to fix that insatiable sweet tooth of yours, Nutt-Nutt. It’s got a creamy center!”

With each twist and turn Linc made against the ample dick, he felt streaks of sticky slim cover his face as one of the other men started to kick him, attempting to unhinge his jaw. Linc was on the verge of giving in; giving those fuckers the head they were seeking, like he did those other guys in the gym, when he heard a familiar snarl in the background. Whoever it was, it had Antoine and his gang scattering like roaches when the lights come on.

“Papo,” Linc said, freed from the prior restraint and staggering to his feet.

“You okay?” Papo asked.

“Yeah,” Linc said, wiping his face clean of the sticky substance.

Papo was the neighborhood big brother Linc looked up to when he was growing up. Linc had developed a major crush on him, believing he was a godsend after he stopped a local street gang from robbing him of his grandma’s food stamps from back in the day. As Papo stood in front of him, like he did, Linc hadn’t thought otherwise.

“You sure, Pa?” Papo asked in his flavorful accent.

Linc nodded, but not to the question at him.

Like always, Linc took his sweet time checking out this tall, stocky man amazed that the short age difference seemed to richly enhance his already handsome looks.

“Yeah,” Linc said assured.

“What the hell was that about?” Papo asked.

Then it washed over Linc, the reason he was in this predicament he was in, and he snapped out of his fantasy. “You! It’s all your fucking fault, man! Fuck you!”

Linc stormed off.

A few months ago, Linc was enrolled in community college avoiding the freshman fifteen. He was finally getting into the groove of settling in place where his intellect was celebrated as he quietly sat on a little secret. He was attracted to guys. It didn’t matter to him what kind of guy: tall, short, thick, thin, hairy or hairless, as long as he was masculine, ethnic and good-looking in his own right like him, plus carrying a bit of swag. Despite knowing he was attracted to other men, Linc was terrified to act on his feelings. Pretty much, at random, the men he was attracted to were complete strangers. But there was one he knew, which doubled as his strongest attraction that only went by one name.

So Linc made a pledge with himself. He said if it was meant for him to be with another guy, the first man, he would get with would be Papo. Something like that was highly unlikely because Papo was a well-known lady-killer and a well-liked friend to all. Nevertheless, the daydream of being with Papo consumed Linc, making him his loving and well-sexed boyfriend on the down low every chance he got to tug at his dick. The fantasy was tarnished when Papo found out he was in love with Nerd Boy uptown, hugging and kissing on him like he didn’t have a care in the world.

Lost, Linc decided the best way to even up the one-sided score was to share his first time with somebody else. It wasn’t hard to find that “special” guy that turned out to be a black-haired tool with spiky blond tips. He was such an asshole raping his throat Linc called for a repeat with somebody else. The next guy proved to be worse than the first guy and before long a couple of guys grew into several guys. Soon, behind his back, Linc’s reputation as the smart guy at school got crushed by his reputation as a man-crazed man-slut.

Linc was so caught up with sex at random at school he started sneaking random guys from around the way into the basement apartment he rented from his uncle and aunt. He eventually got the idea of chronicling his sexual exploits by using a webcam and creating a chargeable website for all to see. He got so comfortable hunting for sex elsewhere he started getting careless doing it in his own neighborhood. He collected a few guys without incident before he made the fatal mistake of getting caught. He was on his knees on the floor of the locker room getting his face splattered with a quart of nutt juice by some daring random dick in the neighborhood gymnasium just in time for his former schoolyard bully Antoine to walk by, desperately wanting to restart their predator and prey relationship.

Linc returned to his apartment unmolested that day and locked the door behind him. He usually had a routine of grabbing a snack and starting his homework on his laptop. But on this day, with the recent memory of dick cream smeared across his handsome moustache face, he skipped those mundane formalities and retreated to his own little world in the back bedroom.

Linc loved the room because it was entirely of his doing. Much like his main bedroom, his spare bedroom was set up the same way except with much fewer items. It was dimly lit by a flurry of lava lamps and flameless candles he got one of his pieces to wire to a single light switch. Yet, it still had the basics of a well-worn king-sized bed and a plain desk to support the desktop computer he built from scratch. It sort of gave him permission to enjoy the power he held in there, a control he couldn’t will himself to own in the outside world. He even loved the routine that came with it. Of stripping his tight body of all the countless brand-named street clothes he accumulated to slip into something a bit more simplistic.

Although his style was a bit more simplistic in the room, it didn’t mean he didn’t have more than his fair share of choices of what he wanted to slip into. Starting from his head and working his way down to his toes. Linc looked over at his overweighed hat rack where he could choose from anything that caught his eye that day, from a skullcap to a baseball cap to a bandana, sweatband, do-rag, knit cap to something as regal as a comical as his faux gold crown. Regardless of the headpiece, it always went with a pair of dark shades unless the mood struck him otherwise to put on an eye mask of some kind. About ninety-five percent of the time, he appeared shirtless with clothespins clamped to his dull nipples alternating occasionally with a wifebeater or an open-chest hoodie to stay true to his urban roots. Next were his plentiful choices of belts and pants, ranging from an assortment of jeans, decent and torn, to a pair of starch-pressed Dickies (his homage to his gangbanging uncles). Last but not least, a pair of signature tan work boots he could prop up on his desk whenever the moment presented itself.

Linc checked himself in the full-length mirror once he got his look together to make sure he looked presentable and unidentifiable from his former self. Once he felt he had accomplished that, Linc sat in front of the computer, in front of his awaiting audience. He walked on over and turned it all throwing the keyboard in his lap and the webcam on standby. Sometimes he blogged, typing bulletpoints about life on and off the web but more often than not he preferred talking to the camera to answer some of the questions his growing fans had for him while he was out of frame. He thought this was only fair considering his “friends” were funding his education and his rent and whatever else his heart desired, by portraying a web-chronicling a streetwise kat that messed around on the down low. Besides, it was pretty much the same old same old with many of his friends reminiscing about past fucks and inquiring about a possible return of some of their favorite fucks. And, of course, no webisode would be complete without somebody trying to confirm some video clip scraps found on some of the free x-rated websites.

Linc then goes into a detail spilled about any transpiring fucks, real or imaginary, that happened in the outside world before talking about some of the past men who’ve “dropped” by looking to get a nutt after striking out with their girl or at the club or whatever, vowing to post the non-face clip soon. That was if he remembered to turn on the camera. The moment of the hour for most of his fans came when he rattled off his schedule of guys that made appointments to come over and have sex. He always gave the disclosure that while he had a ton of guys that promised to come through most chickened out because they were afraid somebody might recognize them by some distinctive markings on their person.

He always showed the sex act without showing the faces, by any means necessary. He figured if it was good for the goose, it was damn sure good for the gander, too.

Linc spent the next few hours on the live feed conversing with fans constantly reiterating he was killing time before his next sexing. But he entertained nonetheless, frequently playing with his dick while he watched many of his past clips. Even Linc was amazed at the sheer number of clips and their lengths, ranging from mild to wild. He even joked heartedly he was a ho on all three fronts.

Linc was in serious typing mode when he saw the motion sensor camera come on the screen showing his next appointment standing right outside his front door.

“If you can’t beat them, join them.” Linc smiled as he made his way through the house to the door.

Linc pulled it open to reveal a handsome but otherwise dorky-looking nerd by the name of Shanon. Unlike many of his fuck buddies who were anonymous or fans that insisted on joining him, this was somebody Linc intentionally pursued from the outside world.

Shanon was Nerd Boy. The guy he saw hugged up on his crush a few months earlier and was still allegedly dating him. It took some time and dedication, but Linc soon discovered that while Shanon looked all sorts of cute-as-a-button innocent, he was a real cum slut at heart, cheating left and right on the only man Linc ever really cared about.

Linc thought it was only right to expose him for what he was.

Linc led him back to the bedroom, pulled his pants down around to his ankles, and sat back on the edge of the bed in front of the webcam.

Linc hardly ever filmed live, given that so many of his men wanted to remain anonymous and it always took a minute to either blur them out or cut their faces altogether. But this was different. While this was going to be a shown on his website live, he was going to post it on every site he could, and it only helped matters when Shanon looked back at the computer and the webcam assuming it was off.

“Get on over here and work this thing out.” Linc coax.

“You don’t waste no time, do you?” Shanon said, scooting down between his spread legs.

“Hell, naw,” Linc said in gutter tones. “When my dick needs milking there is no time to waste.”

“I feel you.” Shanon said, pausing at the giant pole in front of him.

“I hope you do. Get to it!” Linc said harsh.

Linc knew men like Shanon all too well. They got off on being bitched thinking that playing with another dick was a less than to their character as a man.

Linc watched as Shanon leaned forward kissing the tip of his dick several times before sliding his tongue along both sides of his pulsating veined dick. He took the tongue down even further by licking the sensitive creases of his inner thighs.

“That’s it, son,” Linc sighed in his most thuggish tone. “Let’s see what that mouth can really do!”

Shanon leisurely moved back on up to the end and took Linc past his wet lips and onto his swirling wet tongue. It felt good. Linc couldn’t lie. Even though it should’ve been about him, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was what kept Papo coming back to him every time, looking at Shanon through his dark shades. He went from sad to mad, grabbing the back of his head and ramming his dick into the back of his throat. He derived a sadistic pleasure feeling him push back against his lap. As Shanon stopped fighting so much, Linc gripped him by the nape of his neck to let him breathe. Let him catch his breath.

“That dick good?” Linc asked him, listening to the cocksucker gulp for air. “Huh?”

Linc didn’t wait for a response. He was too fed up with Shanon to let him answer as he assaulted his mouth again with tears of joy streaming down his face.

Linc felt Papo was too good for this crap this bitch was putting him through and so was Linc. Linc had to remember though this was about him right now, calming down for a bit so both of them could enjoy the head he was receiving. Shanon did some work, and so did Linc thrusting his hips into the open mouth.

“Aw, man,” Linc moaned.

Linc could’ve came that way but thought it would be most effective for his fans to pull out of his mouth and spray his load right in front of his face. That way Papo and the rest of the world could see what a cumslut Shanon was, after he made his way to his feet, he showed the camera.

Linc felt like he got one victory out of the way after he set up an anonymous email account and sent Papo a link to the clip. Now he took care of that, there was still the business of Antoine and his buddies.

It took many weeks of planning, avoidances, and manipulations from the sidelines to get the logistics together but once everything came together it came together beautifully one Wednesday afternoon. Linc was in full costume in a do-rag and some jeans in the back bedroom where he saw Antoine and four his buddies appear on the monitor outside of his door. Linc left the computer on but turned off the monitor and covered the webcam with a dirty wifebeater. Linc couldn’t take the risk of them jumping him in kitchen or hauling him off in the other bathroom, so he told them he’d leave the door unlock so they could let themselves in.

“Wassup, Nutt-Nutt,” Antoine said snatching Linc up by the arm from his reclining position on the edge of the bed.

“A whole lot,” Linc said grabbing at Antoine’s crotch.

“You don’t waste no time do you, Nutt-nutt?” Antoine said.

“When you got a sugarcane and I got a sweet tooth, hell naw,” Linc grinned.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Antoine said excited.

Linc started to move his hand down two other crotches, hard and eager to get out of their denim prisons to get next to him.

“Wassup with the sunglasses, man?” The guy in the blue jacket asked.

“Prevents the ball juice from flying in my eye,” Linc coyly replied, moving over to feel the other two guys in the fray. “That way I can make sure everybody is taken care of without interruption.”

They circled around him like vultures with half the group trying to get him down to his knees while another half tried to hold him steady to get his pants off. Linc didn’t care one way or another, making only the small request that he kept his boots on. None of them cared as the consensus moved to get him down to his knees, after Linc warned it was going to take some time to serve up everybody.

With dicks towering in his face, it was hard for Linc to choose which on to start on. The choice was soon made for him by the man in the brown jacket forcefully shoving his funky dick down his throat, much like Linc had done Shanon. Even though Linc was by no means a virgin to dick, he never really took into accounts that dicks came in different shapes and sizes, especially amongst this group of guys. From long to thick to hard and juicy, squat and stumpy, stretched out to pencil thin to just plain average. And Linc was fortunate enough to sample them all. Sucking on one and hand-jobbing the other two while two more tried to rub their sticky poles in and around his face.

Linc got exhausted much quicker than he thought tending to all those penises, but he reenergized almost to the point of laughter once he thought the camera got a good shot of one of his many bullies. He was quickly brought back to his senses once he saw two jets of dick cream simultaneously shoot into his face, causing the other three to get Linc off the floor and over into the bed.

Of course, Antoine was the first to fuck him, putting him on his back. Antoine said he wanted his sugar-sweet ass to know who was opening him up. Although it did nothing for showing Antoine’s face in the frame, Linc made sure everybody knew his name by calling it out dozens and dozens of times.

“Yeah, bitch. Say my name! Say my name!” Antoine screamed slamming into him with all his might.

Linc did and had no problem doing the same with the other four in the room as he took turns emptying their initial loads inside him.

It seemed the pleasantries ended there with a consistent stream of one guy cleaning up in his mouth and another in his ass, putting Linc in crazy-ass position showing just about everybody in prolonged positions in front of the camera, with everybody being clearly recognizable except for the host still in his do-rag and sunglasses.

“Get your ass over here,” Antoine barked at Linc.

Linc got between the legs of one of the four naked guys sitting on the edge of the bed cleaning him up while Antoine himself sat naked in Linc’s desk chair, holding up a proud erection.

“That shit ain’t going down tonight, is it?” Linc grinned, knowing if nothing else he had Antoine in perfect frame.

Linc straddled his lap, aiming his well-lube hole over Antoine’s banana boat. Linc was almost embarrassed it just slid right on in like it did, but damn near loss his senses as his oppressor felt so damn good inside of him, matching him stroke for stroke.

“I’m about to fill this motherfucking bitch to the brim,” Antoine growled, bucking like a mad man.

Antoine was like a piston before he held Linc tightly to his waist and exploded in his hole. Linc was so well used he couldn’t even feel the hot cum filling his guts, but felt it flow out of his used hole the moment Antoine tossed him out of his lap.

“I knew your ass was a freak, Nutt-Nutt.” Antoine chuckled gathering his clothes. “Just let me or my boys know when you need another fix up with these pipes, and we got you.”

Linc beamed, even though he was treated like a cum whore.

He got his victory. He got his revenge.

Since over the past few weeks Linc had grown real tight with their girlfriends and moms, it was only best that he forward the featured clips showing their heterosexual babies wolfpacking another man. Of course, Linc would do them the courtesy of sending it from this anonymous email account to his regular account so he could pass it on to whom it may concern—and onto his website for financial compensation.

by Phaggotry

Email: [email protected]

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