Life Outside Of The Law

by Andy

2 Sep 2013 1010 readers Score 6.3 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hello this is my second novel which is individual and not directly or indirectly linked to my other novels. It tells the story of two police officers who find a mutual attraction to one another but one day end up living outside the law for a crime they did not commit. I hope you enjoy the story!

Hello my name is Richard, I'm 22 years old and I am currently working in the police force as a regular policeman which can be exciting but you do get treated like dirt. It was all worthwhile though because of my boss. His name is Mark and he is slightly older then me at 30 years old and he has that dominant masculine side which I love.

But to continue describing myself I stand at 6 ft 1, muscular build but not over excessively I have known about my sexuality from an early age and I would constantly get guys wanting a piece of my 10" cock. But nobody really got my loins burning until I met Mark.

Mark stands slightly shorter at 5 ft 7 and he has a muscular build but has some fat on his belly which I think looks pretty sexy. Anyways me and Mark were called into duty for attempted robbery at a shop and ran to our vehicle and swiftly drove quickly to the location.

We arrived at the shop to see the suspect foolishly walking to his car with bags of cash. We slammed the robber down on the boot of the car and handcuffed him as we told him the arrest notice and his rights.

We thrown him on the backseat of the car and drove back to the station and then locked him up in the cell.

"Another successful arrest boss" I said as I gave him a formal handshake and I noticed his grip was really strong

"Yeah we got the bastard, he'll think twice before doing that again" He said in a satisfied tone.

Mark then motioned me to come into his private office and asked me to sit down and I looked at him in a confused manner

"Richard I have been working in this police force for 12 years and my judgement has always been spot on, so i want you to be honest with me do you find me sexually attractive?" he asked me

I look at him desperately trying to cover up my obvious attraction to him but left with no choice I simply reply with: "Yes I am attracted to you and I always have been from the first day" I admitted

Suddenly Mark got up from his seat and offered a hug which I gladly accepted and wrapped my arms around his waist as he looked into my eyes

"You don't need to worry I share the same feelings as you from day one as well you are cute and innocent" he said in a soothing voice as we embraced in our first passionate kiss

I felt like all my life I've been missing the other half of my heart and now it's complete we were kept in the same embrace for a while before a sudden knock on the office door.

I soon sat back down on the chair and Mark motioned the unknown person to come in.

"Ah Richard do you remember me?" This person asked as he shook my hand rapidly

"No I don't remember you" I replied honestly in a confused manner

Suddenly something in my brain clicked and the memory came flooding back to me. I realised that this other man was an ex lover I fooled around with.

"Oh its good to meet you again, Nick" I said to him.

"Oh you actually remembered me then?" he replied in shocked earnest

Mark looked at both me and him and could sense the situation we were both in.

"Richard could you please leave? me and Nick have to talk about something"

"Certainly sir" as i walked out of the office and gave them both a view of my muscular ass.

So I sat on one of the seats by the office and just felt like such a fool for not trying to ask Mark out on a date. Fortunately it did not take long for Nick and Mark to talk before he literally pulled me back into his office and locks the door.

We continued the deep passionate kisses as before but this time he lay me down on his desk and bitten my neck like a horny vampire

"Oh Mark you magnificent man will you be my boyfriend?" I moaned as well as asked.

"Of course I will silly" He said in a sexual growl.

He helped me up from the desk and back on my feet

"I love you Richard" he says to me

"I love you too Mark" I reply honestly

At this monent of time i've never felt so happy as I do now.