Lasse's holistic attitude adjustment

by Master Aleks

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This story is a flashback to when I had just turned 18 and took a decision about pursuing a life changing “project”. This decision and the subsequent events formed my future path and helped me realize that I was an individual amongst millions who had the strength, intelligence and mindset to dominate others and become one of the top alpha men in this world. 

Don’t get me wrong: I had already learnt that I was smart, handsome and persuasive during puberty. Good grades, heading the wrestling team, being the leader in my peer group were some proof of my superiority. Also standing 1,90m tall with short hazelnut hair and eyes of brown and olive like leaves in autumn paired with muscles which you would rather expect on marble statues in the museum, I certainly stood out among teens my age. Yeah, you could say I got lucky in the genetic lottery. But it was also hard work: Studying, wrestling practice and regular gym training session built my schedule. Filled with testosterone and being a young man, I was beating my 8-inch meat whenever I had a minute to spare. Often, I just imagined how I’d pin an enemy down in a wrestling match. How he would have to endure the two pillars of power I’d bring crushing down on him: 1st the mental realization that he’d lose and have to submit to me in front of the entire audience and 2nd the physical restraint of my body holding his in place with no escape and my alpha rod either in his back, on his ass or in his face depending on the move I would take to pin him to the mat. The loser would be at my mercy and I’d decide how humiliating his loss would become.

However, I was somewhat lacking a true vision for my future self. I knew I was intimidating to people my age; they’d easily agree to my opinion and treat me with the kind of respect employees show for their CEO. And I could dominate others physically. But these relationships were platonic or part of sportive competition. What I was truly craving for was this pure and unquestioned dominance all these alpha masters had over their subs, faggots and slaves as you could find it on the web, be it Grindr, Insta or Onlyfans. I had to find out whether I carried the mindset to break a person entirely and make it obey my every order. Never had I thought that destiny would open up a door for me as quickly as it did.

On my 18th birthday, my parents informed me that they had to leave (yet again) for an oversea project. This was rather “typical” for them as they were independent senior attorneys for contract law with international customers, tight schedules and, yea, massive incomes (a little compensation to me for them not being in Frankfurt very often). Usually, they would find some ward to look after me and the house here in Frankfurt, and a maid to run the errands and look after my requests. But this time was different to my surprise: They equipped me with a titanium grey Mercedes EQE, so that I could get to school, handed me a personalized black American Express and informed me about my monthly allowance of incredible 10.000 €. I was flabbergasted. I was thankful. And I was horny as fuck.

After my father had handed me over the keys and cards, my mother just added: “Aleks, we trust and respect you and your decisions. You have developed into a grown-up man who can look after himself, even others if the situation requires as we learnt from your teachers. Both your marks and manners are exceeding what we ever would have expected. Therefore, we assume that you can take up your last year of A-levels yourself. Your father and I will try to stay in contact as much as possible, we love you and hope you get through on your own. However, whenever you ever feel alone, do not forget that the van Tesarians are just a 5 min walk away. I had a conversation with Jennifer yesterday and she is happy to have you in for dinner anytime.”

She was talking about a family we became friends with early in my childhood consisting of Jennifer (mother), Richard (father) and 3 children out of which 2 had already left home studying Artificial Intelligence (Jerome) and Humanitarian Development (Paula) at some of the best universities abroad. Only Lasse, their 3rd child, was still in Frankfurt, my age and in the same cohort like me. However, I knew for a fact that Jennifer and Richard (we were on first name basis because they are cool) were not as proud as my parents about Lasse’s personal journey so far. He was nosy, snobby (because of his “van” title), lacked basic manners, scored increasingly bad marks, interacted with the wrong kind of people and wasted his parents’ money big time. Although I really enjoyed being at the van Tesarians’, dealing with Lasse was simply annoying.

My parents left on Monday in my first week of school. Everything started off well, my schedule allowed me to include wrestling practice and the teachers assigned to my coursed were capable. I went through the first 4 days of the new year and decided to actually ask Jennifer for dinner plans on Saturday; not because I felt lonely or something, but to catch up after 6 weeks of summer vacation. Networking a little wouldn’t hurt as Jennifer worked for a big IT company on cyber security and Richard was deputy general for troops stationed around Frankfurt. His promotion was just a matter of time as he was simply still too young for the position as general. Both of these areas were highly interesting and I considered choosing one of them as my possible next step after finishing off A-levels. As you might guess, the army career was especially tempting given how I’d have to deal with other soldiers and might became the leader of the pack quickly.

Jennifer was happy about my request and we made plans for the evening.

On Friday noon, I was sitting in the chill area of our school as I had a blank spot in my schedule, working on the team list assigning my team to weight classes for our next regional wrestling championship. On the other side of the space, packed on a double-seat couch, were Landis and Gregor, co-captain and analyst to our team respectively, surfing through the web. Having them around made it easier to double check my selection.

Suddenly, I heard students coming down the aisle giggling like 14-year-old girls and stopping in front of where we sat. Probably, they wanted to occupy the area. I realized it was Lasse and his 4 snobby friends (I never made an effort to remember their names) who mostly liked him because of his money and the way he talked down to and snapped at others. Landis turned towards them, smiling, and asked what the laughter was all about. Lasse looked up from the phone he had been looking onto, his smile froze and became a neutral, almost hostile glare. “As if you could understand, dumbass. There are jokes that poor, dumb people like you would never grasp even if anyone would find the time and temper to explain it to you.” Not being surprised by his rudeness at all, I chimed in: “Ey Lasse, don’t you dare talking to my friend like that again or we have an issue. Get lost with your horde.” and locked my gaze onto him. He and his 4 wanna-be friends apparently hadn’t noticed me so far. As their heads turned towards me, they re-evaluated the situation and understood their mistake: I was a different league to Landis and Gregor. As one of the most influential people in our entire school and beyond, they just stopped giggling and left without a further word. Landis looked at me startled and I just shook my head slowly in disbelief. 

“Just forget him”, I said and threw a coke towards him since I knew my friend’s love for sugary drinks. He caught it mid-air and I remembered why I chose him to be co-captain. Although not coming from a rich family like me or Lasse, Landis was pleasant to be around. He rarely lost his temper, was kind and wholehearted and always put other people first. Maybe growing up as the oldest among 4 siblings with not much money to spare teaches you certain life lessons. Basically, he is an antithesis to Lasse. This misdirected brat would have never talked to me as he had just talked to Landis or generally all people “below his status” and it pissed me off that he could get around with it without punishment. Well, how wrong I was…

Saturday came and I rang the bell to the van Tesarians’ mansion. I loved their house as it was different to our modern villa: one of the few remaining 19the century city mansions. With its 3 floors it was surrounded by a gargantuan garden. Well perks of being an aristocratic family I guess, old money, you know…

Jennifer opened the door, beautiful, blond hair, blue eyes, with a fullhearted smile as always. I handed her the red wine which I had brought as a gift for her hospitality. "Is it..." she started "a Châteauneuf du Pape from 2018. Just the one you and Richard like so much. And I have to admit I took quite a taste in it myself" I completed her sentence. "You shouldn't have. This vintage became so difficult to find lately. You're such a sweetheart. Come on in and take a seat at the dinner table." I entered and despite the many times I had been here, the mansion's architecture always hit me by surprise. It is marvelous with its marble floor, the 2nd floor gallery and the 4-meter-wide staircase. I went to the dining room and greeted Richard. After exchanging small talk, he yelled up the stairs: "Come down and help set the table, Lasse!" Lasse neither shouted any approval nor did I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Let me give you a hand" I offered. "Nah you really shouldn't, you're our guest today." Said Richard while undergoing the last steps of his preparations.  Anyhow, I set the table, opened the wine and poured some into each glass, a little less into Lasse's as I didn't know whether he had a liking for dry red wines. Just at the moment when basically everything was set, a door fell into its lock and Lasse came yelling down the stairs. "Oh, I didn't know we have a guest today." He spared a greeting and took a seat without even trying to offer a hand. He took his phone and zoomed out.

We went through salad and supper, updating each other about what had happened during summer. Lasse had no interest in participating and kept playing on his phone. When the main course was served, Jennifer couldn't stand the elephant in the room any longer. "Lasse could you please turn off your phone and be a pleasant host for Aleks." "Mum, no, I can't. It might be difficult for you to understand as you are old, but I am doing social media research. Zeng has one of her videos going viral and I have to find out why. Maybe it's a new trend which I could build on to boost my own channel". I had checked his social media accounts from time to time. Not too many followers, uncreative content, mostly copycat stuff. But that wasn't the point here... Richard engaged: "This was not a question, but a command young man. Lasse, put your phone down right now. Or that new car you got as a birthday gift is gone". With a frustrated and annoyed sigh, Lasse put away his phone and looked blankly at us. Jennifer tried to shift topics and include Lasse: "How about the essays you were asked to write during your holiday? Maybe Aleks could have a look at them after dinner. He surely could give you some advice..." Apparently a bad shift of topics as Lasse interrupted her aggressively "He surely could NOT give me advice as I have not written a single word for any of them and I also not intend to do so. Can't we hire someone to write them for me? I don't need to understand shit about science or economy to live off of our family's money!" He wanted to make a point and took a good sip from the red wine. But apparently the taste was nothing for him, he spit it out and yelled: "Who of our servants was so dumb to bring such a distasteful 'wine' (yeah, he gave it the quota fingers) to our table, are we shopping at Aldi nowadays." Everyone at the table was silent for a second and Lasse's gaze switched from his mother to his father to me. I just chuckled a little, but Richard lost his temper completely: "That is ENOUGH. You have crossed the line. Leave the table immediately and go to your room. We will have a serious talk later on." I respected Richard a lot and after these 3 simple sentences, I realized how he made it deputy general. His aura is just SURPRESSING. "If you think so old man, you can let the main course and desert be sent to my room" came as a reply.

When Lasse was out of earshot, Jennifer wanted to excuse herself for the bad behavior of her child, but I didn't let her. Richard was still raging. "It's not your fault" I said. "The youngest is almost always the most spoilt child and I have to admit that the people he shares his leisure time with are also of no help. Maybe he also got nosy about the fact that all the servants in here now basically only attend to his wishes as Jerome and Paula are out of town and you two are mostly working... Anyhow, it's only one more year left, right?" Richard intervened: “Unfortunately not. And I am being very honest with you now, Aleks. He doesn't have the grades to finish the year if he doesn't hand in these essays. They were last chances from his economic, physics and literature teachers. Without them, he WILL fail and not pass the A-levels at all. And even if he managed the essays and his A-levels, he doesn't know where to go next. Just talking about a gap year and studying social media lately, always relying on the family's money as he phrases it. And it's not only about that, his behavior is also lethal to us. When friends or colleagues come around, he misbehaves like he just did with you. Jerome and Paula avoid coming home as much as possible. People start talking about us, and not in a good way. It deteriorates our family reputation. We have to put an end to it, but we are unanimous about the best option. I suggested one of these US American camps where teenagers learn to behave, but Jennifer is concerned about it. They look too harsh in TV and there are rumors about teenagers who even hurt themselves because they couldn't bear the pressure. Also, he would be far away from us. So, we are in a deadlock situation right now. Something has to happen, but we don't know what...""Maybe you could help, Aleks" came a surprising comment from Jennifer. "You have taken care of so many boys’ lives in your wrestling team, giving them a common goal and purpose where there used to be rowdiness and misbehavior only" "Darling, we have argued that option! Aleks is tied up in his own problems. He has to deal with his A-levels, the errands around their house and all the extra-curricular activities he pursues." I made up my mind for a second. Was this a real chance for me to firstly, find out more about my domination and manipulation kink, secondly, make Lasse stop going over people like they were shit and thirdly, have some fun in doing so? "I'd do it, but I think I lack the resources which a correction camp would have and I would need absolute control as well as support from your side to make him do this." I played it low ball and tried not to show my eagerness to practically get my first servant and become Lasse's... Well, how'd you call it? Correction guide? Teacher? Master? The two of them exchanged glances. "Are you serious, Aleks? Because if you are, we could share some details with you which we worked on lately. We got a plan, but its prerequisite was your cooperation." If they just knew how cooperative I actually was. "I am, as long as you don't leave me alone on that and trust me." Richard's answer came as a surprise: "Aleks, you're like the third son we wished for. We trust you unconditionally and think you have showed leadership skills already on multiple occasions. With respect to the required support. First, I will put an ultimatum on Lasse. He can either chose to go to a correction camp stripped off of any resources from our side or he could go with you." "But he is 18. What if he just leaves?" I intervened. That gave me a surprised laughter from Jennifer: "Leave? Where should he leave to? I caught him yesterday asking one of our maids to cut him an apple. I was flabbergasted, but in hindsight not actually surprised. Lasse couldn't live one day without our money." This was far worse than expected, I thought. Richard continued: "And for the resources: we are not proud about it, but Jennifer actually installed one of her company's brand-new spywares on his phone. She was concerned that he might go over the top with his social media and post something that really endangers our family standing. She surely can provide you with all the details of its functionalities. So far we didn't use it." I considered the implications for a moment. "So, with that I could have some leverage on his current primary ‘extra-curricular activity’ and free up time for one-on-one tutoring session with me before and after school. However, we do not share all our classes. I’d need something to monitor and intervene when he has different courses or free periods." Again, Richard took my point up: "Well, I do have a solution for that, although I am not proud to pull that leverage. There is a soldier, Matthias, in one of my units and he owes me a big favor. I can assign him as Lasse’s personal bodyguard during the weeks. I have already been asked multiple times whether my family needs personal security due to my position. So, it wouldn’t sound too suspicious and he would keep quiet about the real reason of his new assignment. I can clear out all the details on Monday and have him placed at your disposal on Tuesday." I couldn't grasp my luck. Here I was, willing to find out whether I could be a master to other people, whether I had the mindset to manipulate them. And those two desperate, slightly crazy parents actually offered me a job as hardcore Miss Poppins (or Master Poppins 😉) for their derailed son. "Apart from that, we can surely supply you with money for any extra bearings you will face." Okay, there was the cherry on top. "Ok guys, let’s give it a shot!", I said.

We elaborated on the details a little further and when we were done, I went upstairs to talk to Lasse. This was the rather difficult part, but I wanted to first play the good cop. "What's wrong? Why you still here" he asked when I entered his room. I didn't waste time, sat next to him and broke the news to him. How his father planned to make him go to a correction camp in the US and how his parents would cut him loose. And how I intervened and convinced them that this was way too harsh and crazy. And that I'd trusted him to also improve here at home in a safe place under some guidance from my side. Of course, he wasn't happy at all in the beginning. He raged about his parents and cursed like a whore. Also, he made clear that he wasn't my biggest fan. But eventually after some back and forth, he came up with a solution: we could simply scam his parents by SAYING that Lasse was sticking to and learning from me, but actually wasn't. I played along and said that this might be the least troublesome option for both of us. "However, to convince your parents we need something superficially formal to show your commitment.", I said. "Aren't your parents lawyers or something? Wouldn't your smartass be able to set up a contract or some kind of "will of intention?", he suggested. In supporting his idea, I actually fueled his self-love which made him slightly blind for the downsides to a contract set up from my side alone. "Ok, I will come over tomorrow morning and have the papers ready." I said goodbye to Jennifer and Richard and went home.

I was über-energetic. My mind was spinning because of all the possibility. I checked my mails and found a manual sent from Jennifer for the spyware with the request to keep it confidential. I used the adrenalin to work through the night, study the technicalities and make up a plan of my own for "Lasse's holistic attitude adjustment". Before trying to rest a little, I had to cum desperately. I found a porn video where a tanned, muscle jock was pounding the ass of a blond twink in something looking like a locker room. The alpha was still fully clothed in sport gear, his love stick popping out from his trunks. The beta slut lied flat on a bench, naked. Well not entirely naked: when the camera zoomed in on the jock’s massive rod going deep into the blond fag’s clit, a pink chastity cage saved the viewer from having to look at the boy’s penis. His moans were high-pitched and he begged the top to fill him with his man juice. It was visible that the boy was about to get a prostate orgasm. The jock also noticed, pulled out and turned the fag 180° around. Now he was pounding the fag’s face, visibly shoving his manhood deep into the boy’s throat. It didn’t take him long to climax and an incredible amount of white juice was pumped into the boy. It was too much to swallow for him and some of it left through mouth and nose. The fag struggled, wanted to get free and the rod out of his face. But he had no chance against the alpha jock who held both the fag on the bench and his penis in the boy’s mouth until he was finished. I burst into my Adidas crew sock once, twice, again and again until it was filled with my own man juice. After recovering for a solid minute, I brough the gym sock up to my nose and was overpowered by my own smell. It reeked from the mixture of sweat and sperm which I had pumped into it for almost a week now. But I threw it – still damp – into my sport trunk for Monday’s wrestling session and went to bed.

On the next morning, I proceeded as planned and went to the mansion again. I was greeted by the smell of fresh pancakes with blueberries. Lasse was already sitting at the table eating like the pig he is. His parents invited me to have breakfast with them. We had light conversation and even Lasse was not too badly behaving compared to the evening before. Maybe he wanted to start on good terms with me and save face in front of his parents. After cleaning the table, I put the papers on it and Jennifer and Richard pretended to be surprised. Lasse took the chance: "Lovely parents, Aleks and I had a chat yesterday. It helped me understand that I require some guidance in life, to improve grades and such things. I found Aleks to be the best teacher for that. I knew you had plans to send me to one of these correction camps, I overheard you talking the other day, but I think I can spare you the money for that and our family the shame of rumors. As a conclusion and in order to show you the honesty of my intentions, I suggested to set up a contract to show my commitment on that project. Aleks was so kind to prepare." When he finished, he took a pen and - without even putting in the effort of reading it - signed the 8 pages with the words: "and with this signature I want to demonstrate that I am taking full responsibility for my actions from now since I’m a grown up, well-educated man". I was taken aback. I had to suppress laughter. He was even more deranged and self-centered than I would have ever imagined, this was worst theater acting. I signed next to him and let his parents sign as witnesses. I informed Lasse that I'd pick him up the next day to start off the week together. With the excuse that I still had to prepare stuff for the next week, I left.

Monday came and my brain was buzzing and my cock constantly stirring when I thought about my plan. After picking up Lasse, we went to school and followed our schedule. We had different courses up until the last class: physical education. Being the wrestling team captain actually has its perks. I asked our coach whether it was ok for him to let me give today’s lesson and use it as practice since most of the class was in our wrestling team anyhow and since PE was not mandatory for A-levels either, there was no real content he had to teach. We agreed and once he was gone to grab a coffee and read the news, I told everyone who was not in the wrestling team to leave. Lasse was about to follow the other students when I called out after him. "Hey, Lasse, one of your new activities actually includes becoming a member of our team". He turned around slowly and I could see the shock in his eyes. Some team members chuckled, but I shut them down. "Come on all over" I called out. He followed my instructions reluctantly and approached the mats.

"So as the first treat of the day, I want to have a better understanding of our newest member's capabilities. Lasse, please take off your shirt and shoes and let's have a show fight." I pulled my own shirt over my head bringing my carved, lean sixpack to daylight and put my sweaty gym shoes to the outer frontier of the mat. Lasse slowly lifted his shirt as well exposing a wobbly, fatty, no-muscle tummy and took off his shoes, placing them outside the mat as well. "This is a joke, you know I can't wrestle for a living" "Try and come at me, I won't hurt you, I promise" which I really planned not to do... Yet. He shifted forward, motioning way to slow and was aiming at my torso. I didn't even move. He grabbed me around my waist and tried to push me. I didn't shift a centimeter. "Ok! Time for counterattack!" I yelled, pushed his entire body down and took his head in between my thighs, basically putting his head below my ass. I took his arms into my hands, wiggled around with them and made small steps. So to an outsider it looked like he was a puppet on strings dancing. The entire wrestling team had a good laugh. It appeared that Lasse was too busy trying to breathe through my headlock to chime in. I let go of him. He was coughing and looked at me in fury. He again charged towards me, red headed, now aiming for my feet. I made a step to the side and he fell flat to the ground. I sat down on his back, effectively immobilizing his arms and lower abdomen, spit on my fingers and put them into both of his ears. He squealed like a baby pig. "Ouh guys, listen, I think we got a farm animal around. What kind is it?" And with those words, I put the index and middle finger of my right hand into his nostrils and pulled upwards, twitching Lasse's face into a pig like grimace. At the same time, I used my left hand to grab behind me and pull up his underwear into a wedgie. I pulled hard. Again, Lasse gave off a squealing sound like the pig he was and Landis actually called out: "I think you have captured a swine here, captain". Everybody was laughing and the shame in Lasse's face was priceless. When I got up from his back, he wanted to stand up and run away, but I was faster. Again, I put him flat to the ground, but this time, I pulled him over to where I left my shoes. His eyes widened in panic. Assuming what was about to happen, he wanted to scream, but in one smooth motion I pulled off one of my white Adidas crew socks (the one from my Saturday cum session) and shut his pig mouth. I cupped his mouth with my hand so that he had to smell the foot odor from my shoes directly through his nostrils while tasting my foul sweat-cum-sock. Everyone was silent when I commanded "Inhale!" and after some more struggling, everyone could hear a deep breath taken by Lasse, smelling my worn out, damp, gassy gym shoes. The crowd was out of control, they laughed, cheered and clapped each other’s backs. Lasse however had given up resistance held in place by not even a quarter of my strength. After some 30 seconds more, I pulled him away from my shoes and took out the socks. "Lasse, do you submit?" A meager "leave me alone" came out, not even loud enough to reach the boys. I gave him a firm slap onto his right cheek. "What was that again?" "Yeah, I submit, ok? Can I leave now?" "You forgot to address me properly, loser. Try again, louder!" "I submit, captain!”, he now almost shouted. „Captain is for real teammates; you can address me with Sir or Master for the time being.” “You are joking, right?” Another slap to the same cheek, this time harder. “Aaauuuu, ok ok, I submit, Sir. Could you please let me go?”. I lifted myself up and Lasse went straight for the locker room. I commanded the team to practice and gave Landis supervision of the group.

When I entered the locker room, Lasse was already changing, nothing on him but his white briefs. Calvin Kleins… sure bro… “Stay away from me psycho!”, he actually yelled at me. “I don’t like your tone nor your attitude, boy. And we can proceed now the easy way or make it very hard for you. Just say you are very very sorry for your behavior or you WILL be very very sorry pretty soon” “Fuck OFF!” I was on him in a split second. He had no time to defend. I put both of my crew socks into his mouth stretching it to the max, he grumbled, but couldn’t make a meaningful sound. He struggled hard and tried to grab me somewhere to get free. Fortunately, I came well prepared and pulled the huge trunk over which I set up for this day specifically. I had brought some nice, tight, black bondage paws which effectively immobilize the hands of their carrier. I put them on him. Next, I took some ropes from the trunk and tied his ankles together behind his back, then his wrists. Lastly, one rope was used to connect wrists and ankles along his spine basically immobilizing him completely. He could still wiggle to the right or left with his entire body, but that was about it. I got some duct tape out to put it over his mouth and keep the socks in place and stood back to look at my creation. My cock was close to explosion, so I kneeled on Lasse’s back, gave my manhood some good thrusts and put my alpha cream over Lasse’s face, eyes and hair. I was so satisfied about how shocked and panicked he was. Next, I took his phone, connected it to mine and let the spyware upload. Meanwhile I planted one bare foot on his neck, the other next to his cum-stained face and started explaining Lasse his new future. “So, listen up, faggot loser. Neither your parents nor me have ever intended to go easy on you. Me even less than them. But that doesn’t matter anymore. You are mine now, you piece of shit. You will obey my every order. I am your God, your everything from now on. Remember the contract you signed without reading? There are a lot of paragraphs limiting your rights for… well basically everything. Mobility, activities, supply with food, clothing, shelter. You will find it rather enlightening once I allow you to read the whole damn thing. Actually, you won’t. I will keep it as backup. You only have to remember one basic, simple truth: I own you in every possible way now. Even if you consider breaching your vows and running away, I won’t let you. As of tomorrow, Matthias, a fit, young, loyal soldier from your father’s troops, will be at your side when I am not. He is to follow all my orders concerning your disciplinary journey. Furthermore, your mother provided me with a far-reaching spy- or rather control ware for your smartphone. I don’t think she knows what it’s able to do. Well, I am now. You can rest assured that every single action on your phone will now be controlled and that certain applications have ceased to work for you. Same goes for your social media accounts. They are mine now and if you don’t want me to publish bullshit under your name, behave, you fucking worthless snob. Also, when unlocking your phone, there is no need for your password anymore. Instead, you will have to type in “I, Loser, accept Master Aleks’ superiority. I am only a worthless pig compared to this gorgeous God”. In case, you do not manage to type that in flawlessly within 30 seconds, the phone will lock again, I will get informed and punishment will be the consequence. This brings us to 2 more changes in your life. Your name is no longer Lasse, because for one I never liked that name. Also, it also carries your old attitude with it. Your new name is Loser. Second life change regards punishment. Once you successfully unlocked your phone, you will find a new app popping up immediately. It will show you how far you have progressed in your journey to become a well-mannered, useful, submissive servant. It will collect negative points for misbehavior as well as positive ones for doing well. I strongly suggest you to stay above 0 points. With progression, there will be perks for you, but further details on that at a later point. Overall, our shared goal is to first break your mind and free you from your current self-centered, nosy, asshole attitude which determines every of your actions. Afterwards, we will piece you together with some more useful traits and better manners so that you might be a self-operating, devote, humble creature which doesn’t rely on someone else to carry you through life. So, Loser, I hereby ask: Have you understood what our shared goal is? Then give me a sign.” He grunted once, but it sounded rather unapprovingly. I didn’t care. I pulled his body up, placed him into the sports trunk and hang him on a hook, still cum-stained and tied up. I took some pictures for good measure and put one as his phone’s new screensaver. I left him there and got back to my team. We proceeded with the class.

When class was over and we got back to the locker room I had almost forgotten Loser. However, I had planned the team to have their turn on him. When the team members entered, they were surprised about what they saw. “Listen up guys! Our newest team member here, you might still recall him as Lasse, but he favors his new name, Loser from now on, decided to undergo an attitude change because he finally understood what an arsehole he was. His change process starts with regret and he is happy to take every assault from your side which you deem appropriate for his past actions. I kindly ask you to not take pictures or at least not to share them beyond this group. I hope you understand how delicate the situation is for him. He’s on the verge of becoming a better, humble person with your help. In our team, he will from now on operate as bag carrier before classes, sparring partner during classes and laundry boy after classes. That means all jocks, socks, underwear and what have you is taken care of by him effective immediately.” I expected questions or a certain amount of backlash, but apparently Lasse had been a true shithole of a person. With no further due, the boys went up to him, cursed at him, spit on him, burped into his face, then one of the rather horny lads even asked whether I wanted my cum to be the only facial treatment for Loser. I said no. At the end of his ordeal, Loser had nothing less than spit from all 10 team members and cum from at least 6 of them on his face. He couldn’t open his eyes anymore and I think his breathing was heavily limited. He was rather quiet now and didn’t move much. I just took him from the hook, closed the trunk and picked up the other bag with the team’s used sports gear. Two lads helped me carrying Loser’s fat ass into my car and the two of us headed home.

Ready for part 2?