Jordan's Tool

by Fightlad

7 May 2022 3210 readers Score 8.8 (50 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

'Dont mind him, that's that cocky asshole Jordan'. Aidan assumed I was troubled by the lad on the wall staring menacingly at me. I wasn't, I was transfixed by his lean but muscular, ripped torso. His hand was inside his grey cotton track bottoms, clutching his bulging cock. He was freckled, handsome, strawberry blonde hair, tall. His voice was rough and authoritive

' what's you're fucking problem lads'?

I heeded Aidan's advice and walked past him. I had to look back and he saw me, lusting at his cock bulge. He pulled it out over his waist and grinned. I can still see it, it stunned me, I didn't expect him to do it, in broad daylight but fuck if I had meat like that, maybe I couldn't leave it alone either?

Aidan didn't see it, no one on the street did, except me.

'Are you ok, did Jordan freak you out ?' ..'

'Yeah good Aidan, no he's weird though?'

' Yeah he always hangs out around the beach looking for trouble. He's our age now, twenty, you would think he would quit all that shit' .

' so how do you know him Aidan'?

' He used to start fights with all the lads coming here on holidays, like he waited all year just to target us, strong fucker though, beat me loads of times'.

There wasn't much to do at Clona strand, it was in the middle of nowhere. Aidan and I just knocked back a few cans in the garden that night. We had both just finished college exams so a week of chill was all we wanted anyway.

I loved Aidan's company. He was charming, intelligent and funny. Seriously good looking, dark black hair, tall, muscular, good jaw line and kind eyes. I couldn't lust after him though, he was my friend. I couldn't stop myself from dreaming of him though. I'm pretty sure he fuelled some of my cum soaked dreams.

That night it was all about Jordan though. I couldn't get his cock out of my head. I only glimpsed at it but it was like I photographed it. It looked almost flat on top as he pulled it over his bottoms. Flat and veined, thick veins on it and heavy. Jordan had to hold it down over his bottoms, it was ready to catapult up and out. He grabbed it with his fist briefly and he could barely hold it, it was like a thick kosch in his hand. His cock head, helmet shaped, red raw and virile, protruded out, hungry for satisfaction.

When he grinned, in that moment, clutching his meat, he personified cocky perfection. My last sight was of Jordan wrestling it back into his track bottoms.

His grey track bottoms were stained. It had to be cum. Jordan was so arrogant he probably jerked off all day. That was was my dream anyway. I was inside his bottoms, flooded by thick pellets of fresh cum. I was trying to mouth him, suck him, but his cock slapped me and dominated me.

When I woke there was a pool of cum in my belly button and dry stains all over the bed. It was as though I'd sweated through a fever. I was rock hard too, thinking of Jordan.

I was relieved Aidan had left early to go rock climbing. The smell alone would have knocked him out. I cleaned up as best as I could, removing the stains and cum scent from the room.

It was dull but warm outside. I figured I'd head for the beach anyway. It was empty, I stretched out with the strand to myself and dozed off listening to a podcast.

I'm not sure how long I was out but woke to a rough force on my face. At first I couldn't see, everything was pinkish and my arm was pinned too. The smell was a giveaway, like a locker room smell. That was a foot on my face.

He was laughing, forcing his foot over my face, smothering me with his sweat. ' you love that don't you?' No mistaking that rough tone. It was Jordan. My cock had already recognised him, it was like a rocket, desperate to blast into him.

'What the fuck..Jordan..

'Dont pretend you don't want this, I say you're tongue hanging out at the sight of it yesterday'.

Jordan had his cock out again, it was even more beastly, shooting out over me, casting a shadow on my chest.

Jordan didn't let me speak, he had one foot on my arm and the other smothering me, he was strong and heavy, I could bear him because we were on the sand, but it was rough. A massive turn on too, overpowered, overshadowed by this cocky alpha.

Jordan loved it. ' Think I might make you lick my feet first then my cock..or maybe I'll ride you raw'. He quickly realized his taunts just turned me on more.

He worked me over hard with his foot, it must have been a size 12. Big with tough skin but sensual too. He gulped when I licked under his arch and leaked cum when I sucked his toes.

I was desperate to cum. I clutched my cock and was ready to jerk, he took his foot off my face and stood on my bicep. Now he had both arms under his feet. I was pinned under him. It hurt but it was deeply arousing too. Jordan had complete control over me.

As soon as he grabbed his cock, mine exploded. I couldn't touch it, he had me pinned, but it just reacted to his. I felt an intense electric rush and the tingling flood of fresh cum racing out, bristling my cock with pleasure. I was in a trance, staring at the sight above me, his bullish balls, covered in strawberry blonde pubes anchoring his canon like cock. I gulped and writhed with pleasure.

Jordan grinned confidently and started to work his cock into a frenzy. He pulled shapes any bodybuilder would win medals for. Pecs popping, biceps and shoulders bulging, thighs expanding, veins popping, he looked impressive, fierce, manly. I started to cum again and he unloaded on me. Thick lumps of cum, raining down, targeting my face, load after load. Too much to tongue and swallow, he spat on me too, until I was covered in his juice.

Jordan was literally pouring into my eyes, nose, mouth, he had me completely flooded and dominated. I loved his sweet powerful taste. He grabbed his cock

'handy tool this, best tool any lad can have, ask you're mate Aidan he can't get enough of it.

With that, Jordan was off me and gone. He left me covered in his sweat, spit and cum, hard with desire for him, utterly turned on by him and fixated on the thought of Aidan pleasuring him.