Jocks For My Wife

by peterbilt

28 Mar 2018 10309 readers Score 8.9 (82 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is a story about a high school coach who enlists some of his young jocks to service his nympho wife.  The story is fiction. All legal disclaimers apply. If this topic offends you, do not read any further; and ask yourself why you are at this site.  If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) and too young to be reading such material or if you are in a locale or country where it is not legal to read such material then please leave immediately and come back when it is legal for you to do so. We’ll be glad to have you back. I value your thoughts and opinion; I would also like to hear from you personally. Personal stories and accounts of your own similar experiences are always welcome. 

Contact me at [email protected].

I woke up from a sound sleep to face the sleeping beauty lying beside me, looking so peaceful and content. I looked at the tanned, thick muscular arm draped down over her breasts and the big hand hanging loosely over her right tit. The hand that wrapped around a football with such ease and the arm that had thrown more complete passes than any kid in the school’s history. It wasn’t my arm.  It was the arm of Jason Towne, my quarterback. I eased out of bed so I wouldn’t wake them and slipped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I went into the guest room to find Brian Mitchell sprawled naked on the bed, his right leg hanging over the edge of the mattress. I lifted his heavy leg up and laid it on the bed then left him to sleep. 

I made my way down the short hall to the living room. Standing in the door, my first thought was that I would have to have the carpet cleaned.  The room was a sea of naked, muscular young athletes spread out and entangled across the floor, another guy sleeping in the chair and two guys sprawled awkwardly on the couch.  I shook my head, smiling, wondering how they had landed together in that position on the couch.  The entire scene bore witness to an orgy from the night before. What a magnificent sight. I stepped over the naked bodies to make my way to the kitchen. I had my hand on the refrigerator door but then went into the den to get my video camera.  It was too good an opportunity to pass up.  I went back to the guest room and videoed Brian sleeping then slipped into the bedroom to get Lisa and Jason sleeping.  Back in the living room, I panned the room with the camera from every angle, smiling all the while. This was going to make a great surprise training film. I put the camera away and quietly as I could, I took two pounds of bacon out of the refrigerator and got out the skillet to make breakfast. 

“Hey, coach.”

I glanced around to see a naked Cody Brown, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Hey, Cody. Did you sleep okay?”

“I’m not sure how much anybody slept,” he said as he came over beside the stove.

“Oh?’ I said with a curious look.

“The floor was pretty crowded, it was hard not to get an elbow in the eye every time somebody turned over, and twice I woke up with somebody all over me, or spooning me.”

“That could have been interesting,” I joked, but he didn’t laugh.

“Well, I don’t know for sure, but I think somebody got more than spooned,” he said.

“Oh? You mean……”

“Yeah, that’s what I mean.”

“Who?” I asked.

“I won’t say yet, till I’m sure,” he said.

My interest was duly piqued but I let it drop for the moment; but I was determined to pursue it later.

Another boy came in; Brady Anderson. Unlike Cody’s smooth, tanned muscles, Brady had the maturity of a grown man, with more brawn, and hair on his chest and a neat treasure trail down the center of his cut abs. He stretched and yawned, his powerful muscles rippling.  He was the biggest, most powerful player on the team.

“What the hell are Austin and Jack doing on the couch together?” he asked, scratching his head.

“I don’t know, maybe they’ve got a thing for each other that we didn’t know about,” Cody said.

“Wish I had a picture of that,” Brady said. Jack Anderson was his younger brother. He chuckled softly.  “Hell, I could get head from those guys for the rest of the school year with pictures of them like that.”

I just smiled, thinking of how they were all going to look on the video.

“One of you guys wanta get the eggs out of the fridge? The other can go start waking everybody up for the showers,” I said.

“I’ll go kick some ass,” Brian said as he turned to go back in the living room.

I heard the sleepy groans and muttered curses as Brian woke them up. One by one the boys came into the kitchen to hang around and watch me make breakfast.

“Better stand back from the stove, you’re going to get splattered with grease,” I warned Cody. 

“I didn’t see Jason anywhere,” Brady said over his shoulder from the door.

“He’s in my bedroom,” I said.

The two boys looked at each other, knowing looks that brought thin smiles to their handsome faces.

The idea of bringing someone else into our marriage came to me gradually, after numerous remarks by my wife about my athletes. She went to the football games, of course, and often made remarks, jokingly, about what a great butt a certain boy had, or about a boy being a little stud, or how cute some boy looked in his uniform. I noticed she seemed to take special note of Jason Towne so he was the natural first to be invited into our marriage. Jason was a big, handsome boy; eighteen years old, about two hundred pounds, muscular and always with a golden tan that set off his dark eyes and even, white teeth. And he was every bit the stud Lisa thought he was.  More so, in fact, as I could attest to, seeing him regularly in the locker room, not to mention the reputation he had with the girls. 

It was my intent from the beginning that if things worked out, Jason would be only the first; I had visions of providing Lisa with a virtual stable of horny, young athletes, if it all went well with Jason. It did, and with my subtle encouragement the idea caught hold. I didn’t come right out and ask or suggest to Lisa that we bring a third party into our bed. I was more subtle. I told her I wanted to get to know my boys on a more personal level and suggested that we invite them to dinner, one at a time. She readily agreed, all smiles, when I mentioned Jason first.

The way she fussed around that day, one might have thought she was expecting the pope.  Jason arrived at the appointed time dressed in a dark blue T-shirt, tan shorts and sneakers, and baseball cap. 

My wife came in to greet him warmly then he and I retired to the living room. We talked about sports and I hit on the subject of girls; things that I knew would make him open up and feel at home.

“Sam, I forgot to get rolls,” Lisa said from the doorway. “Would you be a sweetheart….”

“I’ll run to the store for you,” Jason offered as he got up from the couch.

“No, I’ll go,” I said.

“I can go, I passed a grocery store on the way over; it’s just down the street,” he insisted.

“No, she wants rolls from Osterlings Bakery,” I said as I headed for the door. “You stay and keep my wife company; she could probably use some help in the kitchen. It may take a while, honey,” I called out to her.

“That’s all right. Take your time, dear,” she called back.

I drove across town to Osterlings to check out their bakery. It wasn’t where we bought groceries; we shopped at the grocery just down the street that Jason had mentioned, but I needed to give Lisa some alone time with Jason.  It was nearly an hour before I got back to the house. The moment I walked in the house I knew my plan had worked. Lisa could hardly contain her smile and Jason couldn’t look me in the eye.

Despite my attempts, and Lisa’s, to make the boy comfortable at dinner he was so nervous he could hardly eat. I felt kind of sorry for him, yet I wanted to laugh. After dinner he graciously offered to help Lisa with the dishes but she declined his offer and he suddenly seemed in a rush to leave. He thanked her profusely for dinner and hurried out the door. I closed the door and turned to Lisa with a smile. She smiled back.

“I take it my little plan worked,” I said.

“Oh, Lord!  If that you was your plan…Did it!” she exclaimed. “My Godd! He is insatiable!”

“Most teenage boys are,” I said.

“And you were right. Lordy, I couldn’t have imagined a boy his age could be built the way he is,” she said.

“Hey, he didn’t ruin you for me, did he?” I joked.

“No, of course not,” she cooed as she came over to kiss me lovingly all over my face. “If anything, he heated me up for you.”

And he had. Lisa can be insatiable too when she gets heated up, and Jason had heated her up.

Monday at school, Jason still couldn’t face me. He outright tried to avoid me, and when we did come into close proximity with each other, he couldn’t look me in the eye. Things came to a head later that afternoon in the locker room. I caught him when he was coming back from the showers, with a towel around his waist. I thought he was going to shit his pants, if he’d had any on, when I told him to come into my office. That was another odd thing, him wearing a towel. Jason never put a towel around his waist; he liked to flaunt himself.  It was like he was trying to hide the evidence or something.

I told him to close the door when he came in and he took an unusual amount of time to do that.  He turned around to face me, holding the knot in the towel, looking like a deer in the headlights.

“We enjoyed having you to dinner the other night,” I said, by way of opening the conversation.  “My wife told me to tell you.”

“Yes, sir, I enjoyed being there. Your wife is a great cook,” he said.

“Just one of her many talents,” I said with a sly grin, the meaning of which I was sure he caught. “Why don’t you sit down,” I said, waving to the big, old leather couch across from my desk.

He walked over and sat down with one leg cocked over the other knee, and tucked the towel down between his legs. His eyes were darting around nervously, unable to focus on me.

“I think I would like to have other boys over to the house from time to time; get to know each one of them on a more personal level. Do you think they would enjoy that?” I said.

“Yes, sir, that would be nice. They would appreciate it, I’m sure,” he said, still barely able to look at me when he spoke.

“What do you think, just one at a time, or maybe two or three at a time? Were you comfortable being the only guest? How do you think they would be more comfortable?” I asked.

“Oh… I don’t know.  I guess any way you and your wife want to do it,” he said.

He was in a bind, almost squirming; he didn’t know if I was talking about dinner and conversation, or what he and my wife had done while I went to get the rolls.

“Were you comfortable, being the only one there?” I asked again.

“Oh, yes, sir.”

“I should apologize for having to leave the house to get the rolls, but I thought you would be comfortable with Lisa; you seemed to hit it off,” I said.

“Yes, sir, we did.  She’s a terrific lady, besides being a great cook.”

“How well?” I asked.

Jason looked at me, his eyes suddenly fixed right at me, except for a slight nervous twitch in the left one.

“Coach… sir?” he asked, with a confused look.

“How well did you hit it off?” I asked pointedly.

His mouth moved but nothing came out at first.  Finally, “Well, I, uh… I guess okay… I mean, she’s easy to get to know, and she’s funny… we hit it off. I think anybody would, with her.”

“Oh, you think so?  You think she would hit it off with any of the guys, huh?”

“Well, y-yes, sir… I mean, she… s-she made me feel at home.”

“She’s pretty hot, isn’t she,” I said boldly.

His face was turning red; he was catching on that I knew.

“Well, I… I w-wouldn’t ever say that about your wife, Coach, but since you said it… yes, sir, she’s pretty hot. A lot of guys think so.”

“You’re not gonna admit it, are you?” I said.

“Admit w-what, sir?” he asked.

“I was gone over an hour, are you going to tell me you spent that whole time stirring the chili?”

“I d-don’t know w-what you’re g-getting at, Coach,” he stammered.

“Well, let’s try this on for size,” I said. “You couldn’t look me in the eye when I got back with the rolls. You were on pins and needles all through dinner, and you couldn’t wait to leave.  Sort of like you’re acting right now. So why don’t you come out with it -- admit it -- you fucked my wife.”

He looked like I’d punched him in the gut.  “Coach, I… I swear, I didn’t mean for it to happen.  I don’t even know how it happened, we were standing there in the kitchen, real close, and we were laughing about something she’d said and she turned around from the counter and came right up against me… it was accidental, at first, anyway, but… Godd, Coach, I’m sorry.  I should have been man enough to walk away… but it was so… so… Geezuss, everything was so right… everything just fell into place, like pieces to a puzzle, and the next think I knew, I was… we were….”  He stood up from the couch, taking a step toward my desk, his face a pained grimace, almost as if he were about to cry.  “Shit, Coach, I know you’re gonna kick me off the team now.  Godd, there goes my scholarship. Is there anything, Coach, please, anything I can do to make it right.”

“Well, there might be,” I said, thoughtfully, leaning back in my chair.

“Yes, sir! What is it? Just name it. Anything you say.”

“Come for dinner this Saturday night,” I said.

He looked again like I’d hit him in the gut. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened and his finger-grip on the knot loosened and the towel swirled to the floor.

“Oh,” he said and bent down to get it.

“What’s with this sudden modesty, by the way?” I asked. “I’ve seen you naked enough times, I can count the pimples on your ass.”

“I… I d-don’t know,” he said with an embarrassed shrug and tossed the towel over his shoulder. “Are you serious, Coach, about coming to dinner again?” 


“Does that mean… I’m not… you’re not gonna kick me off the team?”

“I think my wife would kick me out of the house if I did that,” I said.

“I don’t fully understand, Coach… after what I did… and you… you’re just letting it go?”

“No, I’m not letting it go.  I’m inviting you back,” I said.

“B-but… w-why?”

“Well, you apparently made Lisa very happy,” I said. “But, a word of warning; I won’t be leaving to get rolls this time,” I added.

“Yes, sir, I understand… I think. I’ll keep my place. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Oh, on the contrary, it will. In fact why don’t you plan on staying the night?”

His mouth flew open and his eyes popped out. “Spend… the night?”

“Yes. I think Lisa would like that,” I said. “Wouldn’t you?”

“OH… Oh, yes, sir, Coach! I would… I would like that very much! Ohh, damn, I can’t believe it!  I’m not getting kicked off the team and you’re inviting me back, to… to……”

“To fuck my wife,” I finished for him.

He nodded, red-faced, looking like he could hardly breathe.

“Go ahead, say it,” I told him.

“I’m g-gonna… f-fuck your wife,” he blurted out quickly.  “Oh, Geezusss, I can’t believe it!  I’m fucking the coach’s wife!”

“Oh, listen, bring your uniform,” I said.

He gave me a confused scowl. “My uniform?”

“Yes. That’s part of what she likes about you, that you’re a football player.  I think she would like if it you demonstrated how you put your gear on… and take it off.”

His confused scowl turned into a knowing smile.

“Just keep this to yourself, Jason. I don’t want the other guys finding out,” I warned.

“Oh, I would never tell anybody, Coach,” he said.

The overnight was scheduled for Friday after the football game. Jason would linger back in the locker room and then leave with the coach.

“Lisa is going to love this,” Coach told the young athlete. “She doesn’t know you’re coming directly from the game, still in your dirty uniform and your sweaty jockstrap.”

“Do you really think she’ll like me in my sweaty jockstrap?” Jason asked.

“Almost as much as she’ll like you out of it.”

When we walked in we found Lisa watching the wrap-up of the game.  The lights were low; she was wearing a dressing gown and sipping red wine.

“Good game. You guys kicked some ass,” she cooed.

“Did it just for you,” Jason said.

“And you wore your uniform just for me.”

“Yes, Ma’am.  Coach said you wanted me to.”

“I wanted you to wear it so I could watch you take it off,” she said.

“I might need a little help,” he said as he walked over and stood in front of her.

“I don’t know anything about football gear; what you take off first.  You’ll have to show me,” she said.

“It’s ladies choice,” he said.

“Is that what you tell those hot little cheerleaders when they strip you of your uniform after a game?”

“I wish, but that’s never happened,” he said.

“Well, I’m sure your coach could make it happen if you mention it to him.’

“I’ll mention it to him,” Jason said.

“Oh, dear, I don’t know where to start,” she said as she set her wine glass down.

“I’ll walk you through it,” Jason said as he began unlacing his pants.

Lisa took over quickly and finished unlacing them, then Jason showed her how she should remove the thigh pads before they took the pants off.  Underneath he was wearing only his jockstrap.  It was well worn, with little tatters and pick holes.

“My goodness, you certainly fill it out,” she said, trailing her fingers over the pouch.  She looked him up and down then said.  “I think this is enough to take off.  Well, maybe the jersey,” she added.

Jason pulled the jersey off and tossed it aside and stood in his jock, cleats and shoulder pads.

“Yess! Perfect!” she said.

“Like I said, ladies choice,” he said.  “Can I show you to the bedroom?” he asked her in a low voice.

“I believe you know the way,” she cooed.

He picked her up and carried her back to our bedroom.  What a sight, to see the big, muscular jock carrying my wife with such ease.  I followed close behind, my eyes glued to his tight, muscle-ass.

He laid her on the bed and hovered over her.  With his shoulder pads on, he looked enormous over her small body. I started taking off my clothes; I wanted to be naked for this. He eased down, rubbing his meat filled jockstrap against her crotch. He was hard, ready to burst through his jock.  She spread her legs and humped herself up against him.  Naked, I took the chair and settled back to watch.

“Ohhhhh, your jockstrap feels so good rubbing against me like that,” she murmured.

“I would like to use my tongue, if that’s all right,” Jason said. She squealed with delight. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said, and began to kiss his way down her body, starting with her neck, then both tits, then down her stomach.  She groaned aloud as he buried his face in her crotch. I was duly impressed.  I couldn’t imagine a boy his age pleasuring a woman in such a way.  He had her worked into a frenzy in short order and I thrilled at her groans, begging him for his cock.

“It hasn’t worked its way out of my jockstrap yet,” he teased.

She started to reach down to help but he stopped her.  “No, it knows the way,” he said.

I could see his cock was hard, straining against the worn, mesh material of his jock, anxious to slide into the warm crevice it knew so well.  He never did remove his jockstrap, or even tug it out of the way. Instead, he shoved in, using the jock like a condom.  Lisa cried out with renewed pleasure.

“Ohhhh, that feels so good!” she cried.

“Let me know if it’s too rough,” he said.

“No, it feels wonderful!”

It was hot as hell to watch his long, thick cock pulling back, drawing the jockstrap along, then pushing back in, plugging her with the worn material.  The boy knew how to fuck, obvious by the way he made certain moves to rub the soaked material over her clit. The condition of it….tattered with little pick holes....I wondered if it would hold up, or if he would fuck it to shreds.

It was well made; it held up.  But a jockstrap does not serve well as a condom, even though it clung to his manhood throughout. But when he shot his load and when he pulled out the garment was hanging heavy laden with cum and the stuff was draining through the mesh material. The stuff ran like whey through a cheesecloth, soaking the bed. He cupped his manhood to try to catch it but there was so much that it ran through his fingers.  I tossed him a towel and he held it there as he climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom.

“We’re going to need to change sheets,” I told my wife.

“I know.  As soon as I regain my strength. Godd, he literally nails me to the mattress.”

“I was thinking about inviting him to stay the night,” I said.

“Only if you will you sleep with us,” I said.

Cody was the second candidate. I thought Lisa would like Cody because he looked so young and innocent in the eyes, had a nice, lean body and a dangling cock that I couldn’t judge its potential. I approached him much the same as I had Jason; inviting him to dinner so we could get better acquainted in a one-on-one setting.

By initial opening; I mentioned to Cody that I wouldn’t be in over the weekend but I was leaving the keys with Brady so he could open up the gym for the guys who usually came in to work out.  I told him we my wife and I were going to the lake.

“The weather will be great for a weekend in the sun,” he said. “Lake Barton, or Miller Lake?”

“We’re going to Miller. My wife thought she would feel out of place at Lake Barton where all the younger crowd hangs out, with all those teenager babes.”

I don’t why she should. I don’t think your wife’s got anything to worry about on that count,” he said.  He suddenly realized what he’d said, and began apologizing.  “I didn’t mean it like that, Coach; I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“She would not take it as being disrespectful, and neither do I. She would be flattered,” I said, putting him at ease.  “I know my wife is kind of a babe, Cody, and I’m not offended that other guys notice.”

“No offense intended again, Coach, but she’s not just “kind of” a babe.”

“Oh?” I said with a smile.

“Well, I’ve never seen her in a swim suit but I’m sure she looks just as good in one as a lot of girls around school.  Does she wear a one piece or a bikini?”  Again, he caught himself and became embarrassed. “Damn, what am I saying!  I’m sorry, that’s really none of my business.”

“Stop being embarrassed.  It’s okay if you’re imaging my wife in a bikini.”

“I wasn’t…..I mean…..”

“Yes you were, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked.  For your future imaginings, she wears a bikini.”

“Oh, Geezuss,” he whispered. “I think I need to go shower, Coach.”

“Before you go, we would like to invite you to dinner one evening next week.  I would like to get to know my players better, on a more intimate basis.  Can you make it?”  I laughed.  “I promise, my wife won’t wear her bikini.”

He stammered around and finally got it out that he could make it and we set the date.

Cody arrived wearing jeans and sneakers and a blue polo shirt that showed off his lean, athletic both nicely.  His jeans also showed off his awesome little butt.  Dinner started out rather awkward but that was to be expected.  Later, when he offered to help with the cleanup, Lisa shooed him out of the kitchen then brought in two cold bottles of cold beer for us.  Cody was visibly surprised.

“It’s okay, Cody, just don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t.”

“And you have to stay long enough for it to wear off, before you get behind the wheel.”

We drank our beer and talked sports and I watched Cody began to relax.  He got a good buzz on pretty quickly.  He saw me smiling at him.

“Am I drinking it too fast, Coach?  I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”

“Not at all.  You seem to be handling it just fine.  Nothing wrong with a good buzz.  But I wasn’t smiling at that.”

“What, then?”

I didn’t answer him; that I was smiling at the way he kept trying not to look at my wife.

Lisa used the same ploy as before; she’d forgotten the rolls.

When I got up to go get them Cody asked if I wanted him to go with me.

“No, I’ll go,” I said. Then I said, quietly. “I was smiling at the way you keep trying to keep your eyes averted from the kitchen.  Why don’t you just go out there and assert yourself and tell her you are going to help.”

“She wouldn’t throw me out of the kitchen?”

“I don’t think so,” I said, then I left to get the rolls.

When I returned I knew without even looking at my wife that Cody had fucked her; it was all over his face, in a panic stricken sort of way.  As before, dinner was a bit awkward and as before, Cody was in a hurry to leave.  I was laughing as I went back to the kitchen after seeing Cody out.

“Well?” I asked, wrapping my arms around her as I came up behind her.

“He was a virgin.”

“No shit!  You got yourself a virgin!  That’s great!  I wouldn’t have guessed, though, the way the girls are all over him at school.”

“He was just unsure of himself,” she said.

“So you handed him his confidence,” I chided her.

Cody did a good job the next morning of acting like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. But as the day wore on it must have gotten to him.  He got a pass out of home room to come down to my office. His composure was gone. He was so nervous he could hardly talk.  He stammered around, unable to form a coherent sentence.

“Calm down, boy.  It can’t be that bad.”

“It is,” he said, almost gasping.

“Well, have a seat there on the couch and try to tell me how bad it is.”

He sat astraddle the arm of the couch—that seemed to be a favorite with a lot of the guys.

“I’ve never been so scared in my life,” he said.

“Of what? Cody, you’ve got to calm down and get it together.  Now, what’re you scared of?”


“Me!  What in the world have I done to make you scared of me?”

“Nothing you’ve done, it’s what I’ve done, and what you’re gonna do.”

“Cody, you’re not making any sense.”

“At your house last night…..when you went to get the rolls and I….I went out to help our wife in the kitchen……”

“Yeah?”  I think I might have laughed if I didn’t feel so sorry for him.  But I made him say it.

“I…..I h-had sex with your wife!  I’m sorry, coach.  I’m so sorry I could kill myself.  I didn’t mean for it to happen but it just did, and we did it right there on the kitchen table.  I didn’t know what was even happening; I mean, I never had sex with anybody before.”

“You mean you had sex with my wife?” I asked, not angrily but it must have sounded like a death sentence to the boy. He was nodding, about to cry.

I got up and came around my desk.  He cowered back a little. I put out a reassuring hand and laid it on his shoulder.

“Calm down, Cody.”

“I didn’t use a condom either, Coach. Godd, maybe I got her pregnant.”

“No, you didn’t get her pregnant. Lisa can’t have children.  She can’t get pregnant.”

“Oh.” He gushed a sigh of relief. “I’ve got my uniform ready to turn in,” he said quietly.

I laughed softly. “Fucking my wife has nothing to do with you playing football,” I said.

“You don’t….you’re not mad??”

“Well, my wife has to be held somewhat complacent in what happened,” I said.  “You didn’t rape her, did you?”

“No!  No, I don’t think so.  She…..she never tried to stop me, and she never told me to stop.”

“Then you’re not responsible,” I said. “The only thing you’re responsible for, Cody, is being a young, horny jock, and making my wife very happy.”

He gaped at me, wide-eyed.  “She told you?”

“Yes.  We don’t have secrets from each other.  I kind of expected it would happen when I left to get the rolls, the way you kept looking at her.  So, how does it feel to be without your virginity?

“It feels wonderful….she told you that too?

“Yes. And she said you did a very good job. Look, I’m not mad or upset, and I don’t want your uniform.  You’re too valuable a player.  I need you on the team.  So let’s forget this little incident and move forward.”

“I can’t believe you’re being so understanding.”

“I’ve been there, Cody.  But I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a woman like Lisa to show me the way out of my virginity.” I closed with the admonishment that he should not tell anyone.

Brian was my next mark.  He was the most physically mature boy on the team.  More a man than a boy, really, and Lisa was excited about him coming to dinner. He arrived in cut-off jeans that rested on his round, tight butt to hold them up. His thighs bulged against the worn denim material.  He wore sneakers, no socks, and a plain white T-shirt.  There was nothing fancy about Brian; he was who he was, and he was confident in his manhood.  I could see that Lisa was almost breathless when he came in.  He didn’t offer to help in the kitchen.  That wasn’t his nature.  I got us each a beer and we went into the living room to watch a lacrosse game I’d recorded.

“I used to think lacrosse was a pussy game, but those guys are tough,” he said.

“Tough and quick,” I agreed.

“I wish we had a lacrosse team.  Or better yet a rugby team,” he said.

“You would be more fit for rugby, especially with those legs,” I said.

Then came the call for rolls.  I got up to leave.

“I can go get ‘em, Coach,” Brian said jumping to his feet.

“No, I’ll go; you stay and keep my wife company.  Maybe lend a hand in the kitchen.”

“I don’t think she would want that.  I don’t know anything about what goes on in a kitchen except eating the food that comes out of it,” he said.  But used to doing as I said, he sat back down and let me go for the rolls. 

I gave have them plenty of time to get started but returned earlier than I had with the other boys.  It was intentional; I wanted to catch them in the act.  I wanted to see Brian’s reaction when he was caught.

It worked only too well.  I let myself in and closed the door without a sound.  The only sounds were Lisa stifling tiny squeals and whimpers, and Brian’s guttural moans and curses as he slammed his cock into her unmercifully.  He was fucking her on the kitchen counter.  Her legs were spread out wide and she was slumped back, holding onto the handles of the overhead cabinets.  I watched for a moment to take in the sight; Brian’s heavily muscled jock-body rippling, his round, hairy butt muscles clenching powerfully, and his stomach muscles like a plate of armor, and his cock thrusting in and pulling out of her and out of her.  I’d never seen the boy with a hardon, but he was using long strokes and I didn’t know how much of his cock he was using.

Lisa saw me and I was sure she realized that my quick return was intentional.

“Oh, dear! My husband’s back!” she whimpered softly, her voice wavering.

It was almost comical.  Brian didn’t miss a stroke.  He glanced my way with a shocked look on his face but kept right on fucking her.  I quickly realized why. He had them both so close that he couldn’t stop.  The announcement that I was there was the only thing Lisa said.  After that it was nothing but unintelligible babbling as the teenager fucked her unmercifully. Brian was obviously no virgin. He knew his way around a woman’s body. No virgin knew the moves he was using on her. With a powerful thrust Brian’s body suddenly tensed like a stone statue except for the tiny tremors that made his hips lurch and his butt muscles twitch.  He was shooting his load inside her.   She squealed and let go of one of the handles to cover her mouth.  He was obviously giving her a big O.   She trembled like an earthquake and choked on her muffled outcries.

I walked on into the kitchen and set the rolls on the table.  Brian showed no sign of fear. Physically, he had no reason to fear me but I could ruin his career.  He leaned down with his head on her slumped face and sucked in deep breaths of air, then he straightened and moved back from the counter.  His cock pulled out and fell heavily against his thigh with a wet smack.  I still didn’t know how big he was hard, but I knew his potential now.  He was big.  Beer-can big, and long.  Cum dripped from his cock onto the floor and there was cum running out of Lisa’s pussy.

“I know I oughta apologize, Coach, but I won’t ‘cause I can’t say I’m sorry, and I don’t think your wife is, either.  It just happened, Coach and that’s all there is to it.  Whatever you want to do with me, I’ll take the punishment.” 

“Well, for starters, I want you to pull up your shorts then help my wife down from the counter, then clean up the cum,” I said.

Brain was super cool. He didn’t even seem surprised at my reaction.  Again, accustomed to doing as I said, he grabbed paper towel and wiped his cock then pulled his shorts up, then wiped up the cum from the floor.  He helped steady Lisa and even made a grabbing swipe between her legs to wipe the cum that was draining out of her.

“Sorry, Ma’am, I cum quite a bit,” he said.

“Yes, I felt it,” she said.

Then Brian said he was leaving.  I stopped him as he was half way to the door. 

“You haven’t had your dinner,” I said matter of factly.

He stopped and turned around.  “You want me to stay?”

“Of course, Lisa prepared this dinner for you, it would be impolite not to stay, don’t you think?”

“I….guess so,” he said as he came back to the table.

We sat down to eat.

“I’m a little bit confused, Coach.”

“What’re you confused about?” I asked.

“Your reaction when you walked in on us.  And then you told me to stay.  Things are starting to look a little clearer; like maybe I was set up.  Was I?”

“I wouldn’t call it being set up,” I said.  “But I did intentionally create the opportunity,” I admitted.  “Lisa likes young jocks. And I’m in a position to provide them.”

“Yeah, I guess you are, being a coach,” he said.  “Am I the first or only one to take the bait?”


“Really!  Who else?”

“I won’t say. But we’re planning a cookout and sleepover for some of the guys. You might be surprised who see there.”

Cody took over frying the bacon while I started scrambling the eggs. The boys began filing into the kitchen, naked and sleep eyed. 

“Where do you keep the plates and silverware,” Jake Talbot asked, rubbing his eyes with one hand and scratching his balls with the other.

“Plates are up there,” I said, pointing to the cabinet. “But do us all a favor and wash your hands first, after you get done scratching your balls,” I added.

They all laughed and Jake kept on scratching his balls. He and Jim Downey set the table and I told Brady to go wake Jason up, but not Lisa if he could help it.  He came back laughing and shaking his head.

“He’s already up,” he said. “So is your wife. It may be a little bit before he comes in for breakfast.”

“Geezuss, don’t that guy ever wear down?” someone remarked.

“He’s a fuckin’ machine,” another said.

“Somebody get the orange juice and milk and glasses, we may have to eat without them,” I said as I started serving up the eggs.  Cody set the platter of bacon on the table and the boys gathered round, taking up all the chairs, leaving some of them standing.

“There are more chairs there in the dining room,” I said.

“Naw, this is okay” Jake said, standing with his plate.

When I was finished serving up the eggs I went back to get Jason.

“Shit, he’s going back there!” I heard someone whisper.

“Like he doesn’t know what’s going on?” another said.

I smiled.  Like I didn't know what was going on?  Hell, didn’t they know I’d slept with the guy and my wife; watched him fucking her while I kissed and sucked her tits.  Jason and I were practically a team.

I eased the door open a bit and hesitated, my heart thumping in my chest. Yeah, I’d seen him doing it, but it still took my breath away. I watched through the crack in the door for several minutes, listening to his heavy breathing and groans as he pounded her into the mattress, and her whimpers of pleasure. Godd, they were a sight to behold.  Jason's athletic body rippled beautifully, a pure symphony of muscle with a soft sheen of sweat.  I couldn't see much of his cock but his butt was mouthwatering.  Suddenly I felt the warmth of body heat behind me. I glanced around; it was Jake. He smiled and nodded to the viewing crack and I reared back to let him have a look.

"Damn, that guy's got some moves," he whispered.  "He oughta give lessons to the rest of us."

I smiled and reached back to pat his hard stomach. I didn't know whether Jake was going to go back to the kitchen or stand and watch.  I was about to go in the bedroom when he approached but I wasn't sure how Lisa would feel about him going in with me.  I whispered to him that I was going in. He nodded, a knowing smile, and turned and went back down the hallway. I eased the door open and moved into the room, silent as a ghost. As I moved up closer to the bed Lisa saw me and smiled a dreamy smile.  Jason saw her smile and snapped his head around.

"What the hell are you doing, boy?" I asked with a scowl.

His reply was classic, and to be expected from Jason.  "Fucking your wife, Coach, just like she wanted."

"What's taking you so long?  The guys are eating breakfast."

"Actually, this is the second go-round," he said, all without missing a stroke. "I shouldn't be more than another twenty minutes or so, maybe a half hour." He looked down at Lisa.  "That is, if you wanta go that long."

"I'm yours for as long as you want me," she told him.

Jason looked back at me.  "Tell the guys to go ahead and eat without me," he said.  Then he grinned.  "Anyway, I'll probably have an appetizer here before I come out to the kitchen; just getting it all warmed up."

He was too much for me; always a step ahead of me.  I smacked his hard, bare butt.  "Just don't wear it out, okay, it's gotta last me a lifetime."

"I don't think you have to worry about that, Coach.  Your wife is in better shape, and tighter than almost all the girls I've fucked."

I laughed, then leaned down and gave Lisa a kiss.

"Don't you wear HIM out, either.....I need him on the team."

"I don't think you have to worry about that either, Honey.  He's like a machine."

"Well, I guess you'll come and eat when you need more energy," I said to Jason and smacked him on the butt again.  I went back to the kitchen.

"Is Jason coming out to eat?"

"He's going to be tied up for a while longer, he said to go ahead and eat without him.  He said he's going to have an appetizer before he comes out."

"He's gonna eat her after he fucks her?" one of the boys exclaimed.

"Wonder if he's gonna appetize on his own cum," another said.

"I've never tried that.  I think I will next time," said another.

“That’s the grossest fuckin ‘ thing I ever heard of.”

We ate and the boys talked openly about going back for seconds.  It was funny and gratifying how at ease they were after the initial surprise of learning that they were not the only ones fucking my wife. I was a little concerned for her.  She’d already taken on eight jocks and they weren’t finished.

A little while later--about a half hour, like Jason said--I heard the shower running.  Moments later Jason came into the kitchen still drying off.

“Listen, we’ve all voted, and we want you to do a DNA thing and donate some of your genes to us,” Cody said.

“You’ll have to talk to my dad about that; they’re his genes,” he said.

“Meanwhile, we’d like for you to give us all lessons,” another boy said.

“Hell, it’s doing what comes natural,” Jason drawled.  “But like anything worth doing right….like football….you gotta be willing to practice and put in the time.”

Lisa came out a bit later, dressed in a sexy blue negligee that barely reached over her butt.  Even though they had all fucked her, the boys’ eyes popped out as they all stood up from the table.

“Sit down, finish your breakfast,” she said, waving them off.

But the all remained standing till she took one of the vacated chairs. Two other boys were quick to bring her breakfast.

“Well, I don’t get this kind of service every day,” she said.

“You should.  What’s the matter with you, Coach?”

Despite the comfort zone, breakfast was a little tense, I thought because the boys didn’t know what to say, and I knew they were all thinking about later when they all wanted to fuck her again.  Lisa settled their nerves, but only for a moment.

“I hope none of you have to leave right away,” she said. 

“No, Ma’am, we’re all good,” Brian said, looking around to the others who were nodding.  If Brian said they were all good, they were all good and none of them would be leaving.

“Good, because I have a little surprise for you,” she said, smiling.

“Wow, I don’t know what it could be, I’ve already had the surprise of my life,” one of them said.

I didn’t know either.

“You only think you have,” she said with mischievous smile and twinkle

“I haven’t even told Coach about this,” she went on.  “Now I know you’re all man enough, you’ve all proven that beyond any doubt.”

“What is it?” someone asked, then another.

“I’m always up for a challenge, just tell us what it is,” Brian said.

“Well, it’s two challenges, actually.”

“Okay, just don’t keep us in suspense,” one of them said.

She looked at me with that mischievous grin I knew so well.  “Do you think our bed will hold up under the weight of all eight of these boys?” she asked.

“Hell, yeah!” someone exclaimed.

“Hell, that’s not a challenge, that’s an orgy,” another said.

“What’s the other one?”

“Well, before we engage in an orgy….the next time we all get together; I want to watch you boys do each other.”

Mouths dropped, eyes popped and a couple of forks dropped. I was as surprised as any of them.  One boy spit out his orange juice. It was almost hilarious, the way she’d maneuvered them into a corner then sprung it on them.  It was a moment before any of them found their voices. Even Brian was speechless.

“I can’t do that.”

“No way.”

“I don’t think I’m up to that either, Ma’am,” Brian said.

“My, my, what happened to ‘I’m always up for a challenge’?” she chided him.

“I’m just not built that way,” he said.

“Oh, come now, everybody’s got a gay gene,” she said.

“I don’t think I have; I never had a thought in my life of doing anything gay,” Austin said.

“Well, my goodness, I never thought you were such a bunch of cowards,” she said. “Think about it; you sucked on a bottle when you were babies. You probably sucked your thumbs or on a pacifier. You sucked and licked a lollipop. You’ve sucked on a water bottle and I’m sure many of you have sucked on a girl’s nipples….you’ve been preparing for this moment all your lives.”

Some of them smiled, some chuckled softly. She went on, now focused on Brian as her biggest challenge. 

“It’s a body part,” she said.  “A thumb, a nipple…..and you, Jason, were wonderful eating my pussy.  So think about it….all of you….and tell me, what’s the big difference whether it’s a pussy or a cock?”

“A lot,” one boy said.

“I never ate pussy before,” another said.

“You oughta try it,” Jason said.

I wondered and was anxious to see where it would lead.  I noticed Brian wasn’t saying anything now. It was a real turn-on for me to hear her talking like that to these young men. I wondered and was anxious to see where it would lead.  Brian seemed to be in deep thought, or maybe in retreat, trying to figure a way out. It was like Lisa knew she had these boys by the balls and she wasn’t beyond squeezing to get what she wanted.

It was a couple of days later at school when I left a note on the locker room bulletin board with a list of boys to report to my office after PE class, which was the last class of the day. They lingered back from the others after class and when everyone else was gone they came into my office, in various states of undress; Jason Towne, Brian Mitchell, Cody Brown, Brady Anderson, Austin Meyers and Jack Anderson, Jake Talbot and Jim Downey.

“Gentlemen, come in. Close the door.” I waved them to the couch and the two chairs.  Godd, what a sight.  “You might know that Lisa and I are going to Lake Barton this weekend. She asked me to invite you boys to come with us.  We’ll be driving up Friday evening; you could join us anytime you can get there.”

“Is she still hung up on her idea of us doing each other?” young Jack Anderson asked.

“Yes. She thinks the weekend in the wild might be an inducement.”

“Damn!” Brady swore under his breath. “Bad as I wanta go, Coach, I just can’t bring myself to do it.  I can’t even imagine having a cock in my mouth. It’s just not a place where I wanta go.”

“She’s not one to take no for an answer; I don’t think she’ll give on it,” I said.

“Is it an ultimatum?” someone asked.

“I’m sure a great deal depends on it.  Namely your continued pleasure with my wife,” I said. I wished I could propose a compromise but I knew I wouldn’t dare without consulting Lisa. “I do have an idea, though, that might help break down inhibitions and move things along.”

“I’m all ears,” Brady said.

“You’re all cock.”

“There are eight of you,” I said as I tore a piece of paper into eight pieces.  Then I put numbers on them, wadded them up and tossed them in a helmet.  I handed a helmet across to them. “I want you to pick a number and see who you’re matched up with.”





“I’m a one, too.”




“Okay, you break into four pairs. Each pair goes off to a spot where you can talk it out and hopefully work it out between the two of you.”

“I don’t see how this is going to solve anything,” Brady said.

“You’re just talking. Maybe it’s a no-go; at least it’ll be settled once and for all.”

I watched them unwad the papers and pair up; Jason and young Jack Anderson; Brian Mitchell and Jake Talbot; Brady Anderson and Austin Meyers; Cody Brown and Jim Downey. The boys began to disperse.

“Okay, Jack, let’s you and I go back to the weight room,” Jason said.

Brian Mitchell and Jake Talbot went to the equipment cage.  Brady Anderson and Austin Meyer chose a dark corner in the locker room where the wrestling mats were stacked. Cody Brown and Jim Downey just went out to the locker room and sat on a bench facing each other.

“Meanwhile I’ll get caught up on posting PE grades,” I said.  I left my office door open, hoping to hear what was said. I wouldn’t be able to hear Jack and Brady; they were back in the weight room. But I could make out much of what the others were saying although I couldn’t determine who was doing the talking.

“We’re supposed to talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about, is there?”

“I wonder what the others are saying about now.”

“Why is she doing this….cutting us off like that?  She likes it as much as we do.”

“Because she thinks she can.  She thinks she’s got us by the balls.”

“Well, she does, doesn’t she?”

“She don’t have all the cards but she’s dealt the best hand, by nature, so she gets to call the shots.”

“How do you figure?”

“Look at us. She knows we’re a bunch of horny jocks and she’s playing it to her advantage,”

“Think about this, though….if none of us folds, then what’s she going to do? She wants young cock and we won’t be there to give it her.”

“She counting on the power of the pussy. It’s what makes the world go around.”

“Yeah but what good is pussy if there’s not a stiff young cock to fill it?”

“I guess it’s a waiting game; see who folds first.”

“How’s she ever going to find eight jocks to fuck her?”

“I keep thinking, though, that’s pussy without any hassle, on a regular basis. I sure as hell don’t wanta give that up.”

“So what’re we gonna do?” 

“Everybody else is probably asking themselves the same thing.”

“Sometimes the end justifies the means.”

“I never did understand that.”

“If the end is something you really, really want, then it’s worth whatever you have to do to get it. So, what’re you going to do?”

“What’re you gonna do?”

“One of us supposed to say, I’ll do it if you will.”

“And I’m supposed to say back, I’ll do it if you will?”

“I’ve been wondering exactly what she mean by us doing each other. She didn’t spell it out.  What if she meant us fucking each other?”

“That ain’t gonna happen. I’ll go back to my fist before that happens.”

“We gotta decide something.”

“Godd, I hate to go back to begging girls for pussy.”

I glanced up to see that Cody and Jim were no longer sitting on the bench. I decided to wander through and see if there was any progress being made.  Cody and Jim had joined Brady and Austin back in the dark corner on the wrestling mats.

“You come out to witness?” Jim asked when he saw me.

Brady rose up from his seated position to his knees.  “You know this is blackmail,” he said as he and reached out and tugged at Austin’s towel. It fell loose and he took hold of his cock.

“You’re gonna do it?” Cody asked surprised.

“I don’t believe it either, but I keep thinking of that regular pussy the coach’s wife is offering us.” 

“Fuck, Brady, I don’t believe you’re actually doing this,” Cody said as he watched his cock grow in the jock’s big hand.

“Neither do I. Give it to me before I change my mind,” Brady said. With that he stretched out on the mats. He took Cody’s cock and guided it to his mouth. He wasn’t hard but he quickly got that way.

“Aww, Brady, that feels better than fucking coach’s wife. You do that real good.”

“Well, hell, there’s nothing to it. Like she said, we’ve been training for it all our lives,” he said sarcastically. “You said you’d do it if I did, so get down here with me.”

“Yes, I will.”  He lay down in reverse and pressed his face into Brady’s jockstrap.  “Mom, you smell so manly.”

“It’s sweat, stupid. I never had a chance to shower.”

“I don’t think I mind.”

Brady reached down and pulled his jock down, letting his cock and balls fall free. Then he took hold of Cody’s head and pushed his face into his bare flesh. When he let loose Cody reared back with his cock in his hand”

“You’re so fuckin’ big.  I don’t know if I can get my mouth around it.”

“Just do it,” Brady growled.

“I think this is called sixty nine,” Cody said, stroking Brady’s big, thick cock.

“It’s going to be called a bloody nose if you don’t get on my cock.”

“Do you think she wants us to take each other’s loads?”

“She’d probably want us to swallow if she was here,” Brady growled.

“I tasted my own cum one time; I didn’t like it,” Cody said.

“She’s ain’t gonna care if we like it or not.”

“Are you going to do it, Brady? Are you gonna take my load, just in case she makes us?”


“No kidding!”

“And you’re gonna take mine. It’s a one-time thing; we put on a show for her and that’s it….over and done with….we go back to fucking her like always.”

“Maybe, maybe not. What if she wants us to do it every time before we get to fuck her.  Worse, what if she wants us to do more?”

“What more?”

“What if she wants us to fuck each other?”

“You’re buying trouble,” Brady said. “She’s not going to ask us to do anything like that. She knows we wouldn’t do it and Coach wouldn’t make us either.  That’d be pushing us too far.”

“We’re doing this,” Cody said.

I was watching the other two boys watch Brady and Cody. They were hard by now but neither of them had made any move toward each other. I was hard, too, watching my two athletes suck each other. It was something I didn’t expect I would ever see.

All of a sudden Brady disengaged and looked up at me; I was still sitting on the bench.

“Coach, before we take this too far, is she gonna expect us to take each other’s loads and swallow?” 

“I don’t know but you might as well prepare yourselves.”

“I don’t like this coach.  If she wasn’t such a great and easy fuck….”

“But she is, and she’s exacting her price.  Sometimes we have to pay the piper,” I said.

“Just answer me on this. Was this your idea or hers?”

“Hers, of course.”

“I believe you. I don’t think you’d ever ask us to do shit like this. Okay, Cody and I are doing it. How do we know the others will?”

I shrugged. “I never thought of that.”

“They’re not getting a free ride,” Brady said, looking at Jim and
Austin.  “Nobody’s getting a free ride.”

“We’re gonna do it,” Austin said.

I looked over at Brian and Jake in the equipment cage.  They were not in a position to see what the others were doing.  They were barely out of the gate, just groping each other.

“One more thing, Coach. She’s a great fuck and all but she better understand, if she comes up with anymore ideas for her entertainment, like us guys fucking each other, we’re pulling out and she’ll be left high and dry.”  

“I’ll pass that along,” I said.

Brady got back in the sixty nine positon and they began sucking each other. I headed back to the weight room. When I heard their voices I paused just around the corner. Peering around I could see Jason was seated on a bench, leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and Jack was slouched on another bench, leaned back with his arms spread across a barbell.

“I don’t know if it’s worth it,” Jack was saying. “I mean, it’s not like she’s got the only pussy in town.”

“But it’s free and easy fucking, anytime we want,” Jason said.

“You’re saying you’ll do it?  You’ll suck my cock?”

“I guess I am, if you reciprocate,” Jason said. “I know it sounds repulsive, it’s not how we’re built but I keep thinking of crawling in bed with the coach’s wife any time we want. Taking a cock in your mouth one time don’t make you gay or anything.”

“Maybe you’re right; nobody said we had to enjoy it, and it’s one time,” Jack said.  “But are we supposed to take each other’s loads?  ‘Cause I don’t know if I can.  I can take your cock in my mouth….I can get past that….but I never even tasted my own cum.”

“Nobody said it had to be a full-fledged blow job,” Jason said.

“Well, it’s gotta be full-fledged for us to cum,” Jack pointed out.

“Let’s don’t and say we did,” Jason said. “Here’s what we can do. We’ll give each other’s cocks a few strokes in our mouths, just to get the feel of it. Then we jack off and shoot on the bench and take a couple of licks of it off the bench. At least we know what we’re in for.”

Jack shrugged, looking doubtful.  “I guess that’d work, unless she insists on us sucking each other off to the very end.  Honestly, Jason, I think I’d back out if she did.  I can bring myself to licking up a little bit of your cum and even swallowing it, but I couldn’t handle your whole load shooting in my mouth.”

“Then we fake it,” Jason said. “We suck each other real good and then we fake cumming and swallowing. Nobody sees any cum, she won’t know the difference.”

“You think of everything, Jason.”

“So let’s do what we have to do and no more. I’ll go first,” Jason said, waving Jack to stand astraddle the bench. He leaned in and pressed his face into his jockstrap before he tugged it down to let his teammate’s cock and balls fall free.  “Fuck, this is gonna be a mouthful,” he murmured as he scooped the head of his cock up with his tongue and pulled it into his mouth.

“Awwwh, fuck, Jason!” Jack gasped as he clasped one hand around the back of his head. 

Jason eased back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, holding Jack’s cock in his fist.  “I guess it don’t count unless I suck you hard, like I’m serious about making you cum,” he said and went back down on him.

“That won’t take long,” Jack said as he began fucking his cock back and forth through Jason’s lips.  “Aww, Jason, I don’t think I want you to stop with a couple of strokes.”

“Don’t you cum!” Jason warned.

“I won’t; I promise.”

Jason sucked him for a couple of minutes—more than a few strokes—then withdrew and stood up.  He pushed Jack down on the bench.

“Your turn.”

Jack pulled Jason’s briefs down and quickly took his cock in his mouth.  He was already hard so he gave it a few strokes and withdrew.

“More’n that,” Jason said.  “At least as much as I gave you.”

“How long did you give me?”

“Couple of minutes at least,” Jason said.

“Okay, time me,” Jack said as he took Jason’s cock back in his mouth.

Jason kept an eye on his watch as he watched his teammate sucking his cock.

“Aww, fuck, Jack, that’s so good. Maybe we ought reconsider; go ahead and do each other all the way.”

Jack didn’t stop to respond.  When too much time had passed he eased back and looked up at Jason.

“Did your fuckin’ watch stop?”

“No, fucker, you got another thirty seconds.”

“I’ll do my own counting,” Jack said as held his own watch up to time himself.  When the time was up he eased back, wiping his mouth with his forearm.  “I gave you an extra ten seconds.”

“Big fuckin’ deal,” Jason said. He sat down on the bench facing Jack, and reached out for his cock. “Okay, let’s jack off and shoot.”

“Oh!....I didn’t know we were gonna jack each other off,” Jack said.

“You had my cock in your mouth, it ain’t gonna hurt to jack me off, dope,” Jason said.

The moved closer and began stroking each other’s cocks.

“Your hand feels way better than mine,” Jason moaned.

“Yeah, yours, too,” Jack agreed.

“Just don’t get used to it,” Jason said.

“I could, easy enough.  Fuck, man, this is hot.”

It took another ten minutes or so for them to work up their loads.  As he was approaching his climax, Jason scooted back on the bench, putting more room between them.  Jack had to reach out to keep jacking him.

“Don’t wanta get it all over you,” he said, his voice quivery.

Seconds later he started shooting his load.  He pushed down on Jack’s hand around his cock to aim down on the bench.

“Aim it down, or I’ll blast it all over you,” he moaned.

Seconds later, Jason was cumming. The stuff shot out in long, thick ropes that slithered across the bench. Jack watched, wide-eyed as he kept stroking the big cock.  Suddenly he leaned down and captured it in his mouth. In seconds his mouth was nearly overflowing with thick, warm semen. He couldn’t decide if he liked the taste but he liked the feel of the stuff shooting in his mouth with such power. When Jason was finished in a few seconds, Jack stayed bent over with his cock in his mouth. The moment of truth was upon him.  He’d blown his cover just as surely as Jason had blown his load. It took a lot of courage to rise up where he would have to face his teammate. When he did, Jason was gaping at him wide-eyed, with his mouth dropped.

“Holy Shit! You cum like a horse,” Jack said.

Jason didn’t say anything.  He couldn’t seem to find his voice.

“Geezuss, Jack…..that was more than just tasting it,” he said finally.

“I guess you know my secret,” Jack in a hoarse voice.

“Fuck, this is…..this is huge. I had no idea.”

“Good. Nobody ese will either,” Jack said.  “Promise you won’t say anything.”

“I won’t.  I promise.”  He swallowed hard, shaking his head.  “I had no fuckin’ idea,” he said again.

“Are you gonna get over it?” Jack asked with a tight smile.

“It may take a little time.  Geezuss, you gulped it down like it was warm honey.”

“No reason why you have to get me off, Jason. Just lick some off the bench and taste your own,” Jack said. When Jason didn’t respond—he seemed in a daze—Jack scooped up some on his fingers and held it up to him.

Jason took hold of Jack’s wrist and held his hand at a safe distance from his mouth. He was more than hesitant; he acted like he was frightened. Jack brushed his fingertips across his lips.

“Go ahead, while it’s still warm,” Jack said.

Jason opened his mouth and closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out.  Jack spread the cum across his tongue then stuck his fingers in his mouth.

“Okay, suck it off,” he told him.

Jason closed his lips around Jack’s fingers and sucked the cum off.  He opened his eyes, rather wide-eyed, at the taste of it.

“Swallow,” Jack said.

Jason nodded and swallowed.  It took him several tries to get it down. There wasn’t that much of it and Jack knew he was trying to swallow the taste.

“How was it?” Jack asked.

“Not what I’d order for dessert,” Jason said. Then he reached down and scooped up some of his own cum, offered it to Jack.  “No sense letting it go to waste,” he said.

Jack took his wrist and guided his fingers to his mouth, licked it off then sucked his fingers clean.  He closed his eyes and swallowed.

“You like it, don’t you,” Jason said with mild disbelief

“Not what I would order for dessert, but it’s your cum,” Jack said

“I had no fuckin’ idea,” Jason said again

“Now you know. No reason why you have to waste any jacking off.”

“What’re you saying?”

“Cum is a terrible thing to waste,” Jack said.

“I gotcha,” Jason said. “Come on, buddy, let’s shower.”

I stepped back out of sight till they’d gone in the shower then went back up to the locker room.  Things were in full swing.  There were two of my jocks in a sixty nine on one of the benches. They weren’t just experimenting; they were really into it….into each other. The others were standing around watching.

“Holy fuck, do you believe what’s happening here?” one of them said.  They saw me.  “Do you believe this, Coach?”

“Seeing is believing,” I said.

The weekend camping trip/orgy was a grand success.  Lisa didn’t make the boys go all the way with each other so all they had to do was put on a little show of cocksucking for her.  Experienced now, they carried it to the next level which delighted her no end. They turned the tables on her. They made her practically beg for them to stop with each other and fuck her.

Saturday night when they had returned home from the camping orgy, Cody got a phone call from Brady.

“You recuperated yet?” Brady asked him.

“It was wild,” Cody said.

“Listen I was wondering if you’d….never mind….forget it.”  And he hung up

Cody called him back.

“Brady, why’d you hang up? What’d you want?”

“Nothing. It was nothing.”

“It wasn’t nothing. You called me.”

“I changed my mind.”

“About what? What were you going to say?”

“It was stupid,” Brady said.

“Why don’t you let me decide that?”

“I was going to ask….if you’d wanta get together again, you know, like we did on the mats in the locker room, and later on the camping trip.”

Cody held the phone away, his jaw dropped.

“Cody?  I told you it was stupid.”

“No!  No, it’s not stupid,” Cody said quickly.  “Yeah, I’d like that. I was wondering if you’d want to but I was afraid to ask.  I’m glad you had the balls to call me.”

“You wanta come over for a little bit?”


“Come on in, lock the door behind you and come on upstairs. I’ll be waiting.”



“All the way this time?”

“Yeah, fucker, all the way.”

“You know what I’m saying,” Cody said.

“Yeah, dude, we’re on the same page.  I’m gonna fuck your eyeballs out.”

Sunday morning Brady Anderson came awake with a start. He was groggy from the night of sex and little sleep but he was able to feel a presence in his room.  The presence was his younger brother, Jack.

“Jack!” he exclaimed.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“What’s up?”

“Can I get in bed with you?”

“Sure, climb in,” Brady said as he lifted the sheet.

The younger boy crawled in and lay close to his older brother. There was little choice; it was a youth bed, barely big enough for Brady.

“What’s up, Little Brother? You haven’t crawled in bed with me since you were a little kid.”

“That’s partly kinda what’s up,” Jack said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, sometimes I wonder if we had the same dad.”

“What! Where’s this coming from?”

“Look at you.  You’re built like a tank, heavily muscled, hairy legs and hair under your arms and on your chest and belly. I’ve got peach fuzz on my legs.  I barely have any hair under my arms. Compared to you, I’m built like a girl.”

“Dude, nobody’s gonna mistake you for a girl,” Brady scoffed.  “Not with a dick like that. And you got nothing to be ashamed of the way you’re built.  You’re still growing; you’re gonna pack on plenty of muscle by the time you’re my age.”

 “You’re intimidating,” Jack declared.

“Intimidating!” Brady said, laughing.

“All those muscles, and look at your cock.  It’s like a club.”

“Hey….” He reached over and laid his hand on his brother’s stomach. “I don’t know where this is coming from all of a sudden, but you’re being ridiculous.  You just have to give yourself time.  Meanwhile, be happy and proud of what you’ve got.”  He wrapped his hand around Jack’s rubbery cock.  “Shit, that’s a real handful; a real pussy stuffer.”

“Yeah, if I ever get that lucky.”

“You need to open your eyes.  I’ve seen girls watching you when you walk down the halls, ogling your butt.”

“I just wanta be like you.”

“No you don’t.  You be who you are.”

“Okay, I wanta be like Brian, but I wanta be you.  Why can’t we just trade places?”

“You know what I think? I think you’re all boned up over is all acting gay for Coach’s wife.”

“I wonder if it was an act, for some.”

“Who? Who do you think is gay for real?” Brady asked as he moved his hand.

“Why’d you let go of my cock?”

“Are you saying I’m gay?”

“I don’t know; do you think I am, for wanting to get in bed with you?”

“It don’t matter to me if you are,” Brady said.

“Do you mean it?  Or are you just saying it because you’re afraid I might be?”

“I mean it. I’m not afraid if you are or aren’t.  Even if you are and you wanta do stuff with me….that’d be okay.  You’re still my brother.”

Jack began to tear up.  Brady rose up on one elbow and made a swipe at his tears.

“It’s nothing to cry about. Why’re you crying?”

“Only because you’ve made me the happiest boy on the planet.”

“How’d I manage to do that?”

“Saying if I wanta do stuff with you……”

“Do you?”

“Can I tell you about my fantasy?”

“You have fantasies about me?  I’m impressed.”

“You and Brian.”

“How’d Brian get in the picture?”

Five minutes later, Brady was dialing Brian’s cell phone.


“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but it’s okay.”

“What’re up doing?”

“Waking up, fucker, what’d you think?”

“You wanta come over?”

Short pause.

“It’s nine a.m.  We going to church or something?”

“Not exactly.”

“What’d you mean, not exactly?”

“Not church church, but there is some worshipping going on.”

“Hey, I’m just waking up, my brain don’t work so well in the early hours.  You’re gonna have to be more explicit.”

“Well, I’ve got my brother here in bed beside me and he’s doing his own kind of worshipping.”

“Jack?....and you?”



“That’s what I said. He asked me to call; he wants you to come over.  He thinks you’re hot.  He thinks we’re the two hottest studs in the locker room.”

“Well, we are,” Brian said.

“My brother has fantasies about us; you and me.”

“Tell him I’m impressed.”

“My parents won’t be home till tomorrow. Why don’t you come over and we’ll make his fantasies come to life.”

“I’ll be there within the hour,” Brian said.

It was three hours before he arrived.  He came bursting in the back door and rushed up the stairs to Brady’s room to find young Jack down between his older brother’s legs, chowing down on his cock.  Brian barely noticed.  He rushed in brandishing a newspaper.

“You seen the paper?”

“Uhhh…, I’ve been sorta busy,” Brady said.

“Coach and his wife have been arrested.”

“Arrested!  For what?”  It was Jack who had jerked his head up from Brady’s cock, letting it smack against his stomach and leaving it to bob up and down.

“Soliciting to prostitution and some other charges relating to sex with minors.”

“Ohh, shit, that’d be me, for one,” Jack said.

No, no, there’s nothing about him doing us. Coach approached three jocks from another school with the proposition of fucking his wife.  One of the guys was a real religious Christian and he called the police.  They’re out on bail. Two of the boys were underage. I don’t think either of them will say anything us.”

They were quiet for a long moment, trying to absorb the news.

“Well, I guess we’ll be getting a new coach,” Jack said.

“It’ll be good to have a change. We can get a fresh start,” said Brady.

“Yeah, but you gotta give him credit…..he brought us out and together. Nobody can take that away from us.”

The End

by peterbilt

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024