Jail's Bait: Time Served (Book 5)

by Phaggotry

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The rest of the funeral repast went quietly; and when it was all done the guests departed, with Jacqueline kissing Jake heartily on the cheek and wishing him a speedy journey back to school before sweeping from the manor, the paparazzi waiting at the gates.  The Hills gave the staff at Crimson Crest the rest of the day off.  Danny and Ray also left for their home, Danny promising to write to Marquis at school more often. 

After the only ones left were the Hill family and the college students, Joe cleared his throat, his arm around his wife.  “Can I see you two in my den for a moment,” he indicated to Rah-Rah and Marquis; “Malik and Lamar, you come as well.  Please excuse us,” he inclined towards Kap and the girls, “but would you mind watching Jamara? We’re having a quick family meeting.” 

Carmen, who was already holding the child, nodded in startled reply.  “Sure, sir; take your time,” she added, smoothing down Jamara’s baby hair again. 

Jake’s eyes grew imperceptibly wider with nervous anxiety.  Please, oh PLEASE… please stay away from the wall safe, he prayed inwardly as the selected group left the Banquet Hall… 

“Something wrong, Jake,” Kap asked then, through clenched teeth. 

“Oh, no monsieur,” Jake replied then, a bit too expansively. 

“Yeah, right,” Kap replied then, walking back towards where the girls had retaken seats.  Jake stared after the retreating group anxiously for another moment, then went back to his own seat, slightly perspiring…. 


Joe and Regine led the way, followed by Rah-Rah, Marquis, Lamar and Malik.  Once everyone was inside the closed room, Joe turned towards them.  “I suppose this is something that you all should know,” he began, striding towards the portrait of his father, J. Mayson Hill, standing guard over the hidden wall safe. 

“Why’d you wait for Dad and Ray to leave before you called this meeting,” Lamar asked with a tone of suspicion. 

Joe looked at Lamar.  “No reason, I only just thought about showing everyone this just now.  It’s no big secret between all of us; you can tell him later on.” 

Lamar seemed to be satisfied with that answer; Joe turned back again towards the portrait.  “I was going through Smithers’ possessions, trying to decide what should be packed up and what should be thrown out or given away.  I found this in a collection of business papers,” he said while reaching around the portrait to the back of it, and then extracting a yellowed, unmarked, unsealed envelope, to which he reached into and extracted what looked like a yellowed piece of parchment.  “This is a copy of a letter written by Smithers when he was 17 years old.  If you wouldn’t mind reading this aloud, Lamar,” Joe said, handing the letter to the man, “and let me know what you guys think.” 

Lamar crossed over to Joe, took the sheets and examined them.  The script was fading and spider-like: 


Dearest J, 

I am compelled to write this letter, to give you a proper explanation as to my sudden withdrawal of my affections.  I must admit to you that while I am most deeply caught in the spell of your allure, our love can never be.  This passion we share is an abomination, and even though my heart may yet yearn for your touch and the ecstasies you show me when we lay together, it is inherently corrupt and sinful.  I know now that my life will never be whole; for while my love burns for you brighter than the sun, I will never be able to love another, for instances sake, a woman. 

Last night when I spoke of these things to you in person, you cried in my arms and begged me to reconsider.  While in your arms the words you spoke clouded my reason, and I relented; afterwards our love’s fire raged with such carnal delights I fell into a swoon.  Yet in the cold light of morning, I can fully reason out why this, our love, may never bloom again.  For the simple matter of your marriage alone, the laws of Nature and Providence declare that we never come within arms’ length of one another henceforth, for we must abide by the dictates of the Almighty. I shall pray for your strength and fortitude, as it is my dearest wish that you prosper and rekindle your passions with your wife, which is where they should remain forevermore. 

In the deepest corner of my heart I will never forget you, and I hope to remain (if possible) on staff here at Crimson Crest, in an effort to remain close to my twin sister Maisie; I will understand, however, should you choose to release me from my contracted services here.  Please accept my wishes detailed in this letter and govern yourself in accordance, I pray. 

With a most unwilling yet steadfast resolve, I send you my regards. 


December 3rd, 1958 (Copy) 


Lamar finished the letter and placed it down on the desk.  “Smithers indicated on the bottom that this is just a copy.  He probably hand delivered the original to J. Mayson that same day.” 

“You know, sometimes I really don’t get how this family holds so MANY secrets and shocks from one day to the next, as much as we all talk,” Marquis said in wonder to them all; “you would think we’d have heard everything there was to hear by now… but then the sun rises in the east once again, and ANOTHER Hill family secret is revealed.  Lamar, you need to write our family history down and sell it,” he added with a snicker.  “Make some money.” 

“Don’t think I didn’t think of that,” Lamar grinned back.  “But if I tried to publish this, who’d believe that it was a true story...?  I’m SITTING here, and I don’t believe all this stuff really happened.” 

“Wow, ‘ol man Smithers was in love with your father, Uncle Joe,” Rah-Rah whistled.  “And hated himself for it; he never let himself meet anyone else for all these years.” 

“His heart was bound to J. Mayson for all time; he’d found his true love.  I know something about how that works,” Malik said, glancing at Lamar with a wistful smile as the man came to sit next to him.  “Once you’re with the love of your life, you can’t ever love anyone else like that again…” 

“From my guess, this letter ties up some loose ends.  I’m good at math, so I figure that this was written when I was 12 or 13 years old.  That makes this around the time that Trey’s mother Maisie got pregnant from being raped by my father,” Joe said grimly. 

“Sounds like ol J. Mayson was hurt from Smithers rejecting him, and decided to get some payback by taking it out on the boy’s sister,” Regine said then shrewdly.  “That poor child had nothing to do with it at all, but she got punished for it anyway.” 

“And look what happened to her afterwards,” Lamar added; “beaten and driven out into the streets by my dad’s stepfather, because she got pregnant.  You’re right, Ms. Jean; she never had a chance.” 

“And Smithers lost Maisie anyway.  He wound up spending his whole life in service to a man who he could never love the way he wanted to; each day must have been a torture for him here at Crimson Crest, looking around at all of his memories of J. Mayson,” Malik added sorrowfully.  “And two families suffered because of one man’s vengeance.” 

“What a shame- what a SHAME,” Marquis said then, shaking his head.  “All that heartbreak and tragedy in this family; years before most of us were even born- no offense,” he added, looking at Joe. 

“None taken,” Joe replied with a wink.  “My father is the one who offended us- all of us,” he added, looking around the room, “for the choices that he made were some of the most arrogant, selfish choices in the world.”  And I’m just like you, you old son of a bitch, he thought, casting a rueful glance at his father’s portrait.


After saying their goodbyes to Joe and Regine, Jake, Carmen, Angelina, Kap and Rah-Rah accompanied Marquis, Lamar and Malik back to HT.  Once there Rah-Rah said his goodbyes to everyone, leaving in a hurry; Lamar went to put Jamara down for a nap, while Malik called for the Hill family jet to ready themselves for transporting the college students back to Berkeley.  While the jet was prepped the kids lounged in front of the television in Marquis's suite upstairs.  Nothing special caught their interest until they spotted the latest Laybelline commercial.  Promoting the newest line of mascara was the new Face of Laybelline, the supermodel Jacqueline.  ‘And remember ladies, if you want lashes like Jacqueline, you will ‘urry to Laybelline and buy out ze store!!!’ Jacqueline was saying for the camera. 

Carmen and Angelina sighed again.  “What IS it with women and this super-model chick...?” Kap said then- regretting it instantly when he saw the look on Jake’s face.  “With all due respect,” he amended to Jake. 

“I STILL can’t believe you are HER son,” Carmen sighed, staring at Jake.  “And all this time, you were like right here…!” 

“Yeah,” Angelina agreed, “it’s like we now know somebody that KNOWS somebody,” she giggled with Carmen. 

“ExCUSE me,” Marquis said then, mollified, “I’ll just go stand over in the corner with the other pieces of chopped liver.” 

Carmen and Angelina looked at Marquis; the look was almost pitying.  “Hey, we know you’re famous and all that,” Carmen said, patting her hand on his knee reassuringly, “but this is JACQUELINE; you’re not a woman, you’ll never understand.” 

“Got-damn right, we aint NEVER gonna understand yall,” Kap added then.  Angelina punched him in the leg.  “HEYY,” he cried out, rubbing the spot. 

“I see why you kept your mouth shut,” Marquis said then to Jake with a grin.  “You would have been mobbed at school by every girl who found out your secret connect to THE supermodel of our time.  Look at these two,” he pointed out by way of example. 

“It is fine,” Jake replied with a calming smile.  “I am so proud of Mama, I could… burst.”  Marquis saw his eyes then, how flat they looked… he knew that Jake wasn’t telling the truth about how he felt about his mom; but he left it alone, figuring that he might not want to talk about his inner feelings in front of Kap, whom he knew hated the boy.  He reasoned to himself that they’d talk later. 

“…We’ve got to do a more thorough search when we get back to the dorm,” Kap was saying to Angelina. 

“I’m sure you didn’t lose it, baby,” Angelina consoled; “please don’t worry about it.” 

“What’s going on,” Marquis asked. 

“Well, to be perfectly honest we didn’t get on the flights you bought because Kap and I were mad at you,” Carmen said abruptly.  “The reasons for which I will discuss with you privately,” she added with a direct look that made Marquis halt before even framing his next question.  “We reminded Kap about his link to the Hill family bank account.” 

“You mean the Hill family crest- the ruby...?” Marquis asked. 

Jake, who was sitting on the floor watching television with a bored look on his face, suddenly went very still.  No one noticed his frozen reaction. 

“Yeah, you know how anyone who owns one can go into any bank and withdraw as much cash as you want, no questions asked...?” 

“I know about that,” Marquis said, half-grinning.  “So you were going to withdraw enough money to buy the plane tickets and all that, right...?” 

A red heat was beginning to burn behind Jake’s eyes. 

“The problem is, I don’t know where I left the stupid thing – no offense,” Kap grumbled to Marquis. 

“None taken,” Marquis nodded back.  “So you think it’s lost?” 

Kap nodded reluctantly.  “What do you guys do in this instance?” 

“I dunno, no one’s ever lost one before.  Don’t worry about it,” Marquis said; “it probably fell in your gym bag, or it could be anywhere in our room.  We’ll find it when we get back to school.  At any rate,” Marquis added playfully, “it’s not like ANYONE knows that the ruby crest also doubles as an unlimited ATM.” 

Jackpot, Jake exulted in the silence of his mind as he quietly kept staring at the TV. 


Two hours later, the college students were saying goodbye to Malik and Lamar at the private airport which housed the jet.  Lamar hesitated, then went over to Jake.  “You are welcome to return to HT if you’d like to visit,” he said then, his look undecipherable as he shook the boy’s hand. 

Merci, monsieur,” Jake replied, shaking his and Malik’s hands before boarding.  “You can guarantee that HT hasn’t seen the last of Jake ReVanche.”  He and the others boarded the plane, and minutes later it was taxing down the runway, and gliding off into the skies.  Lamar stared after the jet as it disappeared into the air. 

“That was a nice thing to say to Jake,” Malik observed as he put his arm around Lamar; “almost… paternal.” 

“That’s not funny,” Lamar said askance to Malik.  “That could be my son I just said ‘see ya later’ to.” 

“I think it’s time to find out what Rah-Rah knows,” Mailk said; “you up for a ride down to OakGrove...?” 


Rah-Rah was sitting on his bed, looking around at the room he would leave for the last time.  So much of his time here was spent hiding from the truth inside his own mind.  But he knew there were other truths also… truths that could almost make things worse if he told- 

“Hey, you’re back,” said Marcus’s satisfied voice from the doorway. 

Seconds later he felt arms wrap around him from behind.  The incredible warmth he felt from Marcus’s hug made him smile.  He reached around and pulled the NBA All-Star into an embrace.  “You really missed me, huh,” Rah-Rah asked then, holding Marcus close. 

“What was your first clue,” Marcus murmured as he burrowed his face into Rah-Rah’s neck.  “I’m sorry again that you had to go to a funeral.  Was it bad?” 

“No, there were a lot of old people there,” Rah-Rah said, sighing.  “The old guy was actually really respected.  I hope he rests in peace.” 

“Who was he to you,” Marcus asked. 

“My great-uncle,” Rah-Rah replied; “my grandmother’s twin brother.  She passed on giving birth to my dad, so I never knew her.” 

“How sad,” Marcus sighed too, leaning his face towards Rah-Rah’s neck.  “You smell nice,” he added softly, deeply inhaling. 

“It’s the cologne my cousin wears; I put some on right before I went to the funeral… it’s called JOOP,” Rah-Rah said with a smile. 

“Well, it suits you,” Marcus observed.  “He gave you a bottle of it, huh?” 

“No, I just went into his room and sprayed myself before the funeral, actually,” Rah-Rah admitted.”  He smiled at Marcus.  “You want me to buy some...?” 

“You should buy your own.  I thought you learned that it wasn’t nice to take what belongs to me,” said a stern voice from the doorway. 

Marcus and Rah-Rah jumped; Marcus slid from Rah-Rah’s grasp and bounced to the floor as Rah-Rah jumped up guiltily, staring at Malik and Lamar, who were standing just in the doorframe of his room. 

“What the-” he spluttered.  “Don’t sneak up on a nigga like that, sheesh!!” 

“First of all, we didn’t sneak up,” Malik responded.  “We signed in.  And good thing, too... we just found out something interesting…. apparently you were signing yourself out officially today, and you listed your new residence as… MY house...? he finished, scowling at Rah-Rah.  Lamar stood behind Malik, his reaction mirroring Malik’s disgust. 

“Who told you that,” Rah-Rah asked mildly, not meeting Malik’s eyes. “If the doctors were breaking my confidentiality-” 

“Hold on, sunshine,” Lamar said then, stepping forward with narrowed eyes.  “When they saw the address we put down on the sign-in sheet they THOUGHT we were here to take you home with us.  What game are you playing now, man?” 

“Now YOU hold on,” Marcus said then, stepping in front of Rah-Rah, getting into Lamar’s face.  “You don’t come in here and talk any ol kind of way to my dude...!  Speak with respect.” 

“Excuse YOU,” Malik said then, coming in front of Lamar, now getting up in Marcus's face.  “YOU mind your fuckin business,” he spat, the echo of his old thugg persona Joop behind his words.  “Who are you, anyway?” 

“HEY,” Rah-Rah said, getting in front of Marcus and holding up cautionary hands, “let’s all dial it down a bit, okay...?  This is-” 

“We know who he is,” Malik said then; “and check your internet; we’re both just as famous as you are, Mr. NBA All-Star.” 

“Marcus is my… my shorty,” Rah-Rah said by way of introduction; “and he means no harm… he’s just being protective of my feelings.” 

Lamar and Malik both looked stunned at this piece of news; then as one they both stepped back.  “Okay, sorry about that then,” Malik said to Marcus, who still appeared ready to either fight or run. 

“And baby, Malik here is my cousin, and this is his lover Lamar,” Rah-Rah indicated to Marcus.  “You’ve seen them visit me before, right...?  These are my two oldest friends.  Actually for a long time we were more like that term ‘frenemies’, if you know what I mean,” he smiled sheepishly towards Lamar and Malik; neither smiled back. 

“Okay then,” Marcus said reluctantly; “it was a misunderstanding.  I’m sorry, too,” he said to Lamar. 

“Forgotten,” Lamar said.  “But,” he continued, turning to Rah-Rah, “you still haven’t told us why your doctors think you are coming home to HT…” 

Rah-Rah kept the sheepish smile on his face.  “Well, it’s kind of where I was hoping to crash for a while- JUST for a while,” he added when he saw the reactions on Lamar’s and Malik’s faces.  “And that’s where my son lives, mostly… I’ll be able to bond better with him underneath the same roof.” 

“And the fact that I have hot-and-cold running servants doesn’t hurt, huh...?” Malik added with a smirk. 

“You can go live at Crimson Crest, it’s your family home,” Lamar mentioned then.  “Dozens of bedrooms, all the privacy you would need, all the servants you require… you can have a servant for each of your ten fingers and toes.” 

“That’s okay,” Marcus said to Lamar then; “I’ll serve his fingers and toes, if you don’t mind.” 

Malik snorted.  “Where’d you get this guy...?” 

“Baby, let me talk to my cousin for a moment; I’ll come get you before I leave,” Rah-Rah said to Marcus, ushering him towards the door. 

Marcus hesitated- and then allowed himself to be steered into the hallway.  “I’ll be right next door,” he said loudly, clearly letting Lamar and Malik know that he would come rushing right back if he heard anything amiss.  Lamar and Malik looked at each other incredulously as Rah-Rah shut the door. 

“If dating a patient in an institution for the criminally insane is your idea of ‘moving on’,” Malik began. 

“Don’t,” Rah-Rah said pleadingly.  “Leave him alone; I was worse than he ever was.  Now, about staying at HT-” 

“You mean, this time you’re actually going to ASK if it’s okay first, right...?” Malik interrupted him; he and Lamar folded their arms and frowned at Rah-Rah. 

Rah-Rah looked at them, and then shook his head.  “Okay, OKAY,” he said then.  “Can I stay with you guys at HT?  Until I find the right place for myself and Marquis...?” 

“Marquis...?” Lamar said with some shock.  “He’s not going to move out of HT to move in with you…” 

“I’m his father, not for nothing,” Rah-Rah countered then, a slight frown on his features. 

“I’m not trying to claim your son,” Lamar said then.  “He’s 21 years old now, and he graduates from Berkeley next spring; he’s not going to move into a place with his old man...!  You DO know that he and Michael DonaTello are involved...?” 

“You mean Kap...?  Yeah, I knew that,” Rah-Rah said, nodding.  “He has good taste.” 

Too bad his father doesn’t, Malik wanted to say out loud, referencing Marcus- but then he looked at Lamar, reminded of how Rah-Rah obsessed over him for decades- and kept silent. 

“And he’s also engaged to Carmen Lopez; they mean to get married,” Malik added on.  “Everyone knows everything; apparently they all confessed to Danny that Kap’s girlfriend Angelina and Carmen are lovers on the side, as well.” 

Rah-Rah smiled at that.  “Having their cake and eating it too, huh...? Kids today,” he said aloud with a grin. 

“So… speaking of kids,” Lamar said, “let’s segue this conversation into what the secret is you’re keeping from us about Jackie Stevens.” 

Rah-Rah began to choke and splutter.  Malik obliged by patting him on the back soundly.  The door burst open and Marcus sprinted into the room.  “Baby-BABY, you okay,” he cried aloud, grabbing Rah-Rah by the shoulders and peering into his eyes.  “What did you SAY to him,” Marcus growled at Malik. 

Before anyone could reply Rah-Rah held up a hand.  “I-I’m okay,” he managed weakly, slowly regaining his breath as he leaned on Marcus for support. 

“I’m here, I’m here baby,” Marcus soothed Rah-Rah.  “You can go now,” he said pointedly to Lamar and Malik. 

“Sorry; we’re his ride,” Malik replied pleasantly. 

“And that might not happen, either,” Lamar added, “unless he can answer my question.” 

“I knew there had to be a reason you guys came to see me,” Rah-Rah grumbled then, straightening up.  “Look, let’s get out of here.  Let me stay at HT and I’ll tell you all I know.” 

“No, you speak now,” Lamar pressed on.  “What do you know?” 

“I knew that Jackie was pregnant when she left Seattle and moved to France, okay?” Rah-Rah said. 

Silence went through the room as Malik and Lamar stared in fresh shock at Rah-Rah, who stood firm.  “She was ALREADY pregnant when she left Seattle...?” Lamar whispered fiercely. 

“And you’ve known about that all this time and said NOTHING...?” Malik asked Rah-Rah with distaste. 

“I kept my mouth shut,” Rah-Rah said promptly.  “I didn’t see the need to-” 

“Didn’t see the NEED...?  What kind of friend WERE you back then...?” Lamar stammered incredulously.  “You knew I was over the moon for Jackie, and you saw me bug out for months when she disappeared and never said goodbye.  You stood there and played like you were cheering me up, and you knew what was going on all the time...!” 

Rah-Rah made shushing motions.  “Can we get out of here and finish this later?” 

“Look,” Lamar went on, quieter this time, “all I’m saying is, if she was already pregnant when she left town, then that could very well mean that Jake is my son.  Are you absolutely sure she was pregnant before leaving for Paris...?” 

Rah-Rah looked at Lamar.  “Okay.  As you know, I was dealing with Marquette and ‘lil Marquis around the time; anyways, I was at the Stevens household and overheard a conversation between their mother and father.  They had just come back from the family doctor, and learned that Jackie was pregnant, but she refused to tell them who the father was.” 

“Oh my god,” Lamar gasped then, clutching Malik for support. 

Rah-Rah went on.  “I heard Mrs. Stevens say that her father was repeatedly offering to take the girls and raise them in France, if they would only renounce the father.  Mr. Stevens had a decent salary as a teacher, but it was only enough for the four of them to survive; talking care of Marquis was straining them badly.  Another baby in the house would have broken their wallets… so they came up with the plan to make Jackie renounce her father in order to inherit the Dampingion fortune; this way both the baby and she would be permanently taken care of.” 

“Make her...?” Lamar repeated the words in surprise.  He turned to Malik.  “Can you imagine the choice presented to Jackie at the time...?  A 14 year old, pregnant girl, scared for herself and her baby...?  A grandfather she never met before promises her untold riches and full support; put it together, and…” 

“…and you have the perfect plan B,” Malik finished.  “The kid gets raised by nannies in splendor and the girl gets freedom, adventure, and stability… all at the cost of abandoning her family, her friends, her… 

“…Her first love,” Lamar finished for them.  “But was I really that to her?  I mean, once she got the unlimited account in her name, she never bothered to call me again; and why not, I guess, money trounces first love all the time.” 

“Could you two meet me outside,” Rah-Rah spoke up then; “I’d like to talk to my dude alone for a minute.” 

Lamar and Malik looked critically at Marcus and Rah-Rah, and as one nodded and left the room.  “Hurry up,” Malik called from behind his shoulder as the door closed. 

“I REALLY don’t like them,” Marcus frowned at the door.  “I don’t like the way they treat you.” 

“It’s really no more than I deserve, baby,” Rah-Rah soothed, pulling Marcus back into an embrace.  “My cousin and I will get it together one day.” 

They stood there for a moment, the silence of the room washing over them as Rah-Rah held Marcus tightly in his arms.  “I am just a phone call away, and when your time is up I will come for you; I know we haven’t discussed long-term stuff, but my door is open to you if you need a place to stay,” Rah-Rah added. 

“I want to be with you,” Marcus said then, “so my place is with you, wherever you are.” 

“Then it’s settled,” Rah-Rah smiled at his shorty.  “When your time here is up you’ll come stay with me.  It’s almost done right?” 

“Another 6 months,” Marcus replied then, tears filling his eyes. 

“I’m not abandoning you, not at all,” Rah-Rah reassured the man; “but I have to go now.  He leaned over and kissed Marcus on his soft, warm lips.  “God, I wish you could come with me,” he groaned, squeezing him tightly. 

“Come back and see me, okay,” Marcus asked quietly. 

“Every day, baby,” Rah-Rah said, and held him a bit longer.  He could hear in the distance the sound of an irritating car horn starting to be blown.  “That’s my ride,” he murmured, pulling back and wiping the tears from Marcus’s cheeks.  “I’ll be back.”  And with that, he turned and left OakGrove Institution, a patient no longer. 

by Phaggotry

Email: [email protected]

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