I’ll try it if you will

by Shawn

6 Oct 2020 14124 readers Score 9.3 (123 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Danni and Todd had been together for over 3 years. Both in their late 20's, they made a very attractive couple. Danni stood 5'7 with an athletic build. She still had muscular thighs and a round ass from her days running track in school. She had perky breasts and light pink areolas. Todd stood 6'1, also with an athletic build from being a collegiate track and field athlete. They had a fun relationship and an active sex life, but they were both starting to feel pressure from their families to get married. Danni was starting to think it was time for them to make it official. Todd wasn't as ready. He didn't have any major reason why, but he still felt like a young man and he always felt like there were things he wanted to do and try before getting married...although he couldn't really name them.

Danni was trying to find a way to convince Todd to pop the question. She had been talking to her friends about it, including her closest male friend named Andre. Andre was an atheltically built, lean yet muscular black man a couple of years younger than Danni and Todd. Andre was so fit and well dressed when they met, Danni immediately assumed him to be gay. He was actually bi, an important distinction. Danni and Andre had met at work years ago and had become fast friends based on their similar fashion sense, fitness regimen, and sense of humor. They quickly became close enough to discuss anything, including intimate details of their sex life. She would tease him with stories of her sex life with Todd, and when things weren't great at home she'd ask him for advice. Andre, meanwhile, would share stories of his many conquests. He was equally interested in fucking gay men and straight women and did a lot of both. His real joy was fucking straight men. Virgins and and married guys were his favorites. He could smell a bi-curious guy coming and was very good at positioning himself to fuck them. Danni was amazed by his stories and how confident he was in his ability to please men and women...so much so it sometimes made her uncomfortable. It was hard to tell if she was flirting or bragging when Danni would tell him how good she was at sucking her boyfriend’s big dick. Truth is it was a little of both. She didn't know how to explain her flirty but safe friendship with Andre to Todd so she didn’t really talk about it.

Todd, for his part, was a little apprehensive about asking Danni to marry him. He was very much in love with her, but they were still relatively young and there were things he wanted to try before settling down with one woman for the rest of his life. When he blurted that out to Danni she had asked what things he meant. He quickly realized he didn’t want to share all his fantasies at that moment so had reverted back to his anal sex request. He knew it was a deal breaker and would buy him some time. Danni became frustrated and dropped the issue for the moment. Truth was, he’d been experiencing all types of strange new interests. Todd had started going to a new gym a few months before and made some gym “friends” among some of the other athletes who really knew how to work out. One of them was a black man named AJ. He was few years younger than Todd and had also run track in school. He had a lean, but heavily muscled build. He and Todd would exchange workout tips from time to time. Over time they became more friendly. AJ never talked about women and based on some things he said and some of his mannerisms Todd had come to believe he was gay. This didn’t bother Todd, he had no hang-ups about those things.

Somehow their schedules lined up and they would generally finish their workouts around the same time. There were a few times Todd was coming out of the showers as AJ was changing at a nearby locker. The first time he nervously dressed while holding up his towel. He later kicked himself for acting so homophobic and vowed not to be so small minded in the future. The next time he saw AJ walking to the locker room he struck up a conversation and walked in with him. They stopped at adjacent lockers and continued the conversation. Todd made sure to act as normal as possible as he stripped off his workout gear. He didn’t even stand behind the locker as he bent over and pulled down his shorts, exposing his round bubble butt and flaccid dick to AJ as they chatted. AJ took notice and said “nice”! Todd blushed and asked what he meant. “It’s all nice” AJ said, “but I was talking about that track and field booty you’ve got...trust me I know”. With that, AJ pulled down his shorts while tip-toeing to show his own round bubble ass. Both men laughed and the tension broke. It quickly returned when AJ turned around and his long, meaty dick lightly whipped around and slapped his thigh. AJ stared into Todd’s eyes while Todd openly stared at his thick manhood. Todd’s mouth silently made the word “wow”. They both, eventually, let the moment pass but it changed their relationship.

From that point forward, if they were both in the gym they always finished at the same time and Treat each other to naked views of Todd’s round ass and AJ’s big dick while chatting about current events. Every once in a while they would even hit the communal showers at the same time and silently watch each other wash their most intimate areas. On leg day, when his ass was swollen from squats and lunges, Todd would lean face first against the shower wall for several minutes while letting the hot water soothe his sore ass muscles. He learned to let the water funnel between his shoulder blades, down the small of his back, and cascade down his butt crack to draw AJ’s eyes to his asshole. He didn’t know why, but the idea of someone wanting him made him feel great. It was fun to tease each other, but AJ knew about Danni and knew Todd would never cheat on her, with a girl or guy.

One day while pretending to look for something in a lower locker Todd was bent over in front of AJ and asked him for advice on getting his girlfriend to try anal. She was so afraid to try and he couldn’t convince her it wouldn’t be painful. Todd had never tried it before either and didn’t know what to tell her. AJ, still sitting behind a bent-over Todd, explained that he had tried anal sex with a number of “people”, sure not to specify gender. And if it was done right it felt amazing. Todd continued to pretend to rummage through his locker while AJ explained how it was important to work in a first timer slowly. “You’ve got to rub their ass and and really stimulate the booty” AJ said never taking his eyes off Todd’s puckered hole. He explained how this improved circulation and made the ass more sensitive. “You’ve got to tease the hole and rub it gently at first. Once it relaxes I stick my tongue all the way in....deep” he must’ve gotten closer because Todd could feel his breath on his asshole as he said the word deep. When Todd looked back AJ wasn’t sitting back as he had been before. Maybe he imagined it. One thing he didn’t imagine was AJ’s dick was laying in front of him on the bench. It was clearly larger than before. It didn’t appear to be hard, but it was engorged. It looked heavy and menacing. He wondered how big it really got. They were interrupted by the sound of some guys entering the locker room and Todd quickly sat down and started dressing while AJ casually swung his leg over and concealed his swollen member. They dressed and left for their respective homes.

Danni had asked Andre about her latest challenge. She had always told Todd that she would never have anal sex because she was saving if for her future husband. He’d always been very interested in it and as they had started really talking about marriage he quickly brought it up. The truth was, she really wasn’t interested in it. She was afraid it would be painful, especially with Todd. Dan I had confided in Andre before that Todd was very well endowed. He had over 8 thick inches that kept her very satisfied during sex, but made anal sex a scary proposition. Todd wasn’t letting it go and kept trying to convince her how safe and enjoyable it could be. She asked Andre how she get him off the subject. After having some fun with Danni and exlaining to her that anal sex could be very enjoyable, he got an inspired look on his face. Andre said he had an idea. He told her to tell Todd if he thought it was such a good idea, he should try it first. Andre said her only condition should be that Todd be willing to take a cock at least as big as his own anally before Danni would try it. He assured her this would get Todd to back down.

Todd was determined to explain the things AJ had taught him to Dani to try and get her to concede. Before he could even get started she told him she would do it....she would try anal sex with him. He was shocked, but she quickly added that their was one condition. “You have to try it first” she said. Todd tried to laugh it off but Danni was serious. “This isn’t fair, you know I won’t do that!” he exclaimed. Danni explained that it wasn’t about that, it was a scary thing to do and if he wanted her to take that leap of faith he should be willing to do it first and make sure it was safe. “No toys, a real dick, up your ass...and a big one too, at least as big as yours” she added. Todd went to bed angry and Danni quietly went to sleep with a smug grin on her face. She had won the battle.

Todd could feel her gloating as he laid in bed with his back to her. He was curled away from her, partially in a childish attempt to demonstrate his anger, and the other to disguise the raging, throbbing erection pushing his engorged cockhead down and out of his shorts leg. He believed it was his cock reacting to the idea Danni was willing to try anal sex...but as soon as he fell asleep his subconscious mind took over. It wasn’t surprising his dreams were littered with images of anal sex. What was surprising is that the cock(s) he dreamt about belonged to a male porn star that turned up in a lot of anal videos he liked to watch online. He had a thick black cock that looked like It was carved from stone, perfectly shaped with a gentle power. Todd was generally happy with his endowment, but he found his eyes drawn to the way his soft brown skin encased that thick, powerful cock. It almost didn’t matter who his costar was, the way he fucked their asses with long, rhythmic stokes always made the scene good. Todd had stopped searching for his favorite female stars to see if they did anal, he would just google this guy’s videos and see who he was fucking. There were times where the cock in his dreams would change and become longer with a more pronounced cock head. He recognized its flaring head to be his friend AJ’s cock, from the gym. Todd didn’t let himself think about it much, but the glimpse he had gotten of AJ’s cock that day may have been more than a glimpse and it’s image was seared into his brain. This wasn’t the first time it had crept into his dreams...but this was different. Anyway, the really surprising part was that the ass He was dreaming of wasn’t his girlfriend’s amazing booty, but instead he recognized his own oversized bubble ass in his dreams pushing back and forth and the porn stars cock and AJ’s cock took turn sliding between his rounded cheeks back and forth like hot dogs sliding in and out of the bun. The food metaphors didn’t end there as he imagined himself licking the tips of their raging cocks and being rewarded with a surprisingly sweet taste as their cocks were both dripping precum. He didn’t understand the significance until he awoke to find the front of his shorts damp with his own pre ejaculate. Danni had already left for work so he texted her three words. “I’ll do it”.

The next few hours went by in a blur as Danni and Todd attempted to call each other’s bluff ina text exchange. Danni was in over her head and was leaning on Andre for things to type to scare Todd into backing down. Meanwhile Todd was also being manipulated by his own subconscious desires and continuing to press her. By lunchtime there was a plan in place and Danni had comendeared Andre’s apartment as a neutral location for this all to go down. Danni said Todd would know he had won as soon as he showed up and she didn’t have a guy there. Andre said if she really trusted him he could help her again. Danni’s Eyes lit up and subconsciously looked down at the crotch of his pants and for the first time she noticed that it looked like something heavy was running down the front of his thigh. It looked like he was even growing as they talked. Andre explained he had the kind of big dick that she could use as her trump card. If things got that far he would show it to them both tonight.

Todd was nervous as he knocked on the door. He was also more excited than he could remember. Danni opened the door and looked amazing, and sexy, as always. She was wearing a see-thru robe with a tiny half bra and panties that perfectly framed her ass. She walked him through the living room and into the bedroom which was dimly lit. Andre sat on the bed in large robe and was putting the finishing touches on rolling a big joint. He looked up and his eyes locked on Todd’s. Todd was a little surprised to find a man waiting for him, but even more so to find out it was his gym buddy, AJ! AJ’s eyes reflected the same recognition back to Todd, but none of the surprise. How long had he known Danni? Did he always know about Her when he was showing off his cock in the Gym? Had AJ planned this? He would never tell Todd, but Andre had made the connection almost immediately upon meeting Todd. He originally thought he would get the dirt on him and report back to Danni. What he found surprised him. It turned out that Todd really loved her very much and even in private spoke of her often and in glowing terms. He was also surprised to find Todd had such a big bubble butt and was so willing to "accidentally" show it off. It was a once in a lifetime ass, and a virgin no less. Andre had taken his time crafting a scheme to get his cock deep inside of Todd without threatening his manhood or damaging his relationship with Danni. After all, he really liked them both very much...he just needed a piece of that untapped ass. And it wasn’t all selfish, because he was sure Todd’s ass needed to be fucked. At least once. That ass was a prize that needed to know what it felt like to be taken.

It was time for Andre to implement the final piece of his plan. He recommended that they all sit down and enjoy this fat joint he had rolled as he explained what he understood of their situation. AJ’s demeanor made it clear that they were not going to acknowledge knowing each other, which was fine with Todd and he decided that a joint might be a good idea right now. They all sat on the bed and started passing around the joint. As they all drifted higher and higher, Andre recapped his understanding of their situation (leaving out all of his own manipulation) and explained that while he himself was technically bi, what he was really into was nice asses of any gender. He joked that with their asses Danni and Todd were his dream couple. Danni and Todd both giggled and blushed. He explained that this especially applied to guys, and winked at Todd. He said that Danni wanted Todd to know how it felt, and Andre said he could help them both get more comfortable by showing them both some nice ways to get comfortable and ease into butt play and eventually anal. He said they should start with a massage. Andre and Todd could massage Danni and Andre could show him some techniques to help Dani relax both mentally and physically. “Yeah right” Danni explained. “I’m terrified to let one guy play with my ass and you two want to work me over together? Its his request, let Todd be your guinea pig”. Todd didn’t move or make a sound. He had been silently processing some emotions while his girlfriend was talking. He was angry that AJ had orchestrated all this, but also flattered that he’d gone through the trouble. Todd had been dreaming about AJ’s big cock more and more and he was hoping there would be an opportunity for him to see it again. He wanted to see that enormous cock fully hard so badly. He waited as long as he could to hide his desperation and then quickly walked to the table. As he passed AJ he looked back over his shoulder and asked AJ “how would you like me?”. “Over easy” joked Andre.

At Andre’s instruction Danni started undressing Todd. Andre watched with anticipation as Danni unwrapped his present. He couldn’t believe he was actually getting to fuck the sweetest straight ass he’d ever seen, and he was going to pop his cherry too! It was his obligation to turn this booty out just right and to leave himself in good standing to come back for seconds another time. He licked his full lips and smiled. Once Todd was naked he stood before them and they both just stared awestruck. Danni was suddenly overcome with jealousy for the first time, but not for the reasons she expected. She had always thought Todd had a really “cute” butt and she had always joked about it with her friends. But now, in the current context of an object about to get fucked, she was jealous of the huge, round, firm ass that stood before her. His lower back indented in and then his massive cheeks flared out. His ass was perfectly round, flawless and blemish free. Todd stood bent over in front of them for what seemed like an eternity, probably because he made the odd choice of pulling down his pants and underwear before starting to remove his shoes and it took him some time to untie them. It gave them both time to appreciate his athletic, fat ass. It was perfectly round and even though his cheeks were massive and firm when he bent over they parted slightly but all the way up giving the faintest peek at his puckered asshole. It was an inviting sight. It didn’t present as feminine exactly, but Surprisingly attractive. The entire crevice between his cheeks was hairless and blemish free. The puckered hole itself had a pinkish hue to it, since the skin was normally encased in those massive ass cheeks. This was the kind of ass that anyone who would die to stick his cock into, gay or straight. Dani briefly noticed a shadow passing over the tiny hole, back and forth. Andre saw it too and knew what it really was. Todd’s asshole was throbbing involuntarily. The muscles of his asshole were naturally pulsing to squeeze and milk anything that found its way through the tiny, untouched opening.

Andre stood next to Danni thinking just that. He calmly invited Todd to lay on the massage table. Andre stood close to the table so Todd was forced to brush his bare hip across the front of Andre’s pants as he moved passed. Todd clearly felt the impression of Andre’s big dick as he brushed by. It felt meaty, like he was a little excited. Todd was proud that Andre was getting hard from watching him undress. He climbed on the table awkwardly but made sure to give Andre plenty of views of his amazing ass from all angles. He wasn't trying to be seductive, but the weed and his instincts were taking over a bit. "Is this ok?" Todd asked while slightly arching his back so his globular ass looked that much more impossible. "That's fine" AJ replied, somewhat matter of factly. Todd was hoping AJ would compliment or at least comment on his ass, he was disappointed not to get a reaction from AJ. "What's this hole?" Todd asked, referencing a hole the size of a melon in the center of the table. "oh, that" said AJ while maintaining perfect eye contact with Todd. Todd was looking back at AJ over his shoulder and over the mountainous range the globes of his ass were creating. "I have massive, juicy balls...(long Pause)...and a long, thick, veiny cock...(long pause)...and when I get a massage that hole relieves the pressure of me laying on top of my huge tender balls and big dick. Just let your dick and balls hang through there and you'll be more comfortable." AJ used this language on purpose, making sure Todd remembered he had the big alpha cock and he was in charge. He knew in this primal state Todd would instinctively defer authority to his daddy dick. Danni and Todd were both speechless. Danni hadn't spoken in a while now, as she watched her friend take a dominant role over the man she planned to marry. Andre wasn't forcing anything, but he was forceful at the same time. The way this was heading he would be able to get Todd to do anything. Danni started to question what they were really doing there. She couldn't deny the erotic tension in the room and she continued to watch things develop.
As Todd did what he was told and allowed his dick and balls to drop through the hole in the table, Danni could see that he was about 75% hard and his cock was pulsing with his accelerated heart rate. Even though the pressure on his crotch was now relieved, she could also tell he was still arching his back which both enhanced his already insane butt arch, but also rotated his butt cheeks causing better visibility down the canyon in between. Danni felt silly when she caught herself subconsciously poking her ass out and trying to mimic the pose as she watched him. He looked so sexy and exposed it turned her on. She was almost jealous, but watching the way her boyfriend was responding to Andre’s commands was a show she couldn’t stop watching. Andre approached Todd’s prone body and asked him in a low sultry voice neither Danni or Todd had ever heard him use before, “May I put my hands on your body?” The way he asked made Todd quiver. He moaned something that sounded affirmative and AJ started gently running his finger tips from Todd’s feet slowly up the back of his legs, even slower up and over his ass globes, and then slowly up the small of his back to the back of his neck. He repeated this several times, each time getting closer to the center of Todd’s ass cheeks. He reached on his nightstand and produced some massage oil with he gently squirted up that same path, although when he passed over Todd’s butt he “accidentally” squirted to close the the center and the oil pooled deep in Todd’s ass crack. Todd jumped a little, causing the oil to run down further into his crack, pooling on his puckered hole. “I’m sorry” AJ said. “Let me get that”. For the next several minutes, Am meticulously and slowly used his finger to scoop out the oils from Todd’s asshole. He went a little deeper with each scoop and eventually his finger was gently wiping the last of the oil right of Todd’s tiny hole. As he teased Todd’s puckered hole, he allowed his huge, rock hard cock to slide onto the table and into the upturned palm of Todd’s hand. This was obscured from Danny’s view by Todd’s mountain of ass cheeks. At first Todd was frozen, but as AJ’s finger curled down his butt crack, his hand curled around Andre’s massive dick. Todd gripped the incredible slab of meat gently, letting AJ slowly fuck his fist. AJ’s cock was so long that as he pressed through Todd’s hand, the head of his cock was pushing in between Todd’s hip and the table. Between finally getting that huge cock in his hand and the teasing of his butthole, Todd nearly forgot Danni was in the room. AJ made a point of pressing a little harder a few times to test the hole...it was really tight. Todd felt that pressure and his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Dani watched and squirmed as her pussy became involuntarily damp.

“Danni, why don’t you come and help me?” AJ asked as he moved up towards Todd’t head. He gestured toward the foot end of the table and asked Danni to stand on that end. “Take some oil and rub his feet and ankles for me” he said. “I’ll work his neck and shoulders.” As Danni started rubbing Todd’s feet, AJ adjusted the head and neck ring on the table so Todd’s face was facing more forward than down. Instead of the floor he was looking at Aj’s waist. The lower half of AJ’s body was again obscured from Danni’s view. He made a quick, undetectable adjustment, and suddenly Todd was watching AJ’s cock getting hard and growing up through the waistband of his shorts. This was Todd’s best look at AJ’s cock yet. And the more he saw the more he liked. About half of his cock was sticking out of his waistband, and AJ was staring at about 6 inches of perfect man meat. His cock looked like it was carved out of chocolate, the surface looked soft and inviting and but underneath was hard and menacing. AJ kept getting closer to the table until the swollen head of his cock was less than an inch from Todd’s nose. AJ wanted to smear the precum that was gathering on th tip of his dick all of Todd’s face and mark him as his bitch...but he instead left the dick right there where Todd could smell it and almost taste it and waited for him to make a move.

Todd found himself on the business end of the biggest dick he had ever seen. He was assuming, because AJ’s cock was still only half exposed over the top of his shorts...but Todd was pretty sure. Even still he was dying to see it all. He was still paralyzed, staring straight forward at AJ’s cock. He thought of all those women in the porn videos he watched and how he envied them as they had those big cocks aimed at their faces. Here he was in the same position. As AJ moved closer Todd nervously closed his eyes, but AJ got so close Todd could almost sense how close the huge penis was to his face. Todd slowly opened his eyes, and then his mouth...if he inched forward the tiniest bit he could make contact with the swollen head of AJ’s monster cock. But he was still frozen. Then divine intervention occurred. A huge glob of precut that was forming on the tip of AJ’s cock head rolled down the tip of his cock and slowly ran down the curved head and dropped from the tip of AJ’s dick and fell onto Todd’s slightly open bottom lip. Todd licked it off, rolled it all over his tongue so he could taste every drop of it, and swallowed hard and visibly to ensure AJ knew his Precum was in his stomach. AJ’s erection was a compliment to him, he was flattered that his naked body was enough to get AJ hard. But that precum...that was AJ’s cock trying to lube itself up...it was more than a compliment..it was confirmation that AJ wanted to fuck his ass. Todd has seen the admiring looks and heard the comments in the past...but this was the first time a man had his dick out and ready and wanted to take his ass. Todd was surprised how excited this made him. He looked up at AJ and gently bit his bottom lip showing he was nervous, then without breaking eye contact he slowly let his mouth fall open. Not big enough to swallow AJ’s cock, but enough to serve as an invitation if he wanted to try and force it passed his lips...

This clear act of submission was the sign AJ was waiting for. By making Todd ask for each advance, he kept him in a heightened state of arousal. Somehow both Todd and AJ felt the other had made the first move, allowing them both to do what came next. As AJ’s cock became so hard it pushed away from his body, further stretching his waistband, and exposing even more of his impressive manhood. Todd’s eye’s got wide at the sight, as did his mouth and it seemed like nature and gravity combined and the weight of AJ’s huge dick overwhelmed the elastic in his waistband. His rigid cock went from pinned against his stomach to standing straight out horizontally...and pointed right at Todd’s mouth. Todd couldn’t stop watching as AJ’s cock continued to grow...inching closer and closer to his slightly parted lips. The distance between AJ’s nearly foot long cock was now less than and inch and closing fast. “How big can it get”, Todd wondered, his mouth agape in awe. Before he could guess AJ grew another inch and his dick extended and widened Todd’s parted lips. For a few seconds it was as off Todd was planting a wet kiss on AJ’s cock head. As AJ finally reached fully erect, his round, smooth, bulbous cock head grew past Todd’s teeth expanding his jaw, sliding across Todd’s tongue and filling Todd’s wet mouth. The head finally slowed at the opening to Todd’s throat, but there was firm pressure, Todd knew invader wanted to go deeper. His throat opened to let about a quarter of the head in...and then pulled it back immediately when he felt todd gag. Danni continued rubbing feet and legs from her end of the table with the occasional distracted instruction from Andre. Meanwhile Andre moved forward again, under the pretense he needed to rub Todd’s lower back, reinserting his cock head into Todd’s mouth. This time the whole thing. The feeling of a dick in his mouth was very foreign to Todd, not what he expected. He instinctively swallowed his saliva, creating a vacuum, and thereby he started sucking his first cock. And suck he did. He was a bit clumsy, but so thirsty to please and experience this beautiful thing in his mouth. AJ was surprised by how good he was. And subtly stroked his neck and throat to encourage him while trying not to alert Danni. Todd sucked on the massive head of AJ’s dick while tracing the outline with his tongue. He ex-loved every inch as he sucked harder to pull more of the shaft into his mouth. Todd had no idea what he was doing, and yet he knew exactly what to do. He couldn’t get the head past the opening of his throat, it was too thick. But he took Avery in he he could into his mouth and passionately pleased AJ’s fuck stick with his mouth, tongue, and teeth. AJ had started slowly thrusting his cock in and out of Todd’s mouth in long strokes. Todd relaxed his mouth slightly, puckered his lips, and tried to give AJ a petty hole to fuck. He gently fucked Todd’s face with his huge cock at first, but became more forceful. Todd was surprised how good it felt to trace the ridges and veins of AJ’s cock as it slid in and out of his mouth. They were both equally pleased to feel Todd’s throat begin to relax and open up to accept the tip of Andre’s cock. Todd couldn’t deepthroat (yet, he thought to himself), but he was able to accommodate another half inch by letting the head slide down into his throat a bit. Because of the angle of his penis and Todd’s mouth taking more and more, Andre’s cock had pushed his shorts all the way down to his balls. They were HUGE! Todd would have gasped at their size if his throat wasn’t stuffed with cock. He wanted to lick and suck those balls too. This was more than a man, AJ’s dick and balls deserved worship. Somehow AJ knew and pulled his cock to the side and pushed his huge balls into Todd’s mouth one at a time and Todd gently sucked them like he was trying not suck the paint off of Easter eggs without breaking the shells. He lapped at them like a puppy and covered them with kisses. AJ was ready to move on with the massage, but Todd took him by the hips and forcefully fed the huge penis back into his mouth. His submission was nearly complete. Or was he the aggressor? He was attacking AJ’s cock with his lips, mouth, and throat in a coordinated attack that was surprising both in its intensity, and in its effectiveness. AJ couldn’t believe the cute, bubble butt, straight hunk he’d been working out with was such a willing and passionate cock sucker. Todd was surprised too. He was even more surprised when AJ’s massive meat started to swell and pulse and AJ tried to pull his cock away to avoid blasting Todd’s throat with cum...but todd, using only the suction of his mouth and throat, instead pulled AJ’s huge cock deeper. Todd’s tongue was lapping at the underside of the cock, his lips were puckered and wet, wrapped over his teeth, kneading the cock in a milking motion, and his mouth and throat were sucking like a super vacuum. He whole mouth was a machine with one purpose, make that massive cock feed him it’s load. How hard could he make him cum? How much cum could those enormous balls produce, these were the questions running through his mind when he felt the first gushing geyser blast hit his throat. He choked, gagged, and forced AJ’s cock out of his throat. AJ saw him choke and tried to pull his dick out of Todd’s mouth, but when only the head remained between Todd’s lips, he again shocked AJ by catching his breath and again trapping aj’s cock in his mouth so he could taste and feel and flog after glob of thick, white, man milk filled his hungry mouth. Cum spilled over his lips and ran down his chin. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted to taste AJ’s cum, the fruit of his labor. He was proud he sucked AJ’s cock so well and hoped AJ was proud of him. Todd sucked until AJ finally stopped filling his mouth with cum. Then he sucked some more on AJ’s sensitive head. When AJ’s cock softened slightly and was a couple inches smaller. Todd forced it down his throat as hard as he could until his lips reached the base. He looked up and made eye contact with AJ and used his lips to plant a kiss right on the base of his cock. Again, it was hard to tell if this was another act of submission or a declaration of war on AJ’s cock and all the semen Todd could milk out of it. Either way, AJ was so turned on his cock was already growing again. Again in sync... they both realized it was time for AJ to open up Todd’s virgin ass...

Andre suddenly remembered that Danni was still in the room. She was quietly rubbing the back of Todd’s legs and seemed oblivious to the slurping sounds Todd was making on Andre’s thick cock and heavy round balls. Andre told Danni and Todd it was time to for him to show them how to massage the asshole properly to help Danni relax. He asked Danni again if she really wanted him to use Todd as her “guinea pig”? Danni’s head was spinning. Of course she’d heard the slurping and sucking sounds from the opposite head of the table. It would have been impossible to miss...from the sound of it Todd was gobbling up Andre’s cock like a starving whore. Being honest, the sounds had turned her on. She was a little concerned with her finances sexuality at this point, but she knew she loved him and she realized he somehow needed this. Most importantly she wanted to see what happened next because her pussy was soaking wet. She told Andre she was sure, he could demonstrate the massage on Todd. Andre just smiled back at her and nodded his head. He told Danni that this could be difficult for a straight man the first time, and asked her to climb under the table and stimulate Todd’s penis to help him relax. Dani nodded in agreement and climbed under the table. She was a little surprised to see Todd with a raging erection, harder than she’d ever seen it. It looked as though he was so hard the veins were ready to burst. She kissed her lover’s cock head and felt it damp with precum. She could see Andre from the waist down as he walked to the side of the table. This was first time seeing his cock, and it was fully aren’t. She gasped...first at the size and girth, but more so at the fact that 7 inches of his 11 inch dick and both testicles were slick with Todd’s saliva. Her suspicions were confirmed. Andre’s shorts had fallen to his feet, so he just stepped out of them. Danni stared in awe as Andre’s damp, swollen member swayed as he moved to the side of the table. She had never complained about Todd’s cock and he had nothing to be ashamed of in that department, but this was different. Andre’s cock was exceptionally big and made him the clear alpha in the room. It reminded her of a guy she dated in college who had a huge cock. Between her being inexperienced and him trying to prove something by being very forceful, she didn’t enjoy the big cock back then...not as much as she thought she knew she would now. She wanted the challenge of taking all of the big cock. She was confident she’d get a chance eventually, but since they had both stripped down, there were magnetic fields surrounding Todd’s plump ass and AJ’s thick cock and the energy of the room was drawing them together.

Andre instructed Danni to only use her hand on Todd for now, they needed to pace themselves. Danni, still tipsy and in a haze, obeyed and gently stroked Todd’s hard dick while Andre started massaging Todd’s round globes. He used increasing pressure until he was kneading a cheek in each of his giant hands. Todd couldn’t believe how good it felt to have big strong hands controlling his big ass. Andre broke the silence and told Todd he had never seen a nicer ass, man or woman. “It’s just so round and firm, but soft to the touch.” Then AJ firmly grabbed each cheek and spread his ass cavern wide open. “Even the puckered little hole looks so perfect” AJ said and then gently blew some cool air on Todd’s anus and watched the tiny hole twitch in response. AJ grabbed the massage oil and squirted it hard right into Todd’s tiny tonight hole and watched as it ricocheted off in every direction. “Just like I thought” AJ chuckled “It’s so tight it’s waterproof!”. Todd tried to chuckle aloud, but barely made a noise as he was spooning from the pressure of the oil against his secret entrance. AJ started rubbing the insides of Todd’s ass cheeks In circles, moving closer and close to his perfect little asshole. Eventually he got so close that his pinky was brushing the outer edge of the hole, then a little more. AJ’s hands were circling Todd’s puckered love tunnel like sharks closing in on their prey. Todd quivered with anticipation until AJ’s circles got so small that he was using his thumb to circle Todd’s rectal opening with increase in pressure. Then AJ reversed course and started to slowly widen his circles again. This had the effect of stretching Todd’s asshole...slightly at first, but over several minutes of this AJ’s thumb was descending deeper into the opening to Todd’s asshole. Todd’s virgin hole was impossibly tight, so AJ’s thumb was still on outside of the anus...but he was getting closer. Eventually, as he widened his circles, he saw the perfectly tanned anus part a bit and reveal a glimpse of the soft pink anal interior. AJ remained patient and continued to slowly work to open up his present without actually touching the tender inner flesh. First he slowly stretched the outer rectum to the size of a dime, then a nickel, and continue to slowly stretch the outer rectum without opening the inner rectum. He didn’t want to fully open him yet, he wanted him to feel his rectum stretching.

Todd could feel his asshole being slowly stretched...and it felt amazing. Hi eyes had rolled into the back of his head and he was trying not to moan as AJ’s thumb stretched his anal opening and exposed that uncharted pink territory, Todd couldn’t help but let out a low groan. His ass had never been spread open like this and he was feeling cool air on his inner asshole for the first time. He wanted AJ to go deeper, but AJ maintained his circular motion, stretching Todd’s airtight rectum but not crossing the barrier into his anal canal. Todd felt as though he had an itch he couldn’t quite reach and he’d gotten someone to scratch it for him but the more they scratch the further he wanted him to go. AJ had made substantial progress with Todd’s tight butthole, it was still very tight, but it had enough flexibility he could create an opening a little bigger than a quarter. He decided it was time to move behind Todd on the table. As Andre moved from the side to the bottom of the table, Danni tracked him with her eyes fixed on his still swollen cock. “OK, lets up the ante a little bit Danni. Please start to use your tongue on Todd’s balls, ge gently and just lick them at first, but as things progress be more aggressive and suck and manipulate them a well”. “Ok” she replied as though it was the most normal thing in the world, and started licked Todd’s heavy balls as she stroked his dick.

As Danni increased her efforts, Andre worked from the foot end of the table, leaning further and further as he rubbed Todd’s thighs and ass. Eventually he was half seated on the end of the bed, then he had one knee up, soon he was on both knees, between Todd’s legs, massaging his upper thighs. As AJ moved up to work on Todd’s ass again, he placed his knees just centimeters away from Todd’s ass to allow him more reach. This also signaled Todd who was very accommodating and Spread his legs widely, causing his knees to slide off the table and leave his asshole completely exposed. “Is that ok?” Todd nervously asked. “It’s perfect” AJ whispered like a hunter who didn’t want to scare off his prey. AJ resumed his circles and found that Todd’s asshole had bent to his will. Todd’s rectal muscle was alternating between quivering and throbbing. Even AJ had not seen this before. He decided it was time and again “accidentally” poured the oil straight down Todd’s crack. In fact, with Todd so exposed he was actually able to pour most of it straight into his tiny hole. Now that the landing strip was slick with oil, AJ scooted forward so his knees were pressing against Todd’s open thighs, and leaned over him to rub his shoulders and back. This caused his enormous dick to land on Todd’s lower back and as AJ worked up and down Todd’s back, AJ’s gigantic member was sliding between Todd’s lower back and moving further down until it was sliding between Todd’s parted cheeks like a foot long hotdog in a bun. He eventually was so low that his massive cock head found Todd’s tight little curious whole. He left it there for a while, enjoying the pinching of Todd’s throbbing asshole. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw an ass that needed to be fucked so badly. The last bit of guilt he had been feeling about orchestrating this event went away. He was doing this perfect little ass a favor. He was going to give him the fucking he had been waiting for all his life.

AJ pressed the head of his dick against Todd’s tender little hole. Todd was surprised by the feeling of pressure but did his best to relax. When his asshole was forced open, he felt AJ’s tip enter him. Just a fraction of the massive cock head broke the event horizon, but the feeling of being stretched immediately felt like ecstasy to todd and he wanted more. What happened next surprised them both, as todd forced himself back with force and took half of AJ’s head into his ass. Todd didn’t know why he had done that, it was instinctual. But it hurt and he winced in pain. AJ loved watching Todd desperately trying to impale himself on his massive cock. If AJ’s cock had been anything less than monstrous, todd may have succeeded. But AJ did have a monster cock, and he knew he needed to slow Todd down or he might hurt himself and ruin AJ’s plans of planting his enormous flag in Todd’s virgin hole. “Shhhhhhhhh” soothed AJ, pulling his dickhead back a bit, giving todd some much needed relief. Then he would slowly push his way back to about half his swollen head stretching Todd’s rectum. Then he would ease back, then forward again. This was far less painful to todd, and allowed him to focus on the rising pleasure. It also allowed him to focus on relaxing his throbbing rectum, and doom AJ was up the flared ridge of his swollen cock head popping in and out of Todd’s rectum. This stretching was painful again, but the feeling each time the ridge popped through the anal ring felt to todd like AJ was strumming his nerve ending like he was playing a harp. Todd made a sound he didn’t recognize...but AJ did. It was the mating call of a gay bottom. It was as distinctive as anything in nature and it let AJ know...Todd was ready to finally get that itch deep in his ass scratched...and AJ had the perfect piece of rock hard wood to help him out.

AJ pressed forward and put the entire head and another half inch or so into Todd’s asshole. Todd’s fingers tipped the table and he winced...but as quickly as the pain came it passed and another wave of pressure hit Todd. It wasn't just the stretching now, there was another sensation from the added depth and friction from the thrusting. It felt so natural and right. Like his ass was the valve and AJ’s fuck stick was the piston. The piston appeared to be made for a much larger engine, Todd really felt like his big booty wouldn’t let either one of them down. He looked back at AJ and raised his ass up engulfing another inch, it was hard to do and it hurt more than when AJ dispensed the dick inch by inch..but Todd needed to make eye contact and let AJ know that he wanted this, needed this, and the ass was his to take, any way he wanted. HIs timing was perfect, because AJ had just decided how he wanted to take Todd’s tight puckered prize...it was a move he called the “quicksand”. It required a lot of patience, but now that he could feel how tight it was...he was sure this ass was worthy of some patience. He didn’t know if Todd knew how to fuck...or how to get fucked to be more exact, but just off appearance, the warm, tightness of his butthole, willingness to please, and how badly he knew Todd wanted to be skewered on the end his thick cock...this ass had all the makings of his best conquest ever. He was never going to forget taking this virgin ass, and he wanted to make sure Todd never forgot him either. That’s why he was gonna slowly sink into his ass like quicksand.

AJ leaned forward and placed both hands on the small of Todd’s back and shifted his weight forward until he was hovering over Todd in basically in a push up position, holding him self up with his hands on Todd’s back. Todd felt AJ’s weight on his back and smiled. He loved that his strong back could hold AJ’s weight. Todd was glad he had kept his track and field body (and booty), he felt like a thoroughbred about to get broken. Todd looked back at his plump, muscular ass. AJ’s cock was still about an inch deep inside of him. Todd couldn’t see AJ’s feet, so it looked like he was propped up on his hands and his rock hard cock. Todd then started to feel AJ slowly let his huge cock start to sink into Todd’s ass...like quicksand. Centimeter by centimeter, AJ slowly fed Todd’s ass another inch. Todd, buried his face in the table as his eyes rolled back in his head. He could feel the ridges and veins of AJ’s cock Scraping the insides of his rectum. He could almost see each perfect imperfection on that magnificent cock as it slowly took his virginity. He couldn’t believe it, but he had almost taken AJ’s whole massive cock inside of him. Then he looked back and realized he hadn’t even received a quarter of his prize yet. Todd winced at the though of taking the remaining 9 inches of cock he was being fed up his tight asshole. Was it even possible? He was so aroused by the size and magnificence of AJ’s powerful member, he was able to ignore the pain, almost enjoy it, as he waited for his tiny hole to adjust to the enormous invader.

AJ continued to move incredibly slowly as he allowed gravity to help plunge his impressive phallus deeper into Todd, a millimeter at a time. After he finally had half of his sausage deep between the buns, he broke the silence and softly said Danni’s name. She was surprised he even remembered she was still in the room. She’d been busying herself using her mouth and hands to stimulate Todd’s cock, as instructed. But based on the movement on the table above her and guttural moans coming from Todd she knew there was more than a massage going on above her. She was afraid to come out from under the table and look because she didn’t want to break the mood.
AJ didn’t wait for her to respond, he just spoke to her. “Danni, this is about to get kind of intense, and I want to tell you some things first. First thing is this, Todd loves you, and nothing is going to change that. I’m Bisexual, but rarely fuck men unless they are in a relationship because I’m not looking for love...I’m looking to fuck, plan and simple. So your man is still yours and what we’re doing here today doesn’t make him any less of a man. He’s just discovering that he needs something extra to satisfy his craving every once in a while. And while it’s a physical need, it’s mental too. He doesn’t need you to put on a strap on and poke around to try and stimulate him. His ass wants to please and be pleased. He wants to know he’s satisfying the man who’s making his sweet booty feel so good. He wants to feel the hot flesh throbbing inside him, pounding him deeper than he’s ever felt. Waiting to feel a dick explode inside him, because his tiny little holes gave it so much pleasure. And once he’s had this big dick, nothing else will do. So he’s yours, body and soul....but after what I do here today...his ass belongs to me”.

As he delivered that line, he allowed himself to drop and allowed his dick to plunge the rest of the way until Todd was fully skewered on his member. Todd and Dani were both speechless, for very different reasons. Dani watched in awe as AJ slowly pulled his never ending cock slowly out of Todd’s quivering hole until the ridge of his swollen cock head stopped him. He pulled a little more, so that when pushed back in Todd felt his anus “pop” again. And feel it he did. Todd was purring by the time AJ was done feeding every inch of his enormous dick deep into Todd’s ass again. At this point Todd was laying flat on his stomach, his arms extended over his head grabbing the top of the table and using it to brace himself. HIs lower back was insanely arched, even more than naturally, giving AJ a perfect angle for his drilling. Tod’s legs were spread wide open, but his toes were pointing inward, like a nervous school girl playing with her dress. He was biting his lip and moaning, but with his mouth open, almost like singing. His cock was swinging beneath him, still hard and leaking precum like a faucet. Todd was gently thrusting back to meet AJ’s rhythmic, nearly mechanical pumping as he picked up speed. Soon AJ was riding Todd hard and fast and the sounds of AJ’s heavy balls slapping Todd’s huge ass cheeks provided the percussion for their dance.

Dani crawled close to Todd’s face and kissed him gently. He returned the kiss while still being throttled by AJ’s pleasure hammer. “I love you” she said. “Nothing will change that”. “Me too” said Todd. “I love this dick too baby, I love it so much” he whined. “It is different from our thing, but I need it just as much” he almost cried. “I know baby, get what you need. You look so sexy taking that huge cock. I’m proud of you”. With that encouragement, Todd increased the force with which he was thrusting back to meet AJ’s advances. Soon the sound of their bodies smacking together was thunderous. AJ felt his dick getting wetter deep in Todd’s ass. “Just as I thought....you’re self lubricating! Your ass is creaming for this big dick. I know you’re a straight guy Todd, but you were born with a bottom booty that is made for fucking!” AJ almost yelled this and he fucked Todd frantically. Todd met his energy with a desperation of his own. AJ started to shake and said “I’m gonna cum, where do you want it!?!” Todd answered: “everywhere! Wedge your dick deep in my ass and cum so hard it hits the roof of my mouth! Then pull out and empty those huge balls all over my fat round booty! If you have any left in there stuff your cock down my throat and I’ll suck the rest out!” AJ filled his instructions, plunging his dick deep in Todd and letting off a few spurts of cum deep inside him, Todd sighed and moaned at the same time. AJ then pulled out and came all over Todd’s sweet round ass and asshole. This all felt like praise and worship to Todd. It looked like art, or a fancy dessert the way he drizzled his buns with cum. Then AJ dismounted, walked over to Todd’s smiling face, and slapped his cheek with his cum soaked cock. He just left it there until todd turned his head enough that he could suck AJ’s dick into his mouth, and proceeded to suck AJ’s softening dick deep into his throat extracting any remaining cum. He kept sucking on it, almost like a pacifier, helping him calm down after all that had just happened. Todd felt his jaw being stretched and realized he was inadvertently awaking the beast with his mouth and throat...was the adventure over or just beginning?

by Shawn

Email: [email protected]

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