
by BabyBoiPussy

30 Mar 2024 2676 readers Score 9.6 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Ultimate Alpha, The Ritual & The Change

The big muscled men surrounding me with thick veiny hard cocks around me looked at me with a hunger. It was so intense and such a turn on that I didn’t mind that they had varying animal like features. They pounced on me as if they were truly about to eat me, yet I was met with soft, eager kisses all over my body like they were competing to make me feel as good as possible and by the name of all that is holy did I feel GOOD.

Lips met the head of my cock, my neck, my entire body. The only creatures…. They lifted me off the ground and I was held by around 6 creatures who wanted nothing more than to be inside me; desired to be inside me. While I was held in the air I felt the thick head of a cock slide fluidly into my self-lubricating asshole.

It was so big I should have felt pain but all I felt was eternal pleasure. I pulled my face away from a man with fangs who was kissing me softly, deeply, but also carefully so as not to hurt me, to meet the eyes of a man with rigid features and whiskers, almost like that of a lion, to go with that, his long golden hair flowed down like a mane and his body was completely covered in what looked like fur, yet it was the body of a man.

He growled as the entire length of his, probably 14 inch cock, reached deep inside me until I felt smooth pubes against my ass. The sexy lion man held my waist as he began thrusting and pumping his cock in me, he was so big that he was basically holding me above the ground as other hands and paws held me in the air in an almost bent over position.

A man with the trunk and tusks of an elephant and a cock that looked like a trunk too began stroking his cock and rubbing the salty precum all over my face and now-sensitive nipples as lion man began pounding away, making every last hair on my body vibrate with pleasure, only intensified by the lips covering my body. 

Another man with the eyes of a snake and the longest tongue I have ever seen wrapped his lips around my nipples and, in turn, licked on them as if he were a starving child suckling at his mother’s breast. It produced an overt reaction in me that I did not know I could feel. There was a strange feeling from my chest as if something was draining from it.

The snake-eyed man pulled away and on the corners of his mouth was a white substance – breast milk! – although it did have an unnatural glow and radiance about it. More men came up to suckle at my nipples, it seemed to be exciting them and nourishing them, as each drinker roared with pleasure and beamed with life.

I barely had a moment to think on it as the ferocious lion man pounded away until he roared with pleasure and shot his hot seed inside me. The elephant man also shot streams of cum all over me, washing my body with salty delicious cum. Hands moved, the circle holding me rotated and they were replaced by the next creature-like men.

This one had a mouth shaped like a beak, yet it was covered in skin, almost quite ugly in my opinion but he wasted no time burying his appendage inside me. Within an instant he was pumping away, as my rockhard cock produced streams of precum. Almost as quickly as it began, the beak-like creature sprayed his cum deep inside me, with such an intensity that I felt it spraying my insides, and the circle rotated.

This kept going until sunset, with all manner of creatures using me as their cumdump, my belly visibly grew after each insemination and when they were finally done, after I had cum more times than I ever have altogether, I was rested onto the ground and paid no more mind to. My body so worn out and tired that I had no other thought as I drifted to sleep on the leaf-covered makeshift bed.

I woke in the middle of the night soaked. The first thing I noticed was my belly, looking almost like I were 6 months pregnant! And I had begun to feel some strange affection for what lay inside me. It was almost as if I was growing some sort of attachment to this creature.

All I knew was that regardless of what happened, I had some strange urge to protect it with my life. Other things about my body changed as well. My body seemed more muscular, my ass more thick. But most exhilarating of all, my chest grew into two massive muscular rounds, almost resembling breasts but pulsating with muscle and almost as thick as my ass.

Examining the wetness between my legs, I thought I had wet myself but upon further inspection I realized that it was slimy and coming from my hole, it smelt like pure testosterone, and it made me instantly hard again.

 I looked up to find two very large masculine figures standing in the dark. They were extremely tall, the one I recognized was the man that put me in this predicament, while the other one I did not recognize was almost twice his height and seemed to have three legs and a body that widened to be almost giant in size. No, not three legs, that middle one was a long thick appendage that almost went to the man’s ankles!

The one I recognized spoke up first, in a deep manly voice, ‘Did you sleep well my hound?’ I trust you have after the Clan bred you. My name is Vulko. This,’ he said gesturing at the giant next to him, ‘is Vangar. He will be the one to complete the formation of our hybrid, as you can see, he stores enough seed to almost form an offspring himself, but many hounds have died when he inseminated them due to the strength of his virility. However, after what I witnessed this day, I trust you will have no problems.’

Without any further words, the one called Vangar picked me up gently in a way that a groom would carry his hetero bride through the threshold of their new home.

His face was beautiful. Tanned caramel skin, purple glowing eyes, hair that could only be described as a mane, which was long and pure white that it glowed in the evening moonlight. He had a thick full set of pink lips that almost looked like he was constantly pouting. The front of his body was covered in soft white hair too, covering pounds of pure man muscle. But he felt so comfortable, I wanted to sleep in his arms forever. What was this creature?

“Did you sleep well my pet?” a soft, smooth and melodious voice met my ears. It was almost like it was coming from someone different entirely. His voice made me want to listen to him. To do whatever he wanted me to do.

I could only stutter, ‘I uh, I did my liege, uh your excellency… sire.’ Trust me to lose all my senses to a beautiful man. Well, could you blame me given the situation?

A deep melodious laugh met my ears, it made me feel so good inside. And not just my bussy hole that was gushing from the moment he laid his hands on me. I was so enchanted by him that I barely stopped to notice how horny I was getting, my cock was rock hard and my bussy hole was basically throbbing. I mean LITERALLY throbbing, each throb mixed with the juices to produce a squelching sound.

‘Don’t concern yourself with all that, just call me Vangar. You can consider me a friend.’

And somehow I instantly felt comfortable with him.

‘Ok Vangar’

We exited the moonlit forest to a clearing with a waterfall and a river. The moonlight hit the water just right to produce a heavenly blue glow all around us. He walked me directly into the water, me still in his arms. And he balanced me in one hand as he washed my body with the other. He stroked and rubbed and touched every part of me. The bussy juices were so thick now that I could only feel the almost oily texture entering the water around me.

‘You’re so beautiful.’ He whispered in my ear, in a low wolf-like voice as he pulled my body close to his and started suckling on my ear. My arms automatically went around his neck and my legs wrapped as much as it could around his wide body. He kissed me full and deep with his soft, cherry flavored lips. They tasted like the most delicious succulent cherrys I have ever tasted. My nails dug into his muscled back as he pulled me in tighter.

‘Wait, the child?’ I said, as I tried to pull back. He didn’t let me though.

‘You’re growing a supernatural baby my gorgeous pup, it will be fine.’

So, without another thought, we continued in this deep passionate kiss. The kiss was so deep that I did not realize that we were sinking deeper into the water. Noticing my reluctance, all I heard were the words Trust me, in my head, as we sunk below the surface of the water.

The next thing I felt was indescribable. Something slimy entered my body as we continued to kiss. And it started going deeper and deeper. It was ribbed, VERY ribbed. And a moment later a second one just like it joined the first one inside my boipussy, stretching me and pleasing me in a most supernatural and ethereal way. And I also realized that I was now able to breathe underwater! I pulled back and what I saw was unbelievable. Vangar’s eyes were glowing a pure white light. The same with his hair. And when I looked down I saw… tentacles, coming out of his belly button!?

I tried to pull away, almost screaming under the water, but his treetrunk sized arms held me in place and I heard him say Relax, I didn’t see his mouth move, but I heard it in my brain and instantly relaxed, after all, it did feel SO good. He pulled me in close once again and multiple tentacles entered me, stretching me out as I kissed and wrapped myself around this God-like creature whose strange light was the only thing lighting up the waters surrounding us. My entire body tingled with pleasure, from the tips of my toes to every last strand of hair on my head, and especially the phallic tentacles that were smoothly making their home deep inside of me. I felt nothing other than pleasure and had no other thought accompanying my mind other than pure bliss, I was in heaven, I was at home. I closed my eyes to let the pleasure even further encompass all my senses. I could imagine no better feeling than the feeling of this creature ravishing my recently fresh boipussy.

In the hours of bliss that followed I began to feel more and more tentacles wrap themselves around my body and enter my hole, it became so intense that when I opened my eyes to ask him to slow down I realized that I was looking at someone else entirely! This man was bigger than Vangar and was glowing with red hair, and then I looked around to a myriad of colours, akin to a rainbow. There were creatures that glowed blue and red and green and purple and others that glowed white, all surrounding me in the depths of the water and waiting to take there turns to implant me with their creature seed. In the bright creature light radiating from their bodies, I noticed a stone statue sitting at the far bottom of the lake, it was a statue of… wait… WHAT…. It was a statue of ME, OR at least someone that looked like me!

Focus, Phallus, Pleasure, Unquestioning, it was another telepathic message and I gave it no second thought as I was passed around to the next tentacled creature and the bliss began again, I just let them use me. it was insane, I was thrown around in the water from one tentacled god-like creature to the next, some of them even sharing me with those that glowed the same colour as them, I was turned upside down, and fucked in all sorts of positions, till finally after what seemed like a day of fucking the numbers dwindled and I was once again greeted telepathically by Vangar who carried me out of the water gently.

He carried me all the way back to my makeshift bed of leaves and lay me down.

‘It is almost time my sweet,’ he said in his gentle yet firm voice, ‘You will bring Change for all of us, you don’t even know how important you are.’

I awoke the next morning to a wicked sensation coming from my boipussy. I could barely look down at my cock with the chest muscles and belly bump. And every vein in my body began to glow, it was like I had become a creature like them. It wasn’t painful, more pleasurable but also a bit uncomfortable. I called out and Vangar came to my rescue immediately, almost out of thin air, to inform me that I was in labor.

The next few hours were a blur, I felt intense pleasure, intense pain. I saw all sorts of flashing images. The most prominent of which was a man, standing against the background of a ruined city, under a red sky. His eyes were pitch black, his skin was shining like starlight. He looked evil, but his gaze instantly softened when he saw me. And the second he broke into a smile I knew that he was my son.

I awoke on a bed of flowers in a hut made of sticks. The sunlight was streaming through. I looked down and only saw my mountainous pecs, no baby bump. My nipples were sensitive and painful.

I sensed someone coming. I could never sense anyone before, so I knew this was my baby. Only two men entered the room. One was Vulko, the other was a boy who looked 16. He had thick dreadlocks, devilishly handsome features, bright yellow eyes, and plump lips that made you think of sitting on them, they were also surrounded by thick fuzz. He had no prominent animal features but he glowed. And the most gorgeous body. He had mountainous pecs, a tiny waist and a cock that went down to his knees.

Vulko spoke ‘Good that you have awoken, it has been a few hours. We were worried we lost you. Your son needs to feed. Before you ask any questions, supernatural babies mature faster, especially one with a mixture and potent dosage of creature essences as yours. In order for it to mature properly it must feed on your milk and juices. He cannot do it freely until the courtship ceremony tonight, but seeing how perfect he is I couldn’t resist letting him get a tiny taste.”, he said with a warm hearty smile toward my child and patted him on the head. The boy looked up to him with all the affection a boy could give its (one of?) father. Seeing that interaction made me so horny, I started leaking precum from my hard cock and milk from my nipples.

“Oh good, you’re ready”, Vulko said and pointed the boy in my direction like a little puppy. ‘His name is Aeron.’

Aeron ran up to me with pure joy and excitement, practically on all fours with his tongue out. He slowed down when he got to me and began sniffing me all over. It was strange at first, but I overcame that with the pure love I had for this creature. My creature.

Once he completed his smell of approval he pounced on top of me on the bed and began licking me all over. It felt so good and pure. Each tongue lick made my body vibrate. He licked down my neck and found my nipple. He let out a soft lick with his tongue and then latched on for dear life. The sensation it gave me was unbelievable. It felt as if every nerve ending in my body was focused on that point. I involuntarily lifted off the bed to get more of me inside him. He got very excited to and began humping the air, trying to find my now-gushing sloppy hole. I helped him out, it somehow felt right, and primal, and a fat uncut head entered my hole. The two points of pleasure made my soul almost leave my body, but the second the head was in, Vangar intervened and pulled the eager boy off me.

‘Let’s leave abit for later shall we?’

The boy began to whine and the sound made me very angry. He belonged with me and I let out a vicious guttural growl, that came from somewhere else entirely. Seeing this, Vangar instantly sent the boy out of the room with a silent command and turned to me with a dead Alpha stare that made me want to crawl into the ground.

After a moment his face changed and the hearty smile was back. “We have a way of doing things, and those ways MUST be followed. But never fear, those ways are in the best interest of the child. The ceremony will take place tonight under the blood moon. One of the most powerful lunar occurrences for our kind. It will be a night of POWER. And being the bearer of the child doing the courting, of a child more powerful than any other in this Clan, even at his young age, makes the bond you two will forge tonight unfathomable. It must be done right, so he can lead us into a new Age.”

His warm smile then turned into a deviant one, ‘I have the honor of preparing you for the ritual, after all, I am the one who seeded you.’

In two swift moves he flipped me over by my ankles and pounced on top of me. he wrapped his arm around my neck and plunged his fat cock inside me. My sloppy, ever-ready hole now felt only pleasure. The sounds of his balls slapping against my ass cheeks melded with nature around us, as if we were part of one big flowing organism of power. They could also be heard for miles, along with my moans and whines. He wasn’t focused on making me cum, he was focused on his own pleasure. As was evident with the vicious animalistic pounding. It went on for hours, his fat cock churning my insides, his cum-filled balls slapping against mine, his lithe yet massive body thrusting all its strength against my fat wet bussy which now made a wet slurping sound every time he thrust into me. When he got close to cumming he quickly removed himself from my body and sprayed a torrent of white almost hot cum all over my body.


I awoke a few hours later with my body covered in cum. It seemed to be glowing and gave me energy despite the lengthy fucking I received earlier.

There was a box beside the bed with a letter.


Wear this and come prepared. Tonight, will be a Night of Rebirth for all of us.



I opened the box to find a full body leather harness and a leather bowtie. They seemed to be made of very fine aged leather, not something you would get at any sort of store.

I put it on hastily as I felt an urging feeling from within me. from within my hole which yearned, yearned for the fat cock of the one I birthed, from my engorged nipples which yearned for his suckling.

The harness highlighted my chest as it made the two mounds look bigger and more desirable, ready for sucking, and the glistening cum sensitized my nipples and made them hard and pointy, perfectly presented for suckling. And the bottom of the harness wrapped tightly around my thighs just below my ass, making it look even more plump and juicy. The bowtie finished it off, and I made my way outside.

I found a huge reception as all sorts of beast lined a rose pathway, guarding my way to a massive bed of flowers. Flowers that seemed to be glowing with many different colours. The creatures with their massive throbbing penises, surrounded the bed and watched. Vangar was at the head with his glowing eyes and body, his cock erect and ready.

‘Lay down pet, and we shall begin,’

The air was thick, the moon shone bright against the pitch-black sky. The area lit by lanterns held by the pack.

I lay down and then the howling began, a deep ritualistic sound. I felt it within me and joined in. As soon as I did, I felt every howl, I was connected to every member, they were my family. And then I felt him again. I connected to Aeron instantaneously and I beckoned for him to come to me. I felt his each step, each heartbeat, I felt him yearning for me, yearning to connect with me as I yearned for him. I felt him race towards me as the howls got louder. And within seconds he was on top of me and the howls stopped. The yearning released itself like a dove from a cage, and the ritual had begun.

He already knew my smell and acquainted himself with my taste. And within seconds we connected like two perfectly matched puzzle pieces. His lips fiercely locked onto my sensitive nipple sending shockwaves throughout my body, his cock found its way to my hole like an arrow directly to a bullseye. And just like that we connected, the world stopped on its axis, and we had formed a bond surpassed time and space. We were connected through the stars and through our souls.

His cock was bigger than I imagined, and it made me feel something more intense than I had ever felt before. It felt like it was meant to be. Each inch that penetrated me sent tingles up my spine, and the connection of both electrified every nerve in my body. He constantly switched between nipples eagerly, and his pounding was rough and deep. It lasted for hours and culminated in a screaming, intense orgasm from both of us. We howled and were joined by the pack. The moon seemed brighter, and the earth glowed with life. The cum inside me satiated a different kind of hunger. It made me feel whole. Our eyes met and I saw him, saw his entire being, saw the life coursing through him. I sensed his strength. He was born with Alpha blood; pure power ran through him. He was dangerous, probably more dangerous than any other creature here. But I loved him, and I was connected to him on an ethereal level. He was purely mine and I purely his. We shared a soft tender kiss as his massive member exited my sloppy hole and he moved down my body. His tongue licking every crevice, every drop of cum and every drop of milk spilled in his beastly sucking. He then came up, snuggled his head into my thick chest and fell to sleep instantly. I felt his complete satisfaction, his pure happiness and joy at being with me. His body fit perfectly into mine as I wrapped my arms around him. The pack got closer and began stroking their cocks. They were so horny that they blessed us with their glowing cum in seconds and were replaced by another line. Soon my pup and I were laying in a pool of glowing cum, under the moonlight, in a deep peaceful sleep.

We awoke a few hours later in the same position. The pack was asleep around us, protecting us, and the moon was low. In the soft moonlight I sensed him. Sensed his growth. He was bigger than me now; wider, taller. There was hair all over his body now, and he was even more powerful. I felt his throbbing muscles, his broad shoulders, and as he lulled awake his lips found my nipple. He was softer this time. He licked more than sucked, I felt his amusement and pleasure as he played with it. We felt each other’s pleasure, making it more enjoyable. His cock throbbed to life and I twisted my bottom half so he could find my wet hole. And even in the dim light, he found it, he sensed it, and he entered me. He took his time. Stroking, feeling. This slow, rhythmic fucking was somehow more intense. His thick arms tightened around my waist as he continued to penetrate me. His lips latched on now and sent a wave of emotion through my body. I felt his cock grow and tighten against my insides, as if that were possible with all the poundings I received. But somehow, it seemed to push against my walls. I felt his contentment, at being fed, and inside me.  His entire body vibrated and he let out a whimper through my nipple as I felt his hot cum gush into me, fulfilling my heart and soul.

Cock still inside me, he unlatched, looked deep into my eyes and said his first words. “I love you, Jaan.” Said in a voice so melodious and rich it belonged to nature.

Jaan, my mother used to call my father that, before she died. It means life. Fitting. I am his life and he is mine, we exist in unison. Till our final breath.

I awoke at sunrise. Alone. The pack was gone and so was my boy. I looked inward and sensed them. A few miles away. Hunting. I closed my eyes and felt for Aeron. Once I found him, I felt something more. Since the ceremony I could now feel all his senses as well. I could see through his eyes. He was getting ready to pounce. Blood rushing through his veins, he was excited, scared. He pounced and within seconds his prey was dead. It didn’t affect his emotions, he remained focused on the next kill. He attacked like a wild beast, aimed directly for the neck and used the power of his body to overpower and sink his teeth into his prey. He seemed to be consuming. Not like when he feeds on me, that’s pure and natural, it feeds the body. This he did for power, for domination. To profess to the primordial forces of nature that there was a new powerful Alpha predator.

Once he completed his hunt I felt his return. It didn’t take long before I saw my pup. Only he was no longer a pup. His body had grown further. There was a thick layer of hair covering almost every part of him. His devilish features seemed even more so with the animalistic prey look in his eyes and blood covering and matting his body. He was also alone, no other members of the Clan returned with him, and he was covered in blood. The second his eyes met mine, his face changed, his eyes lit up, his mouth softened into a smile and he bounded up to me, faster than before. He knelt down and hugged my belly. He then stood up, towering over me now. And lifted me up, smooth and like a feather. He kissed me deeply, softly and then turned his attention to a spot in the distance. With speed and accuracy he jumped high and landed light on his feet. Taking us over 200 meters from where we started, to the top of a secluded cliff. He set me down, lay his head in my lap and began to cry.

I held him as he cried, and I felt his pain. “What’s wrong my Jaan?”

Still crying he looked up at me and placed a palm on my temple. Then I saw what he had done, what he had to do. I saw him killing the entire clan. Vangar, Vulko, all of them. I saw them willingly let him do it too. Each kill left a spray of blood on his body, purple blood, that glowed. Each kill made him even more powerful. I felt it be the right thing to do. For some reason it was meant to be, so the next generation of the clan could be born. More powerful, more advanced. Born from his seed and my body. I saw them. All the Clan members I would birth. I saw the starlight one from earlier as a child.

I understood and seeing the pure look on his face as he showed me his truth and our path made my bussy juices gush out of me, its smells permeated the air. I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to make him feel better and share in this pain. I noticed the exact moment the smell hit Aeron. His nostrils flared uncontrollably, his eyes darkened like a shark smelling blood in the water and within seconds he went from a vulnerable man to a man gushing with pheromones and animalistic lust. I could sense it and it only made mine grow. Within seconds his body moved mine swiftly in position, him ontop of me and me with my body folded in half, bussy presented for the taking. he stuck his nose directly into my bussy and took a long deep sniff, I felt it trigger something primal inside him. He stuck his long tongue deep into me and began slurping up the juices, feeding on them. His tongue had the ability to elongate like so many of the pack, only his went further! It snaked its way through my body as if my body were a maze. It went further and further up until eventually, his toungue met my own in my mouth. Our tongues wrapped around each other and locked themselves together. Then he did something else. Something I’ve never experienced with any of the pack. His tongue seemed to thicken. The entire thing thickened from the origin point. from the base, so by the time it started to thicken around my own tongue, my hole was stretched to almost the size of a baby head and my body was opened up in preparation for the next generation of powerful offspring.

His maturity boasted power unlike any of the now-deceased pack. With the combination of so much pure alpha seed in one offspring, it appears they created the ultimate alpha, a pure alpha through and through. His large muscular body, the biggest alpha cock of all, his wildly beautiful and sharp features, his raw uncut power! And he was mine, I was his, for the rest of eternity, to reshape the planet.

These wonderful thoughts were cut short when his tongue abruptly exited me. but I was not empty for long. He got up on his knees, pulled my body towards him and pulled me up onto his cock. His gargantuan cock needed no introduction but after the feeding and the hunt it seemed even bigger! Unnaturally so! And I say that knowing full well the amount of unnatural appendages I have witnessed and experienced in this Clan. It fit perfectly inside me and filled a void deep within me. it was where he belonged. He pulled my body off the ground and against his and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We shared a deep intimate kiss under the moonlight as his cock made a visible bulge in my belly. I felt his soft supple lips, tasted some of the alpha blood he drank. It was delicious, like a power cocktail. Our tongues did a dance. A dance of soulmates. He pulled back, and we looked deep within each other’s souls. I saw the burden placed upon him, he saw the determination I had to relieve him of that burden, only it wasn’t much of a burden, we were made for this, it was meant to be, part of nature. Yet he still asked me, in his rich melodious voice.

“Jaan, may I have permission to seed you?”

How? How could someone so powerful, with so much expected from him, still be so pure and innocent.

“You will always have permission to seed me. I am yours as you are mine.”

“Hold on tight”, he growled.

My arms and legs grappled on. He ensured my safety with one muscuklar arm wrapped around my waist. His other arm reached forward to hold the ground for traction, and then he began pounding. Deep and vicious. I never knew a few hours without him would make me crave him so much. Each thrust made my eyes roll back into my head. He latched his lips onto my delicious nipples and began devouring every ounce of juice in me, relieving me of the painful tension of too much alpha milk. My body secured around his body as he fucked me as deeply as he could reach (and it was DEEP). I might have been imagining things but he seemed to be going deeper each time. Each thrust released a tiny spurt of hot precum, I could feel the tension in his heavy recently matured balls. I could feel the power of his cum, waiting to seed me. He pounded deeper and deeper. The sounds of our skin slapping together, echoing off the clifftop. I don’t know how I knew it, but this was the paragon of his power. This fucking was charged with the blood of the dead Alphas. Nothing else existed on this terrestrial plain. Just us, two cells, made to make one perfect organism, for the sake of rebirth.

My belly already seemed to be growing, each spurt of precum I felt added up, the power of his cum quickly formed something. His cock began to tighten, pushing my bussy to its limits and sweat dripped off his body, deliciously scented sweat. I started hungrily licking and sucking as much of it as I could and when we reached climax together, my body vibrated as I orgasmed with every last nerve in my body covering us both with cum as he released torrents of hot cum into my body, it filled as much of me as it could and began gushing out of my hole before he was even finished. At this point my belly bulged to a full sized baby. But he wasn’t finished. He lay me down on the soft grassy hilltop, kissed me softly, and continued to thrust. Softly, like he was churning the baby juices, mixing them around and making them at home. Coalescing it into a powerful offspring.

In the climax of it all, I hadn’t noticed something. From the corners of his head were two sets of horns! They must have grown when he reached what seemed to be his full form after hunting and then completely inseminating me. The outer two being thick and flowing to the back of his head, coming up into two visciously sharp points at the end. The inner two being much shorter and much sharper, if he were to head ram someone, they would surely be dead. The pair of them looked almost like a crown, especially since noticeable cracks revealed pure gold. The cracks deepened as he continued to seed me. But this didn’t matter to me.

His slow rhythmic churning felt euphoric, my head spun and I had a vision of another one of my children. This one had the whitest hair and greenest eyes I had ever seen. His features were chiseled, indicative of alpha genes. He was standing against a sunset and he had the largest pair of angelic white wings, and a brilliant bright smile.

I returned to my senses as Aeron plunged his alpha cock deep inside me again. My knees were locked onto his elbows, my ass was off the ground and my back arched. He dug his dick deep into me and pulled out, making slopping churning sounds with the buckets of seed.

“Those not powerful enough to stick shall be eradicated.”

He was on a mission, not for my pleasure but for the future of the planet, for the future of all species. He dug out weak cum, knowing only the strongest would survive and stick to me and become part of the pack. I didn’t believe there was much weak cum and to prove my point my belly seemed to be getting bigger! Almost twice the size than when I was pregnant with him! This periodic digging to get rid of the ‘weak’ seed only turned me on further and inaudible gags and moans came out with every dig and alpha milk was gushing out of both my nipples. He latched on and drank, it made his cock even harder inside me, against my churned bussy. We continued fucking until my alpha milk ran out and he finally grew tired, in other words, when the sun was rising. We fell asleep in each others arms, and with his soft bulbous cock plugged inside to ensure the best offspring was formed.

The following morning I awoke in his arms, surrounded by water. I was giving birth. It felt orgamic, my bussygina stretching and opening, my nipples gusing with milk, and slowly but surely I felt an egg make its way out of my hole. The feeling was unbelieveable as my hole stretch open and closed to lay ostrich sized glowing eggs. They glowed from within with a multicolour hue. Different colors, sometimes different shapes and as they sunk to the bottom they hatched, and humanoid creatures emerged, they were mostly human, with the tails of tadpoles and heads off a distinct animal. I saw a lion, a leopard, a cheetah, but I couldn’t focus as more came out of me. Aeron was standing behind me and massaging the sides of my stomach to aid the birth of his seed. Feeling his body against mine was a comfort, released glowing cum. After about 3 more eggs, my stomach had almost returned to normal and I was exhausted. Aeron took me in his arms and swam me to the surface. He lay me by the bedside and whispered in my ear.

‘Sleep well Jaan. By morning, our offspring will emerge hungry."

The final chapter is coming! Witness the coming of the New Age and the Era of Nature! Witness the rebirth!

by BabyBoiPussy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024