Hot Flamboyant Twink

by djfmonkey

27 Dec 2022 4630 readers Score 9.3 (138 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was a warm august afternoon my buddy and me stopped at the mall to get him a new phone, I sat in the food court sipping a coke, while he waited on an endless line waiting his turn, it seemed to take forever. The food court was the perfect place to check out and people watch, I’d often imagine their stories and make them up as they went scurrying on by. Girlfriends with boyfriends, friends with friends, old couples, young couples, kids, couples with kids, yellers, lovers, happy people sad people, so on and so forth. Most times I’d check out the guys, single or otherwise and fantasize about them, their clothes their bodies and somehow I’d get lost in a fuck them story in my head. I am a closeted gay although I think my best buddy suspects otherwise, but we hang together almost inseparable, I think he’d be OK with it and I may come out to him first one day, I’m just 18 and just downright scared, I’m just not ready.

Soon a guy catches my eye, he’s alone but I can tell right off the bat, I didn’t need gaydar, he was kind of flaming. I’d guess he was about my age, perhaps even a bit younger, but he was bold. He was wearing a white probably designer “Wife Beater” undershirt type shirt with a ridiculously low plunging neckline, and it was too short to be tucked in fact about an inch or two of his abdomen showed. Hell I didn’t even know they made them that way, his clean smooth white chest exposed almost to his nipples, but they were just out of sight, he was wearing Pink well maybe salmon colored tight, tight almost Hot pants style low rise shorts, accentuating a bulge, actually 3 bumps, two to the left of the seam and one to the right. Yup it was his dick and balls alright, nicely pronounced, yet proportionate to his body. He was a blonde, a true blonde, his eyebrows were blonde, his hair nicely fluffed as if he took time fixing it as it swept down across one eye and barely moved.  He was very slender perhaps about 125 lbs. 5’10” or so, slender arms with small but firm biceps, long arms and extra long fingers. His legs were smooth slender and long, perhaps a hint of either peach fuzz or possibly shaved, his toes were exposed as he walked in his sandals that matched the color of his shorts.

He glanced at me and we made eye contact, perhaps because I was staring so long at him, and I didn’t realize it. I quickly looked away back at my coke and pretended to check my phone. No doubt I was intrigued by him. Damn he was hot and I carefully looked back toward him hoping he was looking away again. He stopped by a seat close to me as he put one foot up on the seat and began fiddling with his sandal as if trying to adjust it, he dropped his small bag of purchases on the table. first I noticed his thighs filled those shorts legs very tightly, but his bulge became more apparent as it was pointed directly at me now as it was stretched to the max, then I noticed as he was bent over his foot his untucked shirt sagged out and through the large arm hole I could see a nicely shaped slightly bulged pink nipple , and the bottom of the shirt rode up enough to catch his seemingly hairless belly button and show off a bit of abdominal abs, his tummy looked tight compared to the rest of his slender built body. Then I began checking his ass, yes that ass, with one foot raised to the chair and that nicely shaped tight in those shorts, I quickly imagined the cheek as being naked in that pinkish color, there were no back pockets to distract from the shapeliness of it, I was getting hard just imagining running my hands over it.

Then while I was staring I never realized he stopped what he was doing and began staring directly back into my eyes, it was a dead stare, they were blue and were like arrows penetrating my head and a sneer on his face . for some reason I turned my attention to his face and kept staring back when his lips parted and he ran his tongue over them in a slight circular motion before putting his foot back to the floor, he stood up straight and tugged his shirt bottom back down and made a slight adjustment to his crotch while poking his ass out a tiny bit. I think that all may have been a little tease show for me?  Then he tipped his head toward me as he walked away across the food court.

I realized he left his small bag on the table and I looked over toward him and he was heading for the hallway near the exit, I got up grabbed his bag and made a quick dash to catch him. When I got to the hallway entrance I saw him duck inside the men’s room door. I cautiously followed him in, there no sign of him at the urinals, the room appeared to be empty, but he must be in a stall. I yell out hello? Is anyone in here? I got a single reply “Yup” as I approached the door I began to say I think you left this bag in the food court. I heard the door unlock and swing inward open, and as I tried to hand the bag into the stall, I felt him grab my hand by the wrist and pull me in. He shoved the door closed behind me as he pressed his slender body into mine against the wall, he reached down with his hand and cupped my crotch, as I was eye to eye with those blue beauties. I dropped his bag to the floor, my dick was hardening in my shorts being held tightly by his hand. He leaned in saying nothing and pressed his lips on mine, tongue trying desperately to part my lips then my teeth. Oh my  god I’ve never done anything like this I thought, I’ve never kissed a girl with my tongue, I’ve never had anyone touch my dick except a doctor, I’m a freaking virgin, an 18 year old virgin, and this kid who’s probably younger than me, is almost molesting me, but I didn’t stop him either. Instead I reached under his shirt and worked my fingers up those smooth abs to those plump nipples, so warm and soft, as I gently ran my fingers from one side to the other rather hastily, my dick still throbbing in his lightly clutched hand.

He swung me toward the toilet and sat me down, he kicked the bag to the back wall as he straddled me on the bowl. Those salmon shorts now just inches from my face, he whispered as he flexed his crotch closer, “do you want this”?, as I looked up at his eyes and somehow mustered enough courage to shake my head yes. I carefully watched as he seductively opened the button and the material created a “V” that popped open to the closed zipper. All I could do was stare at the newly exposed small patch of white smooth skin. He raised my hand and took my finger and rubbed my finger in that small spot with his seductive eyes still staring at me and his tongue gently swiping his bottom lip. The skin was warm and smooth, I could see his bulge was either bigger or he was just closer to my face. With his other hand he lifted the zipper and began to drag it down very, very, slowly, my eyes were fixated on each piece of skin that each tooth exposed until a small tuft of neatly trimmed blonde peach fuzz began to expose itself, then I saw a smooth skinned base of his shaft, I was just moments away from seeing this masterpiece in all of its glory.

With both hands he grabbed the flaps on each side, jerked his ass back away from me a bit letting the nicest perfectly proportioned dick flop out to rest on top off a clean shaven ball sack as it slowly and gently began growing before my eyes, toward my eyes. My own dick needing to be freed I paused and began to undo my own pants freeing my raging hard on as he reached down to touch it. I swear I could have cum right there and then as I felt my dick throbbing in his hands loose grip, then he reached further gently caressing my balls. He began moving in closer to my face and he bent slightly at the knees bringing this bulged purple head to my lips. He ran it across my lips a few times as I gently opened them and allowed my tongue to touch his skin. My mouth was dry, I couldn’t swallow, my tongue felt like sandpaper as I began licking the underside. My first dick, I was tasting my first dick. We paused, he shimmied out of those shorts then helped to remove my shirt and pants, he knelt before me, I was still sitting on the bowl as his slightly stiff hair brushed against my thighs as he approached my dick with his mouth. Oh my god what a feeling, this guy made me blast off into space, I came in thrusts so powerful it was like my innards were coming out, I didn’t realize it then but my head was banging the tile wall behind me and my back must have had the plumbing imprinted into it, as my ass began to thrust upward forcing my dick further into his mouth and he sucked every last drop out of me, but he continues to go at it and my chest collapsed over his head and my head came to rest on his back. His skin smelled so good and smooth, and I reached my hands down to his ass cheeks and I gently massaged him not even realizing he was still going at me and I was once again hard, hell I’m not sure I even went soft. My dick was in pain but I couldn’t make him stop, it wasn’t long till I was fully up and raring to go again.

He stood again and then stood me up as he turned his back to me, now his perfect ass was easily within reach and I gently felt up every last inch from his back to his legs with a warm but slightly moist crevasse of an ass crack. He bent down and took the small bag off the floor and inside he had some lube and a condom. Hell I’ve never even put on a condom before. He told me I was going to fuck his tight little ass, and I thought who was I to complain. He helped with the condom and put some cold lube on it then he bent over sideways to massage some into his crack, before turning back and grabbing my shaft and guiding it to his hole. Once we were lined up, I didn’t have a clue, he pressed back on me and I pulled back but his damp lube covered hand grabbed my ass from behind and pulled me in as he pulled back, I saw his head thrust up and back as I entered the warm tight chamber where we then stood still for a moment, he regained his composure and tilted his head back toward the floor and he began rocking in and out on me. It felt warm and wonderful and tight, I wanted the feeling to last forever, sadly it didn’t and I again came way too soon. I know now I was hooked, I wanted to do this over and over again, I wanted to tell the world I found my purpose. He stood and pulled my condom off and he sensually poured the cum out dripping it into his mouth before turning it inside out on his fingers and licking it clean.

He came close to my face and tried to kiss me with his freshly cum covered lips and tongue but I pushed him back, but he was persistent and before long I was tasting my own cum in his mouth. He pushed me to my knees and made me rather forcibly suck him off with my still dry mouth until he grabbed my head and jerked his dick down my throat unexpectedly making me gag and throw up a little, but as I coughed up the largest saliva glob all over his shaft it was apparent to me, I now had sufficient lube to enjoy that long slender shaft of his. He announced he was ready to cum when he pulled out spraying my face with cum, one nostril was filled my left eye was forced closed with a burning sensation and a glob or two was dangling from my hair. He brought his face close to mine and licked me clean.

I sat back down on the bowl and he sat in my lap, I put my arms around him and we sat in quiet for a few moments before dressing and washing up and we parted ways. My first and best time was in this men’s toilet. I never even got his name, I stopped back often and checked out that food court and only saw him one other time arm and arm with a cute blonde girl, they were leaving as I was entering. Oh yeah and my friend, he spent an hour and a half looking for me when I checked my silent texts on my phone and finally met up with him. He was so excited showing me his new phone he didn’t even care or ask what I did. That’s it I’m telling him when we get to the car, I can’t hide this anymore.

by djfmonkey

Email: [email protected]

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