
by Adam S

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My name is Kayden, and I am Polish. I was born as an illegitimate child sixteen years ago. I was taken away from my mother at birth so don’t know my mother or father. Whilst growing up in an orphanage I knew I was different from the other boys. It was a hard life with just the basic necessities.

At the age of fourteen I was put to work as a farm labourer. When I was sixteen, a man approached me whilst I was working on the farm and took me into a barn. He stripped me naked to admire my body before bending me over some bales of hay to fuck me. As soon as his stiff cock was inside me, I realised why I felt different from other boys because I enjoyed what he was doing.

“You good fuck” he grinned after he’d dumped his load of cum inside me. “Put this on and come with me” he instructed. Having always been used to obeying instructions, I immediately put on the all-in-one grey jumpsuit. It clung to my body, showing off my attributes which I have since been told are well-formed. In place of the farm boots I’d been wearing, he gave me a pair of trainers to put on my bare feet. I hadn’t realised at the time that this would be the only attire I’d be wearing for several years to come.

He left my other clothes, which were ragged, on the floor and led me to his car.

“Get in back and don’t move” he barked. I did so without hesitation since I knew from experience that instructions not obeyed resulted in a beating. He drove the car to the farmhouse and knocked on the door. The farm owner opened it, and I watched him accept an envelope. It wasn’t until later that I realised this had been the payment for me. The farmer barely looked at me as we drove away. That was the last I saw of him.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked.

“You’ll see” he replied. Used to not questioning my elders, I accepted the reply and said no more. We drove for another hour before reaching the German border where I was secretly passed over to another guy. He pushed me into the back of a car and drove off. Hours later we reached the border with the Netherlands. I was again secretly passed to a waiting guy and bundled into the back of a van where two other boys about my age were crouching on the floor. They looked at me but said nothing. Yet more miles were travelled until we reached the coast. It was now dark and looked like a small bay. A motorboat was moored on the beach.

My fellow passengers and I were bundled out of the van and passed over to yet another guy. Another envelope was exchanged, presumably money.

“What’s happening to us?” I asked one of the boys. He shrugged his shoulders before being dragged towards the boat. The other boy started fighting back but it did him no good. I decided to obey all instructions to avoid being hit. Once on the boat, I found five other boys, all of similar age to me. None of them looked happy.

We were each given a bottle of water and some bread. I hastily ate it before gulping some water having not eaten or drunk anything for several hours.

“Where are we going?” one of them asked.

“On an adventure” a crewman laughed. “Come here, boy. Let’s see what you’ve got.” The lad slowly made his way along the boat towards the guy who was in his late twenties. “Strip” he laughed. The boy looked at him, dumbfounded.

“Here? In front of everyone?” he exclaimed, clearly upset at the thought.

“Yeah, in front of us. That’s what you’ll be doing once we arrive at our destination.”

“No. I won’t do it” the boy replied defiantly. The crewman grabbed hold of him and ripped open his jumpsuit. It was then that I noticed we were all dressed alike but in different colours. The boy’s jumpsuit was black and loose fitting, unlike mine. Within seconds he was stripped naked. The boy shivered with fright and cold from the cool air on the water as the boat sped on its way. It only had a flimsy tarpaulin roof with open sides.

“How about you, boy? You want to show us what you’ve got?” the crewman asked me.

“Yeah, okay” I grinned, having decided to play his game because I sensed it was the best course of action. I made my way along the boat and stood in front of the good-looking crewman. I then unzipped my jumpsuit and removed it. For some inexplicable reason, I found it exciting, and my body reacted.

“Yeah. You’ve got a beautiful body. See guys, he knows it too. Look at his cock. Already hard and waiting for action. On your knees, boy and suck his cock” he told the other stark-naked boy. I looked at him trying to persuade him to obey but he just stood there. The crewman roughly pushed him onto his knees and told him to open his mouth. He did and looked up at me as he took my stiff cock into his mouth. The crewman bent me forward and slipped a finger into my arse. It felt good and I smiled to myself. The other boys now had their eyes on me and that also felt good. The finger was removed, and a stiff cock took its place. I relaxed to let it in.

“Yeah. A beautiful tight arse” he groaned as he fucked me. It was dark and there was no light on the boat, but I could sense the other boys leaning forward to watch. “Ah, fuck” the crewman cried out. His body convulsed and I knew from when I masturbated that he’d reached his climax. My mind visualised his ribbons of white creamy cum shooting into my arse.

When he’d finished, he pulled out and told the boy sucking my cock to bend over another boy.

“Fuck him” he told me. My cock was aching for action, so I lubricated it with spit and pressed the head through the boy’s tight hole. He cried out in pain.

“Just relax” I whispered. “It won’t hurt so much.” He did and my cock slipped through. Once inside the hot channel, I pumped until I’d reached that wonderful moment when body takes over from the mind.

I’d just finished when the guy at the helm called the crewman over. I picked up the boy’s ripped jumpsuit and told him to get dressed. I did the same and sat down beside one of the other boys.

“You did the right thing. It pays to do what these guys say.”

“I looked at him and nodded.” I’d learnt that long ago.

“I’m Florian” he added and offered his hand. I shook it and gave him my name. “I reckon we’re being taken to England. I’ve heard of other boys from my village being abducted and trafficked by these guys. They get paid when they hand us over to the next lot.”

I’d come to the same conclusion. I asked Florian which village he came from, and it was one not far from my own.

“What lies ahead can’t be much worse than what I’ve come from” I told him.

“Same here” he replied. He told me later that he too had been in care and had a shitty life.

We were all tired and we slept, the drone of the engine sending us off. I suddenly woke when I felt the boat start to rock from side to side. Apart from the two crew, none of us were wearing life jackets. That’s how much they valued our lives. It was still dark, but I could see lights in the distance. Florian clasped my hand as the boat rode the rough waves. We eventually moved into a calmer sea, and I saw land appearing. The boat finally reached a small cove, and an anchor was dropped into the sea.

One of the crewmen jumped out of the boat and helped the six of us over the side with our trainers held in the air and our jumpsuits rolled up our legs to avoid getting them wet as we made our way through the cold shallow water. Two guys were waiting for us on the beach. The crewman handed us over and received his payment. He returned to the boat, and it disappeared into the darkness.

“Welcome to England” the youngest one grinned as they led us to a nearby van. We were bustled into the back as the other guy climbed into the driver’s seat and set off. “Dry yourselves with these” the guy with us instructed. The dim inside light enabled me to see the others drying their feet with the grubby towels provided. “Yeah, nice. Reckon you’ll all fetch a tidy sum” the guy muttered as he watched me. I looked at Florian who’d stayed by my side.

“We’re going to be sold for the sex trade” he whispered. “I heard a guy talking about this in my village.”

“Could be worse” I grinned as I pulled down the legs of my sweatpants and slipped on my trainers. We couldn’t see out of the van, but I estimated we’d been driving for about two hours before we stopped. The rear door opened, and a guy told us to get out and follow him into a barn which stored farm machinery.

“Strip off so we can have a look at you” the guy instructed. Most of us immediately complied but the boy who refused to do so before just stood there defiantly. It didn’t do him any good because his already torn jumpsuit was ripped off him by the guy. Now stark naked, we were told to stand with out legs slightly apart and our hands held behind our head. I felt totally exposed with everything on full display but for some reason I found it exciting, at least my cock did which twitched with excitement.

Florian and I were standing beside one another although a foot or more apart as instructed. Another guy moved forward and walked slowly along the line of naked teenagers, looking us up and down as he did so. He then walked behind us to inspect our rears. He then stood in front of me, and I could sense his eyes looking at my nakedness. My cock twitched some more and slowly reacted. He cupped my balls and then took the growing organ into his hand. It grew harder, but not fully erect. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back and felt a connection with him.

“Nice cock and a nice body. Turn around.” I turned and felt him stretch my buttocks apart. His finger stroked my hole which caused my disobedient cock to grow more. “Yes, perfect” he smiled and asked me to move out of the line and stand in front of the other five boys. I admired their nakedness, including the difficult lad.

The guy then asked Florian to move forward, and he inspected him in the same way. He was then told to stand with me. After more inspection, another boy was selected. His name was Stanek.

“I’ll take these three” the guy told the man who seemed to be in charge. He then instructed the three of us to follow him outside but only bring our trainers. We walked naked to his car, which was an electric Fiat 500, and he gave each of us a light grey onesie jumpsuit to put on. They fitted snug to our body and emphasised every contour, including our cocks.

Once dressed, he told Florian and Stanek to climb into the back and me to use the passenger seat. We then set off leaving the other three lads to their fate.

“I’m Brendan and you three now belong to me. Do as your told without argument or backchat and we’ll get on fine. You might even enjoy it” he chuckled. He then asked each of us to introduce ourselves, our age, where we’d come from and a bit about our life to date.

Florian started first and explained he was sixteen and Eastern European. He was raised in a small village by foster parents because his birth mother had died soon after childbirth and his father was unknown. He added that his foster father was a bully and frequently beat him.

Stanek was seventeen and also Eastern European. He’d been raised by his father who owned a farm. He’d never known his mother and his father was a brute. He’d taken him out of school at the age of thirteen and put him to work on the farm, making him do all the shitty jobs.

“To be honest, I’m glad to be out of it” he added.

It was then my turn, so I relayed my story. As I did so, Brendan rubbed my thigh and groped me. He was soon rewarded with a hard cock.

“Where are we being taken and what for?” Stanek asked.

“To London. You’ll join the other three lads I use for male prostitution. Any problem with that?”

“No” we all muttered.

“Good, because you’ve got no option, now I’ve paid good money for the three of you” he laughed.

After about an hour, we entered London, and I was fascinated by all the tall buildings.

“This is Soho where you’ll be living” Brendan announced. The area was heaving with people of all creeds and races. It was so completely different to what I’d been used to, and I felt excited.

He parked the car in an off-street area at the rear of the building but there was no access to the building itself from there, so we had to walk round to the front in Greek Street. The front door, which opened onto the pavement beside the coffee shop on the ground floor, led us straight onto a flight of stairs to the first floor. This accommodated a living room that faced the front and a kitchen that overlooked the rear. Two of the four bedrooms were on the second floor with a bathroom. The other two bedrooms, also with a bathroom, were on the top floor.

“Guys, meet your new housemates” Brendan announced as he led us into the living room. Sitting there were three lads. Abdul, an eighteen-year-old Malaysian. Adam, also Malaysian and seventeen, and Jafari who was African and eighteen. What surprised me was that they were all wearing G-strings and nothing else.

Us new boys were each paired with one of them. My roommate was Jafari. He had beautiful sparkling brown eyes and a shiny black body. Being so close to a black guy was a new experience for me and I looked forward to getting to know him. Florian was paired with Adam and Stanek with Abdul.

Brendan told the three of them to show us our room and settle in before returning downstairs for lunch. Each room had a double bed, which was another new experience for me.

“We’re lucky” Jafari commented as he led me into a spacious room on the second floor. “We’re at the back, so not disturbed by street noise. You’ll sleep on the left. You’ll only wear a onesie when out visiting clients. There’s a spare in this drawer. We change every other day. At home you wear a G-string. Nothing else. Your toothbrush is the red one. There’s a jacket hanging on the hook to put over your onesie when it’s cold outside. Brendan will fit you out with a new pair of trainers. Any questions?”

I shook my head as I took in what he’d told me.

“Okay, strip off and I’ll show you the bathroom. The four of us on this floor have to share that.” I immediately removed my onesie and waited for him to lead the way. “Nice body. Clients will love you. I take it you know what we’re here to provide.”

I said I had a good idea. He led me along to the bathroom which had a walk-in shower with two shower heads. At one end was a basin and a toilet cubicle. Whilst I showered, a naked Florian appeared for his shower. Jafari indicated which were our towels and to ensure they were always placed on the allocated rail. Once showered, Jafari took me back to the bedroom where he gave me a G-string. We then made our way back to the living room.

“Brendan’s the cook, and a good one” Jafari said, “but we have to do the washing up and keep the place clean. I could smell delicious aromas coming from the kitchen that was accessed via the living room, and my stomach rumbled. I hadn’t eaten for several hours.

“After lunch I want to take photographs of you new boys and film you both having sex with your roommate” Brendan told us as we ate at a large wooden table. Jafari told me later that Brendan was a photographer and sold pictures of our naked bodies on his website along with the porn films he made of us fucking one another. This was in addition to servicing clients.


Jafari was right, Brendan was a good cook. The lunch he prepared for the six of us was delicious. Far better than anything I’d eaten before. Once finished, we washed up the dishes and cleared everything away. Brendan insisted on having a spotless kitchen with no dirty dishes lying about.

“Okay, I want the new boys to join me in the studio” he announced. He’d converted the attic for this purpose, so we followed him up a steep flight of stairs. Once there, he told us to remove our G-strings. Three stark naked guys then watched him set up the camera equipment and lighting. As he did so, I admired Jafari’s naked bottom. I loved a naked bum and his was perfect in every way, even causing my cock to take notice.

Over the next two hours he photographed us in every erotic pose possible, including with hard cocks. With those out of the way, he got each of us to fuck our roommate and be fucked by them. The feel of my stiff cock inside Jafari’s arse as I fucked him until I’d shot my load inside him, was awesome. He then fucked me, and that too was brilliant.

We had an early evening meal and Brendan allocated each of us a client who’d rented us for the night. He gave us travel passes and detailed instructions on how to get to where they lived.

“And remember, I own you, so don’t even think about trying to escape because I’ll know where you are at all times. I glanced at the non-removable metal bracelet he’d fitted to each of us and guessed it contained an electronic device. Besides, I’d be homeless again with no money, and I certainly didn’t want that, plus, I enjoyed gay sex.

My client was a guy named Patrick who lived in Kensington and according to Brendan was in his forties. Seeing the size of the house, he was obviously very rich. My instructions were to enter via the tradesman’s entrance which was at the side of the house. I rang the bell, and it was opened by a guy who introduced himself as Tayo. He was Nigerian and I later found out that he was Patrick’s twenty-three-year-old servant.

“Come. I take you to see boss” he smiled.

He led me up a flight of stairs to the second floor where Patrick was lounging in an exquisite living room. All he was wearing was a silk dressing gown with matching slippers.

“Tea for all of us, Tayo, if you please. And be dressed accordingly when you return.”

“Yes, sir” he replied and hastily retreated.

“Okay, let’s have a look at you” he said and instructed me to undress. I removed my onesie jumpsuit and stood naked in front of him. “Beautiful” he smiled and told me to turn around and bend over. “Yeah, I’m going to enjoy fucking that arse.”

Tayo appeared carrying the tea things on a tray which had a teapot, three cups and saucers, a milk jug and sugar. He was also stark naked, and my cock twitched with excitement as I looked at the black cock hanging between his legs.

Having served the tea, including one for himself, we quietly drank it. Once consumed, Patrick instructed me to stand in front of a kneeling Tayo who proceeded to suck my cock. It was soon hard, and I enjoyed the feel of his mouth gently sucking it. Before I’d had a chance to reach a climax, Tayo was told to stop and to bend over the arm of a chair.

“Fuck his arse and I want to see you cum over it” Patrick told me. I was given lube and after preparing my stiff cock, I gently pushed it into him. “Fuck him hard” I was told, so I increased the pace. As I fucked, enjoying the feel of my naked flesh against Tayo’s, I realised that Patrick was filming the action. I said nothing, guessing that too would be uploaded to some site for everyone to see. Suddenly, I felt my climax coming so pulled out and shot ribbons of creamy cum over Tayo’s arse before pushing back inside to finish off. “Yeah, beautiful” Patrick muttered as he zoomed onto my dripping cock.

“Now you” he told me. “Bend over the chair so I can fuck you’re gorgeous arse.”

I did as he’d instructed and felt his big naked cock thrust into me. “Fuck” I cried as it breached me, and that’s what he proceeded to do for the next fifteen minutes before dumping his load of spunk inside me.

At eleven-thirty, leaving Tayo to tidy things up and switch off lights, Patrick took me to bed. Once in the large double bed, he turned me over and fucked me again. At some point I fell asleep but was woken in the morning by being fucked again.

After lunch the next day, I was released and allowed to go home.

“Patrick was pleased with you” Brendan told me when I walked in. “He’s booked you again for next weekend.”

He became a regular client, and I looked forward to visiting him, which was more than I could say about other guys who used me to satisfy their needs. When not servicing clients, we were required to fuck one another whilst Brendan filmed the action for uploading to a porn site. I never did watch myself online, but others who did, said it was good.

 Life continued in much the same way, it became the norm, and I didn’t think about the life I was now forced to live. Fortunately, I enjoyed the sex and Jafari and I became inseparable, albeit that we had to service clients. However, when I was nineteen, my life changed. Jafari and I were called into Brendan’s office.

“A new client wants both of you to spend two whole days with him. His name is Edward, he’s thirty-five and lives in Hampstead. You’re to leave immediately after breakfast tomorrow morning.”

That was all we were told but imagined this Edward guy had a partner which was why he wanted both of us. He’d also chosen us specifically from Brendan’s photo gallery that he gave clients temporary access to when requested.

We returned to our chores thinking no more about it. We were so used to servicing clients that nothing phased us.

The following morning, dressed in a clean onesie jumpsuit, Jafari and I set off for Hampstead. It was an area in north-west London that I’d never been to before.

Having found the correct property I rang a door entry buzzer beside wooden gates that hid the house from view. I’d also noticed that the property was surrounded by shrubbery and a sturdy wooden fence plus CCTV.

“Yes” a voice answered.

“We’re here to see Edward. I’m Jafari with Kayden.”

“Ah, good. Use the pedestrian gate to enter.”

We heard a click and pushed the gate open. Once through it automatically closed and locked behind us. We then walked up the drive towards a very expensive looking house. As we reached the front door it opened.

“Hi, I’m Edward. Come along inside” he said, offering his hand to shake as we crossed the threshold. We glanced at one another and entered a hallway off which several rooms were situated and a curved staircase leading upstairs.

“Let’s go into the living room. I’ve already made a pot of coffee.”

As we followed him, I gazed at his nice butt that was tightly covered with a pair of smart light grey trousers. He invited us to sit on a sofa whilst he poured the coffee. Once seated opposite us, he thanked us for coming. His whole demeanour was different to the usual client, who normally told us to strip so they could inspect the goods.

“How long have you been working as a sex worker?”

“Three years” I replied.

“Four years for me” Jafari replied.

“Do you enjoy it?”

“Don’t have much option. It’s a requirement if you live with Brendan. He provides the food we eat and a bed to sleep in” I replied.

Edward nodded and looked at Jafari who confirmed the same. “Could you leave if you wanted to?”

“No” Jafari replied and pointed out the tracking bracelet around our wrists.

“Would you like to, if you could?”

“Definitely” we both replied without hesitation.

“But we don’t have any money and only possess what we’re wearing. We’re trapped until he decides we’re no longer suitable for his needs” Jafari explained.

“Let me tell you about myself” Edward replied. He explained that his parents had divorced when he was fourteen because his father was a bully and controlling. After being constantly asked why he didn’t have a girlfriend, Edward announced when he was twenty years old that he was gay. His father told him he was disgusting and from thereon they lived apart, albeit in the same house.

“A month ago, my father had a major heart attack and he died on the way to the hospital. Being his only heir, I inherited his fortune including this house and several companies he owned. As a result, I’m a multi-millionaire. I fired the two staff he employed to run this house and his chauffeur because they treated me with the same contempt as my father.

I’m therefore looking to employ two young men, such as yourselves, to replace them and be part of the family, not just hired helps. All I’d ask of you is that I could admire your naked bodies whilst at home and watch you having sex. I’m a good judge of character and I sense you’re very fond of one another.”

Jafari and I looked at one another and smiled.

“I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Yes” Jafari replied. “We sleep together when we’re not servicing clients and are very close.”

“That’s nice and you’d continue to do so here because you’d live in with me, assuming you’re interested in my offer.”

He then detailed the pay and what we’d do regarding the house, which involved cleaning, laundry, and preparing meals. He added that he employed a guy who came once a week to look after the garden.

“And would you require sexual services?” Jafari asked.

“No. Admiring your naked bodies and watching you have sex is sufficient. I’m also an artist, so I’d like to draw you naked. Perhaps before we proceed further, I could see you in the flesh.”

I smiled, stood up and removed my onesie. Jafari did the same.

“Oh, yes. Even better than your photographs” he smiled as his eyes consumed our nakedness. “I suggest you consider my offer before making a decision but are you interested?”

“I definitely am” I replied. Anything was better than being trapped with Brendan and his randy clients.

“So am I” Jafari added.

“Excellent but let me have your final decision later. First, I suggest I show you around.”

He then took us on a tour of the five-bedroom house. Every bedroom had an ensuite facility and Edward’s room overlooked the garden and the heath beyond.

“Your room is this one at the front” he beamed. It was magnificent with glazed doors on the extensive built-in wardrobe. As we stood in front of it, he stood between us and placed an arm around our waists. “You are truly beautiful.” I gazed at mine and Jafari’s naked bodies; yes, we’d remained stark naked knowing he’d appreciate it.

Downstairs there was a spacious dining room, a study and Edward’s art studio.

“That just leaves the kitchen” he smiled.

“Wow” Jafari exclaimed. It was huge with a central island and every labour-saving appliance imaginable.

“Which of you is the cook?” Edward grinned.

“Jafari” I replied. “He produces amazing meals.”

Although Brendan did most of the cooking, he frequently let others do so and Jafari was always the best.

“Kayden is a great kitchen assistant” he grinned and kissed me in the lips.

“I look forward to a light lunch and dinner this evening” Edward smiled and patted our naked backsides. Jafari and I each selected a neatly folded apron from one of the kitchen drawers and put it on. “Mm, that’s a beautiful sight. Two naked bums for me to stroke” he laughed.

“Be our guest” Jafari laughed. “You can touch what you like.”

He left us to look in the fridge and the cupboards to see what food was available and we found plenty, so Jafari planned out a menu for the light lunch and the evening dinner.

We ate lunch in the dining room, which according to Edward he always used to eat his meals, and Jafari and I agreed to remain naked since we were clearly turning Edward on, and we were used to be naked and enjoyed showing off our bodies.

After we’d cleared away the dishes, Edward took us into his studio so he could draw us. He first asked me to adopt an erotic pose on a chaise longue. Once laying along it, he adjusted my limbs how he wanted them and moved my cock to the desired position. As soon as he did so, it reacted slightly so he was delighted.

Whilst I remained perfectly still, Jafari roamed around the room looking at other work Edward had done. They were all male nudes and he asked whether they too were from live models.

“I’ve been attending an art class where they had a male model each week, so those are from sketches I made there.”

“They’re good” Jafari commented. “Do you exhibit your work?”

“A good friend of mine runs a studio and he’s asked me to put on a show of my work which is why I’d like to draw you guys and produce paintings to exhibit. Would you mind?”

“Fuck, no” I laughed. “We’re already on the net in porn films.”

“Oh, how wonderful. I’ve always wanted to make a gay porn film. Would you guys be willing to perform for it.”

Jafari laughed and said we were up for anything.


After the meal that evening, which Edward thought was delicious and congratulated Jafari on his choice of dish and its flavour, he said he’d like to watch us have sex. We both agreed, since we were used to performing for guys, so we cleared a space on the carpet in front of one of the sofas and got to it. Having sucked each other until our cocks were hard, Jafari lubricated his cock, and I offered my arse. I glanced at Edward and suddenly realised that he’d stripped off so was now showing off his gorgeous naked body. As Jafari fucked my arse, which I always enjoyed, Edward played with his own cock which was now hard. By the time Jafari was spilling his load inside of me, Edward was spurting ribbons of cum over himself.

“Beautiful. I so hope you accept my offer. Having you gorgeous guys around me is going to be wonderful.”

Jafari and I had already made our decision earlier whilst preparing the food. “We’d like to accept, please” I said as I stood up after Jafari had removed his stiff cock from my arse.

“Oh, my. That’s wonderful” he exclaimed and rushed forward to hug me. As he did so, I could feel my cock rubbing against his and both reacted. Jafari joined in and the three of us had a naked hug. It felt wonderful.

“There’s only one problem” Jafari commented. “Brendan. He’s not going to be happy to release us.”

Edward chuckled. “Don’t worry about him. All he’s interested in is money and you guys are the route to his making it, but I’ll offer him a sum he won’t be able to refuse.”

He walked off into his study and called Brendan leaving us sitting on the sofa waiting for the reply.

“All arranged” Edward grinned as he walked back into the living room, his big cock flapping between his legs. “You won’t be going back so this is now your home. I understand neither of you have any personal belongings to collect.”

We confirmed that to be the case since we’d arrived at Brendan’s house with nothing and still had nothing apart from the onesie’s, which apparently, he wanted back much to our amazement. We both realised that we’d just been sex animals for him to make money. Neither of us were sorry to leave the greedy Brendan.

“Tomorrow, I will call my tailor and arrange a private session so we can get you guys fitted out with proper clothes.”

We spent the remainder of the evening lazing naked on the sofas, casually playing with our cocks, although Jafari and I also played with one another’s. When it was bedtime, the pair of us made our way up to our new bedroom and collapsed into bed.

“Am I dreaming this?” I giggled.

“Don’t think so” Jafari laughed as he covered my body with his and we made love. This time I fucked him before we went to sleep.

 I woke in the morning to glorious sunshine flowing through a crack in the curtains. I rushed out of bed and looked out of the window. It was a beautiful day and all I could see beyond the garden was the greenery of the Heath. I felt so happy. I at last felt I was part of a proper family.

“Bring your sexy body back to bed” Jafari giggled.

“We’ve got breakfast to prepare, and I want a shower in our own bathroom” I giggled.

“That can wait. I need my cock satisfied and I want it inside your arse” he laughed.

I ran back to bed, stripped the duvet off him to expose his naked body and sure enough, he was sporting a beautiful morning erection. I mounted him and fed the big cock into my arse. I then rode it until he’d shot his morning load.

We showered together and continued to enjoy the closeness of one another’s body.

“Happy to go down naked?” I asked.

“It’s what he wants, so fine by me.”

We made our way downstairs and donned our aprons. Edward had told us the night before that he only had cereal, toast, and coffee for breakfast so that’s what we prepared. Whilst Jafari made the toast, I set the dining table for the three of us.

“Mm, what a gorgeous sight to start my morning” Edward chuckled as he entered the dining room wearing a silk dressing gown. He moved up behind me, pressed his cock up against my arse and wrapped his arms around me. One hand felt beneath the apron and held my cock. As usual, it immediately reacted. “So, how was your first night in your new home?”

“Brilliant” I replied joyfully. “We can’t thank you enough.”

“My pleasure. You’ve no idea how much your presence here has lifted my spirits after years of living with my homophobic, racist father who took every opportunity to bully me and make me feel small. I’m not a religious man but when he died, I thanked God.”

I turned to face him. “I thought my life for the past few years was bad enough, but I reckon yours was worse.”

He smiled and kissed me on the lips. My cock immediately jumped to attention. “And this is happy too” he giggled as he took hold of my erection. Jafari then appeared with the toast and the pot of coffee. “And here’s my other beauty” Edward grinned and invited him to join the morning hug. Having placed the toast and coffee in the table, he removed his apron and joined us. “Wow, another beautiful cock” Edward grinned as he took hold of Jafari’s swelling organ. I removed my apron to give Edward free access. He clearly enjoyed having a good feel even if he didn’t want to fuck us.

After we’d finished breakfast and we’d cleared away the dishes whilst Edward got dressed, we returned to our bedroom to clothe ourselves. Laid out on the bed were two pairs of skimpy underwear, socks, shirts, and trousers.

“I think those should fit you okay to travel to my tailor.” We put them on, and they fitted well enough. He took the onesies we’d got ready to wear and said he’d return them to Brendan. I still couldn’t believe that he’d asked for them back.

Within the hour, I was sitting in the front of Edward’s Bentley with Jafari in the back. We then drove to Saville Row to visit his tailer. Once inside, the door was locked, and a middle-aged guy introduced himself.

“I am Jacob. Welcome to my humble shop.”

Edward then explained that we needed a complete set of clothes including underwear and socks. Having prepared a few items, Jafari and I chose what we liked. We both opted for the skimpy briefs and bright coloured socks.

“Put them on” he said and indicated the changing room.

“Don’t worry” Edward laughed, “they’re used to exposing themselves. I felt my face blush. Why, I haven’t a clue, but Jafari was removing his clothes, so I did the same. Once naked, we slipped on a pair of the briefs and socks. Jacob then measured our waist and inside leg as if it was perfectly normal to have seen his customers stark naked.

An hour later we were walking out in a smart shirt, an expensive pair of casual trousers with a new pair of shoes and a casual jacket. I’d never owned such smart clothes. We’d also been fitted with another three sets of casual shirts and trousers of differing colour, plus two dark suits, white shirts, and a coat to cover them in colder weather. I couldn’t imagine how much the bill would be, but Edward just said put everything on his account and arranged for the other items to be delivered to the house that afternoon. On the way out, Jacob thanked us for our custom and wished us a pleasant day.

“You look brilliant, guys” Edward grinned as we walked to the cars. We then went home.

 Two days later, Jafari and I commenced driving lessons. We each had a two-hour session four times a week. The instructor’s name was Frank, and he congratulated both of us on our natural ability to drive. Within three weeks he said we were ready to take our driving test, having spent numerous hours of practice using the Bentley sporting L plates. Somehow, he managed to get the tests within three weeks from application, but I suspected Edward had something to do with the speed. I was rapidly realising that if you had money behind you, anything was possible.

Fortunately, both of us passed our tests with flying colours so we were now licensed to drive the Bentley without the dreaded L plates. Jafari was definitely the better driver, so it was agreed that he’d be Edward’s chauffeur when he was making official visits to the companies he now owned. I acted as his assistant although most of the time I hadn’t a clue what I was supposed to do but he wanted to give the appearance that he was the big city company owner. In reality each company was run by a Chief Executive and Edward was the Chairman of the Board, so only attended important meetings where major decisions were made. He seemed to enjoy having me by his side, passing relevant papers to him as required.

Three weeks after we’d moved in, Edward introduced us to Robert. “He’s my boyfriend but he’s married, so has to keep our relationship secret.”

Robert was twenty-nine and lived in Essex where he owned an art gallery. He and Edward had met in a gay bar when they were much younger. Edward had dreamt of them living together but it wasn’t to be. Robert had been coerced into marriage by his parents and he knew he couldn’t tell them he was gay. They were devout Catholics.

“Oh my. These guys are gorgeous” Robert exclaimed as he gazed at me and Jafari, both of us naked.

“It’s a beautiful day” Edward said and proceeded to remove his clothes. “Let’s sunbathe naked in the garden. Aaron won’t mind.”

Aaron was the gardener who came once a week to tidy things up and cut the lawn. He was a twenty-five-year-old Jamaican and clearly gay. Apparently, Robert loved being naked so hastily removed his clothes. The four of us then walked out into the garden and settled down on the sun loungers. Aaron looked over at us and I noticed his hand rubbing his crotch.

“Does he ever join in?” I giggled.

“Not up to now” Edward replied, “but let’s ask him if he’d like to.” He beckoned Aaron over. He put down the hoe he was using and walked over to us. His eyes jumped between each of the four naked bodies. “You’re welcome to join us, Aaron.”

“I’ve got the beds to weed” he replied, his eyes now fixed on my cock which was slowly reacting.

“Work naked” Robert grinned. “Nobody, apart from us, can see you.”

“An excellent idea” Edward added. “You can then join us and stay for a meal.”

Aaron’s face lit up. He clearly liked that idea. “Thank you, I’d like that.” He quickly removed his clothes to expose an exquisite shiny black body with a big black cock which was already semi-hard. I watched him walk back to where he’d been working, enjoying the sight of his perfect naked butt.

“So, what do you two guys like doing with these beautiful cocks?” Robert asked and reached across to take my cock and Jafari’s into his hand. He’d made sure he’d chosen a lounger between us and moved them close together. Edward watched on with amusement. He obviously knew his lover loved playing with cock.

“Fucking tight arses” Jafari laughed. “And we both like being fucked, so we’re all yours.”

“Mm. That suits me fine” Robert giggled.

I could see Aaron glancing over as he busily hoed around the shrubbery.

“I’ll fetch some drinks” Edward said but before he went inside, he walked naked down the garden to speak to Aaron.

“Thanks” I heard him say before taking his tools to the shed at the end of the garden and walked over to where we were lazing on the sunbeds.

“Ah, you’ve finished your chores, have you” Robert grinned.

“Edward suggested I stop for today and come again tomorrow to finish off.”

“Excellent idea. Come and sit on my lap” Robert grinned.

Aaron sat astride his legs facing him, so their two semi-hard cocks rubbed against one another. Robert took both into his hand and gently massaged them. They were soon both rock hard. My own was also now fully erect so I moved and sat astride Jafari’s, seeing that his was the same. He played with them whilst Aaron looked on, licking his lips.

“Here we are” Edward announced appearing with a tray full of drinks. They were generous vodka margaritas and tasted delightful. He’d also brought some lube guessing it would be required. Robert grabbed it and lubricated his stiff cock. He then told Aaron to ride it. Within seconds, the full length was inside the black arse and Aaron was riding it. Jafari lubricated his and told me to ride it, which is what I did since I loved the feel of his big cock inside my arse. The air was filled with low groans of sexual delight.

Edward had brought his camera and drawing pad with him. He first took numerous shots of cock fucking arse from all angles and capturing some close ups along the way. He then proceeded to sketch Aaron riding Robert’s cock before capturing me riding Jafari’s. We each took our time before reaching a climax and feeling our arses being filled with ribbons of cum. The sketches were superb and were later used for a watercolour.

After Robert and Jafari had shot their loads, both having said loudly that they were doing so, Aaron and I remained seated on our respective lap with a slowly dying cock deep inside us. I kissed my lover before enjoying my drink.

After an hour or more sunbathing naked we decided to go back in doors.

“I’m ready to fuck another arse” Robert grinned. “How about you Kayden?”

I readily agreed because I loved the thought of having Robert’s big cock up my arse.

“Let’s make it more interesting” Robert laughed. “How about a double fuck. I reckon your cute arse can take two cocks.”

“Yeah, okay” I grinned. I’d been double fucked before, so knew I could take it. Aaron was chosen to be the second cock, so he laid flat on his back on the floor, and I knelt across him to take his cock into my arse. Once fully inside, I bent forward and kissed him, leaving my arse available for Robert to stick his stiff cock in alongside Aaron’s.

“Are you okay?” Jafari asked me once I had two big cocks inside me.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s fucking awesome” I laughed.

“Sure is” Aaron grinned. “My cock feels so good having Robert’s naked cock rub against mine.”

Whilst the action was taking place, Edward was taking photographs as the two cocks pumped in and out of my arse. Jafari was videoing it on his phone.

It seemed to go on for ages before Aaron cried out “I’m coming”.

“So am I” Robert yelled, and their bodies went into spasm as they each shot their load inside me. Once done, they relaxed, and I was left with two dying cocks inside me plus a double load of cum.

“Okay, now it’s Jafari’s turn to be double fucked by Kayden and Edward. I looked at my lover and he grinned. I knew he loved being fucked, especially by two cocks. I laid flat on my back, and he knelt across me. His stiff cock was soon inside me and it felt so wonderful. He bent forward and kissed me passionately whilst Edward slipped his cock in too. I felt his big organ sliding along the top of mine and I thought I was going to climax but somehow, I didn’t.

“I love you so much” Jafari whispered as mine and Edward’s cock pumped him in unison.

“Love you too” I managed to reply. Aaron was filming the action on his phone whilst Robert was taking stills for Edward for him to produce water colours. Whether these would be put on show, I had no idea but was not bothered. I knew he sold pornographic paintings on the web, so they’d probably go there. The thought of a stranger looking at a painting of me being double fucked added to the enjoyment.

“Fuck, fuck, I’m coming” I cried out. A few moments later Edward did too so we pumped our creamy cum into my lover’s arse.

“I’m hungry after all that” Robert laughed. The rest of us said we were too, so Jafari and I prepared the evening meal. We’d prepared everything earlier, so it didn’t take long to produce the meal.

After we’d eaten and Jafari and I had cleared the dishes, Robert suggested we have a walk on Hampstead Heath.

“Do you guys have sweatpants and T-shirt” he asked me and Jafari. We both had a T-shirt but not the latter, but Edward said he had several pairs. Aaron had been gardening in that attire and Robert had brought some with him. Having been told to dress only in T-shirt and sweatpants without underwear, and trainers on our feet, we assembled in the living room.

“Why this garb?” Jafari asked.

“You’ll find out” Robert and Edward laughed. I looked at Aaron and he seemed equally oblivious to what was going on. Being ten o’clock, it was now dark outside. The five of us slipped out into the darkness and set off down the road before taking a pathway that led onto the Heath. Even though I had no idea what we were doing, I felt a sense of sexual excitement.

“I assume you guys know that gays come here for sex” Robert said as we walked deep into the wooded area. “We’ll, that’s what we’re going to do and if we’re lucky we might find a willing guy to take part.”

The thought of having sex in the open on Hampstead Heath in the dark, filled me with excitement and I sensed that Jafari and Aaron felt the same.

“Keep together and keep a look out for police” Edward warned us, “but we’re going deep into the woods which is well away from the car park and casual walkers. All we’re likely to see are other gays enjoying sex” he added.

Once deep into the wooded area, we moved slowly having removed our T-shirts.

“Hi” a voice whispered nearby. I looked to one side and saw a guy stark naked just standing there massaging his cock.

“Hi” Robert replied. “Want a hand with that?”

The guy giggled. “I’d rather be fucked by you guys.”

He bent over, using a tree to support himself and offered his arse. My weeping cock slipped easily into his well lubricated arse, and I gave him a good hard fuck. All I heard from him were low grunts of pleasure. When I’d dumped my large load, I pulled out and Jafari took my place. He thrust his big cock in and gave him the same treatment until he too had dumped his load. Robert then took over and did the same, followed by Edward and Aaron. When we were all satisfied, we got dressed and left the guy naked by the tree.

As we made our way back, we saw two guys looking for action.

“How about we have an orgy at home and invite those two lads?” Robert asked.

“Sounds good to me” Edward laughed. “Is that okay with you guys?”

Jafari and I said we were up for it. Despite having fucked the guy earlier, my cock was still wanting more. We looked at Aaron and he said he was too.

“Hi guys, looking for some action?” Robert grinned as we approached the two lads who looked no older than eighteen.

“Yeah” one of them replied.

“In that case, come with us. I live nearby and we’re going to have an orgy. You guys can join us if you want” Edward told them.

“Yeah, you bet” the other one replied.”

“Just one thing” Robert smiled. “We only fuck raw. That okay?”

“Perfect” they both replied. “Much prefer naked cock in arse.”

As we continued, they introduced themselves. One was Tim and the other Gary. As I’d assessed, they were both eighteen.

“Okay, guys. Clothes off” Robert said as soon as everyone was through the front door. “Leave everything here and bring your beautiful naked bodies downstairs.”

He led us through a door that led to the basement which I’d never been in before. Most of the floor was covered by a superior Jiu-Jitsu flooring material which was soft to walk on and lay on. There was a table in one corner that displayed an array of sex toys including whips, handcuffs, dildos, and bottles of lube and beside it a fridge containing bottles of wine, beer, and spirits. I later found out that this was the orgy room.

“Wow, this is fucking amazing” Tim exclaimed.

“Okay guys, help yourself to a drink. Beer, vodka, wine.”

Tim and Gary opted for beer but the rest of us had vodka.

“I’ve got some coke if anyone’s interested” Tim grinned.

Edward and Robert immediately accepted, so the rest of us did too. Jafari and I had used before but only occasionally when clients had insisted. After we’d all snorted a line, we got down to business. Cocks were sucked and arses rimmed before the fucking began. Within two hours we’d each fucked Tim and Gary and been fucked by Edward and Robert. It was the early hours when Aaron, Tim and Gary left to make their way home. We never saw Tim and Gary again, but Robert was a regular visitor who always slept with Edward. Aaron also regularly joined in with sexual activity and often stayed the night, sleeping with Jafari and me in our kingsize bed. The three of us frequently posed naked for Edward’s art projects, and sometimes whilst having sex.

Several months later, Robert arranged a showing of Edward’s work at his gallery. It did extremely well, including the pornographic pieces which were available to view in a private room.

When Jafari and I were twenty-one, Edward suggested we leave and set up home together. He’d already organised British citizenship for us, although quite how we never found out, but I suspect cash payments were involved somewhere down the line. He also helped each of us obtain a job as a shop assistant in a gay store in Soho with living accommodation above it. It wasn’t until sometime later that I found out that he owned the shop and the premises. So, with money in our pocket, also provided by him, we set off to commence another period in our life, leaving him to find two younger guys to replace us, but at least we weren’t homeless.


by Adam S

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024