Holiday Spirit

by Bill Drake

17 Dec 2023 7755 readers Score 9.3 (127 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

One nice thing about work holiday parties is that unless there's some emergency issue, the work pace slows down in the afternoon. Idle hands make idle thoughts, I said to myself as I pulled out my phone and texted my brother Dave.

"Hey D, how's it going?"

Dave did freelance work, so I never knew if I was going to hear from him right away or in a couple of days when he got his head above water from a big project.

Turns out it was the former. "Hey. What's up?"

I looked out the windowed wall of my office. A couple of the sales people were chatting and laughing on the other side of the glass. I turned my attention back to my phone, gathering my thoughts. "Office party day here. Have a little time before it. Was wondering if I could drop off my Christmas present to you."

I saw the dots on his side of the text bubble, then the reply: "You saying what I think you're saying?"

My dick swelled in my trousers. "If you're cool with it, yeah," I wrote. 

"God yeah," Dave wrote. 

I smiled. In the past this could feel like an emotional landmine. It still kind of was, and I felt my heart pump a little faster. I was married and definitely shouldn't be doing this. "I'll try to duck out of the office around 4. I'll text you when I'm leaving."

"I'll be ready" came my brother's reply. "You know where the key is."

"Ok. Later."


I figured I'd tell my coworkers I had to run some Christmas shopping errands before the party. Turns out I didn't even need to tell anyone anything. At ten of 4, I was powering down and texting Dave that I was on my way.

Best thing about living in the Sun Belt is how mild and warm it can be in December. A couple of the Northerners I worked with complained about how it was tough to get in the holiday spirit when it was 70 degrees out, but I loved it. I walked out to the parking lot without a coat or a sweater, a spring in my step. I shouldn't look forward to what was about to happen so much. 

Traffic sucked. But I still made it to Dave's place by 4:30. I'm sure an enterprising burglar could figure out which flower pot had the key underneath. I'd only used it four times before. Once because Dave thought he forgot to turn off an appliance when he took an international trip. The other times...

The place was quiet now, which made my own steps on the hardwood seem loud and intrusive. I unbuttoned the top bottons of my dress shirt as I made my way back to his bedroom. My chub was firming up into a real fuck hardon now. Like a lot of men, I responded to the mental part of sex, the naughty thrill of getting off. Married life had pushed that to the back, which made me all the more excited to be doing this. Again. 

I'd told Dave six years ago that we had to put the kibosh on our thing. Then, when I relented, I did so only if we could make it clear it was just sex. This was the result. Me acting like some anon Grindr trick. 

And Dave ass up in his bed.  

Fuck, it was an incredible sight. Even if David Griffin wasn't my brother, even if I didn't feel off the incest taboo, he was 100 percent the type of man who matched my bisexual side. Youthful still at 29, real muscular with compact brawn from a religious gym routine, not too hairy. 

And that bubble ass. My brother was face down on his bed, in a still repose, his butt framed by a navy blue jock strap. He had nothing else on to hide that perfection. 

I kicked off my shoes and roughly pulled my shirt out of my trousers. Every time I saw Dave I felt a little shamed into getting back to the gym. But truth was, my little brother liked what I had going on: ex-hockey jock, now a corporate man getting his dad bod on at 34. I undid my belt and removed my trousers. I very much loved fucking my wife and we had a good sex life, though not as often as I craved. But something about brother sex had me rock hard in a different way. I let out a soft involuntary grunt as I slid my briefs off over my ragingly hard prick.

Dave shuffled in his position than turned his head back to get a look. He didn't say anything but that grin when he saw my cock was worth a thousand words. He turned his head back forward and hiked that amazing ass up for me.

I ran my fingers along his knotted calves then knelt up onto the mattress to leverage my body on the bed. I gave soft kisses along his hamstrings, then one on each ass cheek, before gipping those buns and prying them apart. 

"UNNG!" Dave muttered the second my tongue made contact with his pucker. I suspected he shave his ass to keep it that smooth, but I knew he shaved his hole. The wrinkled skin was smooth and freshly cleaned, and I could even taste the shower dampness on him as I started licking him like a pussy. 

It had taken a lot of coaxing on my brother's part to get me to do this the first time. Now I think I enjoyed it even more than him. The intensity of it, and the silky feel of his entrance against my prodding tongue. I rimmed him, then tongue fucked him, till he was bucking more, rubbing his spit-covered crack against my face. I gave him a light slap and gripped his buns more tightly while I jammed my oral muscle in more deeply. Yeah, we were working each other up pretty good. 

"Eat me out, Mark," Dave gasped. "Eat my fucking hole."

In the past we'd done an actual fake-anon scene, all silent, me coming in, unzipping, fucking, cumming, then zipping up and leaving. There was something wildly hot about that, but this was better. Maybe I put too many constraints on Dave's sexual urges, his need for this. I decided not to now. 

"Yeah, bro?" I growled as I pulled back, my eyes fixed on his wet, dilating pucker. "You like when I rim you?"

"God yeah," he hissed. 

I ran my fingers along his crack, lewdly, then caressingly. "You can go there if you want today... I'm up for it."

I dove back in and started munching more. 

"Oh fuck," Dave hissed. "My brother is so fucking good at this."

I pulled back just long enough to grunt, "You like your big bro taking care of your hole." Not really a question now.

"God, yeah, brother," Dave replied as I went back to work, alternating long strokes and gentle licks in my rimming. "You're so fucking good at taking care of my ass." I could tell from his voice that he was very turned on by the incest talk, and I felt bad I'd held off on it. "Always are."

"Hand me the lube," I growled as I pulled back and gave his ass another slap. Maybe too hard, but Dave didn't object. He was majorly turned on as he reached for the tube by his bed and tossed it back to me.

"Jesus, you're fucking wild today, Mark," D observed as I squirted some liquid out on my fingers then prodded right into his relaxed hole. 

There was no constriction. My little bro was majorly in heat. I pushed another finger in and twisted them around. "Call me a brother-fucker, D," I begged.

He was nervous to, but the idea was too hot to resist. "You're nothing but a brother-fucker, Mark."

"Damn straight," I hissed. "I want that hot brother ass."

"Oh SHIT!" Dave gulped as I pressed deeper. 

"Is that your spot?" I leered.

"Yeah, I mean.... but fuck Mark, it's your words more than anything," Dave said. My little brother had a sexy voice, and it was a trip to hear it get needier. Urgent. 

I pushed in and out for another second then pulled out and got into a mounting position. 

"Tell me you want my incest cock, bro," I grunted into his neck as I reached down and lined my dick up. 

"I want your incest brother-fucking cock, Mark," came the immediate reply. Dave was beyond horny now. "Fucking please"

I pushed in. This was faster than any penetration we'd done before. I cared for Dave, and maybe because I couldn't imagine taking a cock up my ass, I always was super careful. But my younger brother now responded excitedly to the quicker entry.

"Yessss.... Fuck!"

"I got you, little bro.... your big stud Mark is here to take care of you, buddy." I don't know where my sex talk came from. I certainly never got all porny with chicks. I just had a way of feeding off Dave and his energy. 

I pushed further in, watching and listening to see if I needed to hold back at any point. I didn't. Dave's body was warm and hard beneath mine, his rippled upperback now flush with my burly chest as I covered him tightly and bottomed out. I gave a soft kiss to his neck. 

"Hot fucking brother ass," I muttered.

That got a deep belly growl from Dave. "Shit... you're probably gonna get me to cum today, just like this."

I pulled back my hips and then clenched my glutes. Driving hard and deep into Dave's gut. "Like what?" I teased. I pulled back for another hard thrust. "Like this?" Another thrust. Then another.

"Oh...oooh... FUUUUCK Yeah!" Dave cried, deep from his diaphragm. "You hot incest stud."

His words now fueled my power. I didn't go fast, but I went hard, in metronome-regular fuck thrusts, each stab of my cock punctuating my words. "Say it, bro... say what I am... what you want me to be..."

He knew what I wanted to hear. The magic words. "Brotherfucker.... my big bro Mark is a goddamn brotherfucker.... "

My hips were now a blur. I could never last long inside Dave, but today was gonna be an especially quick one.

On Dave's end too. That urgent lust was giving way to something else. "God, keep fucking me, Mark.... I'm gonna cum... you're gonna get me to cum brother.... " His arms and hands were folded beneath his chest and Dave still wore that jockstrap constraining his cock, so if true this was gonna be hands-free for him.

The idea excited me and I went into overdrive. My hard pounding hips now working his hole faster, my hands pawing at his thick triceps, and my mouth licking and kissing whatever part of his neck I could reach. "Goddamn," I grunted. I was getting close, too, and Dave could tell.

"Brotherfucker," he repeated. "Brotherfucker." Maybe that word would lose its power at some point, but now it was gonna get us both across the finish line. 

It was my and Dave's first simultaneous O. Me unleashing a heavy three-day load deep into his guts, him feeling the intensity of a no-hands, prostate-driven ejaculation into the pouch of his strap. Each of our cums lasted longer than normal, and we rode out the afterglow as I slowly pumped in and out before it was finally time to withdraw.

"Damn..." Dave finally said, turning on his side to face me. His face was flush red and he looked exhausted but very content.

"Merry fucking Christmas, bro," I laughed. I'd gotten out of control just now but I was glad I did. 

Dave flashed a grin. "Jesus Christ, Mark, you know how to put the surprise into a surprise gift."

I shrugged. "It's been a while." A thought occurred to me and I felt selfish for not even thinking of it. I had no idea if Dave had a boyfriend or anything. I mean, I figured the family would know if there was someone serious in his life. I ran my fingers along his built chest. "I hold back with you too much."

This was a raw nerve with Dave normally, but he put on his best poker face and answered gamely, "You're married, Mark. I wanna respect that, you know."

I scooted up to him. Men's bodies were so different than women's and at that moment I relished Dave's hardness and sweatiness and the smell of cum in the room. "Come 'ere," I growled and pulled my brother into a kiss. 

It wasn't our first kiss but it was our first in a LONG time. Dave fucking melted into it, gingerly holding my waist as our tongues battled. 

Still, his rational side hadn't left. "You sure?" he asked as we parted, chests bumping, cocks pressed against one another. I was still hard and Dave was close. 

"Sure I'm sure," I said. "We can figure the implications out later, bro, but I like this part too... I felt I had to let you know."

Dave nodded. He was afraid to go all in. I couldn't blame him. Because I couldn't give him 100 percent. I just knew I could give him more than I had the last couple of years. A lot more, if he was open to it. 

"What time is your party?" he asked. At first I think he was being possessive, but I realized that he was looking out for me.

"Six," I said. 

"Traffic sucks at rush hour," he replied.

"Yeah, I know," I said, remembering my drive over. "Fuck, I gotta get going."

"You should," my brother said. 

We kissed once more, softly, then Dave pulled back and patted my hip. I slid out of the bed and made my way to rinse off before getting dressed again. I looked normal, like I just hadn't had an incest quickie with my younger brother. I was glad that Dave didn't get dressed. He looked amazing in just his jock strap, that pouch now soaked wet around his softened genitals. Dave was handsome as much as cute. Maybe he was starting to look like a dude entering his 30s soon, and I realized I enjoyed that, too.

I tucked my shirt in and fastened my trousers, rebuckling my belt. "I'll find some time again, Dave," I said. "Soon."

He nodded. "If it works for you," he replied. "I want that." We'd see each other at our parents' house on Christmas, but we couldn't fool around there and even if we somehow had the chance, Dave knew I wouldn't enjoy that.

I stepped up to him and nudged his chin. "Thank you for my Christmas present, brother."

Dave winked. God, my little brother would be a total catch when and if he ever settled down. It was a weird thought to have, I suppose, but it was true. 

"Glad you liked it, Mark," he said. Then dropping his voice to a whisper, he added, "Brotherfucker."

I reached down and pawed my crotch. It probably looked crude and silly but I really did need to rearrange my junk. I gave him a wink, too. "All right, later, bro."

I made it to the holiday party more or less on time. It took me a good hour to get my mind off what had just happened. I knew Dave and I had crossed some boundaries that day, but I had a hard time getting worked up about it. It just felt right. 

Eventually, I got engrossed in conversation. I didn't drink much, but it was an OK party. Good food, and the exec who was my boss was not as hard-nosed as normal. 

Still, I kept thinking of Dave. I pulled out my phone and texted him. "Merry Christmas, Brother."

"Merry Christmas, BF," came his quick reply.

I smirked and slid my phone back into my trousers.

by Bill Drake

Email: [email protected]

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