Hero Worship

by Clark Wayne

4 Oct 2021 6070 readers Score 9.5 (159 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Is that KC again?” Jessup asked when my phone alerted another text message. Jessup had taken to calling Kent Connor K.C. since it was shorter.

“Yes, it’s KENT,” Sutton said, emphasizing the correct name.

“Whoa! Excuse me! Is that KENT again? He texts you a lot, dude,” asked and annoyed Jessup.

“What’s the matter? Jealous I have an NFL QB texting me?”

“Whatever, dude. Meeting him was pure dumb luck,” Jessup told him condescendingly. “I have no idea why he decided to become BFF to a nobody but whatever you did, he likes you.”

Sutton shrugged his shoulders silently. Yeah, Kent liked him alright. He liked Sutton a lot. Sutton didn’t know what excited him more, if it was the novelty of being friends with a celebrity or the fact that he knew a secret that very few people in the world knew: Kent Connor is gay, and he wants Sutton Marrow.

They had been texting back and forth for the last three weeks since the night they met. Kent usually instigated the texts because Sutton didn’t want to bother such a busy celebrity who had better things to do than text him, like do press junkets, photoshoots, train for a fucking Superbowl. But Kent would text him multiple times a day and into the night. They were usually just bullshitting texts or funny GIFS. Sutton was still confused as to the nature of their relationship but one thing he did know, Kent was pursuing him, and he wasn’t going to stop.

He looked at the text:


LOL are you ever going to stop calling me that?


Whatever, quarterback. You’re so gay 


Yeah, yeah, fuck you quarterback


Yeah, dude! so is Jessup


You’re an arrogant dickhead 


Stop calling me that, jackass! I’m not promising anything like what happened that night. I’m still freaked out. You’re putting to much pressure on me.


Hey, watch your tone, Kent. I don’t fucking know what’s going on and you’re not making it easy, dude. Just let me do me.


(There was silence for a few minutes. Sutton grew anxious and worried he had really pissed him off.)

Are you mad?


About to board. (Another bout of silence) Thanks for the tics, Kent. I really do appreciate it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


So, we’re going with Button. Not gonna stop, are you?”


Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.


You did? Ok. Thanks


Boarding. Later.

Sutton smiled. Something about the way Kent flirted and showered him with attention made Sutton happy. It made him feel special. Kent was very straight forward in his motives with him. He was never someone to mince words. Sutton would normally be the same way but with Kent, he was suddenly a shy little boy, almost virginal. He also was a little ashamed he had pursued many women in the same way. Now he knows how they feel.

Kent put his phone down and looked out onto the practice field. He hasn’t felt like this in a long time, not since college. His heart was broken by another teammate back in school. They were both so far in the closet and the other kid couldn’t take the stress. One day he was gone, transferred schools, never saw him again. Kent started out only wanting to get in Sutton’s pants but now that wasn’t the most important thing. He was so turned on by the way Sutton stood up to him when Kent was being an asshole. It was like they were dating or something, the way they acted and chatted. He’s never had anyone stand up to him, not even someone of equal size and stature. He liked it.

Sutton opened his boarding pass app and when they called first class to board, the two friends got up and boarded the plane.

“What are you smiling about?” Jessup asked.

“Nothing. Kent sent a funny meme, that’s all,” Sutton lied.

Sutton couldn’t believe how nice first-class was. He sat down in the window seat and settled in. They both ordered a beer from the flight attendant and sat back.

Jessup popped in his AirPods and closed his eyes. Sutton stared out the window, not looking at anything but just thinking. He tried his hardest to think about women, but his thoughts kept coming back to Kent. Thinking about Kent. Thinking about this trip. Thinking about what Kent expected from him. Thinking about what happened a few weeks ago in Kent’s hotel suite.

He remembered how they made out on the couch for a long time. Sutton’s hands traveled to every inch of Kent’s hard body. He was so impressed with the pro athlete’s body, it was a work of art, like a human machine. The kissing became more passionate, more aggressive which Sutton found that he liked.

Kent was a very aggressive man by nature and it’s how he preferred sex with his men. He liked real men to have sex with real men. It should be animalistic, possessive and verbal.

Sutton found his hands roaming up and down Kent’s biceps and shoulders. He kept forgetting he was kissing another dude. When he did remember, it was a fleeting moment in time because when he felt another hard, muscular part of the quarterback’s body, he forgot he was kissing a man.

Kent was a take charge man and Sutton expected that. He let the quarterback lead the way and let him show Sutton what to do. The kissing continued as Kent pushed Sutton onto his back on the couch and then climbed on top of the straight boy.

Sutton grunted when he landed back on the cushion. “Whoa! Dude,” Sutton exclaimed half out of surprise and half out of amazement at the alpha move. For the first time, he didn’t mind another guy manhandling him.

All Kent did was growl. He wanted Sutton in the worst way. From the moment they locked eyes, he wanted to take that gorgeous, handsome stud and bury his dick in the kid’s ass. Yes, Sutton was his type to a tee. The boy was ripe for the picking and Kent didn’t care if he was straight, he knew fanboys like him would do anything for him. Fucking damn it, this boy is hot as fuck. I’m getting in that ass.

He attacked Sutton’s soft lips again. Sutton moaned into the man’s mouth while Kent sucked on his tongue and stuck his own tongue into Sutton’s throat. Sutton felt the heavy weight of the man on top of him, the body was warm, it was like granite, he felt Kent grinding down on him. He was suddenly humbled by having the superior football player take him down and the mere size of him laying on top of him. Fuck this guy is a god! I’m just a rag doll to him. 


All Sutton could think about was how strong and powerful the QB was and how the roughness of the man and the kissing was a welcome change to kissing women. You couldn’t be too rough with a woman but with another dude, a dude the size of Kent, Sutton found he could be as rough and aggressive as he wanted.

Kent pulled back and cupped Sutton’s face in his large hands. He stared down into Sutton’s wide, unsure eyes.

Sutton found himself entranced, looking back into the big blue eyes of the athlete on top of him. What am I doing? What does he do to me? I’m not gay.

It was then that Sutton realized there was a big hard cock pressed against his quad. He could tell it was huge. He continued to stare into Kent’s eyes. As if on remote control, Sutton slowly moved his hands up the pumped biceps to the triceps to the shoulders of the quarterback until he wrapped his hands around the back of Kent’s neck. He gently tugged the man down to his lips for a sweet kiss.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Sutton,” Kent whispered. “Fucking perfect body.”

Sutton didn’t know how to respond. He knew he wanted to, but he felt uncomfortable telling another man that he thought he was the most perfect man on the planet. But then he felt a jab of the hard cock as Kent rutted against him and remembered he was making out with the man. He’d gone this far so what would it hurt to be gay for a night.

“Kent, I don’t know what I’m doing. But I like it. I didn’t think I would like this sort of thing, but I do. Maybe it’s because it’s you. Maybe I’m just fucking star struck or maybe it’s because I am fucking hammered but I’m just going to flow with it tonight. Like you said, go with it and explore.”

Kent smiled down at him. “I knew you’d like it. I knew the first second I saw you.”

“You did, huh?” Sutton asked with a smile, waiting for some charming comment from the big man.

“Fuck yeah. Straight fanboy with a boner for the quarterback. I knew I could turn you.”

That was not what Sutton would call charming.

Sutton raised an eyebrow. “You really knew right away that I would just turn queer for you?”

“Yeah, but I was definitely sure after you accepted the tickets,” Kent smirked.

“So, you only offered them to me in exchange for what? Sex?”

“Kid, those tickets aren’t free, you know,” Kent said seriously and went in for another kiss, but he was denied.

“Hey, mother fucker, I’m not a fucking hooker. I’m not some fag who will drop trou just to get some Superbowl tickets for you.”

Kent looked down at him in shock. He couldn’t believe anyone would challenge him like this kid is.

“Scrappy AND sexy,” Kent smirked again, making light of the situation.

“Hey! I’m fucking serious,” Sutton frowned. He couldn’t believe this guy would treat him like a common quick hookup. He was taking a huge ass step in his life and damn it, Sutton was going to tell him.

“Ok! Calm down,” Kent said, now listening instead of joking.

“I’m trying to be serious here. I thought I was fucking straight, but I’m laying here under a dude, my fucking idol, who lured me to his room and now I’m making out with him like I’m a girl on prom night. Trust me when I say this is fucking with my head. I know guys like you. Hell, I am a guy like you. I know what you’re doing, just trying to get laid. But for me this isn’t some random gay dude hookup. This is a fucking anomaly, and I really don’t want to be fucked with tonight… or fucked at all for that matter,” Sutton finished sarcastically and truthfully. Kissing a guy was one thing, fucking one is another.

Kent sighed, “Alright, ok. I get it. Sorry, I won’t be my usual dickhead self tonight.”

Sutton winced and looked at him sideways. Now that he was on the other side of the fence, he didn’t want to be treated like he had treated so many one-nightstands.

“Tonight? How about not being a dickhead to me at all? EVER. I wouldn’t do that to you, and I don’t expect it from you. Well, I do expect it from you but I’m not going to tolerate it from anyone including the great Kent Connor. From now on, leave your bullshit outside.”

Kent raised his eyebrows. From now on?  This was the first time he’s been with a guy who called him out on his bullshit. He actually could feel Sutton’s trepidation emanating from him. Sutton was not going to be one of those straight guys who puts out for him, not tonight. Sure, the kid was cocky and a little arrogant, but he was also sweet and vulnerable. He was used to getting a guy in his bed, getting his dick in his ass, blow a load and then kick him to the curb. Suddenly, he didn’t want to do that to Sutton, because he knew it would really fuck with his brain and he didn’t want to do that to the kid. He never thought before about what an encounter like this could do to a straight guy, mentally. Kent always had an ideal man in his brain. He knew what the ideal man would look like, sound like, right down to the colors of his hair and eyes. That’s why he was so attracted to Sutton. Because Sutton was that ideal image he’d had in his head since he was a teenager.

“Ok, deal. I’ll turn if off for you,” Kent said with sincerity. “I’m sorry. I truly am.”

“Cool,” Sutton replied a little surprised. That was much easier than it should have been, a nobody telling a world-famous athlete to treat him with respect.

They continued to gaze at each other, Sutton studying Kent’s face close-up, Kent stroking his thumb against Sutton’s square jawline.

Sutton suddenly chuckled.

“What?” asked Kent, enjoying seeing Sutton’s pearly white smile.

“Um… Dude, your cock… it’s fucking huge.”

Kent laughed. “You mean ‘ass-wrecker’?”

Sutton rolled his eyes and said, “Of course, you gave it a name.”

“Who said I gave it a nick-name?” Kent remarked in a very cocky tone.

“Oh my god, dude. You’re an even douchier version of me. I suddenly feel sorry for every girl I’ve ever dated.”

“I wouldn’t talk, straight boy. Your big dick is hard too.”

Sutton froze. He realized it was true, he was hard. Like, rock hard.

“Huh?” Sutton panicked quietly. “I… I…,” he stammered.

“Sutton, Sutton, relax, chill out. It’s ok. Don’t let it worry you, man.”

Kent grinned, reached down and grasped Sutton’s cock through his pants and squeezed slightly. Sutton’s eyes bulged and he let out a yelp and then a moan. Kent smiled a devious grin as he massaged the hard cock making Sutton’s ass come up off the couch as if he were going to cum.

Holy fuck! He grabbed my dick! He’s still grabbing my dick! “Kent, dude. Stop,” Sutton pleaded as he squirmed on the couch. “I’m serious.”

“No. That’s not happening,” Kent taunted with a stone face.

He’s not stopping. This is not happening. I will not fucking cum! “Seriously! Kent! Oh, my fucking god,” Sutton moaned again. He pressed forward on Kent’s bulbous shoulders, trying to push him off. He wasn’t ready to be jacked off by another man.

Kent didn’t like that. Even though he said he wouldn’t be a dickhead, when it came to sex, he was the one in control and Sutton needed to know that. He let go of the kid’s cock, he removed Sutton’s hands, crossed the struggling kid’s forearms over one another and with one massive hand, pressed them onto Sutton’s chest and held them there. He knew the kid got turned on with the domination. He wouldn’t fight back much longer.

Sutton was suddenly afraid, afraid that he couldn’t overpower the huge man if he needed to. But Kent said he wouldn’t be a dickhead. He seemed sincere but maybe this was his version of backing off. If this was “Diet Kent”, he was scared to imagine what “full strength Kent” was like. Kent’s other hand went back to stroking the kid off as Kent leaned forward and put his lips to Sutton’s.

Sutton was overcome with sensory overload. I want to fight back but he just feels so fucking good! He kissed back but it was sloppy, and his own moans were loud and uncontrolled.

Kent moved his mouth to Sutton’s ear and in a gravelly, authoritative tone he said, “Here’s how this is gonna go, kid. I’m letting you off easy tonight. I’m not going to do what I would normally do to a guy like you. But I can tell you I will do one thing, and that is I’m going to suck your cock and I’m going to suck it good. Call me a dickhead but I’m an expert cocksucker. So, lay back, relax and I’m going to suck the cum out of your big, beautiful cock.”

Sutton lay still, his eyes closed, taking in the deep baritone voice. He was letting go and trust Kent. But also, in the back of his mind, “Kent Connor is going to suck my cock. Kent Connor is going to suck my fucking cock. This is the greatest thing ever to happen to me.” 


He kept his eyes closed and he felt his belt loosen and his jeans unbuttoned. Rough hands yanked open his jeans and those same rough warm hands embraced his steel-hard cock. Sutton lost his breath at the touch, but he thought he was going to die when he felt a warm, wet sensation; Kent’s mouth engulfed his cock with smooth procession and expertise. The NFL quarterback swallowed his cock all the way down to the root.

“OH, MY FUCKING GOD!” Sutton yelled out.

He had to see this; Sutton had to see it. He opened his eyes and looked down. A head of thick, wavy dark hair bobbed up and down on his cock. There were slurping sounds and a little gagging and a lot of spit. Sutton was in ecstasy because this was by far, the best blowjob he had ever received, and he had received hundreds. He didn’t know how long he could hold off, that is until Kent looked up and locked eyes with Sutton, his lips wrapped around the kid’s cock, blue eyes burrowing into his own. Seeing that sight, the sight of a fucking beast of a man, a fucking gorgeous, handsome fucker, so muscular, so powerful sucking on his cock like a fucking pro cocksucker took Sutton over the edge. He arched his back, his ass coming off the couch, he grabbed the sides of Kent’s head and held it still while he thrust straight in and gushed sperm into the athlete’s throat. He kept shooting and shooting and screaming and groaning as he shot his essence down the gullet of the man sucking him off.

When Sutton was finished, he collapsed back and thought he was going to pass out. The room spun and he was lightheaded. He looked up and saw Kent kneeling between his legs, sucking his fingers, licking Sutton’s cum off them and swallowing it.

“Mmm, fucking sweet ball juice,” Kent grinned and licked his lips.

“Holy shit, dude!” Sutton exclaimed out of breath.

“Good, right?”

“Fucking beyond words. Who knew the greatest quarterback in the game was an expert cocksucker? Oh my god, Kent! I think I’m seeing spots, dude.”

“You’re one of the privileged few,” Kent grinned again.

Sutton looked down at Kent’s crowbar cock and, suddenly, Sutton looked terrified.

Oh shit, he’s freaking out. “Relax, straighty,” Kent said patting Sutton’s cheek. “I don’t expect you to blow me. This was a freebie,” Kent told him. He could see the relief sweep over the kid’s face.

“Thank god,” Sutton said with relief.

Kent lay down on Sutton again, his nose touching Sutton’s cheek.

“So, what now?” Sutton asked quietly. “Where does this leave us?”

“Wherever you want?” Kent pecked him on the cheek.

“Ok. I can’t think too far ahead. My whole fucking outlook on life just changed. I don’t want to think about it right now. Is that cool?”

“Yeah, of course. Live in the moment.”

“Yeah. Right, live in the moment,” Sutton shook his head in agreement and was quiet. He could feel the man’s chest as he breathed in and out. He could feel his warm breath. “I really want to make out with you some more.”

Kent smiled and turned Sutton’s head towards him and kissed him on the lips. The kiss started slow and sensual and then escalated to full on making out, tongues down throats and whiskers scratching whiskers. They couldn’t get enough.

They came up for air and Sutton caught his breath and said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this to you, but I think I need more of you, Kent.”

“I intend on giving you more of me. Let’s hold off and just take it slow tonight.”

“I like that. You’re fucking amazing.”

“Anything for my Button."

by Clark Wayne

Email: [email protected]

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