He Was My First (The Last Story to Post)

by djfmonkey

3 Jan 2024 2609 readers Score 9.2 (59 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

 He Was My First

My name is Kevin, I’m sitting here tonight reflecting back on parts of my life. They say “You never forget your first “, well for me at least, that’s true, and today I’d like to tell you why that’s true for me.                              

His name was Curt, we knew each other since grade school, back then we were friends but not close friends, we knew each other and from group socialization, classes and playground antics. 

 In junior high we drifted further apart as our cliques clashed, his life was steering towards sports, jocks and girls, lots of girls. While mine was more the “nerdy” type and couldn’t get a girl to even look at us. It was just fate the jocks picked on the nerds or should I say bullied us.

 In high school we drew a bit closer together as he was on again, off again, dating my cousin Kelly, so we often managed to be in the same places at the same time, especially at family gatherings, where I was his best choice to socialize, that is other than my cousin. He was developing quite a “bod” as he surpassed puberty, and in our senior year he became first string quarterback for our football team. My cousin was on the cheerleader squad, and me, I was in band and we attended every home game and some nearby away games on Friday nights.

 More about me, it was the 1980’s, I was to a point “out and proud” at least as much as we dared back then, let’s just say I didn’t hide it, and it was assumed without announcing it. My parents always quietly supported me and my antics, we never discussed it, and the kids at school for the most part ignored it, except the “jocks” who managed to work in their jabs here and there. Curt on the other hand walked, or should I say tiptoed around the subject, I assumed because of his on and off relationship with Kelly.

 It was early in high school, that I secretly began fantasizing about the Boys, and even those very bully jocks, and I realize now I really had a crush on Curt going back a lot earlier even back to grade school. 

 At a family summer barbecue at our house, one hot day in late August. It was the summer between eleventh and twelfth grade, Kelly took ill and headed up to my mom and dad’s room to sleep. That kind of left Curt out there by himself or I should say to gravitate toward me. I felt bad for his awkward situation but envied the opportunity to hang with my secret crush. We bonded that day like never before, he was actually a good guy especially when separated from his jockett clique, and I took the chance and opportunity to let him know so. He was apologetic, yet here I was chastising him instead of his friends, for he was the only one who seemed to try to stand up against them, when he could. I detected a sincere quality about him, even as I still verbally attacked his attitude toward his on and off again treatment of Cousin Kelly. I don’t know what I was doing, if nothing else I was giving him grief when I actually was lusting for him. We were sitting off to the side on a garden wall when we seemed to be morphing into filling each other’s lives and filling each other in on what we didn’t know about each other.

 It was then he touched on, and kept returning to the subject, no matter how hard I tried to divert it, about my sexuality. To date I had never officially announced my outing at least officially. He seemed to pry it out of me that day. I almost wanted to leave, but here I was talking to my gorgeous high school hunk of a quarterback crush about sexuality. It somehow made me both hot, bothered and hard, I couldn’t draw myself away. I then lightly and very carefully switched the topic towards him, being very cautious because I really didn’t want to know details about he and my cousin, but I did want to know more about him though.

 We got up and walked back towards the wooded back lot further from the group, as our conversations continued, the woods bordered our property, as we continued to talk, we were both wearing shorts, and it was still very hot. Curt eventually shed his taught tee-shirt as he tucked it into his waistband. I couldn’t help but try to inconspicuously stare at his firm, youthful, smooth, but slightly sweaty sheen that adorned his beautiful tanned skin. We both were sure to notice the slight bulge in our shorts. It was then I became consumed with the fact that Curt might have some kind of attraction to me. I’m also sure by our conversation that he knew my possible desire for him. Now my dilemma, was he prying for info to use against me? No can’t be, I’m sure I saw his bulge, I think he’s into me.

 Just then I slipped and Curt’s hand reached out to catch me as I reached up and grabbed his warm sweaty skin at his waist, as I drew his muscular frame close to my face in my assent back to my feet. He asked if I was ok, as he began brushing the dirt and leaves off my back and sides gradually working his way down to my shorts. He brushed the sides firmly, almost pulling them down off my waist, then he moved to my ass, as I got overly excited as he drew me in closer to him, as he almost lovingly patted my buns. To my surprise he moved away and began brushing the front side of my shorts, my cock bounced as he repeatedly brushed his palms across it. I instinctively arched back and away and he profusely began apologizing realizing he was touching my privates. Now was it on purpose? Was I misreading the situation, and if I wasn’t what about Kelly?

 We gradually headed back to the family, nothing more was said, but in my eyes it didn’t need to be. We sat together and enjoyed the food, fun and games. Kelly feeling no better, she and her parents, my aunt and uncle, decided to leave early. Curt opted to stay longer with me, after securing a ride home with me, as they all came together in the same car. Kelly gave Curt a goodbye hug as she winked at me and threw me a thumbs up, as if to say please take care of Curt for her, I nodded with a smile in return. Curt returned to me and we had an enjoyable rest of the night, and he even helped me and my parents clean up afterwards. 

 Shortly after we headed out to my 79 Chevy Nova and I drove Curt toward his house, but not before we took a detour upon Curt’s insistence, we hit a side dirt road, and he had me put the car in park. Curt proceeded to pull out a gently squashed joint from his wallet. Of course we were 17 and 18 at the time, but it was a family outing today and we were restricted from drinking, he lit it up and passed it to me. Now I never ever tried smoking before and was visibly hesitant about taking it, but you know I did, I just had to. I tried to act big and mature as if it was old hat, but coughed and choked my way through the first puff. Curt just giggled as he reached to take it back for another drag himself, then he scootched closer to me on that bench seat, as he held it to my lips and talked me through it. It didn’t take long for that first joint to hit its mark, as we continued to open up more to one another. Before I knew it he moved his hand to the back of my neck and drew my face into his. My hand reached up between us, as I grabbed his wrist and our heads seemed to naturally shift as he planted a full lip locking kiss on my lips, I immediately took the cue and returned his affectionate kiss. My mind was racing I had no idea what to do, this was all new to me, the emotions, the feelings, and my crush, Curt. My dick was anxiously stirring in my pants as he pulled back from the kiss and said he’s wanted to do that for years now, I was shocked with his admitted revelation, and beside myself with such conflicted thoughts at this point. Me and the star, hot blond, football quarterback. Shit. Kelly. Damn it.

 I dropped Curt at his house and drove, still somewhat high, taking the long way home with my mind racing. A lot of firsts today, my first official coming out to a now friend, my first deliberate “pat down”, my first high, my first kiss, ever, and yet to come, my first conflict with my cousin who I deeply love and wanted to protect.

 Oddly the rest of the summer was quiet, I didn’t see much of Curt, nor Kelly for that matter.  But my fantasies in my mind just wouldn’t stop, I physically abused myself at every chance just thinking about that first kiss and pat down, remembering his hands touching me through my shorts and my vivid adolescent fantasies imagining he went further than he actually did,

 September and our senior year started, of course we each all fell back into our normal cliques. Curt seemed to mature even more as he radiated his handsome manliness, he and Kelly drifted apart once again, but he always had some other girl on his arm, Kelly was still on the cheerleading squad and me playing trumpet in the marching band. One night after the game we were hanging out later than usual in the parking lot, while the team were showering and changing. Kelly finally took off with her friends, while I hustled to store my trumpet for the weekend in my gym locker as the main school building was already locked up. Most of the team was dressed already and just leaving. I dumped it and had every intention of joining Kelly and the gang at the local malt shop when a lone player, Curt came out of the shower room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. We seemed to be alone, we made brief eye contact and had a nod. For some reason I unlocked my locker again just to hang at the chance of seeing Curt in his total undressed self. He was one bay of lockers away as I squinted through the cage like lockers to catch a glimpse of that boy, oh hell he’s no boy, he’s now a full grown young man. Somehow he must have dressed and headed out without my notice.

 Disappointed I shut the locker back down and headed back out to my lone car in the parking lot, and what to my wonderment standing there was Curt leaning on the hood smoking a joint. The high intensity lights of the football field began to slowly dim as I approached my car . My hormones were raging in my crotch and brain, like never before, as he passed me the joint and I took a deep inhale, proving how much I’ve matured since our last encounter. Yet I hadn’t actually smoked since. He took the joint back from my hand and moved in for a smoke exchanged kiss from me, as he told me to exhale into his sucking lips and he took my second hand smoke into his own lungs. Something was overly sensual with sharing that smoke as we culminated in another lip locked kiss only this time I felt his hardness pressing into mine as he slightly grinded me into the fender. We moved to the front seat as he asked where we were headed. I wanted to say the malt shop, but my gas pedal and steering wheel diverted to that deserted dirt road.

 I pulled over, shut down the engine turned out the lights, and we sat there, we jointly slid toward each other and began kissing where we left off in the parking lot. I was happy with that. Then it happened, while we were exploring each other’s mouths, he reached down and cupped my rock hard crotch, through my thin tan khaki band pants, it was wonderful, I was relaxed and it felt so right. Then he grabbed my hand and placed it in his lap. Oh my god I could feel that rock hard mass of dick and balls through my hand palm as I gently squeezed leaning in for a more invasive kiss.

 His silhouetted facial features in the moonlight gently highlighted his light blond hair, his baby smooth soft cheeks and lack of stubble as my own cheeks slid across his and we began ear and neck nibbling. All the while his gentle crotch massaging made me squirm in my seat if nothing else to give him better access to feeling me up. I found myself doing the same to him as I attempted not to show him my inexperience. 

 His dick seemed larger than mine and much harder even through his jeans, I could distinctly feel the larger head bump and the softer ball sack all while still embraced in our tongue exchanging body kisses. Next I don’t even know where or which hand came from but there it was, a hand under my polo shirt gracing my slightly immature twinky smooth chest, his fingers brushed over my now hardened sharp nipples. He stopped momentarily as he gently pinched each of them, and his neck kisses became more of a sucking as he finished by licking my skin. Was this going to leave a mark? His mark? I awkwardly attempted to squeeze my hands up his shirt, one hand felt every muscular ripple along his backbone up his back and the other hand up his washboard abs and distinctively firm breast meat topped by the feel of large velvety nipples. He broke us briefly apart as he slid his shirt up, over and off his head. I did the same as he pushed me back towards the interior of the car door and he explored and bathed my chest with his tongue, spending extra time flicking my nipple tips with it. Him, now positioned somewhat over me, left my hands gracing his bare back as I instinctively rocked my crotch up and down between us making my dick rub inside my pants as I tried not to moan fruitlessly.

 I made my first bold move on my own as I slid my fingers and both hands from his back into his waistband, where my hands cupped each glute, and my fingers squeezed those cheeks and pulled him into my crotch. His over the ear length hair brushed my upper chest and skin as my nostrils inhaled that distinctive fresh shampoo scent. My face and brain must have shown its ecstasy as it tossed from left to right between the seat and door. My hands still cramped inside his pants trying to knead that muscle, as his hands began unbuckling his pants and my access became increasingly easier. I allowed my index fingers to gently slither down splitting those cheeks apart as he continued to writher those pants down towards his thighs. I couldn’t resist as I left one hand on his butt and allowed the other to slide underneath. I now am drooling as my hand is gracing his hard presence gliding over the warmth radiating from what is beginning to feel to be his massive man meat. I grasp his entire package in my hand and massage every luxurious inch as my own grinding up and down greets the back of my hand that’s loving every inch of what its feeling. Curt begins to moan as he stops his tongue bath, and drops his head into my chest. He then begins to reach between us and undo my pants, before long we were pressed on our sides feeling each other’s dicks as I would let my eyes break from his, and the smiles on our faces told all, as I began to spew my load between us, he followed suit shortly after. We were both naked down to our pants wrapped around our knees, as we continued to trace our fingers ticklishly across east others bodies. Curt’s back was wedged into the steering wheel and mine into the door jamb as we lay in silence just enjoying the moment in its fullest. Curt finally worked his way up and cleaned up our little mess with one of his socks before putting it back on his foot, we awkwardly dressed and drove to the malt shop where the rest of the gang were just finishing up.

 He was my first - Chapter 2 – First Oral

  Curt’s loving friendship from that night seemed to all but disappear again come Monday morning at school.  In fact he was kind of a dick, but I knew I was in love or something with him, and somehow I looked past that fact. He barely ever acknowledged me in school especially when around his friends, but I was sure he saw something in me as well.

 We managed to pass notes into each other’s lockers (Pre Cell phone times), we would meet in secret where we wouldn’t get caught as we continued our affair, we progressed from in the car to the bleachers or dugout and eventually I convinced him it would be safer in my basement, where I could use the excuse of playing video games or studying.  After playing video games or at least that was our excuse, to hang out, still in secret, sometimes he’d even tell his friends we were studying or working on a project, he even acted disappointed toward them about it saying he needed to pass or get benched. He made sure they knew he d rather be anywhere else tan with me, as they giggled and poked fun at him for hanging with the nerdy fag, what bothered me more is he seemed to go along with it even I wasn’t sure if he meant it.

 When Curt was alone with me it was dreamland for both of us, we progressed under his guidance to oral, as up until now, he was the only sexual experience I’d ever had, that is with the exception of my hand and some internet porn. We were in my basement as both my parents weren’t home till after 6pm and he had just finished his homework, he sat on the floor leaning against the futon as he flipped through the TV channels looking for something to watch. Meanwhile I was still hacking away trying to finish up my last few pages of reading and writing a brief description. I saw he was done and growing impatient. My own anticipation and imaginatory thoughts of what might happen this afternoon were distracting me from getting my assignment done any quicker. I was sitting on the futon with an open book in my lap, as I wrote feverishly a brief synopsis in a notebook being held slightly above. He kept switching his gaze from the TV screen to my face, and occasionally I’d catch him or he’d catch me looking down at him, and those cute puppy dog eyes almost as if begging. Once as we simultaneously met eyes, he grabbed my ankle and worked his hand up my jeans leg, gently massaging my leg and calf. I had to drop the notebook as I folded it into the textbook on my lap and tossed it aside. Curt quickly bounced up off the floor and planted his ass right next to me as we began kissing and it didn’t take long for his horny roaming hands to begin touching my bare skin under my clothes. He often tickled me in the process which made me fold closer into him and I’d reciprocate as we tossed around on the flimsy futon. Well as expected one thing led to another and wed soon be naked on the floor kissing and exploring each others bodies. I couldn’t believe this hunk of a football player was privately mine. What was even better is he even privately worshiped me when we were alone together, my blind horniness always overlooked that fact that we were private. On this day we began mutual masturbation with our usual kissing which led to us manhandling each other. My head was lying on his stomach as I watched in close up, my hand barely was able to close around his huge shaft as I thumbed through his very soft blond pubes. The soft slightly pungent Curt Smell entered my nose barely a few inches from there. I bent the head down toward my face and I was close enough I had to adjust my focus on the slightly split open slit and the small clear droplets of pre cum puddling inside. I reached up with my index finger and gently touched the liquid and raised it up and back down seeing how long of a strand I could make before it broke. Meanwhile his hand was frolicking through my hair and I could only assume he was focused on a spot on the ceiling with a huge smile on that face. His other hand gently stroked my neck from my ear to my shoulder barely touching my skin. It was both sensual and loving the way he treated me.

 Then he suggested it, although I have to admit I wanted to do it for a long time, but today our positions just made the most sense. He asked me to lick it, he didn’t have to ask me twice. My tongue instantly lapped out like a frog grabbing a fly, it was quick and painless as he forced my head closer to his dick. I opened my mouth and I think my eyes were closed at this point and I drew it in with my hand as my lips clasped around its head, and I tongue swirled all over the head, taking explicit note of the beautiful texture, and then the change in taste once it met with the dab of fluid as I tried to force my tongue into that slit. He pushed my head down further almost choking me but I backed off just enough to enjoy more of that shaft inside my mouth as my hand jerked the lower shaft and my tongue and lips serviced the upper half. He took his other hand off my shoulder and reached down and began massaging and stretching his balls as I continued to jerk and suck and began pumping him in and out, I soon was able to go deeper but still not as far as I would have liked when he yelled stop and I’m Cumming. Never having done this before I quickly pulled off just as he began spewing his load into my face and eyes which I immediately began wiping as I sat up. as my sight began returning, Curt was still lying there on the floor with his dick bouncing up and down off of those abs like they were a trampoline and strands of cum still stretching up off his stomach and some flicking down off the top, he was still stretching those balls and breathing like he just ran 10 miles escaping a mass killer. He then rolled over on top of me and grinded the small amount of wet cum between us as he used his two thumbs to clean off some globs from my face. Then another first, he took his cum covered thumb and placed it close to my lips and I don’t know why other than to want to please him, I parted my lips and began tasting his cum, to his beautiful blue eyed smile.

 Then like it was like old hat to him he slid down kissing my torso slowly working his way down to my abdomen where he lifted my hard member and kissed his way to its base and worked his way to the top before engulfing me in my first ever blow job. I thought my eyes would bulge right out of my head. Surely this wasn’t his first time giving, I blew my load a mere 30 seconds after but he kept his lips firmly locked around my base as my squirting fire hose filed his orifice, then he came back up for a kiss where he smeared my own cum into my mouth, I was a bit disgusted at first but then slowly we were both lapping at each other’s mouths enjoying the new taste, and I was really getting to like where our relationship was headed. Surely this wasn’t his first time, was it?

 Realizing the lateness in time we packed his stuff up as he headed home , leaving just as my dad pulled into the driveway, they exchanges pleasantries as they passed one another.

 The next day in class it was like we were strangers again. Now I was feeling hurt, and I tried to convince myself that our next session we would have to address it, but the thought of when and how became increasingly tougher because I didn’t want to lose this new found sexual relationship. Even if he wanted to stay in his closet, he could at least be friendly to me. In school I didn’t exist, and his friends and he were a dick, I often thought if only they knew the truth.

   Then when I was ready ass fingering with lube that he managed to happen to bring. Each time we finished our love making we’d lay there wrapped in each other’s naked bodies and even proclaimed our love to one another. Yet I was comfortable with our arrangement even if he wasn’t, I was willing to do anything to keep Curt as mine. One thing did bother me was his constant bullying friends and he continued to hang with different girls, but I still knew and believed he wanted me more.

  Chapter 3

He stays in the closet

His dad homophobe

My house

His house

Dad finds us 

Beats the hell out of him, he sleeps at my house another great sex session

 Chapter 4

Take him to school joins his clique and ignores me

Winds up calling me a fag and rejects me publicly yet I still keep his secret

Kelly even comforts me

We drift apart 

He goes to college on a scholarship

I settle down and meet a nice guy

We reunite at a 10 year reunion we sit together, he’s still conflicted and unmarried

 NOTE from Donald J: This is the end of the last post of any post-able stories that DJFMonkey had in his files, I thank you all for the memorable thoughts you have expressed over the last few weeks and bid you farewell, I shall continue to be an avid reader of your stories on this site.

by djfmonkey

Email: [email protected]

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