Halloween Series 2022

by Grant

17 Oct 2022 1175 readers Score 9.3 (40 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Trick and Treat

“Some nights are made of torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness.” – Poppy Z. Brite

 * * *

Tyler ran his hair through his hair then looked in the rearview mirror. He adjusted his shades, then settled back behind the wheel of his Porsche 718 Spyder working his way through the streets from downtown to his neighborhood. He was a homeowner as of three months ago, purchasing a bungalow that cost a small fortune more for its address than for its craftsmanship. He still didn’t really know his neighborhoods, and from what he had seen of them, didn’t really have an interest to do so.

To his left was a young couple with two young children and he felt they would cramp his style, a young successful gay man who wanted nothing but the best he could afford to buy, and a need for appearances to be maintained. To his right was one of the older residents, a woman who he had seen only a few times, usually rolling her garbage and recycle bins up her drive once a week. Across the street was a young Latino family and another woman who lived alone. She wasn’t as old as his neighbor, but neither was she young. He had no idea nor cared to guess at her age. Of all his neighbors, she did amuse him the most. To his friends, he referred to her as the cat lady. Every time he looked across the street there would be more cats lounging on the front porch or steps than he could count, and strangely enough, most were black. If he were superstitious, he’d think her a witch, which made him laugh to consider it.

A witch, he repeated to himself, then remembered it was Halloween. He pictured her on a broom, flying over the neighborhood.

It wouldn’t be so farfetched for the woman obviously loved Halloween. She had been decorating since the beginning of the month. Skeletons, a dragon that breathed out smoke, a three-headed dog, and one side of her front yard made to look like a haunted cemetery. On the porch roof, a large spider looked like it was ready to climb down. How she managed to get the large thing up there he had no idea. Three days ago, pumpkins were set out along the steps up to the porch and along the sidewalk. Since their arrival, each day saw two or three of them carved into jack-o’-lanterns. When he left for work that morning, he saw there was only one large one left to be carved and he wondered what it would look like. Some were humorous, with silly faces, and some were very traditional in appearance, and then some were ghoulish.

Tyler turned on his street and eased along the rolling curving road until he was in front of 1314 Mockingbird Lane, and he pulled through the porte-cochere to the garage in back. He walked back to the front of house, going up on the porch to check his mail.

“Hey, Tyler, are you ready for the trick or treaters?” came a voice from across the street, and he knew it was her, the cat lady neighbor.

Tyler turned in time to see her set the last carved pumpkin on the edge of the porch at the top of the steps, a place of prominence among the jack-o’-lanterns. When she let go and stood, he saw it was a man’s face, and from a distance it looked rather normal.

“No, I don’t care about giving out candy. The little brats don’t need it, anyway.”

“Tyler, you’re such a curmudgeon, did you know that?”

“Yep, the neighborhood’s ‘stay-off-my-lawn’ grouch” Tyler replied to her, laughing. “I’m sure you’ll take care of the children for the both of us.”

She waved him off, as if she were done with him, then headed back into her house, followed by two cats.

Tyler went in, went through the mail, tossing most into the recycle bin, poured a bourbon, then went into his study. He felt a bit horny, and since it was Halloween, maybe some guy would like to come over and be naughty. He smiled at the idea of a guy in costume, on his back, legs up, taking his fuck. He pulled up a hookup site online and checked his messages. There were the usual replies to his profile, guys that thought they were as good as he and they would make a good pair, there were guys who were taking a chance that the hot stud would be willing to meet up with them, then there were the young boys, barely legal most of them, who wanted him to fuck them. He shook his head, bored with the usual responses. He sipped the bourbon and went over to the social media site to see what his friends were posting. He knew Casey and Adam were going to some private party all dressed up in costumes, and Ryan had gone down to Atlanta to party with some friends, and Mitch had posted about going to one of the local bars that catered to a fetish crowd and had also messaged him to come out too. He considered it, wondering what kind of costumes the guys who went to that club would do. He was sure it would be interesting.

A beep from another message on the hookup site and he flipped back to it.

Hey BigTopMan, like the profile. I’m Jack, and new in town. I might be too young for you for I’m 24, but I do work out a lot and promise I have a big dick you can play with. It’s Halloween and I’m looking to get naughty.   _Jack.

There was a photo of a guy sitting in a high back armchair. An orange cap over reddish blonde hair and a leather collar around the neck, and a handsome face with a strong chin and eyes that looked gold in the flash of the camera light.

There was something in the eyes, and despite the silliness of the guy’s message, he responded. Over the next hour they traded messages, until Tyler finally agreed to let him come over. A check of his watch, Tyler saw it was a little after seven. He had less than two hours before Jack would arrive.

Right at nine o’clock, the doorbell rang, and Tyler went to answer it. He was dressed in a tank top to show off his broad shoulders and muscular arms and a pair of jeans that were worn and frayed. They were soft against his skin, and more importantly, could not conceal his cock when he got an erection, which he hoped to do very soon. He swung the door open and smiled at what was before him.

The photo was no lie, and Jack stood before him in the orange cap and more garish, a pair of orange overalls. One strap was left undone and revealed the right nipple. Jack was just as muscular and well-built as he and he swung the door open all the way.

“Trick and treat,” said Jack grinning from ear to ear. “Will you invite me in?”

“Please, come in.”

Tyler had poured them a whiskey, then another, then he couldn’t remember who poured the next. At some point Jack made himself at home, pouring the next rounds. Then Jack pushed the boundaries in a way that made Tyler smile. He stood in the middle of the living room and undid the other shoulder strap. The overalls fell to his waist revealing a smooth muscular upper body. Jack playfully flexed his biceps, then his pecs, and Tyler laughed at the playful nature. Then Jack expression grew serious as he reached to his waist and undid one button, then another. The waist loosened enough for the overalls to fall to the floor around Jack’s ankles.

Tyler watched him step out of them wondering when Jack removed his shoes. Then he wondered if Jack had on shoes in the first place. But he didn’t linger on the thought as he looked at the naked body standing before him. Broad shouldered, narrow waist and a heavy hanging cock that was getting bigger before his eyes. It flexed and flexed getting longer and thicker without physical contact of any kind.

“Fuck…you hot son of bitch.”

“You know it,” Jack replied in a taunt, then he turned and went to the hall disappearing around the corner.

“Wait for me,” Tyler exclaimed as he stumbled to his feet and gave pursuit.

Tyler was going to fuck Jack. He was going to be top, and Jack was going to be his submissive little boy, giving him the pleasure, he craved. The pleasure he thought his good looks and successful career earned him.

He entered his bedroom to see Jack standing by his bed stroking a very hard cock.

“Suck me,” Jack whispered.

It was a good idea, Jack’s suggestion, and Tyler moved to his knees and soon had as much of Jack’s cock as he could take in his mouth. He worked his mouth over the head and down the shaft. He sucked as if starved. He was noisy, sloppy, drool dripping from his chin. Then hands held his head and cock fucked his mouth until he was gagging.

Then the cock was in front of Tyler, and he was gasping for breath. He looked up at Jack, telling himself he was the top, the one that did the fucking.

“Get on the bed and show me that ass,” Jack uttered in a low guttural voice.

Tyler got to his feet and moved to the bed. He sat on the bed, then lay back, raising his legs. Holding each behind the knee, he spread them opening himself to Jack. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, waiting, suddenly willing, no longer thinking he was the top. He was the bottom. The one to submit. He wanted to submit. To take Jack’s cock. He felt it touch him, rub slicky up and down, then press against his hole.

“This is going to hurt you, but it’ll feel so damn good to me,” Jack whispered, and it sounded like it was spoken right in his ears.

“Do it, do it, I want it to hurt,” Tyler uttered. And he did want it and didn’t care if it felt as if Jack was ripping him half. He tightened his grip on each leg and waited. The wait wasn’t long, and he shuddered and cried out as thick cock stretched him open and sank into his depths. Before he could catch his breath, Jack was fucking. Fucking hard and fast.

“You like me banging your insides?” Jack asked as he took Tyler’s legs and pushed down until they were pressed against his chest.

“Yes,” Tyler uttered breathlessly, “fuck me, fuck me harder.”

Jack fucked harder, body banging against body, bed squeaking and banging into the wall, and Tyler feeling like a post was being jammed into his body. His own cock drooled on his stomach, and after an unmerciful long fuck, it flexed, thickened, then sprayed cum over his face, chest, and stomach.

Jack kept on fucking, at one point holding his legs together and twisting him at the waist. Cock banged his insides in a different manner, and he saw stars and shuddered with the pleasure-pain of every thrust into his depths.

“Take me, take me, boy,” Jack taunted Tyler, then he slammed into Tyler’s depths and came.

Tyler woke to the bed wet. It was dark, no light left on in the bedroom. He sensed Jack next to him and immediately thought Jack had had the audacity to piss his bed. He fumbled in the dark for the nightstand, then the lamp. He nearly knocked it over as he fumbled for the switch, for he sensed something was wrong. Jack was too silent and there was an odd metallic smell surrounding him.

The lamp came on and Tyler turned to see what was wrong with Jack. He gasped and tried to scream. He struggled to climb out of bed but got tripped up in the blanket and rolled out almost on his head as he hit the floor. Then he was scrambling back, trying to get as far from the bed as he could.

When his back came against the door he fell still trying to breathe.

The bed was soaked in blood. Blood splattered the walls. There was even blood on the ceiling. Lying on the bed, Jack lay cut open from chest to cock. Entrails were pulled from the cavity, laying around the flayed open body. Steak knives were in each eye socket, a Chef’s knife stuck up from the sternum and a carving knife lay over the open cavity, with tissue speared on the end of the blade.

It was too much. Didn’t make sense. He gasped for breath, thinking he needed to call someone. Someone had to come fix this. Come get this body out of his house. His perfect house, ruined by this body. He tried to puke and only dry heaved. He fumbled for the doorknob; bloody hands too slick to grasp it properly. Eventually he got the knob turned and fell through the doorway.

As he crawled down the short hall, he realized he was covered in blood. Its metallic odor filled his nostrils and made him want to puke. He dry-heaved, and snot ran from his nose as he crawled down the hall. His vision blurred as he tried to speed up, crawling as fast as he could. He turned to go into the living area, but turned too quick, and crawled headfirst into the wall. Everything went black.

It was early morning, soft sunlight illuminated the living and dining room, when Tyler opened his eyes. He wiped them, rubbing the sleep out, then he sat up and groaned. His head was pounding. He needed aspirin and water. He staggered to his feet and looked out the front window seeing the Halloween decorations across the street.

He gasped for breath, suddenly remembering what had happened during the night. He didn’t know what to do, but he had to go look again, to make sure of what he had seen. But it didn’t make sense, for he had no blood on him when before he had been covered in it. He stumbled down the hall to his bedroom door and pushed it open. The room was neat, only the bed unmade from where he had been in it. And sitting in the center of it, the jack-o’-lantern from the neighbor’s porch, staring back at him.

Note: this is the final story of the series, and I hope that those that gave them a read enjoyed them. Grant

by Grant

Email: [email protected]

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