Halloween Challenge

by Hunknown

31 Oct 2022 5775 readers Score 9.3 (83 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


by Hunknown



~ Challenging the Alpha-stud ~

“’The fuck, dude??” – Roy yelled, slapping Peter’s hand away from his bare ass – “I’m no fuckin’ queer like you!”. Roy glanced around, and felt relieved that the locker room was empty and no one saw his proudly straight ass being manhandled. Fuck! Peter and him had been friends since the primary school, but now they were at the college, they were men!

Peter felt a dull anger rising inside. Not for being called ‘queer’, as he never made a mystery of being gay, but for the way Roy had spat out those words to his face. “Easy, easy, Mr. Alpha-stud
!” – Peter said in a restrained voice, raising his hands – “No one is questioning your manliness! You’re still the top lady-killer around, what are you afraid of?”

“I ain’t afraid of nothing! Nothing scares me!”

“Oh, really
?” – Peter mused, while a wicked idea came to his mind – “If so, you’d have no problem at spending the night at the Sorcerers’ Tomb, down at Saint Louis Cemetery, would you? Tonight is Halloween, you might make some
 totally not scaring encounters

“The S
 Sorcerers’ Tomb?” – Roy said, suspiciously tripping on his tongue – “It’s
 It’s bullshit, everyone knows that! The Lorraine brothers died of plague more than two centuries ago, they were no sorcerers or anything. Don’t tell me you believe in that silly rite of lying naked on their tomb to bring them back from the dead, right?”

“Another reason not to be scared of anything
” – Peter replied, calmly, shooting to Roy a challenging glance – “Or are you chickening out? Maybe you’re not the top Alpha-stud everyone believes

“Fuck you, dude! I never chickened out for anything! Tonight I’m going there, but I warn you: if I come back without anything weird to report, which will obviously happen, you’ll do anything I order you for a week. Deal?”

“Deal!” – Peter replied with a rascal smile. Peter knew well that the eerie legend about the three Lorrain brothers was bullshit, but he also knew that the rite actually required the guy to lay naked on the tomb and jack off while the church bell rang the twelve chimes of midnight; if by the time the guy shot his spunk nothing happened, the challenge was won.

What Roy didn’t know was that the Sorcerers’ Tomb had a hole in the wall through which Peter planned to watch the entire scene, and even take a couple photos to eventually use as a bargaining chip in case his punishment became too hard to bear.

“I’ll drive you to St. Louis Cemetery at half past eleven” – Peter added – “so you have the time to
 you know
 get ready!”

Roy grunted in agreement, and Peter rushed away, unable as he was to hide anymore the boner filling his pants, at the thought of watching Roy stroking his straight, succulent cock for his viewing pleasure.

At half past eleven sharp, Roy got off Peter’s car in front of the back gate of the cemetery. “I’ll wait here for you to come back” – Peter said trying not to reveal his own excitement. “OK” – Roy replied with a tense tone, through the open car window – “I’ll be back shortly after midnight, after
 you know
 doing my thing.”

Peter watched Roy sneaking through the rusty gate and gave him a few minutes, to be sure not to be spotted; and then closed the car and followed his friend through the maze of discolored graves covered by weeds, and soon he saw the ancient, creepy Sorcerer’s Tomb stand against the bright full moon. In the distance, he saw Roy opening the old gate and step inside. Peter quickly moved to the back of the chapel and took his place next to the opening in the wall.

Roy glanced around, a bit scared, because the place was creepy indeed. There was a big marble tomb with a flat cover in the middle of the room, and two other tombs against the side walls. All of them had weird symbols and obscure inscriptions carved on the sides. All around, there were several dead pot plants, and thick cobwebs hung from the corners between the ceiling and the walls. There was dust everywhere, as apparently no one had ever entered that place since long before. But what really scared Roy were the candles: there were burning candles all around the walls! Who had lit them up? And when, since the place seemed to have been abandoned for years?

The guy looked at his wristwatch: a quarter to twelve. “Let’s do this thing
” – he murmured to himself, hoping that his fear didn’t block his erection – “Better start a little in advance, so as to be ready by midnight


~ The Rite ~

He took away his shoes with the socks, then the t-shirt and his jeans; he stood there for a moment, massaging his bulge through the briefs, and was relieved to feel his manhood respond as it should. “I’m a fuckin’ Alpha-stud! I can shoot my load no matter what!” – he said to himself, trying to give a boost to his own confidence. He pulled down his briefs and his cock sprang out, beefy and veiny; Peter, watching through the hole in the wall, silently gasped, looking at the size and the girth of Roy’s beautiful man tool, while he brought a hand to his own crotch.

Roy lay on the cold stone cover of the central tomb, his dick pointing up, straight as an arrow, and started stroking it with slow movements. He spat on his own hand a couple times and used his saliva as lubricant; with sensual, caring strokes, his hand ran along the shaft, down to the base and then up to the corona. He never let his hand pass the corona and touch the glans, as it was very sensitive, and the friction of the hand, even with proper lubrication, was very uncomfortable for him.

He closed his eyes and tried to relax, while the warmth spreading from his groin made him breath more heavily. “Ohh
 Take it all bitch
!” – he murmured, fantasizing to shove his hard rod ball-deep into a wet cunt – “You can’t get enough of this slab of meat, uh?”

Peter, from his secluded viewpoint, was stroking his own dick, watching with rapt eyes his friend rocking his hips and pumping his fist on his engorged cock. How many times he hoped to watch that enticing show! Roy just couldn’t understand how incredibly teasing his body was for Peter, and kept on flaunting his limp manhood and his marble ass in front of Peter’s eyes. Including that very morning, when Peter was unable to restrain himself and placed a hand on Roy’s buns, rousing his friend’s angry reaction.

A distant, gloomy chime broke the motionless silence of the cemetery: it was midnight. Roy heard the first chime and paced up his strokes, as he wanted to finish himself off as soon as the last chime was struck.

He shut his eyes even tighter, trying to fill his mind with enticing images of hot chicks eager to lay their hands, mouths and cunts on his cock. One by one the chimes echoed within the stone walls. Nine

“I heartily thank you, my brave friend, for rousing me from my deadly sleep!”

Roy screamed, hearing the profound, eerie voice resonating in the room. He opened his eyes wide, getting up sitting on the cold stone, and he saw a naked man, or what once was a naked man, rising from the tomb under him, between his legs. He was ethereal, as Roy could clearly see through him, and he didn’t look rotten or anything: on the contrary, he looked extremely healthy, a fine man in his thirties, with chiseled muscles and a perfectly hairless torso. His brown curly hair topped a handsome face, lit by two restless clear brown eyes. When the ghost’s torso was out of the grave, but the hips and legs were still hidden under the marble slab, he stood still and looked at Roy with infinite sadness: “Look at me, my corporeal friend, and pity me, as I’m doomed to the worst torment a man
 a male
 can endure.”

Roy gasped a couple times, before finding enough air in his lungs to whisper: “Are
 Are you one of the three Sorcerers?”

The ghost slowly rose from the grave entirely, shamefully showing his throbbing erection. His cock was thick and long, crowned by a perfectly formed helmet, and twitched continuously, as if it was on the verge of shooting. “My brothers and I were not sorcerers” – he said in his eerie voice tinged with infinite sadness – “but for the people who doomed us to this torture we were even worse: we were
 sodomites. The fire that burnt Sodom to ground is now burning us with the same fierce violence. You probably can’t understand the inscription on our tombs
 To our unperishable shame they read: ‘Jermain the Sodomite’, that would be me, ‘Pierre the Sodomite’, my older brother, and ‘Vince the Sodomite’, my younger brother. Every trace of our beautiful surname Lorraine was stripped from this nameless chapel.”

 torment have you been doomed to?” – Roy asked, won by the sadness of the ghost.

“You’re a man, and you will gasp in shock when you hear the cruelty they inflicted us. They lay us, naked, on three stone beds placed on a high stage, for anyone to see. Then three whores started working on our manhood, forcing us to get an unpleasant and unwilling erection; they went on stroking and sucking us resorting to the vast experience granted them by their profession, and quickly brought us to the verge of a powerful climax

“And then
” – Jermain went on, with trembling voice – “one split second before we could shoot our semen, the executioners beheaded us, dooming us to a perennial climax that can never give way to a liberating, blissful ejaculation. For a man, this is the worst torment ever! Our strongest instinct, the one that compels any man to spread his seed, is endlessly and hopelessly restrained into our groin

“My God
” – Roy said under his breath, clutching his own manhood, that in the meantime had gone completely limp.

“Don’t name him. His name has no place in this unholy tomb. And he can’t help me
 unlike you, my corporeal friend.”

“Me??” – the guy exclaimed, surprised – “What can I do to help you?”

“Nothing you would find particularly pleasurable, judging from the fantasies that clouded your mind moments ago, I cannot lie to you. But if you’re willing to help me, you could let me temporarily
 have your body: that would grant me the chance to shoot my seed, at long last, and finally find peace forever.”


~ Erotic possession ~

 “A sort of
 possession?” – Roy inquired, uncertain – “And what would become of me while you’re into my body?”

“You will stay there, too, and you will see and feel everything. And if you want me to stop and leave your body, just say the hatred word: cunt!”

Roy looked straight into Jermain’s eyes, and the burning, desperate desire he could read in them made his heart go out for him. “I will do what you ask” – the guy said seriously, thinking that after all he’d gone there to shoot his load, and that’s what the ghost was asking him to do.

“As you have declared, so shall be done.” – Jermain said, and vanished in a swirl of dust.

Ray lay down on the stone and at first, he didn’t feel anything particular; but when he saw his own hand massaging lasciviously his crotch, and realized that it wasn’t his own will to make it move, but Jermain’s, he got scared as hell. He tried hard to shout the safe word, cunt, but he couldn’t, as his throat, just as much as the rest of his body, was now totally under Jermain’s control.

“Don’t be scared, my young, handsome friend” – Roy’s mouth said, under Jermain’s command, scaring Roy even more – “We’re not going to hurt your precious body. I didn’t lie to you, I told you the truth: there is a safe word
 but I forgot to mention that you wouldn’t be able to talk. Pierre! Vince! Come to me! Our living friend has gracefully agreed to help us!”

From the two side tombs came out two ethereal figures. One was tall, hairy and muscular, but completely bold on the head; the other was thinner but chiseled, with long hair and sharp, masculine features. Both were sporting frightening big erections.

“Pierre, you’re the eldest” – Roy’s mouth said to the muscled ghost – “You’ll be the first, but be careful, as our friend is a virgin. We don’t want to hurt him in the least, we want to give him pleasure, so as to let him
 and us
 shoot our essence!”

The massive ghost got closer and looked down at Roy with great affection: “Don’t worry, boy, I know what I’m doing. In my life I broke into many virgin asses, most of which younger and smaller than yours, and none of the boys under me ever suffered the faintest pain.”

Roy was not particularly heartened by Pierre’s words. He might be a caring and expert ass-fucker, but he was about to take his virginity nonetheless!! Unable to talk, Roy looked straight at Pierre with pleading eyes, begging him to spare him, or at least to be true to his word, and not make him suffer.

The ethereal giant grabbed Roy’s legs and draped them over his own shoulders, gaining an unobstructed access to his pristine hole; and then pressed his humongous helmet on the clenched anus. Roy was surprised, as the ghostly touch didn’t feel cold as he expected, but felt burning hot, as much as the fire raging into the three ghosts’ groins.

Pierre thrusted his hips forward, and sank with one swift move his entire massive tool inside Roy, whose mind screamed in terror, in preparation for the searing pain of the cruel impalement
 but he didn’t feel anything like that. He felt a warmth inside him, the same warmth he felt on his anus moments before, and it spread deep into him, reaching places he was not aware of.

“There are some perks at being incorporeal” – Pierre explained with a caring smile – “I’m inside you, but my girth is restrained to what you can get. That will soon change, though

Pierre started rocking his hips and Roy felt the warm invader move effortlessly inside him; he felt his own cock rise to a full erection, helped by his own hand moving under Jermain’s command. And his mouth, too, spoke out of Roy’s control and said: “Vince, come closer
 You are my brother, and when we were alive I couldn’t touch you. But now, let me suck your beautiful cock through our friend, shove your demanding member down his warm, slick throat!”

Roy stared in horror at the younger ghost straddle his torso and point his long cock to his mouth. The guy tried to clench his jaws, but his teeth couldn’t keep the ethereal manhood out of his mouth. Again, he felt an intoxicating warmth spreading on his tongue and his throat, coupled with a musky, pungent taste: the taste of a man’s cock. Roy’s unwilling hand moved and grabbed Vince’s balls, squeezing and pulling them, until the ghost’s entire cock was fully lodged deep into Roy’s throat. The warm caress didn’t trigger any gag reflex, and Roy relaxed (or at least, his mind did), realizing that, despite the unbelievable notion that two men were reaming his ass and mouth, the feeling wasn’t that unpleasant. Quite the opposite, actually.

The pounding on Roy’s ass paced up a little, and the guy felt his anal muscles stretch a bit, to accommodate the ghostly rod that was growing thicker and more solid. And the penis in his mouth, too, became a bit more corporeal and thicker, to the point that Roy could feel the texture of the silky skin under his tongue. Vince went on face-fucking the guy with constant thrusts, tilting back his head and uttering soft moans of pleasure. Through his ethereal body, Roy could see Pierre’s massive torso twitching and bulging, while the ghostly hips (that felt way too solid!) slammed against his buttocks, making his entire body shake under the blows.

The thickness in Roy’s ass grew more and more, and the guy uttered a long moan, because Jermain, too, was feeling his ass stretched to the threshold of pain; the dull pain radiating from his ass distracted him from the cock in his mouth, that was growing thicker, too, and was uncomfortably straining his throat muscles, unused to give way to a man’s cock.

The double fuck went on for many long minutes, while Roy’s orifices got used to the girth stretching them; and all the while, Roy felt his own well-known hand masterfully stroking his cock, causing him a sheer pleasure that merged with the one coming from his ass and mouth. Then, as if answering to a silent call, both Vince and Pierre withdrew their cocks from Roy and looked down at him, in silence. And while Roy’s mind screamed in fear ‘cunt! cunt!’, his mouth confidently said: “I’m ready, now. Give me it all.”

Under Roy’s eyes, the two ethereal figures lost their residual transparency and became as solid as living men. Then, Pierre’s massive cock, now at full girth and as hard as a wooden pole, broke into Roy’s loosened ass, ball deep. “FUCKKKK
. YEAH!!” – Roy screamed loud, feeling his ass torn apart, but in the most exquisite way. The guy’s scream was suddenly muffled by Vince’s cock, that found its way down the guy’s throat and started pumping in and out at a frantic pace.


~ A two-century load ~

The coupled violation of both his openings made Roy’s mind go weak and made all his heterosexual pretenses crumble: the impossible was happening, two studs were fucking him senselessly both ends, like a bitch, and if he could he would’ve screamed for the excruciating pleasure he was feeling. The thick meat in his ass slammed against his prostate over and over, causing shivers of pleasure across his entire body, and the cock pistoning his mouth made him feel totally, wonderfully owned by those two men.

The hand on his cock paced up, and he felt an impossibly intense orgasm rising inside him. Two centuries of cruel denial were about to explode through his cock, and Roy would’ve been scared, if his mind wasn’t completely focused on the wreaking climax approaching.

Vince and Pierre moved away and stood at the sides of Roy, watching him with greedy, marveled eyes, eager to witness the miracle of a man’s orgasm. They reached to the guy’s nipples, his last stronghold of heterosexuality, and took possession of them, gently pinching and tickling with their fingers. The unexpected additional stimulation pushed Roy over the edge: with a raucous, long scream, the guy stiffened and the most massive, wreaking and mind-blowing orgasm broke havoc on his body. Roy screamed and screamed, shooting countless ropes of thick man cream with such a force that his groin ached for the effort. Wave after drowning wave of pleasure submerged his mind, pushing Roy into a state of pure ecstasy.

A large pool of semen formed on the marble tomb, between Roy’s legs, and at long last the contractions slowed down to then trail off. Roy’s numbed mind registered a movement, and suddenly Jermain was standing where Pierre used to be; Roy’s silent question ‘where is Pierre?’ was immediately answered when he saw his own cock, spent after the massive ejaculation, spring up like nothing had happened, ready to shoot again. His own hand, now under Pierre’s control, rushed to stroke it in earnest, and soon a second, even more devastating orgasm exploded in his groin, making his cock shoot all the manly juice his balls could provide.

Exhausted, Roy turned to Vince, silently pleading him to spare him; but he knew well that the younger ghost, too, had waited way too long to give up on the only chance he had to finally rest in peace. Pierre, now satisfied, left Roy’s body, but Vince wasn’t quick enough to replace him and Roy, momentarily free, yelled “CUNT!! CUNT!!”.

Everyone froze in the chapel faintly illuminated by the ever-burning candles. Roy turned to look at Vince, and the young ghost looked back at him with moist eyes. Never in his life Roy had seen in a man’s eyes the devastating horror of being doomed to more long centuries of torment, after being so close to find the long-desired peace. Vince’s glance broke Roy’s heart. “OK, Vince. You win. Do it.”

Vince flashed a bright, thankful smile that repaid Roy in advance for the excruciating trial he was about to undergo. With a swirl, Vince disappeared and Roy felt his cock rise again to a full, throbbing erection; it was almost painful, now, but still Vince’s repressed sexual desire made him close his eyes and abandon himself to his own hand grabbing the stiff member and stroking it with rabid moves. Roy screamed again, with all the breath he had in his body, until his voice failed him. His cock throbbed hard, as a massive ejaculation was going on, but only few drops of seminal liquid came out, as he was completely drained. But this didn’t lessen in any way the wreaking, body-shaking intensity of the orgasm.

Roy passed out for the exhaustion, and when he opened his eyes he gasped in surprise, looking around at him: the first rays of the rising sun were tingeing the chapel in a beautiful shade of pink, the ever-burning candles had gone all out and the potted plants were thriving and covered with flowers. Jermain, Pierre and Vince, now barely visible, were looking down on him with tender gaze.

“The gift you’ve given us cannot ever be repaid” – Jermain said in the most grateful and affectionate tone – “But if in the place we’re going to there is your God
 or whatever transcendental being, be sure I will plead him with all my heart to grant you a life full of love, health and satisfaction.”

Pierre stepped forward, with a shy expression and said: “I’m no good with fancy speeches
 I wish you all the best life can give you. Wherever we’re going, we sure will keep an undying fond memory of you.”

Vince came closer and placed a warm, ethereal hand on Roy’s chest: “Your heart is pure and indomitable. Of all the three of us, I’m the one who is most in debt with you. I’m not a sorcerer, I can’t grant wishes; but I can foresee that you will soon be given the chance of your life, a one-time chance that I hope you won’t overlook or decline. Keep your mind and your heart open, and you’ll be able to experience, while living, the same joy and peace we have finally found in this grave. Good bye, sweet Roy, you won’t ever be forgotten.”


The three ghosts vanished in the thin air and Roy climbed off the hard stone tomb, groaning for his aching muscles. No, not ‘muscles’: every single part of him was aching, especially his groin, his ass and his cock. He picked up his clothes from the floor, noticing how clean and shining it now was, and slowly got dressed.

He sneaked through the rusty gate, out to the deserted cemetery, turned around
 and Peter was there, speechless, looking at him with wide eyes. With his beautiful, big green eyes

Roy slowly walked toward him, hearing Vince’s words echoing in his ears. Now Roy knew what Peter had always desired from him, and suddenly he looked at his lifetime friend with different eyes. “Peter
” – Roy murmured, getting closer to him and holding him in a tender embrace – “I’m not changed, I’m always the same
 but stronger. Much stronger. Now I’m not afraid anymore to do this

Roy leaned over Peter and gave him a long, passionate, churning kiss that seemed to both to last forever.


by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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