Ghost Hunk

by Oddballs

11 Jul 2020 7074 readers Score 9.0 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Alright, she’s all yours, Blake.” Says Mr Owen as his keys jingle from handing them over to the handsome man before him, wearing a denim jacket and tight-fitting jeans. At age 26, Blake sports a nice layer of stubble on his face, besides his short brown hair, as he looks at his coworker. Mr and Mrs Owen are going on a two week strip, so they need Blake to house sit their lavish home for a while, including keeping up with the housework, yard work, and feeding their pet race horse and letting him out to exercise.  

“Ok, Hank.” Blake says with that charismatic grin, “I’ll see you in two weeks.” He dismissed before Mr Owen hopped into his car with his wife and kids, and drove off. Blake enters the building while taking off his jacket, while at the same time, a sentient cloud of glowing white smoke slithers and glides into the chimney.

  While snacking on a banana, Blake walks into the son’s room and looked under the mattress to find the kid’s ‘journal’. Blake casually opens the notebook and flips through the pages of private thoughts. He smirks as he sees a page on [Measuring], where the boy was probably measuring the size of his dick, “Hah, short stack.” Blake says as he reads a couple of more pages.

  ‘Ooh, hot Fleshie, dead ahead.’ Snickered a disembodied thought. Blake walks idly down the hall, flipping through the part where Jonathan wrote where he hides his forbidden Playboys, when Blake shudders from a chill.  “Hey, PAL!” Comes a weird voice all of a sudden.  

“HWOA!” Blake jumps from being startled, but gasps with his eyes bugging out as he sees a glowing white phantom of a semi naked male.

“What’s white and flying and horny all over?” Polter grinned.  

“G-G-G-GHOST!!” Blake yelps as he drops the journal and makes a run for it. Polter cackles as he waggles his tongue around and holding his hands up. Blake runs right back into the kid’s room and slams the door shut and locks the door. He lets out a sigh of fear and relief as he leans his head on the wood. Then, his whole crotch feels cold.

  “Hahaha, yeah a DOOR!” Blake’s eyes go wide as he hears the taunting voice. His head shoots down to see that ghost’s head looking up at him from his groin, “Oh yeah, that’s showing me!”

“AHHHHH!” Blake lets out a high-pitched scream.

“Open wiiiide!” Polter sneers as he flies up, and pushes into Blake’s mouth. The hunk’s eyes get wide as he feels the transparent entity shove and wiggle its way into his throat! His hands scramble to grab it, but before he knew it, the ghost’s tail squirms its way down in his gullet.

Blake irks as he shoves his butt at the door. He hammers his ass against the door at least 4 times before his right arm flails. Blake grunts as his mind fights a very weird wave of numbness as he scrambles on the floor. Blake flails his hips wildly, weird cartoon-like noises bouncing as his eyebrows waggled weirdly. His crotch shouts a HONK HONNNNK noise as it shakes and bulges out like a bowling ball before his torso arches as his lips curl around a thick “MOOOOHMAMA!” His body undulates as stretching noises can be heard as his arms and legs throw around and about. Blake irks and gags as he jerked his chest until finally, the terrified expression on his face changed to a smug and satisfied expression.

“OOooh yeah, theerrre we go.” The ghost says in his own voice instead of Blake’s. He licks his lips and wiggled his fingers and rolls his neck. Blake shakes his own face and staggers a bit as he holds his head.  

“Whoa! What’s g-going on??” Blake stammered, hid body feeling REALLY weird, “W-What just happened?” Then, Blake’s eyes flash cyan blue as his mouth grinned.

  “Guess what, buddy.” Polter’s voice says through the human’s lips with a cocky swerve of the head, “You just got yourself a new roommate! IN. YOUR. HEAD.” His eyes stop glowing as his facial expression instantly shifted.

  “HohHH! Hahh! How are you doing that? W-What are you doing to me?!” Once again, his eyes light up as his face takes on a different expression as his hands go to his hips.  

“Chill out, Bone-Bag. We’re gonna have LOADS of fun!” Blake’s eyes return to normal as he staggers to the bed.  

“Agghhoooh… DamMIT!” He hits his forehead onto the post of the boy’s bed, “Get. Out. Of. Me!”  

The ghost snickers as his eyes start to glow again, and the man puts his foot on the bed, and rolls his hips like a pole dancer, “Hahaha, this baddie boy’s got groove, yeah. Ooh yeah, work it stud." Polter smirked through Blake’s lips.  

Blake comes back in his mind and stumbles down onto the floor, panting and looking around in random directions as he stands back up.  

“SSsshit! Have to call a priest-” The man’s buttcheeks then flex inside his tight pants on their own. “Wh-Whatthewhatthe-” He looks over his shoulder to see his bottom moving about in his pants, almost as if his buttcheeks are dancing, “Dude, what are you doing to my ass?!”

  Blake’s eyes and mouth become possessed again as he smirked at the form-fitting jeans. “I’m taking your ass out for a test drive.” He grins as he sticks his ass out behind him. Blake jerks back into focus as he sees his legs are spread apart somewhat, and his own hips are waving his rump around on their own.

Then, an invisible hand pulls back the backside of Blake’s pants. He looks and gaps as he sees an 8-ball float to him, and plop into his underwear before the waistband snaps back on, making a big round bulge in Blake’s pants. “The fuck?? You think I… Hhaaaiiii” Blake gaps and staggers as his eyes go wide “HooOOOOOLY SHIIIIT!” 

At this time, Blake feels his own anus open wide - VERY wide. He clenches his eyes and groans painfully as his ass swallowed the spherical toy in his pants like his butthole was a snake swallowing an egg! “UUUUUUUuuuHHHHH!” He moans out loud. “FUUUUUUUUUCK!” The round shape in his pants slowly sinks down further until his rump finally reverts to its previous shape, that hole having gulped down the 8-ball.

“Hahh hahh hahh…” Blake pants, whining as he feels that massive and round object INSIDE of him. He can barely walk as he looks over his shoulder, feeling at his denim bottom and flinching before he attempts to communicate again, “Ok… Ok… I don’t know what you want… But I…” Then, his eyes turn cyan colored again and the ghost takes over. 

“Ok, Magic 8-Ball” The ghost says through the human’s mouth. His hands pat and grab at those buns before he leans down and grabs his knees, “Do I, or do I not, stop my fun at possessing a hot fuck boy tonight?”

With that, the ghost bites his lip as his hips start jumping and bouncing. “Uhh, yeah, uhhh!” A loud sloshing and rattling can be heard from inside Blake’s body - or his booty, more like. “Shake it, really get it in there! Uhh! Hoh yeah!” Swollen, Blake’s ass wobbles and bounces as his body twerks actively like a hot stripper. He wiggles that rear left and right, up and down, shaking and mixing the pseudo-psychic toy lodged right up that hole. 

He stands right up, and those glowing eyes and grin fade instantly as Blake comes back. “Ahh! Fuck, what’re you- ULGH!” Blake finds himself jerking forward and bending over as he suddenly feels he’s about to take the biggest dump in his life. “No way… NO WAY!” He yells as his eyes clench shut again. “EEEAAAAAAHHH!”

A ruffling sound came as Blake’s pants and underwear pull down just below his butt on its own. His asshole spreads wide and and a white circle with the number 8 emerges from his asshole. The black 8-ball slides smoothly yet slowly out of Blake’s anus as the poor jock stands helplessly as his tunnel ejects the toy out at its leisure. 

Finally, he drops the 8-ball out of his ass and the ghost possess him again. He grins and turns to pick up the 8-ball, laughing as he sees its answer:


“Good answer, fuck-bag.” The ghost snickers. Suddenly, Blake forces his consciousness back through.

“Just get the hell out fucking bastard!” Blake yells. He clears his throat as his chest seems to feel a chill, “Stop possessing my body! I have things to do, I-” His overshadowed hands then go up and feel his pecs, “H-H-Haaa-ah-ah-ah” He shudders.  

‘Yeeeeaaah, you like that, don’t ya, Skin-Bag?’ The ghost says inside Blake’s mind.

“Nnneehh” Blake pouts and whines, but petting his chest just feels so damn good! “Awwwlll… Iyuh…” His mouth absentmindedly mumbles, “I wanna do the dirty udder mambo…”

‘AH hahahaha!’ The entity laughs, just as Blake snapped out of it, and stopped rubbing his shirt.  

“Dude, FUCK! I didn’t say that! Did NOT say that!” His eyes flash again as Polter takes on his face.

  “Of course you did, dick-face! Just thought I’d give you a vocabulary lesson!” The ghost retreats back inward, leaving Blake bewildered and angry, turning around and swiping the air.  

“What the fuck are you talking about?! You’re not…” He winces as he feels that weird pressure in his brain again, “… Gonna stop me from making out with some big fat hairy balls…” Blake says as a different phrase as he was GOING to say. “Shit, what are you doing??” He says before the light pressure presses on the greymatter, “I am holding your speech part of your Fleshie brain to make you say whatever I want.” He stated, as if the thought itself occurred to him. “Ah, get out of my HEAD!” To his horror, Blake grunts as the pressure builds again, “I deserve to be your wonderful jackass! HEEHAW, motherfucker!”  

“Awwwwww.” Polter grins as he takes over Blake’s face again in a wicked taunting expression, “That is so sweet of you.”  

Blake snaps back out of it again. “F-Fuck, I need to get out of here!” He goes to the door, before he feels the pressure again, “Sshhnnooo!” He grabs at the doorknob, jerking it before he feels the urge to talk again, “I wanna a big pink pretty girl, Daddy~!” He pleads goofily. He grimaces as the weird sentence comes out of his own mouth, as if he meant to say it. His eyes flow with light cyan fog again as the smirk of the phantom curls his mouth.

  “Ho ho HO, now you’re confusing me, son.” The ghost says in Blake’s body as he walks from the door and rubs his chin. He puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head in bemusement, “Damn, you’re a weird guy.”

  Blake’s eyes return to normal as he swerves a little, starting to get dizzy from these mind-swaps, “No, dammit! You’re making me say it! Literally! I literally WANT my butthole to be my pride and joy!” His eyes blink as his face goes red, “AAGGH! Stop it!” He shouted at the air as the ghost continues to mess with his speech pattern, “It’s my life’s PASSION to be a baby bitch boy!” He preached out, “GHHHaaa! Cut that out!”

  ‘Hahahehehehahah!’ The ghost laughed as he screws around into Blake’s brain and way of thinking for shits and giggles.

  “I’m serious! Just get out of my body, and force me to blow outta my butt!” Now unable to say anything else, Blake rants more, as if he can’t even figure out how to try anything else, “Goddammit!!! STOP! I desperately need to hump a horse or I’m gonna pass out!”

‘BAHAHAHAHAHA!’ The phantom cackles in Blake’s head, ‘Oh-hoho HAHOHAHAHOOH’  

Blake comes back before his attention goes down. His zipper yanks itself down and his belt undoes itself in a few seconds, and Blake’s eyes widen as he sees his own penis poke out and lift from the slit of his boxers! “Dude! You’re playing with my dick now?!”

  ‘I’m playing with a LOT of things!’ The ghost echoes in his head. Blake’s flaccid member wiggles around, wagging back and forth and flopping around.

  “Stop! That’s freakin gay!!” Blake says as he tries to stash his meat back into his pants. His penis loops and squirms around playfully on his fingers, “Errggghh! Stop!” He gets a tight hold of his member, only to have it squirm and wiggle wildly around in his hand, “oh my GOD!!” Blake yelps as his sentient member actually freaks him out enough to let it go, almost getting a panic attack from looking and feeling it flop and slap around his lap like a fish!  

‘Heh heh heh!’ Polter giggles as Blake’s meat curls and coils back into his pants and the zipper pulling up behind it.

“Hoh,” Blake clutches his crotch and whips around, his hands keeping a secure hold on his jewels as he looks around for something – ANYTHING – to try and get this gay phantom out.

  ‘Pffff, try all you want, ya stupid fleshie.’ Polter laughs in Blake’s head as the jock holding his denim package fumbled and rummaged all around the room, “I’ll play along if ya want! Hahahaha”

  “Come on, come on, come on, come on, HAH!” Blake looks above at the doorframe at the holy plus-sign hung up. Blake reaches up and seizes it and shoves it to his chest, “NOW! GET OUT!”

  ‘No! Aaahhh! What are you doing to me?!’ Polter exclaimed inside Blake’s noggin.  

“Out of me! The power of Christ compels you! Get the hell outta me!”

  ‘No! Nooooooo!’ Polter yells as his spirit goes berserk.  

“UuuUUrrrRrr!” Blake irks and gurgles as his body loops around, thrusting his hips in the air before his gut distends a bit, with his hand still grasping onto the cross.  

‘You vile meat-bag! How dare yoooooOOOUUUUUU!’  

“PoooOOOOUUUUUUHHHH!” Blake’s mouth puckers as he forcibly blows out a glowing fog. Bug-eyed and freaking out, the jock watches as the ghost is expelled from his body. Polter billows away from the man before he turns and scowls at Blake.   “You clever, stupid human! I ain’t gonna-”

  “HAH!” Blake holds out the crucifix at the ghost.

  “Ah, ooh, oh no!” Polter flinches and holds his arms in front of him defensively, “Have mercy, oh mighty meat! I beg you!”

  “Get out! Get the fuck out and go to hell!” Blake says as he then ‘stabs’ the golden cross at the ghost.  

“Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” Polter yowls as his non-corporeal form spirals into the floor, echoing and yelling random scorns and insults while Blake still holds the cross at him, as if to banish Polter to the carpet. Within seconds, the glowing entity vaporizes into the floor, and disappears from sight.

  “Hoh… Hah… Fuck…” Blake pants as he lets his arms rest down in relief. “Jesus Christ, I need to call an exorcist or some shit…”  

Blake turns and walks out of the bedroom. As he goes, a glowing fog flows in the air and drifts up in the air. The mystic smoke floats up and twirls in the air as it surrounds Blake’s jean covered denim before the trail of mist narrows and flows tight into the center of Blake’s rear.  

“OoOOoo! What the??” Blake whips around, patting his ass and glaring at the dimly lit hallway. He listens closely and tries to see if that ghost somehow came back, “Hello?” No answer, “I’m armed, fuckin demon” Blake says as he holds up the cross. Again, he’s met with silence.

Meanwhile, Polter grins with Blake’s mouth as his eyes shimmer with mischief for a split second.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, Casper The Faggy Ghost.” Blake says as walks off to the living room.

  ‘Heh heh heh… Fuckin dumbass’ The ghost snickers as he looms inside Blake’s mind. Polter looks over the fleshie’s brain, wondering just where to start. It’s been a while since he’s REALLY messed with a human body, he’s actually curious as to what he can make him do…

“Now…” Blake then goes to the living room and looks at his chest. He’s got some very fine titties for a guy. He smiles as he cups both pecs under his shirt and fondles his own square-shaped pillows. “Nice…”

Blake pulls the shirt over his head and tucks it behind his neck to let his chest expose to the air, “Mmmff, nice pair of udders, stud.” Blake says as he starts to grope his chest. His member starts to harden in his jeans as he starts to feel and dig his fingers into his pecs. “Fuck, is this how chicks feel? Damn…” He grins and bites his lip as his fingers start to brush over and graze his nipples.

“Ooh, mmff, yeah, love them teats, yeah…” Blake nods and bites his lip as his thumbs and index fingers pull and twirl at his slightly puffy nipples. “MM! Yeah” His thighs rub together while he starts to sport a rod-shaped bulge in his jeans. “Fuck yeah, work those titties…” His fingers pull a little firmly as he twists his nipples a bit.

“Hohhh, ohhh! Ffffuuuuuuck!” His manly hands really grab as he hisses with arousal and really grabs and squeezes his pecs, almost mushing his chest about. A dark spot starts to form and drip from his jeans as he continues to tweak and yank at his pecs and his nipples, “Oh yeah, oh yeah, I’m… I’m…”

Then he looks up and gaps as he sees a random neighbor watching him! His grin vanishes as he looks down at his hands mid-pinch on both nipples, and he legs rubbing on his boner-thick pants, and then his head darts back up to the random stranger, “Shit, hey!”

The neighbor just strides away, snickering harshly as they rush away. The magic fades and Blake is no longer interested in playing with his chest. “Shhhhit, what the fuck…” He huffs, now wondering why he just did that.

He got rid of that idiot ghost, right? Cross and everything. Why was he playing with his nipples like that? He never does that! A girlfriend did that once, but Blake was more interested in milking his own pecs just now. Weird…

Blake sighs – another puff of luminous cyan smoke again – and goes to the living room. He picks up the remote and turns the TV on.

Rather than rest comfortably on the sofa, however, Blake unbuckles his belt. “Better pull my pants down…” He mumbles to himself, oblivious to the almost TOO casual thought. Blake then pulls down his zipper and drops his jeans down. Blake then leans on the back ridge of the couch and rests on his elbows, arching his back even.

You know, like how every guy relaxes.

Behind Blake in the kitchen, a spatula levitates from the counter…

“Pffff! Hahaha,” Blake laughs as he watches Two and a Half Men “Hah, nice.” He nods and laughs, shifting his weight to one leg as his athletic rump shows on display in his underpants for the floating spatula.

“Heh heh…” Blake smiles and grins at the comedy show, but then the spatula pushes onto his butt. “OOoooh, can really go for a grilled cheese…” He says as he pushes his rear back onto the floating utensil as it rubs circles around his underwear-clad booty.

The spatula winds back, and suddenly slips into a full-on SLAP across Blake’s ass!

“OOH!” Blake jerks as his hands grasp on the couch, “Fuck, harder…” He unknowingly goads. The disembodied spatula winds back and delivers another hard spank onto Blake’s left cheek! “AHH!” His body jerks as his toes curl, “H-Harder… Fucking… UHH!” He lurches again as another angry explosion slaps onto his opposite cheek.

“Fuck, that hurts…” Blake grins and bites his lower lip, “Gotta… I need more…” His brain fails to keep track of everything before the spatula winds again and SPANKS him again! “ULLH! … MMM! … AHH!” Pantsed and horny, Blake stands there and jerks and jumps each time his ass is impacted by the paddle-like spatula.

“Fuck… My ass needs some air…” It occurs to him that his butt can’t breathe in his briefs. Blake then peels down his underwear and pulls them down just below buns. “Whew… Better…” He says before he leans on his forearms again to watch the TV, with his rump is hanging out behind him.


“OHH! Mmmm! FFFF! Ghhhh! Fuck yes, MMM!” Blake jerks and moans as the spatula starts to really abuse and punish his buttcheeks. Both mounds start to turn red-pink as they burn with pain that hurts so good. With his package still bundled safely in his underwear, his buns jiggle with each hard slap on the ass as he unknowingly takes it again and again.

“MMff! Fuck… Ah! GHHH!” Blake grunts and grimaces as the spatula spanks him over and over-


“Ah!” Blake jumps as the house gets dark all of a sudden – the TV, the kitchen, the lamps, suddenly blackout and the spatula drops on the floor. Seconds later, the lights come back on and Blake whips around, “What the?? Wha…”

He’s suddenly snaps out of it and looks down to fully realize his pants are on the floor, “The fuck?? Why, ah…” He winces as he rubs his stinging bum and hissing in discomfort, “What the hell…” He ponders in bewilderment. He pulls his underwear to cover his butt and then bends over to pull his pants back up. It’s now when Blake sees the discarded spatula on the floor; not bothering to connect the two, Blake picks it up and takes it back to the kitchen.

Snickering in his brain, Polter seeps deeper into Blake’s brain a little bit more – he needs to be subtle about how he does this, or he’ll give himself away…

Partially possessed, Blake opens the fridge and gazes upon a rather thick cucumber. “Whoa shit…” All of a sudden, the cucumber’s shape and girth is the most fascinating thing in the world. He grabs it from the fridge and takes it with him. “Fuck man… How… This thing is fuckin huge…” He turns the vegetable in his hand, beaming and scoffing as he feels along its texture.

‘That’s right, ya horny bastard…’ Blake’s conscience whispers, ‘Ain’t that the most awesome thing you ever touched? I bet that cucumber likes ya too. Why don’t ya kiss it like you do your girlfriend?’

“Fuck, this thing is… Wow…” Blake scoffs with wonder before he goes in and starts pressing his lips on the vegetable’s hard exterior. “Mmmhh… Mmllch… Mllggh” He smears his lips on the 10 inch cucumber as he walks back to the living room.

‘Theeeeere we go, ya stupid jock. Kiss it.’

Blake kisses it with a thick wet smooch

‘Boop it’

Blake smiles as he bumps his nose on it.

‘Lick it’

Without thinking, Blake glides his tongue along the vegetable.

‘Kiss it’

Blake goes in and smears his lips around and starts to French the cucumber, moaning like a slut as he makes out with it like a very hot date.

‘Here. Lemme get that.’

“Hulm?” The cucumber then levitates from Blake’s hand and tilts at an angle before sinking into his lips, “Ullmm?”

‘Suck it.’

“Haallmm, mmmllm, ummfff” Blake starts to bob and hold the thick veggie with both hands as his tongue and lips start to drool profusely. His mouth squelches as he blows the vegetable like a needy slut. His jeans sport a thick tent as he starts to suck and slurp on the cucumber as if trying to milk it for cum.

Blake closes his eyes and swerves his head and started to get lost in sucking off the vegetable before a new and weird comes to his mind.

‘Good bone bag… Now you’re gonna take that thing, and shove it right up your ass.’

“Ssshit” Blake doesn’t know why, but he needs to put this cucumber into his hole right now. Biting down on the vegetable, Blake’s hands quickly undo his belt again and pull down his belt, and then he drops his underpants.

Taking the cucumber dribbling with saliva, Blake takes the cucumber and rubs it into his crack. Almost shaking, the tip of the thick veg locates his butthole.

“… Ohhhhhhhh” He moans out as his hand guides it right in there. His sphincter is forced open as the long, fat, and smooth cucumber pushes right into his rump. “Oh, oh, oh, oh,” Blake moans as his virgin asshole takes it in with small thrusts. “Ohhhmmyygaaaahhhd…”

‘That’s right, don’t stop now. Put it as far as it’s gonna go.’

“Fuck, get it in there…” Blake tells himself as he forces his ass to swallow around the veggie.

‘Here, lemme get that for ya’ The ghost snickers in his head as Blake’s member becomes engorged. He looks down and sees his penis start to thicken. In seconds, his cock becomes as hard as the cucumber itself!

Just then, Blake’s phone starts to ring on the coffee table. “Fuck!” Blake’s hand grips the vegetable.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ The phantom intercepts.

“Wha??” In a state of susceptible confusion. Blake’s hand suddenly gets icy cold as it suddenly JAMS cucumber up his crack! “HOOO! FUuuuCK!” He yelps in sudden pain and jerks.

‘You don’t get to stop now.’

“Ffffffuck” Blake whines as his buttcheeks flex and roll his hips, the entire cucumber lodged up his butt as the movements and flexes massages just about anything in there!

Still, his phone rings, and Blake walks bow-legged to the table and picks it up – it’s his girlfriend. Accepting the call, he holds it up to his ear, “H-He-H-Hello??”

“Hiii baby~!” Says the sweet babe on the other line.

Blake suddenly gasps as his hips feel that icy chill and haunches go flying backward! His rump goes right for the couch and he lands sprawled on the couch. “OhhhFUCK!”

“Babe? You ok?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Blake says hastily. Then, he closes his eyes and sighs a sparkling breathe of glittering cyan mist. His lips and tongue feels the cold sensation again as the ghost takes control of his mouth once more. “I’m just so fucking horny”

“Ohhh” The lady giggles, “Want me to come on over and take care of you?”

“Na-ah-ah-uh!” Blake’s eyes widen as he feels the cucumber start to slide out of his crack. The huge and solid vegetable emerges out, perfectly clean, but then rams RIGHT back up there! “Shit! Fuck! Ah!” His body flails and arches as the cucumber fucks his butthole up and down, really cranking itself up there.

“Blake?? What are you doing?? Are you having sex??”

“No, I swear!” Blake grunts as the sentient veggie starts to draw circles and jump into his ass more and more, “I’m shoving a HUGE thing up my butt!”

“I-pfff whaaat???”

Blake’s face goes red hot. Why would he just blurt that out??!

“I got so horny I took a huge vegen dildo and I shoved it up my hungry hungry butthole!”

“Uhhh, Blake? You doing this on a dare??”

“No! I swear!” Hugely embarrassed by his own words, Blake shakes his head quickly and tries to make some sort of sense here, “You need to come over-” His mouth feels a chill again “So you can see how much of an ass-whore I am!”

“Ghhh, ok, I get it, you’re getting back at me for waterballoon prank.” She said, casually laughing it off.

“No, I’m not! I just need your huge hung daddy to break my ass open!”

“PFFF! Hahah, well if you REALLY wanna cheer up my dad that badly…” She jested.

“GRRR NO! I just wanna-hooooohhhh!” Blake’s eyes crossed as that cucumber presses and makes out with his prostate, “OOEEEoooo mamaaaa!”

“Tssss, and you think I’M a dork, babe.” Blakes girlfriend laughs off, “I’ll call you later, let me know when you wanna get together… Or have my dad fill in for me. Whichever works! Bye~” With that, she hangs up.

“Ffffuck!” Blake irks as he lets his phone drop and he grasps onto the couch while the cucumber shoots up and down into his ass, “S-Shhit! Fffuccck!” He winces as he looks down at his rigid pole – why is his cock so hard right now?? We was never into pegging!

Blake widens his eyes as his brain finally clicks. “Oh my God that’s IT! STOP!” He yells as he finally gets up. He takes one step and irks – his ass is still sucking the heck out of the cucumber. He clenches his eyes and groans as the long smooth vegetable slides out of his crack and flops on the floor. “Ffffucking shit…”

Now Blake whips around and looks for any sign of the horny poltergeist, ignoring the fact that he’s half naked with a drooping chubby between his legs, “I know you’re screwing with me!” Blake yells as he looks around, “You’re a fucking coward, jackass! Show yourself!”

After the demand, Blake’s eyes close and they reopen with the cyan color. Grinning with his mouth, the ghost moves Blake’s body and walks out the door, ditching his shirt and going completely nude in the afternoon light. The ghost puts his hands on his hips and looks down, “Wake up again?”

Just like that, Blake’s soft penis reinflates and engorges until its at full erection. “There. Now…” Polter walks the body to the lawn and crosses his eyes. He then puts his thumb in his mouth and starts sucking on it like a baby. Next, Polter puts his opposite hand onto his cock and starts to masturbate.

“Mmmmm… Ommmrrmm” Polter moans pleasantly as he sucks his thumb and jerks off, grinning as he sees a few people seeing the display.

And now, a white-blue glowing mist shimmers at the front of Blake’s body and the ghost leaves the man. Polter snickers and crosses his arms as he looks at the human snap out of it, his eyes blinking and furrowing in confusion as he looks at the floating entity.

“MM! Mrrmm! Mmkk-” Blake’s arm yanks, but his thumb does not leave his lips. He looks at his fist as he tries to pull it away, but it’s like his shoulder and elbow is locked! “MLLM! Mmlmm!” He looks down and gaps with sock as he sees his opposite hand wrapped around his penis. Once again attempting to disarm himself, Blake finds every time he tries to move his arm away, his hand just rubs his dick up, then down, and repeat.

“Ya wanted me to show myself, Fleshie!” The ghost taunts the angry man. Blake growls at him with his mouthful of thumb as he tries to movie, but even his feet seem rooted to the grass. “What? You ain’t never heard of hypnosis before? It’s fuckin easy when I’m in your head!

Blake irks and whips around as he sees a couple of skater guys filming him on their phones!

“MMM! Mmm-” He turns to the ghost, only to see Polter evaporate into thin air. His arm compulsively masturbates his perpetually hard rod as his tongue wraps and licks his thumb.

“Dude, look at this guy!”

“Hahaha, freakin weirdo!”

“Hey, isn’t that Blake?”

“Dude! His girlfriend is gonna laugh her ass off!”

“MMmmlhh! Mmmrrrm!” Blake squirms, attempting to remember how to run and get in the house, but it’s like he forgot! The door is RIGHT THERE, he knows he knows how to walk, but the thought is somehow escaping him every time he tries!

The more he tries, the more he masturbates. Fuck, he hasn’t gotten off in a couple of weeks, and all his arm is able to do is whack off! Blake glares daggers at the strangers walking by the display, snickering as his eyes practically shout ‘What the hell are YOU looking at?!’ while he continues to slurp angrily around his thumb.

Blake whips his head about, seeing a few people trying not to be too obvious about staring at him. Maybe he can break out of it if he shoots his load? Relucantly, Blake jerks off even faster, his balls tingling as they prepare the ammo.

“MMmrrch, mmllssh, mmlllmm” Blake can only squelch around the digit while the other hand strokes his cock up and down, both hands fully reprogrammed into doing exactly this – heck, even Blake’s teeth is staying out of the way!

His cock shakes from his hand blurring as he jacks off faster while he still sucked his thumb, forcing his arm to crank it as fast as he can, pulling his pud on full display before his hips start jerking. “MM! MMLLM! GGMM!” Blake moans loudly around his thumb as his meat finally shot several wet ropes of sperm. He breathes heavily through his nose as his body pulses from orgasm, his hand still rubbing his deflating member.

However, about a minute after blowing his wad, Blake walks a few steps before his penis feels a firm yank, and his teeth grazed his thumb. “MMpph?? Mm! Mm! Mm!” He pulls at his thumb hard, his fist bobbing on his lips back and forth like a real mad baby, meanwhile, he looks down as he attempts to detach his hand from his dick.


Blake winces and whines as his hand flops his flaccid organ around, while his mouth goes to town on his thumb loudly. With both hands locked, Blake rubs nude across the lawn, but meets one end. He looks to the door and runs back to in front of it… How does he get back in again?? Blake dashes to the opposite side of the lawn, groaning with aggravation as he runs buck naked around here and there.

He can’t stop sucking his thumb. His hand won’t let go of his dick. And he doesn’t know how to use a door!

His face goes red even more as his fist continues to make love on his face while every time he tries to move his arm, all it can do is wiggle is smaller soft rod about.

Then, he hears a cold sigh and a snicker. He whips around and sees the ghost manifesting in the air again.

“That’s a good look for you, bone-bag!” Polter taunts as he sees the angry human dangle is weiner and suck his thumb, “What do you think??”

“MM-Mmrrmm! Mmfcckkmm!” Blake retorted angrily.

Meanwhile, a couple of guys snicker as they see the nude young man on the lawn – he looks furious as hell as he looks at the sky. The guy is alone, but he looks like he’s ranting at himself.

“Hahahaha, sorry, can’t hear ya.” Polter sneers, “Maybe if ya took your thumb outta your mouth.”


“And what are ya doing playing with yourself?” Polter can barely keep himself from busting out laughing as Blake furiously flops his penis up and down, “You’re outside dumbass.”


“Heh, ok, but here’s the deal.” Polter says, “See, I screwed with your head a little bit. Wanna get back inside the house? You gotta let me back inside your body.”

“MMM?!” Blake’s eyes widen “Mm-mm! MM-MM!” He shakes his head ‘no’.

“Heh, your choice.” Polter shrugs and turns, “But you’re the one running around with your dick in your hand.”

Blake looks at himself and tries to pull both hands out again. His fists do not budge at all. Just what did that ghost do to him?!

“Last chaaance.” The ghost starts to fade as he snickers at the pathetic jock, “I got my eye on another guy if you don’t want me indoors…”

Blake clenches his eyes shut and tenses with rage before he starts nodding quickly, “Mm-hm! Hmm-mm-hmm-hmm!”

“Heh, just what I wanted to hear!” Polter then turns into a billowing ball of smoke as he circles around Blake.

But how is he gonna get back inside of Blake?? Is he just gonna step inside like stepped out of his body a while ago? His mouth is occupied, and he can’t just go into his ears or nose, can he?? Or was going to-

Blake’s eyes widen as he feels his buttocks grabbed and spread. He looked around and see a pair of ghostly hands and that grinning face down below.

“Pucker up!” Polter laughs as he zooms in with his phantom mist channeling easily up Blake’s butthole!

“MMMMMmmoooOOAAA!” Blake yowls as his thumb suddenly pops out of his wet lips, as well as his hand flying off his dick. His sphincter practically slurps up Blake’s anus until the last of the glowing puff seeps into his crack.

“BbBbBbboooaaaoOOOoohh!” Blake spazzes and staggers. His abs BULGE into a tight dome before it shrinks and he flops down on the grass. His eyes shine with cyan and his natural color as he humps the grass, “Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh! BwwaAAHHahahah!” He flails around and starts kicking his athletic legs about like a wild donkey. “Hee-HAAAW! Hee!” He grunts and clenches his eyes shut.

On all fours, he snaps out of it. He sees a few more people start to stare at him. Quickly, Blake springs up and sprints to the door. He flings it open and SLAMS it, panting with his back pressed against it.

“Huuhh… Huuhh… Huuhh…” His face flaming with humiliation and exersion, his face suddenly jiggles before hie eyes flash with cyan and his mouth curls into a grin.

“See? THAT was fun, eh?!” Polter sneers with Blake’s face. Blake forces his will back through and his face dons an angry scowl.

“FUCK!” He shouts with frustration and outrage, “Ok, that’s it! There’s the fucking cross?? I’m gonna-”

‘Aw, we ain’t done yet…’ Polter echoes in Blake’s skull.

“What?? The FUCK!” Blake clutches his head and tries hitting it, “Dammiiiit! Get out! Get-”

‘We’re just getting started!’

“Shit, get…” Blake looks down and sees his dick flop up. Shortly after, it thickens once more into a full erection. He irks as it even curls slightly as his penis reaches its full capacity, “What the hell?! I JUST jerked off! I never-”

‘Ok, I think you’re ready for me to take the wheel!’  

“What?! What does that-” Blake irked before his eyes flash with mist and light again. His body swerves and staggers as the ghost completely sinks into the Fleshie’s brain. Blake’s consciousness fades at a fast rate as he closes his eyes, as if he’s going to sleep. The neck makes a few flexing swallowing motions as the hands roam slowly up and down his torso. The tranquil body sighs a puff of cyan smoke before his eyes open again – this time, Blake’s eyes are cyan instead of brown with no more ghostly mist wafting from his face.

  Grinning wickedly, the man walks out of the living room buck-ass naked, and goes down the hallway. His fully erect cock bobs side to side as he walks into the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror. “Not bad not bad,” He says as he examines himself, has a decent amount of muscle on him, pretty trim.

  The possessed man then leans back and steps from the mirror to get a fuller look. Still grinning with his eyebrows raised, his thumbs wiggle on the tips of his nipples as he sneers at his reflection, “Yeeaaah, yeeeaaah” He teases the nipples while licking his tongue under his bottom lip on either side before he moves his hips around to make his large boner flop about left and right.  

“Got it, I am a fucking hot Fleshie,” The man says as he turns and slaps himself on the behind before walking off. Fully in control.    

Sometime later, Blake’s car drives into a brightly lit community full of bright and colorful signs from all kinds of bars and clubs. He grins as he goes up to a booth and gets out his I.D. card and his debit card.

  “Gimme the usual, Chet.” The man in the car says with a cocky smirk after reading the shiny name tag.

“The ‘usual’?” The receptionist then types at his computer and cross-referencing the I.D., “I’m sorry, your name isn’t coming up on our records.”

“OH yeah, MY bad!” The man nods his head as his cyan eyes look at the stud. This guy is rocking – Mediterranean skin, short feathered brown hair, wearing a leather vest instead of a shirt over his built pecs “I get so much dick I can’t keep track of where I have get to.” He flashes a hot grin, “What’cha got for a very bad boy who wants a month’s worth of fucking in one night?”

“Hah, well, we have the All-Out Pass that gives you VIP and discounts to every store on the block, $179.99. We also have-”

  “Gimme the All-Out.” He says, “I wanna get boned HAAARD.”

“Hah, ok, very good then!” The receptionist says as he slides the credit card through and input his I.D. number, “Alright, I hope you have a good evening, Mr…”

  “Cummings. Bloke Cummings.” He smirked before he gestures with his hands, “Cause this bloke’s gonna be cumming all night long!” Bloke rolls his hips and grinds his bottom to the seat.

  “Hahaha, wow, you’re certainly a wild boy.” Chet grins and hands over a lanyard with gold star on it along with the two cards, “How bout you call me sometime?”  

“How bout I fuck your ass as soon as I park the car? Really stretch you out.” Bloke says back. Chet’s eyebrows raised from that.

  10 minutes later…  

“Oh yeah! OH yeah! Fuck that ass, fuck it, fuck it!” Chet growls through gritted teeth as he stands at the hood of the car, his pants pooled at his ankles with Bloke right behind him, pistoning his hips back and forth as he shoves his meat up of Chet’s asshole.

“UHH! Fnh! UHH! Yeah! That’s the stuff, UHH!” Bloke grins and moans as he slaps that tan buttcheeks. He grabs those haunches and really drives his cock into that hole. “Fffffffuck, you’re fucking tight,” Bloke rolls his head and bangs that rockin manly ass again and again, “You sure you fuck every night?? Ghheeoood!” He drives his meat right up that vice-like hole.

  “NnH! Yeah!” Chet whines and jerks back as he lets his rigid shaft dangle wildly around below him, “Fucking do me, fuck the daylights out of me!”

“Mmff, oh yeah.” Bloke grins “When I’m finished with you, I’m grabbing the first set of balls I see and spend the night swallowing cum or guzzling down a huge wad of meat!”  

“Oh Christ, you’re driving me crazy!” Chet hisses he jerks off like a blur with Bloke railing him like a champion.

“Oowhooaa!” Bloke’s buttcheeks flex as his eyes widen. He throws his pelvis back and forth as he moves his head back, “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, WOOOOOO!” Bloke jerks and shoves his cock right up there as he unloads into Chet’s ass.

“Oh f-fuuuck!” Chet gasps and tenses as he feels Bloke gush inside of him. He admits, he only agreed to a quickie, but honestly this guy fucks like a wild animal, he just wishes he can keep going!

  “Aw yeah, that’s it, right in the kisser, yeah!” Bloke smiles wickedly as his balls drain into the hot guy while Chet’s pucker sucks all that cum in him like a vacuum.

Chet checks his watch and then hurriedly pulls his ass away from Bloke. “Fuck, I have to get back to work.” He quickly yanks his shorts back up, holding in Bloke’s load in his ass and then looking to rush back.

  “Look me up later!” Bloke calls after him, “I’m gonna be any and everywhere!” With his dick still hard and his nuts instantly reloaded, Bloke bends over and pulls his pants up and letting his rock solid member stay out and throb in the air, with his balls tucked safely in his pants, “Not bad, bone-boy,” He says as he pats his rump with both hands and then wiggled his behind. “Awful kind of ya to let me break you in a little later…” His eyes flashed with luminous cyan mist.

  “Better get movin,” Bloke says as he walks off, “Only got all night to have this guy’s ass wrecked and gut full’a spunk before he fights back.” He continues to grin wickedly as the horny possessed man walks into the lit street of Goldenrod Avenue; homo central of the whole city. Full of bucking men and sucking boys and fucking guys.

  Bloke’s kinda town.  

by Oddballs

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024