Gerson, my lover

by Akira Nishimura

5 May 2022 592 readers Score 9.1 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Gerson! Not here!” I push him away and get ready to leave.

“Ken, I really don't know what to say! I'm so happy!” He takes my hand.

“I'm happy too, Gerson. Well, I'd better be going. I've still got my things to pack.”

“Can I come over to see you?” He pleads.

“Of course. By the way, I need boxes, many boxes to put my things in. Do you know where I could get some? And I need you to put your thinking cap and help me, for I'm already going crazy with my move.”

“I’ll send one of the boys to help you. Say, tomorrow morning he'll be there taking some cardboard boxes for you. Does that help?” He kisses my hand.

“Sure. I really appreciated, dear.” We kiss again.

“I’ll let the doorman and the maid know you're moving in soon to the apartment. You’ll have the master bedroom. I’ll send the address and the other keys to you tomorrow.” He bites my ear.

“See you soon, dear.” I finally get away from this seductive older man's clutches.

“Are you sure you don't want to check the apartment tonight?” He smiles and rubs his crotch.

“No. I've got many things to take care of right now. Bye dear!”

As I go up to my small apartment, the elevator stops. I am about to take the intercom and call for help but it starts to work again. Then it stops and someone enters the elevator. I have to cover my Gay Magazine that I was reading and put it under my mail.

“Nice weather, uh?” I say.

“It's going to get cold soon. They say a cold front is coming from Argentina.” The young man says, while chewing his gum.

“Well, this is my floor. Bye.” I say.

“Bye! And enjoy your magazine!” He smiles.

“Oh, ok! I will.” I slam the elevator door. Jerk! I open my door and remain with my eyes closed. I cannot bear the sight of boxes, boxes, and more boxes. I think they'll simply disappear if I remain with my eyes closed. Why do people have to pack and move? I take the phone and call dad.

“Hello? Dad! That's me, Ken! No, I mean, yeah. I did find a good apartment. Say, I'm getting ready to move in five days. Yeah, you can imagine the mess. I can hardly walk in this apartment. Yeah, the apartment is nice, spacious, and well decorated. Ok, let me explain to you, dad. It's a friend's place, no, it’s not rent. I’m not renting anything again. I'm already fed up with rent payments. It's a friend's apartment. We’ll kind of live together. Yeah, he's the owner, at least I won't feel lonely living in an empty apartment. What? Yes, of course it’s very comfortable. It has a fireplace, a terrace, plants, and all that. Sure, you can come for a visit as soon as I'm settled in.” I plan to take a shower and the phone rings again. I rush to answer it but it's only Armando, a private student of English.

“Oh, I 'm sorry! I've forgotten all about our class this evening!” He says he understands, for he knows I’m about to move. In any case, we schedule a class tomorrow night. I go back to my shower. This time I can finish it. I stare at my boxes and try to write my diary.

I finally met someone nice, a lover. A lover? A lover! What is the truth behind this simple word, lover? Yes, he is a nice man, older, perhaps dad's age. Much stronger, very well dressed, rich, and with a good sense of humor and practical mind. Perhaps he's too practical for my taste.. but can a mature and more experienced man not be practical? What makes me think that an adventurous life is only for the young? Well, Mr. Batista, I mean, he insisted I call him Gerson. That’s a cool name. He's married, got kids, and of course a wife. No, he doesn't wish to quit them. He doesn't wish to erase his past. He just wishes to add another element in his life. This is what I call a prodigal mind, and older men tend to be more practical, because they can add elements and more elements to their lives.

After a brief pause, I put my pen down, the same expensive silver pen he gave me, and admire the little golden key he also gave me. All his gifts.

On the following day, a boy comes to my apartment bringing me many moving boxes. He also says Mr. Batista asked him to help me pack. I smile and admire the more Gerson for his practical mind. What a lovely practical man! We stop at lunchtime. We both sit on the floor exhausted. I've spent several rolls of Scotch tape wrapping the boxes. Marcelo, this is his name, is sweating as much as me.

“Gerson, I mean, Mr. Batista didn't tell me it would be so much work.” He removes his shoes. I turn to him with a smile.

“I see. Tell me Marcelo, how long have you known Mr. Moreira, I mean, Gerson?” I stare at him. He smiles at me. We both begin to laugh.

“Well, for a little over six months.”

“I see. And do you like working for him?”

“He pays me good money, for a trainee. He is also very generous.”

“So, he's been generous towards you, I see. I also think he's very generous. Did you see his wife the other day?”

“Yeah, she's quite a character, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is. I rather like her. She's sensitive, lovely, and beautiful.”

“I wouldn't say that she's beautiful.”

“Of course she is! Well, she knows how to carry herself. Of course she's of age, but she's got confidence, good manners, and she has the charm of an opera singer who is used to perform on the stage, don't you think?”

“Wow! If I had not known you, I would think you were in love with her instead of her old man.”

“Him too. Isn't he just charming, elegant, and intelligent?”

“Well, he's all that and rich too!”

“Now, changing the subject, have you ever met his kids?”

“Yeah, I guess so. Not too long ago, there was this family attorney once in the office. I think he is the old lady's brother. Anyway, all of them were there. I guess they were signing some papers regarding a will or something. We all had instructions not to interrupt their meeting. I was busy that day and couldn't get much from the secretary.”

“And what about the kids?”

“Well, there's Mirian, about your age. But she is always in Germany, at her grandparents' house. I think she graduated from a university there.”

“Yeah, I can guess she's like her dad.”

“The boys, I don't know their ages. I think they're in their early twenties. One of them is studying in the U.S.A. The other is studying law at USP, the big university here.”

“I like his family. If the kids take after the mother, they're going to be just the perfect family.”

“You like the old lady, uh?” He offers me some gum. I refuse.

“I’m afraid of swallowing that.” The phone rings. “Hello? Oh, Gerson! Hi! Yeah, we’ve been packing all morning. Marcelo is of great help. No, I think I can send him back. I’ll wait for you, if you insist. Of course.” I dismiss Marcelo and show him the door. In the meantime, I shower and get ready for Gerson, for he's coming to pick me up for lunch.

Marcelo seemed to be a nice person, intelligent sharp, polite. He obviously does not bear any grudges against Gerson. And why should he? But in a way, I sense he expected a little more from his boss. A kind word, money, time being together, a caress, and a nice perspective or prospect in life. But I sense Marcelo is too young to think of bonding, settling with a family, that kind of thing. Instead, he is just ambitious. But I guess at times, love can be only conveyed in material things. I don't like to think this way myself. I mean, reducing love to material benefits. I would have to be too hard-hearted to think that way. And I begin to suspect this has happened to Marcelo. His love was bought. He sees Gerson as his ticket to success and fortune. This is why he doesn't get emotionally involved with him. He knows how to separate things.

But what am I staking here? My life, happiness, dreams? Whatever Marcelo has spoken about, what weight does it have in my decision, a decision that is already made. Have I acted hastily, accepting Gerson in my life? Am I going to make us suffer in the end, when I see that I've only been interested in his material possessions? What are my real feelings for this man, except for the physical part?

The intercom rings. It must be him. I ask the doorman to let Mr. Batista in. I move towards the door, not knowing what to do with my cold and sweaty hands. Just look at me! Why am I acting this way? Why of all this biological reaction in my body? Why so much tension, if I'm just taking him for the time being? The elevator stops and I hear the door opening. I hear the slow but firm footsteps approaching my door. I open it before the rings the bell.

“Good morning, Ken! You look fabulous this morning!” We hug and kiss.

“Good morning, dear.” I feel his firm and warm hug. “Come in.”

“Lovely small apartment.” He looks around.

“It's quite messy, if that is what you mean.” We both smile as he enters the apartment. I close the door and admire my idol. He's wearing a navy blue suit, black polished shoes, a white shirt, and a navy blue tie. He looks very hot and seductive.

“Have you been writing your diary?” He caresses the pages and smiles to me.

“Yeah, I like keeping a diary.”

“And have you written about me?” He walks around my small apartment, avoiding the piles of boxes.

“Lately, yeah, dear.” I approach him and we kiss.

“I like you because, you're very romantic. Waiting for the prince charming to come.”

“I guess it's more or less like that.”

“Well, in this case, I'd better take good care of my lover. You're all I have left.” He removes his jacket and loosens his tie.

“I know that, dear.” I help him put the clothes on a chair so they won't get any crease. We strip and kiss each other.

My hand travels around his fleshy love handles, hairy back, muscular shoulders, the curves of his spine, the hairy buttocks, the fleshy and firm buttocks.

“Arrrgh! I love when you grab at them, Ken! Arrrgh! You're the only one who knows how to do it. Arrrgh!” He moans and whispers into my ear. I feel his large cock hardening. He takes mine and plays with it. “Please, do me a big favor, yeah, down bellow, yeah, arrrgh!” He moans as I kiss his hairy inner legs. He spreads them and folds his arms. I massage gently his strong knees, muscular thighs, and inner legs. I rub his legs and notice he's still wearing his black socks. I take his large swollen member and pull back his loose wrinkled foreskin. The shiny purple mushroom head of his cock is a temptation and I lick it clean.

“Arrrgh ! Arrrgh! Arrrgh!” He groans louder as I speed up the thrusting movement around his thick shaft. Finally, I begin to lick the tip of the head of his member again. I feel the salty flavor and eat his precum with hunger. I lick around the sides and the top of the purplish head of his cock. I caress his shaft and increase the speed of my movements. I play with my lips and tongue, making him crazy. I use pressure and suck his member, while managing his elastic and banging balls.

“Arrrgh! Christ! This is so good! Arrrgh! Arrrgh!” He moans deeply and groans loudly. I continue sucking him and pulling at his balls hard. “K-Ken! I-I'm, coming! Arrrgh! Arrrgh! Arrrgh!” He grabs my ears and holds my head for a while. I feel the hot jet of his semen invading my mouth. This time, I manage to swallow all his juice greedily. I make a big effort not to gag. I take large gulps of cream and swallow everything. I'm even surprised at my dexterity and hunger for this man's cream. Finally, he takes me up and kisses me. I feel his tongue invading my mouth. I become daring and do the same.

“Just take a look at that!” He rubs my member and smiles as I groan. Then he lies on bed and makes me lie on top of his fleshy and hairy body. “Look into my eyes, Ken! You're so hot and firm! Do a big favor for your old man! Can you do that for me? Arrrgh! Arrrgh! It's great to feel you between my legs. Yeah, put your member like this, between my thighs. No, no need for a condom this time. It's more exciting this way, you'll see. Well, now, let me take you. I see that you like when I pinch your tits, uh! I feel your member pulsing and hardening all the more. Now, lie on top of me, like this. You like to fuck your old man, uh? Fuck me between my thighs while I watch you! You like that? Great! You're doing fine! Now, fuck your old man! Make me fell your hot rod between my thighs. You can rape my thighs! You can humiliate me, soil me with your cream! Do you like when I whisper into your ear, don't you? Like that! You like when I bite your ear! Like when I say you're raping your old man! Arrrgh! Arrrgh! It's so good to feel a thick member between my thighs again, piercing me, soiling me! Go for it, Ken! I know you can do it! Go! Go for it! Arrrgh! Make daddy proud! Arrrgh! Arrrgh! Arrgh!” He bites my ear and takes hold of me. I feel his hairy arms holding me tight. I feel his daring tongue licking and invading my ear. It is too much for me and I shoot between his legs.

“Ohhh! I'm coming! Ahhh!” I collapse on top of my hot lover. We rub noses and I admire my lover with pride and love. I caress his balding head, the back of his head, his fat cheeks, his double chin, his strong neck. We kiss each other again and he welcomes me in his bear embrace.

“I'm very proud of you, Ken. I love you.”

“I'm, I don't have words, Gerson! This was very good!” We kiss again. Just then my stomach begins to grumble.

“Ummm. I think I hear a hungry stomach begging for some nourishment. And I think daddy here is running out of cum. So, why don't we go out for some real food?” He doesn't release me from his firm bear hug.

“I feel so happy and comfortable here, Gerson. It's wonderful to be naked here with you. I just wish we could just stay here, naked, into each other's arms all day.”

“So, we can stay here all day then. I can cancel all my appointments and you can cancel yours. We can order something to eat here and make love all day. We can simply make love until we got enough of each other. What do you say?”

“I don’t know if I can ever get enough of you, dear!” We smile. “I think this is a great idea.” I move up.

“Why are you leaving me here, all by myself?”

“I think I have something in the kitchen, this way we won't need to get dressed to get the food. If we dial and order something, one of us will have to go down and get it at the building entrance, remember?”

“I see. Too bad they don't deliver for you inside the building.”

“Well, in any case, this is not a hotel, but it's much more comfortable, especially when you're here.” I walk naked to the small kitchen. Gerson sits naked on my bed and uses the phone.

There! I take a bowl from the fridge where I've cut some celery stalks and had added salt to them. I drain and reserve. I take some fat purple olives from a jar, an apple and add them to our feast. I take some strawberry jelly and butter, some slices of Italian bread with the hard crust and arrange them in a plate. I find some leftover sliced ham and cheese. Now, I just need a bag of crackers. I take it from the shelf. Finally, I check the fridge for something to drink: some orange juice and milk. Done!

As I join Gerson in the room where the table is, he is still talking on the phone. I overhear it and he is talking with his wife. I put everything on the table, arrange some plates and glasses. Done!

Gerson walks around the tiny apartment and stares at the large windows. The sun hits him on the chest and I realize he needs a tan. I smile as he rubs his chest and arm as he speaks. Finally, he ends the conversation.

“Ken, that's great! Just take a look at that!”

“This is what I could find in the fridge, dear. I hope you like it.”

“I’ll surely love eating all this food!” We sit by the table and start. Gerson helps himself to some bread and butter. I pour him some juice and I drink milk. I take some cracker and cheese.

“I propose a toast, Ken.” He lifts his glass of orange juice.

“To our health!”

“And to love above all! Cheers!” We drink.

“Were you speaking with your wife, dear?”

“Yeah, she was asking me about the airline ticket.” He helps himself to some celery stalks and olives.

“Where are you traveling, Gerson? Oh, I’m sorry for intruding, dear.”

“I don't mind at all your asking. After all, you're a central part of my life now. Well, actually my wife is traveling to Rio de Janeiro, where she is meeting her sister. Then they're having a family get-together there. He parents are also coming to join them.”

“In this case, shouldn't you go too? I mean, that's a family reunion.”

“No, I prefer not to go. I've already told her I'm too busy at work. In any case, her family is quite numerous and we really don't have much in common. They're from Recife region.”

“What a lame excuse you're giving her. After all, a flight to Rio takes only 35 minutes.”

“Well, I prefer to spend my weekend here, beside you. Moreover, you're moving in a few days, aren't you? It's better for me to be here and see to it that you're comfortably installed in that apartment with the fireplace.” As I eat some olives, I feel his foot touching mine. We look at each other and he smiles. I rest my little foot on top of his large hairy one.

“So, you like playing footsie, uh?” I rub his hairy calves and admire his naked body. He touches my hand and takes it. I squeeze his hand and admire his fat gold wedding ring.

“Would you like one too?”

“Sorry, dear? I wasn't paying attention.”

“A penny for your thoughts, Ken.”

“Sorry, dear. I was just thinking about you and your family.”

“What about them?”

“Well, Marcelo told me a few things about your family.” I look at him just to see how he reacts when dealing with this taboo topic.

“And what did he say about them?”

“Not much. Actually, I was just interested to know what they looked like. I mean, I already know your lovely wife, but I haven't seen your children.”

“Well, I guess they're just like regular kids, young people like you.”

“I see.” I drop the subject and we finish our simple meal. “I have no desert for us, dear. I'm sorry.”

“It really doesn't matter, dear. My wife has already told me to cut down on sweets.”

“Wait, I think I've still got some honey left. We could have it with some slices of apple! I can improvise a kind of fruit salad.” I peel the apple and slice it. I find the honey jar and pour some on top of the apples. “See what I mean.”

“It surely tastes great.” He licks his finger. “My wife could not do that, I mean, cook or think of a meal like you do.”

“I haven't cooked a thing, dear. Anyway, she's got her special talents for some other things. I rather like her.”

“I’m sure you do.”

“I think I like her the more because she's taking care of you. I know good wives do.”

“Why do you worry so much about me?”

“I don't think it's so much about worrying. I guess it's just a concern I have for you. It's different. I'm just concerned about your wellbeing, that's all. Especially now that you're making me so happy.”

“I guess this honey is having its effect on you.” He teases me. We finish our dessert.

“Come over here, dear. Let's just sit on my bed. I’ll prop up the pillows and cushions against the headboard near the window. We can lean there and enjoy the sun through the window.” We both move there. I lean against Gerson's hairy body. He strokes my hair and we spend a quiet afternoon in each other's arms. After a few minutes, we both end up falling asleep. I lie against my lover and feel his body heat, which is so soothing and protecting. I feel so safe and welcomed into his warm embrace.

Then I hear his deep breathing and sense he is also napping. I close my eyes and just enjoy this moment. The heat from his body and the sun are very soothing. Both of us sleep in my bed, free from any concerns and worries, time seems to have stopped for us.

One hour has passed so fast! I open my eyes and realize I'm feeling a bit cold. I turn around and see my empty bed. Just then, I hear someone flushing the toilet. Gerson comes to join me in bed. He smiles to me and we kiss. He lies on top of me now. We lean on the nest of cushions and pillows and he snuggles in to me. I caress his balding head, his cheeks, and his hairy chest. The sunlight now turns to gold. The white walls are now gold and glowing. I lean and kiss his balding head. He turns to me and we kiss.

“I love you my angel.” He kisses me.

“Me too, dear.” I feel his cock getting hard again. I pull him to me and bite his ear, neck, and tits. He leans on bed with his legs spread apart. His hard cock points straight up. I take it and kiss it.

“Ken, would you take it and, would you?” He pleads.

“Of course, dear.” I use some lube and apply it to my hole. I take an extra-large condom and put it on his cock. He leans against the wall and I put the condom on him.

“Slowly, Ken. I know you can do it, arrrgh! Yes, slowly, you're almost there, arrrgh! You're getting most of it in now! Arrrgh! Yes! Arrrgh! Yes! Yes! Arrrgh! Now, slowly, arrrgh. Arrrgh! Do you like that? Do you like being pierced by your old daddy’s hard cock? Arrrgh! Arrrgh! Now, you take over, boy! Ride on your old daddy’s tool! Make me cum for you! Please, please Ken! Don't stop! Arrrgh! Go for it! You're getting there! Arrrgh! Arrrgh! I-I'm coming! ARRRGH!” He shouts and collapses on bed. I lean against him and kiss. He struggles for breath and smiles to me. “Oh, boy! You're going to finish with your old daddy if you please him with all his crazy wishes and ideas. I'm already feeling a bit sore.” He smiles and I remove his condom. “Now, put lots of lube, ok? Do you want me to stay on my fours? I see, you prefer I stand up and lean against the wall. That's ok. I can do that for you. It's going to be great, to be able to see the city at dusk and getting a bit dark. And on top of that, being fucked in the ass. Go for it! Go for your old daddy! Arrrgh! Try your finger again. I like it, ohhh yesss! All the way in! I like, arrrgh! Use three of then and rub me inside well! Arrrgh! Yeah, you have to part the cheeks and open the crack. It's good! This way! It's good to feel a hot rod entering me again. Go for it, my boy! Go for you old daddy! You know how to fuck me well! You know how to make me suffer! Go for it! Ahhh! You're tearing me! You're tearing your old dad to pieces! Ahhh! You like to grab my limp dick, uh? Grab it and pull it! Grab my balls too! Pull my long graying pubic hair too! Tear me to pieces! Arrrgh! This feels great! I can feel your thick rod conquering my wide and hot hole. Go for it, my boy! Arrrgh! Arrrgh! Oh, I can sense you’re coming! Go for it!” He moans and I cover his mouth as I explode inside him. I slap his hairy buttocks and claw his hairy back. I pull out of him and we kiss again.

“Let's head for the shower, my boy! You've already done some heavy duty job today.” He heads for the shower. I admire him at the distance. I admire my hairy, balding lover showering. It's a sight to behold. He invites me under the water. I join him and he soaps my back.

“I like that, daddy.”

“This is great. I see that your dick is still hard. Let me clean it for you.” He kneels down and licks my cock.

“Wow! That feels great! Let me do it for you.” I kneel down and lick his large tool too. I pull his foreskin back and forth. I look up and stare at my hairy daddy.

“Oh, there’s another thing I've forgotten to tell you about this new apartment, Ken.”

“And what is that?”

“It has a Jacuzzi.”

“A bathtub!”

“Well, it’s a bathtub, exactly!” We embrace and kiss each other. I look around my small bathroom and sigh.

“What is it?”

“To be honest, Gerson, I think I’ll miss this place. Well just because we've spent this afternoon here, it has become part of me. You know what I mean?”

“Of course Ken. I understand.” He remains mute for a while.

“What is it? What are you thinking of?”

“This small apartment, if I'm not wrong, I think it's for sale.”

“I think you're right, this is another reason I'm moving out.”

“In this case, if you really like it, I can buy it for us.”

“Do you mean it!”

“Sure. For the good times we had here.”

“I think you're spoiling me, daddy!”

“No, I'm not. I only do things that are on my reach.”

“In this case, you've already conquered my heart.”

“And you've also done it. I can hardly believe this is happening with me. And at this stage in my life, to fall in love again.”

“So, I guess this is the time we say I love you.”

“I love you, my Ken, with all my heart!”

by Akira Nishimura

Email: [email protected]

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