Gary's Choice

by Major Tom

3 Apr 2020 2930 readers Score 8.8 (41 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Two months passed, and life had become more normal. Marcia, my wife decided to patch things up, and we went on like before, without ever speaking of Timothy. We even had sex now and then. Timothy was no longer the featured profile on the Triumph site. Several new boys and their pictures and stats had gotten the prime spot. Still, Timothy’s thumbnail was pretty high up, and though he was earning less, the takings were still considerable. I hadn’t seen him since that night with Mike.

It was summer, and my 20-year-old daughter Katherine was away, taking classes. My 23-year-old son Robert, was home. He attends a top law school and was interning at a renowned Midtown firm. It was great having him back. As my first born the bond between us is special. He’s a knockout, inheriting his good looks from Marcia’s side of the family. Tall, muscular, chiseled facial features, dark-haired and brown-eyed. When we watched Mad Men together, I’d kid him that he could play Don Draper. His beautiful girlfriend Rebecca was on a summer scholarship program in Spain, and so he was around often.

I was at home at 9:30PM when Robert called. He hadn’t taken his car as he was going out for drinks with friends in Manhattan and wouldn’t be in shape to drive home. He was nearing the train station and so I got in my car to meet him. He’d had a good time and looked so handsome and assertive in his gray pinstripe suit. One of the roads was closed due to construction, and so I took another. I passed Sandino’s restaurant. 

It was where we had Timothy’s 18th birthday party. I hadn’t been near it since. I was flooded with memories and began losing it.

“It’s okay, Dad” said Robert in his comforting deep masculine voice. “I understand. We all had such a great time there. We’ll have great times again. Tim is doing okay, don’t feel bad. Everyone does what they have to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know everything, and I’ve seen Tim.”

“What! How?!”

“Mike told me everything. He thought I should know, since you were keeping it inside and it’s torturing you.”

“That meddling son of a bitch! How could he!”

“It’s better that it’s all out in the open. I can understand the trouble between you and Mom now. She had a meltdown at the mall after she ran into Devon, the girl Tim was going out with before, and she asked how Tim was doing. Also, Mike thought I could use some relief.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Since Rebecca’s away all summer, Mike thought I should have an outlet, you know. ”

“You’ve been with Timothy?!”

“It’s all good. I mean you and Mike have been up that alley so to speak. Don’t be high and mighty about it. Why not me too? We’re all men with needs and Tim sure can satisfy those. Rebecca tries but there’s things she’s just not good at, due to my size. I’ve met up with Tim a few times. Let me tell you, no girl has ever done me like he has. Things have worked out for the best for all of us.”

“God damn it!”

“He misses you. He’s aware it’s been awkward and wants you to know that he doesn’t hate you. Life takes its twist and turns. He’s going to be fine. Look, I’m buzzed and horny from talking about all this. Let’s go see him. I’ll text Dimitri. You know you want Tim.”
“I don't believe this.”

“Great! There’s an 11:00PM available.”

In a daze, I drove to Brighton Beach. We got there with some time to spare.

“Ah! Father and son” chuckled Dimitri as he let us in. “Very nice! Whore still busy with clients. Relax. Beautiful suit, young man. Take off and hang up first.”

“Thanks” said Robert as he undressed, carefully folding his trousers and hanging them, his jacket and his shirt up. He was now standing only in a pair of white briefs, with his sculpted body and six-pack abs on view. His developed biceps and pecs occasionally flexed. I’d never checked him out before, and there was a serious bulge in those briefs, that he tugged on in anticipation as we waited. My son was a normal proud stud. I knew I had made the right choice. He’s going to be somebody. I also got undressed.

We caught the tail end on TV. Two Asian guys in their 30s were giving it to Timothy at both ends. “Businessmen from Hong Kong” said Dimitri. They soon finished. Timothy went to the bathroom. They left the bedroom and were now dressed, smiled at us and left. Timothy was back and nude, snorted some coke and waved. “Whore ready.”

“Hey! Nice to see you.”

“Likewise” I said. Robert tossed off his briefs. Wow! He really was bigger than me. He had a thick long tube of flesh between his worked out thighs that majestically jutted forward with a magnificently sculpted flared head,like an emperor’s scepter. His smooth balls hung like two perfect globes. I removed my underwear. I took in the sight of Timothy deepthroating Robert’s lengthy shaft and working on his extraordinary balls. Then Timothy did me. It had been ages since I’d enjoyed his servicing. With customary expertise, Timothy was going back and forth with his mouth on us. I reveled in the special experience of being with my two boys so intimately.

Timothy intuitively was aware that he was getting us close, and so he ceased sucking and went to the bed. He got on all fours. Robert took charge, lubing his dick and spraying Timothy’s ass. H grabbed Timothy by his sides slapped his cheeks and confidently impaled his younger brother’s hole with his tool. Timothy was in heaven as his big brother fucked him as if the world was ending. I was so turned on. I put my dick in Timothy’s oh so willing mouth. His sobs were still audible. I watched Robert’s serious masculine face as he viciously fucked his younger brother. He pulled out. I took his place. Oh, how I had missed the incredible sensations of being inside Timothy. Robert stood and watched as I fucked his younger brother with intensity. I gasped as I came in him.

Robert wiped his dick off with a paper towel and sat down in a chair, his legs spread wide, his remarkable still moist boner gleaming. “You know how I like it” he whispered. Timothy collected himself, got out of the bed and got on his knees before his victorious older brother. He again sucked and deepthroated Robert’s swelled up manhood with enthusiasm and tongued those heavy balls. The two brothers made eye contact throughout. “Oh, yeah! That’s the way! You’re the best! So fucking great!” My eldest son let out a wild cry. “I’m gonna cum! Ahhhh!” Timothy’s head bucked back and forth, swallowing Robert’s major load. Robert’s now soft, yet bountiful dick flopped out of Timothy’s mouth. Timothy’s lips smacked the last bits of his brother’s cum off them. We were all glowing. Timothy rose and smiled. “Glad you stopped by’ he said as he went to the bathroom.

“Family reunion!” laughed Dimitri as we left.

“Whoa! Holy Fuck! That was fucking terrific!” Hooted Robert during the car ride home. I thought afterwards would be odd, but it wasn’t.

“Yeah, it feels real good to let off steam this way.”

“I have to say, no girl has ever made me feel how great it is to be a man like Tim does. I couldn’t believe it when Mike was telling me, and I doubted I could go through with it. Tim was never that way. He was so excited when he told me how great his first time with Devon was. However, after seeing him on the TV pigging out on three Italian guys, I was totally up for it. He couldn’t get enough of me. I wish he’d gotten up to this stuff earlier, we could have been getting off like this sooner.”

“True, I know how you feel, still we’re getting it now…”

We got home. My wife was asleep. Robert and I each had a glass of whiskey in the living room. “I want you to see this. Now that everything is out in the open.” I was on my laptop and opened the file with Timothy’s spreadsheets and  earnings.

“Dad! This is super! Since we’re doing so well, is it all right if I book a ski trip for Rebecca and me during winter break?”

“Go ahead son, you deserve it.”

by Major Tom

Email: [email protected]

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