Fuck The Police

by domnerd69

6 Aug 2023 9431 readers Score 9.6 (74 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Officer Ken Bradley was still in the back of the police station where the three thugs were being detained in the large holding cell. He was proud of himself for being the one who busted them before they could steal anything else. It wasn't easy as they all resisted arrest but the gang members didn't stand a chance against Ken's NYPD training and muscular physique. Monte, the leader of the trio, was well known for his gang involvement in the city while the other two, Leroy and Tyrell, were still making a name for themselves. 

Now Officer Bradley was standing before the three jailed criminals with a big smile on his face while they scowled at him. He walked up closer to the cell and spoke out, "You boys really thought you would get away with it huh? No one can escape the fists of law and justice!" To really make his point, Ken lifted his arms in the air to flex in front of the thugs, showing off his ripped biceps that bulged through the NYPD shirt.

"Fuck you cop! You'll pay for messing with us!" Monte shouted back.

"Yeah, yeah, save it for the judge. We'll see if you're still acting tough after you get sentenced to the local prison," barked Ken, not letting it phase him. Just as he was about to give his usual speech about how crime never pays, he heard the sound of someone shouting from the front of the station. It sounded like Officer Stellato but what could he possibly be yelling for? Whatever it was, Ken figured he should go check. "Alright boys, I'll be back, don't go anywhere," the blonde cop said with a laugh before turning to leave the room.

Officer Bradley walked down the hallway towards the sound. When he arrived at the front desk he noticed that the seat was empty. "Ay Stellato where are you?" Ken shouted out while looking around the room. The hunky policeman didn't notice that a smaller figure was crouched under the desk until it was too late, hearing a voice ring out behind him.

"I know where he is!" Tanner blurted out from behind the cop before he pointed the taser gun and fired it into Officer Bradley's back, unleashing a massive voltage.

"What? ARRRGGGHHHHH!" shouted Ken at the sudden shock of electricity making his muscular body convulse. He tried to yank the taser out but his arms couldn't reach in time and the voltage had already done too much damage. The weakened cop fell to his knees while the taser continued to send shockwaves into his body until he felt himself losing consciousness. With one final grunt Officer Bradley collapsed on his stomach, his mind slipping into darkness as he laid there totally knocked out.

"Damn that was easier than I thought, so much for New York's finest," Tanner said victoriously while standing over the fallen cop. Officer Bradley looked even hotter laying face-down on the floor with his beefy bubble butt on display and bulging through his pants. The teenager licked his lips thinking about all the fun he would have with this second cop in his clutches, "You really thought you could ruin my night didn't you cop boy? Time for you to learn the same lesson that Officer Stellato had to learn the hard way."


Officer Stellato was still in the jail cell thrashing desperately in the handcuffs, knowing that Ken was in danger. Normally he would trust his fellow officer to come out on top but Tanner was quite the trickster. The cuffed cop looked up when he heard the sound of someone approaching, praying that it was Ken. His heart sank when he saw Tanner come around the corner, and it got even worse when he noticed that Tanner was dragging Officer Bradley's unconscious body with him.

"No! Tanner get your fucking hands off him!" barked Officer Stellato while he futilely yanked on the handcuffs keeping him in place. He couldn't stand the sight of another policeman helpless in the hands of this perverted punk. Chris noticed that Tanner had removed all of the weapons from Ken's belt as well as his handcuffs which were already shackled around the unconscious cop's wrists keeping his muscular arms locked behind his back.

"Oh hey Officer MuscleTits, miss me?" Tanner laughed as he continued to drag Ken's limp body towards the cell, "This dumb cop was even easier to take down than you!" The younger troublemaker struggled to pull the weight of Officer Bradley's body but he eventually was able to get the KO'd cop into the cell lying facedown in front of Chris.

Officer Stellato looked down at his fellow policeman, hating that there was nothing he could do to help him. His eyes turned back to the teenager's smug face, "Tanner, do what you want with me but leave Ken out of this!"

"Why would I settle for one cop bitch when I can have two? Hell maybe I'll break your whole fucking police department!" replied Tanner. 

Officer Bradley began to stir on the ground as he slowly regained consciousness, "Ughhhh….what…what happened?" His body still felt weak from the taser and he had no idea how he ended up face-down on the floor. When Ken tried to get up he realized that his arms were locked behind his back with handcuffs, causing a wave of panic that helped regain his senses. With a grunt Officer Bradley maneuvered onto his side, looking up to see Tanner's smug face grinning down at him. The cuffed cop scowled in anger as his memory finally clicked - that little shit fucking tasered him. "Urghhh, you're going to regret that kid," he grunted while squirming on the ground, "We're not alone here, just wait until Officer Stellato busts your ass."

The delinquent rolled his eyes and pointed upwards, "Oh you mean that Officer Stellato?"

Ken turned towards the direction that Tanner pointed and his eyes went wide when he saw his fellow policeman standing in the corner of the jail cell with his arm cuffed to the bars and his shirt unbuttoned exposing his beefy pecs, "Oh shit, Chris! How the fuck did he get you?!"

"It's a long story…" Officer Stellato sighed in response, not wanting to go into detail.

"Mhmm it sure is, we'll give the rundown later but for now you're gonna get on your fucking knees you got that muscle cop?" ordered Tanner while he looked down at Ken.

Officer Bradley scowled at the disrespect, no way he was going to let some little shit talk to him like that, "Fuck you kid, let me out of these cuffs before I kick your ass!"

"Oh is that so?" questioned Tanner before he reached into his pocket and pulled out the pistol that he had stolen from Officer Bradley's belt. The troublemaker pointed it at the cuffed cop, "Let's try this again. Get on your fucking knees!"

Ken's eyes went wide when he saw his own gun in Tanner's hands, unable to believe this punk had managed to take it from him. He turned back to Stellato expecting to hear some words of encouragement only to see Chris exchange a worried look and hang his head in defeat. Shit, he had never seen Officer Stellato look so weak. What the fuck did this punk do to him? Not wanting to risk it, Ken hesitantly maneuvered his body upwards so that he was in a kneeling position, arms still cuffed behind his back, "There okay?! Now put the gun away, you don't want to do anything crazy here."

"Good boy, already taking orders, we're gonna have some fun tonight," Tanner snickered while keeping the pistol aimed at Officer Bradley. The troublemaker licked his lips at the sight of the sexy blonde cop on his knees in front of him. He reached his free hand over to ruffle Ken's neatly styled hair, "Guess what pig? Your buddy Officer Stellato over there? Turns out he's a grade A cocksucker. Something tells me you have potential too…"

"What the fuck?! Stellato would never do that queer shit, tell him Chris!" replied Ken in disbelief before looking upwards at his fellow lawman.

Officer Stellato turned red in humiliation as he met Ken's glance, flashing a shamed expression. He wanted to deny the accusations but the memories once again flooded back to his head. All Chris could do was think about how good Tanner's cock had tasted in his mouth. His own dick was still hard and twitching in his tight pants at the mental image of himself on his knees slobbering all over the delinquent's big prick like a total cockslut. Fuck he wanted more, he needed to feel Tanner's prick in his throat again. Knowing he had no choice, Stellato let out a defeated sigh, "Ken..it’s true…."

Officer Bradley couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was no fucking way that the toughest cop in city had become a cocksleeve for a gang of teenage troublemakers. Ken shook his head and looked back up at his fellow policeman, "No…Chris this isn't you, get a hold of yourself man! Is this punk making you say this shit or something? You're the top cop in this district!"

"Better believe it boy, Stellato can't get enough of my dick, all that macho cop bravado was just an act. Deep down he's just a big muscle pig who loves to suck cock and get fucked," sneered Tanner, loving how every word made Officer Bradley's eyes bulge wider and wider. And the best part was that Stellato wasn't even arguing any more, he just stood there silently as Tanner degraded him in front of a fellow policeman. But the teenaged troublemaker wanted to take the humiliation farther, stepping forward with the gun pointed at Ken's face until it was just inches away. "I bet that pretty mouth of yours is good for more than just barking orders," Tanner said while moving the pistol closer until the tip was pressed against the kneeling cop's soft lips, "So how about you open wide and prove me right?"

Ken's whole body was trembling with nervous rage while he kneeled there helplessly. His blood ran cold when the hard metal of his own pistol was pressed against his lips. In all his years as a police officer he had never felt so powerless, especially at the hands of some scrawny young punk. Officer Bradley's arms squirmed futilely in their cuffs while his head ran wild trying to think of an escape plan, but nothing in his police training had prepared him for this. He looked upwards at Stellato again, noticing the dazed & defeated look in the eyes of his fellow lawman. This stirred the anger inside him to rise to the surface and unleash a verbal tirade on his delinquent captor, "Fuck you kid! I will never let you turn me into a cocksuc-GURGGFffff!!!"

Before he could finish, Tanner used the opportunity to push the pistol into Ken's open mouth making the hunky policeman gag in shock and try to pull his head away. The younger troublemaker lifted his other hand and gripped the cop's hair to hold him in place. "Ah ah ah, if you don't want me to use this gun for cocksucker practice, I can always use it for something else…" barked Tanner, letting the implied threat linger in the air.

"Mmmmphhh!!!" Officer Bradley wretched feeling the barrel of the handgun spread his lips wide and slide further into his mouth, filling it with the taste of metal. His whole body went into panic mode, trying to yank his head backwards only to feel Tanner's hand grip his hair and keep him in place. Ken wanted to struggle more but he looked down and noticed the punk's finger inching closer to the pistol's trigger. Feeling hopeless, the blonde cop realized he had two choices - resist and risk getting shot, or give in and buy some time for a future escape. Growling in anger, Officer Bradley chose the second option, no longer fighting the gun as it was pushed deeper into his mouth, "Mmmmphhhhgurgglff."

"That's it pig, show me how good you're gonna treat my cock, better impress me if you know what's good for you!" ordered Tanner as he began to move the handgun back and forth while the kneeling cop kept his lips open letting the younger punk pistol-fuck his mouth. The cocky troublemaker looked over at Officer Stellato who had a horrified look on his face as he helplessly watched the humiliation of his fellow cop. 

Ken gagged every time the barrel of the gun went deeper into his mouth, unable to believe that some delinquent was using his own weapon against him in the most degrading way. He could only imagine how ridiculous he looked, kneeling there in his proud NYPD uniform while he was forced to suck on the pistol. The only thing that kept him from losing it was the thought of getting revenge on Tanner. Officer Bradley looked upwards at the delinquent with rage-filled eyes, trying to show that he wasn't afraid.

But this just made Tanner even hornier, there was nothing he enjoyed more than watching big macho cops put up a fight while their resistance was broken down little by little until there was nothing left. He fucking hated the police and how these cocky bastards walked around in their gay little uniforms while the public showered them with respect. He enjoyed watching Officer Bradley's handsome face twitch every time he pushed the gun in deeper. Those pretty lips had probably kissed dozens of women but now they were wrapped around the barrel of a gun. Wanting to show the cop who was boss, Tanner grabbed the back of Ken's head and forced him to deepthroat the entire length of the gun barrel, holding it in place while the policeman choked.

"GURRRRRGGGGGLLLFFFF!!!" Officer Bradley choked hard when the pistol hit the back of his throat. Drool dripped from his stretched lips down his chiseled chin while his cheeks ballooned outwards. Tanner continued to force the handgun as deep as possible making it difficult to breathe. Ken couldn't take much more and began to panic, thinking that maybe the punk would let up if he showed more enthusiasm. With a heavy grunt, the sexy cop began to suck on the handgun, bobbing his head up and down like he was giving an actual blowjob. His prediction was accurate, and Tanner softened his grip letting the pistol pull outwards before pushing it back in while Ken matched the pace. Officer Bradley hated giving in like this but knew he had no choice for now, he needed the boy to think he won. Tanner pulled the handgun completely out of his mouth and held it an inch away. Keeping up the act, Ken leaned in and stuck out his tongue running it all over the tip of the pistol, "Mmmmmmurppfffd."

"Hahahaha that's it pig boy, I swear all you cops were born to suck cock," laughed Tanner while watching the hunky blonde policeman obediently slurp his tongue all around the barrel of the gun.

Officer Stellato couldn't look away as he watched Ken give the pistol a tonguebath. Part of him hated seeing a fellow cop treated like this but the other part couldn't deny how hot it was. His own cock was still rock hard and bulging obscenely from his uniform pants. Chris groaned aloud as memories of his own humiliating downfall ran through his head. He knew it wouldn't be long before Officer Bradley was broken past the point of no return. Stellato tried to think of ways to help Ken out but there wasn't much he could do with his arm still cuffed to the bars of the jail cell. With no other options left, Chris began to plead with Tanner, "Please kid he's had enough! Let Ken go I'm begging you, I'll do whatever you want just don't bring him into this!" 

Tanner looked over at Stellato with a grin, there was nothing he loved more than hearing the former alpha cop begging like a helpless bitch. The gruff, authoritative voice that used to bark orders at him was now pleading for mercy. The troublemaker pulled the gun away from the kneeling policeman's lips and turned back to Stellato, "Aw you worried that Officer Bitchley here is heading down the same path as you? Or maybe you're just jealous that I'm giving him more attention, is that it?" 

Stellato grit his teeth at the accusation, but he honestly wasn't sure about the answer. Shaking his head clear, he tried to reason with the delinquent, "Listen kid, Officer Bradley is a great cop okay? It's been an honor to serve by his side on the force and I can't watch you do this to him. This is a proud officer of the law who wants to bring justice to his community, and you have him on his knees like a total cocksucker, can't you see how wrong this is?!"

"Wow what a speech, you must really care about each other huh?" replied Tanner while rolling his eyes. He grabbed Officer Bradley by the collar of his NYPD shirt and yanked upwards. The cop got the message and lifted himself off his knees so that he was standing on his feet right next to Officer Stellato, both exchanging a concerned look. Tanner kept his gun pointed at the two cuffed cops and then flashed an evil smile, "Well if there's so much love and respect between you two, how about you give each other a big kiss?" 

"What?! You want us to….kiss?" Ken exclaimed before turning to Chris with a bewildered look on his face. Officer Bradley considered Stellato to be his brother in arms, sharing a masculine bond that had grown over their years together on the force. The idea of kissing his fellow lawman seemed crazy, but Ken would be lying if he said he hadn't started seeing Chris in a whole new light with the more recent changes to his uniform. Officer Bradley was one the many admirers who couldn't help but stare at Stellato's ass while it bulged out of his skintight NYPD pants. Even now, seeing Chris's exposed beefy pecs and how they heaved up and down with each breath made Ken's thoughts wander into darker places. The blonde cop shook his head and snapped back to reality, "Enough of your sick games kid, we won't do any more gay shit! Tell him Chris!"

Officer Stellato was lost in thought, mentally picturing himself kissing his fellow cop. An idea that would once repulse him was now making his cock twitch. The mention of his name brought Stellato back down to Earth, blurting out in response, "Uh…right, yeah that's too far Tanner, you can't ask us to do that!" 

"Who said I was asking?" shot back Tanner, waving the pistol in his hand to remind the policemen of the present danger.

The two cops turned to each other once again, exchanging another look of concern. This delinquent really had them by the balls with no escape. Chris sighed out while staring at Ken, "Fuck man, I don't see a way out of this, let's just…get it over with before he makes us do something worse."

Officer Bradley grunted in frustration knowing that his colleague was right, "Arghhhh this is so fucked up! Fine okay, but just a quick peck, that's it!"

The two cuffed policemen slowly leaned in closer to each other, pausing for a moment right before their lips touched. Both of their heads were running wild as they tried to fathom how it had come to this. Knowing there was no other choice, Chris and Ken hesitantly closed the distance until their lips pressed against each other for a quick moment. The sensation sent a jolt of lust throughout both of their beefy bodies making them snap their heads back in surprise.

"Uhh right, anyways there's your kiss punk now let's move on," blurted out Officer Bradley, still shaken by the feeling of kissing Stellato. He didn't want to admit that it felt better than he ever imagined it would. 

"Ah ah ah, you call that a kiss? I want to see some passion!" Tanner exclaimed with a grin, "Now you cop sluts are going to try that again…with tongue this time."

"Oh fuck off!" barked Ken in response while futilely squirming his arms around in the cuffs. His mind was still reeling from the first kiss, wondering why it felt kind of good. Stellato and him were both macho policemen who had no issues pulling the sexiest women in the city and the idea of making out with a fellow alpha male should be disgusting but Officer Bradley couldn't deny that part of him wanted more. The blonde cop was worried what a full blown kiss would do to his brain if a quick peck on the lips was already messing with his head. Ken grit his teeth in frustration, hating how much control Tanner had over them. He turned back to Chris, "Ugh fine let's just…do this. But only cause this punk has us by the balls, not cause we're queers or nothin."

Officer Stellato was too busy staring at Ken with lustful eyes to respond. He was so horny that he couldn't even pretend to have not enjoyed the first smooch. Without saying another word, Chris leaned forward and once again planted his lips on Ken's, but this time neither pulled away. Instead the two hunky cops held the kiss, letting their soft lips press against each other. The sensation of overwhelming desire began to rush through their bodies once more and this time they had to let it play out. Stellato couldn't resist taking it farther as his tongue slid outwards and slowly parted Ken's supple lips.

"Mmmmmmhpphh," Officer Bradley groaned with eyes wide as he felt Stellato's tongue enter his mouth. The blonde cop couldn't believe this was happening, but what was even more shocking was how much his body seemed to enjoy it. His cock was already hardening beneath his tight uniform pants while his fellow policeman continued to push the kiss further. The deeper Stellato's tongue went into his mouth, the more Ken felt like giving in to the lust. Unable to resist any longer, Officer Bradley let out a defeated sigh and began to kiss back, letting his own tongue crash against Stellato's while they both groaned into each other's mouths, "Mmmmppffllf."

Chris felt like he was in heaven as he made out with his fellow policeman. Ken's mouth tasted like a sexy combination of peppermint and cologne, and Officer Stellato couldn't get enough of it. Their tongues wrestled together with their lips pressed tightly against each other.

"Uummph," Ken moaned into Stellato's mouth, letting the desire take control of him. The two cops finally pulled away from the kiss, staring each other in the eyes with lust while strands of saliva still connected their lips. Officer Bradley was stunned from how good it felt, barely able to speak, "Woah…Chris…I…"

Before Ken could say another word, Stellato lunged forward, pulling his partner in for another even more passionate makeout session. Officer Bradley showed no resistance this time, eagerly letting Stellato's tongue enter his mouth before returning the favor, "Mmmmhmmmmfff."

The two macho cops went at it like horny college kids, moaning into each other's mouths as their lips crashed together again and again. Neither of them had ever expected to kiss another man, much less another officer, but here they were making out and not wanting to stop. They once again pulled away from the kiss, this time exchanging a sexy smile while they stared each other in the eyes. Officer Bradley grinned and licked his lips to slurp up some of the drool dripping down. The kiss was so passionate the policemen had forgotten about the reality of their situation, until they heard a sudden clapping sound come from their left. 

"Damnnn, look at you lovebirds go. I knew all you cops were undercover queers deep down," blurted out Tanner while he gave them a condescending round of applause. Watching the two hunky lawmen makeout like horndogs was a dream come true for the troublemaker, but he wanted to see more, "I bet I can get you cop sluts to do a lot more than kiss…."

Tanner reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny key before walking up to Officer Stellato. He waved the key in the air and then used his other hand to reach down and squeeze the cop's rock hard bulge, "I'm going to release you and you're still going to obey all my orders aren't you Officer Cockslut?"

"Arghhhh," Stellato grunted in response to the hand gripping his crotch. The kiss with Ken had put him back into a lustful trance and he would do anything to get off. Chris let out a defeated sigh, "Urghhh yes, I'll obey, I'll do anything you want."

"Good boy, that's what I like to hear," grinned Tanner as he used the key to uncuff Stellato's arm from the cell bars, "Now why don't you help Officer Bradley out of those NYPD pants, I want a better look at my new cop bitch."

Officer Stellato stood there in the holding cell, finally free from the handcuffs but still a victim of his own lust. Instead of thinking about using his superior strength to take out Tanner, he looked over at Ken and licked his lips, imagining how good his colleague's ass must look. Obeying orders, Chris approached Officer Bradley with eyes full of uncontrollable desire.

Ken took a deep gulp and slowly stepped backwards until his broad back and cuffed hands pressed against the cell bars. His mind was filled with a strange combination of rage, confusion and lust. Part of him wanted to escape and beat up Tanner, but another part actually wanted to go one step further into this sexual submission. Still pressed against the bars of the cell, Officer Bradley tried to shake his head clear and speak out, "Wait…Chris…this might be too far—mmmmpphhh."

Before Ken could finish, Stellato lunged forward for another kiss to calm his colleague's nerves. Officer Bradley immediately opened his mouth, eager to make out with Chris again despite the situation. While their tongues wrestled, Officer Stellato brought his hands down to undo Ken's belt and zipper. The blonde cop was too busy enjoying their passionate kiss to resist.

Officer Stellato pulled away, staring into Ken's blue eyes before suddenly yanking the unzipped pants down along with the boxer briefs. 

"Oh shit!" gasped Ken when he looked down and saw his pants and underwear around his ankles. His muscular legs and bubble butt were now fully exposed, but the most shocking thing of all was the reveal of his rock hard 7inch cock. 

"Haha look how hard that dick is, I knew you were enjoying this Officer Bitchboy," Tanner laughed while pointing at the blonde cop's unmistakable erection, "You like being slutted out in your own police station don't you!"

"Arghhhh no way punk!" replied Ken in denial, but even he knew there was no arguing with his own cock. His mind was running wild trying to understand how it had come to this. A cleancut by-the-books man of the law like himself shouldn't get horny from being treated like this, but here he was standing there with a hard-on. Officer Bradley shook his head, "I can't believe this is happening…"

"Oh you better believe it big boy," Tanner shot back as he walked behind the blonde cop to get a better look at his butt. The teenaged troublemaker whistled when he saw the full glory of Ken's muscular glutes. "God damn why do you cops always have the fattest asses?" said Tanner before bringing his hand down hard on the blonde cop's bubble butt, "This is why you pigs are meant to be fucked and used like the cocksluts you are!"

Officer Bradley grunted from Tanner's spank but before he could say anything he felt another hand grip his hard dick. He looked up to see that it was Chris this time who was groping his body. Stellato slowly began to stroke his hand up and down Ken's cock. Officer Bradley groaned trying to resist the lust that was taking over his brain, "Chris…arghhhh…we can't do this urghh, we have to stop before it's too late mmmphh."

"It's already too late cop boy, so why don't you stop fighting and give in to what you really want?" Tanner whispered into Ken's ear while standing behind the hunky policeman. He looked up and made eye contact with Officer Stellato who was still stroking his colleague's prick. The delinquent winked at Chris before continuing, "Ay Stellato, why don't you show Kenny boy here what he's been missing?"

Officer Stellato nodded, reading Tanner's mind and knowing what he meant. With one hand still stroking, Chris used the other to reach up and grip the back of Ken's head to pull him in for another kiss. The blonde cop let it happen, moaning weakly into Stellato's mouth while he was groped. Chris then began to step forward and slowly guide Ken's body towards the bench in the jail cell. It didn't take long for him to have Officer Bradley lying on his back on the bench with his cuffed arms pinned underneath. 

Chris pulled back from the kiss and rose upwards to get a good look at Ken lying there pantsless and helpless. He had always viewed Officer Bradley with respect as a brother in arms, but now Stellato was looking at him like a big piece of meat. Unable to hold himself back, Chris reached down and began to run his hands over Ken's muscular thighs. His fingers slowly teased and caressed the now exposed skin, drawing hesitant moans from the blonde cop. Stellato licked his lips, wanting to take it further as he gripped Ken's legs and spread them wider, revealing more of the bubble butt underneath. Buried between the meaty glutes was a perfect pink, virgin cop hole that was winking back at Chris and he couldn't help but reach out his finger and stroke the quivering asslips.

"Oh fuck!" gasped Officer Bradley with eyes wide while Stellato’s finger slowly traced the rim of his hole and rubbed the tiny opening. The sensation was enough to make his whole body shudder while he laid there on the cell bench. Ken was still trying to hold onto his last remnants of sanity but every touch sent shockwaves of pleasure all throughout his muscular physique. He opened his mouth to tell Chris to stop but all that came out was a deep groan. Officer Bradley couldn’t deny how good it felt to feel Stellato’s fingers squeezing his ass and prodding his puckered hole. Feeling the lust take control, the sexy blonde found himself slowly spreading his muscular legs wider to give Chris better access.

“Damn, look at that pretty little cop hole. I can’t wait to destroy it!” Tanner snickered as he approached the two hunky policemen with an evil grin on his face. Stellato had both his hands spreading Ken’s asscheeks wide to give a perfect view of the trembling virgin asslips. The teenaged troublemaker reached out to grip the back of Officer Stellato’s head before shoving it forward directly between the muscular glutes in front of him. 

“MMMmpphhhff!” Chris groaned out as his handsome face was forced between his fellow cop’s chiseled asscheeks. Tanner held his head in place, forcing him to breath in Ken's musk which just drove his senses further into overload. Unable to hold back, Stellato parted his mouth and let his tongue slide out and make contact with the wrinkled pucker. The taste just made Chris want it more and he couldn't stop himself from hungrily slurping his fat tongue all over the rim of Ken's asslips before forcing it inside, "Mmmmppffdslurppp!"

Officer Bradley moaned loudly as Stellato's wet tongue penetrated his virgin hole. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined finding himself lying on his back with his legs spread wide while another cop tonguefucked his ass. All he could do was try and muffle the moans that wanted to escape his mouth as Chris eagerly treated his hole like a buffet. Stellato's tongue slid in and out, going deeper each time until it finally made contact with Ken's prostate. "OHHH!" yelped the hunky blonde cop in surprise, "Ohhh fuckkk Chris…your tongue…it feels so…urghhh." His mind was so overwhelmed by the sensation that he couldn't even finish the sentence before an endless stream of moans took place of the words. Instead of fighting the desire, Ken just spread his legs even wider while throwing his head back in lust, "ARGHH, don't…don't stop ugh!"

"Haha look how much this cop slut likes having his little hole played with," laughed Tanner, enjoying that he had two macho policemen acting like total cockwhores in front of him. This night had started with Officer Bradley barking orders while arresting him, and now that same cop was whimpering from being tonguefucked. But Tanner wouldn't be happy until the blonde cop was broken and begging for cock. He yanked Stellato's head out of Ken's ass and laughed when he saw Chris immediately try to lunge forward again with his tongue hanging out, clearly wanting more of that sweet hole. Tanner smacked his cop bitch before speaking out, "Ay listen up slut. I think it's time that your pal Officer Bitchboy here got his cop cherry popped. And I can't think of anything funnier than watching him get defiled by a fellow officer of the law." 

Chris whimpered when his tongue was forcibly dislodged from Officer Bradley's ass, staring with desire at the wet hole in front of him. Tanner's words rang loudly in his scrambled brain as he tried to process that he was being ordered to fuck his brother in arms. His head was flooded with memories of all those years on the force working side by side with Ken. Could he really betray the masculine bond they had formed? Stellato's eyes locked back onto the pretty pink pucker that was winking at him, still slick with saliva - and he found his answer. He needed to know how it felt to have those virgin asslips squeezing his fat Italian prick. Stellato lifted himself to his feet, staring Ken in the eyes as he lined up his dick with the wet opening. With one final grunt, his big purple cockhead pressed against the quivering hole and slowly pushed inside.

"Arghhh Chris…wait…I don't know about this-ArGggggHhhh!" Ken tried to say in panic but it was too late, Stellato's fat cock had already breached his virgin hole. The blonde cop yelped as his asslips were spread wide to accommodate the large girth of his colleague. Officer Bradley's mind ran wild while he tried to process that he was really about to get fucked by a fellow cop in the middle of a jail cell. Chris continued to push deeper until the full length of his 7inch prick was buried inside. Every inch sent waves of pleasure throughout Ken's body and broke down his resistance more and more, making it easy for the lust to take over his scrambled senses. He could feel himself giving into the desire as Stellato's dick twitched inside of him, moaning out, "Urghhhhh shit! It's so big arghhhhhhh!!"

"Mhmm Ken you're so fucking tight," grunted Officer Stellato in return while he began to slowly thrust forward, driving his cock in and out. It was the first time he had ever fucked a man, and the tightness of Ken’s hole as it clamped down on his prick was driving him wild. After two weeks of being treated like a cumdump by Tanner and his friends, Chris couldn’t help but enjoy being on top once again, even if it was at the expense of a fellow cop. Increasing the pace of his thrusts, Stellato leaned in to the whimpering blonde cop so that their muscular bodies were pressed together and murmured out, "Arghhh take it Ken, take my cock. Your hole feels so damn good mmmhhh!"

"UGHN!!! OH FUCK! UGHN!!” Officer Bradley moaned louder as Stellato’s dick slid in and out, feeling his hole stretch even wider with every thrust. He glanced up at his colleague and immediately noticed the animalistic look in his eyes, as if Chris only saw him as some cocksleeve to be fucked. Ken felt so humiliated and used but he couldn't deny that it also felt good to have that cock pummel his hole and smash against his prostate. His body wouldn't stop quivering and shaking as cum began to drip from his own hard prick. The blonde cop threw his head back in lust as more girlish yelps escaped his mouth, “UGHNN! OH GOD!”

"That's right pussy boy! Open up and take it like a champ Officer Bitchboy! That muscle cop ass was built for cock!" barked Tanner, enjoying the view of his two beefy cop bitches going at it like animals. Breaking Officer Stellato was already a dream come true, but getting him to defile another cop was a whole other level or victory. These two macho men of the law used to walk around like they owned the place but now they were helpless at the hands of a teenaged troublemaker. Feeling confident that he had the policemen right where he wanted them, Tanner put the pistol away and enjoyed his front row seat to the debauchery.

Officer Stellato was too busy slamming into his colleague's perfect ass to notice that the handgun was no longer at play. His pace picked up intensity, pushing in and pulling out to feel Ken's asslips clench around his mushroom cockhead before slamming back inside, probing deeper with every agonizing thrust. He couldn't believe how incredibly tight Officer Bradley was, and how that beefy body trembled and writhed beneath him. The past couple weeks of perverted torment at the hand of Tanner’s crew had filled Chris with an insatiable sexual frustration that he was now taking out on a fellow cop.

"UGHN! UGHN! UGHNN!” yelped Ken, no longer able to muffle the loud moans that escaped his lips, feeling Stellato slam into him, harder and harder with every thrust, hearing and feeling balls slap against his taint with increasing frequency, sending shockwaves from his ass to his fingertips and toes to the top of his sweaty head and back down. The blonde cop was practically delirious at that point as the relentless pounding to his hole filled his body with fervent lust. He hated how much he was enjoying it and how hard he was for the pain, which somehow had dulled to confused pleasure. Unable to fight it any longer, Officer Bradley began to thrust his muscular glutes back on Stellato as if he wanted to feel every inch inside of him, “UGHN! YES! MORE, FUCK ME CHRIS, HARDER ARGHHH!”

Officer Stellato didn’t need to be told twice, driving his shaft forward while Ken’s beefy body bounced up and down like a total whore. He could feel his cock pulsing inside his colleague, getting closer and closer to the edge. He looked Officer Bradley in the eyes, exchanging a lustful glance before groaning out, “Mmhmmphh Ken I’m getting close, gonna fill your sweet ass with cum arghhhhh!”

“URGH yes, I need it Chris!” shot back Officer Bradley while enthusiastically slamming his bubble butt back on Stellato’s pulsing cock. He was on the verge of release as well, about to experience his first hands-free orgasm. Ken knew that there was no going back if he let Chris cum inside him but he didn’t care anymore, all he wanted was to be treated like a total cockslut. His dick flopped around with every thrust until Officer Bradley finally felt it happening, “OH GOD I’M GONNA CHRIS I’M GONNA-ARGHHHHHHHH!”

“MMMMMMNFF shit me too Ken UGHNNNN!” moaned Officer Stellato as both macho cops came at the same time. Chris flooded Ken’s sexy ass with an endless stream of cum, shooting load after load inside of him. Meanwhile Officer Bradley’s muscular physique was trembling as he coated his NYPD uniform shirt with his own sweet man-seed. With his softening dick still inside of his colleague, Stellato collapsed forward in exhaustion, landing on top of Ken’s brawny body in a sweaty, cum covered heap. Both cops were filled with a euphoric bliss as they began to passionately makeout once again, groaning into each other’s mouth while their tongues wrestled.

“Damn what a show boys!” chirped Tanner, clapping at the cum drenched policemen that were kissing in front of him. The two cops had the same broken and glossy look in their eyes, as if they had nothing but cock on their minds. Feeling satisfied that Officer Bradley was converted into a muscle slut just like Stellato, Tanner wanted to enjoy his new bitch. The delinquent reached down and unzipped his pants, letting them drop to the floor to reveal his rock hard 8inch dick. He looked back over at the kissing cops and gripped his erection before speaking out, “Ay lovebirds you can tonguefuck eachother later. I think I deserve a reward for exposing the secret cocklust that you sluts hid under your macho cop bravado. So how about you both get on your knees and thank me the right way.”

“Mmmphhh,” Officer Bradley groaned into Stellato’s mouth before pulling away to hear Tanner’s orders. A few hours ago, an inmate asking for a blowjob would’ve been met with a fist to the face, but now in his cumfilled state of mind it didn’t sound like such a bad idea. The two cops exchanged a lustful look before nodding their heads and pulling away to reposition themselves on their knees in front of Tanner. The teenager slapped his big cock on their handsome faces and then gripped both of them by the hair to force their heads into his crotch. Ken and Chris immediately breathed in the musk and couldn’t help but stick out their tongues to have a taste. They eagerly slobbered all over the delinquent’s shaft, letting their tongues collide as loud slurping sounds filled the police station. Officer Bradley didn’t resist when Tanner’s cock was forced into his mouth, spreading his lips wide and pushing deep into his throat making the blonde cop choke, “GURGGGGLFFFF!”

“Oh fuck yeah, worship my dick you fucking cop whore!” barked Tanner as he slammed his prick into Ken’s mouth while Stellato gave his balls a tonguebath. He licked his lips as he thought about all the fun he would have with these two sexy police slaves. “Now that you boys know your place, I think it’s time the other inmates got to see the new and improved NYPD,” laughed Tanner while both cops continued to worship his cock, “Let’s go show them!”

by domnerd69

Email: [email protected]

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