Femboi Saves The World

by Mr.X

3 Dec 2023 1138 readers Score 9.5 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Finally, Friday was here, and the big Joshua parental visit was looming large. We were all nervous, anxious, and hoping that all would go well and relaxed with Mildred and Frank's arrival. We had mostly been doing lots of oral cock sucking on each other and urethral sounding as we felt it only fair to all have a 3-day anal break while Josh and Nicky healed up from their micro scratches and stretches for the first 4 arm and hand fist session earlier in the week. We were all so horny for a lot of ass prostate action you could hear our cocks dripping, and hungry starving assholes growling!

My cell phone rang, and it said Jefferey (Our building Manager and Concierge), I picked it up and said,

“Hi Jefferey, what’s up?”

Jefferey replied, “Oh hi Taylor, I have a few funny and strange deliveries for you here. One I am aware of as it is a gift from Gerhard, Myself, and Fritz, and the other is from Joshua’s parents.

I replied, “Oh nice…cool…bring it all up then please, or send your assistants with it.”

Jefferey continued, “Well the surprise from us can be carried up, but the item from Mildred & Frank is something repackaged in a large, taped box that says only to be opened by Joshua and the boys once Frank and Millie are in attendance…Taylor it is 7 feet wide, and 8 feet long, and 3 feet deep!”

I replied, “Holy shit what the fuck could that be…I texted her as a joke when she asked if they could bring anything, that a 6 pack of duct tape in a gift bag would make Josh Laugh.”

Jeffery answered, “I’m not sure, but I don’t think it is duct tape (he laughs and giggles)…but I can sure guess what you boys could do with duct tape! It is maybe 200 lbs at most so we can get it up the elevator, but you guys need to clear a spot in your front hall or great room ok?”

I answered, “Yeah well give us a few minutes to make some room.”

Jefferey responded, “Well for us also…let’s say maybe 20 mins to get all loaded up on the freight and into your unit.”

I answered, “OK see you in a bit, cheers!”

“Thanks, Bye,” Jefferey said in closing.

I called the guys all around for an update, and Josh was gobsmacked!

Josh began, “Well they know how well off we are, so it's like the size of a giant Buffett or piece of furniture… 200???…but what one earth could they think that we want when they have not even seen our place and the décor. Mom and Dad are comfortable financially I think, but they can’t afford anything extravagant. Fuck I am stumped, what do you guys think?”

I replied, “Could be a small trampoline…but not a safe idea on the 40th-floor balcony and yes, we have a high ceiling…. but not that high!”

Nicky replied, “Oh I hope it's not sex dolls.”

Logan interjected, “Oh for fuck sake Nicky, what would we all need sex dolls when we have each other and like you are the spitting image of the hottest sex dolls you hot fucking twink!”

We all drove ourselves crazy tossing out the most ridiculous ideas; an inflatable hot tub, double Christmas trees, a sponge pit, a portable bar, a giant bean bag sofa chair…the list went on and on.

Jefferey arrived and we slid it in and leaned it against the wall. Then he wheeled in a moving cart from him, Gerhard & Fritz. On it was a large Milwaukee Hammer drill and what looked like a mixing whipping bit like you would find in a  bakery, 4 large cases of Crisco sticks, 4 large cases of coconut oil, & 4 large cases of Shea butter natural organic Cetaphil vitamin cream, and 4 giant stainless steel chrome platted industrial mixing buckets with sealing lids and our names engraved on the outside, one for each of us!

We were all stunned and thanked him immensely and I texted Gerhard and he texted back with smiles, penises, and fists.

Jefferey stated, “Well, Gerhard was chatting with his cousin Markus the other night, so we heard that that night I was up here checking out your cum-nadoes, that the next day you guys realized that with your new extreme play, that you need an extreme lube. So this all is our gift to you 4, with best wishes for veeeeeery deeeeeep  enjoyment!” (He said in a very seductive effeminate tone and facial melt expression.)

Josh blurted out, “Oh for fuck sake Jefferey, you such a fucking flamer!”

I yelled back, “Joshua!” 

Josh answered, “Sorry I apologize.”

Jefferey said, “No no don’t, I love it! I am a fucking flamer, and Femboy Josh and all you guys are such hot twinks…anyways guys enjoy! Josh your parent also left a note that they will be arriving with 1 medium-sized box 2 gift bags and 1 briefcase.”

I said, “Okay Jefferey, we will all come down when they arrive and Josh and Nicky will give them the facility tour, and Logan and I will bring up this other stuff whatever it might be.”

Josh pondered and said, “Humm,…like what the fuck else would they bring? Box, gift bags, and a briefcase… why the fuck would I need a briefcase do they even make them anymore? He must mean a laptop case or something. Fuck guys I am getting nervous I’m so puzzled, can I have a little vodka?”

The 3 of us looked at each other and all shrugged positively.

I said, “Yes Joshua, but just 1 now and one when they are here the entire time clear.”

Josh responded, “Yes guys…crystal clear. I promise no drunk, and no puke, and don’t forget when they are gone, we have a lot of playing planned and I am so fucking horny, and my ass is so hungry it might just swallow that giant box in the hall!” We all laughed.

We carried the Crisco and lube and stuff back to the playroom and Logan and Nicky mixed it all up with the drill whipper and had a rip-roaring time and placed each full mixed lidded bucket in front of our respective didlo cabinets. They looked awesome, and the leftover supplies into our storage closet.

Josh was sitting on the sectional slowly sipping his double vodka on the rocks, looking sad and reminiscent.

I asked, “You ok Lover?”

“Well…yes I think I just, sort of feel guilty and ashamed that I did not even give them a chance sooner. I just never thought they would do an about-face like this, and thought they detested and were ashamed and embarrassed to have me as their son. Here they are bringing us gifts and yes, no matter what it is, I will be gracious and appreciative and I’ll try not to get emotional but there is still that 60% Femboy here.

I answered, “Yes, but it is 1,000,000,000% the Joshua that I am so deeply madly in Love with!” Josh leaned over and we started a deep tongue-dancing kiss with his nice hot vodka taste, we were both getting hard, but I had to go start supper, so he came and helped.   

At 4:55 PM my cell rang and it was Jefferey, he said” They’re here” reminiscent of the line from the Poltergeist movie!  

We all 4 proceeded down and Josh led the way. We could hear his heart pounding and breathing increase. Nicky said, “Fucking relax dude and breathe!”

Josh approached them and all were glossy eyes. He hugged them both, “Hi Mom, Hi Dad, Welcome to our Promenade complex.”

Mildred replied, “Hi Josh, it is great to see you thanks so much for inviting us you and the boys.”

Frank said, “Josh you look fantastic, and boy oh boy this place is so opulent the pics online don’t do it justice.”

I replied, “Here Frank, let me take that box from you, and Logan here will take the briefcase and the 2 gift bags.” Logan and I did the handoff as we stated.

Mildred said, “Now no peaking past the wrapping paper as Josh is to open them up with all of us there.”

I replied, “Yes Mildred of course.”

She said, “Oh Boys please call me Millie, my mother was the only one to call me Mildred.”

“Okay, Millie,” I answered.

Josh announced, “Mom, Dad, Nicky, and I will give you the amenities tour and Taylor and Logan will take up your wonderful gifts.

Frank asked smirkingly, “Did the great big box make it up okay?”

Josh said, “Yes it did Dad, and I am so nervous and on pins and needles about all these things.”

Millie responded, “Relax Joshua…is it okay to call you Joshua (Josh nodded approvingly, and Millie continued) we are sure you and the boys will love it, and get a great group bang out of it!”

The wheels turned in all of us…maybe it was sex dolls or blow-up things or oh my god who knows what these people …they are nuts I thought!

Logan and I carted the stuff up to our unit and started to get starters and the bar ready.

Josh and Nicky started the tour.

Josh listed, “Over here we have various restaurants and nightclubs, some have practically naked women and men dancing and serving after 8 pm. Now this way is the general lounge and library and cyberpunk bar so lots of hot teen gaming addicts in here, and down this hall is the Casino and sports betting pavilion, and now over here down this way is the fitness gym, pool and spa.”

Frank said, “I read online that the Gender Identified change rooms and sauna/steam/hot tubs are all clothing optional for 18 and over, and the 3 pools one for men, one for women and one mixed…is that true and how does that all work.”

Nicky said, “Oh we love it, and Josh and I have a ball down here! Follow us and don’t mind no one cares that they are nude anywhere, the building is very liberal and about 50% straight kinky, or naturalists, and the other 50% LGBTQ2FS, etc. so you will see it all…are you ready?”

(From Nicky’s perspective).

Frank seemed very excited, “Yeah come on let’s go Millie.”

Millie replied with a sigh and laugh, “Okay why not, we are very open to this all ourselves now, so come on let’s see it boys!”

We walked them through the guys' changeroom, and they both were stunned at the hard and half-hard cocks prancing around between the ages of 18 and 90! Then we proceeded out to the guys' pool, and they all waved to Josh and me and said…” Take It off take it off.”

Josh yelled, “Guys these are my parents!” The guys in the pool yelled, “Take it off take it off.”

Millie laughed and yelled, “Another time guys.”

Frank just waved and smiled. Then we entered the mixed pool, and the women and men all got out nude and approached. Josh turned completely white when one woman said to Frank, so you look like Dad and Mom, Dad are you mega hung and hard like your boy is?

Josh said, “Okay ladies thanks see you later.” As he scooted us out of the Pool areas.

Millie said, “Hey relax it's all fun, and I wanted to see the ladies' pool.”

Josh replied, “No let’s get upstairs and do the gifts, and I insist on buying you and Dad the lifetime membership access for guest parking and main floor amenities, but you will not be able to come up the elevators unless one of us is with you. And just a word of warning there is no sexual activity in the public amenities facilities anywhere allowed, so although you see erections and dripping vaginas a few have already been tossed and disbarred from the premises just recently.”

Nicky giggled and said, “But you might bump into Josh and me down here nude!”

Millie replied, “Oh well I used to change his diapers so if a family can’t be naked together then they should not be together at all right Joshua!”

Josh sighs, “Yes Mom and Dad, but I have grown and look a fair bit different nude now than I did when I was an infant and toddler!”

Nicky says, “Yes Josh is….!”

Josh covers Nicky's mouth with his hand and gives him a glaring bug-eyed scowl!

Frank is laughing hysterically and Millie smirking.

Both Frank and Millie are impressed with the pass key and security codes that each resident must use to go anywhere in the building past the main floor and underground parking in elevators and stairs.

Josh says, “Yes, it is great and means there is 0 crime here, security cameras everywhere except in the clothing optional areas.”

We all arrive at our unit and again they are awestruck with the luxury.

(Back to Taylor’s Perspective)

“Oh good, your back, come on in, let me take your coats, Josh see your parents at the sectional, would you guys like a drink?” I asked.

Frank says, “I am driving but would love a coffee or cappuccino or espresso so surprise me as I bet you guys have a great fancy machine, but Millie dear you go ahead, think you might need it tonight dear!

Millie laughs and tears a bit. “Well, maybe…I would love a double Vodka on the rocks!”

Josh says, “Vodka on the rocks… that's my drink.”

Millie says, “It is what I have always loved.”

Nicky said,” Like Mother like son!”

Josh said, “Well Make that 2, one for me but then that’s it.”

Millie asked, “It was so good to find you last week, but I hope you were ok after all that Vodka.”

Josh replied smirking, “Well I am ok now, but would not be if Taylor, Logan, and Nicky had not saved me, good thing so many medical degrees with Taylor and Logan. I wanted to apologize for my overconsumption (Josh teared up), it was just a wonder shock for you both to love me now unconditionally and I am coming clean with my and our group's lifestyle and sexuality tonight when I show you our place.”

Millie begins, “Joshua and boys, as we had mentioned Frank and I enjoy a great expanding sex and openness now after 2 years of courses, dozens of books, sex and toy conventions, and many many videos online. We are very open-minded and supportive of whatever you boys are all into, if you are safe and enjoying it, it is all that matters to us.”

Josh answers, “Thanks Mom and Dad, that is great, and we are all on PREP Descovy, so we are all clear and tested regularly. Even though we are in a committed group relationship, if anything is lingering secretly dormant, we are protected. Soon when Nicky and Logan have been here both a full year, the medical professionals say we can stop as long as we all stay in our group-loving relationship.”

Nicky said, “That is for sure, we all love each other very very much, and Logan and I are madly in Love with each other smitten at first sight, and Taylor and Josh…. there is no one more in Love than those 2 animals anywhere on the planet.”

Frank said, “That’s so beautiful guys, and good for you, I hope you are having a ball and a great blast and seriously as long as no farm animals and underage children here, nothing will phase us.”

Millie states, “I certainly hope that you guys are enjoying multi-fisting and giant toys and  sounds and all sorts of BDSM gear and cages.”

Josh starts to cough his Vodka, and the rest of us are all awestruck and bug-eyed, he gasps and says,

“God mom…are you fucking kidding me, because you pretty much hit the nail on the head!”

Frank said, “Josh, boys, we totally understand human sexuality and we only have one life on this planet and since Millie and I have opened our minds and become educated and experimented ourselves, we have had the greatest sex of our entire marriage. It took 20 years and our Josh to run from us.” he says in an emotional voice.

Josh looking with glossy eyes said, “I am sorry can you forgive me please, I should have given you a chance much sooner, I just never dreamt that you would…. (He stops and puts his head down.)We all tear up.

Millie states, “We were monster parents, and you suffered, and we stole your teen boy sexuality from you in your prime years of youth and experimentation as a boy and young man. There is nothing an older 18 teen boy or young man cares about more than sex and getting his rocks off, and ass fucked!”

Josh replied, “Oh Christ Mother!”

Millie continues and puts her hand on Josh’s Knee and Franks stands behind her in a supportive partner stance with hands on her shoulder, “Now we need to start where we finished, so not trying to be painful but I think this will help us all heal and move forward and again as Frank and I ask for forgiveness.” (She wipes her eye as I hand her a tissue). “That day you stormed out you did the right thing, and we were so wrong. Unbeknownst to you I was fired from the bank that afternoon at 230pm which is why I was home earlier than you expected. After 27 years apparently, I said one thing wrong in writing to a customer about their loan application, and I was terminated. It was wrong of me, and I have done many, many wrongs that I want to make right. They gave me three years pay in lieu and I ended up getting a senior management Job at the competition last year, so it all worked out. These 2 years gave me time to learn about sex and all acts of love and pleasure between all genders!”

Millie continues,” When I heard you masturbating (She laughs)… you were pretty loud and were enjoying yourself, and as I was so down and depressed about the termination I took it out on you, and robbed you of what was sounding like a great orgasm. I am so sorry; can you ever forgive me.?

Josh said, “Oh Mom you are forgiven, I am so sorry I did not know, but what you also did not know was that, that afternoon I met Taylor at the store. As soon as our eyes met, I was so in Love…if I could have done him there in the store on the patio furniture I sure as fuck would have! I always tried to make sure you and Dad were not home or asleep late at night when I was anal masturbating. I was fantasizing about Taylor, and after I threw the dildo at you, (so sorry), but then I ran to Taylor that very night. He gave me and himself the greatest sexual pleasure of my life at that time, and it has done nothing but grow and increase with him and the boys here every day.”

Frank begins, “Our eyes were pried open when Matthew and Katie our Neighbors (remember them) asked where you had gone, as they did not see you around.  I told them you were gay and ran off when there was a family quarrel. Matthew disclosed to me in confidence that his teen boys, (you remember) Jason and Daniel had both come out as gay. I asked what they did, and to my shock and enlightenment, he said, we embraced their sexuality and even built a bathroom (with cleaning facilities) downstairs in the rec room added a spare bedroom, and supplied them with Condoms, Lube, and got them both on PREP. They bring their boyfriends in regularly and the 2 boys even had an all 18+ yo teen boy orgy a few times. Katie was just so happy that they all did it safely under their roof and enjoyed.”

Nicky said, “Holy shit that is awesome…wow there is hope for parents!”

Josh said, “Yah wow, you said Jason & Daniel… (Josh giggled)… we played around once. Nice guys!”

  Franks said, “Yeah they are, and they all seem so happy and loved going in and out of their parent’s home with all their lovers and we caused you to run. We were monsters until  enlightened, can you ever forgive us, son?”

Josh said, “You are forgiven Mom and Dad, if hope you can forgive me for cutting you out.”

Millie tearily said, “We love you, Joshua, we love all your boys’ lovers, so let us move forward  shall we.”

Josh smiled and hugged them and said, “Music to my ears, I love you, Mom, I love you, Dad!”

Not a dry eye in the apartment. It was a beautiful moment.

Millie began, “Okay take a sip of your Vodka there Joshua, you might need it!”

We were all deer in headlights mode now, but Millie and Frank seemed excited.

Millie said, “Okay so open this gift bag here now Joshua.” Josh opened it and laughed his head off as he pulled out a 6 pack of duct tape and said,

“Fuck Taylor, you told them about my dream.”

I replied, “No you just did, I just said bring some duct tape!” Frank roared and slapped his hands.

Millie Said, “Okay now bring over the steel briefcase and Joshua open it and I want you to keep this forever and cherish them.”

Josh opened the case, and was ecstatic yelling, “Oh my God Mom, my dildo collection all with their own fucking carved foam spots.” He gave Millie a hug and a kiss.

Millie said, “These were your first anal orgasms and you should cherish and hold them dear to your heart.” I am sure you have many new much bigger toys, but these are keepsakes from early sex life.”

Josh said, “Well Mom you know there were guy sleepovers, and we had some fun…mostly oral and maybe some rimming and light fingering but yah no anal sex, but I really would have loved to do it in my bedroom.” (Josh sniffled a little teary).

Franks said, “Well there was never any feces or blood or used condoms around.”

Josh replied, “Well we had no place to clean and douche and as you and Mom now know anal sex with a load of shit up your ass…well some people do that but not me in my childhood bedroom.”

Millie said, “I am so sorry we failed you and we were so wrong to rob you of that pleasure growing up.”

Josh said, “Well it was sort of my decision, my other gay friends would have sex out in the woods and in the schoolyard late at night or behind the mall, but yah they were often fudge packing (Josh laughed) … It is hard for Gay and Bi or Trans youth to enjoy sex when they don’t have the support and safe wash facilities and a clean bedroom unless they go down to the bathhouse and you had to be 18 or get in with a fake ID. When did you guys first realize I was gay?

Millie said, “I think when you were about 15, so we ruined and chastised 4 years of the most cherished years for our beautiful gorgeous son, and we were awful to you until we forced you to run at 19 that day I so terribly interrupted you first fantasy of which would become your Lover and Life Partner, Taylor and Joshua, we are so sorry!” Millie and Frank wiped tears from their eyes.

Millie then perked up, “Okay open the next gift bag, please.” Josh looked in removed the paper and started to pull out 4 adult-sized onesies decorated in Christmas youth (18) teen boy themes. Josh roared,

“Oh my fucking God guys I love them, I get the red One…. red is my favorite color, and look they unbutton down to our crotches and up the backside to our shoulders, so we have full front and butt access…oh fuck I love them thank you!”

I said, “I’ll take the green”, Logan said, “I want the orange it will match my strawberry hair.” Nicky said,

“Well awesome blue is what I like… wow, these are fucking hot folks’ we will have loads of fun!”

Frank said,” Now quick boys come to get the big box down and Joshua, cut It open quick hurry!”

We all ran and helped Josh get the big box in the middle of the room and he started to pull up the paper and opened a flap and saw a black round leather headrest of a seat, and he wailed like never before!

“Oh my God, my God… Mom… Dad, it is my queen-size red racer car bed, fuck I loved that bed so much oh fuck I can’t believe it!” Josh ran to them hugging them both in a group kiss and hug, it was very beautiful.

Millie sits down and says,” There is a brand-new mattress with waterproof covers on it and a new late 18-year-old man sheets. I hope you boys have room for it here someplace special.”

Josh said, “Well I love it and yes we will cherish it, but why all this 18 teen theme?”

Millie said, “We stole 4 years of your most desired sex that you were not able to enjoy as the neighbor boys do now, so that can never be returned but as a measure of forgiveness, we were hoping that you not think Frank and I perverted or crazy, but that you guys would dress up in these and take our beautiful Gorgeous  son back to his late 18teen years and ravage him on his bed until he has his famous massive semen blow orgasm all over the place or in any holes you all want!”

Josh says, “Mom…Fuck…how do you know I ejaculate a lot of semen…Taylor Fuck what have said???”

Millie interjects and puts up her hands and says, “Oh please Joshua, you used to tell me that you spilled yogurt cups and milkshakes and ice cream all over your undies and bed sheets yet you never explained how you hit the wall, the window, the dresser mirror, and the ceiling and ceiling fan…it was like semen city I told Frank…Like I am not a fucking moron, but my God Joshua, was it the anal dildo penetrations!”

Frank said,” Well he takes after his Dad.” With a big laugh.

Millie laughingly states, “Yeah you wish Frank, you love all your holes and cum a lot Frank, but Joshua, Jesus Christ what do you eat, drink or do to do that…its unbelievably crazy!”

Josh is laughing and very embarrassed and says, “Well it is a bit of a competition around here, but it is what all the guys here want to know, and all I say is…”

All of us 3 guys reply in unison, “It’s a Sith Lord Secret!”

Millie giggles and says, “We can get you Star Wars sheets and Jamies if you want guys!”

Nicky says, “Josh your parents are fucking awesome, I think next week I might touch base with mine.”  

Josh said, “They are awesome now, and let’s go forward, …and now what is in the last box guys.”

Millie says, “Well let me say if you take that box and throw it down the garbage chute, I don’t care but it’s the rest of the memorabilia and awards and school things from your bedroom, so do with it as you please maybe decorate a corner someplace here with the bed or toss it, it is your history, your choice.”

Josh hugs them again and says, “Thanks so much I love you guys and I have missed you, we will embrace the future. But what happened with the rest of my room furniture, don’t bring it here?”

Frank said, “We gave it to Matt & Katie next store as they just popped out another baby boy as their teens having all this sex, they forgot to keep condoms for themselves and Katie got knocked up about a year ago and they have a 3-month-old adorable baby boy named Kyle.”

Josh asks, “So are you guys moving and selling the house or need to take in a border I would love to help and repay all your loving generosity.”

Millie takes a big breath and says, ‘Well you guys are all open and braggadocios about your great sex and Joshua…no Vodka indulgence now…but…but…we want to build a dungeon!”

Josh explodes in Jubilation clapping his hands and jumping up and down screams, “Fuck yeah Mom & Dad, and I am fucking paying no expense spared…Taylor get Gerhard and Fritz on the phone right fucking now!”

We are all laughing. Millie says, “Joshua we are dead serious!”

Josh replies, “I sure fucking hope so …Taylor…guys…May I show Mom alone and we make an exception to the rule. Dad, sorry, I need this Femboy time with Mom. Give me 30 minutes, please.

Josh grabs Millie’s hand, she says, “Let me bring my vodka,” Josh replies, “Yes me too, good idea Mom let me show you my life.”

They arrive at the room marked, “The Play Palace – No clothes allowed.”

Millie says, “Joshua I am not taking my clothes off…you want to exhibit your dick and ass…fine.”

Josh laughs, “Fuck no… of course not, every rule must have an exception.” Josh opens the door and Millie’s reaction is the same as his when Taylor first showed him the room, absolute wonder!

Millie Proclaimed, “Holy shit Josh…Oh my God, you lucky lucky boys! Oh God you have the best of the Hankey Dildos, Jesus Christ look at them you each have your dozens of sets, we love them too, but we don’t have them this big, not yet anyway, but they are so gorgeous and beautiful high quality right.”

Josh replied, “Wow Mom, I can’t believe you have these and are so knowledgeable and open about this.”

Millie looks around, “Fantastic, and you each have your own Fuck machine and leather table and lube buckets custom engraving, I love it...Oh, Joshua, this is incredible. Did Taylor have this when you first came here that night?”

Josh replies, “Yes Mom, the room was half the size it is now, we also have the master bed and bath and the boys' rooms with nice high-end furnishing and we have lots of douching facilities in each huge bathroom. Taylor and I used the Large Seahorse in my machine my first night here and he was on the XXXL Seahorse, it was the first colossal hands-free pure anal penetrative ejaculation of my entire life Mom, and later that night we made beautiful love, it was my first time bottoming and topping with a man. Taylor was so gentle, the orgasms were incredible, and yes Taylor fisted me for the first time that night here in this sling…. these sensations were out of this world, and I made a mess of his ceiling and walls, but lots went down his throat.” Josh giggled.

Millie says, “That is so beautiful Joshua, I am so happy to see and hear this, you deserve the best sex life to make up for the lost time we caused. I hope you have been doing all this carefully and not hurt yourselves. I have seen men and Women devour these beasts online, wow and you can all do these sizes now too, and enjoy them, your father wants the large Seahorse in a strap and I like many of them too.

Yes, Mom,” We have the most wonderful orgasms and ejaculations, all 4 of us wear cock cages of various types and sizes and styles, and urethral sounds, and we play on the bed and in the slings and on the benches and chairs and here we have some whips and floggers, and get into the leather attire so what do you think…you guys want like a smaller version of this?”

Millie replies, “Well sort of very scaled down but not quite so much variety or quantity. And this must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Joshua, if I had been you and brought to this room with that hot gorgeous Taylor your Lover, and oh the other 2 boys are absolute dishes! God if I was 30 years younger and you all were not my son and friends…look out because I would accost you all!

Josh says,” Oh don’t do a Mrs. Harrington (Millie looks questioning) …I’ll tell you another time.”

Millie asks, “So none of this is a shock or surprise, I am so happy you are now making up for lost time.”

Josh says, “Oh Mom, let it go. I will put my Bed over here in this corner, thanks, it is a brilliantly beautiful therapeutic session we will have I promise! The guys look to me to be the designer of our nightly sessions, and it is so much fun, but so much love. I am so much in Love with Taylor and he is with me and love the other boys too, but not in love with them. But the sex and orgasms we share here are platinum and priceless and keep getting bigger and better, so beautiful and spiritual. Any questions Mom, no embarrassment so fire away, this is very therapeutic sharing with you what I do and can do and what is the greatest joy in my life.”

Millie responded, “Oh Joshua I am so thrilled and happy for you, and yes I do have a few questions, sort of weird but please be honest and truthful as some is just more education and some is just knowing and solidifying your enjoyment of your sexuality, ok…so…yes when you were an infant baby I took you to the best pediatrician for your circumcision so it looked perfect and fine to me then but are you happy with it now as a grown man, and are you and the boys all happy with each others equipment and what do you all clock out at in size, as you father is worried he is below average?” Millie rolls her eyes.

Josh responds, “Well all the guys have very nice penises, and they love mine and I love theirs. When I first met Taylor here I was 7.5” but have been jelquing and pumping a lot, and just the other night we had a measuring contest and I am almost 8.5” now. Taylor is cut and 8.65” and has a gorgeous dick, and Nicky is 7.5” and has a very nice very thick dick, and then Logan…God Logan is uncut but the nicest uncut I have ever scene, but holy shit Mom…10”s and fucking thick he almost chocked me to death when I deep throated him the other night but it was a huge amount of fun and a fantastic group spiritual orgasm!

Millie responds, “Oh my God Josh…don’t tell your father, he has a very nice cock I think, and is 7.25” cut  but wants and insists he would like to get to 8”, so maybe you can show him your exercises on a dildo and use a pump on a dildo or facetime and show him how to stretch and grown it, but don’t tell him your size he will be so upset to know you’re an inch bigger than him…you boys and you cock wars.”

Josh laughed, “Anything else Mom you would like to Know?”

Millie, “Just 3 questions and no embarrassment or shame, I just want to understand and learn more…. I see the drain trough here, so I am sure that helps clean up the semen that does not get swallowed or in an ass, but are you guys also pissing, eating shit, and doing any blood sports?”

Josh in shock, “Fuck Mom, and I thought I would shock you…Yes, we enjoy pissing on each other and swallowing piss (It tastes really good and gets to be a huge turn some guys can ejaculate just from receiving it from another guy… it is so exciting (Mom is smiling), but not into the scat shit play other than in our douching it is sort of fun to watch and see and smell as we all have great diets and exercise but although we rim and eat each other's rosebuds, lick the dildo’s, and eat our lube often, it is usually 100% clean as we have thoroughly douched and in my 3 years here never any issues, so we just get to learn our bodies, and get into a daily routine and rhythm. I have told the other guys though, just so you understand how much devotion and Love, I am in with Taylor, and please don’t freak Mom, but if he ever asked me to eat his shit, I would do it in an instant without even batting an eyelash I am so in love with him. Just starting to get into the Scrotal inflation and nipple and scrotum piercing so yes we are exploring pain pleasure and it is multiplied our orgasms even more, and our love and bonds get greater and stronger each day. Not so much blood drinking but as we explore the piercing and cuts or whips and floggings, could we lick a drop of blood I suppose but were are all Drug and Disease free.”

Millie asks, “So you guys now all have rose buds…how big is yours and what does it feel like, do you have any defecations issues or injuries ever as we are intrigued and just starting this anal play… compared to you guys we are novices?

Josh answers, “Yes Mom, we all have rosebuds, mine is now the largest in the entire group and can take the widest and deepest stretching and oh My God it feels so Fucking great and if you thought I ejaculated a lot at home you have no idea what I can do now…. like over a litre over 20 minutes continuous. My Rosebud is 6 inches wide and when I bear down 4 times it fully blooms it goes very wide and just a bit out of the anus so no real prolapse protruding, it is very bright red and beautiful. I can ejaculate just from doing that it feels so inexplicable. As far as the injury, we have determined our max on me anyway as I and Nicky had a bit of spotting four nights ago, but we both took the other guys 4 hands and arms past the elbows deep into the rectum and colon (Like birthing a 10lb er kicking). Nicky and I were on top of each other in the sling and it was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever experienced, our orgasm together was like a firehose, unreal, I designed the scene, but we are improving our lube just today we are going with all-natural Crisco/coconut/shea butter all shipped in the tagged cans. I love it all Mom and the pleasure and Love I am experiencing Is out of this world!”

Millie very seriously concentrating and intrigued says, “Joshua I am so proud of you and love you so much…you have an incredible sexual mind. I think it has always been there and I saw it at a young age, and it scared me, and not making excuses, or blaming you for our closed mind, but I think Taylor, God Bless him, has unwrapped you to reveal your true sexual power, he saw in you what scared us, and he has revealed and nurtured someone incredible. I know you don’t need the money, but the way you have shared and explained all this so seriously, academically, open passionately is phenomenal. Your father and I thought we knew it all, but Joshua you…you, you are someone very very special, you have a gift and a power of endless sexual pleasure that you must share with the world. Taylor has his company, and I overheard the boys work for him, so think about it, you need to share and teach and train the Women,  Men, and the over-18 growing up, and fix their fucked up parents! You can change how people think about sex and sexuality and pleasure. I am your mother, and I will always love you no matter what, but I can see you want and are capable of even more to achieve, and what you can teach others to achieve.”

Josh in a quivering voice, “Yes Mom you are right, it is all I ever think about…I love sex and orgasm; I am sex and orgasm. Taylor exposed it all as he saw in me at first sight what I am, and he knows it… now he and the boys all call me Master. The Sith Lord thing is of course a joke, but I will think about what you say, I do need to share my knowledge and maybe with Love, Sex, and Pleasure, I can make a difference in the world. Nicky almost said verbatim about me what you stated, there is a 40% masculine coming out.”

Millie Gives Josh a huge hug and kiss and they call in Frank, the boys, and me.

Frank walks in and says, “Holy Shit, Jesus Christ this is incredible you lucky fuckers!”

We continued to show Frank and Millie everything, it was awesome and there was a peace and balance that came over my Joshua, I do not think I have ever seen his eyes so aqua blue it was like they changed today from this revelation like a new awakening, and they and his mothers glowed the closer they became, it was magical and mysterious.

Millie said, “Come on Frank let the boys get the bed in here and I will go update you about anything as Joshua told it all and God Bless him held nothing back.”

Frank laughed, “Well I don’t see any under-18-year-olds or Farm animals, so as long as they are doing it all safely and having a ball and not hurting themselves then it's all wonderful!”

Millie and Frank chatted out in the great room, and we got the Red Race car Bed in the corner beside our Leather Bed, it looked awesome! Josh was beaming and I could tell designing tonight's coming colossal fuck fest.

We had a wonderful nice relaxing and laughing supper as they shared the pleasant memories from Josh’s childhood and years before things slid. It was interesting to see so many puzzles slide into place when they were finally adults and could just talk and listen. Josh started to drink copious amounts of water as we all started to tank up also following his lead. Millie pipes up and says,

“That’s a lot of water boys… it is going to make an ocean of cum and rivers piss!”

We all laughed so hard we cried…they were great and boy what a change. They said goodnight to Joshua and restated for us to have a ball tonight. Millie proclaimed,

“You guys will obey my Joshua tonight and do anything and everything exactly how he commands, understand!”

We all replied, “Yes Mame!” They hugged and kissed Josh and all of us goodbye, and I said I would see them to the secure parking garage, and the boys would clean up and get ready.

On the elevator, Millie asked, “So what hit you the most upon laying your eyes on Joshua that first time?”

I answered, “His gorgeous eyes, and they sometimes change tint into a more aqua color, especially during orgasm, but tonight I have never seen them like this…amazing, I am in Love with him so much!”

Millie states, “Frank says my eyes change also during sex…something on my side of the family I guess?”

I replied, “Millie you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met and Frank you are a very lucky man to have such an amazing wife and incredible son.”

Franks responds, “Yes I am Taylor, and thank you for loving and caring and nurturing our Joshua…now to take him to another world and get him to the next level.”

Millie said,” He has not reached his ultimate climax yet Taylor, I am scared and excited for him and all of you, but please be careful of him.” I stared at her not sure what to make of her comment.
“Goodnight, safe drive home,” I spoke.

 They got in their SUV and left. I noticed the aqua blue change in Millie's eyes and thought I should discuss it with Logan in private sometime, as this physiological family maternal trait might explain how he can orgasm so tremendously with the brain being the greatest sex love and pleasure organ.

I got back upstairs, and the guys had our onesies all laid out on the race car bed, and were waiting nude in our master bath, all rock hard, so I stripped, and my cock was raging and dripping, we were all so excited after a positive visit and I think all of us were excited about the young man race car bed fantasy.

Josh Began, “Ok padawans tonight we will all douche in here together and leave each of our largest pieces of solid shit on the floor for group inspection, smell, and feel.” We all laughed except Josh was very serious and said,

“If you disobey me, I will force you to all eat of it.” Josh looked so wiry ripped and fibrous and flexibly strong that I was turned on as were the other 2, his cock somehow looked bigger than even mine tonight, and Logan and Nicky could not take their eyes off it either.  We all douched and washed away a few bits and thankfully each produced a nice solid 7-to-9-inch log, and we were sure we were all crystal cleaned out. Josh's finger rolled them close together.

He said, “Each of us will now look at each other's shit closely and lightly smell it and push one finger of your choice into each of them as we all know their owners.”

 Although at first, this seemed a bit over-the-top gross, it was extremely liberating and exciting and created a new sort of uninhibited bond among us. We each commented on the different textures smells and colours. It was not gross, and very animalistic, and our cocks had never been bigger but Josh’s giving Logan a run for his money and were dripping solid streams of hot white cum. Each of us identified a few positive and negative aspects of each, and we were now ready for the next command.

Josh spoke, “Now that we have shared each other's shit closer than ever before, tonight we will share and not care about anything our bodies do and we will enjoy and orgasm together like never before, we will tolerate the pain that will turn to pure pleasure, we may bleed, and we will heal our wounded brothers.”

He was right, “This was so bonding like brothers going to war and taking care of their wounds, I could not believe how he tapped this emotion in our brains, we were in total pack-hunting mesmerization!”

Josh said,” Now we will adorn our respective onesies. I will go into the bed and lie down and you my grade 12, 18yo boyfriends will come in and turn on the TV to hot twink porn. We will get our erections out and pump each other's cocks and then start to suck each other's cock. Once we have each sucked all 3 cocks and tasted our seeds and shared between, all except Nicky will lube their cock copiously and Logan you will put at least a cup of our new lube deep into Nicky’s rectum and he will mount my cock on the bed, and then bend over so our faces are just a centimeter apart, breathing each other breathe. Taylor will crouch over his back and slip his big cock into Nicky’s ass on top of my cock and hold onto the racecar seat tops for support. Logan you will then push the anaconda penis in as hard and as far as you can between us and we three will Fuck Nicky’s ass as fast and as hard as we can. I will hold him tight and Nicky you will cum spraying up to our faces and each of us will spill our copious seed deep in Nicky’s rectum and colon. Nicky will hold it when we are all blown our loads into you and clench your hole. You will then squat over my face and release all our loads over my face, hair, and into my mouth and throat and I will devour the cum stew.”

We were all exploding already listening to Josh and his ritualistic commands, it was so fucking hot!

After with us all still cum covered, we will strip naked from our onesies and lock our cocks deep in our bodies with our inverted cum tubed cock cages and engage in our leather attire and harnesses we will choose the largest size of our favorite dildo and mount it on our fuck machines, with our respective lube buckets and self fist ourselves putting at least a cup of lube into our rectums. I shall be in control of all your machines, and once you have ejaculated and spent as much as you can, you three will seize my controller and attach one of your used surprise dildos to my machine and ravage my hole with 2 massive dildos at once until I beg for mercy. Only stop pounding me if there is too much blood. A little pink is acceptable. The other 2 dildos shall be rubbed all over my face and body and I shall be forced to lick them clean as you destroy my hole.

Finally, Taylor and Logan shall get into the sling after we have de-caged. Nicky and I shall ravage your holes until each of you has shared in the 4 handed arms and elbow-deep fisting to a colossal cum storm all over my and Nicky’s mouth face and body. We shall then all kiss and share and eat as much cum as we can find and eat our holes clean of it all. For the finale, we will all kneel in a circle on my plastic Red Racer bed, and we will piss together up in the air all over each other's faces, mouths, and hair, we will swallow as much as possible and kiss and lick each other bodies clean. We can then rest and wash and sleep.”

We all smiled and said, “Yes my Master!”

I put on the porn, and we all got on the bed and started to pump and suck each others’ cocks. We all tasted so good and Josh so sweet like never before, Nicky like ripe plums. We were all so gorgeous and hot, and the onesies were a huge turn-on, something we all longed to have done in our 18 youth.

We all had good moderate ejaculations in all our mouths, a great cum buffet to swallow. Everybody said Josh’s was the most powerful and voluminous. Next Nicky was so excited, and I thought Logan was going to have a major cum just feeding the cups of our Crisco up Nicky’s ass. We positioned ourselves as Josh had instructed, it was beautiful. Nicky cried out when he mounted Josh and said,

“Oh God Josh, your cock is so huge tonight, fuck guys, fuck my 18teen boy ass till I bust!”

Josh began fucking him from underneath very hard and fast, I then pushed my cock into Nicky and once in grabbed the race seat edge and started to pound the sweet blonde’s ass feeling Josh’s huge cock rub violently ferociously against mine was incredible…he was like Titanium tonight! Then to feel Logans' anaconda push between us was unreal, it was too tight I felt my cock getting strangled as Nicky cried out,

“Oh Fuck yes, stretch my ass boys, pull it apart with your giant cocks oh fuck me harder faster fuck.”

I looked down and saw Joshua sweating and staring into Nicky’s eyes, and we all started to moan and groan and cry out.

Nicky screamed, “Fuck me harder deeper faster now boys, as fast as you can please break my cunt Josh break me!”

Suddenly Nicky gasped in shock, “Oh God Josh your eyes, your eyes have never been such a fantastic blue aquamarine like the Topaz Aegean, Fuck Josh you are so beautiful fuck me make me cum!”

Josh’s eyes were an incredible blue as he lifted his hips off the mattress and carried all our weight it was an incredible strength and power. Logan had to rise on his knees to stay in Nicky’s ass as we all started to cum.

Nicky shouted, “Oh fuck guys, I am cuming, oh fuck my God Josh, here it comes, yes fuck yes!”

Nicky sprayed all up into Josh and his face, and Josh looked at me deep in my eyes with his gorgeous aqua sea color. I nodded approvingly, and Josh and Nicky locked into a deep cum kiss as he then pulled away to scream,

“Fuck I am Cumming Nicky, take my seed deep in you, your so hot, fuck here it comes.”

Logan and I cried out in a near scream “Fuck we're all cuming take it Nicky take It!”

Massive hot wet juice squirted from all of us, but we could feel Josh unload like insanely as it pushed out our cocks”

Nicky said, “Oh god I can feel all your hot squirting cum guys, it's so nice more please, Oh fuck I am going to burst,” Josh kept pounding his ass as Logan and I were just about empty and once more huge thrust and lift from Josh and I thought Josh’s cum was going to come out of Nicky’s mouth nose and eyes and ears, the hot blond twink looked up at me and then Joshes eyes were like deep blue topaz diamonds and he blew the last of his powerful squirt.

Nicky said, “Oh Fuck Josh I can feel like a gallon of cum in my ass. I need to blow it out please now fuck.”

I pulled off and out of Nicky’s ass as did Logan and we stood on the floor, as Josh with incredible strength grabbed Nicky’s hips and lifted his entire body to the car seat edge and once Nicky’s ass was right over Josh’s mouth he said,

“Now Nicky bloom your bud and empty your shute!”

Nicky did just that and Logan and I were in total shock as the boy Nicky hollered in a great spasm of release 2 liters of cum covered Joshua’s head and face and he opened and sucked it all down his throat and used his hands and smeared it all over his body and face and hair. He was a total feral animal it was un fucking real we all watched in utter disbelief he was just so stoned on cum. Nicky collapsed panting beside him saying,

“Fuck Josh are you okay that is the most cum we have seen ever guys.”

Josh said, “Oh I am not done yet tonight, just wait and see what I can still do, Let's de-onesie and get cages and leathered up boys.”

I was worried about his eyes, his eyes were like a wild animal but so gorgeous it was intoxicating!

We rested a minute and Josh said” Time to concentrate on getting our cocks down and cages on.”

This was so fucking hard for all of us Josh included, but he reminded us that a Shit Buffett awaits our failure, so that was inspiration enough and we all managed to deflate to push our penises into our groins and push in us cum tubes and lock on our flat cage ends hiding our cock deep within us. Finally, we all breathed a sigh of relief. Josh smiled and was pleased with our looks. He chose of course the XXXL Seahorse, and I chose the XXXL Dragon, Nicky went for XXL Centaur, and Logan took XXXL Minotaur which would get him well ready for fists and arms. We are all super lubed with our great new Crisco mix (Thanks Gerhard, Fritz, Jefferey, and Markus). We placed our dildo heads in our assholes as we mounted our tables and machines facing each other in the x position again, and then we tossed our remotes to the master, Joshua. Josh looked around at all of us smiled and said, “Having fun guys!”

We all emphatically nodded yes and suddenly he turned them all on at once very quickly at a high depth and speed causing us all to almost painfully cry out almost being thrown off our tables as we were not ready and were robbed of a slow build expansion. We all moaned and winced in some moderate pain for a minute or 2, but then Nicky said, “Fuck that hurt but now I am getting really into it, faster and deeper Josh pound please, the hunger has started.”

That line threw us all crazy especially Josh who started to growl and grin as he turned our machines all up to max speed and depth. There was more pain like the virgin first time like my time with Gerhard, but we all winced and breathed and relaxed and finally opened to our normally relaxed expanded rectal space.

Josh commanded, “Ok now all of us go balls deep and milk those prostates and choke that fucking dildo!”

We all did as Josh directed, and breathed a great sigh of pleasure as we opened and passed our sigmoid to the descending colon, it was heaven. Josh started to go completely wild and was now riding and pushing back on the XXXL Seahorse just as fast as it was pounding him. When Nicky saw this, he started to cum.

“Fuck Josh, how do you do it so crazy fast, watching you take it and kill that dildo is making me cum Fuck, Josh cum guys come on let's come kill these dildos and destroy our prostates!” Nicky’s lines turned us all on so much that we all came it was great as he sprayed a good ½  cup all over his table very forcefully from his tube and then I went next, it was a fantastic ½  cup cum squirting as the dragon is very wide with its ridges and they milk the prostate. Logan then was enjoying the Minotaur’s preputial rings and screamed in his great Scott voice, fucking I am cuming…. Fuck…Fuck, and he blew forcefully out his tube at least 400mls or 3/4s of a cup, one of his biggest ever!

Josh was still milking himself but had shut our machines off as we panted and recovered he was anxious for us to break his ass with a double dildo. This worried me, but I was not in the mood to eat the shit buffet so…

The 3 of us got up and de-caged while Josh slowed his machine to a stop, breathing and sweating very hard.

I asked, “Are you OK?”

Josh replied, “Yes Taylor I am great, I want this please, so don’t be scared, I have figured out how to do it. I love you!”

I replied, “I love you too Joshua, and I am going to attach the XXXL dragon here a little down from the head of your XXXL seahorse. The 2 of them together will expand your hole to 20” circumference inches, this is 2 inches beyond what most say the anus, rectum, and colon can take at 7”’s wide, so please stop if you feel pain and we will watch for blood, but other than that try to relax and enjoy it, I am going to sit on a cushion here in front of you and look into your Aqua Topaz eyes. Logan and Nicky put about 4 cups of lube all over his gorgeous ass and the double dildos deep in his ass…fuck this was crazy but here we go! Nicky and Logan started to rub their used lube and ass juice-covered dildos all over Josh’s face and body. He opened his mouth licking them clean and then he wanted my tongue. Wow, we had not done this in a while. I was so turned on looking into those eyes of the Argean. God, he became more gorgeous by the minute, and I started to think he just might be the most beautiful person on the planet. I was so blessed to have him, a true masterpiece. The XXXL seahorse head entered him again as he danced with his tongue in me, and he went nuts when the head of the dragon started to push in. He pulled off my lips and said,

“More lube oh fuck it's Olympian! Oh yeah, this is fucking big, relax Joshua (He said to himself), Guys, Taylor breathe with me. Nicky come up front here on the floor with Taylor hold my hands, Logan watch for blood ok, please. Logan answered, “I am right here Josh buddy ready with more lube and I inch for your gorgeous hole swallowing the first ½, Your doing good.”

Josh continued to moan and groan and his eyes were crazy Topaz gorgeous, his face just in awe as he kept slowly inching down the massive double beasts…panting like never before, Squeezing our hands like so hard I thought he would break our bones climactic birthing release. His face was so flushed, and we could see his pulse and veins bulging in his neck face, and chest.

He said, “Oh Fuck Taylor this is unreal!” I said, “Josh you are breathing very fast and hard are you OK?

Josh replied, “It's fucking incredible, and I am going deeper now.” Josh pushed back and the look of heaven and absolute bliss was unfathomable. I could not believe he was going to do it.

Logan applied more lube and said,

” Just 2.5 Inches Josh, and you will have them both balls deep in your hole.”

Josh said, “Taylor …Nicky Kiss me both of you, as I finish it.” Josh kissed us both with dancing tongues as he pushed back back and back. Logan said,

 “Holy Fuck, his ass hole just expanded and swallowed them both as far to the base, he has done it, My God, Josh Fuck it, fuck it, this is a world event we are witnessing! Josh, just a tiny pink, ride it Josh ride it!”

Josh did just that pulled away from our kiss looked Nicky and me in the eye and started to scream and growl, as he rose and arched his back, he did not even cry out and no words nor sworn of God or anything, he just screamed and growled like a woman giving a hard childbirth. Never have I seen him like this, I was scared. He screamed in tremendous pain, and I said, “Josh are you OK? He shook his head yes and looked us in the eyes and tears ran down his face as he shook like never before and screamed so loud and pushed as the motor on the fuck machine started to grind and fight his ass and smoke. It shut off automatically and just at that moment, Logan said,

“Oh my God look at his cum spray!”

It was as if someone had punctured a 2L bag of milk and then squeezed it as hard as they could. The sound of the cum squirting out was like when you hose down your patio chair pads with a garden hose on high. Suddenly with his mouth as wide as I have ever seen, it stopped making any noise at all and he just froze and shook and did not breathe, his chest had stopped moving. We were in a panic, by the count of 20, saying,

“Josh, Josh breathe breathe,” So I slapped him and Logan spanked his ass hard a few times and pulled the dildos out to a colossal pop. Logan announced, “Just a bit of pink still.”

Suddenly Josh took in the largest breath I have ever witnessed as if being resuscitated and coughed some. Then he balled and balled and balled!”

He spoke, “Fuck I did it, I fucking did it, holy fuck.”

We watched as semen and cum continued to pour from his cock spout. Logan said,

“I am removing your cage.” As he did it and pulled out the tube another huge squirt erupted. It was all flowing over the edges of the table at least 2 liters of cum, none of us could ever cum close to this, it was all our titles combined. His 9” penis incredibly became rock hard as soon as uncaged. How is this possible?

He said, “Guys I want to finish because I am not in a shit buffet mood either, but I need Gatorade and a 20-minute rest.” We unclasped him from his table and carried him to the leather bed. He was drenched in so much cum, lube, and sweat, it was hard to see his skin color, and his hair looked all white also soaked in the love mixture. He gulped down the Gatorade and collapsed on his side. I spooned him and stroked his head and hair. Even covered in Cum, Lube, and sweat he was such a God of Gorgeousness. Surprisingly, with his titanium cock he was shockingly snoring….like Josh Never snores…never, ever! He was spent still sweating and heart racing. I shook him and he just mumbled but was breathing ok we checked his vitals with the stethoscope and BP cuff and all was fast but ok. I continued to stroke his hair when I noticed a funny birthmark under that thick beautiful long dark brown head of his. 2 of them actually as he snored. Something that looked like a scallop and something else like doves or swans?

I said, “Logan, Nicky go get the ultrasound machine and some USB sticks.”

 Logan said,” You want to scope his ass and check for tears?”

I said, “No I want to scan his brain.” Logan said, “Are you fucking kidding me.”

I replied, “ No I am serious…think about it, the 40% macho BDSM schizoid side, his eyes changing so beautifully during orgasm and lovemaking, his ridiculous amounts of ejaculate 4x what we can each do and we do a fucking shit ton, and his fantastic cock that grows so fast, and the power of his cums like shooting for 10 meters and the constant steel hard cock, and his ever-increasing gorgeousness…just let us check his brain while he is passed out and these marks like shells and doves under his temporal sides.”

Logan brought the Ultrasound and plugged it into the TV and turned off the Twink porn and popped in the USB sticks in the machine and I hit the record button. I gently traced around his beautiful cranium and head scanning his brain. Nicky was in Awe, and said,

“Looks just like his beautiful rosebud so maybe his ass is in his head.”

I said, “No Logan Look!”

Logan replied, “Holy fuck, his Temporal Lobes, Thalmus, Hippocampus, and Amygdala are all 7 to 10 times bigger than the normal person.”

Nicky said, “Does that mean Josh has a brain tumor?” In a fearful voice of panic.

I replied, “No not at all, but these brain centers and glands, control and aid emotion and feelings and the central nervous system through the entire body and are all connected with pleasure, sex love, and joy and explains why he is so sexual and can cum like a firehose. His brain tells his body to get every ounce of fluid into his prostate and Cowper gland and seminal vesicle and make Niagara Falls cum factory. Now let’s check his prostate and those glands.”

I moved the wand down to under Josh's hard cock perineum and around his public triangle. Logan said,

“Yes they are all huge but do not look at all congested or sick like Nicky had, you can see they are very soft looking but crazy big but almost overly healthy, and go down again, his sigmoid and colon are the sizes of a cervix and uterus look how wide and long it gets to the transverse, like no wonder he graves these massive penetrations, he can do it…fucking holy shit guys!”

Nicky begged, “Please guys fucking English here you have me worried, we love Josh is he OK…what does all this mean?”

Logan shook his head, “I do not know.”

I said, “Nicky Josh is fine, not sick, but we just proved and figured out why he is so exceptional with sex and pleasure and penetrations. Logan, Tomorrow although it is Saturday I will urgently text Dr. Giorgio (we were high school friends) and want you to confidentially take the USB ultrasound record to him at the Neurology dept at the university. Do not reveal who the subject is or his name, just say, Gay male almost 22 yo, 5ft 11” 165Lbs with brown hair and Aqua Blue Deep Topaz eyes that change during sex and seem a natural anal alpine tunnel aficionado. Tell him about his constantly growing cock and his ridiculous ejaculations and how he lives and breathes sex and pleasure. These birthmarks and his old Mediterranean and possibly Cyprian ancestry, or whatever else we think of, I will upload pictures and images of him. Also, his recently ripped perfectly toned body quickly earned jiujitsu belts and incredible strength and got more gorgeous and stronger by the day, after each cumnado orgasm. I want to know statistically the chances in the global population of all these factors and his brain and gonads results.”

Logan said, “I think you are right, and explained his exceptional abilities…Fuck he is a Sex God!”

Nicky whispers, “Josh is a Fucking Sex God, I knew it!! And he just super-fucked me to Venus and back…Awesome!”

We put away the scanner and wand. Josh seemed fine but sure as fuck was not waking back up tonight (Our 4 Shits in his cornflakes, I Guess)-Not!  We all got a blanket and pillows under him on the leather bed, and I spooned him all night again, the 2 of us lube cum and sweat crusted as I held and stroked my sleeping beauty my Joshua.

Logan and Nicky flushed the shit logs and showered in the master bath chatting and giggling but were intrigued and worried as was I. He crashed beside us in the race car bed, it was a great slumber party!

Just who was this Joshua, and just what have we let out?!?