Falling off the Edge

by Draven Moorcock

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To say I was confused by myself would be an understatement. Here I was, married to the handsomest guy in the world, while unable to resist the glory that was Keen Andrews. The guy was flawless.

Jake had only himself to blame, hadn’t he? Ok, maybe Jake seemed to realize how amazing Keen was, now, but why had he recommended Keen to me in the first place?

Ok, maybe Jake trusted me beyond reason with other men, but with Keen? I mean, come on, didn’t Jake see how crazy that was?

Jake had now gone out with Keen for casual lunches a few times now, and they seemed to be becoming cordial, even good, friends. I had to admit, I had badly wanted to crash those lunches but had been making up excuses so as to give them time together.

Why? Oh, I know why, though I’d like to think I wasn’t a conniving bitch. But I could not deny that when I said to Jake, I’d like Keen to become part of our family, that came from a true, if conflicted, place.

I craved Keen. Oh God I was loving our sessions in the office when he would give me weekly financials, always started by passionate kissing, make out sessions on the desk or the couch, ending with both naked, grinding on each other, before descending into long oral passion on each other’s throbbing cocks…ok not ending there at all, … as he usually ended up with my dick up his ass in one position or another. And then there was these last couple of weeks where I’d gotten really close to seducing his cock up my ass… but Keen was frustratingly respectful of Jake. He knew that was a boundary I shouldn’t cross, and he seemed determined not to cross it, though it teased me to near insanity. I mean, how the hell can one not have that gorgeous hunk pressed up against one’s ass, staring down into my eyes his big, beautiful cock griding up against my balls and not want that beautiful pole where it belonged?

Keen was not a particularly gabby guy, though from what Jake said, their lunches were full of talk about their military service and about the finer points of martial arts.

They had only brought up the subject of Keen’s relationship with me, but Keen had kept it vague, only saying he had heard that Jake and I were all but open and was respecting what boundary we still had, namely my not so virgin ass. And Jake, God help his idiot trusting head, kept telling Keen that our boundaries were up to me, but he thanked Keen for respecting them. According to Jake, he and Keen were becoming good buddies with mutual respect. Gah!!!

I wanted to tell Keen to STOP respecting our one remaining boundary…Fuck I wanted to yell, "Fuck me you sexy glorious, stud!", but I somehow knew that if I did, the eternally noble Keen would back off from me, and I couldn’t have that, selfish bitch that I was.

So, my core plan was on the table, to get Jake to let Keen move in. We had the guest bedroom that shared our bath on the ground floor. Jake liked to watch me kiss other men and even make out with them. I’d learned Jake had his limits, but he did get a charge out of my heavy flirting with others. So, if my husband liked that, then Keen would be a damn good test. One I could definitely, enjoy. Being the filling in that man-which was becoming a wet dream of mine.

And that was why I had agreed to meet them at the Beach Grill, a new-ish boardwalk restaurant that was still open despite the fact we were now well into November and Thanksgiving was only a couple of weeks away.

I’d worn a snug pair of grey jeans, going commando, but with a stretchy tennis wrist band around the root of my jewels to push them out and display them well. I also wore a dark blue sports jacket with a white t. It was a nice warm-ish day for this time of year, so I was getting away with it. As I walked into the place, I spotted my husband and Keen already in a booth by the large windows with their view of the ocean. Nodding to the young male host whose eyes were on my crotch, I walked past him to my men.

 Jake saw me first, his sea grey eyes, so startling from his lush black lashes, deep tan and mane of black hair, taking me in. A slight crinkle of warmth in them went with the natural move to his feet out of the booth.

“And here is the man of the hour. Hey baby,” Jake said, his bass voice a rumbling purr that always stirred me.

Maybe it was Keen’s presence that did it, but the powerful majestic beauty that was Jake’s in his late twenties, struck me all over again. He was so fucking sexy, but rock solid at the same time.

He was wearing a black bomber jacket over a thin dark blue sweater, snug black jeans and looked hot as hell.

Jake pulled me in for an easy hug and a kiss. I couldn’t help glance around. The restaurant was not an exclusively gay hang out, but no one seemed to care, though I thought I saw a disappointed slump in some shoulders at an all-girls table a few tables away. Yep, sorry girls. No chance here.

The Keen turned and smiled getting up and I felt my heart go thud. Oh man, what the fuck was wrong with me? I had the best guy as a partner and husband, and I couldn’t help the way Keen impacted me.

Keen stood up and I saw he wore very tight white slim cut jeans, his cock clearly visible. He wore a dark green sweater that went with his dark brown hair with lighter brown glints and brown eyes. He was liquid chocolate, those eyes. Mesmerizing.

“Hi Dan.”

“Hi, Keen,” I said as we moved into a hug that had a hint of pelvic pressure to it, almost by sheer sexual instinct.

“We saved a seat for you.” Jake said, and I was gently guided to move into the booth first, which put me right between the two hottest men in my life. My right knee was pressed to Keen’s as he slid in on my right and Jake’s on my left.

“Well sorry I was a bit late. Don’t let me interrupt the conversation.”

“Oh, we were just talking about the martial art’s classes and some extra time we need to spend going over what Keen is going to oversee while I am away.” Jake said. “Luckily between Jennifer Halloway, who teaches Tai Chi, and David Morehand, who teaches Karate, Keen should have no trouble covering the other classes. Even in the others, there are assistant instructors.”

Of course, this meant Jake was still on board to captain a super yacht for that billionaire and his partner after Thanksgiving. I forgot their names. You wouldn't think I would forget such a rich gay couple, but I did. Maybe I had been resenting the way they had taken my husband away from me for a time the winter before. Humph.

“Speaking of which. Isn’t it time we had some housemates, to keep me company while you're gone?" I said. Might as well attack the issue head on, I thought.

“Sure babe, who else did you have in mind?”

I crooked a thumb at our table mate, who flushed.

“Keen is renting a very expensive room at a hotel. That’s fine for maybe a month but its nuts long term.” I said, knowing that I was manipulating things.

Jake gave me a glance, only that, to let me know I was manipulating him, and he knew it, but was smooth and quick with a reply. “Of course, baby. The room right next to our master apartment is what you had in mind?”

“I don’t want to impose.” Keen almost blurted, his beautiful eyes looking from Jake to me and back again.

I moved a hand up Keen’s thigh and squeezed. “Not at all, Keen. You heard Jake. He’s invited you to live with us. We’d love it!”

Just then, with perfect timing to distract from any tension, not that there appeared to be any, the male host appeared, handing us our menu’s asking what we would like to drink. Jake ordered and Iced Tea. Keen just wanted water with a lemon and I follow suit.

Jake, with twinkling eyes went on in that laconic, low key, way of his, that I knew meant mischief and his own brand of humor, starting in with the waiter who hadn’t quite retreated yet…

“Yep, the apartment next door. Makes it easy, as my husband won’t want you far from his sight. As long as I can trust Dan, here, not to bend over for you every time I am not looking, that is.”

“Jake!” I gasped.

Keen, to my complete and utter surprise, actually giggled.

The young male host was staring at us with an expression somewhere between bug eyed and glazed.

The silence that followed was, I have to admit, funnier than hell, what with the host frozen in place, mouth agape. Eventually, he sort of jerked into motion, gave us a half grin and left us to get our drinks or tell a waitress to get them, since a girl of perhaps nineteen or so, shortly returned with them, looking a little nervous.

“Do you gentlemen know what you would like to order?”

We did. Jake ordered steak, Keen some sea bass, and I went for some crab cakes.

She had to ask for Jake’s order twice, and mine three times as her eyes were all on Keen, who had to repeat his order four times, as she seemed dazed, just gazing at him.

When she all but staggered away, Jake drawled out, “I guess you're aware of the affect you have on people.”

Keen flushed. “It’s a little embarrassing at times.” He said. “But it’s like you’ve said, Master Jake. When you have an audience, just burn your focus through it. They aren’t there to destroy, just admire. Be grateful it isn’t the other way around and go with it, so that’s what I do.”

“Yeah, he’s said that to me…” I started and stopped.

“I guess he must. You're so beautiful, Dan.” Keen said softly and his hand under the table squeezed my knee back.

“Gods, are we sounding vane and conceited or what?” I sighed.

Jake snorted. “It's simple math, really. You and I met because of visuals. Alex and you connected because of visual appreciation, and now he and big handsome built like a god, Captain Mike has something going.”

I felt a twist in my stomach over that. I was still hurting over Alex’s fall for Mike rather than moving in with us right away like he had been saying he would.

But Jake went on. “ Visuals start things. But it’s personalities that keep it going. Take it from me. If you didn’t like each other much because of personality, we wouldn’t be sitting here having lunch together. Forgive yourself for looking great, mates. I sure, as hell, forgive you.” Jake added with a wink.

“Will I be a mate, Master Jake?” Keen asked softly. Well, that stopped us. 

This “Master Jake” business Keen said to my husband, always startled me, but I was getting used to it. As Keen had told me many times, as extensive as his martial arts training had been in the Marines, apparently Jake was in a category all by himself as a Black belt in multiple forms of Martial arts. Keen said he literally could not help calling Jake Master.

Jake and Keen were gazing at each other, and I found myself looking back and forth between them.

Jake leaned back and crossed his arms, looking down and frowning slightly. Finally, as if making a deep decision in himself he said, “I really don’t know where this is going. I know I love Dan, very, very much. I think you two have fallen in love, and though I like you and can find absolutely no reason to dislike you, Keen, I can’t say that I am in love with you. Could I love you? I do, now, but as a friend and as I would love any nice man who happens to love and appreciate Dan as much as you do. So, I guess I love you more than as a friend, if I have to qualify it.”

“Jake...” I began to say, but Keen sharply squeezed my knee under the table, cutting off whatever I had been about to say. His intent brown eyes were on Jake.

Jake took his time, his eyes rising to meet Keen’s again. “What I intend to do right now, is to seriously invite you to come live with us. Become as much a part of Dan’s life as he wishes. I am going accept you into this family, and then spend Thanksgiving and this next week until I go join my job enjoying this family and Thanksgiving, myself. Life happens. It’s happening now, and the best thing I can do is go along with it. After all, I learned a little while ago, that fighting where life seems determined to take us, is a no-win game. You know that Keen. You can't serve in the military and not know that.

"Dan and I seem to have ended up in an open marriage. I am still learning what that means. So… for you Keen. There are no longer any boundaries. Is that understood? For both of you? No boundaries. I, as much as either of you, need to see where this leads. So respect me by not treating me as an obstacle to go around. What is, is. Ok?”

“Yes Sir.” Keen said softly.

And then I surprised myself by saying “Yes Sir,” as well.’

Lunch arrived. Keen and I ate one handed, because our free hands clenched tight under the table.

Jake smiled and prodded us about what we were going to do for Thanksgiving, what food to get, when to move Keen in, how to help him, all the logistics, and eventually the constant trickle of Jake’s easy going relaxed bass voice, pulled us out of our tension and lunch ended up being almost fun. At least it was a release from the big Elephant in the room. It was Jake that did that. Good old super sexy, manly as fuck, hot alpha, Jake. I found myself loving him all over again, even as some of what he said, his own clearly stated lack of certainty, kept me on edge.

I found myself wondering how I could think of letting Keen go and shied from it every time. Keen and I just… we clicked on all wave lengths. He appreciated art, music, with similar tastes as I did. He was a financial genius, and I loved his mind, in money making mode. He was super-hot and sexy, and he made me laugh albeit in a different way than Jake did. Jake was no idiot. Ok he liked music, accepted even “classical stuff”, as he called it, and suffered through our occasional visits to an art gallery. He wasn’t dumb about money. But the balances of things were different. But I LIKED those differences….

I suppose, when it came down to it, Keen was more of a constant in my life. Like my new best friend and lover rolled into one. Jake was too, only… was he really? Why was I tangling myself up in comparisons this way? What the FUCK was wrong with me?

And then there was the Jake and Keen becoming “Mates?” What was that about? Oh, it wasn’t the thought of them having sex. No, it was the thought of how I would handle that. I could be a jealous fuck. Did I want Keen falling in love with Jake? Was that even possible?

Ok, clearly I had a lot of thinking to do, rather than just being led by the head of my dick.

Clearly Jake had just explained he had a lot of thinking to do. I was AFRAID that Keen would over think and leave me!

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

As the two of them talked about the details of Thanksgiving plans, a new thought formed in my head. Jake would be gone for a couple of months, soon. I’d have Keen to myself. We’d be a couple. Jake would not be around to be an obstacle. Jake had even said, no boundaries.

Was I READY for that?”

Our food had arrived without me even noticing. Finally, Jake said, “Keen, do you think our baby is all tangled up in what if’s?”

“Definitely.” Keen said.

I looked back and forth at them. “Why do I get the impression you two already had this all figured out?”

Keen looked at Jake, who nodded at him, and my eyes narrowed farther.

“Actually, Dan, Master Jake and I figured you’d be joining us for lunch a week ago.”

My eyebrows rose up my head. I know they did. I could feel them. Both men were smiling at me. Oh hell, Jake was smirking, the fucker.

I stuck out my tongue at both of them.

This is the last Chapter of the segment of chapters called "Falling Off the Edge." Many of the characters continue in "Going With the Winds"...