Expected Result

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

20 May 2024 426 readers Score 7.8 (5 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 2

(What the Crap!)

*Authors Note: It is difficult to classify one story such as this into one category. There will also be strong elements of horror in this story line* 

The next morning Stan and Jeremy had been awakened, apparently, they had shared the same bed. The big Lt. who had told them just to call him “L, T”, because everyone did, had showed up last night while they were drunk and got some very good spaghetti in them. Then he was back this morning where they had ended back up at.

“I am sorry to wake you guys, but you have a Satellite call from your employer. Be easiest to take it in the den and use the big screen TV. You talk to him I will get some breakfast in you. You set your own work schedule, I cannot access or even open the door, but I can show you where the work area is at. Grab you a robe and come with me guys don’t want to keep googled eyes waiting,”

They got up and put robes on and followed the man down the hall back to the big room with the furniture and the pool table. They both set on the couch across the the widescreen TV, and their employer suddenly appeared.

To Stan, well the man was just weird, he hated to think that, but it was the truth. He had thin black hair wore thick glasses his features were a bit angular. The two most perturbing things about him, was his thin lips were really red. It was obvious it wasn’t makeup it was just the way his body was made. The absolute weirdest thing about him where his eyes, they kept constantly moving around refocusing. It was like he was on an eternal search for something.

His voice was deep yet whiny at the same time, “Doctors Leighton and Odell, so nice to see you.”

They both said good morning and waited to see what money bags wanted.

Culver said, “You can take your time about getting started but I would like you to get a quick look around the work area sometime today. Doctors Pratt and Littleton have been delayed the weather is just too tumultuous to get them down there. You two can start preliminary work. I will try to get the other four in there as soon as I can. Take it easy guys, I have a busy day, you can reach me at any time. Ta-Ta.”

His face disappeared and only the satellite splash screen was left. LT turned that off.

The big man said, “Follow me on in here to the kitchen and get you some breakfast in you. It will help you recover from your hangover.

There was a large kitchen area, that had a table sat off to the side where several people could eat. They had bacon and eggs, then both were destroying a bowl of cereal, Jeremy was a Lucky Charms man, Stan was more a cornflakes with a bit of Splenda person.

Then they went down and showered, there was no official uniform, and inside the base was extremely warm. Stan who usually planned for every eventuality had packed some denim shorts. Jeremy was much more of the jeans and a Metallica tee shirt sort. They went and found the L T, who took them down some windy passageways to a large steel door, it was several feet long and appeared to slide up. It as well was electronically sealed and required a badge swipe

The LT said, “This would be your lab, I have no idea what it is inside, my badge will not open it. I will leave you to it, good luck guys.”

Stan said once he was gone, “What is it with all the security in this place? We are in one of the most sparsely populated places on earth that is very difficult to reach?”

Jeremy said, “Not really sure, though I must say you look good in those shorts.”

Stan’s shyness had returned but he had manners, “Thanks, I guess.”

He walked down and swiped his badge, and door began to slowly slide up. It was a huge space, with several lab tables that had computers mounted on them. At the back of the room is what caught their attention immediately. There had appeared to be one large block of black looking stone. Then there were four smaller, maybe about the size of a bunk bed. Blocks of the same black stone looking material. You could feel weirdness oozing from these things. They slowly walked into the lab towards them, and the door began to slide back closed.

Stan said, “I don’t believe we are in Kansas anymore.”

Jeremy tried to ease the tension, “We never were you dumbass we are in Antarctica.”

On the floor, upon the areas holding the stone objects were two large bound scientific reports.

Jeremy went up and got one and tossed it to Stan and then he took his to a table and sat down.

He said, “Looks like it is time to start reading.”

Stan sat down and did just that with his, it took them several hours to make it through the thick reports.

Stan finished his first and just stared at the side wall for a bit.

Jeremy finally finished his, “I agree we are not in Kansas anymore.”

Stan said, “This is got to be a damn joke of sorts, or Culver is testing us some way? I mean I try to stay open minded about anything science, but extraterrestrial?”

Jeremy was silent for a moment as his brain tried to work.

He said, “According to this one this stuff was found rather recently, in a very deep part of the Mariana Trench, it was found by a fairly sophisticated small submarine controlled by software doing research for Culver Corp.”

Stan said, “According to mine there was a rather extensive recovery operation. FFS, they spent close to a billion dollars getting this stuff.”

Jeremy said, “My reading was much easier than yours, more than half of my manual had all the stuff listed they tried to penetrate, that black covering with and failed.  They tried the fancy new boron lasers, Depleted Uranium bits, all kinds of diamond tipped bits, none apparently would even scratch it. Seems to absorb radiation in some fashion. Them’s Lasers.”

Stan looked over at him, “Them’s lasers?”

Jeremy said, “Inside joke between me and my first cousin when I was younger. Every time they would talk about lasers of any type on TV, or we read it in a book, or just mentioned it. One of us would say, Them’s lasers. I think it’s from this stupid thing called, “Mohair Time Warp”, just kids being funny.”

Stan laughed a bit, “Well if they could never penetrate this stuff, what makes them think this stuff is extraterrestrial? I mean down that deep, a meteor strike of an element not common to earth, yet extremely durable, would be more logical. Wouldn’t it?”

Jeremy looked skeptical, “Does that feeling you get in proximity to this stuff logical? And four of them looking almost identical, tell me numbers man, what are the odds of a meteor fragmenting that symmetrically? In an airburst or striking the ocean?”

Stan said, “Extremely low, with almost no confidence. Look we have been in here for hours reading, and I don’t like those things, what do you say we go back to the den area for a bit and digest this?”

They left and it took another badge swipe to get them out. LT brought them sandwiches and chips for lunch.

He told them, “Guys I must fly to Amundsen Scott Station shortly. Expecting bad weather for some time, so must load up on extra supplies and extra fuel. What you guys have and do is fine, trust me plenty of gay people in the Navy, I must scratch my itch differently. Amongst nearly a thousand people locked away in that station, even someone as ugly as me, can get lucky.”

Jeremy said, “You are not ugly, just gigantic LT, you be back today?”

The LT said, “I will be back in time to make you guys a late dinner, do not go outside. At these temperatures you won’t last long, and it is easy to lose your way. Later.”

The big man disappeared, Jeremy went over and poured them a couple of Scotches. He handed one to Stan, who for once did not complain about the taste of alcohol. Those objects were just, well creepy, and they did give one a bad feeling.”

He told Jeremy, “Are you thinking what I am?”

Jeremy looked at him, “Mindreading is not among my talents, what?”

Stan said, “Even though it was a great deal less money, one of those think tanks in Washington D.C. might have been a better ideal.”

Jeremy said, “Too late, the boat has already left, and we are underground in Antarctica, with some weird fucking artifacts.”

The had several drinks as they discussed their strategy for approaching identifying the artifacts. Played a few games of pool and after Stan made another seemingly impossible shot, Jeremy looked at him.

He said, “New rule you are not allowed close to a pool stick unless you are fall down, need medical attention drunk.”

Stan was getting a good buzz going, “How the fuck does one go from sunny southern California, to being underground in Antarctica? With weird things the lab reports are calling extraterrestrial. It is our job to find out, no small task.”

Jeremy said, “I have an idea?”

Stan said, “Them’s lasers?”

Jeremy said, “How about another round of that game, this time on level four. I mean why not, you seem to enjoy that first round, it will help you calm down some. Plus, I am tired of you whipping my ass on this pool table.”

Stan looked thoughtful for a moment, “Grab that bottle, why not?”

Down on the bed Stan way laying on his stomach, with his legs bent up at the knee, and had three pillows under his chest. He took a drink of the Scotch, no matter how intoxicated one got, it still burned a little.

Jeremy had gotten the game back out, got the pack of level 4 cards. He dealt out eight to each of them and they were in a series of numbers.

He said, “Now keep in mind, as we go up in levels it will be more complex. You have eight cards, you can burn two, which means if it is something you really don’t like, you can get a replacement card.”

Stan said as he flipped his first card over, “What is up with that gelatinous eyed doctor and the closet full of craziness over there? Yes, I checked, every room has got one, guess they wanted to be certain.”

Jeremy said, “I don’t know I think it’s kind of cool, plus watching him on a screen is like watching an animated caricature.”

He laid his card down, Marked Choice 1: I want to top the other player. This time there had been a third choice, “I want to top and then switch and be bottom to the other player.”

He watched expectantly as Stan turned his card over which was marked, Choice 2: I want to bottom for the other player.

Jeremy grinned at him, “My man, excellent choice.”

They both looked at the second card and Stan Marked his and Jeremy marked his and they turned them over.

Stan:2. I want to suck the other player’s dick.

Jeremy:1. I want the other player to suck my dick.

Stan said, “There is a great deal of duplication in these. He was looking at this next card.

Jeremy had three choices, and this one he was unsure of, “Yes well somethings always happen.”

They made their choices and turned them over.

Stan had had chosen2. I want to swallow the other players cum.

Jeremy had chosen1:1. I want the other player to swallow my cum.

Option three had been, I want the other player to give me a facial/ I want to give the other player a facial.

Jeremy said, “I would like to introduce a rule if you will allow it?”

Stan took a drink of scotch and said, “Oh no Jeremy Rules, what do you have in mind?”

“Well on the ones that start to give several options, if they don’t match but we can agree on an option we say it’s good and put it in the action pile? But we both must agree.”

Stan stared at him for a second and said, “Sure why not, democratic debauchery.”

They were each looking at their next card and it was new. Stan was a little tipsy but just playing this game was a turn on. He did not need to be an expert in probability to know what Jeremy would choose.

Stan:1. I want to worship the other player’s balls.

Jeremy grinned, “It’s almost like you have ESP.”

Jeremy:2. I want the other player to worship my balls.

Jeremy threw those in the action pile, he liked that pile. They began looking at the next card.

There was a new option on this one and Jeremy wanted to test the waters, with their collective bargaining. There was a third option that had been added to this one, he chose it, knowing full well what Stan would pick.

Stan:1. I want to suck the other player’s dick on demand the next two days.

Jeremy:3. I want to mouthfuck the other player.

Stan looked at him, “A test, is it? I will agree with my Option3. I will let the other player mouthfuck me.

“We will make a good team you are easy to work with.” He changed that and threw it in the action pile.

They each took a drink and were looking at the next card. Stan wanted to burn this one, maybe, but there it was. Just because he had that option, he might not use it. He looked at Jeremy grinning at him. Yup he would, Stan chose anyway, and they flipped the cards.

Stan1: I will allow the other player to fuck me.

Jeremy2: I can fuck the other player up the ass.

As Jeremy threw that in the action pile Stan said, “Such eloquent language.”

They each reached and got their next card. Jeremy immediately marked his and Stan thought about it for a moment. He looked at the card and then at Jeremy, he did that a couple of times.

Jeremy said, “Listen Stephen King’s The Stan, I am not a mirage.”

Stan left the card in play and marked his, they flipped them over.

Stan1: The other player may come inside me.

Jeremy2: I want to come inside the other player.

Jeremy added that to the action deck, unless Stan was really lit which he wasn’t he was never wrong about numbers.

“It was my understanding we got seven cards?”

Jeremy grinned, “Each level we go up you add one, sorry.”

Stan looked at his last card without touching it, “I know what that option is. It is quite the exercise in patternicity and not very original”

Jeremy handed him a scratch pad and said, “If you are so sure put your choice down. If you are correct, I know what a genius you are. If you are wrong...”

Jeremy grinned at him, “I get to deal out three more cards?”

Stan finally grinned and wrote something on the pad.

Jeremy flipped his card and Stan showed his writing.

Stan1: The other player may restrain me. On his pad he had written.

Jeremy2: I can restrain the other player.

They both drained their glasses, Jeremy said, “You are good at that apparently. Same deal as before, we have a full deck, with interesting things. Surely, you want to proceed?”

Stann said, “Go and get your whips and chains and morning stars and all of the other weaponry and craziness in that cupboard.”

As Jeremy was retrieving some things, Stan got a funny look on his face.

He said, “High frequency sound.”

Jeremy had some handcuffs, ankle cuffs, and had a big bottle of lube.

“What about it Stan?”

“If that material is so tough nothing, we have will go through it. That means it must be extremely dense. Coat it in a gel, use some or make some high frequency sonar equipment and we can image what’s on the inside of it.”

Jeremy carried his stuff over to the bed and climbed on.

“Yeah, just like a sonogram, can you code that well?”

He was handcuffing Stan’s hands behind his back last night had taken his modesty. So, he was already naked, and Jeremy got the handcuffs on him and the ankle cuffs.

He looked over sideways at Jeremy and said, “Typically, yes, I guess we will find out.”

The older man reached down and began massaging his tanned back and rubbing his nice ass. It felt good to both, and Stan closed his eyes for a minute.

Stan finally managed, “I don’t remember choosing an option, the other player may paw at my ass and such.”

Jeremy reached down and jingled his locked handcuffs, “Once those go on it is my show, but I will stop if you don’t like it.”

“Oh, Heaven’s no, please, that feels good.”

Jeremy rolled him over and kind of laid on top of him.

He told Stan, “You didn’t have an option for this either, yet the handcuffs also sort of make that a moot point.”

He leaned down and put his lips to Stan’s and who opened his mouth a little and invited his tongue inside. Jeremy continued kissing him as he began to remove clothing. He finally got free of them, and they were both as hard as could be. Jeremy reached down and put his hand around the shaft of Stans.

He said, “Keep that up and I might start thinking you like me. Good idea about the high frequency sound.”

When Stan could he said, “Thank you, now if we can just make it work.”

Jeremy said, “You have got to make something else work for me first.”

He slid Stan down the bed some and got his dick above his mouth. He leaned down slowly and put the head of it to Stan’s lips.


Stan opened his mouth and Jeremy on top began to push his cock deeper and deeper into it. Oh, now that felt good, he pushed it down till Stan gagged a little and stopped. He began to slide it slowly in and out and was going deep enough to where Stan would gag a little now and again, but he was not rough.

“Oh yes, use that tongue get me to feeling good, then I am going to lube up and try the other side.”

He pumped his mouth slowly for some time he reached up a couple of times and rubbed on Stan’s nice cock.

He slid his hand up and down it a few time and Stan went, “Uhm.”

“Can I quote you on that Dr. Leighton?”


Jeremy continued to slide his dick in and out of his mouth, “Today in a startling revelation, when asked about exactly what he thought about having his cock used at will by that nasty Dr. Odell, reputed child genius now at the age of twenty, Dr. Stan Leighton said, “Uhm.” Then the fucking extraterrestrial beings promptly flew over and beamed him up. Apparently, he had figured out a way to see inside their stuff.”

He pulled himself fee and rolled Stan over onto his stomach.

“No card for this one either but that handcuff technology is a bitch.”

Jeremy got himself positioned down behind Stan and licked on that nicely tanned ass of his. Then he spread his cheeks and began rimming him with his tongue. Stan had such a nice ass it needed some attention from him. He did this for some time and got him good and loose, Stan moaned like crazy.

As Jeremy worked his tongue, he got the bottle of lube and began to slick up his cock. He pulled free of Stan and took the lube that had a nice consistency and squeezed some over the hole he had just loosened up. He climbed up onto position to insert his dick and put the head to it, with a little body language it started. He was soon all the way in and let it sit there a minute.

“Dr. Stan?”


“You have a very tight ass, that I am really going to enjoy fucking till I empty inside it.”

“Glad we are in agreement,” he began to slowly work his dick in out and out of his workmate.

He slowly got faster till he was at the speed he wanted and stayed at that rhythm. A few times, since he was breaking Stan in, he pulled his cock out and then waited a second and then reentered him. He would do as he liked, Stan was liking it, and was not complaining.

In time he would be able to figure out most likely how to make him bust one hands free. He was not exploring this round he wanted to cum in this tight ass. He would either suck or jerk Stan off, but he was feeling good, and going forward.  

“Oh yeah Stan, you know just the perfect way to lay there and take it. You feel so good.”

He was beginning to go harder, and the bed was squeaking a bit in protest.

“What do you think Stan about that cock up your ass?”

“Hum, you are an excellent practitioner Dr. Jeremy.”

Jeremy had his right arm wrapped around Stan’s upper chest. He was starting to get close. He continued, and then he knew for sure it was on the way. He pushed as deep as he could and his cock began to pump up inside this blond, who was so nice, and smart.

“Oh, For-Fuck’s-Sake, take that Stan.”

His balls emptied completely up inside Stan, and he pumped a bit more then pulled free. He slid down and rolled him onto his back, he was so nicely tanned. His tanned Stan, the man.

He took the bottle of lube and poured some over tanned Stan’s nice hard cock. He laid with his head up beside him and began to rapidly slide his hand up and down that lubed cock. He worked it well and Stan was trying to move but he wasn’t going far.

“Oh Fuck, I won’t last long like that.”

Jeremy whispered into his ear, “That’s all part of my evil plan. Tell me when you are going to cum and give me plenty of warning. This was not on a card either, again steel is mightier than the card.”

“Oh, I am going to cum.”

Jeremy grinned and slid down quickly between his legs and put the head of his cock into his mouth and continued to slide his hand. Soon, Stans nice cock began to spurt into his mouth and Jeremy locked his lips around the head of it.

“Oh, that feels so good.”

He shot Jeremy’s mouth almost full, and he swallowed it all down for the good Dr. Stan.

A few moments later Stan was free having had a fresh shower and sitting on the bottom of the bed. Jeremy had showered and was only in underwear too putting all the stuff from the cabinet back. He came and sat beside Stan and put his arm around him. They climbed in the bed together and Jeremy put his arm around the blond.

“Goodnight Stan, I hope you enjoyed that, and we can do it some more.”

“Goodnight Jeremy, I would be disappointed if we couldn’t.”


Down in Carver’s basement:

There were several big screens, showing the video of the two hot young men fucking. The biggest camera was an image of Jeremy’s not small dick, pushing in and out of Stan’s tight ass. Everyone was watching and was quiet for a moment.

Dr. Carver said, “See, I told you, fun and productive. I had not considered a high-density gel and using a modified sonar. None of you fucking did either, this is a good team If this can be solved, they will solve it.”

The voice that could put you to sleep that must be a psychologist said,” Well that was something.”

Scratchy voice said, “Fuck that was hot, sonar is not my thing.”

The man with the cigarette said, “Perhaps when they image it, there will be a message inside that says Carver is a gigantic ass. Why should I have thought of a modified sonar, I am not a fucking genius.”

Dr. Carver said, “Well they are and the hot young blond one did, get our coding people on that if they need assistance. I am sure this will get interesting.”