Erect Towers: Root of all Magic

by GreatBallzNCock

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Erect Towers

Chapter 1 - Knock Knock 

It was ten to midnight in the sleepy village green of Braskington. An owl hooted over head. The night was dark and silent. All that was heard was the moaning and groaning of a young couple locked in the embrace of sensual, intimate, sexual orgasms inside a stand alone barn. Tim Blue, a sandy haired, brown eyed boy, wearing a grey top and jeans, or atleast that is what he wore upon entering the barn, was making out with Claire Hewitt, a red haired vixen with big dark blue eyes and even bigger boobs, who in turn was sloppily kissing him and vigorously rubbing his six inch cock with one of her manicured hands. 

They had been at this for a while. Ever since they met in high school they had gone straight to this ramshackle barn after school to indulge themselves in pleasure. 

“Oh yes! Give me that shit! Come on boy! Give me that spunk!”

Claire was now riding Tim on the straw covered floor, gripping his cock with her tightness. Up and down she went, vigorously slapping his face as she came to a climax. 

“Yes…. yes……. oooohhhh yeeeeesssss….. ugh! Ugh! UGH! YEEEESSSSSSSSSSS…..god Tim I love you so so much. Here, let me suck it.”

Claire sucked Tim dryer than the straw. Tim groaned as she sucked and sucked making his cock slippery with her entwined tongue. 

Tim was in seventh heaven. He had the girl of his dreams, naked with her big boobs on display, happily sucking him off after climaxing on his cock. 

Tim closed his eyes in bliss. A while later he could still feel and hear Claire sucking his cock. He must have cum several times. But wait a minute. Since when did Claire have a strong grip? More to the point why was he feeling stubble everytime she went down to his balls? 

With a sudden start Tim opened his eyes to find not Claire but a stranger. A stranger with bushy white hair, stubble beard and apparently naked, sucking his cock. Tim pushed the stranger away and backed into a corner. 

“Who the hell are you and what the fuck have you done with Claire?”

The stranger lifted his head whilst still on his hands and knees and looked Tim straight in the eyes. Cum dribbled from a corner of his mouth. Slowly he moved towards Tim. Tim backed until his back was to the wooden barn panelling. 

“Stay back. Don’t come any closer.”

The stranger tilted his head and crept still towards Tim. 

I told you keep away.”

Tim huddled into a ball as the stranger came almost within touching distance. Then suddenly the stranger stopped, sniffed the air and spoke not directly to Tim but to the roof. 

“Ah! Yes. This is the essence I’ve been looking for. Craving for.”

Tim looked puzzled and a little afraid. What if this stranger was an escaped lunatic. There was an asylum not twenty miles away Tim remembered. 

The stranger stared at Tim and whispered.

”You’re the one I have come for. It will be over soon. I will be complete once more.”

Tim got scared and tried finding an escape but the stranger noticed this and had a mad look in his eyes.

”Don’t you dare move. I have waited too long for this.”

With a manic move the stranger pounced upon Tim. Tim felt the strangers skin. It was slimy and not at all pleasant. There was a thick odour around him as if this stranger had just been fucking not too long ago. 

“Yes. It’s time. You’re all ready for me to begin penetrating. Soon I shall be reborn from your essence.”

Tim started panicking at the word penetrating and started to thrash out. 


The stranger possessed a strength Tim didn’t think he could have as by the looks of this strangers naked appearance he looked to be alot older than his voice and had an almost skeletal body but with an unbelievable strength. 

“I will succeed this time. No escape for you!”

The strangers eyes lit up like tiny torches. The stranger lifted Tim and turned him belly down onto the floor. Slimy hands groped Tim’s behind and once Tim felt a bony finger touch his hole. 

“Ripe for the taking!”

Tim was held down as he felt the tip of this strangers cock enter him.

”The time is right. Time to rebirth!”

Suddenly a bright light burst into the barn and Tim felt the stranger retreat his cock and move away. The stranger was angry. Whatever it was about to do to Tim must have been of great importance as Tim heard anger in a twisted voice as the stranger was lifted high into the roof of the barn and entwined in what looked like tentacles. 


Then darkness fell once more. Tim could still hear the stranger hissing and spitting out words he could understand and some he couldn’t. 

At the same time the doors to the barn flew open and in walked a woman with orange robes and a pointed hat. Her hands were outstretched as if she had just hung washing out to dry. Now she had them by her side. 

Tim felt an extraordinary sense that this woman was good. I mean the stranger now residing in the tangle of tentacles would have done something wicked to him if not for her blinding entrance. 

“I am Madame Cyril, under mistress to the Erect Towers Academy of Magic.”

Tim had to stifle a laugh at that but then looked back up at the stranger, now limp and silent with those eyes staring down at him and he shivered.

”Cold are we? Here, let me.”

Madame Cyril waved her hands about and in a matter of time Tim found himself dressed in a suit with no shirt underneath. 


Tim felt less cold but still shivered a little. Possibly from having narrowly escaped a buggering. 

“Better. Thank you.”

Madame Cyril gave a smile then promptly walked out of the barn. She turned back to look him over. 

“You coming? I have something to show you. Unless you want to stay with that thing above you.”

Tim looked up once more to see the stranger smile down at him. Tim walked briskly out and towards Madame Cyril who was now waving her hands to the sky. 

Tim looked at her quizzically but then gasped.

What was once sky now became a beam of multicoloured lights. Somewhat like a flat rainbow. 

“This is our transport out of here towards the academy. Are you coming?”

Tim looked around then back at the barn and to his horror thought of Claire.

”She is fine. She is back home having a nice cup of hot coco. She does not remember you. I put a charm on her. She will be banging other guys or girls in a matter of days. Come now we have wasted time. Too much time.”

She took a stunned Tim’s hand and before Tim could respond back he found himself twisting and turning in what looked like a portal until suddenly they stopped. They were in a field of oranges as far as the eye could see. In the distance sat a purplish looking set of three towers upon a hill. 

“There it is. Erect Towers Academy. This will be a new life for you now Tim. Ah yes I, that is, we know all about you. But come now it is quite a distance to go so make haste.”

Tim suddenly found he could talk again and let out all that he wanted to say in one go.


Madame Cyril gasped but then giggled.

”It is all for the good of you Tim. That thing that tried to bugger you was your arch enemy. We have been keeping a watchful eye and ear on you from the time you entered the barn as we suspected the thing would be there. I must say though that you haven’t been a very bright boy. That thing has been lurking around for the right moment to strike. It feeds off of essence as you probably know now. While you and Claire had been enjoying each other that thing had been growing more confident and now it’s on to you like heat.”

Tim was still dazed but then asked Madame Cyril a question.

”What is the name of that thing?”

Madame Cyril cringed but then spoke softly.

”We magic folk call it LOSHKINSOFF, the buggerer.”