Dominated by Dwaine

by Fightlad

13 Apr 2021 7454 readers Score 8.2 (42 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Dwaines Cell Mate

Dwaines crime spree lasted at least five years. The law had no sanction for the fights, intimidating behaviour,  possession of weed, drunk and disorderly, trespassing. He was finally sentenced for theft at 18. The papers said he forced another lad to withdraw cash at a machine. He was lucky not to be charged with false imprisonment.

The family were distraught. They lived in a rough estate but Dwaine's parents had raised three productive, older siblings. The correction officer found no evidence of family or childhood trauma. The court assessment cited traits of 'narcissistic personality disorder'.

Chloe was in court to support him. The latest in a long list of girlfriends.

Dwaine spent the night before court in a holding cell. He was photographed on his way into court: blue hoodie, dirty grey joggers and worn white trainers. His three day stubble was reddish and his left eye looked slightly bruised.

There were many in the town, pleased to see Dwaine handcuffed and finally facing justice.

The judge noted: 'Dwaine has 'a history of aggressive and destructive behaviour, and he demonstrates no empathy for his victims, or remorse for his actions'.

Darren was half way through his sentence on C Wing when Dwaine arrived. They were both from the same estate. Darren was older than Dwaine and had a history of drug dealing.

It was Darren who told me Dwaine had been sanctioned for bullying in the prison.

It started on the first night, when Dwaine was paired with 20 year old Josh. He quickly sized him up and was confident he could dominate his smaller cell mate. Dwaine wanted to prove he was the alpha in the cell so he warned Josh to 'obey' him or 'suffer'. Josh ignored him, Dwaine was a year younger than him and Josh thought Dwaine was just mouthing off.

Josh was close to release, he wanted to do his time without any trouble. He had been bullied for years because he was short and skinny. The prison gym was his obsession and he was starting to fill out, because of his time there.

Everyone has different goals, for Josh, it was growing his legs. He had developed a gruelling programme of: squats, lunges and weights. The results were good, Josh now had size on his: quads, hamstrings, glutes, adductors and calfs.

The lads joked Josh looked like a cross between a bulldog and a baby marine, with his angry stare, his black hair now transformed into a tight prison buzz cut and his bulging muscles.

Darren normally trained with Josh and was on his way to the gym, when he saw prison guards rushing into Josh's cell. He heard loud bangs and shouting but couldn't see what was happening.

Dwaine was in the gym, doing push ups when Darren arrived. 'what the fucks up in your cell Dwaine? ' Don't know, that thick fucker is acting up'.

Darren was blessed with perfection. Tall, muscular, fair hair, blue eyes. He was most lads gym goal. No amount of weight was a challenge for Darren and no one messed with him.

Dwaine had enough sense to stay on Darren's good side and he had already chosen Josh as his prey.

While Darren destroyed heavy weights, Dwaine was more focused on body weight calisthenics training. Strength was his goal.

When Dwaine got back to the cell, it was clear it had been smashed up. No sign of Josh. Dwaine noticed a dent in the wall and later found out Josh had punched it, in a rage. The Guards had restrained Josh and taken him to the medical unit.

Josh sustained a broken hand from punching the wall and a twisted ankle during his struggle with the Guards.

Dwaine was lying on Josh's bed when he limped in to the cell.

' Ha what happened to you? Dwaine smirked. ' I like your little white shorts ha'

' Don't fucking start me Dwaine, it's your fault you robbed my gym gear, I lost my training slot and was locked in the cell's, I'm stuck in these shorts because your a prick'.

' Yeah thanks for the gym gear Josh?, Nice trainers and shorts, didn't like the prison ones so I swapped for your Nikes'. ' Couldn't believe you had size 10 trainers for a such a small fucker, nice fit though, thanks'

Josh was seething, he lunged at Dwaine on the bed. Dwaine had the advantage, he was faster anyway, but Josh's ankle buckled and he fell to the floor, screaming. Dwaine pinned him down on the floor, covering his mouth with his foot.

'Shut the fuck up Josh, you want the Guards back in? You want more pain? You want more time? Go for it I'm happy to have you here longer'.

Dwaine was standing over Josh, one foot covering his face to silence him and the other on Josh's arm.

' All I have to do Josh is put a bit more pressure on this arm and that little cast won't protect your broken hand'. You did that to yourself Josh. You had a little tantrum because you couldn't go to the gym. Don't come in here thinking you are in charge. You're the one on the floor, smothered under my foot, little cripple, that's all you are. So let's start again, you need to say 'sorry Dwaine', then you need to clean this place up and shut the fuck up. I'm going to let you speak now, but be careful what you say, boy'.

Josh gasped for air as Dwaine pulled his foot back. ' Your fucking wearing my shorts you prick, Dwaine'.

Dwaine was hoping Josh would rebel. Josh's pain, was his pleasure.

' I'll twist your little nose off Josh' . Dwaine had Josh's nose pinched between his big and index toes. He was twisting it violently until Josh submitted.

' let me make it simple for your little head Josh, your stuck down there, I can break your nose anytime, without any effort. So here's what you need to do: prove to me your sorry, obey me and don't answer back'.... 'Hang on what's that down there, a little stiffy, Josh is getting excited, don't feel bad Josh, I'm a sex God ha'.

Dwaine was right, Josh was hard , under his white shorts.

' Your mine now Josh, let me show you what a real lad looks like'. Dwaine pulled his long, thick cock out of the shorts he'd taken from Josh. It was rock hard and pulsating, like a weapon, waiting to attack.

Josh was still at Dwaine's mercy: The stench of and pain from Dwaine's toes twisting into his nose, the sight of Dwaine's big balls, with red pubes and canon cock dangling above him, the physical and mental control Dwaine exercised over him.. was total.

Josh needed to cum urgently. He reached for his cock but Dwaine shouted 'No, you need permission, remember I control you, everything, what you think, say, eat, when you cum, piss , sleep. Watch and learn'

Dwaine attacked his own cock vigorously with both hands. Working it up and down until precum leaked out followed by jets of thick cum, falling to the floor, covering Josh.

' I'm going to get off you now Josh, you have a lot of cum to lick ok?' ' yes''Say thanks, Dwaine for feeding me'' thanks Dwaine, for for feeding me'' Your learning Josh, that stuff is better than any protein shake so I'll make you a bottle to drink for the gym every day, you want that don't you?