Dreaming of Leather men

by StrykerJ

30 Jun 2021 1313 readers Score 9.7 (23 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Introduction - Dreaming of Leather men: 
Benson Long was too emotional to stay at home. He had to get away. Benny found his dream tattoo and managed to celebrate his 18th birthday by coming out. This set him on his path for the rest of his life. Even his new friends liked the way that Benny got things sorted in the end.
This is an 8 part series describing the fun Benny had discovering his preferences.

Reading advice:
If this is the first chapter of this story you come across, then you may want to start at the beginning. Or this chapter won't make much sense.

A new beginning to the rest of my life.

When I arrived, I made my way to the leather store first. During the 2 hour drive to the state's capital, I figured I could get something for Theo there. Looking forward to maybe sampling the capital's nightlife as well. I was a day early. So I had all night to enjoy myself. However, when I parked my cross bike on the sidewalk and looked bewildered into the shop, the store was completely vacated. Even the sign above the shop was taped off.

Suddenly I heard someone call to me. "Mr.B?... Nice to see you again, man... Quick, pull your bike in here... Or you're liable to get a ticket." called Brian LeCroy. The shop's Canadian bouncer. I pulled my bike into the loading bay, and Brian closed the door behind me. Bewildered, I asked him, "...What the hell happened here, Brian?... Why is my favorite shop closed?" 

The shop's manager had joined us. He explained heavy heartedly, "...That would be because City hall decided to be homophobic and close all adult shops..." He sighed when he had said it.
"Awe, man... Are you reopening somewhere else then?..." I asked in slight desperation. I really liked that shop, even though I had only been there once.
"Nope, the city won't allow us to buy or rent anywhere within the city limits..." said the manager disgusted.

"Bummer... But... Ummm... wait a moment!... Would you be willing to move shop to the coast?..." I asked the manager. Telling him that my father had recently got a hold of a boatload of premises there. And that his property developing company was currently refurbishing Waterman's gym. I told them that my next-door neighbor would be running it as a gay-friendly hangout and workout area. It would even get a men's leather club underneath it.

"Benny?... Isn't that the place that, what's his name Skylark or something, used to own?" asked Brian. Of course, having heard about that gym himself.
"You mean Jeff -fucking- Skyler?..." I replied slightly in anger. "... Yes, he did... The arsehole manhandled my brother at boot camp and even tried to seduce me last month as well... Long story short, it's ours now... And Tylor Cummingham will become the manager there." 

The leather shop's manager started to smirk knowingly after hearing Tylor's name. "Ha, I knew 'Dicky' Cummingham when he was still a cage-fighter!... But Benny... You and Skyler?... Are you okay?... He isn't known for his tactful handling of young men... He is a disgrace for us masters!" asked the manager worriedly.
I grinned back at him, saying, "... Good thing I did not know that beforehand... I let him seduce and dominate me... He just looked too cool in his butch leathers..." I sighed and continued, "... But when I found out his plan, I managed to get away... The asshole got his nuts pinched between a rock and a very hard place..." I said reassuringly. 

Explaining to the two men that the shop that I had in mind for them was right across from the gym on Pride Street. Saying that, we now owned a large empty shop there. I told them that I could hook them up with my dad if they are willing to move on it. The manager of the leather store was very keen to take a look. Apparently, the way the city council in the capital had been acting made him eager to leave there. "Sounds like a plan, sir... Thanks for the suggestion, buddy... But, of course, having a look can't hurt," said the manager, elated. 

"At least our city is happy to get the area out of the slump... And as long as it is done with taste, they don't seem to mind attracting some gay-folk either... Enough sailors and bikers around there too!" I said, sealing the deal for the manager. The two men took me into the back office. Or what was leftover from it. They offered me something to drink as I set the plan into motion.

I texted Philip first, "- Hey Philip... By now, you may have heard I have done a runner again... Not to worry, I am safe and sound in the state's capital... Is it okay if I bunk at your place tonight?... I have an appointment with Johnny 5 tomorrow. -"

I also texted my father, "- Dad, I may have found a tenant or owner for the large shop across the street from the gym... They used to own the adult leather sex shop I got my biker gear from... They seem very interested... Send me an okay to have them call you. -"

I texted Mark last, "- Sorry about me running you off the road earlier, bro... It could not be helped... Safe in the capital... I'll be back before my birthday... Please inform Big-T for me... No workout today. -"

Philly replied for the three of them, "- Dad says to give them his personal number... Marky says that he will tell Big-T... And your welcome to stay at my place... You got the codes... But you got to stop doing this, Benson!... You little drama queen!... :-) You had everyone worried sick again! -"

I answered Philip, "- I can handle myself... Just imagine how I felt after mom kicked down my door just to prove Karen McDo-nothing right... See you sometime before Wednesday... At least if mom's ready to apologize... DO NOT CALL ME... I will probably have my mouth full! ;-) -"

I gave my father's personal phone number to the leather shop's manager and went to Philip's place. Brian accompanied me to the loading bay door to let me out. But, before I put on my helmet, he stopped me. Pressed me up against the door and ground his strong black body to mine. "Fuck kid... You don't know how happy I am about all of this... You came at the right time... We were getting desperate..." Then the hunking stud started to kiss me gruffly.

The age difference between us didn't bother him. Nor did the difference in muscle mass. Brian is a 27-year-old lean bodybuilder. However, he saw me as an equal. A true friend even. And that was a pleasant change of pace from the issues I fled away from back home.

I laughed and asked if Brian would move to the coast and work at the new location as well. With a slight tilt to his head, and after a moment's pause, he answered wholeheartedly, "Yes... Hope you and I can get to hang out some more too." I smiled, nodded, and put my helmet back on. Driving myself to Philips loft apartment. Letting myself inside his private elevator with the codes he had given me.

There I texted the 26-year-old John Wang Li that I was in town already. He called back and explained that he had nothing planned for that evening. He even suggested that we have dinner at his place and that he had something he really needed to show me.
Intrigued, I answered, "Oh cool... around 6 then?"
"Great... See you then, sir!" said John. But, before he ended the call, I heard his tattoo-gun working hard on a squeamish young man. Well, he screamed like a little girl, actually.

When I arrived at Johnny 5's beauty parlor, he had just finished off the young men. That client was not much older than me. His eyes were full of tears as he hobbled away. But his grin could not have been wider.
"He doesn't seem the type for it..." I half-heartedly joked.
"Hahaha... Very true... That kid turned 18 and wanted the works... He got his cock pierced and tattooed... I had to wear hearing protection..." laughed John Wang Li. But his look changed when he watched me, asking, "... How are you, Benny?"

"Hmmm... Not really sure... I had some issues with mom at home... So I drove my new bike over here in anger to maybe sample the nightlife of the capital." I replied honestly.
"Ah... sorry to hear that, man... and... Ummm... I think you may be out of luck on the nightlife front too... The city has closed down most of the hotter gay clubs," sighed Johnny.
"You wanted to show me something, John?... Hope your not looking for sex... I am really too pissed off to pop a load."
"Ha ha... Me love you long time?..." joked the 26-year-old Asian hairdresser and tattoo artist. Ruffling up my hair.

John twirled me around and showed me the outside of his shop window. He had a lifesized cut-out of me on display. It was a very cool picture with my new hairstyle. Wearing my thin leather jacket, black Nike running pants, and cool pointy cowboy boots. Looking very seductively over the Rayban's.
"Your new hairstyle is a hit, Benson... I made loads of cash already as well as new customers," said John, elated.
"Shit... that biker dude looks hot... Is he available for other 'work' as well... I would not mind him taking a long ride on my dick..." I joked at Johnny.
"Ha... You're not the first one who asked me that..." said John, "You're very popular amongst 16- to 25-year-olds. And even the over 40-something daddies seem to like a gay twinky like that."
"Well then, let's go inside... Before I get kidnapped..." I said, laughing hard with John.

Merrily chatting, we walked into John's shop. He still had to do some clean-up work in the tattoo parlor, so I sat myself down at the table and looked at some of the tattoo example books that lay strewn over it. I went looking for a nice three-dimensional tribal and a sea monster. Having already had a dream of me sporting such an impressive-looking tattoo one day. To my shock, I found exactly what I had been dreaming about. It was on the centerfold of one of the books. A proper deja vu experience. I could clearly recall all the details of the kinky leather dream I had about it. 

John had finished his clean-up and saw what I was mesmerizing over. He quickly stepped away and slammed a large drawing off his vision for my tat on the table next to the book.
"This was what I wanted to show you... But I think you found an even better combo... Shit, Benny... That would look so fucking cool on you!"
"Oh... Johnny... That's beautiful... I like that dragon head of yours much better... With this 3D tribal as a tail," I sighed in awe of the find. Without asking, John pulled my hoody t-shirt over my head. Placing a large piece of tracing paper over my right arm, shoulder, and right pectoral muscle. Johnny made me hold the paper while he marked my nipple and various other points on it.

"Benny... I normally don't do this in front of customers... But if you don't mind waiting for dinner a bit while I draw this up real quick... You got me excited."
"Sure... Let's see the artist at work then... Dinner can wait... But I already know what it's going to look like... I have dreamed about it years ago!" I said eagerly.
"Really?... Oh crap... It's meant to be then!" exclaimed John with his girlish gay flair. 

"Decision time..." giggled Johnny. "Where do you want the tribal to start and flow over into the sea-monsters head," I told Johnny that I wanted the dragon head to be on my pec only. First, pointing to a spot just a few inches above my elbow. Then, asking John if he could wrap the tribal two-thirds around the lower portion of my right upper arm. And letting the dragon lustfully lick its tongue around the areola part of the nipple.
"Fuck, Benny... That's a very hot vision you got there... Are you thinking black and white or full color?" wanted the artist to know.
"Well, the tribal in black with some blue and white-colored highlights to make it pop... The dragon sea-monster in shades of blue, yellow, white, and a hint of red."

I have never seen someone draw as Johnny did. Within 20 minutes, he had laid out the complete sketch for me. And it was almost exactly as I had dreamed about. John placed me for a large mirror in the tattoo parlor. Draping the flat piece of tracing paper over me and fastening it with some tape. Both of us looked critically at the results. Seeing past the paper sketch, I could clearly understand what John had been envisioning for me.

I had a few little criticisms. The tattoo went much too far up my neck. Also, the head of the dragon sea monster needed to be tilted more to one side. John folded the piece of paper accordingly, and there it was. My dream had come to life. John redrew a portion of the image and roughly colored it in. That made a lot of difference. The flat tribal tattoo sketch popped up, and the dragon came to life. With a glint in his eye's John traced the image onto my body. Just so we could properly see the results. 

"Wow... Johnny... That is... Oh Wow... Man, that is it!... It is so fucking cool that it is hot!" I stammered once I saw the result in the mirror.
"Yup... It is made for you!... I mean, It fits your body, your style... Even your fucking attitude, dude... I had the same feeling when Mark came for his tattoo... But yours is ten times cooler... So please tell me you want it... Please... It will be my gift for your 18th birthday, Benny... Please?"

I carefully considered Johnny. Thinking back on the words Mark had spoken last time we were here. "... Dad is going to bury me alive if you get a tattoo..." I was also worried about how painful it would be. Or if the image would get distorted if my muscles would get bigger. Johnny reassured me that it would be doable.

I asked John to take a few snapshots and ask Mark, Philip, and my boyfriend for their advice first. But full well knowing I would not leave here without that tattoo. It would undoubtedly land me in hot water at home. I just did not care about that very much at this point. To my surprise, dad texted me back. "- Great look on you, son... Even your mom was a little impressed by how tough it made you look... So go for it, kid! -" Mark had obviously shown the photo's to our father. I had expected a lot of opposition even from him. But his text came as a bit of a shock. 

I called Theo after discussing dad's text over dinner with John.
"Hey, Big-T..." I said softly.
"Hi there, Benny... Nice to hear your voice, man... You okay, dude?... Mark told me you had issues with your mother again..." Theo Cummingham sighed.
"Sure... But I am thinking of getting my hide tattooed... Have you seen the pictures, Big-T?"
"Fuck, man... My hands are still sticky... I love it, Benny!... I do hope you decide to get it... But it's your call... Love you, Ben!"
"Love you too, stud... See you Monday or Tuesday... Sleep well," I answered.
"Don't you worry... I will jerk off all weekend over these pic's!... See you, Boo... Miss you already!" said Theo warmly.

Well, that sealed the deal for me. John Wang Li had listened to every word of the conversation. "Nice to hear that you guys really are in love..." he said softly.
"John... when do you have time to work on this?" I tentatively asked as I pointed to the sketch. "I'd think I do like it... Well, I like it a lot, actually."
"Oh... You don't know how happy that makes me... Ummm... Benson... Let's do your hair first thing tomorrow morning... I'll call off the other appointments for tomorrow, and we can work on the final drawing and the tat over the weekend and perhaps on Monday... You can sleep over if you want?"

We had a great evening. Discussing this, that, and the other while John worked on the final drawings. I thanked John for helping me. But told him I needed a quiet night's rest to clear my brain. It was well past midnight when I walked back to Philips loft apartment that Friday. Dad's text was flashing before my eyes. "... Even mom thinks it looks tough..." Gosh, that had made me so happy. But I was also a little suspicious by that comment. Wondering if it was actually true. 

The day's negative impressions and the happy thoughts spooked through my brain in rapid succession. Making me feel utterly drained as I plopped on Philip's bed. I had only managed to take off my biker boots. But still wore my jeans and the classic leather biker jacket when I dropped into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Saturday morning, I arrived at Johnny's a heck of a lot more cheerful than I had done yesterday. John sat waiting for me with a large mug of steaming coffee in his hand. It was clear that John had pulled an all-nighter. The final drawing of the proposed tattoo lay on the table. He had made a working copy of the poster-sized images that lay there. By themselves, the posters looked good enough to be framed. It was true artwork.

I took a very long and hard look. Yet something wasn't feeling just right about it. John saw me squint my eyes and told me, "... Now is the time to make some changes... Nothing is set in stone just yet."
"Yeah... I know, Johnny... " I said worriedly, "... But I can't figure out what's wrong with it..."
John smiled and suggested hanging a color copy of the colored sketch on the mirror. So I could look at it while he restyled my hair.

John hung a copy of the poster on the mirror and started to work on my hair. After a good 10 or 15 minutes, I suddenly saw it, "Oh, God!..." I abruptly called out, "It's Longwang's eyes... They are too girlish and not horny enough!... This is a girl dragon... I need Longwang to be more butch and imposing..."
"Long who now?" laughed John.
"Longwang... the gay sea dragon," I called out in joy. "... You know... The one that breeds the merman."

John laughed hard and stepped away for a moment. He quickly cut out a pair of eyes he had copied out of one of his example books. Then, with some sticky-backed tape, he put them on the poster. He looked at the result and repositioned them a couple of times until we both yelled out, "... That's it!..." John forgot all about my hair and ran over to his studio to redraw the eyes. A few minutes later, Johnny came back with a second version of the poster. Stuck it on the hairdresser's mirror and continued with styling my hair.

The sea dragon was seductively licking around my nipple. It had squinting eyes that shouted, "... This could have been you!... But this is my man now!..."
"Very cool, John... How would it look if you give Longwang a little shading under his head and his tongue?... Make it look like only the tip of his tongue licks around my nipple."
"Oh, that's what's been missing... Your right, Benny... Even with the new eyes, it somehow did not seem right to me... Glad you caught that, son!... You have a good eye for details, Ben."
I smiled and explained, "I guess I have learned that from my father... He can envision the finished building by just looking at the blueprints... Down to the color, texture, and the building's shadow lines... I hope to be as good as he is someday."

Later that morning, Johnny and I went to eat lunch in a very fancy restaurant. There was hardly any food on the plate. After the light lunch, we parted for the afternoon. John wanted me to come back around 4, so we could get started on the tattoo. That gave me enough time to go shopping for a gift for Theo. I ended up in the shop where I bought my boots from. I got my love a pair of tall exotic cowboy boots. The Texas crocodile belly and black leather would be just up Theo's alley, I thought. They were as pointy as mine, but the exotic type of leather and the hint of a gold stitching made them special. Luckily I knew Theo's boot size. But I hoped Theo would appreciate the very expensive gift.

I took a quick shower and walked back down to Johnny 5's beauty parlor. John was ready and waiting for me. Wearing black latex gloves and safety glasses. He had a black leather apron on as well. John's look was one of utter nervous concentration. The dragon sea monster Longwang stared at me from all sides. John had made several enlarged copies and stuck them on the parlor's wall as a reference.
"Make yourself comfortable, sir... Put on some tunes and relax... This is going to take a while... I am going to trace the outlines first... Then, tomorrow or Monday, we can give Longwang some color... Tell me if it hurts too much... I can numb the area if it does."
I looked up at John and winked. "Ready for it..." I sighed in anticipation. John bent forward and kissed me.

"Now then... That is a nice tattoo gun you have in your mouth... but it's a bit blunt if you ask me," I joked after we broke apart.
"Ha ha ha... Yeah?... I better put some new needles in it and set to work," laughed John back at me. His nervousness was broken. And he could concentrate on the task at hand. Very relaxed, he traced the final image on my arm, shoulder, and pec. We took one last look at the result, and John set happily out to work. 2 hours later, the outline and some of the shading was done. I could not have been happier with the result. John wrapped my arm and torso up with some cream to reduce the swelling. And we ate some dinner together at the dally across the street.

The night was a bit rough and painful. But the discomfort that I had feared was nothing compared to some of the other stuff I had to endure these last three and a half weeks. John preferred to do the rest of the tattoo on Monday, but he wanted to see me on Sunday anyway. So we went cruising around town in his sunset yellow Porsche Cabrio. Having breakfast, lunch, and dinner together as friends in all the hottest places in town. At night we went clubbing. The joint that we ended up in was very urban. Not really my style. We were the two hottest-looking guys in there, though. After half an hour, John asked tentatively, "Want to spend the night at my place?..."
"Gosh... I thought you'd never ask... Let's blow this joint... I much rather listen to you moan than another hour of this music!" I grinned dirty.

After the 26-year-old Asian had taken me to heaven and back, showing me each and every page of the Kamasutra, I asked, "Do you always fuck your clients this hard, John?"
"Ha... Nope... Well... That's not true... I sucked Mark when he got his... Oh... And Philip, I did as well... Well, he did me... But we were boyfriends back then... So that doesn't count, does it?... Anyone else who demanded such a service I literally kicked right out the door... But, me love you long time, Benson Long!... Really I do... Just don't tell your boyfriend!"
"Oh, no worries there... I will tell Big-T every gory detail... We have an open relationship... Theo doesn't mind... Ha, I doubt that he spend the weekend alone either!... But I can't wait until I get to do him sporting this fucking cool tattoo!"

Monday afternoon, I went back to Johnny to have him finish the work. To my surprise, Mark and Philip were sitting in the shop. Waiting for me. The men grinned as I walked into the shop. I flung myself around Mark's neck. As if I had not seen him in months.
"Hey... Am I invisible, or what?... Little bro?..." laughed Philip. I grabbed him too and hugged both guys at the same time.
"What are you guys doing here?..." I asked, a little suspicious.
"This morning, I told mom I am gay... I have been even before I 'met' Jeff Skyler... She took it reasonably well... I think you softened her up for this announcement," sighed Mark.
"We thought we give her a few hours to process the idea," added Philip calmly.
"Have you told her your boyfriends yet?... I mean, I assume you did not tell her you're engaged, did you?"
"Oh, God no!... One step at a time, bro!" gasped Mark.

"So... Ummm... Let's see it then... I can't wait!" said Philip, excited by the prospect of seeing my new tat.
"You just want to see me naked again... Admit it, Parks!" I joked.
"Well, that too... Still waiting on that foursome with you and Big-T... Nice guy, really... We spend most of yesterday with him... Getting to know all the in's and out's of the lad... If you catch my drift." laughed Philip naughtily.
"See, Johnny... Told you Theo would not be spending the weekend alone!... Ha... Enjoyed the workout on him... Did you?" I asked happily. Thinking in pleasure about what Mark and Philip would have done to my man.
"That we did for sure!... But now it's your turn... Strip!... Let's see the new you in all its glory!" commanded Mark harshly. Then pulling down the blinds of the shop.

I pulled off the shirt I was wearing and dropped my shorts around my ankles. I don't know why I did that. But it felt sort of right. Even dicky agreed. He stood to full and glorious attention as the three men appraised my goods.
"Shit... Will you fucking look at that!... Nice work, John!... Really nice, man," commented Philip.
"Little bro's grow up so fast... Even his cock got bigger... What did you feed the boy, Johnny?" wanted Mark to know. Looking lustfully at my aroused dick.
"He fed me Asian Cocky... Not sure what it was... But it tasted really nice..." I joked.
"Ha... I bet it did," laughed Philip and Mark in unison.

The guys watched how the outlined tattoo sprang to life with the addition of the colors. And the result - 3.5 hours later - was truly amazing. My entire upper right arm, shoulder, and pec sported the sexiest dragon tattoo John had ever placed. The blue-golden water dragon Longwang was lustfully slobbering my nipple. Waggling his tribal tail over my arm and shoulder. Glinting dangerously at the onlooker. Making it clear that I was under his protection now.

The guys had left an hour into the work. Telling John to keep in touch. And wishing me to drop by Phil's apartment before we drove back to our place on the coast. I thanked Johnny for the great tattoo and for cutting my hair. He had bandaged me up good. But I was dreading having to put on my helmet over the styled hair. Or to drive the two hours back with a sore arm and shoulder. Yet, I truly felt and looked cool. Well, A little naughty too. But then, I did get my father's approval before proceeding. 

Even though this had never been my intention. I always thought I would get a lot bigger first and perhaps get a tattoo much later. "One step closer to your dream, kid," said my manly inner voice as I walked confidently back to Philips place. "Stop calling me kid... I'll be 18 in two days!... Respect me, or I'll kick your butt!" I thought to myself.
"Ha... I'd like to see you try that... Ummm... Sir!"
I grinned to myself as I opened the door to Philip's private elevator. 

Upstairs, Mark slapped me on the shoulder in welcome. I cringed as he did that.
"Oh... Shit... Sorry about that, Benny... Are you in a lot of pain?"
"Yeah, a little bit... But I'll survive... Let me pack my gear, and I'll be out your hair, guys... Philly?... Thanks for letting me hang out here for a while!"
"Benny, you're not going anywhere!" commanded Philip as he set the table for three.
"And you certainly not going to drive your bike back home in pain, little bro," told Mark decisively.
"Ummm... But how am I getting back then?" I asked, puzzled.
"Well, Phil can drive your bike back... And you just have to ride with me!" told Mark.
"Sounds like a plan!" said Philip to Mark and me, happy he would get to drive the bike once more.

We ate dinner, and the three of us cleaned up Phill's loft. I handed Parks my leather jacket and the cool black helmet. Philip opened up the throttle in joy. Mark and I followed the maniac back home to mom and dad. We arrived home around 21:00 o'clock. Dad greeted us on the driveway. Mark had texted him that we would be arriving home shortly. 

He hugged the biker that had stepped off my motorcycle. An easy mistake to make because Philip was wearing my kinky biker gear and my helmet. Philip grinned broadly at dad when he took off the helmet, "... Thanks for the warm welcome, sir... But I think you may have caught the wrong son..." joked Philip Parks softly.
"Oh, sorry... I thought you were... Oh gosh... This is so embarrassing... Sorry Philip," stammered my father.
"Easy mistake to make Doug... No harm done, sir," laughed Phil.

"Hi, dad... Nice to see you too..." laughed Mark. Dad rushed over and hugged me tightly. I cringed because my tattooed arm and shoulder had started to really hurt now. I was glad I took the decision not to drive the motorbike back myself. Happily, my dad announced, "Come see your new bedroom, son... Your mom has decided to re-paint your room... She even bought you a bigger bed... And when she had a little accident with a paint bucket... We also decided to buy you a new desk, a chair, and a computer."

I took a long and exaggerated breath of air. Hanging my shoulders and seething with anger.
Dad saw this and said angrily, "What's wrong with that?... Jesus... Benson Robert Patrick Long!... We do our best, and this is our thanks?... Your room looks real nice!... You ungrateful piece of Sh..."
"Language, father!... The walls have ears in this street," said Mark, stopping my father in his tracks.

"Mr. Dougles Damian Tobias Long..." I sighed heavily, "What you and my dearest mother have forgotten -AGAIN- was to ask me what I wanted!" I got really angry at the world again. Once more feeling forced back to be the shy, helpless 12-year-old baby-face kid that I could not seem to get rid of.

"Mom decided what clothes I should wear... 
Mom decided what I needed to do around the house...
Mom decided I needed to toughen up but did not let me... 
Mom decided I should not be told about Mark's injuries at boot camp... 
Mom decided my room should get painted... 
Mom decided to break down my doors and rob me...
Mom decided... 
Mom decided... 
... And Dad, your not a hair better than she is!..."

"But the room really looks good now, Benson... Jesmin even helped her," stammered my father in desperation.
"Don't you get it?... I don't care how it looks... For all I know, it has wallpaper with teddy bears and party hats... My issue is that no one in this bloody family seems to bother to ask my opinion... You have not done so for the past decade... So why stop now when I am about to turn 18... Am I Right?... Or am I Right?... Jeez... I have had it with the lot of you!" I shouted at my father for the entire world to hear. And yes, that did include Karen McDougle down the street.

"Philip... hang my gear on the bike in the garage, please... I may need it later." I said. Walking back to Mark's Ford Mustang and grabbing my weekend bag with my night gear. As well as the large gift-wrapped box I bought for Theo.

Without another word, I walked up the Cumminghams' garden path and rang their doorbell. Theo's little stepsis, Zoey, answered the door. It was hours after her bedtime curfew. "Hey, Zoey... Is your brother home?... Shouldn't you be in bed, hon?"
Theo stood on the stairs behind her, saying, "Zoey wanted something to drink... We were on the way back upstairs when you called... You were pretty loud, bro," explained Theo Cummingham.
I shrugged and walked inside. "I need a place to crash... Again... Sorry, dude," I said apologetically.
"Come on up... I thought as much... Your welcome anytime, Boo!" said Theo warmly.

We put Zoey back to bed and kissed the triplets goodnight. Their mom had come home too from my place. She watched us with a lovely smile from the attic doorway. As we walked past, she lay a hand on my cheek. "Benny, your mom got the message loud and clear now... Heck, man... The entire street did hear you!... You were absolutely right, though..." whispered Jes softly, "I picked out the colors and the tiles behind your headboard... I also made sure all your personal things... And I do mean -ALL- your very personal things got put in moving boxes with your dad... Eileen still doesn't know about them... And your dirty secrets are save with me, son," she said with a motherly smile.
"You just get a good night's sleep, boy... We'll talk in the morning, dear!" she added.
"Thanks, aunty Jesmin... For everything... Sorry for the commotion." I said with a breaking voice.

As we walked to Theo's room, he tried to put an arm around my painful shoulder but quickly removed it after hearing me whimper.
"Here, let me get you some painkillers for that, Boo."
Theo came back with the meds and a glass of water. He also brought us some soda pop and snacks.
"I have seen your room... It ain't half bad... I'll trade you for it," said Theo trying to make light of the situation.
"You'd have to take my parents too..." I half-heartedly laughed as I took the painkillers.

"Ah... yeah... I see what you mean... But still, the computer gear you got is da bomb." grinned Theo, old-school.
"Not the point... I just would have loved to have had a say in it... But, unfortunately, I have to live there for at least 4 more years during my college days."
"Ah right... Let's put it out of your mind, Boo... Nothing you can do about it now," sighed Theo as he warmly kissed me.
We watched some Netflix together. That night Theo lay on my left side to not rub up against my painful right.

The next morning Theo and I took a warm shower together. He helped me un-wrap the bandaged-up arm and torso. Big-T's eyes dropped to the floor in absolute astonishment when he saw Longwang, the sea dragon and tribal tattoo. It made me smile. Theo's reaction was beautiful, heartfelt, and complimentary. He grinned like a little boy while we showered together. Then, Theo gently reapplied the petroleum jelly over the tattooed area.

Once he was done with my arm, I ordered my stud soundlessly to his knees. At first, I let him gently bob his mouth over my stiffening morning wood. He knew what was coming because he looked up with pleading eyes. And I gave him what he longed for. I brutally skull fucked the stud for a few minutes. Making Theo moan in pleasure. Then, when he got too loud, I smacked him upside the head. Silently we stood there. 

When I got close, I pulled my man roughly up off the floor and slammed his naked ass against the washing machine. Theo tilted his head in surprise. He had absolutely not expected me to outrageously use him like this. Certainly not this early in the morning. I pushed his body backward onto the washing machine by pressing one hand over his face. He fell backward as I pulled both his legs up over my left shoulder. With my hand now firmly over his mouth, to stifle every sound he attempted to make.
"Shut up!" I snarled softly at him. "Give me that ass, boi... Daddy is going to dump a load in there!"
"Don't, man," tried Theo to mumble. But my hand shut him up. Theo had a genuine look of fear in his eyes. Even though he was at least 4 times stronger than me. And could have easily kicked the shit out of me, but he didn't.

"Give me that hole!... I am not going to ask again... Open up willingly... Or I will kick down the backdoor and take it by force!" I aggressively whispered to Theo.
"But it will hurt this way... Please don't!" whimpered Theo. Still stifled by my hand.
"Shut up, Big-T... Do I look like I care?... Look, take my cock, boy... or I will close off your nose as well and take it anyway!" I whispered forcefully.
Theo gave in. He unclenched his buttocks and reluctantly gave me access to his ebony boy-cunt. 

I slammed forward in one all-mighty mean thrust. No If's, or But's about it. I took Theo hard and deep. Riding him as if I owned the poor devil. Railing the cunt like there was no tomorrow. Making sure that Theo's moans and grunts were firmly suppressed. Finally, after only 6 minutes, Theo shot his load. Thick streams of spunk made his stomach glisten in the morning light that flooded the Cumminghams's bathroom. I grinned meanly down at my man and filled his ass. Soundlessly breeding the dirty boi hard and deep. 

It was all a bit mean and way too rough for an early morning rump. So I bent forward and took my stud's head in both hands, softly kissing him. "Love you, T... Man, you got such a nice juicy hole... I hope you didn't mind, stud... I am so fucking in love with that ass of yours!..." I panted in Theo's ear. That made Theo smile again. He genuinely thought I was deliberately rude and rough with him.

"Shit, sir... For a moment, I thought you were Jeff Skyler," admitted Theo. "I imagine that was what it would have been like for Mark and you... With that fucking cool tat, you certainly look the part!"
"Do I?..." I asked, surprised, "... Man, your so strong you can easily break me in two... And I am no Skyler!... I know when to stop... But still, I guess this was a little too rough... Wasn't it?... Sorry about that..." I said apologetically.

Not at all, Boo... I come to expect nothing less from you, sir... And I do like it when you channel your inner master!... Maybe not this early in the morning, though," laughed Theo as he finally kissed me back.
"Let's clean up and see if I have a little present waiting for you in your bedroom, Theo... My love!" I said in an attempt to make amends. We quickly cleaned and walked, with only our towels around our waist, through the hallway to Theo's bedroom.

"Heck, will you look at that!... Now that is looking real nice, Benny!..." called Jesmin when she saw us walking toward her. She admired Longwang on my chest, saying, "Your dad told me that you wanted to get a tat... But that is something else... That's art!... I thought you would get a small anchor or something easy to hide from your mom... But wow, Benson... Can we adopt you?" said Jesmin jokingly, "Ty, get your butt out here!... You got to see this!"

Tylor Cummingham stuck his head around the corner of the master bedroom. He Looked down the hall at me, and he could not believe his eyes.
"Impressive, dude... That was certainly the right thing to get, hunk..." sighed Tylor, excited. "Jes... Your right, hon!... If Eileen doesn't want you, we will, Benny!"
"Awe shocks Ty... thanks, man... Glad someone has my back... Well, Theo already does... but still... I appreciate it, guys!" I laughed.

The four of us walked back to Theo's bedroom. Where I handed my man the present that I bought for him, saying, "Okay... go put on the coolest pair of party pants you own... Then carefully unwrap this gift... Don't damage the box, man... If they don't fit, then I can return them."

Theo jumped into a pair of his favorite ripped light blue jeans. Removing the pink bow from the large box that I had handed him. His hand trembled as Theo removed the lid. Big-T had no idea what I had bought for him. Once he opened the box, he broke down in tears. He sat on his bed and pulled on the Texas crocodile belly and black leather cowboy boots over the jeans. 

"Wow... that's some gift, boy!... Theo, if you don't like them, I will take them!... Bloody fucking crap, Benny... Shit, those cost a small fortune!" gasped Tylor.
"They did... But they are well worth it... I love your boy, Ty... I really do!... And they look so damned cool on that hunking stud of yours too!"

"Happy T?" I asked softly.
He could not speak very much. Theo just nodded and cried some more. "Love you, Boo Ben Benny Benson..."
His parents let us be and stepped under the shower themselves. Theo and I got dressed. Big-T put on a sleeveless t-shirt over the ripped jeans. Making his muscled arms pop. And I put on a tight sexy tank-top over a black pair of my Nike running pants. Theo wore the crocodile leather boots, and I put on my biker boots.

Hand in hand, we walked into the kitchen. Where Tylor stood, ready to take a sexy photo of his two favorite guys. Me half in front of Theodore, so with my new tattoo in pride of place. Theo had raised his right leg onto the white kitchen chair to show off his new crocodile leather cowboy boots as well. We made such a sexy couple. 

The triplets came downstairs and demanded to see the rest of my tattoo. The girls even wanted to touch it but couldn't because of the soothing petroleum jelly. So I took off the tank top to properly show off Longwang to them. Lily asked, "Why is he called Longwang?"
"Oh, that's just a name of a friendly sea dragon that plays with the merpeople in the sea," I answered.
"Is that real... Or just made up?" asked Mary sternly.
Jesmin grinned as I told the girls, "Bit of both... But who is to say that stuff we make up can't be real too?... We got our fantasy to make up stuff... So we may as well use it!" I told the girls.

"Hmmm... So John Wang Li tattooed Mr. Long... And you call it LongWang... Ha ha ha... Should it not be called LongWang Li then?" joked Theo.
I looked at my men in surprise, "Gosh, T... I haven't even made that connection myself... I just googled for a cool sea dragon name... But you must be right, Theo... It's LongWang Li... Longwank for short... Ha ha ha... Good catch, stud." I laughed heartily with the Cummingham's.

"Who is the artist that set your tat, Benny?" asked Tylor, more than a little bit interested.
"Oh... It's done by John Wang Li... Asian fellow... Very nice, dude... He is on 'our team'... And you will get a chance to meet him tomorrow... Johnny is coming to my birthday party too... By the way, you're all invited as well, of course!"
"Sure... We will be there, Benny... Thanks, man!" said Jesmin happily.
"Good, I think I need all the backup I can get... I expect Karen McDo-nothing to be there too."

We chatted a while longer. Then, around 10, Tylor had to go away to do some chores at the gym. At that point, I made my excuses too. I kissed Theo goodbye and left for my folk's place with lead in my boots. My parents and Mark and Philip had an animated discussion in the living room. I had entered via the garage. Picked up my biker gear and put on the thick leather jacket to hide the tattoo. I walked directly to my room without saying hello to the four in the living. When mom asked who was there, I simply answered, "It is me, mom... Just going to my room to change my clothes."

My bedroom had undergone a major transformation. No longer a child's room but a propper grown-up hangout. The furniture had been rearranged. My single-bed had been replaced by a queen-sized double with a rugged blanket chest with a black leather cushion. Behind the headboard, a very imaginative black leather tiled backdrop had been created by Jesmin. Dad's old 2-seater leather sofa from his study stood across from a brand-new 55-inch TV. My new desk had a black leather gaming chair and a flashy new gaming computer with a double monitor setup. As well as a large laptop. This was every Twink's dream room. 

The walls had been painted in three neutral colors. They went well with the black leather furniture, the wood flooring, and the new black suede curtains. Waiting for me to put my personal stamp on it. It was clear that mom may have done the work. But Jesmin must have picked the style and the colors. Unlike my mother, she truly understood me completely. This was a place I could happily spend my time in. Entertaining some friends or screwing around with my boyfriend. I quickly looked through the lockable draws and closets. Rearranging the stuff that my mother and Jesmin had put away for me. I found the stack of boxes that Jesmin had spoken to me about. They contained the things I wasn't prepared for my mother to see just yet. I emptied them into their appropriate spaces. Most got locked away in my bedside tables and draws.

After I was done moving back in, dad knocked on my door. "Hey, Benny... Oh... You moved your stuff back in, I see... Cool... A few more things and this will be a proper grown-up lad's room... Your mom wants a little talk if you don't mind," said Doug tentatively.
"Yeah... the room is very nice, dad... Still... It would have been so much nicer if I had been given a say about it too."
"Right... Sorry about that, son... Things will change around here... We promise!"
"What does mom want to talk about, anyway?" I asked suspiciously. Fearing it was about the harsh speech I gave yesterday.
Dad thought as much and said, "Oh... It is about the party tomorrow... She wants to know what she can do for you."

"Now then... That's a pleasant departure from the norm... Hope she can keep that up," I sighed, relieved.
"Just don't forget to thank her for the remodel... And go easy on her... Mark has explained everything about the last 4 weeks... Just not the part where you are gay and have a boyfriend... And... Ummm... Son... Sorry, but I lied to you last weekend... Mom actually does not know about the tattoo... So you may want to keep it covered up for now... please?" he pleaded.

I grinned at him and pulled off my tank top, showing off the tat to my father. He was properly impressed by the way it made me look. Dad had only seen the outline of it. But the full-color sea dragon was way more majestic than he had imagined. We hugged for a long time, not like father and son, but as best friends. 

Dad handed me the keys to my bedroom, and we went downstairs to talk with mom about my birthday party.
"Benson... Ummm... can I call you Benny too?... Everyone else seems to call you that, son," asked mom as an opening.
"Sure, mom... I'd also like you to ask my opinions rather than rely on some neighbors' ill-informed views."
"I think I can do that, Benny... That does roll much nicer over the tongue," laughed Eileen, "... What do you want me to do for the big party tomorrow, son?"
"We can prepare some of the snacks together... I have invited some of my new friends too... And I would like you to keep an open mind... Entertain the adult guests... And Jesmin, Theo, and I will serve the food and drink," I calmly suggested.

"Oh?... Why did you invite Theo?... I thought you hated him?"
"Like dad likes to say... 'Times do change'... Turns out Theo just needed me to toughen up a little to see eye to eye... He actually can be very friendly," I said, looking with a grin over to Mark and Philip. The men had dreaded this conversation too. But so far, it went pretty well.
"Benson... Ummm... I mean, Benny... I invited Karen over as well... Hopefully, it won't be a problem?" said Eileen nervously.
"Nope... Not at all, mom... Gives me a great opportunity to show everyone I can act like an adult too..." I said cheerfully, adding, "... Even if she can't!" Eileen grinned awkwardly.

Later that day, Mom and I stood side by side in the kitchen, preparing the snacks. While Mark and Philip went on a booze run. Dad had snuck away to Tylor's and came back with a car full of party furniture. Jesmin and Theo helped mom to decorate the living and kitchen. And once Mark and Philip returned, all 11 of us ate a large Chinese feast meal. Just so we did not have to cook.
It felt like a proper happy family time. Forgotten were the issues from the past. Those could not be changed anyway. All of us - including Eileen - looked forward to the things that would come across our path.

Early Wednesday morning, Mark, Philip, Theo, and I stood chatting in the kitchen. The four of us were dressed for the occasion. Theo wore a pair of shiny black cotton dress pants. A colorful long sleeve t-shirt with a tattoo-like print and a leather vest. Together with his gold chain and his exotic cowboy boots, the ebony god looked amazing. 

Mark and Philip both wore colored jeans with a simple white shirt. They both had butchly rolled up their sleeves. They sported black leather neckties and wristbands. It was clear that the guys wanted to honor my love for leather without wanting to go over the top with it. 

I wore my leather jeans and pointy ankle boots. A white shirt with long sleeves that had some black and gray accents. Even though the shirt was a little too transparent to fully hide the tattoo. So I had put on a light gray sleeveless t-shirt under it to conceal the sea dragon's head. The four of us looked very casual indeed. Like hip twinks, our age ought to look.

I told the guys that I would come out if given half an opportunity. That made Theo very happy. I handed Theo his signet ring back. Telling him that he could even use it to propose to me on the spot if he liked that. Theo looked a bit strange to me at first. But saw it as an excellent idea to coming-out to his gang as well.
"But I don't need that ring back, Boo... I've got you covered..." said Theo, elated. Pulling a small box out of his dress pants. He showed Mark and Philip the content. It must have been impressive. Because the other ways butch Philip Parks had to shed a tear.

The plan was set in motion. This coming-out could either go well, or it would go very badly. None of us wanted to think about that.
"Will you give us a signal, Boo?" asked Theo, a little nervous.
"Nope... But you will definitely know when it happens... Just follow my lead... It will be fine... If not, then who cares!" But I had actually no idea how I would go about this at all.

The first guests had started to arrive around 9. John Wang Li was the first to ring our doorbell. Jesmin, Tylor, and their girls entered via the kitchen door at the same time. I introduced John around. He looked at the food that mom and I had prepared the previous day. Offering us to make some Asian dips for them. Jesmin helped John whip up some delicious smelling sauces and fried snacks. And the entire house looked and smelled amazing.

Mom and dad came downstairs looking a bit uncomfortable in their Sunday-best outfits. However, when they saw how casual Theo, Mark, Philip, and I were dressed, they grinned and snuck back upstairs to get changed. They came back down moments later wearing much more comfortable outfits.

My parents hugged me. Wishing me a happy 18th birthday. Giving me my first presents. John gave me a very large square gift too. When I unwrapped it, I saw he had framed up the poster of the sea dragon tattoo. It showed the full life-sized tattoo as well as a few enlarged detailed studies of the dragon. All done very artsy and in full color. Only the yellow parts were replaced by actual gold leaf. This would go great on the wall behind my bed, I thought. 

More and more people started to arrive. Friends from Theo and me, as well as the regular crowd my mother used to invite. Karen McDougle, and her husband Richard, came in around 10:30 o'clock. They looked at the large number of young people gathered in the kitchen. Richard, a teacher, was delighted to see them all. Needless to say, Karen was less than pleased. 

Normally she was the center of attention, even during my birthday parties. At least that's what she thought. Being the self-appointed head of the homeowners association. Richard warmly congratulated me, and Karen looked me up and down for a bit. She looked in disgust at my leather jeans. Pointed her hooked nose into the air and ignored me completely. Mom saw this and guided Karen to the living room. Seating herself next to Karen so she could keep an eye on her. Mom expected nothing good to come out of this. But she could not bring herself to uninvite Karen.

The party was in full swing. Cakes, snacks, and drinks got served. Karen was the only one asking for coffee. Even though the rest of the guests were already merrily sipping away at the stronger stuff. The adults sat mostly in the living room. Being entertained by my mother and father. The younger crowd milled about in the kitchen and on the terras outside with Mark and Philip. Theo's 5-year-old stepsisters had a little table all to themselves. Happily eating cake and coloring some pictures for me. 

Theo and I served the guests and made small talk with all of them. When I was in the living room filling Karen's coffee cup for the third or fourth time, she looked at me and aggressively asked, "What is wrong with you, kid?"
"I feel perfectly fine, Mrs. McDougle... Thank you for asking." I flicked my eyes to my mother and saw that she was gripping the couch a lot firmer. 

"You look different... You have changed your hair with those un-godly highlights... You're wearing disgusting leather clothes... And those vulgar pointy boots... You're even acting differently... Serving food and drinks as if you're some nasty waitress... Hanging out with those 'friends' that don't even like you... So what is wrong with you?... Are... you... Gay?..." she demanded to know in a disapproving tone of voice. Again I looked quickly over to my mother and smiled at her.

"Okay... I'll bite... Mrs. McDougle, dearest," I replied calmly to the insult. Instantly the partygoers fell eerily quiet. You could have heard a pin drop were it not for the stereo playing loudly in the kitchen. Mark put an end to that, and the guests watched us in fearful anticipation. None of them really liked Karen very much. And they thought that I would take her remarks badly. So slowly, my friends shuffled over to the living room as well and watched me tensely.

"So, Mrs. McDougle... You want to discuss what makes me gay... An odd topic to start on a guy's 18th birthday... Don't you think... Karen?" The guest murmured in agreement with my reply. Theo, Mark, and Philip shuffled through the crowd and positioned themselves a few feet behind me. Zoey, Mary, and Lily stepped boldly between Karen and me. Glaring angrily at Mrs. McDougle. Forming the sweetest honor guard I had ever seen. It made me realize I needed to watch what I was about to say.

I slowly put the hot pot of coffee away on the table that stood between Karen and me. I considered my reply and asked, "Karen... What does the way I dress or how I act have to do with the people I love... You can't judge a book by its cover... Can you?... You're being very rude."
I sighed and looked around the captivated room before continuing, "Karen... I don't know what I am... But the way I look has certainly nothing to do with whom I love... But you are not talking about love, are you?... You want to know where I plan to penetrate my joystick into... How... Rude... Woman!... How rude!... That is none of your business... And if I figure out what I am... Then you'll be the 'very last' person on earth that I will announce that too!"

The room exploded with laughter. That is to say until Theo stepped to my left and asked, "Benson Robert Patrick Long... I have loved you for years now... Will you do me the honor by becoming my boyfriend?" I turned to Theo, and he held out the little velvet ring box. In it stood two similar rings. One a little broader than the other. One was made of silver with a black stripe around it. On the top, they had two black symbols for gay men. The narrower ring was similar but had a thin golden band. The gathered guests let out a collective gasp of joy and surprise. 

But, of course, the look on Karen McDougle's face was the total opposite. She was utterly horrified. I told her calmly, "Well... I guess I have to amend my remarks from before, Karen... This is what makes me gay... Pure Love!..."

"Theodorus Mauritius Cummingham... It will be my honor to call you my love... Yes!... I would love to be your man!" The room exploded into thunderous applause and cheers as Theo and I kissed each other. 

"Disgusting!... That is not done!... Eileen, break those two apart... Do something!" screamed Karen McDougle.
"Oh... I will do something alright," said my mother calmly to her girlfriend, "Get the fuck out of our lives, Karen!... I want nothing more to do with you and your infernal believes."

"Come on, Richard!... We are going!" said Karen harshly to her husband. After getting dumped by my mother.
"I am not going anywhere, woman... Eileen kicked you out, not me!... and rightfully so!... Serves you and your big mouth right... I just started to enjoy this party!" said Richard nonchalantly.

"Well... maybe we can make the happiness a little greater..." told Mark to the crowd.
"Philip Johannes Parker... We have been going steady for a couple of years now... I, too, love you very much... Will you marry me, Philip?..." asked Mark as he dropped to one knee. The crowd gasped in awe.
"Markus Long... Yes!... I am ready to commit to our undying love... I would be honored!" said Philip proudly to his love.
"Doug..." asked Philip to our father. "Do I have your permission to marry your son?"
"Wich one?..." he joked.
"This one!" laughed Philip as he devoured Mark alive. 

Needless to say, the party was a great success. It went on from the early morning to late at night. I had half expected some of the guests and my new friends to leave in disgust, as Karen had done. But she was the only true homophobe in the bunch. Actually, the word got around quite quickly. A few more of Theo's gang and our neighbors dropped by to congratulate Mark and Philip, as well as Theo and me. 

The party heated up, and I lost my shirt. Mom stroked her hand over my tattooed right arm. Looked up at me and said, "Nice artwork... Can't wait to see the rest as well, son." She was a little overwhelmed by remorse. So I took her into my arms, and we danced like she had not done for years.

< Continued in Dreaming of Leather men - part 8 of 8 >

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(C) StrykerJ: June 2021

by StrykerJ

Email: [email protected]

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