Dirt road main street

by RJC

9 Sep 2020 1682 readers Score 9.6 (77 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

From your Author.  Just so you know; I get mixed up sometimes. Thank you Geoff for pointing out my error to out host; how embarrassing?  

“Yes, you are, in a way. I do want to see, but more than that I want to feel what fills out the front of your pants, and the same goes for what’s hidden under your back pockets.” And I started pulling shit out of my bag.

“Told you.” He replied with a smile.

I am what some would call, a chronic over-packer. I was gone for four days and packed for eight. We were really close to the same size but he had thicker thighs and arms but could wear my stuff. I thought about what he said and my eyes; how he thought he could read what I was thinking just from my eyes.

I’d brought my bathroom bag with everything from Q-Tips to Pepto. I had body wash and shampoo, flossers and toothpaste, pit-stick, and cologne. I did like to smell good. Walking out of the sleeper we had to close the door fast because it was like, Cheech and Chong, up in smoke.

I carried my sleep pants and robe with an R embroidered on the right side. I had the shirt and pants Ben would wear along with underwear and socks. And my bathroom bag. I was chubbing with every step and hoped the occupied wasn’t on the door.

It was no bigger than the sleeper and held a shower; around two by three, a shitter, as well as a sink. “Turn around,” He told me.

I had to smile as I turned and he was now in the shower. I stepped in behind him with the body wash and a luffa. So…? I don’t know about any of you but, Indian colored skin from his neck to the lowest point of his pants; a little lighter from just above his knees down.

This most remarkable ass was lily-white and I dribbled wash then went over the muscled back as he gave out a moan. “Jesus Christ.” I didn’t scold him as he had me several times.

“I’m gonna wash your face.” And he moved under the spray.

When I finished he leaned back. I was boned to the max pulling him closer washing over his front with my eyes closed. Jesus Christ fell from my own lips. The metal shaft I couldn’t hide ran between his cheeks as my hands went lower. I knew when his meat ran over the back of my hand.

The first feel of it told me he was cut, reached to his bellybutton, maybe further. Yes, I’d ran fingers between his fine cheeks during my washing of his back, but this. I moved my hand from his balls all the way to the flared head he owned. As I subtly jacked him his ass ran up and down my own flared head.

I heard the first sounds of us. My eyes were closed when he came, my juice shooting most of the way up his back. Breathe. Jesus Crist. Breathe. We washed up like what had happened, hadn’t. But both of us knew there was so… much more.

Now he turned me and did what I had to him. I still hadn’t seen his dick and he hadn’t seen mine. It was magical. He did as I had, “What’s this thing called?” he asked? Slowly going over my back.

“I guess it’s a scrunchie. It helps wash away dead skin.” And he put it to work.

I had touched him; well, more than that. He did the same never going soft. God, these Farm Boys. I was jello in his hands and he was enjoying himself. Ben washed all of me and was the first out of the shower and I thought about my first cum from his hands. Well, the second cum of this shower. 

We walked back to the sleeper with my underwear in his pocket, shirt tucked in the back of my pants. Again we sat across from each other passing a joint back and forth. “You take the upper, Benny; Ben. Sorry.”

“It’s ok, Rye. I think it makes me feel good when you call me that. And you wear undergarments, like this?”

“I have a thing, ok? I like to feel like I Ain’t wearing nothing under my pants. You’ll learn.”

“You’re funny. I can’t wear something like that.” 

We undid the upper then I sat back down saying I’d do the lower birth. I kicked back and he was still sitting across from me as I tried resting my feet on the seat he was still sitting in. Ben took my feet resting them in his lap and started massaging. Still, with headphones on, my favorite playlist rang in my ears. And this farm boy made love to my feet and toes.

I’m sure I fell asleep and Ben was still massaging my feet when the sun peaked through the window. The smile he had when my eyes opened, the strength he used on my feet never changing, “I can read lips, you know.”

“Now, why in the hell would I know that?” I asked.

“You sang, or your lips moved all night.”

“Why didn’t you fall asleep or go to bed, Ben?”

“I was afraid I’d miss something. Something I might never see again.”

Now he had done it. I had the biggest dimpled smile but tears ran from the corners of my eyes. “You hungry, Ben?” And he nodded.

Over breakfast, he told me he had never been more than a hundred miles from home. How fuckin sad is that? I told him we were one more night away from Washington and we would have to do an Uber to the airport because that’s where my car was. Ben slept most of the day after breakfast.

I watched him sleep. You can tell a lot about a person who is so… comfortable with you they can fall asleep. He was magnificent. I pulled his feet up into my lap and did what he had done with not so much as a flinch. I watched how he would harden a little as he slept, the way his hair hung down, and I can read lips too. “No Daddy.”

“You’re bad. Why’d you let me sleep?”

“I thought I might miss something I’d never see again.” And we both smiled.

“If you turn around I might try these underwear, you say are so… comfortable.”

“I hadn’t seen your ass; those are for butts with less hair; they’re mesh.” And I reached back into my bag pulling out my favorites. Thin they were, see-through, yes, but the cut was supportive and still felt like you were wearing nothing.

I held them up and I could tell he was biting the inside of his lip to keep from laughing. “There are real stores that sell this boy lingerie?”

“I buy these online. Try them.”

“Don’t look.” And I covered my eyes.

“OK. These feel right nice. Are you like, kinky, or something?”

“Well, Ben. I guess we need to look up the meaning of that word,” and smiled.

We talked through the night and pulled into the train station in Seattle at around nine AM. “What’s this Uber, thing?”

“It’s like a taxi.” I got deer in the headlights look.

“A guy gives you a ride to a place you need to go.”

“I get it.”

“Fuck! This place is big.”

“Driver; we’re going to Budget.”

As we headed back to the city I asked him what he wanted to do; home was an hour away. “Surprise me!” I loved that.

We walked the pier’s, saw Ferry’s going, and cuming, and he pointed at The Space Needle. “What, the fuck, is that???”

“It is sixty years old, the 1960 World’s Fair; that’s where we’re having lunch.”

“I don’t think so.” And it was like the end of the discussion.

“Come on.”

“I have never been more than thirty feet off the ground.”

“You’ll be fine.”

“I don’t think so.”

He was right. When we started going up he looked out the window. Big mistake. He panicked. I could tell he was ready for a panic attack. I spun him, “Look at me, Ben.” I cupped his cheeks and repeated myself, “Look at me,” And he did.

“Just lookout and don’t look down. Like on a mountain.”   

He sat with his back against the wall and I asked him what he wanted. “Is that the ocean???”

I held back a laugh because he asked with such question. “No, Ben. But it’s part of it.”

“I don’t think I can eat this far up.”

“Just order something. If you can’t eat it, it’s fine.”

He did eat. I knew he was hungry and when he pushed back from the table, I knew he was done. “What’d you think?”

“Is this what it’s like? All these buildings: do you live in one?” And now I laughed.

“No. I live where it’s green; you’ll like my house. Look over there; that’s where you’ll go to school,” pointing at the UW.

He was still in disbelief about what getting on that train meant. Ben had nothing, just the clothes we threw from the train. He didn’t have a toothbrush, had no idea where he was; but trusted me. Time to change the things he left behind. Now I hate, Bellevue but, that was where Josh’s store was. Time for clothes. He couldn’t just stretch mine out.

From your Author:

I truly felt like an ass posting a new story never realizing I did little more than a repost of chapter three. I’m an old fucker. Like I said at the start my hope was to do a ‘one-off’ and call it a day. Didn’t happen. This chapter was some seventeen hundred words compared to the three or four thousand word chapters previously.

Unfortunately, I see at least three more chapters. Some of you; my Renegade’s, will notice similarities’. I maintain RJC, bring Robby back, along with Josh. During my life, I have always wanted to change people’s lives for the better.

‘I have said before and will say again. Our lives and how we have spent them, are like dropping a stone in a lake. Each ripple is a life you touched, good or bad, we are only human. Live your life as if every ripple is a positive way you affected someone’.

It could be something no more than a smile and a nod. It could be a conversation pointing in a direction that changes a person’s life. And by changing one person’s life your ripples grow expediently. Again; good or bad.

If you know me, you know; I have shaped lives, changed lives, and I am not afraid to die. In a way, by you reading this now, I continue to make changes. I am lucky enough to have this platform where I can reach hundreds or even thousand’s. I am, one lucky man.

If you are reading this right now, I’ve touched you. You have been engaged with this story, read what I said in my, Author’s Notes. Make That Change. RJC.

by RJC

Email: [email protected]

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