Dean wrestles Cillian

by Fightlad

4 Apr 2022 3276 readers Score 8.8 (61 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The first time I saw Dean was at a college party. Every room in the house was full of students in full party mode except for one. I heard grunting, someone breathless, I figured a sex session of some sort but no. Instead I saw sweaty muscular lad in the corner on the floor. He looked like he was powering into something, his shoulders, pecs and biceps were popping. It took a minute to work out that he had another lad choked under his armpit.

That image still turns me on. Dean was shirtless, toned and wet with sweat. His victim buried into his armpit was breathing hard, Dean on top, was solid and in charge. Dean had him in a side headlock, on the ground, his powerful upper body pressing down on him.

His victim, Cillian, I later found out, was another twenty year old football player. They were both on the college team and elite athletes. Cillian's face was buried under Dean's thick black armpit hair. He was on his back, wearing a white t shirt, blue jeans and white trainers. He split his legs wide to try and shift Dean off him. I couldn't take my eyes off his bulge, he was hung and hard. His ankles were thick and sprouting reddish hair. The more he struggled the more pronounced his abs and pecs became under his t shirt. Cillian was obviously a jock too.

Despite Cillian's build and power, Dean utterly dominated him. He reminded me of Mark Whalberg in his prime, all muscle, toned but big too, perfect. He was handsome in a rugged alpha way. Twenty, dark black hair, maybe six foot, stubble, solid. So imposing, I hardly noticed Ciaran buried under him at first.

'Youre back in this again Cillian, I warned you, you're going nowhere'...' aagh aagh'. Instead of feeling sorry for Cillian, I was jealous of him. Imagine being buried under that armpit, feeling the power of that bicep, being victim to that cocky fucker?

Dean was hard too, he was wearing grey track bottoms, there was no hiding his massive cock, pushing it's way skyward.

Cillian couldn't see me but Dean stared right at me. He didn't react at all. He seemed proud that someone was witnessing his domination of Cillian. He didn't notice? or seem to care that I saw his erect cock?

'eh you alright there lads?" Dean stared at me and smirked 'He's not he's drowning in my sweat'. I laughed nervously, Dean's comment was such a turn on, but I felt for Cillian.

' Is he alright?' ..'you alright down there C? Cillian was forced to respond by Dean. I went down on my knees to hear his mumble. Cillian sounded weak, I think he mumbled 'fuck you'.

One thing was clear, these lads were both turned on by their embrace. Close up I noticed Cillian had cum in his jeans. His cock was still hard under the soft blue denim, I could tell it was impressive. Cillian's cum smell was intoxicating. I was deeply attracted to him, I longed to see his face.

Dean's sweaty armpit odour overpowered everything though. Something about his manly stench aroused me, yes sweat stench but distinct too with an oily scent.

I really didn't know what to say. The party was booming all around us and yet in this room, I felt a powerful, erotic, force.

' You guys want a beer?' Even as the words left my mouth I realized how stupid they sounded. Why was I offering two lads wrestling a beer, at a party? I knew why, I wanted to join them, to be part of their embrace.

Nothing had changed when I returned twenty minutes later with beers. Cillian still on the floor smelling Dean's armpit.

Dean knocked back the beer and then humiliated Cilian by slowly letting him drink, while still under his armpit. Dean relished this, giggling proudly as he controlled the whole experience.

Cillian and I were both hard again. ' He's easy to beat, always my bitch, reckon I could take you too, have two bitches'. The alcohol was getting to Dean but he meant it, he wanted to challenge me.

'Maybe when I'm finished with Cillian we could go head to head or head to my armpit?
Dean laughed, but he wasn't joking.

I was deep into verbal sex with Dean, comments about making him my 'pit bitch' and 'conquest' when AJ walked in.

' Ah here you are, don't mind these losers come downstairs for the birthday surprise'.

It felt strange leaving the sweaty wrestling football lads, and being part of a cake cutting ceremonyfor our host, downstairs.

As soon as I could, I returned to the lads, I was about to enter the room but was stunned to see , through the door, Cillian, still headlocked but jerking Dean off. Dean was ordering him to ' go harder, bitch'. Cillian's arm was thick and veiney as it struggled to satisfy, Dean's cock.

What really stunned me was Dean's meat. Fuck, I've seen big lads but Dean was a monster, his balls alone were massive and hairy, but his cock was at least twice the length and width of most lads. Cillian couldn't manage it and Dean loved that. He loved choking Cillian while Cillian tried to pleasure him.

The build up was incredible, Dean's cock was at breaking point, like it was about to explode, all veiney, throbbing, raw, leaking. Then it powered out, down onto Cillians fist, then everywhere, thick lumps of creamy cum, hammering everywhere it landed.

Dean grunted aggressively and Cillian gasped. Dean caught me staring through the door, 'youre next' he shouted.