Dead Calm on the High Seas

by Hunknown

23 Sep 2022 3087 readers Score 9.1 (77 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


by Hunknown



~ Kid ~

A.D. 1667. Somewhere in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

The surface of the sea, as flat as a glass, reflected the bright full moon and the motionless shape of the HMS Vanguard, whose sails hung lifeless in the dead calm.

Kid was sitting on the warm planks of the poop bridge, the uppermost bridge of the small warship, gazing at the distant horizon, hoping to spot the other vessels of their fleet, but the unchanging void around them stretched as far as the eye could see.

‘Kid’… He hated that nickname. “Wayland Kidston, Landsman” – he said under his breath to himself, to hear, once in a while, his full name and rank. After all, at 26, he was anything but a kid, and his manly body, lithe but with well-defined muscles in the right places, was anything but childish. But alas, everyone called him Kid on the ship.

A creak in the wooden planks startled him for a moment, but there was no one around. He knew he shouldn’t have been there. The poop bridge, the farthest end of the stern of the ship, overlooked the quarterdeck, where the helm was located, and was also the roof of the Captain’s cabin: only the commissioned officers could access that area. But no one ever climbed up the poop bridge, and at night it was much a better place where to relax then the crew quarters.

Kid’s mind went back to last week, when the fleets of His Majesty fought a bloody naval fight facing the coast of Martinique, against the French Navy. The HMS Vanguard was a small and agile ship, and was the first to sneak within the enemy lines and open fire. The Royal Navy was victorious, in the end, but there were casualties aboard the Vanguard: the sailing master fell overboard and disappeared in the black water, and an explosion killed the Lieutenant and three seamen.

And his fellow landsman! That coward jumped overboard before the Vanguard engaged battle, trying to swim ashore. Kid hoped with a mounting anger that he had met his fate in the deep waters of the Martinique Bay: no forgiveness for the deserter!

Kid, too, was just a landsman, a deck hand, the lowest rank on the ship: his task was only to clean, serve the other men and carry weights around; but still, when the battle raged, he was were a man should be, on the deck, helping the seamen maneuvering the sails at the Captain’s command, bringing gunpowder to the gunners and keeping at hand buckets of water to extinguish possible fires.

After defeating the French Navy, the Vanguard and a few other ships set sail toward their homeland, England, and ventured in the vast and dangerous Caribbean Sea, but they got caught in a dreadful storm that dispersed the fleet. The next morning, the sun rose on the lonely Vanguard, motionless, stuck in a dead calm in the middle of an endless sea, and none of the other ships was anywhere to be seen. In the last four days not the faintest gust of wind was caught by the huge mainsail, the only one left hoisted.

Kid sighed and stood up; he cautiously climbed down the poop deck and headed to the crew quarters, hoping to be able to sleep despite the hot and humid still air. Apart from the Captain, who had his cabins on the quarterdeck, and the cook, who always slept in the galley, the rest of the crew, including the petty officers, shared the crew quarters, a dark cramped place stinking of sweat and body gas filled with nothing but dirty berths and sleeping men.

Kid lay down on his berth and couldn’t help but hear some muffled moans coming from the opposite end of the quarters; the seamen were restless, after four days of dead calm with nothing to do, and their pent-up energy sought relieve in… less-than-honorable intimate contacts, often not fully consensual. Truth to be told, Kid had nothing against some good man-to-man sex, or at least, he always felt a strong attraction toward men; but most of the seamen were just too disgusting and rude to even think to have an intercourse with them.

He turned his head to look at Scott, the Quartermaster, soundly sleeping on his back in the berth across the narrow aisle. How handsome he was! His black long hair and his well-shaved face gave him a noble look, at least in Kid’s eyes. In his mid-thirties, Scott was an icon of confident manliness. Kid scanned Scott’s exceptionally muscular upper body, the wide shoulders, the bulging hairy pecs, the impressive biceps, the powerful hips hidden under the knee-long loose underpants.

Kid’s greedy gaze fixated on the twitches that ever so often made the loose fabric of the crotch rise like a tent. Unlike most of the other seamen, Scott never searched for male company, as far as Kid could remember, not even during those restless days of dead calm, and his manly body must’ve been desperately seeking for relief.

With a sigh of repressed lust, Kid rolled on his stomach and fell asleep.


~ Endangered virtue ~

Kid was abruptly roused from his restless sleep by a strong calloused head on his neck, pinning him down to the berth. A menacing voice hissed: “Don’t you dare to move or make the faintest sound, boy”. Kid recognized the man by his stink and his slurred talk due to several missing teeth in his mouth: he was Garth, the Carpenter’s mate, a lewd man who several times had shot licentious glances at Kid.

“You keep flaunting your beautiful little ass in front of me” – the seaman growled – “and tonight I’m going to give you what you’re begging for…”

“I didn’t do anything like that…” – Kid whined under his breath, scared shitless, but he froze when he felt, through the fabric of his underpants, a cold blade intruding in the deep groove of his ass. “D… Don’t hurt me…” – Kid murmured, feeling rivulets of cold sweat running down his face – “Please, Garth, put away that knife…”

With a sudden upward movement, the sharp blade ripped Kid’s loose undergarment, exposing his firm buttocks; a rough wet finger unceremoniously forced open his back door, making him wince. “The boy is very tight…” – the lewd voice murmured – “Sorry, boy, it will hurt, but don’t you dare to scream, if you want to see the sun tomorrow”.

Kid felt his heart sink in a bottomless pit. Despite his attraction to men, he was still a virgin, and the idea of having his virtue torn away from him by such a disgusting man repulsed him. ‘Virtue’… He was anything but a shy maiden, but still, so far, he had waited, to offer his virginity to a man who deserved such a gift.

With mounting horror, he felt a stiff cock exploring the bottom of his groove, in search of the secluded portal. The strong hand was still pinning him down to the berth, and the menacing death threats still echoed in his ears, but he just couldn’t let that disgusting man take away from him what he had most precious. “No… Please, no… NOOOO!!!”, Kid screamed, desperate, wriggling furiously to keep his inviolate hole away from the stiff rod about to spear him; but the humongous helmet pressed harder on his hole, painfully trying to force it open.

Suddenly, Kid felt the strong hand pinning him down being lifted, and the menacing cock being withdrawn from his ass. He turned around and saw Garth, standing upright, trying to escape the deadly grip of a strong arm around his neck.

“Your mother, that bitch, instead of fucking every man around, should’ve taught you what a ‘no’ means!” – Scott yelled to Garth, holding him so tight that the seaman almost couldn’t breathe – “Well, I’ll teach you, old pig!”

The other men, now fully awake, lit up the oil lamps and gasped with surprise, looking at Scott holding Garth in his deadly grip, exposing to anyone his shameful erection; to raise even more his embarrassment, Scott roughly pulled down the seaman’s loose underpants, leaving him completely naked and helpless, in front of all his mates.

“First off” – Scott ordered – “since you are so much prey of your lust, you should get rid of that filthy boner of yours. Jack off!”

Garth managed to whine, through his compressed throat: “N… Now? Here?”

“Don’t let me say it twice!” – Scott roared, tightening the grip around the man’s neck. Garth immediately reached down to his own cock and started stroking it frantically, among the mocking and lewd comments of the crew. When he finally stiffened and spurted his seed in long ropes to the floor, a raucous laughter exploded in the crew quarters.

Garth hoped that his punishment was over, but Scott had other plans. He reached around to Garth’s still dripping cock, pulled the foreskin down and brushed his calloused fingers around the sensitive tip. Garth bucked and hissed for the unbearable feeling of having his now oversensitive cock manhandled so viciously.

“Now, what does it mean when someone says ‘NO’ to you?” – Scott growled, squeezing the tender flesh between his thumb and his index finger.

Garth gasped a couple times before replying: “It m… means that he doesn’t want me to do it…”

“AND…?” – Scott insisted, brushing his entire dry palm on the exposed glans. Garth whined loud, feeling his legs go weak, and with broken voice screamed: “…And I have to stop immediately and leave him alone!!!”

“Good boy! Here’s a treat for you!” – Scott growled, roughly shoving Garth to the floor, and pressing his face into the puddle of his own semen – “Keep your filthy cock in your pants, you old pig, or we could soon have another spare berth, here.”

The crewmen slowly went back to their berths and the lights went off. Scott got closer to Kid, who was still shivering for the tension, and gently took him by hand: “Come, stay with me tonight. You’re safe, I’ll watch over you, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

Kid lay on Scott’s bed, facing the aisle, trying to take as little space as possible, but soon felt Scott’s arms pulling him in a tender, protective embrace. “Sleep, Kid. You’re safe.”


~ Tense tenderness ~

But Kid was too shaken to sleep. “W… Why did you do that, Scott? Things like that happen all the time here. You just made an enemy of a fellow seaman to save me, a simple landsman. Why?”

Scott’s voice exuded a great shyness when, after a tense pause, he replied embarrassed: “I… I really care for you, Kid.”

The tenderness of those simple words, those restrained words that gave a glimpse of something much deeper harboring in Scott’s heart, made Kid’s heart flutter. He turned his head to look at Scott and placed a tentative, tender kiss on his lips: “Thank you, Scott. I owe you so much. If it wasn’t for you, Garth would’ve hurt me much more than he thought…”

“Why, are you… a virgin?” – Scott asked, softly, and Kid averted his gaze, nestling deeper in Scott’s strong embrace: “I am. Though I confess, sincerity for sincerity, that I always felt attracted to men, and I feel very attracted… to you. I just didn’t find the right men to give… myself to.”

Scott took those words like an invitation, and pressed harder his muscular body against Kid’s back; the boy’s underpants were still widely torn, and Kid could clearly feel Scott’s stiffening manhood pressing with urgency against his ass, separated from the object of its desire by just a thin layer of fabric. And soon, even that thin barrier was taken away by Scott’s feverish hand.

Kid held his breath, feeling Scott’s naked member brushing with slow, sensual strokes on his firm buttocks. He turned around and looked wide-eyed at Scott, whose gaze was lit by an irrepressible fire: “Give yourself to me, Kid…” – the man said with coarse voice – “It’s been so long since I last enjoyed the tenderness of someone’s flesh…”

There was such an urgency, such an animalistic desire in Scott’s eyes, that Kid felt his head spin. He was not ready to unreservedly give himself to a man, that night; not even to Scott, who had lately populated his dreams ever so often. But if it wasn’t for his brave mate, now Kid would’ve lost forever the treasure that Scott now was asking for.

“If you really want it, I’ll give you” – Kid murmured, gazing deep into Scott’s feverish eyes – “because I owe you. But I’m not ready, Scott, I’m too tense, your pleasure would be my pain…”

Scott stood silent for a moment, breathing heavily, and then slowly nodded his head; his handsome features contracted in a deep frown while, with cruel determination, he put a lid on the fire that was enflaming his loins. Kid had wet eyes, feeling guilty for the hard step Scott was taking out of affection and respect for him; so far, Kid had never known what being in love meant, but the deep feelings that stormed in his heart in that moment were as close to love as he could guess.

Scott recoiled and fumbled with his underpants, trying to lock again his straining erection into its cage of sexual deprivation, but Kid stopped him: “Wait… Let me at least do this…”

Kid’s hand gently curled around Scott’s stiff member, that felt scorching hot under his fingers. The first tentative slow strokes gave a surge of sudden pleasure to Scott, who couldn’t restrain a low, guttural moan. “Lie down and let everything to me…” – Kid said softly, gently making Scott roll on his back; while still stroking Scott’s cock, Kid dove his fingers into the thick body hair covering the man’s chest, feeling the powerful muscles twitching under his touch. The boy’s prying fingers searched for the stiff titties and played with them, caressing, tickling and squeezing them, and more restrained groans welcomed the tender ministration.

Kid leaned over the heaving torso and kissed with passion every inch of the furry skin, moving down from the pecs to the navel, paying the due homage to the belly button and sliding further on to the pubes. Scott’s manhood stood proudly in front of Kid’s eyes, and he felt the irresistible urge to part his lips and engulf the throbbing member with his mouth.

Expert, he was not; but Kid didn’t spare himself to service the man’s rod at his best; at the cost of chocking on the fat helmet, Kid kept on pushing his head down, until he felt it slide through his tight throat muscles. And then did it again and again, careless of the tears flowing out of his eyes and the throat slime seeping out of his mouth: he owed everything to Scott, that wonderful man who saved him from a horrible rape, and then cruelly restrained his own urges out of affection for him.

Kid felt Scott’s body stiffen and pursed his lips harder on the rock-hard shaft, ready to catch and drink all the manly seed that Scott was about to pour into his mouth; but when, with a repressed growl, Scott exploded, the torrent of sweet-salty semen that erupted from his cock was too much even for Kid’s greedy mouth, and some of it seeped out of the pursed lips, creating a large puddle on Scott’s pubic bush. Kid didn’t give up, and after gulping down as much of Scott’s essence as he could, he licked and lapped Scott’s groin until every drop of sperm had been cleared.

With sparkling eyes, Kid looked at Scott’s now relaxed face and smiled tenderly; he moved to kiss him, but Scott suddenly backed up, unwilling to taste his own semen. Or better, unwilling to taste a man’s semen at all, as it repulsed him, for whatever reason; it was his nature, but he realized how rude his act was to Kid and hastened to say: “Sorry, Kid… I can’t… I don’t like… I’m so sorry!”

Kid shook his head, smiling playfully, and murmured: “Your wish is my command”.

“You silly!” – Scott giggled, and then pulled Kid down on his chest: “Come here, mate, let’s have at least some sleep…”   


~ Captain Llewellyn Musgrave ~

The next day, early in the morning, Kid climbed again up to the poop deck, longing to find a solitary place where to stitch his torn underpants. The last thing he wanted was someone pitying on him for Garth’s assault, and anyway, while working, he had to stay half-naked, and didn’t want anyone to see him unproperly attired during the work shift.

He was so engrossed in working his needle in the worn-out fabric that he didn’t see the Captain’s face peeking from the wooden stairs until it was too late.

“Oh, shit! Ouch!” – Kid exclaimed, surprised and embarrassed, pricking his finger with needle – “Oh, sorry sir… Captain… Sir Captain! I… I know I shouldn’t be here, I’m going… I’m going! Sorry…”

“Hey, hey! Calm down… Wayland, is it?”

“Landsman Wayland Kidston, sir” – Kid hastened to reply, trying unsuccessfully to collect all his stuff and continuously dropping something, hit by the notion that the Captain knew his name. His real name, not that stupid ‘Kid’!

“Captain Llewellin Musgrave, at your service” – the Captain said with an irresistible smile, elegantly touching his hat. Kid knew well who the Captain was, of course, not only because he was the Captain, but also because his aristocratic allure and his extremely handsome features had stirred deep emotions into Kid’s heart since he first set foot aboard. But alas, he was way out of his league. Having him unexpectedly so close made Kid overly excited and clumsy, and he went on picking up and dropping stuff, unable to get a grip on himself.

Looking at him, the Captain burst in a sincere laughter: “Calm down, Landsman Kidston! This time you will avoid the court-martial, ha ha ha! Sit down and go on with what you’re doing, don’t mind me, I just needed a moment to relax, away from everything. May I?”

The Captain pointed to the floor next to Kid, and the lad replied under his breath: “It’s your ship, sir, you can sit wherever it pleases you…”

The Captain laughed again and sat down on the planks, taking off his hat and his jacket. He glanced at Kid’s stitching job and his smile suddenly faded. “I started serving in the Royal Navy as a Landsman, just like you…” – he said seriously, looking at the rough cut in the fabric – “I was a lithe blond young lad, and it wasn’t easy, at first, gaining the respect of the crew. I… I know first-hand what that cut in your underpants means…”

Kid stopped working, astonished by the Captain’s confidences, and looked straight into his blue eyes. The Captain held his gaze: “If anyone… touched you, tell me, Wayland, and he will be severely punished.”

“I heartily thank you, sir” – Kid replied, shyly – “It was a close call, but I was lucky, I could keep myself… err… intact”. There was a hint of blush in the Captain’s cheeks, and Kid hastened to add: “The Quartermaster protected me, sir. He already gave the man what he deserved, I’m sure no one will ever try and hurt me in the future.”

“I’m glad to hear you are safe, and I’m glad you could keep yourself… intact” – the Captain said, blushing again, and turned to look at the horizon. After a long pause, he said: “I noticed you, Wayland, both in battle and during the navigation, doing the seamen’s job better than they themselves. Quite impressive, for a Landsman.”

“I’m a trained Able Seamen, sir” – Kid explained with half a smile on his face – “but when I asked to be assigned to Vanguard, the only position available was as Landsman. And here I am…”. Kid shut his mouth, before he could reveal why he specifically asked to be assigned to the Vanguard. The reason was sitting next to him.

“I’m happy you’re here. Your aid on the deck, especially in battle, was valuable, and it didn’t go unnoticed.”

“I… I too noticed you, sir” – Kid said, cautiously – “After we lost both the Lieutenant and the Sailing Master, you were the only officer left, and you were incredible, running from deck to deck, doing the job of three men at once. I admired you so much, sir! And… I still do.”

Captain Musgrave stifled a smile and turned again to silently look at the horizon.

Kid finished stitching his underpants and dared to glance at the pensive Captain. He was probably in his mid or late forties, and his face showed the signs of a life spent at sea, but he was very handsome nevertheless, he had a kind and wise look, and he filled the elegant uniform in a very enticing way. His long blond hair was tied in a ponytail, but many rebel locks fell freely on the forehead. There was an unspeakable sadness in his beautiful deep blue eyes while he gazed at the distant end of the Ocean, a heartbreaking pain, and Kid felt something stirring deep inside. He wanted to hug the Captain, kiss him, comforting him in any way: he wished there was a way to take on himself that pain, whatever its root, so to give relief to that wonderful man, whom he admired deeply... if really what he felt was just admiration. Kid was unable to fully understand the deep, blurred feelings he felt toward the Captain, but again, they were as close to love as he could guess.

The Captain’s hand bore a large wedding ring, and Kid cautiously inquired: “Is your wife waiting for you in England?”

There was a subtle but dramatic change in the Captain’s handsome features; he clenched his jaws and looked away, hiding a sudden frown: “You shouldn’t stay here, Landsman!” – he growled, angry, standing up.

Kid gasped and quickly leapt on his feet, picked up his stuff, this time without dropping anything, and quickly moved to the stairs. To do so, he had to walk close to the Captain, who turned his head away not to smell the whiff of rancid sweat that all the seamen had, especially in that moment, unable to wash themselves because the water was rationed.

Great was his surprise when he noticed that Kid was clean and smelled good: “Wait!” – he suddenly said, holding Kid – “How come you don’t stink of sweat?”

Kid thought he didn’t understand the question and mumbled: “Should I, sir? I… I washed myself, sir, like every day…”

“Don’t you know that the water is rationed?”

“Yes, sir, but my grandfather taught me a trick to get a little amount of fresh water by boiling sea water. It’s no good for drinking, but it’s good enough for washing…”

The Captain sighed loud: “Lucky you… Ahh… This is what I miss most, getting clean. This weather is awful, and I must wear my uniform all the time… It’s a real torture…”

“Would… Would you like me to go take my water for you to wash, sir?”

“No, I can’t ask you to use up your supply, Wayland…”

Kid smiled widely: “I will make some more tomorrow. Just give me ten minutes and I will meet you in your cabin.”


~ Erotic bath ~

Going down to the hold to get the water, Kid met the cook, and old retired seaman, and Kid cautiously asked him why the Captain reacted so bad when he mentioned his wife.

“No one ever talks about the Captain’s wife, Kid. She was such a beautiful girl! She died in a terrible accident few months after their marriage. The Captain, poor soul, had been mourning his wife for five full years now, and since the accident he lives like a hermit… if you know what I mean. Believe me, Kid, when we go ashore there's always a line of beautiful ladies hoping to... make him forget his pain, but he keeps living in the past, as if his wife was waiting him at home… A man in his prime like him shouldn’t give up on living his life.”

Kid realized how indelicate had been his question about the Captain’s wife, and felt sad for him. He rushed down to the hold, and in ten minutes he was in the Captain’s cabin, holding a small jar of water, a basin and a few pieces of thin fabric.

“I’m sorry Captain, there is not enough water to shower, but I know how to make the most of this little water. I will help you… if it’s alright with you, sir.”

“It’s alright with me, if it’s alright with you…” – the Captain replied, blushing again, and let Kid take away his clothes, one by one, until he was stripped to his undergarment. With a shy glance, the Captain let his underpants fall to the floor, and stood naked in front of Kid.

When he saw Kid getting undressed himself, except for his undergarment, he flashed an uneasy glance, but didn’t say anything. For few moments they looked at each other, and the Captain asked, uncertain: “Do you want me on the bed?”

Kid had to forcefully avoid a shameful erection, caused by the Captain’s innocent, and yet extremely enticing question. “I prefer you standing up here, sir, if you don’t mind…” – Kid replied with trembling voice – “…so I can have a better access to your entire body.”

He realized too late how ambiguous his last sentence was, so he blushed and hurried to set up what he needed for his task. He poured the water in the basin, added some lemon-scented essence, drenched a cloth in the fresh water and wrung it carefully. Cautiously, he opened the cloth and placed it on the Captain’s chest; then moved the cloth around with his open palm, slowly, to let the scented water moist the skin and take away the dirt and the sweat.

The Captain writhed with pleasure, feeling the freshness of the wet cloth slowly being replaced by the warmth of the hand. The cloth was so thin that Kid’s delicate touch gave to both of them an erotic skin-on-skin feeling. It felt like Kid was gently massaging the man with his bare hands.

Kid frequently rinsed the cloth in the basin, and moved on gently washing the man’s chiseled abs, his sides, the armpits, the neck. The Captain basked in the pleasure of being serviced with such a great care and respect; the lemon-scented water made him forget the salty smell of the ship and he closed his eyes, with a contented sigh.

The kind hands moved down to the legs, the calves, the feet, and then up to the buttocks and the back; the Captain didn’t object when Kid made him spread his legs to gain access his most private parts. The fresh cloth, along with the warm hand holding it, moved to his crotch, and took a great care of his manhood; delicate fingers rubbed his balls, sneaked back to the perineum, stroked the shaft of his cock, peeled down the foreskin and brushed his exposed glans, making the man gasp for the strong feeling of the wet cloth rubbing on his most sensitive body part.

“Sorry, Captain” – Kid said softly – “but I have to clean all of your body, especially the most hidden and… private parts…”

“You can’t know the pleasure you’re giving me…” – The Captain replied, like in a dream, keeping his eyes closed, and he didn’t hear Kid replying under his breath “I have a faint idea…”, looking at the man’s member slowly react to the sensual touch, until it was almost completely hard.

Kid rinsed again the cloth, and this time didn’t wring it; he cautiously brushed the dripping cloth between the firm ass cheeks, up and down, slowly, and then his finger aimed to the man’s anus. With gentle determination, he pushed one cloth-covered finger against the tight hole, and kept pushing until it broke into the tight passage.

“What…?” – the Captain gasped looking down, surprised by Kid’s daring move, and then suddenly gasped again, with embarrassment, looking at his own member at full mast. “I… I… You…” – he stuttered, but Kid soothed his anxiety with soft voice: “Captain, it’s alright, everything’s just like it should be. I’m almost done…”

Kid washed the cloth and forced it again inside the Captain’s hole with his finger, and then again and again, until the cloth came out perfectly clean. He then hesitated: he knew that the washing was over, and he should’ve stopped, but the Captain’s throbbing cock was at an inch from his face, eager to get some attention, and Kid decided to take a great risk.

He rinsed again the cloth, pushed his finger once more up the Captain’s ass and started wiggling it slowly, while with his other hand he grabbed the man’s cock and started stroking it gently, sensually, making the foreskin brush over the sensitive glans. He almost held his breath, waiting for the Captain’s reaction, and was relieved when the man tilted his head back and groaned softly, welcoming the erotic touch with joy: “Ooohh… Wayland… This is… wonderful… Don’t stop…”

Kid remembered the cook’s words: for five long years the Captain had kept restrained his desire and his life, and it was about time he enjoyed again the pleasure that his neglected manhood longed for. Without thinking twice, Kid withdrew his hands and took the Captain’s throbbing member into his mouth. The man felt weak on his knees, won by the sudden pleasure radiating from his cock, so tenderly serviced by Kid’s wet mouth. It didn’t take long until he was on the verge of an explosive orgasm, and Kid stopped: what was happening was too good to make it end so soon.

Much to the Captain’s surprise, Kid grabbed his left hand and started sucking his index finger, lavishing it with his wet tongue, and then moved to the middle finger, and bathed it with saliva, too. Next, he engulfed the Captain’s ring finger, and lapped it all, sneaking his tongue all the way to the base. The Captain let out a whine of desire, as he couldn’t guess that the tender ministration could be so intimate, erotic and arousing.


~ The right man ~

Kid slowly recoiled, pulling the man’s finger from his mouth. The Captain’s wedding ring was missing.

“What does it mean…?” – the Captain asked, surprised – “Where is my ring?”

Kid, still kneeling at the Captain’s feet, spat the ring out of his mouth, washed it carefully with the scented water, put it in the Captain’s palm and bent the man’s finger over it. “Sir… I have to tell you, come what may. It’s about time you start living again. Living the present, and the future. Reliving the past, over and over, takes the best part of you away. Earlier, on the poop deck, it broke my heart seeing that sadness in your eyes. Embrace again your life, sir. Promise you will. Not to me, as I am nobody, but to yourself. You deserve it, sir. Please.”

Kid stood up, knowing to have gone too far, and looked nervously at his own feet, waiting to know his fate. He frowned deeply when the Captain said seriously: “No one ever talked to me like this…”, and he didn’t back up when the Captain raised a hand to slap him. But he didn’t slap him: he hooked Kid’s neck and forcefully pulled him in a passionate, liberating kiss that took the breath away from both of them.

When they parted, the Captain unlaced with feverish hands Kid’s underpants, letting them fall to the floor, and pushed him toward the bed. “I don’t know what you do to me, Wayland” – the Captain said with urgency – “but keep doing it. I love you, I want you…”

Kid fell bodily on the bed, on his back, and raised his legs to invite the handsome Captain to take him, body and soul. The man was suddenly over him, spat on his hard member and aimed it at Kid’s waiting hole. But he hesitated, as a thought flashed in his mind: “Wait, you said… you are still a virgin. Are you sure… I don’t want… I mean…”

“I waited a long time” – Kid said with a dreaming tone – “hoping to find the right man to donate myself to. You are that man, sir.”

Kid’s words propelled the Captain’s ardor, and he pressed his rigid meat on Kid’s hole, trying to force it open as gently as he could; but despite his efforts, Kid winced at the pang of pain he felt when the wide helmet moved past his tight anal ring.

“Don’t stop, sir, push it in!” – Kid urged the man with coarse voice – “I knew it hurts, this is how it has to be…”

The Captain stilled his hips and smiled tenderly at Kid. “No, Wayland, it doesn’t have to be like this. It could be like this… and this… and this…” – he said, punctuating his words with erotic kisses on the lad’s torso, quick licks on his pecs, tender bites on his nipples. Kid opened his mouth to moan for the pleasure and the Captain took the chance to take possession of it, exploring the wet cavern with his greedy tongue.

Kid felt lost under the Captain’s muscular body, and writhed with pleasure. He felt with surprise the man’s groin forcefully pressing on his buttocks and realized that the Captain was fully inside him: his unexperienced virgin hole had taken every single inch of the Captain’s massive tool without the slightest pain!

This is how it has to be…” – the Captain said with a tender smile, answering to Kid’s marveled glance, and started easing his tool in and out of the tight passage.

What happened next stayed engraved in Kid’s memory for the years to come. With kind firmness, the Captain confidently explored with his stiff member the most hidden recesses of Kid’s insides, with consummate experience, knowing exactly what buttons press inside Kid’s body and how forcefully or delicately press them. Kid felt lost in a stormy sea, where long tall waves mounted powerfully, bringing him high in the air, to then let him fall down, in an endless, unstoppable motion. Whenever Kid opened his eyes, he always saw the Captain swaying over him, looking down at him with infinite tenderness and joy.

Kid wanted to say so many things to the strapping Captain, who was confidently bringing him by hand into that unknown, overwhelming world of pleasure and intimacy! But as he opened his mouth, only loud moans and ragged gasps came out, and he succumbed again to the stormy sea.

Soon the thrusts paced up, and the Captain took Kid’s cock in his hand, stroking it with a tight grip, to heighten his pleasure. He wanted them to reach the climax at the same time, but his strong touch was more effective than he expected, because Kid gasped loud and his cock started shooting rope after thick rope of man cream all over his torso. When the massive ejaculation ended, Kid winced, because the mighty cock still pounding his ass was suddenly causing him shivers of discomfort; the caring Captain immediately slowed down, checking on his young lover.

Kid looked straight at him, with a fire burning in his eyes, and growled: “Don’t you dare to stop, sir! Give me all you’ve got to give, it’s an order!”

“Aye aye, Captain!” – the man replied with a lustful grin, and the pounding started again with even greater potency. But it didn’t last long: five years of grief and self-denial exploded like gunpowder in the Captain’s groin, and his howls of pleasure could be heard from stern to bow. The torrent of man juice that flooded Kid’s ass seemed unstoppable, but in the end it trailed off, and the man, exhausted, fell bodily on Kid.

They enjoyed for a few long moments the complete intimacy and the pleasure of their bodies pressed against each other, and then the Captain rolled on his back, but without breaking eye contact with Kid. He wanted to say a million things, but the words couldn’t find their way through the lump in his throat.

Kid smiled tenderly and moved to take again a wet cloth and started washing the Captain’s softening member. With reverence, he thoroughly cleaned the shaft, then peeled away the foreskin and ever so gently he cleaned the sensitive glans. The Captain stifled a gasp, as he felt very sensitive, but despite the mild discomfort, he found the feeling extremely erotic, to the point that his manhood, neglected for such a long time, stiffened again.


~ Scorching humiliation ~

They were interrupted by a knock on the door; before the Captain could say anything, the door opened and Scott entered the cabin, bringing the Captain’s lunch on a tray.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, sir!” – Scott exclaimed, seeing the Captain, naked and aroused, rising from the bed – “It’s lunch time, and I didn’t think… I believed…”

Moving to the dining table to put down the tray, Scott spotted Kid trying to hide himself under the bedsheets. His disheveled hair and his naked torso strained with sperm gave a clear picture of what had just happened in that bed, and Scott felt a blind anger rising inside him. He slammed the tray on the table and shouted: “What does it mean, Kid?? Now I understand why you weren’t ‘ready to give yourself’ to me last night!! You were keeping your ‘virtue’ for your handsome Captain, right? How stupid I could be!”

Kid tried to say something, but Scott turned his furious glare to the Captain: “Motherfucker! Kid is mine! Mine!! Who ran to his aid when he most needed help? Who punished that filthy pig for what he was about to do to Kid? I did it, not you, son of a bitch! And now, you flaunt your… noble allure and your grade in front of him to snatch him from me! It’s easy for you, you take what you want, you’re the Captain, right??”

The Captain didn’t need any more hints to fully understand that Scott was not just a hurt lover, but a dangerous rival, who was fighting teeth and claws not to lose the man he loved. The Captain reacted like an alpha animal defending his mate and rose to the challenge.

“Exactly, I am the Captain! Something you seem to have forgotten, Quartermaster!” – he yelled, putting a special emphasis on Scott’s much lower grade – “I won’t tolerate such a gross insubordination!”

Scott realized he had gone too far, and with a herculean effort tried to assume a more respectful tone: “Sir, with the due respect, this is too important for me! In such personal matters, I’m not going to bend to your command!”

“Oh, you will!” – the Captain said in an authoritarian tone, walking closer to Scott; he was still naked, and his cock, still half hard, bounced menacingly up and down while he walked. “I should lock you in the brig and throw away the key! But I’ll be gracious, if you show some respect…!”

Scott lowered his eyes and forced himself to a more reverent attitude: no matter what the circumstances, he knew well that he could get a serious punishment for his insubordination: in the high seas, the Captain was the Law, and his orders couldn’t be disputed. But Scott couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the Captain say, with icy tone: “Good. On your knees.”

With a gasp, Scott, looked at the Captain, silently begging not to humiliate him that way, especially in front of Kid, but the Captain replied aloud: “On. Your. KNEES!”

Scott slowly fell on his knees, in front of the Captain, and looked with anguish at the massive cock bouncing in front of his eyes. Truth to be told, in any other circumstance, Scott would’ve been more than glad to service the handsome Captain any way he liked, but the humiliating situation was hard to bear.

“Sir…” – came Kid’s little voice from the bed – “I beg you on Scott’s behalf, don’t do it. It’s because of me if Scott acted that way, punish me, I’ll do whatever you want, sir!”

The Captain ignored Kid’s heartfelt plea and looked menacingly down at the kneeling sailor: “Open up. I’m sure you know well what to do, cocksucker!”

Scott closed his eyes and gulped down his own pride, along with the Captain’s now stiff cock. He wasn’t a cocksucker, not at all, as in his life he’d always been the man in charge, with all his partners; he rarely let anyone shove his cock into his mouth, and never that deep down his throat. The Captain was merciless, he grabbed Scott’s head with both hands and pushed his man tool all the way into the sailor’s mouth, careless of the chocking gurgles escaping the violated throat, careless of the tears streaking the sailor’s cheeks.

“Captain… Please, stop…” – Kid whined from the bed; he got out of the bedsheets and quickly put on his pants, moving closer to the Captain, but he warned him: “Stay away, Wayland, this is something between the Quarterdeck and me.”

Kid couldn’t stand seeing Scott so brutally face-fucked, and added with broken voice: “Sir… Let him breath, at least…”

Kid’s anguish, at last, made a breach into the Captain’s irate heart, and he shortened his thrusts, giving relief to sailor’s sore throat. But he paced up his hips, feeling closer to his climax: “And now, Quartermaster, get ready to dutifully drink all your Captain’s seed to the last drop…”

The horrified glance Scott shot to the Captain painfully reminded to Kid how revolting a man’s sperm was for Scott. The Captain stiffened, on the verge of the orgasm, and Kid knew he couldn’t allow him to degrade Scott to such extent, come what may. He sprang forward, forcefully shoved Scott away and took the Captain’s throbbing cock into his mouth. He sucked hard, desperately, to push the Captain over the edge before he could react. A powerful shot of viscous cream on his tongue rewarded his effort, and Kid went on munching in earnest on the spurting member, sucking and drinking the man’s seed to the last drop.

And then he didn’t stop, he desperately went on sucking the spent cock, trying to completely drain the Captain’s sexual energy, hoping to prevent any further abuse against Scott.

The Captain hissed for the discomfort, tried to wriggle out of Kid’s grip, and then shoved him away, making him fall to the floor. A tense, long silence ensued. Kid and Scott looked at each other, and then to the Captain, waiting for his word.

“Dismissed. Both of you.” – the Captain then said, with restrained voice, and Scott scampered out of the door as quick as a lightning; Kid stayed for a moment, glancing at the Captain, trying to spot in his eyes the affection, the love he showed him earlier, in bed, but the man flashed an irate glance and shouted again: “I said dismissed!!”


~ Either one or the other. Or… ~

For an hour or so, Kid wandered aimlessly on the ship, trying to find a solitary place where to think about what happened and about what he felt deep inside. He couldn’t deny he felt strong feelings toward Scott: he had been so heroic, saving him from Garth’s rape, and he’d been such a gentleman, restraining his ardor, out of affection to him! And, oh!, the way Scott fought the Captain not to lose him, careless of the consequences! Kid remembered how he felt looking at Scott humiliated, on his knees, withstanding the Captain’s punishment, and his heart went out to him.

«Is it love what I feel for Scott?» – Kid wondered – «Or is it just gratitude and admiration for what Scott has done for me? But then, why it hurts so much realizing that I’ve probably lost him?»

Then Kid’s mind focused on the Captain, and again his heart throbbed hard. “Captain Llewellyn Musgrave…” – Kid murmured, rejoicing in the sound of that sweet, elegant name. He felt such a deep connection to the Captain! Despite the wide difference in rank, the Captain had opened his heart to him, revealing what he suffered in his juvenile years, when he was a simple Landsman. And then he opened again his heart, letting Kid enter it and wipe away the grief that haunted his soul for five long years.

How gentle and manly the Captain had been, while taking, as the most precious gift, Kid’s virginity! Kid didn’t regret for a single moment to have chosen the Captain, and his heart raced, remembering the Captain’s passionate kisses, his relaxed demeanor while talking to him. Even the compassion he showed accepting, at least in part, Kid’s plea not to hurt Scott too much made Kid’s heart flutter. Kid didn’t blame the Captain for what he’d done to Scott, as he, too, was fighting claw and teeth for the man he loved.

«Love… Is it really love what I feel for the Captain?» – Kid pondered again – «Maybe Scott is right, I’ve just been blinded by the Captain’s noble allure, his commanding presence, his rank. But again, why it hurts so much, knowing that he’s thrown me out of his heart?»

The ship suddenly seemed crowded by millions of people, and Kid needed to find a place where to be alone, a place where to cast a light over the intricate, obscure paths of his own heart. He looked up at the main mast and absentmindedly started climbing the shrouds, to reach the crow’s nest, the tallest observation point located at the top of the mast. No one ever went there, during a dead calm, as there was nothing to observe.

 But as soon as his head passed through the hatch of the crow’s nest, a familiar voice rudely greeted him: “Did you come to humiliate me again?”

“Scott!” – Kid exclaimed – “Please… Let me explain…”

“What is there to explain? I thought we loved each other… How stupid I could be!”

“Don’t say so, Scott… Last night, I didn’t know it, yet, nor I knew it one hour ago, but now I know: I love you, Scott. I really care for you and I love you, and I feel so guilty for what I’ve done to you…”

“Lies, lies… Stop lying to me and to yourself, Kid!” – Scott said aloud, angry – “Do you think I’m blind? I see how you look at your handsome Captain! And anyway, who’s the one who picked your flower? You love him, it’s as clear as the sun…”

Kid fought not to cry, as Scott’s words were like a scorching hot blade cutting through his flesh, but he gulped down his tears and said, with a little voice: “I… I don’t know what I feel.”

“Ah! Well, Kid, the question is simple: either you love me or him! Or maybe…” – he added ruefully – “…neither of us.”

Kid’s voice cracked when he said: “…Or maybe both of you?”

Scott’s mouth sagged open. He was ready to let Kid go, if he really loved the Captain, but nothing could prepare him to the idea of… sharing Kid’s love with the Captain!

“W… What you mean? How can you love both? You must, at least, love one of us more than the other, come on!”

“Does a man love more his wife or his child?” – Kid reply, and when Scott lowered his eyes he confirmed: “Love has so many faces, Scott… I love you, I really do, I would never lie to you about this. But I love the Captain, too, though it’s a different kind of love: he’s much older than me, he has dark shadows in his past, his heart has known a great love and a great pain. You’re like an older brother to me, he’s like a father… and I love both of you.”

Kid looked at Scott’s incredulous expression and raised a hand to caress his cheek: “Damn, I’m so messed up… If I were you I’d run away from me as fast as I could.”


~ The Seven Heavens ~

Kid’s hand slowly moved down to Scott’s chest, opening his blouse, and then sneaked into his pants, to give a sensual massage to his stiffening dick.

“No… Kid, no, don’t do this to me…” – Scott murmured, but he didn’t move away.

“I can’t give you what I already gave to the Captain” – Kid said, slowly kneeling on the floor and pulling down Scott’s pants – “but still I can give you all of myself…”

Kid’s mouth closed around Scott’s rigid cock, making him inhale sharply for the sudden pleasure. Tight lips pursed against the hot shaft, and a wet tongue danced on the engorged glans. Strong fingers grabbed Kid’s hair, pulling him down, forcing him to take the big cock to the last inch, and there was no resistance, but a submissive acceptance.

“Kid… Kid…” – Scott murmured, pumping with passion his tool down the boy’s throat – “I want more, I want it all!”

“And you will have it” – Kid said, recoiling. With feverish hands he stripped naked, and helped Scott, getting rid of his blouse and pants. The crow’s nest was a small circular chest, there wasn’t much space, and they didn’t want to be seen from the bridge making love standing on their feet; so Kid made Scott stand upright on his knees, grabbed his neck and squatted on the rock-hard member eagerly waiting under him.

Kid was not a virgin any more, but still his hole was very tight and unused to be penetrated; and yet, he didn’t go easy with himself: with fierce determination, he impaled himself on Scott’s stiff rod in one swift motion. “Nnnngghh…!” – he groaned between his clenched teeth, when a shot of sheer pain radiated from his ass, so abruptly split open.

“Kid!” – Scott gasped in alarm – “No! Why did you do that!”

“I… I wanted you to have at least a few petals of my flower, Scott.”

“You silly…!”– Scott replied with a loving gaze, wiping away a tear escaped from the corner of Kid’s eye – “Do you think I could ever rejoice in your pain, Kid? No… Leave everything to me, and I’ll make you fly to the Seven Heavens…”

Scott slid his arms under Kid’s knees to support him and spread his legs more, and then started lifting and lowering him bodily, over and over, with slow movements; his cock slid smoothly in and out Kid’s tender ass, making the lad writhe with pleasure.

“This is just the First Heaven” – Scott said with a knowing grin after a short while – “Let’s move to the Second…”

The up-and-down movements paced up, and Kid bounced a little harder on Scott’s groin; the hard member, at each thrust, reached deeper into Kid’s depths, touching him in ways that made him moan and beg for more.

“More?” – Scott grinned – “Then you’re ready for the Third Heaven…!”

By the time they reached the Sixth Heaven, Kid was delirious. Scott’s powerful arms lifted him up in the air as if he weighed nothing, but when he fell down, his buttocks slammed on Scott’s groin like he weighed a ton, and Scott’s rod plunged deeper than ever inside him, making him squeal with ecstatic pleasure.  Locked into Scott’s arms, with his legs bent over his chest and spread wide, Kid didn’t have the least control of the fuck, and he felt delightfully helpless, at the tender mercy of his wonderful, powerful lover.

Scott held him tighter, trapping Kid’s cock between their shifting abdomens; the rough brushing on Kid’s sensitive cock head quickly brought him close to the climax, and Scott, too, was more than fit to burst: “Are you ready for the Seventh Heaven?” – he growled, and Kid’s reply was more than enthusiastic: “Yes! Yes! Oh Lord, YEEESSS!!!”

Bucking wildly, Kid tilted his head back and his cock erupted in a massive ejaculation, shooting thick ropes of seed that drenched Scott’s abs and chest. Scott followed suit, flooding Kid’s loosened hole with his manly juice, panting hard for the exertion of holding Kid and for the shattering climax.

They slowly came down from the Seven Heavens and landed into the familiar crow’s nest. Scott smiled tenderly and they disengaged from each other; they sat on the wooden floor, looking at each other. Kid’s eyes were shining, and Scott’s, too; but there was a sadness, a doubt at the bottom of Scott’s eyes.

“So…” – Scott said tentatively – “Where does this put me? Will I be your... secret lover or something? Someone to have a sneak fuck with, when the Captain doesn't see? I want you, Kid, I want all of you. I’m a simple man, if I love a lad I take him, or I let him go, but this… I’m not sure I can cope with this.”

“Scott, all I can say is that I love you. I truly love you. I’m as confused as you are, but give me time, Scott. Just… give me time.”

“I’ll try…” – Scott replied, doubtfully – “Lord help me, I’ll try.”


~ Just two men ~

The next morning, Scott saw Kid heading to the Captain’s cabin and covertly followed him. He knew it was foolish to sneak to the quarterdeck and spy on Kid, but he was curious to know how the Captain would’ve reacted to Kid’s confession about being in love with both of them at the same time.

He got to the Captain’s cabin and stayed out of sight, but close enough to the door to overhear, at least in part, what they said.

Apparently, the Captain was much more open-minded than Scott, because he seemed to take well the weird situation. Or, at least, he seemed to keep under a stricter control his emotions.

“Well, I can’t really blame you…” – the Captain said to Kid – “I mean, I can easily understand why you are so infatuated by him…”

«Infatuated??» – Scott thought, annoyed – «He loves me, son of a bitch!»

“Captain…” – Kid said softly, and the man interrupted him: “Llewellin. Please Wayland, when we’re alone, call me Llewellin.”

“Aye aye… Llewellin!” – Kid joked, and they both giggled playfully, much to Scott’s irritation.

“Speaking of military rank… I thought a lot about you, lately, Wayland. You did great on the Vanguard, and I noticed your experience in all the deck activities, managing the sails, aiding the gunners, following the docking procedures. How does it sound ‘Boatswain Wayland Kidston’?”

«Motherfucker!» – Scott thought angrily, still eavesdropping from outside – «Here he goes again, abusing his prerogatives to impress Kid!»

Truth to be told, Kid didn’t seem overly impressed, not in the right way, anyway: “Llewellin… thank you, but I can’t accept. What is it, a compensation for… what I gave you on that bed? This is not how I live my life.”

“You insult me” – the Captain replied, hurt – “I told you how much I appreciated your work since we first met on the poop deck, way before we… we made love. What you gave me can’t ever be compensated with a career benefit, and my offer has nothing to do with it, you deserve this promotion, you earned it through hard work.”

“Mmm…” – Kid mumbled, flashing an urchin grin– “Say, can a Boatswain kiss a Captain? Or is it something reserved to Landsmen?”

“Stop teasing me!” – the Captain growled, taking Kid by his waist and forcefully pulling him into a tight embrace – “Kiss me now, or I’m going to degrade you to… Landsman again, lacking a lower rank!”

Kid’s laughter was suddenly muffled by a fierce, passionate kiss, and Scott lost his temper. “Son of a bitch!!” – he yelled, kicking hard a barrel placed nearby and make it noisily roll away.

The cabin door opened and the Captain came out, with a restrained fury in his glare: “Come inside, Quartermaster, so we can settle this matter once and for all!”

Scott walked defiantly inside the cabin, and the Captain closed the door.

“Now, Quartermaster, do you have anything to tell me?” – the Captain asked menacingly, and Scott seemed to put a great effort in restraining his temper: “Captain, sir, your uniform and your rank forbid me to answer to your question!”

The Captain stood still for a moment, and then, without a word, he took away his hat, his jacket and his trousers, bearing the insignia of the Royal Navy and the decorations stating his rank. “Here!” – he then said aloud, standing proudly in front of Scott wearing only his loose linen blouse and his underpants – “Now we’re just two men! Speak up, mate, or shut up and fuck off!”


~ Retribution and lust ~

Scott got furious and pointed a finger at the Captain: “It’s easy for you to make a man fall for you, Llewellin!” – he shouted, using on purpose the Captain’s first name – “You know well how to play your cards, I’ll give you that, but it’s Kid we’re talking about, the most beautiful, innocent and sweet lad I’ve ever met! If you think I will see you snatch him from me without retaliating, then think better!”

With a lightning-fast movement, Scott grabbed the Captain’s arm and forcefully bent it behind his back, painfully blocking him; then he roughly shoved him on the dining table, forcing him to bend over it, face down.

“I’ll make you taste your own medicine, Llewellin!” – Scott growled menacingly, roughly pulling down the Captain’s undergarment and exposing his ass. With one hand, Scott quickly took his hard cock out of his own pants and spat on it: “I guess that no one ever picked your flower, so far…”

Scott forcefully pushed his stiff cock against the Captain’s clenched hole, that tried to resist the onslaught, but soon painfully gave up and let the wide knob enter the inviolate chute. “Nnnngghhh…” – the Captain snarled, trying to cope with the sudden pain coming from his torn hole.

“SCOTT, NO!!” – Kid screamed in alarm, taken aback by Scott sudden assault.

“Don’t try to stop me, Kid!” – Scott replied, ready to plunge his entire rod into the Captain’s hurting hole – “This is something between him and me!”

“Scott… Please…” – Kid whined, getting closer and looking at him straight in his eyes – “Don’t hurt him…! He… He’s been gentle to me…”

Scott gazed deep into Kid’s eyes and tried to understand the intricate mix of love for him and love for the Captain that saw in them. And then he just gave up: he was too simple-minded to understand. Lowering his gaze, ashamed for his outburst of rage, he let go of the Captain’s arm and recoiled. He was about to pull out from the man’s abused ass, but the Captain’s voice surprised him: “No…! Don’t stop, Scott… Do it, take me, finish what you’ve started…”

Kid looked in shock at the Captain, still bent on the table, despite being now free, and was surprised to see his cock at full mast.

Scott didn’t need to be told twice: he still had to make things even with the Captain, for the humiliation he had to bear; and truth to be told, Scott had fantasized many times to plunge his man tool into the Captain’s muscular ass, though he was sure that it would’ve never happened. But now the sweet hole he dreamt about was keeping in a tight grip his engorged glans, begging to be filled to the brim.

“Aye aye, Captain…” – Scott murmured, and thrusted his hips forward, just a bit.

He didn’t want anymore to hurt him: Kid said the Captain was gentle when they made love for the first time, and Scott wanted to be just as gentle. He pushed slowly his cock inside the tight passage, and the Captain groaned for the pain, so Scott stilled his hips and placed a caring hand on the man’s back, to make him calm down: “Relax, mate… Don’t fight me, I’m not going to hurt you, but you must help me. Open up, accept me inside you…”

The Captain had to fight his deepest heterosexual instinct, that commanded him to clench his hole, to keep that manly rod out of his unexplored depths. Scott felt the tight hole quiver and spasming, desperately trying to open up and make way to the big intruder, and gently brushed his hand on the Captain’s back: “You’re doing great, man. You can do it, I swear I won’t move until you’re ready, but you have to submit to me. Stop being my Captain, for once, and be my man, sir.”

Scott’s words made the Captain finally understand what giving himself to another man meant, and his hole relaxed and opened up, asking to be stretched and filled to its limit. Inch by inch, Scott’s long cock crawled its way inside the warm chute, until it was fully buried into the Captain’s flesh.

“Now fuck me, Scott” – the Captain panted – “Take me and bring me, too, to the Seven Heavens…”

Scott shot a questioning glance to Kid, who silently replied with an embarrassed grin, realizing how indelicate he had been, revealing to the Captain the details of his intimacy with Scott.

“Alright, mate” – Scott sighed, faintly shaking his head – “Let’s fly to the First Heaven…”

It took a long time for them to climb up to the ‘Seventh Heaven’, as Scott knew that the Captain needed a special care and a great tenderness, being so naïve and unused to give himself to another man. But in the end both of them were panting hard, and a fire was burning inside their loins.

“Kid…” – Scott murmured, and the lad understood: he moved closer to the Captain and started stroking his cock sensually, holding it in a tight grip, and was rewarded by loud moans of pleasure: “Oh, shit… Oh shit…! GGGHHHAAAA!!!”

The Captain’s cock started shooting like a cannon, and plume after thick plume, a large puddle of semen formed under the table. The frantic anal contractions sent Scott through the roof, and he, too, howled his pleasure, while flooding the Captain’s ass with his seed.

Slowly the howls turned to moans, and then to pants, and the silence fell on the room. Scott pulled out and shook his cock to make the last drops of sperm fall to the floor; then he put back his manhood into his pants and gave to Kid a sad, resigned glance.

“I’m not this strong…” – Scott said, and a great sorrow exuded from his voice – “I can't be the man you want me to be, Kid. I can’t love you the way you want me to. I tried, God knows I tried."

He turned around and went away, closing the door behind himself. Kid felt his eyes getting wet, understanding that he’d lost Scott forever, and it was all his fault. The Captain cleaned himself and got dressed, and then went close to Kid, held him in a tender embrace and leaned over to kiss him. But Kid wriggled off and ran away, restraining his tears.


~ Raging storm ~

In the evening, the cook raised his gaze from the boiling soup he was preparing with great surprise: “Captain! May I help you? You never come down to the galley…”

“Have you seen Kidston, Arthur?” – the Captain asked, calling his old friend by name.

The old cook shot to the Captain a fatherly glance: “Say, Llewellin, how’s going? Forgive me, but I can’t see you wasting your life chasing shadows that won’t ever come back…”

The Captain flashed a secretive grin: “Thank you, Arthur. As a matter of fact, I finally feel alive, more than alive, for the first time in years.”

“So I see” – the cook replied with a relieved smile, and then pointed his chin to the hatch leading to the lower decks: “He went down to the hold, to store away that precious water he prepares all the time. But it’s been two hours now, and he still didn’t come back. The boy seems troubled, lately, Captain…”

The Captain nodded his head, showing his gratitude for the unwavering support the old cook always gave him, and climbed down to the hold. At first, he couldn’t see anything but crates and barrels, ammunitions and coils of ropes, but then he saw a familiar face peeking out from behind a large wooden rib.

“Are you hiding from me, Wayland?” – the man asked softly, moving closer – “I missed you today…”

“Captain, I…”


Captain…” – Kid repeated, keeping his eyes to the floor – “I’m terribly sorry for what Scott said and did to you… I feel guilty, it’s all my fault, I put him in too a tangled situation, I put both of you in this situation, and I feel ashamed. I… I should’ve taken a decision long ago, I should’ve made up my mind, but I couldn’t bring myself to give up on either of you, and now… now Scott made a choice on my behalf. He doesn’t even talk to me anymore. And you, sir… my gosh, I can’t believe how badly I behaved with you, sir.”

Kid looked up at the Captain’s face, prepared to bear his rightful reproach, but what he saw made his eyes open wide: the fire that was burning in the man’s eyes was unmistakable.

“Wayland…” – he said with coarse voice, moving closer, and Kid stepped back: “Sir, no, you’d better steer away from me, I only bring troubles. I don’t deserve your promotion, I don’t deserve you, you should make me walk the plank! I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been, thinking that you…”

“Boatswain Wayland Kidston!” – the Captain said aloud, interrupting Kid’s unstoppable stream of words, and then added with passion: “I’m tired of evaluating situations and carefully choosing the right course. For once, I want to be swept away by the storm…!”

He grabbed Kid by his waist and forcefully pulled him into a grinding kiss, a ferocious battle of tongues, lips and teeth. Their crazed hands unlaced and unbuttoned each other’s jackets, blouse and pants, pulled down their undergarments and explored every hidden recess of each other’s body.

Not a word was uttered, just raucous pants, heavy breaths and chocked moans. The Captain shoved Kid against the hard boards of the keel and started kissing with passion his neck, his pecs, his nipples, his navel, his groin; and then, under Kid’s astonished eyes, he opened his mouth and hungrily gulped down the lad’s throbbing member.

“Sir… Captain… Llewellin…” – Kid gasped, won by the sudden pleasure and the unbelievable notion that the highest ranked man on the ship, the most confident and dominant man he’d ever met, was humbling himself to suck his cock! And Kid’s heart raced even more when he guessed from the tentative, goofy lapping, that for the Captain was the very first time he did that.

The Captain made up for the lack of experience with a great passion, almost a greedy hunger; it didn’t take long until Kid felt dangerously close to his climax. “Wait… Wait…!” – Kid said with urgency, helping the Captain on his feet and kneeling in front of him, to return the favour and service him with equal passion… and greater skills.

Kid loved the strong hands taking possession of his head to slam it down on the stiff cock, he felt delightfully owned by his strapping Captain, a man who knew what he wanted and took it, one way or another.

After long endless minutes, those hands that so far had forced his mouth to take every inch of the rock-hard meat suddenly pulled him on his feet and forcefully pushed him against the wooden boards. “A Boatswain doesn’t whimper out, right? He can take pain like a man, can’t he?” – the Captain growled, spitting on his fat cock and raising Kid’s legs to gain an unobstructed access to his tender hole.

“Whatever you ask me, Captain, I’ll give you. Whatever, sir -- NNNNGGHH! FUCK!”

The sudden impalement made Kid buckle for the pain, but he took it bravely, even urging the Captain to increase the potency of his thrusts: “Fuck me, Captain! Aww… YES! YES! Give me it all, sir!”

Squeezed between the hard boards of the keel and the muscled body of the Captain, Kid couldn’t do anything but take the powerful fuck, unable to prevent the fat rod from crashing inside his most tender and secret places, breaking open his inner defenses and pounding viciously against his sensitive prostate. He’d never seen Llewellin so hungry for sex, so hungry for life! The powerful thrusts forced the air out of Kid’s lungs, making him utter chocked squeals every time the crazed hips smashed against his buttocks.

“I want all of you, Wayland” – the Captain growled, with feverish eyes – “I want every inch of you, every ounce of your flesh and every beat of your heart!”

“And I want every drop of your seed, Llewellin…” – Kid replied in ecstasy – “Cum in me, sir, breed me… Ahhh… AAAARRGGHH!!!”

They climaxed together, their cocks burst thick ropes of male juice in unison, while their howls of pleasure echoed in the vast belly of the ship. The frantic pounding didn’t slow down, making both of them delirious, until their balls were drained to the last drop.

Slowly the Captain let Kid slide again on his feet and looked intensely at him, breathing hard. “With you I’ve done things that I never did with anyone…” – Llewellin said, serious – “Things that one week ago I thought impossible. But I don’t regret any single moment. Not a single moment…”

“Why do you talk like this, Llewellin…” – Kid replied, sensing a tension, a struggle in the Captain’s voice, but he just smiled tenderly and kissed him on the lips: “Don’t mind me. I’m just an old dog trying to learn new tricks.”

They picked up their clothes scattered around and got dressed in silence. When ready, the Captain looked at Kid and said pensively: “This dead calm will end, sooner or later…” – and went away.


~ Toward the rising sun ~

Kid didn’t go to sleep in the crew quarters, that night. Scott was clearly avoiding him, and the last thing Kid wanted was to make him feel worse. «I already made him suffer too much…» – Kid though ruefully, sitting on the poop deck with his gaze fixated on the horizon, where the first rays of a glorious sun tinged the sky in pink.

Scott had taken the decision that Kid wasn’t able to take, letting him go and stepping aside, to allow him to give all his love to the Captain. But Kid wasn’t sure it was the right decision. Yes, he and Llewellin felt a great passion for each other, but in the end Llewellin was the Captain, and Kid was just a Landsman. A Boatswain, Kid corrected himself, but it didn’t make any difference: their love was born on the Vanguard and couldn’t survive once ashore.

«With Scott it would’ve been different» – Kid thought ruefully, fully aware that he’d made the biggest mistake of his life. He had lost Scott forever, and even if there was still a chance, how could Kid ever hurt Llewellin so cruelly? Kid still couldn’t fully understand what agitated the Captain’s soul, but one thing was clear for him: for whatever reason, Llewellin needed him, and the last furious desperate fuck, down in the hold, proved it beyond any doubts. Never in his life Kid could turn his back to the Captain…

The rays of the rising sun hit Kid’s face and he narrowed his eyes, turning the head away… and the Captain was there, looking at him from the stairs.

“Can’t you sleep?” – the man asked kindly, climbing the last steps, and when Kid shook his head, he added: “Neither can I”. He pointed to the floor and asked: “May I?”

Kid smiled, remembering the first time they talked to each other, in that very place: “I already told you, Captain, this is your ship, you can sit wherever it pleases you. But let me add… it pleases me, too. Very much.”

Llewellin sat down, and for few minutes they stared in silence at the rising sun, with the promise of a new day it bore with it.

“Say…” – the Captain said pensively after a while – “Do you remember my first mate? Lieutenant Croswell?”

“How can I forget him…” – Kid replied, frowning – “I was terribly sad when we lost him in battle. I was sad for the Sailing Master and my three mates, too, but especially for Lieutenant Croswell. He was always impeccable, he was brave, and kind…”

“…and incredibly handsome.” – the Captain added – “One could easily fall for a man like him. Seeing him die that way was… heartbreaking.”

Kid looked at the Captain with wide eyes: “Did you… if I may… Did you two have a liaison or something, Llewellin?”

The Captain flashed a sad smile and shook his head: “I couldn’t let myself feel love for him. Or for anyone, since I lost my beautiful Ariel. I had locked my heart and thrown away the key. I didn’t even really mourn him, as a Captain cannot cry for a lost life… nor for a lost love.”

Kid didn’t say anything, out of respect for the intimate moment of secret grief that the Captain had just shared with him, but held his hand tenderly.

“You’re special, Wayland” – the Captain said, turning to Kid – “You’re special to me. You gave me so much! You gave me back my life, you found the key and unlocked the door to my heart. You helped me when I didn’t even know I needed help, you donated yourself to me, unreservedly, selflessly. You let me take your virginity, but it was a two-way road, because while I broke into your body, you broke into my heart. I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been, meeting you...”

Kid smiled tenderly, hit by the Captain’s words. As a matter of fact, so far he’d never expressed his feelings so clearly. For Kid, knowing that he got himself a special place in Llewellin’s heart was a badly needed reassurance, as many doubts still held his soul in an oppressing grip.

“I’m the lucky one, here…” – Kid said in a whisper, and Llewellin smiled impishly, lightening the tone to the conversation: “Are you going to contradict your Captain, seaman?”

Chuckling, they turned again to look at the horizon and stood silent for a while, until the Captain took a deep breath, as if he was about to say something he didn’t want to.

“Wayland, you gave me something I will cherish for the rest of my life, and nothing can never take it away from me. But, in order to selflessly give me that, you had to painfully give up on something you cherished very much, and it’s time for me to return the favour…”

The Captain turned his head to look down at the main deck, and Kid followed his gaze: Scott was there, almost hidden by the rigging, leaning on the rail; he was ruefully looking at the horizon, with a deep frown hiding his sad eyes, and was clearly putting a great effort in repressing his tears.

“If a man ever loved another man, that's him.” – Llewellin said seriously– “Go to him, Wayland, love him, respect him, and may the wind always be at your back.”

Kid’s mouth sagged open, while his heart was racing: “But he… he gave up on me. Forever.”

“No, he’s waiting for you to come back to him, trust me. I know what I’m talking about, Wayland. I hopelessly waited for five long years for someone to come back to me.”

Kid felt his heart throb, remembering the Captain’s desperate expression, the first time they met, while thinking to his lost wife. “I can’t leave you this way, Llewellin” – Kid said with a worried glance, but the Captain reassured him: “You put me back on my feet, now I can walk by myself. A difficult situation awaits me in England, a life where I can’t really… be myself. I made so many mistakes in my life, but I won’t make this one. Go, Wayland, and never turn back.”

“I won’t ever forget you, Captain…” – Kid murmured, and leaned over him to give him a tender kiss on his lips.

“Now go get your sexy Quartermaster!” – the Captain said, playfully slapping Kid’s ass – “And be sure to never let him slip through your fingers again!”

Kid leapt on his feet and climbed down the stairs to the lower deck with excited steps. Llewellin watched him run to Scott, take his face into his hands and talk to him with passion; Scott hesitated for a moment, and then threw his muscular arms around Kid, holding him in a strong embrace. The Captain watched through wet eyes the two lads exchanging a liberating, passionate kiss, oblivious of the world around them.

A loud crack coming from above made them all look up at the mast, where the main sail was majestically coming to life and swelling, filled by a steady Western wind.

The dead calm was over.

“Ahooooy!” – Captain Musgrave shouted with stentorian voice, standing tall – “All hands on deck! Stand by to make sail!!”

“Aye aye, Captain!” - yelled in unison Kid and Scott from the lower deck, smiling at him, to then join the other seamen rushing out of the crew quarters.


In less than ten hectic minutes, the crew, with military precision, had the HMS Vanguard set in full sail. The masts and the decks creaked under the pressure of the rising wind, as if the agile ship was stretching her legs after a long sleep; and then, at long last, the Vanguard took its course with an elegant veering and headed straight to the rising sun.



by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024