Daniel Ricciardo teaches Lando

by Seanyboy

23 Feb 2022 988 readers Score 8.7 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Lando needed a drink. He wasn't a big drinker but right now he had no idea what was going on and needed a drink. Was Daniel secretly gay? He thought, no, he can't be, no gay man could sleep with that many woman weekly unless they really enjoyed it he reasoned. The lift opened in the lobby and he walked out head down, aiming straight for the hotel bar as he walked straight into someone,

'Shit sorry...' he started as he looked up and realised it was Max..

'Nice one Norris' Max said with a laugh, 'can't keep your eyes straight ahead on or off the track then...

' ha ha very funny Verstappen' Lando replied trying to sound vaguely happy and cheerful as he started to walk off

'Hey Lando, it's only a joke mate' Max said, putting an arm around his shoulders as he came up alongside him 'what's up mate?'He asked as Lando continued straight on, eyes focused on the prize in front of him, the bar. 'Err nothing, just some shitty comments about the race' he said, forcing a smile, 'fancy a drink?' He asked as they approached the bar,'Sure thing,ong as you're ok?' Max replied as he grabbed the bartenders attention, 'Champagne I feel, a bottle of please' he asked the guy behind the bar,

'A bottle??' Lando quipped, his cheeky grin returning to his face 'someone's flashing the cash' he said, chuckling to himself as he tried to push the image of what he'd just seen from his memory, 'I'll go get a table' he said to Max as he turned, scanning the room for an empty table

'One out the way mate eh, don't think I'm letting you go back to your room without talking about these comments you've been reading!' He smirked as he pulled his Card from his wallet, handing it to the barmen

'Errr yea, sure, if I can find one' Lando said as he scanned the room again, looking amongst the sea of other drivers and other team staff trying to find a quiet spot. No way am I telling him what I've just seen, he thought, better find some shitty comments fast!

Spying a small table half hidden by some plants he pushed through the crowds of people, 'good race Norris' some of the rival team members said, 'shame about that last lap!' Oh fuck off he thought, sure he'd messed up slightly, should never have let that red bull car past, but still, he didn't crash and finished on 4th overall,

Reaching the table he sat himself down, just as Max strolled up beside him, an ice bucket with the champagne in in one hand and 2 glasses in the other

'Here's to another good season where you let me beat you to every podium' Max cheered as he plonked himself next to Lando,

'Ha fucking ha' Lando replied sarcastically, trying to shake the image of what he'd seen out of his mind, 'don't think I'm letting you get past me next time' he said with a cheeky grin as he downed his glass and reached to fill his glass

'Fucking hell leave me some!' Max said as he looked around to see who was near, 'so, you gunna tell me whats actually wrong then or am I gunna have to get you drunk?' He said, winking across the table

'I already told you! I read some comments online saying I was a shit driver for letting you get past me, and then I went up to find Daniel and...' said lando as he lookee down and stopped himself from going further

'And what.... don't tell me he was ribbing you it as well? Then again, if you'd got 3rd it would have looked good on you guys wouldn't it, what with him being 2nd an all!' Max said, staring across at lando, 'thought you were good mates, always laughing at something between you aren't you!'

'Yea something like that, we are mates yea, but i don't wanna talk about it anymore, I'll be OK later I'm sure!'

Meanwhile upstairs...

'SHIT' Daniel said as the door slammed behind Lando, 'i need to find him, you can fuck off now you've got what you wanted' Daniel started as he picked up Sean's top, wiped his cum covered cock clean on it and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t shirt, looking back at the bedraggled heap on the bed as he opened the door, 'and don't you dare tell anyone about this or you'll never work in F1 again....'

Daniel pulled his phone out as he shut the door and dialled Lando... it rang once before going to voicemail... fuck sake he thought, as he hung up and dialled again, 'lando, look I need to talk to you, its not what it looks like, answer the phone, I know you're ignoring me, we need to talk!'

Daniel stood tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for the lift, wonder if he's at the bar he thought, he better not have had too much already, he doesn't really drink and god knows what he'll say if I don't find him fast...

Standing up as he finished his 3rd glass kf champagne, Max looked over at Lando, 'gotta go for a piss mate, drank that far too quick!'

'I can't guarantee I won't have finished the bottle by the time you're finished' Lando said with a grin as he poured another glass from the now nearly empty bottle on the table,

*ping* went his phone as the lift neared the ground floor, finally thought Daniel as he pulled his phone out...opening the message he saw it wasn't from Lando but a picture from Sean, a picture of his cum dripping ass with the caption.. 'something to remind you of the best ass you've ever had, and don't worry, secrets safe with me ;), Daniel replied, 'fuck off, it's never happening again, I'm straight, I don't fuck dudes' as he deleted the picture and headed out the now open lift doors and over to the bar.

As he approached the bar area, Max was coming out, throwing his arm around Daniels shoulder he whispered, ' oh dear what have you been doing Danny boy, landos not happy with you'

'Nothing to do with you' Daniel snapped back, pushing Maxs hand off his shoulder as he carried on into the bar, 'its between me and him' he finished as he scanned the room, his eyes settling on the far corner where lando was clumsily emptying the dregs of the champagne into his glass.

There he is, Daniel thought as he made his way over to him, sitting down close to his side he whispered, 'mate, I can explain, not here, but I can.. what exactly did you tell Max??'

'I'm not your mate right now, it certainly doesn't feel like I know you, dont worry, I didn't him what I saw, he thinks you were taking the piss cos I let him pass me' he half slurred, the 5 glasses of quickly drunk champagne starting to take their toll on his young body,

'Lando please, can we go somewhere a little more private and talk, please, I need to explain'

'Fine, we can talk in my room, I'm not going in your room, I don't wanna see that' lando replied, as he shakily stood up, already regretting the champagne, 'I think I need a drink' he said, 'something non alcoholic..'he said a weak smile as he made his way back out of the bar towards the lift...

'you head up mate, I'll get us some drinks and meet you up there' Daniel said as he ushered lando in the direction of the lift and headed towards the bar,

Once he'd gotten them both a drink and headed up himself, Daniel knocked lightly on landos door, bracing himself to tell him the whole story of how exactly he'd come to be caught with his dick in another man's arse...

'You might wanna lock door' lando started as he opened the door and headed back inside, 'if you know how to do that' he sneered with a hint of sarcasm...

'Yes well, I won't be making that mistake again!' Daniel said as he kicked the door shut behind him, putting the drinks down on the table and took a seat opposite lando.

'So..' lando started, staring him directly in the eye, 'what the fuck.... Dan, don't you give a shit about your gf? Is it even real? You and her? Or is it just a cover so you can shag guys and not have the press ridicule you for being gay?'

'Mate, listen, I'm not gay, it just, well, it just happened, well it didn't, but I didn't mean for it to go this far, let me explain...' Daniel said, looking at the floor unable to look him in the eye

'You better start explaining then, cos it's not on...' Lando said, continuing to glare at Daniel

'Well, how much do you want to know...?'

'Daniel for fucks sake just tell me....'

Daniel took a deep breath and started, 'OK, so it all started about 3 months ago....'