Curious Candy

by Menzy

14 Sep 2022 7943 readers Score 9.4 (41 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Author's note: This is book one of a series but if you are just looking for some steamy dubcon shenanigans then it can certainly be read as an erotic standalone. For anyone who is keen to read more then the other books are available on Amazon.

I hope you like the story :)

Chapter One

Whenever Levi Candy was looking for inspiration he would think of the white t-shirt hidden in the back of his closet. At first glance it wasn’t anything spectacular, just a run-of-the-mill white t-shirt. And while it was just that, it was a whole lot more too. He wasn’t the kind of guy you could accuse of being sentimental, but this was one blast from his past he refused to part with.

It had been one of the last Christmas presents he received from his mother before she married one of the richest men in town. Overnight, Mark Candy took Levi and his mother from living below the breadline to living a life of luxury. So while the shirt had not fit him for years, it stood as a reminder of where he came from, and the inner strength he possessed.

“Think, Levi, think,” he mumbled to himself as he sat at his computer desk looking towards his closet, the one that housed his expensive wardrobe and the inspirational white top. He pulled out a packet of Marlboro Lights from his jeans pocket and lit one from a book of matches, shaking the used match to extinguish the flame. He sucked in the relaxing taste of nicotine as he pondered what to write in his online blog. He tried to update it at least once a week, usually on a Friday afternoon when he’d finished with his media art classes for the week. He had been keeping this online diary since he was seventeen, after his girlfriend Sophie had dumped him abruptly, and it had grown to become a regular part of his life.

In hindsight the blog started as a way for him to vent his frustration and air his emotions about how he felt over the heartbreaking situation. And that’s what it had been. Heartbreaking. Sophie had been his first serious relationship and they’d dated for two years, and he had stupidly thought she was the one. He never talked with his friends or family about how he felt. How he’d been so upset he’d cried for two days, locked away in his bedroom. That would just make him look weak and pathetic, and Levi didn’t believe in showing weakness.

The blog had been good for him, and it had helped him get through the agony of his first broken heart. Strangers online were actually quite supportive to begin with, but they soon grew tired of his whinging and his dull updates about his boring life as a spoilt rich kid growing up in New Zealand.

The dull diary entries came to an end, though, when Levi began using his blog as a way to share sexy stories of his newfound sexual freedom. As soon as the pain of being dumped was gone, Levi went out of his way to sleep with as many girls as he could, treating each seduction like a little fuck you to Sophie and her new boyfriend Lucas Maxwell. Levi wasn’t a heartthrob who went through hundreds of lovers by any means, but he got more than his fair share compared to the average Kiwi guy, especially in that first year of being single.

Each time he would sleep with someone new, he would write about it online, and share the most intimate details. He never used real names but he always told the truth. That was what set him apart from 99% of the other bloggers out there. Levi never lied. There was a perverted thrill in airing your most personal details, and sharing your inner secrets with complete strangers who had no idea who you were. The only clue to his real identity was his user name: Candy Boy.

The blog was hosted on a website called Crashing Hearts, a sort of porn-den come online community where you could upload videos, pictures, share stories and run your own blog—like Levi did. Every sort of kinky thrill was available here. From mild to wild. Vanilla to taboo. People from all walks of life congregated to the site, seeking videos, pictures and stories that catered to their individual tastes.

The site allowed bloggers the option of creating exclusive content, available to premier members; AKA they paid money to get access to better shit. Every blogger tried their luck at cashing in on this, but very few were successful. Levi, however, had been successful, and was fast becoming more so thanks to the creative, steamy content he was providing his followers. He wasn’t making huge money by any means, but he usually banked several hundred dollars a month from what was essentially a hobby.

It was Levi’s raw honesty that contributed to his success and gifted him a sizable group of committed followers. In the personal details section (which were verypersonal) he didn’t list his cock at a ridiculous ten inches like most guys did, he just listed his real size: a whisker over six inches with a depressingly average girth. He didn’t post face pics because discretion was important, but he gladly posted pics and videos of any other part of his body that his followers requested. He didn’t care how odd the request was (and some had been pretty fucking weird) but he did his best to give people what they wanted.

In a world where porn was overloaded with bullshit fantasy there seemed to be a real market for the truth. Nobody in real life fucked like porn stars, they fucked like two soggy biscuits being slapped together. It was messy and usually crumbled fast. He knew he came across as a heartless wanker in his blog, but he wondered if that was part of the appeal. People could identify with him. They could see that they weren’t the only ones who had devious, selfish minds. Supposed unnatural thoughts were quite natural here.

A big part of his need for secrecy was that he had shared the most hidden aspect of his sexuality. Levi was into guys—a lot. While dating Sophie he had never acted on these feelings, but with singledom came the freedom to explore. The more he explored, the more he realised how strong his curiosity for guys was. It was only a matter of time before his curiosity got the better of him.

He had held off on acting on these feelings for as long as possible, scared about what would happen if people in town found out about him. This is why he’d only just started dipping his foot (or cock as the case may be) into the same-sex pond in the past year, and so far things had not gone past oral and the occasional anal fingerfuck. But his desire to experiment with other guys had only grown stronger, and he was craving to do more.

Much, much more.

Being in the closet about his sexuality meant Levi had to find the right kind of person to explore his fantasies with, the type of person who wouldn’t whisper a word or had just as much to lose as he did. Making a move on the wrong person could lead to embarrassing and socially-lethal consequences in his home town of Fitzroy. Everyone knew his wealthy family here, and hankered to be one of his friends and join what was affectionately known as The Chosen Few of the Candy Crew.

Fitzroy was not a huge town but it was large and pretentious enough that social hierarchy mattered a great deal. If you knew the right people then you had access to an endless supply of exclusive events, fancy dinners and private parties that overdosed on hedonistic excess. Levi didn’t just know the right people, he wasthe right people, and he had no intention of tarnishing his reputation by being outed. He would lose his spot as a leader amongst the youth of the town’s social elite, locally referred to as the Fitzroy Flyers.

When he had written about his first time fooling around with another guy his blog had gone berserk with horny comments, doubling Candy Boy’s number of followers overnight. Levi had been blown away by the enthusiastic reaction to his confession. He had assumed that some gay guys might enjoy the tale but much to his surprise some straight men had become fans too, telling him how they wished they’d experimented more like that when they were his age. He struggled to understand why any heterosexual male would enjoy tales of that nature, but quite a few did, and provided they paid to view his content he wasn’t going to question it.

Levi sucked in another hit of nicotine, wondering if he would get a strong reaction with the entry he was about to write. It was most definitely along those lines, even though it wasn’t going to contain any raunchy sex.

After much consideration about what he would title his latest entry, Levi settled with: CURIOUS CANDY.

As you all know I have started to explore my bi side over the last year. So far it hasn’t been much more than receiving the occasional sloppy blowjob or watching other guys jack off in front of me, but I hope to change that soon. Those of you who have read the entry from January will know that the first guy I got off with was the German backpacker I met at a New Year’s Eve beach party. I gotta say that it was one fucking awesome way to see in the new year with a dude naked on his knees sucking my dick. Pity he didn’t swallow though. I hope no one tried to make a sand castle in that spot the next day lol

Since that night I have hooked up with a few other guys but not as many as I would like. I don’t live in the biggest town so it’s hard to find the right kind of guy to fool around with. One that knows how to keep his mouth shut.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no shame in the fact I like other guys. Fuck… I have known I’ve been into dudes since I was about fourteen, and used to check my classmates out in the locker rooms. I’ve always had a natural curiosity about what it would be like to fuck a guy, to hold his dick in my hand and just play with it, but I’ve also had enough luck with girls to not bother exploring this side of myself.

It was never that I didn’t want to, it was just a case of knowing that if I got busted then I’d get a reputation and be put into a box I didn’t want to be in. I know enough from being on here the past four years that plenty of guys are partial to a bit of man pie but are too scared to take a slice. And why wouldn’t they be? Any dude who is into other guys gets given shit, maybe not to their face as much as they used to but they still get mocked the fuck out of the moment their back is turned. And quite frankly I don’t wanna get the piss taken out of me just because of where I choose to put my cock.

I’m not sure what made me take that first step on the night I let the German dude suck my cock. I guess it was the copious amount of alcohol I had drunk lol I have done many a stupid thing on alcohol. So yes, I have only really dipped my foot in the pond of fooling around with guys but that is set to change this weekend. I have my eye on someone. Someone I intend to FUCK!

That’s right everybody, I am going to finally do the deed and bend a dude over and give him every inch I have. I am honestly so fucking hard right now just thinking about how tight his arse will feel wrapped round my dick. And how do I know his arse will be tight? Because this guy just happens to be a virgin. *evil grin*

Levi’s hazel eyes strayed away from the laptop as he took a break from typing. This wasn’t exactly a sexy post, but that wasn’t the point of this entry. He intended to use it as bait, dangling it for free to all users on the site so it might convince some new people to sign up. Maybe they would follow his blog just to find out if he was able to go through with his devious plan. And the plan was very much that. Devious.

He took one last drag of his smoke then stubbed it out in an empty coffee mug on his desk. His stepfather would have a fucking fit if he smelt smoke in the house, so Levi went over to his bedside drawers and pulled out an antiperspirant spray which he spritzed lightly to try and hide the stench of smoke. Satisfied that the room now carried a sweet, musky smell, he went back and sat down to continue with his blog entry.

Before you go getting the wrong idea that I am fucking some pimply piece of underage teen meat, I had better tell you that when I say virgin, I mean an arse virgin. The guy lost his virginity at fifteen (bastard beat me by a year in that department) but he has never been fucked in the arse because he just happens to be…. *drumroll please* …. my STRAIGHT best mate!

That’s right. I am going to try and seduce a straight dude. I am always going on about how I enjoy a challenge, and what bigger challenge is there than convincing a guy not into cock to take mine up his arse? This sudden need to see my best mate naked and wanna fuck him seems strange when I think how it happened. Like, I have always known he’s an attractive guy. Seriously attractive if the truth be told, but it is only recently that I even thought of him as a potential conquest, and now I can’t get the thought of fucking him out of my head. It has crept into my veins and has poisoned my thoughts with non-stop images of what he looks like without any clothes on. I bet he has a huge cock too. I promise to let you all know once I find out, and if I can then I will take some pictures. No promises though. Convincing him to bite the pillow is gonna be hard enough without adding taking snapshots to the list. But I must confess that I am gagging to take a picture of the very moment my dick breaches his hole. That would be fucking epic!

I think what makes all of this such a big turn on is that I know him so well, it makes things that little bit spicier… almost taboo. Funnily enough it is actually his birthday today (he’s turning 21) and tonight he is having a party at a club in town to celebrate. It would be awesome to do it tonight, fuck him senseless on his special day, but I know that isn’t possible since there will be too many people around.

However, tomorrow me and him are going away to stay at his dropkick father’s house in the country and go fishing over the weekend. His father is a major stoner loser and will be so high he won’t even notice what me and his son get up to. So once his dad’s gone to bed I plan to make my move. Obviously we will be drinking in the evening so when it comes time to head to bed in the sleepout we will be sharing I will make my move.

Am I confident that I can pull this off? You fucking bet I’m confident. So confident in fact that earlier today I went out and bought a new pack of rubbers and a huge bottle of lube to take away with me for our trip.

Anyway, it is time for me to go and start getting ready for his party. Wish me luck, and when I return I hope to have a very hot scandalous tale to share about how this piece of candy is a little less curious than before.

Candy Boy

Chapter Two

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

Levi lay sprawled on his bed like a beached starfish, with little will or ability to move. The alarm clock on his cell phone kept bleating from the floor where he’d dropped his pants the night before. He tried ignoring it, willing it to stop, but it just kept ringing and ringing until he couldn’t stand it anymore. He rolled over and snatched it up, stabbing as many buttons as he could until it died, and went to a heaven known as silence. He dropped it carelessly to the floor, and said sourly, “Now stay fucking quiet!”

He had set it for 11 a.m., hoping that would give him enough of a sleep-in to recover from his boozy night out at Josh’s birthday party. Unfortunately, his fuzzy head and mouth that felt full of dry thistles made him realise he hadn’t got as much sleep as he needed. He closed his eyes and tried drifting off again, but the distant whirring of a neighbour’s lawnmower refused to let him do so. Fighting his hungover body’s wishes, Levi swung his legs out of bed and scrunched his toes into the carpet.

He cupped a hand over his mouth and breathed into it, smelling the alcohol still clinging to his breath. He hadn’t gotten home from Josh’s party until a little after four in the morning, having drunk far more than his fair share of the bar tab. He felt like shit warmed up but he knew it was time to face the day. Josh, a medical wonder who never suffered from hangovers, would be coming to pick him up in just a couple hours for their fishing trip, and Levi would need at least that much time awake to match half his spritely pal’s zest for the weekend ahead.

Levi stood up and swayed slightly, as he stretched his arms and yawned like a roaring lion. He stumbled to the centre of his room and began fossicking through the mess of clothes scattered over the floor, hunting for a clean pair of underwear to throw on. Finally, he settled on a black pair of briefs and slid them up his damp legs until the elastic waist band slapped around his hips, the material snuggly moulding itself around his crotch.

He meandered downstairs where he found his mum and Mark (his stepfather) sitting in the kitchen. His mum was sitting down and sipping her coffee, while his stepfather was dressed in his running gear and reading the local newspaper. Levi greeted them both with a sleepy grunt and made his way to the fridge, where he pulled out the milk and began drinking straight from the bottle.

“Levi, could you please not drink from the bottle,” his mother said half-heartedly.

He pulled the bottle away from his mouth and wiped the milk moustache it had left on his upper lip. “It’s nearly all gone, I’m just finishing it off.”

“That’s nearly half a litre,” his mother replied, somewhat dazedly, blinking.

He shrugged his shoulders and continued drinking from the bottle. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford to buy another bottle of milk.

Mark sighed disapprovingly. “It wouldn’t hurt you to listen to your mother and just do as she says.” The man may have been a descendent of one of the original pioneer families to New Zealand, but his voice was so devoid of even the slightest Kiwi twang that people often mistook him as being English.

Levi ignored his cranky stepfather’s comment and wandered over to join them at the table.

Mark glared disapprovingly at his half-naked state. “Is it really necessary for you to go gallivanting about the house naked?”

“I’m not naked.”

“You’re pretty much naked,” Mark replied snottily.

Levi patted his flat tummy and grinned. “If you don’t like what you see then blame her,” he said, pointing at his mother. “She’s the one who made me.”

His mother smiled. “I made you perfect, dear, but that’s no need to show everyone what I made.”

“No one will want the cow if they can get the milk for free, right?” Levi grinned, raising the bottle of milk still in his hand.

“That’s right, darling,” his mother said, “but then I guess you get all your milk free anyway.”

Levi winked and swigged back on the milk.

“Was it a big night last night?” his mother asked, pushing her fine blonde hair back over her shoulder.

“Fuck yeah.”

“Language,” Mark mumbled from behind the pages of his newspaper.

“It’s okay, I think Mum has heard worse.”

“That’s still no reason for you to speak like that in front of her, though.” Mark lowered the newspaper to give Levi a stern look. “You need to watch what comes out of your mouth.”

Before Levi could sass his stepfather back, his mother interrupted, “Come on, tell me… how was the party?”

“It was really good,” Levi said, nodding enthusiastically. “Josh said to say thank you again for topping up the bar tab.”

Josh’s mum had paid for her son to hire out the Ivory Bar in town until midnight but she had left it up to him and his friends to buy their own drinks. When Levi’s mum heard this, she stepped in and paid for a three-thousand-dollar bar tab. A stupidly generous amount of money to pay for a friend of your son as a birthday present, but Josh had been Levi’s best mate forever and was more like a brother, and so Levi’s mum treated him like family.

“You tell Josh it was our pleasure,” Levi’s mother cooed. “His mum helped us out a lot back in the day.”

Back in the dayis what Levi’s mum referred to as the time before she married Mark, a time when she and Levi lived in a crappy, small house in the rough part of town. It was funny to think that once upon a time it was Josh who was the wealthy one in the friendship. When Levi and his mum had been scraping by below the poverty line it was Josh’s modest family home that felt like a castle. Josh’s mum had separated from his loser father when he was just a baby, but thanks to her good job in the bank she owned her own three-bedroom home and the cupboards were always full with food. It was food she generously shared, giving some to Levi to take home to his mother each time he would visit.

Levi and his mum had never forgotten this generosity and had repaid the good deeds with some of their own, like shouting Josh’s mum a trip to Australia for her birthday and paying for Josh’s tertiary fees. You would think it would be ballsy of Levi’s mum to just dip into Mark’s money and spend it on others, but that wasn’t an issue because Mark had a soft spot for the sensible and sporty Josh. Even if he had disliked Josh, Mark would never say no to his pretty wife. That was the good thing about Levi’s stepfather, he was stupidly generous to Levi’s mother, and by default (albeit begrudgingly) Levi as well.

Mark put his newspaper down and joined the conversation. “Yes. I have no trouble helping out a boy like Josh, who works hard and tries his best to help himself in life.”

Levi flinched internally at what he knew to be a dig at him. Unlike Josh who worked his butt off at his crappy supermarket job while he studied accounting in the evenings, Levi was a slacker who slept in most days and hardly ever went to polytechnic to attend his media arts course. He didn’t see the point in getting a part time job when he didn’t pay any board, and had his own credit card that his mum paid for with his stepfather’s money. It was the easy lifestyle that made him reluctant to move out. Why ditch living in one of the region’s most luxurious homes when you didn’t have to. Yes, he was lazy, but Levi wasn’t fucking stupid.

“Would you like me to make you some toast for breakfast?” His mother asked.

“Yes please.”

“Jam? Honey? Vegemite?”


Mark sighed. “He’s twenty years old, Jenny, I think Levi can make his own breakfast.”

“A boy’s never too old to have his mother make his breakfast,” she said, standing up. “Besides, you’re forty-five and I made you your breakfast this morning.”

“Touché my dear.” Mark picked up his newspaper again and continued reading.

Whenever all three of them were in the same room there was a slight air of tension that Levi’s mum had to manage like she was brokering a weapons deal with Iran. Mark was not a fan of Levi, and while he would never outright say he hated him, Levi knew his stepfather did. Even though his mum and stepfather had been married for seven years, and Mark had been the only father figure in Levi’s life since he was thirteen, the bond between stepfather and stepson had never grown into a warm one. Mark already had a son to his first wife, and he didn’t want to care for another. Especially one who wasn’t blood.

Still, Levi was smart enough to know not to bite the hand that fed him. At least not too hard. He could be a spoilt brat all he liked provided he didn’t overly step the mark. Mark was an arsehole, no two ways about it, but there was more than one kind of arsehole in this world and Mark wasn’t the worst. He was a pompous, rude and up-himself arsehole but he wasn’t a violent arsehole like Levi’s real father had been. Given the choice, Levi would choose life with Mark Candy over Barry Buttwell any day of the week.

A marriage between a broke single mother and a recently-divorced millionaire was always going to be fertile ground for gossip and vicious whispers of gold digging. These whispers weren’t wrong. Levi didn’t doubt that his mother loved Mark in her own way, but she loved his money and the security it provided more.

And what was Mark’s motive for rushing into a union with a broke solo mother? Sex. Despite the man being an uptight, conservative fucktard, he wasn’t immune to the weakness all men suffer from—thinking with their cock. And that is exactly what he had done when he decided to pursue Levi’s mum, who even now in her early forties—and with the help of a little makeup—could give women half her age a run for their money in the looks department.

Levi’s mum brought him over a plate of toast absolutely smothered in mānuka honey. He wasted no time digging into the meal, letting it soak up the booze from last night that was swirling in his stomach.

“Oh dear, not again,” Mark said sourly.

“What’s that?” Levi’s mother asked, staring at her husband.

“They’ve had another smash ‘n grab at a dairy again. Police say it’s the third one this month, and this time the owner was actually inside when they ran the car into the wall and he was left with a broken leg.”

Levi’s mum shook her head. “That is shocking. Which dairy was it? Do they say?”

“Coronation Avenue. Police say they’re seeking anyone who has spotted a maroon-coloured Toyota Ute.”

“So they literally drove into the dairy and then drove off?” Levi’s mother asked in shock.

“Yes, darling. I think that’s how a smash ‘n grab goes.” Mark tut-tutted sanctimoniously. “It is absolutely despicable what some people do.”

“Maybe if the government didn’t keep increasing the price of cigarettes then people wouldn’t go stealing them,” Levi said, dropping this in like an afterthought to the conversation.

Mark glared at him. “Maybe if filthy smokers like yourself learnt some self-control to kick the habit and stopped costing our healthcare system millions of dollars, we wouldn’t have criminals resorting to this kind of bullshit that hurts innocent people.”

“Language,” Levi said cheekily.

“I think I can say the word bullshit in my own house, Levi.”

“It’s my home too, isn’t it?”

Mark tilted his head smugly. “Anytime you would like to be a real man and get a job and start paying the mortgage then by all means you can call this your house.”

“Stop it you two,” Levi’s mum interjected. “I don’t need you both squabbling and bringing me down before I go to the temple.”

The temple wasn’t a temple at all, just some oversized dwelling on a plot of land that attendees referred to as The Community.It was run by Johan Niemand, a former science teacher turned self-confessed guru and mystical healer. He had transformed his home and lifestyle block into a spiritual retreat where wealthy locals like Levi’s mother could go to pray, meditate and do whatever the hell it was they did.

Levi’s mum had discovered the new age hangout six months ago, and since then had dedicated all her spare time to going along and helping Johan and the other followers develop what they considered paradise on earth.

“Just remember, Jenny, if they give you a glass of Kool-Aid, please don’t drink it,” Mark said.

Levi suppressed a laugh, not wanting to annoy his mother and not wanting his stepfather to think he found him funny. Secretly he agreed with Mark’s disdain for Johan’s community.

“I wish you wouldn’t make fun of my beliefs,” she said. “It would be great if you both came with me and checked it out for yourselves. It would do you the world of good to experience the tranquillity and peace out there.”

“My wife and money already spend enough time there without me needing to go,” Mark said with a smirk.

Levi’s mum playfully whacked her husband’s shoulder. “Watch it, bozo.” She giggled and stood up and gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. “Anyway, I shouldn’t be too long. An hour or two at the most.” She waved goodbye and walked out of the kitchen, heading towards her date with spirituality.

Mark stood up and started doing lunges, stretching his hairy legs in his skimpy running shorts. “Right, it’s time for me to go get this six pack I’ve always wanted.”

“You’ve been running ever since I met you, if it hasn’t helped give you abs yet then I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

“Oh, ye of little faith.” Mark patted his stomach. “I’m not in that bad shape for a guy my age.”

“True, but guys your age are too old to have abs.”

Mark laughed. “I’d like to see what you look like when you get to my age with all the junk food you eat. I can guarantee you won’t look half as good as me.”

“I can eat what I like and never put on weight.” Levi took a big bite of his toast, munching loudly.

“That’s called youth, Levi, and it runs out eventually.” Mark eyed Levi’s physique. “You could actually do with beefing up a little, no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend.”

“You make it sound like I look hideous and we both know I’m not. And as for me not having a girlfriend? That’s because I choose to be single.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep. Love is for the weak.”

“Dear god. You’re barely into your twenties and you’re already a bitter old man.”

“I think the word you are looking for is wise.”

Mark changed stretching moves, grabbing his left foot and tugging it up behind his butt. “I for one am a great believer in love, which must mean I am the weakest of them all.”

“You ain’t wrong there, Usain Bolt.”

Mark switched feet, stretching his other leg. His blue eyes began to narrow and he put on his nagging face. Levi sat and waited for the impending moan to come. “Just in case I don’t see you before I get back,” he started, “I wanted to ask you to please make an attempt at cleaning your room before you go away for the weekend. We have Lynn coming tomorrow and I don’t pay her enough to expect her to sort through your disgusting bedroom.” He sighed loudly. “You should be old enough to know how to put your own manky socks in the laundry basket, and bring your dirty dishes down to put in the dishwasher. Your room is an absolute pig sty, Levi.”

“If it wasn’t for people like me she wouldn’t have any work to do. I help keep her in employment.”

Mark let go of his foot, placed his hands on his hips and sighed again. “I didn’t want to say this with your mother around but do you know what Lynn showed me that she found in your room last week?”

Levi shrugged.

“Two used condoms! Now I don’t expect that poor woman to have to touch that sort of stuff.”

Levi grinned. He had totally forgotten about those. The girl (Sarah) they had been used with was the subject of his last week’s blog post. One Minute Candy. Levi had been so damn horny that he’d lost his load within seconds. Sarah had been nice enough to hang around for him to recover for a round two, hence the two condoms.

“Don’t you think that’s a tad disgusting, Levi?” Mark said impatiently.

“What? Would you rather I not use protection and give you and mum a grandchild?”

“Don’t be stupid. My point is that I want you to try and keep a tidier room from now on. I don’t want Lynn gossiping with her friends about that sordid type of stuff. It’s not a good look.”

Levi sank back in his chair and rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on. It’s not that big a deal. Everybody fucks.”

Mark’s forehead creased with disapproval.

“Sorry,” Levi mumbled quickly. “Anyway, I wouldn’t worry about Lynn gossiping with her friends, it isn’t like she hangs out with anybody we know. She’s a cleaner.”

“For someone who likes to accuse me of being a snob, you’re doing a very good job of sounding like one yourself.”

“It’s not snobbery when it’s the truth.”

“Would you like to hear some truth about you?”

“No thanks. I’m all good.” Levi grinned.

“Too bad. You’re about to hear some anyway.” Mark stepped closer, his face twisting with annoyance. “Get off your lazy butt, clean your room, find a bloody job and move out. It’s time you left the nest, Levi.”

“Aww, but you and Mum would miss me too much.”

“Your mum might, but I sure as hell won’t.”

“Gee, Mark. I almost get the impression you don’t like me.”

Mark stepped back, refusing to answer the question. “Just clean your room up, Levi.” On that sour note he left the kitchen to begin his run.

Chapter Three

Levi retreated to his bedroom after Mark left, but it wasn’t to tidy up. It was to give his body a quick inspection before what he hoped would be a night of passion with Josh. He stood in front of the full-length mirror in the corner of his bedroom, and ran a hand through his short brown hair, admiring his reflection.

With erotic finesse he gently tapped his slim fingers over his tummy, which was decorated with a fuzzy treasure trail feeding down to the bulge in his underwear. His stomach was void of rippling abs but it was flat and firm, and he didn’t look out of place without a t-shirt on. Levi dragged his fingers down to the outline of his dick, which fitted snuggly in his briefs. Levi’s cock had quite the reputation amongst his peers, and not for anything good. It was bad. Really fucking bad. And a humungous fucking lie.

When Sophie had dumped him in their final year of high school, she wasted no time in replacing him with Lucas Maxwell, the school rugby captain who just happened to be an unintelligent fuckwit of the highest order.

Lucas (like Levi) had been part of the popular clique at school, but that didn’t mean they were friends. While Levi’s popularity was courtesy of his good looks and money, Lucas’s position of power came from his intimidating build and sporting achievements. The pair had always had an uneasy acquaintance, with Lucas openly mocking Levi for being a spoilt brat, and Levi referring to the auburn-haired Lucas as a white trash gingernut.

Thanks to their mutual dislike of one another, Lucas had taken great delight in rubbing Levi’s face in the fact Sophie had chosen him as Levi’s replacement. But Lucas didn’t stop there, not by a long shot. The cruel jock went on to tell the whole school that the reason Sophie had dumped Levi was because he had a tiny cock.

Levi knew he didn’t have the biggest dick in the world but he sure as shit wasn’t tiny. If anything, it was the Goldilocks of cocks, not too big, not too small, not too fat, not to thin. However, even now after three years since the rumour began—and a long list of lovers who’d seen his pleasant prick—Levi still occasionally bumped into people at parties who drunkenly asked if it was true he had a “baby dick.”

Fucking Lucas!

However, it was Levi who had the last laugh when Sophie fell pregnant just four months after dumping him. As far as Levi was concerned it was poetic justice. Sophie and Lucas could talk shit about him all they liked, Levi wasn’t the one struggling with the harsh reality of teenage parenthood. Both of them ended up dropping out of school before the year was over, and Lucas had to take a shitty job at a local chicken farm. Fast forward three and a half years and Lucas was still working at that shitty chicken farm while Sophie was a stay at home mum with a figure now bordering on dumpy.

Fucking losers.

Still staring into the mirror, scrutinising his reflection, Levi raised an arm and planted a kiss on his curled bicep. His muscles weren’t huge but they weren’t non-existent either. He switched his attention to his chest, which was lightly toned and mostly smooth except for a few stray hairs around his nipples. The hairiest parts of his body were his legs which were coated in a down of dark hairs from his ankles up to his mid thighs where the skin gradually became smoother. He hoped Josh wouldn’t mind such masculine traits, but Levi figured if Josh was drunk enough to take a cock up his arse, hairy legs would be the least of his worries.

Levi’s obsession with seducing his best mate had begun four months earlier when he had thrown a party at his house and accidentally stumbled upon the graphic sight of Josh fucking his then-girlfriend Jessica Bridgeman in the backyard. Josh had Jessica bent over a garden stool, fucking her doggy-style, her knees spread to the side for balance and her head resting against her folded arms on the seat of the garden chair.

Levi had quickly ducked into the shadows, not wanting to interrupt his mate doing his thing. He had been about to turn around and walk back inside when he heard Josh’s voice begin to spill out in strained grunts. Something about the vocal mating ritual tickled Levi’s curiosity, and instead of sneaking back inside like he should have done, he remained in the shadows to keep watching the pair fucking furiously.

The absolute look of pleasure Jessica was displaying drove Levi’s eyes to lock in on Josh’s thick cock pistoning in and out of her body. After a while Levi realised it wasn’t Jessica’s pussy he was interested in, it was his best mate’s dick! He wished he could have seen more than just the base of Josh’s shaft to know just how big he really was, but the noise coming from the wildly moaning Jessica made it clear she was receiving numerous inches and girth.

Levi made a quick getaway when he heard Josh declare in a passionate moan that he was about to cum. He had rushed back inside to the party and buried the steamy image in his brain, bringing it out later that night when he was alone in bed and mentally corrupting their friendship without Josh’s consent.

Since that eye-opening evening, Levi went from viewing his best mate as just another guy to thinking about him in a sexual light. Thinking about guys sexually was nothing new for Levi, but viewing Josh as a potential fuck certainly was. Their close friendship had always acted as a wall between Levi’s well-hidden interest in men and Josh’s undeniable sex appeal. But seeing Josh in action had removed that pesky wall and now Levi couldn’t wait to make a move.

In hindsight it seemed crazy that it took him so long to see Josh in this way. Objectively, Levi had always known Josh was hot. You didn’t have to be into dudes to see the guy was a fine-looking man. Fuck, he was probably the sexiest guy in town. At five-feet-eleven—an inch taller than Levi—Josh had a slender but well-built physique, dark-blond hair, brown eyes, and an attractive smile that straddled both sexy and purity in equal measure.

Josh always had girls throwing themselves at him at parties and any other guy would fucking lap it up. Not Josh though. Josh was one of those rare guys who wasn’t after variety, he was a relationship kind of guy. He didn’t do one-night stands, he had dated every girl he’d ever slept with—which was a grand total of three. Levi, on the other hand was a fan of variety, and was well into double digits.

While Levi’s numbers had climbed steadily since splitting from Sophie, his experience with guys was still limited. But that didn’t mean he didn’t know what he would like to do if he did decide to go all the way. The fuck would be rough and selfish, with the guy bending and sighing beneath the aggressive force of Levi’s unchecked desire. This rough love would also be a one-way street. Levi knew he would qualify as a stricttop. No questions asked. He didn’t need to experience having a cock up his arse to know it was not for him.

He already practised a simple, selfish fantasy with his male sex partners that he expected them to follow if they wanted the honour of seeing what was in his pants. The guy would have to get completely naked—shoes, socks, everything—while Levi remained fully dressed. Once they were naked and at his mercy, he would then unzip, flop his cock out and fuck their face.

After he’d shot his load down their throat, forcing them to swallow, Levi would then convince whoever the cum guzzler was to let him take a nude picture, promising that whatever photos he took were for his own personal wank bank. He failed to mention that these pictures were destined for his blog, where he shared with his followers every dirty detail about what it was like to use the guy in the photo. He would rate them out of ten based on how good they were at sucking dick. He also listed their body measurements if he had them: height, weight, cock size, shoe size… random shit like that. He wanted his followers to get as much out of the experience as he had.

However, not all of Candy Boy’s stories stemmed from full-on physical conquests. Sometimes the conquest was more visual and psychological. A few times now Levi had approached young straight guys around town who he knew were hard up for cash, and had invited them back to his place to discuss an opportunity where they could earn some ‘easy money.’

It was only once they were in his bedroom, after Levi had deciphered if they were trustworthy or not, that he would reveal what the easy money involved: them being paid fifty bucks to strip naked, masturbate, and do whatever he told them to do while he recorded them.

“No one else will see the video, and you don’t have to do anything that gay,” he would say, trying not to trigger their macho pride.

Each one of the impressionable twats would agree to the miserly deal in a heartbeat, probably assuming that if they did this then they would have access to Levi’s coveted social group. They were wrong. Levi had no desire for these boys’ friendships, all he wanted from them was their submissiveness caught on film in order to satisfy his own and his followers dubious desires.

It was fucking hot watching these young guys puff and pant as they stroked themselves, doing everything they were told to while trying to hide their shame-riddled faces beneath lowered caps and head-dipped positions. Once their bellies were covered and dripping with their own spilled spunk, and the room filled with the smell of musky regret, Levi would casually stroll over and purposely drop the money on the guy’s dribbling cock and crack a light-hearted joke about them becoming a whore.

The not-so-subtle comment gave the same priceless result every time. A look of shocked realisation would glaze the young man’s eyes as he saw the cash land on his rented member, his trembling hand would pick it up and quickly place it somewhere out of sight, ashamed to look at what had been anything but easy to earn. But that was because Levi didn’t make it easy. If it was simply a case of the guy’s wanking technique being caught on tape then that would not necessarily guarantee his silence, but if the guy was filmed on his hands and knees kissing Levi’s bare feet, or filmed pissing his own pants, then that made sure the accidental whore knew it was in his best fucking interest to keep his big mouth shut.

These videos of clueless, young, straight boys submitting to Levi’s kinky orders had been a big hit with his followers, and he fully intended to make more of them. Unfortunately, he had grown cautious of using this method after the last wanker (Twisted Candy) threatened to spill Candy Boy’s secrets if Levi didn’t agree to pay him more money. So while Josh in many ways would be his biggest challenge and risk yet, their friendship also made him a decidedly safer bet.

Levi had waited patiently for the right opportunity to score Josh, knowing that this devious seduction was all about perfect timing. He also knew that he’d never be able to convince his best mate to cheat on his girlfriend, so last week when Josh had called him up to say that he and Jessica had finally split up Levi was over the moon, but he did his best to keep his excitement to himself.

Josh had been too upset the first week of his recent break up for Levi to even consider luring the guy into a drunken mistake that would end with Levi’s cock wedged up his arse. Most of this week had been problematic too, with Josh being too busy with work and study to find the time to hang out. Last night had been a no go because it was the guy’s birthday party, and far too many people had been around, but tonight was a different story. Tonight Levi would have Josh all to himself—mostly. Josh’s father (dropkick Dwight) would be there but Levi figured Dwight would drunkenly pass out early like he normally did, and then Levi could begin to work his magic.

Levi slipped a hand inside his briefs, groping his cock as he began to think of ways he could set him and Josh up on a collision course with sex. I could offer him a back rub maybe? Start off with a game of truth or dare? Strip poker?They were all good ideas, Levi thought, but he wouldn’t know what would work until the night turned dark and they were alone.

“I’m too fucking horny,” Levi muttered to himself. He flicked his eyes over at his laptop and began to think maybe some porn and a quick release would do him some good. He didn’t want a repeat of his one-minute candy story. If he stroked one out now then he’d be more able to last the distance later when he had his best mate face down, arse up, and biting the pillow.

Carefully stepping his way through his piles of clothes, Levi sat down at his desk, switching on his laptop. His blunt fingers danced across the keyboard as he typed in the web address for Crashing Hearts, and navigated his way to the porn videos. There was loads to choose from, but Levi lazily clicked on one near the top and began watching what turned out to be a home-made video of an Irish couple in their late thirties fucking in the shower. It wasn’t the most exciting sex clip ever made, but the guy had a decent cock on him and his girlfriend was more than a tad impressive with the way she deep-throated his fat todger.

Levi pulled his briefs down just enough so he could fish his cock out. He spat into the palm of his hand and furled his fingers round his meat and began tugging. As he watched the Irish couple’s private moment, he found himself losing interest and began to think instead about his best mate, wondering what his cock would taste like. That would be a big first for Levi, letting another man put their dick in his mouth. There was something degrading about sucking what a guy pisses out of, he thought, and that was why he’d never returned the favour to any of his male cocksuckers.

Maybe I should try it?

Levi sighed loudly as his dick hardened, getting more and more lost in the curious fantasy of his tongue licking the fleshy length of Josh’s shaft.

But what if he came in my mouth? I don’t want to taste his spunk… do I?

Levi shivered at the thought, unsure if the idea repulsed or excited him. Probably a bit of both. He bit down on his bottom lip, pleasure overtaking him as his hand slipped up and down his spit-lubed rod at a furious pace.

“Oh, fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” The mumbled curse trickled out in a sexy whisper as his balls began to tingle dangerously close to an orgasm. His heart galloped at a tremendous rate, blood rushing from his head and taking up residence in his cock. He twisted and writhed in his seat, worshipping his own flesh as hard as he could, releasing girly sighs as he hurtled towards release. Levi was lost in his cocksucking fantasy, loudly declaring on repeat a sexy confession, “I wanna suck it. I wanna suck it. I wanna suck it. I wanna—”

But then a voice startled him. “What exactly do you wanna suck, Levi?”

Chapter Four

In lightening reflexes, Levi slipped his cock back in his briefs and spun around to find his stepbrother standing in the doorway. “What the fuck are you doing here ya little perv.”

“I wasn’t perving,” Danny said with a smirk. “You had the door wide open.”

“I don’t care. That doesn’t give you the right to stand in my doorway and watch me.”

“As if I’d wanna watch you have a wank.”

“I wasn’t having a wank,” Levi fibbed.

Danny ran a hand through his unruly mop of black hair and pointed towards the porn still playing on Levi’s laptop. “The evidence suggests otherwise.”

Levi slammed the laptop shut and threw his hands up like an outlaw surrendering. “Okay. You got me. I was having a wank, Sherlock.”

“That’s gross.”

Levi pushed his erection down and got up out if his seat to find some clothes to put on. “Settle down, dipshit. It ain’t like you don’t toss off. Every guy does it.”

“Speak for yourself.”

“Little virgins like you jack off more than most guys. That’s probably why you have to wear glasses and have oddly hairy palms.”

“I’m not a virgin,” Danny shot back defensively.

One look at Danny and you knew you were staring at a boy who’d not been near a pair of tits since his mum stopped breastfeeding him. He may have been the same height as Levi but thanks to his baby face and weedy physique he looked younger than his seventeen years.

“So what is it you wanna suck? You kept saying it enough,” Danny said.

Levi fought back the red threatening to taint his cheeks. “I want to suck the tits of the girl in the video I was just watching, if you must know.”

Danny’s face lost its cocky bravado at hearing the blunt response.

“Anyway, what are you doing here?” Levi asked, still searching for a pair of pants. “I thought you were staying at your mum’s house this weekend?”

“I am, but I was just visiting a friend who lives nearby and decided I’d come say hello to Dad.”

This was the routine with Danny. He stayed here every second weekend but he would pop over in-between times if he was in the neighbourhood. As far as stepbrothers go Danny was alright. He wasn’t an arrogant cock like his father. or a judgemental bitch like his mother. He was timid, shy, and a pretty nice kid, even if he was an A-grade dork with an unhealthy obsession with cosplay.

“Ooh, and what type of friend is this?” Levi waggled his eyebrows, slipping into a pair of jeans. “A girlfriend?”

“No. My friend Kaleb.”

“Kaleb, that’s a pretty name,” Levi said in the campest voice he could muster. “So you have a boyfriend. Your dad will be so proud.”

“Don’t be a dork. You know I’m straight and so is Kaleb for that matter.”

Levi knew his geeky stepbrother was straight, but he also knew Kaleb wasn’t—not that Danny was aware of his friend’s wayward sexuality.

“I’m just kidding,” Levi said, busily scanning the floor for a clean shirt to wear. He sniff-tested three before finding one not marked with pit stains or reeking of body odour. He slid the top over his torso and glanced over at his stepbrother. “That would be funny though if you were gay. I think Mark would have a fucking fit.”

“I don’t think Dad would have a problem if I was gay,” Danny said.

Levi suspected otherwise. Mark may have been Danny’s real father, but it was Levi who had spent more time growing up with the man over the past seven years, and because of that, Levi knew first-hand Mark’s reaction to the gay marriage debate. While Levi’s mum had been a huge supporter of the law change, conservative Mark had vehemently opposed what he called the “disgusting attack on the institution of marriage.”

“You really should clean your room,” Danny observed. “You can hardly move in here it’s so messy.”

“It’s not messy.”

“Then why is there a mountain of clothes everywhere I look?” Danny countered in a sly tone, adjusting his glasses.

“You sound just like your dad.”

“Do I really?” Danny said excitedly. The boy idolised his father, in that pathetic way you would only find in cheesy family movies.

“That wasn’t meant to be a compliment.”

“Oh…” Danny sighed. “You should clean up though. It is pretty bad in here.”

“While you and other mere mortals see a mess, I see a strategic obstacle course to keep you all out of my room.”

Danny laughed. “Gotcha. I guess that’s important if you do what you do in your room.”

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Levi said, feigning anger as he slowly approached his stepbrother.

“Nothing, nothing,” Danny pleaded. “I was just making a joke about you, um…”

“About me wanking?”


“With this hand?” Levi gave his best attempt at crazy eyes and launched his sweaty palm towards Danny’s face.

In a fit of laughter Danny stepped backwards into the hallway. “Gross, take your hand away.”

Levi dropped his dick-stained hand and smiled. “You’re too easy, Danny. Too bloody easy.” He wandered back to his bed and sat down to put his shoes and socks on.

Danny hovered in the doorway and pointed at Levi’s bag sitting on his bed, the one that was still waiting to be packed. “Are you going away somewhere?”

“Yep. It’s Josh’s birthday and we’re going up to his dad’s place overnight to go fishing.”

“Cool.” Danny nodded. “Will there be girls there?”

“Nope. Just me and Josh. And his dad.”

“Then how come you have a box of condoms beside the bag?”


“It’s best to be prepared. You never know who you might bump into.”

“According to you it’s just Josh and his dad.” Danny smirked.

Levi laughed, shrugging off the boy’s joke, even though it was dangerously close to the truth. “No, smart arse. We will be fishing along Rapanui Beach, and who knows, I might bump into some hot nude sunbather.”

“In your dreams.”

“You’re probably right, but even if I don’t run into some sunbathing goddess then I’ll at least have them for when I get back.”

A lingering pause settled over the room.

“Do-do you go through lots of them?” Danny asked warily.

“What? Sunbathing goddesses?”

Danny chuckled, sounding embarrassed. “No. I meant do you go through lots of… lots of condoms?”

“Quite a few.”



Danny nodded like it was no big deal, continually staring at the box of rubbers like they were a priceless heirloom.

“You can take some if you want,” Levi offered.

“Oh, no, I wasn’t meaning I wanted any.”

Levi finished tying his laces and grabbed the box of condoms. He walked over to Danny and opened the packet. “Here. Take some. They might come in handy the next time you visit Kaleb.”

“I’m not gay, dork.”

“I’m just joking.” Levi rattled the box. “Go on, take some. I don’t mind.”

“Are you sure?”

Levi nodded. “A stud like you should always carry one ‘round with you just in case.”

Danny blushed again, his cheeks and ears roasting with embarrassment. “I’m not exactly what you’d call a stud.”

Levi tilted his head and gave his stepbrother a thoughtful look. “Yeah, you are.” He pulled three condoms out of the packet and put them in Danny’s hand. “Just don’t tell ya dad I gave them to you.” He paused and gave Danny an amused look. “Actually, change that. Do tell your dad I gave them to you.”

Danny sniggered, excitedly putting the condoms in his pocket.

“Did you wanna come down and challenge me on the Xbox?” Levi asked.

“Umm, I might get going back to Mum’s.”

“Oh, come on. I’ll let you beat me again.”

“I always beat you because I’m better than you, Levi, not because you let me win.”

“If you say so.”

Danny fidgeted with the hem of his t-shirt, looking impatient to be gone. “Tell Dad I stopped in, and I’ll see you all next weekend when I’m back.”

“Okay. Take it easy.”

“You too.” Danny gave an awkward wave and raced off downstairs.

Levi laughed to himself. Danny never turned down a session on the Xbox, but then he figured the boy was probably in a rush to get home and try putting on one of the condoms. Levi knew they’d probably all be used before the day was over. The moment Danny was alone, the boy would no doubt lock himself in his bedroom and spice up his non-existent sex life by having a series of wanks with the novelty of a condom wrapped over his knob. Levi knew this from personal experience. He had done the same thing a few times-until he lost his virginity on his sixteenth birthday and no longer had to live in the realm of imagining what sex would feel like.

While masturbation was still a regular part of his life, it didn’t carry the same level of excitement it had when he was a virgin. He’d even written an entire blog entry on his own history of wanking, and some of the weird shit he used to get up to: wanking outdoors, fingering his own arsehole a few times, even sniffing panties he’d pinched from his hot neighbour’s clothesline. It had proven one of his more popular posts, since so many men could identify with that ridiculously horny time in their lives when they would fuck their own mattress just to get off.

Levi looked at the mess on his floor and decided it was time to pack his bag. He sifted through his clothes and picked out some shorts, extra shirts, and shoes to take with him. He didn’t need much. Clothes were not the most important item on the list. That honour went to the condoms and lube, and the copious amount of alcohol he was yet to buy.

Yep. This would be a trip to remember for sure.

Chapter Five

After he’d finished packing his bag, Levi went downstairs to grab a can of coke from the fridge and sat outside by the enormous, heated swimming pool, lazily admiring the oasis of his family’s backyard. The yard was humungous as far as suburban yards go, and thanks to the many shrubs and large trees lining the boundary there was a supreme amount of privacy.

The section was mostly pristine lawn with the occasional flower bed and old gnarled fruit tree sprouting apples and pears. Tucked away at the rear of the section was a finely-manicured hedge which fenced off his mother’s own meditation area, a small pavilion fronted with an oblong pond. It had originally been a tennis court but Mark had converted it after Levi’s mum said how much she wished she could have her own spot in the garden to pray and meditate.

Levi had tried telling his stepfather it would be an utter waste of money since his mother changed her spiritual tastes more often than she updated her expensive, well-fed wardrobe. But no, Mark didn’t listen. Whatever Levi’s mum wanted, she always got.

Levi shielded his eyes from the bright sunshine with the heel of his hand as he tipped his head back, guzzling down his can of coke. It was a stunning day without a cloud in sight, and very little breeze coming in off the Tasman Sea. Sexy thoughts began to race through his mind as he wondered if the day was warm enough for Josh to decide to ditch his top and rock up shirtless when he came to pick Levi up.

It was crazy to think that he’d been around a near-naked Josh many times before and never once given his best mate’s body a second thought. Stumbling upon Josh fucking Jessica had changed everything, and now Levi gave his best mate’s body nearly every single thought he had. The frustrating part of all this was that since he’d discovered his intense attraction for his best mate, Josh hadn’t once exposed any serious flesh around him. The most erotic thing Levi had seen since his sexual awakening was Josh barefoot in shorts and a singlet. Josh’s tanned limbs may have been an incredibly sexy sight, but Levi wanted to see more than just his ankles and elbows.

Levi’s phone buzzed with a text message, snapping him out of his Josh-filled daydream. A smile flashed across his face when he saw it was Josh, letting him know he was on his way to pick him up.

Levi sculled down the rest of his coke and raced inside to take a quick shower before Josh arrived. With the day already baking the earth like a savoury scone, he only turned the nozzle of the shower slightly so his wash would be a cold one. The water erupted from the spout, hitting the shower floor, echoing like a thunder storm. He promptly stripped out of his clothes and stepped under the spray to absorb the refreshing coolness.

The water felt great tickling his back while freeing his body of dried sweat. Levi looked down at his wet, trimmed pubes and flaccid member, his dark leg hair dribbling beads of water down to his feet. He grabbed the soap from the indented compartment in the tiled wall and lathered up his body ‘till his skin was frothing with a glistening foam. Raising his arms, one at a time, he scrubbed away the sweat clinging to his armpits. He then repeated the same action between his legs, cleaning himself thoroughly. He resisted the urge to play with himself, wondering if Danny walking in on him earlier was a sign from above that he should save all his creamy load for Josh.

Levi let his eyes close, lolled his head back to soak his hair, while he ran through a mental checklist to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything important while packing his bag. Josh had told him not to worry about bringing any fishing gear, insisting that they could just use some of Dwight’s. While Josh was genuinely into fishing in a big way, and could spend hours upon hours at the beach casting out a line, Levi was more interested in handling the rod between Josh’s legs.

He hoped his best mate would surrender to his touch and enjoy the way he planned to stroke him, pleasure him, fuck him. Even if Josh wasn’t keen for what Levi had planned, and shot Levi down in shameful flames, it wasn’t like Josh would freak out about it and punch him.

I don’t think so at least.

Josh was a nice guy. He was level-headed—and a tad gullible. If the unthinkable happened and Levi failed to seduce the dark-blond stud then he could just tell Josh it was all a big joke, or blame it on being drunk. Josh wouldn’t question him. Josh wouldn’t judge him. That was the beauty of their friendship. They could tell each other anything and the other one would not pass judgement. While Levi had never fully used their friendship as a confession booth, Josh sure had.

Levi knew Josh’s deepest and darkest secrets, which weren’t all that deep or dark. This is why he assumed Josh had never fooled around with another bloke. It seemed like the type of thing Josh would feel compelled to share with him in private, as if somehow Levi’s knowledge absolved him of any guilt or shame.

Once the water had finished sloughing off the remains of the soap from his body, Levi towelled himself dry and slipped into the same clothes he’d been wearing before. When he got back downstairs, Levi found Mark leaning over the kitchen table, panting for breath, his t-shirt drenched with perspiration from his run.

“Do you need me to call an ambulance,” Levi asked, blatantly taking the piss.

“I.” Wheeze “Am.” Wheeze. “Perfectly.” Wheeze. “Fine.”

“You don’t look fine. You look like you’re having a fucking heart attack.”

“Language,” Mark rasped in a half-whisper, clutching his side.

Levi rolled his eyes, and walked over to the pantry and chucked his empty can in the bin. He moseyed back over towards the fridge to see what he could peck on before Josh arrived. He retrieved a slice of champagne ham and had just started slithering it into his gob when the doorbell sounded. With his mouth half-full he called out, “Come in.”

Excited footfalls followed the instruction and Josh soon appeared in the kitchen. He was in a loose hanging singlet and a pair of cargo shorts. His hair was styled with a cement-like wax to give the sexy impression he’d just rolled out of bed.

“Hi, Mr Candy,” Josh chirped and went over to shake Mark’s hand.

“Howdy, birthday boy,” Mark replied, straightening his exhausted body, pretending he hadn’t just been gasping for breath. “I hope you had fun last night.”

Josh nodded. “Most definitely. We had a blast, didn’t we?” He looked over at Levi swallowing down the last piece of ham in his mouth.

Levi gave a thumbs-up in response as he let his eyes drop down in a dazed gaze to the crotch of Josh’s shorts, wishing he had x-ray vision to see the beautiful cock beneath.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Mark said. “A hard-working lad like you deserves to have a night off and enjoy himself now and then.”

Levi groaned internally at the praise being bestowed upon his best mate. Praise that he knew he would never get from his stepfather.

“Cheers, Mr Candy.”

“Whilst I applaud your manners, Josh, I wish you wouldn’t call me Mr Candy. It makes me feel old.”

“That’s ‘cos you are old,” Levi muttered.

“Here we go,” Mark said loudly. “Smart alec over there thinks he’s gonna be young forever.”

“No I don’t. I just know that you’re about one hundred million steps closer to the glue factory than I am.”

Mark scowled at him before turning back to face Josh. “So what have you two boys got planned for the rest of today?”

“We’re going up to stay at my Dad’s place and go fishing tomorrow.” Josh casually reached under his shirt and scratched his tummy, exposing a strip of muscular lower belly between the waistband of his shorts and his singlet.

“Are you?” Mark flicked his eyes at Levi who was trying to discreetly check out Josh’s abs. “You didn’t mention anything to me or your mother about being gone overnight.”

“I didn’t think I needed permission to leave the house.”

Mark shook his head. “Nope. You don’t need permission. If I had my way you’d be gone all the time, Levi.”

Josh laughed, failing to pick up on what was a thinly veiled insult. “You two crack me up.”

“It’s always a laugh living with Levi,” Mark said, smothering the words in sarcasm. “Especially when he used to bring home his school results.”

Josh flashed Levi a swift grin, chuckling. “Yeah. They weren’t too shit hot were they, bro?”

Levi couldn’t deny that. Still, he didn’t appreciate his lack of academic achievement being treated as a joke. “Thanks for making fun of the retard.”

Josh’s face turned serious. “I didn’t mean that, bro… I-I don’t think you’re dumb if that’s what you mean. ‘Cos you’re not at all.”

“No, he’s not dumb,” Mark said. “Levi’s actually very bright, but he just doesn’t apply himself.” A brief flicker of complimentary seriousness shone in Mark’s eyes, quickly replaced with his usual glaring disappointment.

“Well, as much as I’d love to stay and talk about my failed potential, Daddy,” Levi said, rolling his eyes, “me and Josh better get going.”

Mark lifted his shirt to wipe his face, showing off his hairy, sweaty stomach. A stark difference to what Josh had just shown lay beneath his shirt.

“Gross,” Levi said loudly. “Put ya gut away, Chewbacca.”

Mark dropped his shirt, smiling away the insult. “Don’t you like Daddy’s tummy, son?”

Levi cringed while Josh (surprise, surprise) laughed again.

“I think you look really good for your age, Mr—I mean Mark,” Josh said genuinely. “I hope I stay in as good a shape as you after forty.”

“Thank you, Josh,” Mark said, nodding. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Both your parents look great for their age.”

Mark was only half-telling the truth with that returned compliment. Josh’s mother was an extremely lovely woman but with a dumpy figure and tired face, she looked every one of her forty-five years, while her younger fuckwit of an ex still had a youthful glow and fit physique at thirty-nine.

“Tell Mum I’ll be home some time tomorrow night,” Levi said, ending the exchange of compliments in the room.

“Will do,” Mark replied with a mock salute.

Levi turned to Josh and said, “I’ll just go grab my bag so we can go.” He raced upstairs and fetched his bag before returning downstairs and luring Josh away from his overly-chatty stepfather. Once they were both sat inside Josh’s rusty station wagon, Levi groaned aloud. “Sorry you had to put up with talking to captain spastic back there.”

“Nar, Mark’s alright. He’s a good guy.”

“You think everyone’s a good guy though.”

“Aww, don’t get jelly on me,” Josh teased in an insanely adorable voice. “You’re still my number one good guy.”

“After all these years I’m still number one, aye?”

“Of course, mate. You will always be number one on my team.”

As he swept his gaze over Josh’s lap, deliciously twisted thoughts raced through Levi’s mind, wondering how far Josh would be prepared to go in taking one for the team.

Chapter Six

Before they left town, Levi asked Josh to stop off at the liquor store so he could get some supplies. Being a typical Saturday, all the car parks in front of the bottle store were taken, so Josh found a park around the corner from the store. As soon as he’d parked up, he dug a hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet to give Levi some money.

Levi shook his head. “No, nuh, uh. My treat. It’s your birthday.”

“My birthday was yesterday.”

“It’s still your birthday somewhere in the world,” Levi countered.

“Yeah, but you always shout on your own birthday too.”

“That’s because I can afford to,” Levi said, wincing as he realised how arrogant that sounded. “I just sounded like a dick, didn’t I?”

Josh nodded, smiling. “Just a tad.”

“What I was supposed to say was, help me spend Mark’s money.”

Josh snickered. “I feel bad though.”

“Don’t feel bad. The guy has more than enough to share.” Levi grinned, waving the credit card that his mum and Mark paid for at the end of each month.

“Okay, but don’t go overboard like you normally do.”

“Me, go overboard?” Levi said, pointing at himself.

“Yes, you. You’re too bloody generous.”

Levi enjoyed being generous to Josh. He always had, even before he’d acquired the dubious epiphany of wanting to fuck the guy’s brains out. “So what’s your poison of choice for tonight, Master Stephenson?” he asked in a posh voice.

“I dunno. How about you surprise me, Master Candy. You know I’ll drink whatever’s put in front of me.”

“Alrighty then.” Levi stepped out of the car and shut the door.

As Levi rounded the corner to go to the liquor store, his foot clipped something on the ground, sending him stumbling into a rubbish bin on the sidewalk. “Ough, fuck!” he cried out, rubbing his knee where it had crashed into the metal bin. He turned ‘round to see what it was he’d tripped over, and saw it was an open guitar case belonging to one of his former school mates, Wade Benson.

Wade sat there on the ground, dressed in a hideous mish-mash of fashion from different decades. A tie-dyed shirt unbuttoned to show off his hairy chest, brown corduroy pants wrapped tight around his skinny legs, and a pair of black doc marten boots on his feet. He looked up with dozy concern, his eyes bloodshot as usual. “Sorry, man,” he said in a slow drawl, looking down at his guitar case. “I should probably move this along a bit.”

“Ya think?” Levi snarled, still rubbing his injured knee.

Wade dragged his case along to sit on the other side of him. He raised a hand and patted his scraggly brown hair that had been done up in a man bun before bringing his attention back to Levi. His eyes lit up excitedly when he realised who he’d just tripped up. “Shit, is that you, Levi?”

Levi nodded.

“I didn’t recognise you,” Wade said “I haven’t seen you in ages, bro.”

That wasn’t quite true. They had run into each other just a few weeks ago at Chelsea Simpson’s birthday party. Wade was a staple at house parties around town, where he’d entertain drunken guests with his mediocre singing voice and even more mediocre guitar skills. He had been a senior when Levi started high school and was known back then as the hairy hippy on account of his insatiable appetite for marijuana, and for being the only guy at school with a full mat of chest hair. Wade had embraced the nickname proudly until leaving school, and then rebranded himself around town as Banger Benson. Supposedly it referred to the fact that he wrote songs that were real bangers.

For the most part, Wade was a nice guy, but he was also incredibly sleazy. He would drift around at parties like a piece of sleazeweed, floating from person to person, unashamedly trying his luck with any girl he could. It wasn’t just girls who were victims of Wade’s shameless flirting though. Some guys were too—especially Levi who Wade seemed to have a soft spot for.

Even if Levi didn’t care whether people knew he was into guys, he still wouldn’t touch Wade Benson with a shitty stick. It wasn’t because Wade was a bad-looking guy, he may have been a bit short for Levi’s liking but he was still what you’d call a good average. No, the reason Levi (or anyone with half a brain) wouldn’t hook up with Wade Benson was because the guy had a big fucking mouth and told everyone about who he fucked and how he fucked them. He was basically Candy Boy without the secrecy. If you slept with Wade then you ran the risk of half the town finding out, and getting labelled as a Benson Banger.And that was not cool. That tainted you forever. Many girls and the occasional drunk guy had fallen victim to Banger Benson and their reputations had never recovered. Levi was not about to join them.

“It’s been a while,” Levi lied, going along with Wade’s slack memory.

“You look really nice today,” Wade said, his eyes running up and down Levi’s body.

“Really? It’s just jeans and a t-shirt.”

“Yeah, but you could be wearing nothing and still look really nice.” Wade’s sleepy eyes glimmered with a flirty glint. “I’ve always said if any guy could turn me gay it would be Levi Candy.”

Levi laughed. “Based on what I’ve seen at parties, you have gone gay once or twice before.”

“True, I have been known to dabble, but you’d be the one guy who could make me stay that way.”

“You know how to make a boy feel special,” Levi joked.

“Trust me. I do,” Wade said, waggling his eyebrows. “I could make a pretty boy like you feel really special if you gave me the chance.”

Levi went silent, toeing the ground, not wanting to be made feel special.

Wade rest his guitar on his lap and started to rummage through a canvas bag on the ground beside him. Eventually he pulled out a red felt-tip pen and waved for Levi to come closer.

Levi wandered over, wondering what the hell Wade wanted.

“Give me your hand,” Wade said. He bit the lid of the felt pen off and spat it into his guitar case.

Levi reluctantly gave Wade his hand. “What are you doing?”

He grabbed Levi’s wrist, flipped it over, and began scribbling a number on the underside of Levi’s forearm. “Giving you my number.”

“I’m pretty sure I already have your number.”

“Doesn’t hurt just to be sure.” When he finished writing his number down he stroked Levi’s arm seductively with his thumb before letting go. “You should give me a call sometime if you ever decide you wanna give guys a try.”

“That’s highly unlikely, but you’ll be the first person I call if I suddenly decide I’m curious.”

“I think you already are curious.”

“Yeah, right,” Levi groaned sarcastically.

Wade narrowed his eyes. “Something tells me you ain’t afraid to try new things, and probably have already.”

Levi itched with anxiety. Had Wade heard something? That seemed highly unlikely considering how careful Levi was to be discreet. “If you’ve heard any rumours about me, Wade, I can assure you they are full of shit.”

“Oh, nar, bro. Nothing like that. The only rumours I’ve ever heard about you are that you dig your pussy, love spending money and that…”

“And that?”

Wade’s eyes burned in on Levi’s crotch. “That you have a little cock.”

“That’s just a bullshit rumour my ex and Lucas Maxwell started,” Levi said angrily.

“I wouldn’t care even if you did have a small dick. There’s more to a guy than just his cock,” Wade said honestly. “Seriously, bro, if I was lucky enough to have a night with you, I’d be loving every inch of your body. A boy as beautiful and sexy as you deserves to be licked from head to toe.”

Levi tried not to laugh. “That’s a very kind offer, Wade, but I think I’ll pass.”

“Your loss, bro.”

“I’m sure it is.”

“Still give me a call though. I’d be keen to hang out sometime even if it is just as mates.”


“Yeah, bro. You’re a cool sort.” Wade lowered his face and coughed into his hand then returned his gaze to Levi’s. “Plus, I’d love to see inside that mansion you live in.”

Levi was used to people wanting to be his friend just to get an invite to his home. The Candy residence was one of the town’s most prestigious homes. It was a grand old building that had originally been the local nurses’ hostel, which helped explain its large size and huge grounds. Mark’s father had purchased the derelict building in the nineties, rescuing it from demolition before renovating it to the dream home it was today. When Mark’s parents decided to retire and downsize twelve years ago, they gifted it to Mark and his first wife, adamant the grand home stay with the family.

“It’s hardly a mansion,” Levi said, downplaying its grandeur.

“Trust me, bro. It’s a mansion to me.”

“True.” Levi nodded, tapping his foot. “Right, well I better go. Nice seeing you.”

“You too, bro.” Wade gave him a hearty smile. “And remember. Give me a call.”

“Will do.” Levi quickly turned on his heels and made his way towards the bottle store, knowing there was no way in hell he’d be giving Wade Benson a call.

Once he had finished buying three bottles of whisky and two bottles of coke, Levi made his way back to Josh’s car by going the long way around the block to avoid bumping into Wade again. As he walked along the street, bottles clangingin the bag, Levi got a shock to see some girl with long bronzed legs leaning inside the passenger side window chatting to Josh.

It wasn’t until he got closer that he realised who it was. Jessica.Levi’s stomach knotted. He did not want Josh’s ex anywhere near them. Not now. Not when he was so fucking close to having Josh all to himself.

Jessica pulled her head out of the window and turned to give Levi a friendly wave. “Hi, Levi.” Her eyes darted to the bags Levi was carrying. “Looks like you have the night well and truly sorted.”

“Ha. Yeah. It’s best to be prepared,” Levi answered, coming to a stop beside Josh’s ex-girlfriend. He flicked Josh a subtle frown, subliminally asking his friend what was going on.

“Jessica was just on a break from work and was walking past, and stopped to wish me a happy birthday.”

“I didn’t know you worked weekends,” Levi said, referring to Jessica’s job as a legal secretary.

“I don’t normally, but Mum called me this morning and begged me to come cover a shift at her café.” Jessica pointed to the baggy purple t-shirt she had on. “I don’t walk around town wearing this ghastly thing because I want to.”

Levi saw on the front of her t-shirt the name of her mother’s café Bonnie’s Diner.

“I loathe missing out on a day off,” Jessica continued, “but Mum has promised me she doesn’t need my help tomorrow. Thank god.”

“That’s good,” Josh said.

Just fuck off Jessica, Levi thought to himself.

As if Jessica had heard his wish, she sighed loudly and declared, “I better get back before Mum sends out a search party.” She gave Josh a flirty glance. “Who knows… maybe I’ll see you boys later.” On those cryptic words she turned and walked away.

“I thought I told you not to go overboard,” Josh said, craning his neck around to watch Levi put the bottles in the back of the car.

“It’s not that much.”

“I think you’ll find that it is.”

“Aren’t I allowed to treat my best mate for his birthday?” Levi raised his eyebrows and smiled expansively. He shut the back door and then went and jumped in the passenger’s seat.

“I feel stink though. I’ll never be able to pay you back for all of that.”

“I don’t expect you to,” Levi replied, fiddling with the clip of his seatbelt until it clickedinto place.

“I think you’re spoiling me way too much, man.”

“If I want to spoil you then I will spoil you, so shut the fuck up already.” Levi crossed his eyes and gave his pal a silly grin.

Josh pretended to zip his lips shut. “Okay. I’m shutting the fuck up before angry Levi comes out to play and gives me a good spanking.”

“That’d probably just get a kinkster like you off,” Levi teased.

“Nar, man. None of that fifty shades of grey shit for me thanks.”

A part of Levi wanted to quiz Josh more about his sexual tastes, but a more burning issue chewed his brain. “What did Jessica mean by she might see us later?”

“I told her that you and I were going up to Dad’s for the night so we can go fishing tomorrow and I said that if she didn’t have anything planned tonight then she should come out and join us.”

“Why would you want to hang out with someone you’ve only just dumped? Isn’t the whole point of breaking up with someone is so you don’t have to spend time with them?”

“I did say to her when we stopped dating that I was keen to still be friends.”

“Yeah, right,” Levi scoffed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re talking shit.”

“No. I did tell her that when we split.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t mean it. The only reason you have invited her out is so you can get laid. And don’t tell me I’m wrong.”

Josh opened his mouth but nothing came out.

“See. I am right,” Levi said. “You’re thinking with the little fella.”

“I can assure you that I am not,” Josh said indignantly. “And even if I was—which I’m not—why would it be such a big deal?

Levi could hardly say the truth, that Josh’s impromptu invite to Jessica threatened to jeopardise his own horny plans. “Well, if Jessica turns up then you two are just going to get back together again and piss off to do what it is that couples do, and then I’ll be left to sit and drink with your dad, and trust me, I would rather swallow razor blades.”

Josh laughed. “Look, I know you and Dad don’t get on that well, so I promise not to ditch you with him.”

“You better not.”

Josh smiled at him with familiar affection. “I promise I won’t, okay?”


Josh was about to start the car but promptly stopped when his eyes widened in surprise. “What’s that?” he blurted, pointing to Wade’s number scrawled on Levi’s arm. “Did you get a girl’s number?”

“Yeah. A big hairy one.”

Josh’s lips curled in confusion.

“It’s Wade Benson’s number.”

Josh burst out laughing. “That’s classic. He has a real thing for you, aye.”

“He has a thing for anything that moves.”

“True, but he does seem to have a sweet spot for you especially. He always bails you up at parties and tries his luck.”

“He can try all he fucking likes but he won’t be succeeding.”

“I think you and Wade would make a cute couple. You should invite him out to join us for drinks.” Josh’s grin gave way to giggles.

Levi snickered and whacked Josh’s arm. “Cut it out. You and him would make a cute couple more like it.”

“No way, man. Even if I was gay there is no way on this earth I would wanna be known as a Benson Banger.”

“Gross, right?”

Josh nodded. “I don’t know if this is true or not, but someone told me that when he cums after fucking someone he yells out ‘Banged by the Benson!’”

They both laughed.

Levi used the light-hearted moment to steer the conversation towards his cock’s wishes. “Since Banger Benson is off the list, what kind of guy would you go for if you were gay?”

“Good question,” Josh said excitedly. He drummed his fingers along the steering wheel, giving the hypothetical question much thought. “I think I’d wanna guy the same height as me so I wouldn’t have to bend down to kiss him.”

“Oh yeah.” Levi grinned. “So you’d be into kissing, would you?”

“Fuck yeah. I’d make sure I give my man affection.”

Levi laughed. “What else?”

“Hmm. I think I’d wanna date a guy with big muscles and shit. Someone who would be able to beat the fuck out of anyone who gave us shit. And he’d have to be romantic. Woo me with singing, take me out for dinner and buy me gifts all the time.”

“So basically you want a bodybuilding sugar daddy who treats you like a lady.”

“Pretty much.” Josh nodded, turning to give Levi a smile. “There has to be some sort of incentive for taking a cock up your arse.”

Levi cringed. Not from the image of two men fucking but from Josh’s dismissive tone at the idea.

“What about you?” Josh asked. “Who would be your dream guy?”

“You,” Levi replied in a jovial tone, masking the scorching truth in his answer.

“Cheers, brother. You have good taste.” Josh laughed and started the car, unaware of how serious Levi really was.

Chapter Seven

The drive to the country road Josh’s father lived on took just over forty minutes . The further away they got from town, the more it felt like they were leaving the 21st century behind. Dwight lived along a narrow strip of coast, squeezed between the rough Tasman Sea and rugged ranges of native forest that kept the surrounding farms at bay. If you continued to the end of the road then you would arrive at a slippery clay track that snaked its way down to the black sand of Rapanui Beach. The beach was framed with high cliffs that crawled along the coast as far as the eye could see. It really was a paradise out here, and one of Levi’s favourite places in the world.

Dwight ran his own lawn-mowing business and all his clients (including Levi’s family) lived in town, so it seemed strange that he would choose to live out here in the middle of nowhere. Levi suspected Dwight’s reason for living out here had less to do with the beautiful scenery and more to do with the privacy it gave him so he could get up to no good. Dwight had been busted more than once for growing and dealing cannabis, but having nearly gone to prison when he was last busted it seemed unlikely he would be back to those tricks again—but then the guy wasn’t known for being smart.

Unlike his sensible and kind-hearted son, Dwight Stephenson was a cocky, arrogant womanizer who made Charlie Sheen look like a gentleman. To make matters worse, Dwight hated Levi. Every chance Dwight got he would have a verbal jab at Levi. It was usually something along the lines of mocking Levi for being rich and lazy. Dwight resented anyone with more money or success than him. But it was more than just the money thing. Dwight had hated Levi even before he and his mum had moved in with Mark and landed on easy street.

When Levi was twelve years old, he’d been invited by Josh to have a sleepover at Dwight’s home. It had all gone completely fine until he woke in the middle of the night and discovered that he’d wet the bed. He had been so embarrassed about what he had done that he didn’t bother to tell anyone, opting instead to sneak the wet sheets into the laundry early the next morning. Unfortunately, the next day when Dwight discovered the soiled sheets in the laundry basket, he hit the fucking roof, yelling and screaming. Being outed as a twelve-year-old bed wetter had been utterly humiliating, but not as bad as what had happened next.

In front of Josh, Dwight dragged Levi into the laundry and rubbed his face in the piss-stained sheets, telling him he was nothing but “a filthy pig.” The gigantic humiliation of it all made Levi burst into tears. As he stood wiping his crying eyes and snotty nose, Dwight told him to harden up and stop behaving like a “soggy little girl.” The off-the-cuff remark evolved into a nick name for Levi that Dwight still used to this day. Soggy.

If there was a silver lining from that ghastly experience it was learning that Josh really was his best friend. After Dwight had finished treating Levi like a cat that had shit inside the house, Josh had settled Levi down by hugging him until he stopped crying, and promised him he wouldn’t tell anyone at school about what had happened. And he never did. To this day no one else knew about the bed wetting incident, not even Levi’s mum.

Levi was using this memory, and his general dislike of Dwight, as ammunition to go through with his planned seduction. Not only would he be deflowering Dwight’s son in emasculating fashion, he would be doing it under Dwight’s roof. With Dwight being a major homophobe, it just made the fantasy so much sweeter. The guy would probably spontaneously combust if he ever found out his own flesh and blood had been turned queer for a night.

As Josh’s car juddered along the shitty metal road filled with potholes, Levi spotted Dwight’s dilapidated home in the distance. The old cottage was in desperate need of a face lift, its white paint peeling and the tin roof rusted golden. The place was framed with a wiry hedge but small gaps gave away snippets of a front lawn that appeared freshly mowed.

As they turned into Dwight’s driveway, Levi got a surprise to see a bulky young man loading a lawnmower onto the back of a red Ute. It took Levi a moment to realise that the pale-faced man with broad shoulders was a blast from his past, and not a welcome one.

Lucas Maxwell!

“What the fuck is fanta pants doing here?” Levi blurted.

“You mean Lucas?”

Levi cringed hearing the name. “Yes. Him.”

“He’s Dad’s new worker.”

Levi shuddered. He didn’t like the idea of Lucas potentially coming to help Dwight mow his family’s lawns. It was bad enough that Dwight already did. “I thought Lucas worked at the chicken farm.”

“He did, but he got laid off in the latest round of redundancies so his father asked Dad if he could give him a job.”

“Your dads know each other?”

“Yep. They’re best mates.”

“How did I not know this?”

“I guess it just never came up,” Josh said as they rolled to a stop. He gently patted Levi’s knee and whispered, “It’s okay, Levi. I’ll protect you from big scary Lucas.”

Levi glanced over to make sure Lucas wasn’t within hearing shot. “As if I need protecting from that moron.”

“The birthday boy has arrived,” Lucas bellowed as he promptly approached the car.

Josh hopped out of the vehicle and greeted Lucas with a firm handshake. “Good to see you, man.”

Levi remained seated. He was in no rush to get out and say hello to the man Sophie had replaced him with. He smoothed his hands down the front of his jeans before taking a deep breath and opening the door. As soon as he stepped out of the vehicle, his nostrils were hit with a grassy pong from the freshly mowed lawn.

“I see you brought Richie Rich with ya,” Lucas boomed in a loud voice.

Levi waved, suppressing his annoyance, and strolled over. “Hey, Lucas. How are you?”

“I’m good, mate. Yaself?” He put his hand out to shake Levi’s hand as if there was no sour history between them.

“Not too bad, thanks.” Levi accepted the handshake and Lucas instantly squeezed his fingers so hard he thought his bones would crack.

“Where’s Dad?” Josh asked.

“He’s just inside finishing off your birthday present.” Lucas hitched his eyebrows.

“Wow. I’m impressed. He doesn’t usually get me anything,” Josh said, sadly not joking.

“Well, he has this year,” Lucas replied, rubbing his giant hands down the front of his sweat-stained shirt. “He tells me you boys are off fishing tomorrow.”

Josh nodded. “Sure are.”

Lucas eyed Levi suspiciously. “I didn’t pick a fancy guy like you to be into fishing?”

Levi laughed away the insult. “I am a man of many hidden talents.”

“Levi loves fishing,” Josh said. “As long as I put the bait on the hook for him and cast out the line.”

“Fuck off.” Levi huffed a non-laugh. “I am more than capable of baiting my own hook.”

“I’d believe that,” Lucas said. “You should be good at working your hands around little pieces of meat considering the size of your cock.”

“Lay off on the cock jokes, Lucas. My mate here doesn’t have a baby dick.” Josh threw Levi a cheeky glance. “Do you?”

Levi wasn’t going to dignify that with an answer.

“I’m sorry, Candy. I shouldn’t give ya grief about stuff like that.” Lucas smiled. Not a nice smile, either. It was full of mockery. “To be fair, Sophie has only ever seen two guys naked and one of them just happens to be me, so I guess ya bound to look little by comparison.”

“Are you insinuating that you’re stiff competition,” Josh joked, attempting to lighten the tension.

Lucas patted his crotch down, smiling. “The stiffest.”

A brief pause settled among them before Josh spoke. “Did you wanna come in and join us for a drink? I think we might have enough to share.” His eyes strayed to the backseat of his car where the four bottles were resting in the bag.

Lucas stepped forward, looked through the window, and began to chuckle. “You two will die of bloody alcohol poisoning if you go through all that in one night.”

“I’d say that’s a strong possibility,” Josh returned.

“I wish I could join in, but I gotta head off. Sophie’s parents are babysitting Mia for us so we can have some alone time… if you know what I mean.”

Josh laughed. “I think we do.”

Lucas’s hand dug into his pocket and retrieved his phone. “This is Mia now. Hasn’t she grown?” The proud father began scrolling through pictures in his phone, showing off his ugly offspring.

“She’s cute as, man,” Josh said genuinely. “She mustn’t take after you.”

Lucas laughed. “Not at all. I think she looks more like her mum. But yeah, she’s definitely a little cutie,” he said in a soft voice wrapped in pride. “Don’t you think, Levi?” He shoved the phone in Levi’s direction.

“Yep. Very cute,” he mumbled. As far as Levi was concerned, anything that shit itself and dribbled was not cute.

Lucas put his phone back in his pocket and stepped around to the driver’s side of his ute. “Right, I’ll catch you boys another time. Happy birthday, Josh, and good luck catching some snapper.”

They stood and watched Lucas reverse down the driveway before they grabbed their bags and the alcohol from the car, and made their way towards the front door of Dwight’s house.

“I can’t believe how much of a fuckwit that guy is,” Levi muttered.

“He can be a bit cringe, but I don’t think he means any harm.”

“You reckon? You ain’t the one he keeps saying has a little cock.”

“It’s okay, buddy. I still luff ya.” Josh put his arm around Levi’s shoulder, reeling him in for a one arm hug. “Even if you do have a baby dick.”

“Oh, har, har. Very funny,” Levi said, breaking away from the hug. “It’s all good though. Lucas can make fun of my fictitious micropenis all he likes.”

“Oh yeah, why’s that? Are you secretly hung like a porn star?”

“Other than that of course.” Levi grinned wickedly. “Because every time he fucks Sophie, he’s dipping his cock in something I spunked in at least a thousand times.”

Josh grimaced, laughing. “Gross, bro.”

Levi raised his hands, smiling. “It ain’t gross. It’s the truth. He’s fucking welcome to my sloppy seconds, ‘cos trust me, that’s how I left her. Sloppy. The baby would have just finished off the job.”

Josh sighed, shaking his head. “I can’t see how a romantic bugger like you is still single.”

“That’s me. Mr Romantic,” Levi said. “I can romance my way into anyone’s pants.”

“If romance means get them so drunk they don’t know what they’re doing, then I guess you’re right.”

You don’t know how right you are.

Chapter Eight

Josh led the way up the rickety wooden steps to his father’s house. The entrance went straight into the kitchen which was just as crappy as the outside of the house. One look at the state of the kitchen with its stained floors and sink cluttered with dirty dishes told you that Dwight lived like a bachelor, and one who was allergic to cleaning.

Levi ran a finger along the grimy surface of the kitchen bench, leaving his fingertips covered in a sticky grey residue. Nice to see you cleaned up for us, Dwight,he thought sarcastically.

Josh came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the kitchen, calling out to his father, and Levi took the opportunity to perve at his best mate from behind, eyeing the small of his back and firm butt. He trickled his sight down to Josh’s legs, which were glistening with a light sweat that illuminated his natural tan and golden leg hairs. A primal urge coursed through Levi’s veins and he had to use all his strength not to reach out and touch him. He flicked his eyes to the floor and noticed the red canvas sneakers Josh had on, finding himself curious as to the shape and size of his best mate’s feet.

It seemed odd that he would want to know such a detail, something he could have quite easily asked about in the past, but suddenly the idea of asking Josh what size shoe he wore seemed as risky as enquiring about the size of his cock. Every part of Josh was sexual to him now and felt like a secret waiting to be discovered.

When Dwight didn’t answer his son’s call, they made their way into the living room, which was next to the kitchen. The poorly decorated room had a cruddy dining table at the kitchen end, its surface smudged with numerous tanned rings from spilt morning coffees. A scungy brown lounge suite consisting of two small couches and an arm chair sat at the other end of the lounge. In front of the lounge suite was a cardboard box acting as a coffee table, with an overflowing ashtray sitting in its drooping, flimsy centre.

Josh called out again, but there was still no reply. They put their bags down on the floor beside the dining table, and made their way outside through the ranchslider door into the untamed backyard, overgrown with citrus trees and a neglected vegetable garden. At the very end of the property stood an old wooden shed that Dwight had converted into a sleep-out. This is where Josh and Levi would be sleeping. It was far enough away from the house that it guaranteed them enough privacy for the inevitable fuck they would be having later.

“Joshy, my boy! Happy birthday!”

Levi spun around and saw Dwight appear from around the side of the house. He was dressed in an outfit not dissimilar to Levi’s, consisting of ripped jeans and a baggy t-shirt. But the big difference was Levi’s clothes all came with labels, not like the cheap shit Dwight was wearing.

Dwight bowled on over to Josh and gave him a big hug, squeezing tight. When Dwight let go, he stepped back, looking his son up and down. “I can’t believe you’re twenty-fucking-one!” He shook his head in disbelief, which sent his messy fringe falling down in front of his eyes. He quickly huffed it back in place. “Seems like only yesterday you were sucking on ya mum’s tit.”

“Not an image I needed, Dad, but thanks,” Josh said, humouring his father.

There was no mistaking these two were father and son. Dwight may have had brown hair while Josh was a dark blond, but they were the same height and shared the same earthy brown eyes, tanned skin and their smiles were identical. Wide with perfectly straight teeth.

“How’s my favourite son doing?” Dwight slurred ever so slightly, giving away the fact that he’d already started drinking.

“Considering I’m you’re only son it ain’t like I can’t be your favourite.”

“I could have a thousand kids and you’d still be my favourite, Joshy.” Dwight grinned ear to ear. He glanced over at Levi as he rubbed his stubbled jaw. “Hey, Soggy. How’s it hanging?”

“It’s hanging well thanks, Dwight.” He didn’t bother referring to Josh’s father as Mr Stephenson. The guy was too much of a tool to be given that level of respect, and chances were he probably didn’t expect it.

“Based on what Lucas was just telling me earlier, it hangs small, shrivelled and to the left.”

Great. So now my penis is a hot topic between peasant lawnmower workers.

“Dad,” Josh groaned. “Don’t be a dork. Lucas talks a lot of shit.”

Dwight grinned at Levi. “I’m just pulling ya tits, Soggy. I was telling Lucas that you boys were coming up to stay tonight and he told me his Sophie used to date you before they shacked up together.”

“Yeah. Me and Sophie dated for a couple of years.”

“Until she craved something bigger?” Before Josh could tell his father off again, Dwight added. “It’s okay, Soggy. I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of Lucas’s mouth. Never trust a man who goes on and on about having a big cock.” He shook his head. “Nice kid, but yeah, obsessed with his tackler.”

“Cheers, Dwight,” Levi said, slightly pleased to hear Dwight dismiss Lucas’s lies.

“No worries. Anyway, as I told Lucas, I’ve got better things to talk about than another bloke’s cock. I say, leave that sort of shit talk to the girls and the faggots.”

“You probably shouldn’t say that word, Dad.” Josh frowned disapprovingly.

“Why? What’s wrong with saying girl?”

Josh laughed. “No, the fword.”

Dwight snorted. “Your mother’s not around, Joshy, you don’t need to be all PC around here.” He flicked his eyes towards the house. “Would either of you two faggots like a drink?” He smirked, enjoying seeing his son look shocked.

Levi decided to play Dwight’s game. One of the man’s few good points was he let you give him as much shit as he dished out. If anything, he encouraged it. “A drink would be great thanks… turd burglar.”

Dwight’s mouth dropped open before a gravelly laugh came out. “That’s the spirit, Soggy! I sometimes forget that little rich boys like you can be funny.”

Josh gave Levi a quick look, mentally apologising for his father’s rudeness.

“Yeah. We can be,” Levi said calmly. “I guess it helps that we can afford to buy ourselves a sense of humour.”

“Touché, Soggy. Touché.” Dwight waved his arm for them to follow him. “Come on, let’s go have that drink.”

Dwight led them back inside, where Josh and Levi took a seat on one of the crappy couches. The dishevelled bachelor then went into the kitchen and fetched them each a cold beer from the fridge. It was the perfect remedy to the humid summer day outside, Levi thought.

“Wait there, Joshy. I’ll just go grab your birthday present.”

Josh’s eyes lit up, even though he should have known not to expect much from his deadbeat dad. Dwight returned to the kitchen, only to come back holding a lopsided cake with chocolate icing.

“Thanks, Dad,” Josh said politely, despite the glimmer of excitement in his eyes dying. “Did you make this yourself?”

Can’t you tell?

“I sure did.” Dwight put the cake down on the cardboard table before taking a seat in one of the spare chairs.

Josh scooped a bit of icing off the edge and plopped it in his mouth. “Yum. What flavour is it?”

“Well, as you can probably guess the icing is chocolate, but the cake itself is something a little more special.”

For fuck sake.Levi knew where this was going.

“Special?” Josh questioned.

Dwight grinned. “Yep. Special. It’s a space cake.”

“A space cake?” Josh looked confused at first until he registered what that meant. “Gotcha.”

“I thought it would be the best birthday cake a boy could have.”

Josh and Levi were partial to the occasional bit of green at parties, and whenever they came out here they’d usually share a joint with Dwight in the evening, but neither of them were that fussed about weed.

Josh gave his father a concerned look. “Are you growing again?”

Dwight laughed off his son’s worry. “No, Joshy. The only thing I grow these days are potatoes and capsicums.”

It wasn’t like he would own up to growing and dealing again with company around, no matter how close Josh and Levi were.

Dwight pointed at the cake. “Did you fancy a slice now?”

No he fucking doesn’t.Too much of that cake and Josh would be out like a light. And Levi could not afford to let that happen. Yes, he wanted Josh drunk and easy pickings for later, but he didn’t want him body stoned and flaked out. He wanted to seduce him, not rape him.

“Maybe later, Dad. I better not get too blitzed too early.”

“And why not? It’s ya birthday. That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.”

Josh looked flustered, unsure what to say.

“Josh might be having Jessica coming out later, so he probably needs to be still standing before she gets here,” Levi said, answering on his pal’s behalf.

“That’s if it’s okay with you, Dad?” Josh quickly added. “I forgot to ask.”

“That’s not a problem. You can have as many birds here as you like. I ain’t the type of father who’s gonna cock block his own son. Just tell her to bring a couple friends for me and Soggy.” He licked his lips like a carnivorous animal. “Been a while since I’ve had myself some teen meat. At least a few months.”

Josh laughed, but Levi could tell by the look in Dwight’s eyes that he wasn’t joking. Sure, the guy wasn’t in bad shape for his age, but that didn’t change the fact he was six months away from turning 40. What teenage girl would wanna suck a dick that old? The thought disturbed him.

“I thought you’d got rid of Jessica,” Dwight said bluntly, “or is there a factory out there somewhere making a whole bunch of girls called Jessica?”

“No. Same Jessica.”

“Why would you wanna bring her out here if she’s yesterday’s news. You should be getting ya dick wet with some fresh meat.”

Josh shifted uncomfortably on the sofa. “Because I think I still like her.”

Levi’s ears pricked up. Josh had failed to mention that rather important piece of information as his reason for inviting her out. He should have known there was more to the invite than met the eye. It wasn’t Josh’s style to invite someone all the way out here just for a fling.

“She seemed a nice girl and all, and not too bad on the eye, but she was an eight at best, and you my boy are a ten,” Dwight said proudly. “All us Stephenson men are tens.”

Josh chuckled. “I would say me and Jessica are about equal.”

“Piss off,” Dwight said loudly. He swung his stare towards Levi. “Back me up here, Soggy. Am I right, or am I right, that my son could do waaay better?”

“Umm,” Levi began, feeling nervous as Josh glared at him, waiting for his answer. “I guess you could find someone better if you wanted to, but Jessica’s alright. She’s cool.”

“Hear that, even Soggy agrees with me.” Dwight’s hand reached down to his jean-clad crotch and unashamedly adjusted himself. “Nope. You should be more like me and chase the slice of life that is variety.”

“I’m after quality, not quantity,” Josh flung back.

Dwight glared at his son as if he had just said the stupidest thing in the world.

“You and Levi are so alike. He’s a slut too,” Josh said cheekily, nudging Levi with his elbow.

“I don’t think I can be accused of being a slut. I don’t score that much,” Levi said, finishing his statement with a sip on his beer.

“You screw around way more than me.” There was a slight tinge of disapproval in Josh’s voice. Any other guy would probably envy their best mate for sleeping with more girls. Not Josh.

“Are you telling me that Soggy here gets more action than you?” Dwight snorted.

“Yeah,” Josh answered. “Why wouldn’t he?”

Dwight’s lips twisted in wry amusement, and he took a drink on his beer rather than answering.

“I think what your dad is trying to say is that I’m ugly as sin.”

Dwight laughed, shaking his head. “No, no, no, Soggy. I don’t think that.”

“Much,” Levi mumbled, not caring if the man did.

Dwight smirked playfully, looking more like a schoolboy than a grown man. “I just wouldn’t have thought you’d have the smooth moves when it comes to the ladies.”

“Smooth moves?” Josh echoed.

“There’s an art to seduction, son. You gotta know the right things to say, the right places to touch, and that talent only comes with age… unless you’ve inherited it from your studly old man.”

“Good to know, Dad,” Josh said, sniggering. “All this time I was a Casanova and I didn’t even realise.”

“Of course. Anything that came from my nut sac is.”

Josh covered his face with his hands and groaned in embarrassment.

“I guess that means there’s quite a few Casanovas down your shower drain then,” Levi quipped, enjoying getting a jab in.

“Fuck. You’re on a roll today, Soggy. I need some of whatever you’re getting high on.”

The only thing I’m high on is lusty thoughts of fucking your son.

“But no, Soggy,” Dwight said, arching an eyebrow, “My Casanovas usually end up in whatever piece of clothing is laying beside my bed in the morning.”

“Bloody hell, Dad,” Josh chortled. “You need to get a grip.”

“I get a grip all the time, why else would I have to use my dirty shirts as cum rags.”

This time Josh and Levi both groaned while Dwight laughed in amusement at his own toilet humour. Just as Josh was about to speak, Dwight’s cell phone began to ring. He dug his hand into his pocket and pulled his phone out, staring at the number on the screen. “Sorry, lads. I gotta take this. Won’t be long.” He stood up and walked outside, shutting the ranchslider behind him and disappearing out of sight.

“Must be an important call,” Levi observed. “It might be one of his teenage birds.”

Josh laughed. “Maybe.”

“Let’s hope he isn’t outside getting a grip.”

“Don’t you start.” Josh gave him a sly grin before settling his face to a more serious tone. “I was hoping he wouldn’t be drunk before we got here. It’s only early in the afternoon.”

“He’s not that drunk, and to be fair it is a Saturday,” Levi said, cutting Dwight some slack.

“Yeah, I guess.” Josh flopped back against the seat of the couch and spread his legs wide until their knees were touching. It was such a natural thing for Josh that he left his leg pressed against Levi’s, unaware of the sexual thrill he was gifting.

Levi regretted not wearing shorts so that they could be skin to skin, the hairs of their legs rubbing together to cause a static-like electricity. His brain was so fried from the innocent touch that without even thinking he blurted, “How big are your feet?”

“Huh?” Josh frowned at him.

“Um, what size shoe do you wear?”

Josh looked down at his sneakers. “Usually an 11 but sometimes a 12.”

The answer excited Levi, feeling like he had just absorbed the first detail about Josh’s body that he could mention in the impending Candy Boy story, the one that Josh would become.

“Why’s that?” Josh asked.

“Just curious.”

Josh smirked. “Random much.”

It was fucking random alright, so Levi covered his odd interest in the size of his mate’s feet with a fib. “I bought a pair of converse the other week but they’re the wrong size and wondered if maybe they’d fit you… if you wanted them, that is?”

“What colour?”

“Uh, they’re black.”

“Yeah, man. That’d be cool.”

“No worries.” Levi hoped to hell that Josh forgot about this by the time they got back to town, because it would fast become apparent he had lied when they went to his room and found no such pair of shoes. Levi glanced outside and saw that Dwight was still out of sight. He took the chance to see if he could milk Josh for more information about his body. “Size 12… that’s quite big.”

“Is it?” Josh said nonchalantly.

“Well, it ain’t small. It probably means you have a big cock.”

“Well, I ain’t had any complaints like someone I know.” Josh sniggered. “Sorry. That was a bad joke.”

Levi laughed. “I don’t have a baby dick, bro.”

“I know,” Josh said, sounding like he didn’t believe him. “But even if you did, it wouldn’t matter, you know? That sort of shit isn’t important.”

Said perfectly like a man with a big cock.

“I think I’m gonna have to show you my cock later just to put that rumour to bed.”

Josh laughed. “It’s okay, thanks. I’ll just take your word for it.”

Levi shrugged and took a swig on his beer. Josh’s words may have pointed towards a no, but that didn’t hide the fact his brown eyes discreetly eyed Levi’s crotch. The seed of curiosity had been planted, and it was only going to grow as daylight fell victim to the dark of night.

Chapter Nine

Twenty minutes later, Dwight finally returned from his marathon of a phone call. Following a quick apology for taking so long, he offered Josh and Levi the opportunity to take a shower if they wanted. Josh quickly took his father up on the offer and made his way to the bathroom, leaving Levi alone to suffer through the perils of a conversation with Dwight.

In typical Dwight fashion, he used the time alone with Levi to whinge about money. “I’ve been flat out all week with work, but even then I don’t make enough to live on. Bloody hard isn’t it?” He sculled back on his beer, then shot Levi an antagonising grin. “Sorry, Soggy, I forget you don’t have to worry about stuff like that. Must be bloody nice having more money than you know what to do with.”

Rather than play down his easy life, Levi just nodded. “Yep. It’s pretty good.”

The casual response rattled Dwight, who pointed a frustrated finger to the dining table where Levi and Josh had laid out the bottles of booze for the evening ahead. “How the hell anybody can afford to spend that sort of money on piss is beyond me.”

“It wasn’t that expensive,” Levi said, knowing that would irk Dwight even more.

“Yeah right. There’s easily a couple of hundred dollars worth sitting on that table. None of that is cheap shit.”

Levi just nodded, going with the flow of the jealously flowing out of Dwight’s bitter mouth. It wasn’t worth arguing with resentment. At the end of the day, Levi didn’t give two shits what somebody like Dwight Stephenson thought of him.

“Shower’s free.”

Levi looked over his shoulder and his breath hitched at the sight of the insane level of male hotness entering the room. Josh had nothing on except for a skimpy white towel wrapped around his waist. His sun-kissed torso dripped rivulets of water as he trod across the room and knelt down to rummage through his bag. Levi’s throat went dry with a sexual hunger that made his lip quiver. He admired one of Josh’s hairy, muscled calves as it flexed in his crouched position.

“Are you sure you don’t fancy a shower, Soggy?” Dwight asked, reeling Levi’s attention away from the sexy, wet boy.

“Nar, I-uh… I’m all good,” Levi stammered.

“Well, if you don’t want one then I might go have a quick dip myself,” Dwight said. He pulled the neckline of his shirt forward and sniffed. “I’m a bit whiffy. I’ve been sweating like a glassblower’s arsehole all day.”

“Lovely image,” Levi muttered to himself.

“Best I be clean for when these girls arrive,” Dwight declared, getting to his feet.

“Wishful thinking, Dad,” Josh said, still rummaging through his bag of clothes. “I don’t even know for sure if Jessica will turn up.”

I’m fucking hoping not!

“And if she does,” Josh continued, “Then she will probably just come on her own.”

“Text her and tell her she’s only allowed out here on one condition, that she brings a friend for your old man to enjoy.” Dwight chuckled to himself as he left the room.

When Josh had picked out what he wanted to wear, Levi thought he was about to get a sneak preview of the cute arse he would be fucking later in the night, but to his disappointment Josh carried his clothes away to get changed in the privacy of one of the bedrooms.

Levi reached into his jeans pocket to remove a new packet of cigarettes, ripping off the plastic seal and grabbing one out to plop in his mouth. He sparked it up with an orange lighter that was sitting on the makeshift coffee table, and waited for Josh to return. As he poisoned his lungs with the sweet fix of nicotine, he let his mind mull over the night ahead. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but the air had a vibe. A vibe of potential. He just needed Jessica to stay away and everything would be fine.

After a couple of minutes, Josh came in dressed up like he was about to have a night out in town. “You’re dressed nice,” Levi complimented, eyeing Josh’s spiffy outfit: dark dress pants with an almost metallic sheen, and a short-sleeved check shirt.

“Thanks, man.” Josh gave him a big, broad smile that was cute as hell, and utterly contagious. He sat down on the couch beside Levi and said, “You look good too.”

“I’m not the one all dressed up like he’s about to go clubbing.”

“Yeah. But you still look nice.”

Do I?

“So how come you’re so dressed up?” Levi asked, turning his head and blowing his smoke in the opposite direction.

“I wanted to look good just in case Jessica turns up.”

“Oh,” Levi mumbled, struggling to contain his resentment. “Do you think she will?”

“I’m not sure, but I really hope she does.”

“It sounds like you’re keen to get back together.”

“I think so.” There was definitely doubt in Josh’s voice.

“You think so?” Levi repeated.

Josh nibbled his lip. “Can I be honest?”

“By all means.”

“When we were talking, while you were in the bottle store, she said she wanted to give me a present for my birthday.”

“You want her to drive all the way out here just to give you a present?” Levi’s forehead crinkled. “Weird.”

“Not just any present… a blow job.”

Levi smiled. “That explains it.” He pursed his lips ‘round his cigarette, taking another puff.

“I think I may have got carried away after hearing her say that, and told her it could be a good chance for us to hang out and maybe get back together.”

“So I was right, you were thinking with your cock.”

“Yeah.” Josh winced. “Does that make me an arsehole?”

“It just makes you a typical male. It’s about time you behaved like one.”

“I feel bad though. What if she comes out here and gives me a blow job only because I said we could maybeget back together?”

“It’s not like you’re putting a gun to her head, and by the sounds of it she offered to suck your cock before you mentioned anything about getting back together. Besides, it ain’t like she hasn’t done it before.” Levi’s statement was met with a wall of silence. “She has given you a blowie before, right?”

Josh shook his head.

“What the fuck? Weren’t you together for like four months?”

“Six months,” Josh corrected.

“And she never once sucked you? Not even licked the tip?”

“Nothing. She said she doesn’t like it.”

“Fuck, man. I couldn’t date someone who wouldn’t suck me off.”

“Does it feel that good?”

“Umm, duh. What do you think?”

Josh blushed and looked away from Levi’s questioning stare.

Levi tapped him on the shoulder. “Are you telling me you have never had a blowjob?”

After a few breaths, Josh met Levi’s eyes, and whispered. “Nope. Never.”

“Oh, man, that’s not good.”

“Now do you see why I’m so keen for her to come out? You know that I’m not a fan of sleeping with someone I’m not dating but… but I really wanna get my dick sucked.” Josh laughed, lifting his arms over his head to stretch lazily.

“What will you do if she doesn’t come out?”

“I dunno. Make sure that the next girl I date likes oral sex, I guess. Either that, or I get a rib removed and learn to suck it myself.”

Levi chuckled. He looked up at the ceiling, listening to the water pipes groaning as they fed the shower Dwight was having in the bathroom. “How likely is it that she’ll turn up?”

Josh exhaled. “Not likely. I’ve texted her twice since we got here and she still hasn’t replied.”

Levi knew this was Josh being silly. They hadn’t even been here an hour yet. There was still a good chance that Jessica would turn up, but he wasn’t about to say that to Josh. Not when he sensed an opportunity.

“I see.” Levi nodded gently. “It would be a shame not to get a blowie and miss out on getting laid on your birthday weekend.”

“Tell me about it, bro.” Josh raked a hand through his wet hair.

“It’s bad luck too,” Levi said as he bent forward to stub his cigarette out in the ashtray. Smoke kept wafting from its dislodged orange embers so he waved a hand, trying to chase away the choking fumes.

“Why is it bad luck?”

“Everyone knows that to guarantee a year of plentiful sex that you gotta get laid within twenty-four hours of your birthday.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “I dunno about that.”

“I don’t make the rules, buddy.”

Josh laughed. “What do you suggest I do then? It’s not like we can ditch Dad and go back into town to go look for a hook up. That would be rude.”

Apprehension clamped Levi’s stomach as he forced potentially dangerous words to leave his tongue. “I’m suggesting that you let me be the one to give you a blow job.”

Chapter Ten

Josh burst out with a deep belly laugh. “That’s classic. How about a serious suggestion?”

“I am being serious,” Levi said, doing his best to sound firm, despite his heart beating like the hooves of apocalyptic horsemen.

“No, you’re not. Stop being a dick, Levi.”

“I’m not being a dick. I really am offering to suck you off.”

Josh squinted in confusion. “But you’re not gay.”

Levi raised his chin as if considering what Josh had just said. “I can be if that’s what you want?”

Josh inhaled slowly, appearing dizzy from Levi’s response. “Shit just got really…”

“Interesting?” Levi finished.

“I was going to say weird, but interesting will do.”

The energy between them became heightened with untamed anxiety as a heavy silence clotted the room. Regardless of what Josh did next, this was going to be a defining moment in their friendship. Levi knew he’d just made the boldest of moves, but this was a golden opportunity, one that he could not ignore.

“Are you telling me that you’re…” Josh let the question hang.

“I’m not gay if that’s what you’re asking.” Levi’s eyes shifted to the side, and he bit nervously at his lip. “But I might just be a tincy-wincy bit bi-curious.”

“I think offering to suck a guy’s dick makes you more than a tincy-wincy bit bi-curious.”

“Look, I could quite happily go to my grave without ever sucking a dude off, but if youwant to know how fucking good a blowjob feels, then I am happy to give you one.”

“That’s fucked up.”

“No, it’s not. I think what’s fucked up is that you have dated three girls who, for one reason or another, managed to get out of gifting you one of the most amazing feelings in the world… putting your brains in their mouth.”

Josh succumbed to Levi’s attempt at humour and slipped out a light chuckle. “Feels that good does it?”

Levi was so used to the pleasure of getting his dick sucked that most blow jobs he received had fallen out of the realm of fuck-that-feels-amazingto the less spectacular that-feels-nicebut he wasn’t going to be saying that to his best mate who would be wondering about a feeling he’d never experienced. “They feel fucking amazing, man!” Levi exclaimed. “Seriously. There’s nothing else like it.”

“How do I know this isn’t your twisted idea of a joke?”

“They do feel amazing. I ain’t lying.”

“No, not that. How do I know you aren’t lying about…” Josh paused and took a deep breath. “How do I know you aren’t lying about wanting to suck me off?”

“I promise you this isn’t a joke. I will do it if you want me to.”

Josh glanced over his shoulder to make sure his father hadn’t sneakily got out of the shower yet. He turned back and faced Levi, lowering his voice to a stern whisper. “Look, Levi. I don’t want to stand up, flop my cock out, and then have you laughing at me like I’m some sort of moron.”

Levi’s pulse quickened and his cock twitched in response to the answer Josh was hinting at. “Is that a yes?”

Josh shifted uncomfortably, refusing to answer the question.

“Is that a yes?” Levi echoed.

“I’m not gay,” Josh finally replied, without reallyanswering the question.

“You don’t have to be gay to get your dick sucked. You just close your eyes and enjoy it.”

Josh laughed uneasily. “You say that like you’ve let a guy suck you off before.”


“You have, haven’t you!”

“I may have relied on guys once or twice to help get me off.”

“Wow,” Josh mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief.

“It’s not a big deal,” Levi said defensively. “It’s only been if I am super horny—and usually pissed—and there hasn’t been a chick around to do it for me.”

“Crikey. Any other secrets you’d like to share with me while you’re at it?”

“I have plenty of secrets. Doesn’t everyone?”

“I suppose so, but I tell you all of mine.” Josh looked slightly offended. “I can’t believe you never told me this before.”

“I’m not under contract to tell you every aspect of my sex life, Josh.”

“Yeah, I know, but… it just feels like something I should know about.” Josh saw the snotty look Levi was giving him. “I don’t mean that in a bad way like I’m worried about having a friend who is gay or whatever. I just mean that we’re best mates and if you’re bisexual then it’s a shame you never felt comfortable enough to tell me. You know I don’t care about that sort of thing.”

“Let’s not go throwing me in the hero parade just yet,” Levi said. “I’m just a guy who likes getting his cock sucked.”

“Okay.” Josh nodded. “I guess that sort of makes sense.”

“It makes perfect sense when you know how good it feels,” Levi said salaciously. “That’s why I am offering.”

Josh raked a hand through his wet hair and inhaled deeply. “Have you ever been the one to, um, the one to do the sucking?”

Levi shook his head. It was the truth. He had never had any interest in sucking another man’s cock, but he was willing to make an exception for Josh. It wasn’t just because the guy was beautiful beyond words, or that he was his best mate, it was because Levi knew that if he did this, then it would make it easier to convince Josh to bite the pillow at the end of the night. It was a cold and calculating move, but one that would serve a selfish purpose.

“Then how will you know what to do?” Josh asked.

“It’s not exactly rocket science. I’ll just put it in my mouth and suck.”

Unease settled on Josh’s face. Levi could see the war going on in his mind about what he should do. After a tense few seconds he said, “If we do this, it would stay between you and me, right?”

“Absolutely. I don’t want anybody knowing I’ve sucked a dude’s cock.”

“You have to be a hundred percent certain, Levi, ‘cos I don’t want people finding out and thinking I’m gay when I’m not.”

The hypocrisy of Josh worrying about being thought of as something he supposedly didn’t have a problem with was not lost on Levi. He knew from his numerous chats online that even the most liberal of curious straight men were terrified of being cast into the shadows of being a sexual minority.

“Do you think I want people thinking that about me too? Of course not. If we do this then we both swear that it never leaves this room.” Levi stared at his friend with burning sincerity in his eyes.

Josh smoothed his hands down his legs and nodded. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

“Yeah?” Levi’s voice came out excitedly.

Josh looked down at the floor with a bashful grin on his face before returning to Levi’s stare. “If I’m gonna let a bloke suck me off, it may as well be my best mate.”

“Exactly.” Levi slunk to the floor, kneeling in front of Josh and spread his legs apart.

Josh raised his hands up. “What are you doing?”

“I thought you said you were keen for me to…” Levi prodded the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

“You wanna do it here?” Josh gasped. “Right now?”

“Why not? There’s no time like the present.”

“But what if my dad walks in?”

Levi pointed to the ceiling. “Can’t you hear the water pipes? We will know when he’s finished in the shower and about to come this way.” Josh still looked scared. “I don’t think you’ll go long enough for us being snapped to be a problem.”

“Ha. Are you calling me a one-minute man?”

“I guess we will find out.”

Levi placed his hands upon Josh’s knees and began stroking his thighs. Even though the pants material separated him from the flesh, Levi could feel how strong his best mate’s legs were. He hadn’t even touched Josh’s skin and already his own cock was hardening inside his jeans, demanding to be unleashed. Levi glided his hands up to the button on Josh’s pants and popped it open. His fingertips grasped hold of the small zipper, pulling the metal teeth apart little by little until finally a pair of orange briefs became exposed. Levi rubbed the obvious bulge hidden beneath the soft orange material, instantly feeling the smooth heat emanating from Josh’s genitals. “Stand up,” Levi ordered.

Josh took a shaky breath and stood up as instructed. The small showing of obedience brought a smile to Levi’s face. His eyes glazed over with lust and his lips twitched from the sight of his best mate standing before him with his fly opened up in an inviting, sexy Vshape.

Levi placed his hands to Josh’s hips, slipping his fingers inside the waistband of his pants and dragged them down his legs until they bunched at his ankles in a sexy circle. The pale, un-sunned flesh of his inner thighs cast a negative shadow against his splendid tan.

He kissed Josh just above the knee, slipping his tongue and a groan out simultaneously. Levi licked his way up the bristly blond hairs of Josh’s strong thighs, tasting his freshly showered skin. He continued, rolling his tongue in wet licks until his lips pressed against Josh’s testicles encased in the bulge-hugging orange briefs. Levi inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh smell of the clean undies, wishing he could keep them as a souvenir from this monumental occasion.

Levi glanced up from his crouched position and saw that Josh’s tense face was aimed straight ahead at the wall, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. The fear in Josh’s chocolate eyes was colossal, and Levi felt bad for a split-second, wondering if he had forced his friend into this too fast. However, when Josh noticed that Levi had paused from kissing his brief-covered balls, he gave a light nod of the head as if willing him to continue.

Relief swept through Levi in great gusts. Josh may have been shitting bricks, but like a typical male he was too horny to give into fear. The desire to have his cock sucked was too damn strong.

Levi hauled the orange briefs down until they collided with Josh’s jeans resting at his feet, transporting his nervous friend to the vulnerable state of full-frontal nudity.

Fuck yes!

The sight of Josh’s soft meat and low-hanging balls was glorious. Absolutely glorious. His pubes were a light brown colour and trimmed nice and short above his cock while his balls were completely smooth. It appeared they both followed the same manscaping blueprint.

The saying “playing with fire”flickered in Levi’s mind. For the first time in his life he truly understood what that meant. The undeniable heat of Josh’s sex appeal was burning, scorching and dangerous, like a volcano on the verge of erupting. There was a very real risk of Levi melting into a puddle of want right then and there.

He reached up, about to grab his best mate’s dick for the first time in his life, but Josh’s hand swooped down and caught hold of his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Levi raised his head and was struck by Josh’s eyes barrelling down on him with wary hesitation.

“What if things get weird between us?” Josh asked, concern thickening his voice.

“Things won’t get weird.”

“But what if they do? Like what if I freak out after I cum?”

“You’ll be fine. Just let go of my hand so I can do this for you. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

Josh’s eyes shone back with an innocence that Levi was desperate to corrupt. He knew that a better friend would not have forced the issue, but Levi wanted this too fucking much to care about the consequences. Finally, Josh let go of Levi’s wrist with the reluctance of a man clinging to the edge of a deadly cliff.

Levi gingerly raised his hand to touch Josh’s balls, cupping them gently. He jostled them in his palm, tripping out that he was fondling his best mate’s nut sac. It was steamy and warm, moisture still clinging from the shower. Levi let go and filled his hand with Josh’s cock which was still in flaccid territory and squeezed, soaking up the raw essence of Josh’s sex appeal between his fingers. Touching Josh’s cock was definitely something new, but it felt so natural as if it was at home in his hand. He continued squeezing the warm, limp meat while his other hand disappeared up the front of Josh’s shirt and began tickling the wispy blond hairs below his bellybutton.

“This is fucking intense,” Josh mumbled.

Levi ignored his mate’s comment. He pressed his face into the crease of Josh’s groin and inhaled deeply. He smelled heavenly. Clean and pure. After a brief moment of just sniffing and playing with Josh’s cock, Levi couldn't take it any more. He had to have a taste! Slowly, very fucking slowly, he dropped his face lower until his mouth found Josh’s smooth balls with a kiss. Levi pressed his face in, tonguing at Josh’s scrotum with lashing licks.

Josh squirmed, panting and sighing as Levi took each hairless ball into his mouth one at a time and began sucking.

Levi tongued the warm fullness of his mate’s ball bag while Josh continued to moan and shiver, leaving no doubt as to how much he was enjoying his first foray into oral sex. After Josh’s nuts received a thorough soaking, Levi released his mate’s spit-soaked balls and let his bristly chin scrape Josh’s thigh as he rested his head there, breathing heavily. His lust was out of control. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, that he’d just sucked on his first pair of balls and was about to have his first ever taste of cock.

Levi didn’t give Josh any warning, he scooped his best mate’s dick in his mouth and began to suck.

“Oh, fuck,” Josh’s voice petered out in a saggy whisper. His manhood throbbed against the hot welcome of Levi’s swivelling tongue.

I’m sucking another man’s cock! My best friend’s dick is inside my mouth!

Levi found the perverse thought strange yet erotic. He grabbed hold of Josh’s warm hips and kept his mouth locked in place, busily sucking away. It didn’t take too long before he was honoured by the sensation of Josh’s cock swelling inside his mouth. He sucked harder and tried doing the things he enjoyed being done to him. He lashed his tongue firmly along the tip of Josh’s cock, digging into the groove of his piss slit, getting a deep groan of approval.

We obviously have that in common.

He felt Josh’s dick throb bigger and wider, giving Levi a nice mouthful now.

“I can’t believe you have my dick in your mouth,” Josh muttered in a shocked tone, his breath pooling out in anxious blows.

“I know,” Levi replied with a slobbery mouthful. It was strange to have a cock in his mouth for the first time, let alone Josh’s cock. The same guy he had known since childhood. It made the whole thing feel more taboo somehow, incestuous even, and he fucking loved it!

Levi had always assumed that blowing a man would feel kind of impersonal, but the exact opposite was true. He felt a deep connection with Josh. Levi had never felt this when on the receiving end of oral sex before, but the second Josh’s cock slid past his lips, Levi felt their friendship had taken on a sacred quality.

He knew that being the cocksucker was the submissive role in this exchange, but Levi didn’t feel submissive. He felt very much in control despite being on his knees with Josh towering above him. He latched onto Josh’s strong thighs to steady his balance as he held his mate’s cock firmly in his mouth, still digging the dent of his dick hole, desperate to have his tongue tainted with precum.

Levi continued his oral assault, coaxing more and more gasps and moans from his best mate whose body continued to writhe, flex, and shudder from the pleasure of Levi’s twisting and flicking tongue. He sucked and licked Josh’s thickening meat, making loud slurping sounds as his jaw was forced wider and wider and his head pushed upwards as Josh’s organ gradually swelled to generous proportions. By the time his best mate reached full erection, Levi felt like he had a fence post stuffed in his mouth.

Levi pulled his mouth off of Josh’s thick pole which was now dripping with his saliva.

That is a beautiful cock!

At just over seven inches in length, and with a generous girth, Josh was the proud owner of a handsome dick. “Fuck you have a nice cock, man,” Levi complimented.

“Thank you,” Josh whimpered, sounding embarrassed.

Levi glanced up and saw that Josh was looking straight ahead, too ashamed to look down and see who it was pleasuring him. “Watch me,” Levi said. “Watch me suck you.”

Josh’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat and he reluctantly looked down at Levi gripping his cock. Levi shot him a slutty little smile then swallowed the head of his penis, keeping his eyes on Josh’s as he sucked and worked inch after twitching inch back inside his mouth.

Josh surprised him by reaching around and gently stroking the nape of Levi’s neck. His long fingers found their way up to Levi’s scalp and he began to twirl his fingers amongst his dark locks, gently pulling.

“Is it okay if I fuck your face a bit?” Josh asked, his voice a mingling of fear and excitement.

Levi nodded with a mouthful of dick. He slowly pulled his mouth free, his spit stringing like a cobweb from the tip of Josh’s cock to his lips. “I want you to do whatever makes you feel good.”

A euphoric smile erupted over Josh’s face. “You’re such a little cock whore, bro.”

“A what?” Levi laughed.

Josh cringed, quickly apologising. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“Hey, man. If you wanna call me a little cock whore then call me a little cock whore.”

Josh grinned. “Okay, little cock whore. I’m gonna fuck your face now, okay?”

“Yes, sir,” Levi said jokingly. He shoved his mouth back down and fed on Josh’s sexy dick and began to roam his hands up and down the back of his hairy legs.

Josh rotated his pelvis, burrowing in. Then the pounding began. “Your mouth feels so good, Levi,” Josh panted and plunged. “So, so, so good.”

Spasmodic bursts of air, noisy and wet, escaped Levi’s lips between pumps. He swallowed, slackened his throat, taking as much cock as his inexperienced mouth could handle. Levi let his hands wander higher, climbing the firm muscles at the back of Josh’s thighs, until he grabbed hold of his taut buttocks with a greedy squeeze. After having a good grope of his best mate’s arse, he dragged a finger down Josh’s hair-lined crack.

Instinctively, Josh’s butt cheeks tried to clench, but no amount of clenching was going to dissuade Levi from probing around this forbidden backdoor. He slipped his finger between his mate’s pale mounds, and scraped the entrance of Josh’s dainty little anus; his hole was sealed tight, leaving no doubt about its virgin status. Levi gently prodded Josh’s quivering muscle with his index finger. Suddenly, Josh’s hand slapped the side of his face sharp enough to sting.

Wincing, Levi glanced up from his face-fucked position and saw Josh glaring down at him with narrowed eyes and an angry expression. “Keep your finger outta there,” Josh said bluntly. He punched his hips forward and slammed the head of his penis to the back of Levi’s throat, teaching him a ruthless lesson.

Levi gagged, promptly dropping his hands away from Josh’s arse and placing them back to his legs. He held on tight as his mouth became a bottomless pit for Josh’s grunting thrusts.

Moans and gasps slipped out Josh’s lips as he rode the wave of ecstasy he was robbing from Levi’s mouth. “I’m close, I’m close, I’m close,” he said with heated urgency. He burrowed his dick in as deep as it could go, his balls slapping Levi’s chin. He grabbed the back of Levi’s head and kept his cock buried so deep that Levi began to gag and choke. “Here it comes, cock whore. Here it co-co-cooomes.” Josh let out a muffled squeal as his dick shook and spasmed inside Levi’s mouth.

Levi’s eyes bugged as he felt his best mate’s sperm hit the back of his throat. Josh’s cock pulsed again and again and again, filling Levi’s mouth like a hot salty lake. He tried pulling away but Josh kept his head locked in place, making Levi collect every drop of his ball juice. Once his dick had finished leaking he let go of Levi’s head and slowly pulled his dick out of Levi’s flooded mouth.

Levi was about to swallow it, but the hot, strong taste made him gag and he coughed and spat all of Josh’s semen out over the carpet, some dribbling down his chin. He wiped his mouth clean, looking at his hand and the traces of Josh’s spunk left on his fingers. A few seconds passed as his breathing slowed and he came out of his numb state of shock, scarcely believing what he had just done. He shot Josh an apologetic look. “Sorry for spitting it out.”

Josh looked down at the mess of his spilled seed all over the floor. He too appeared numb, a look of shock tainting his face. He coughed into his hand then bent down to peel a sock off his foot and handed it to Levi. “Here, use this.”

Levi used it to wipe the white globs of cum off the carpet then went to hand it back. Josh grinned. “You might, um, wanna wipe ya face.”

Levi frowned then tapped his chin and felt sticky wetness glued to his skin. He used the sock to wipe his face clean then handed it back. “Fuck you shoot tonnes, man.”

Josh nodded. “I tend to. But that was probably a big load even for me.” He pulled his pants up, sat down on the couch, and began to put the soiled sock back on his foot.

“Gross,” Levi said with a soft chuckle. “You’re not gonna wear it are you?”

Josh shrugged, continuing to put the sock on. “It’s my own cum. No big deal. You’re the one with it all in ya mouth.” He gave a sly wink.

Levi felt his pride take a hit. The comment was innocent but it very much put him in his place. The thrill of thinking he’d been the one with the power was gone. It was clear that Josh had come out the more dominant male in this interaction. But that was okay. Levi would make sure that later in the night Josh would be left in no doubt as to who the alpha male was in their friendship.

“I now have proof that Lucas has been lying about you.”

Levi crinkled his forehead in confusion.

“Your dick,” Josh said, pointing between Levi’s legs. “It ain’t tiny.”

Levi looked down and saw that his cock was still rock hard and prodding the material of his jeans. He tapped his still-throbbing member. “Ha. Thanks. It ain’t as big as yours but it isn’t small.”

“Nar, bro. You don’t look small at all.”

Levi smiled back in appreciation as Josh sat casually on the couch. “You look pretty chilled. It didn’t freak you out like you thought?”

“Hmm. If I’m being honest then it does feel sorta weird knowing that I just had my dick in your mouth but it’s all good.” Josh grinned. “It felt fucking great actually. Well… other than you trying to slip a digit in my arse.” He laughed. “What was that about?”

Levi felt a blush creep above the collar of his shirt. “I thought maybe you’d like it. The male G spot is up there.”

“I dunno about you, bro, but I don’t care if there’s a winning lotto ticket up there, I have no plans for anything going inside my butt.”

Don’t be so sure about that.

Levi got up to join Josh on the couch. “I’m glad you enjoyed the blow job at least.”

“I definitely enjoyed that.” Josh placed his hands to the side of his head and threw them outwards in a pretend brain explosion. “I guess you could say that getting a blowie blew my mind.”

“Yeah, they’re good, aye.”

“Definitely.” Josh bit his lip, smiling. “I’m sorry if I was a bit rough… I just really got into it.”

“That’s all good, man.”

Josh grinned. “And I am sorry for calling you a little cock whore.”

Levi snickered. “You don’t have to apologise, I know what it’s like to be in that super fucking horny zone and wanna talk dirty.”

“Yeah, you can probably blame that one on the porn I watch.”

“Well, I guess when it’s my turn I can call you what I like too.”

“Your turn?”

“When you suck me off later.”

Josh’s eyebrows shot up. “I dunno about that, bro.”

“I sucked you. It’s only fair you return the favour.”

Josh replied by giving a non-committal nod of his head. “We’ll see.” He looked over at the bottles of alcohol sitting on the dining table. “After we’ve drunk all of that booze I guess anything’s possible.”

“I guess I better go pour you your first drink then, to make sure anything really is possible.”

Josh laughed. “Sure, man. You better make it a strong one.”

“Trust me, I will.”

Josh gave him a serious look. “I’m not making any promises though.”

Levi could work with that. He didn’t need promises. He knew he would get what he wanted one way or another. He slowly got to his feet and went to fix Josh a drink. Just as he gripped one of the bottles of whisky, the sound of a car horntooting blared outside. They both raced into the kitchen and peered out the open window, like tiptoeing meerkats.

“It’s Jessica!” Josh exclaimed as he jumped excitedly and raced outside so fast he nearly slid over on the lino.

“What the fuck,” Levi grumbled to himself as he saw Josh outside, smiling and waving like a little kid at a Santa parade.

Footsteps came down the hallway until Dwight appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. He was still in his ripped jeans from earlier, but he had changed into a crisp white shirt that was fully unbuttoned, leaving his front exposed. He turned, giving Levi a smile. “What’s all the noise about?”

“Jessica’s just arrived.” Levi exhaled, a short puff of rancid air. He could barely contain his resentment at the girl’s bad timing.

Dwight came and stood beside him, leaning against the wooden frames of the kitchen window. “Is that why the circus is coming to town?”


Dwight smirked, pointing with his eyes towards Levi’s crotch. “You’ve already pitched the tent.”

Levi felt his face turn red. He pushed his dick down, trying to kill the last remnants of his stubborn erection.

Dwight laughed. “You wanna watch out, Soggy. You don’t want Joshy thinking you got the hots for his girl.”

Levi coughed out a pitiful laugh and turned back to look out the window. As he tried to hide the shame of Dwight spotting his hard-on, Levi finally noticed that Jessica hadn’t been the person driving the car that had just pulled up.

Out of the driver’s side stepped a stunning brunette with a delicate figure that was still beautifully rounded in all the right places. She was dressed in skimpy denim shorts and a low-cut top that showed off her caramel-coloured skin and full, jiggly breasts. When he finally ripped his eyes away from her perky cleavage and looked at her face, etched with a youthful smile full of sass, Levi realised he knew this girl. Aroha Cooper.They had gone to school together and she had always been on his cock’s wish list, but she’d been dating Tommy Yandle all through high school so Levi never had a chance to try it on.

Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all.

Josh was still on his radar, and would be until Levi could make things even between them, but if he could fuck Aroha tonight then that would help numb the emasculating shame of feeling like he’d just become Josh’s cum dump. While Josh and Jessica hugged and kissed like they were still a couple, Aroha casually glanced towards the window and caught sight of him and Dwight staring at her. She offered a friendly smile and wave which Levi returned.

“Nice tits on that one,” Dwight said, sounding like he was commenting on the weather. “Looks like you and me will have a battle on our hands for her, Soggy.”

Levi rolled his eyes. Dwight’s wishful thinking wasn’t worthy of a response. Aside from his age going against him, Dwight also lacked the social status Levi brought to the party. Twenty years ago Dwight Stephenson might have been competition. But not now. No. Fucking. Way.

Chapter Eleven

After going outside and saying hello to Jessica and Aroha, Levi excused himself to go use the bathroom. He didn’t need to use the toilet, but he did need to wash his mouth clean from the lingering taste of Josh’s spunk. He splashed his face with cool water, inspecting his appearance. His eyes were instantly drawn to his lips. Lips that had just been wrapped around his best mate’s dick. He picked up a tube of mint toothpaste resting on the hand basin and squirted a dollop on the tip of his finger which he jammed in his mouth then gargled with water.

He knew it was presumptuous to think he and Aroha would hook up, but if it did happen then he didn’t want her tongue tasting another man’s ball juice in his mouth. He may have had his sights set on fun with Josh, but Levi wasn’t a fucking idiot. This girl was smoking hot. She was tiny and every inch of her stunning. If Levi had his way—which he suspected he would—then he’d have to be careful not to break her.

By the time Levi returned to the lounge, he found everyone had helped themselves to a glass each of his alcohol.

“I hope you don’t mind that we made a start,” Josh said, perched on the couch with his arm draped protectively around a smiling Jessica. He began kissing Jessica’s neck as she burst into giggles. Josh may have said he had reservations about getting back with the girl, but the way he nuzzled into her neck said otherwise.

“Soggy doesn’t mind sharing, do ya, Soggy?” Dwight said, raising a glass to his grinning lips.

“Nope. It was bought to be drunk,” Levi replied, suppressing his true annoyance. It was ridiculous to assume he and Josh would have drank all three bottles themselves, but that didn’t mean he was keen to share his generosity around.

Levi ambled over and took a seat beside Aroha on the other couch. As soon as he sat down, her sweet, seductive perfume circled the air around him, burying itself in his nose.

“Why does he call you Soggy?” she asked.

“No reason. It’s just a silly nickname Dwight calls me.”

“It’s cause he’s into watersports,” Dwight declared to the whole room.

Levi flashed him an evil stare which Dwight returned with a small smile and raised eyebrow.

“Watersports?” Aroha looked baffled.

Dwight leaned forward conspiratorially, his elbows on his blue-jeaned knees. “It means he likes pissing on people,”

“He’s lying,” Levi said speedily.

“Don’t be a dick, Dad,” Josh said, defending Levi’s honour.

“I’m only teasing, son.” Dwight swung his gaze towards Aroha. “No, Soggy ain’t into golden showers—as far as we know.”

“So why do you call him Soggy?” she asked again.

“Because I wet the bed once while staying here as a kid,” Levi confessed, wanting the story behind his nickname to be over with before Dwight could twist it any more.

“Oh, is that all.” Aroha shook her head, appearing disappointed the story behind the name wasn’t more interesting.

“Is that all?” Dwight raised his arms in the air in exaggerated style. “You weren’t the one who had to clean the sheets. Honestly, it was like the boy had tried to recreate Niagara Falls.”

Aroha laughed. “Oh dear.” She turned to Levi. “Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh.”

“No you shouldn’t. You don’t want to hurt my feelings,” Levi replied in a flirty voice, pouting.

“Aww, diddums.” She patted his knee.

Ha! See that, Dwight. She just patted my knee.

Levi leaned into the back of the couch and spread his legs, assuming a cocky position as he sent Dwight a condescending smile.

“I wish I’d known this back at school,” Aroha said. “It would have been a good alternative to your other nickname.”

“I had another nickname?”

“You sure did. Randy Candy.”

Levi cracked a grin. “Youse used to call me Randy Candy?”

“I totally forgot about that,” Jessica said in a laughing gasp.

“Forgot about what, babe?” Josh asked, giving away that his attention had been more focused on rubbing his hands up and down Jessica’s side than on the conversation.

“Levi’s nickname at school,” Jessica said. “Randy Candy.”

“Why’d he get called that?” Dwight asked, with genuine interest.

“Because a certain someone couldn’t keep it in his pants during senior year,” Aroha answered, playfully tapping Levi’s shoulder.

“I wasn’t that bad,” Levi said, secretly proud of his reputation. “I was with Sophie through most of High School.”

“Yeah, but in our final year you were a bit of a hangi pants,” Aroha joked.

“I can’t believe Soggy here gets so much action.” Dwight shook his head in disbelief. “Don’t you girls like your men to be men? No offence, Soggy.”

Much taken, dickhead.

“I can quite honestly say that me and Levi have never fooled around,” Aroha said flatly.

“There’s always a first time,” Levi said, waggling his eyebrows.

Dwight snorted. “Nice try, Soggy, but I think you gotta be a bit smoother than that.”

Levi cringed internally at having his flirt dissected like a lab rat.

“Beautiful girls like Aroha aren’t going to fall for that kind of crap,” Dwight spitefully added.

“Thank you, Mr Stephenson,” Aroha responded with a flutter of her pretty eyelashes.

“Call me, Dwight. Mr Stephenson makes me sound old.”

Levi had a case of déjà vu, remembering his stepfather saying something similar to Josh earlier in the day.

“Okay, Dwight,” Aroha said. “If it makes you feel better then you don’t look old.”

“It does make me feel better,” Dwight said, rubbing his chest. “Warms my heart when a pretty girl tells me that.”

Aroha giggled a little too long for Levi’s liking.

“It looks like someone’s still popular,” Jessica said.

“Huh?” Levi shot Jessica a puzzled look.

“You have a number on your arm,” Jessica said, pointing.

“Oh, that.”

Aroha’s eyes quickly leapt to the scribbled number Levi wished he had washed off. “Which poor girl have you been chatting up today?”

“It wasn’t no girl,” Josh said, grinning. “It’s Wade’s number.”

Jessica and Aroha burst into laughter.

“No one is safe from Wade,” Aroha said with a shiver. “He’s so damn… determined.”

“Determined is one way of putting it,” Levi mumbled.

“You have my full sympathy, Levi,” Jessica said warmly. “He even tried giving my mum his phone number once.”

“You let a guy give you his number,” Dwight said in disgust. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

“This isn’t just any guy, Dad,” Josh said cheekily. “This is the one and only Banger Benson.”

“Banger fucking what?” Dwight frowned.

“It’s a guy called Wade Benson,” Aroha said. “He gives his number to just about everybody.”

“But he does have a soft spot for Levi,” Josh said with a smirk.

Aroha smiled, her eyes slowly going up and down Levi’s body. “You must give off a gay vibe or something.”

Levi and Josh exchanged a brief and uncomfortable glance.

“No he doesn’t,” Josh hissed.

“I was only joking,” Aroha said with an apologetic purr. “And even if you were that way inclined, I would hope you would have enough brains not to go there.”

“What’s so wrong with the guy? Aside from being queer, of course.” Dwight saw the disproving look everyone gave him and he sniggered. “Sorry. I forgot I had the PC generation at my house.”

Aroha turned and looked at Jessica as if asking for help to explain. “What would you say is wrong with Wade?”

Jessica shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s hard to put into words. He isn’t totally unlikeable or ugly or anything like that.”

Josh snuggled his face to Jessica’s ear. “It sounds like maybe you fancy him,” he said teasingly.

“Gross, no.” Jessica giggled.

Aroha turned to Dwight who was still waiting for a proper answer as to the mystery of Wade Benson’s grossness. “Wade is just one of those guys who tries too hard. He prances about town like he thinks he’s some sort of a rock star while he tells everyone all the dirty details about who he’s slept with.”

“Oh dear,” Dwight said in a low growl. “Stupid little maggots who don’t know how to keep their mouths shut aren’t very nice guys.” He shot Josh a stern look in a rare show of parental maturity. “I hope you don’t behave like that.”

“I-I wouldn’t,” Josh stuttered back.

“Your son is one of the good guys,” Jessica said affectionately, before giving Josh a peck on the cheek.

It was true, Levi thought. Josh was the epitome of what it meant to be a good guy.

“That’s because he takes after his dashing gentleman of a father,” Dwight said, his raw voice aimed squarely at Aroha. “I never ever kiss and tell.”

“Is that so,” Aroha said, her voice peaking with a little too much interest.

“Of course.” Dwight rubbed his thigh with his fist, right by the bulge under his zipper. “I’m the kind of guy who has… whaddaya call it?”

“Morals?” Aroha offered innocently.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Dwight smirked and tried to hide it behind his drink. “Ten inches of them.”

“Bloody hell, Dad.” Josh blushed slightly, high on his cheekbones. “I’m sorry, Aroha. I would say he’s not normally like this, but the truth is he’s always like this.”

“I’m just joshing, Joshy.” Dwight flicked his eyes back to Aroha. “Aroha knows I’m only joking… or am I?”

“It’s okay, Josh.” Aroha’s face slipped a bland smile. “We have a wanker in our family too.”

Everybody laughed except for Levi.

“I like a girl who says it how it is,” Dwight said.

“I can more than say it,” Aroha replied, smiling. “I can slap it too.”

This only filled the room with more laughter.

“Be careful, Aroha. I’d hate for you to make promises you can’t keep.” Dwight winked wooingly.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Levi waited for Aroha to fling back an insult that would stop the dirty bugger in his flirtatious tracks, but when he spotted her full lips slip into a smile, Levi had a very real twinge of worry tap his spine.

She’s not into him… is she?

Levi was given the answer he feared when Josh and Jessica suddenly stood up and told everyone they were going for a walk to the beach. As soon as their couch was empty, Aroha promptly got up and went and sat in the vacated spot—which just happened to be closer to where Dwight was sitting.

Yep. She’s into him. Fuck.

Chapter Twelve

Alone in the dark, slunk on the couch, Levi alternated between watering his mouth with booze and drying it out again with heavy drags on his cigarette. He was trying—and failing— to block out the noise of a thumping headboard coming from Dwight’s bedroom. Even with the television switched on it failed to block out the undeniable sound of sex polluting his eardrums. It turned out that at thirty nine years old Dwight Stephenson was not just competition, he was still very much a winner.

Levi was shocked. He was good-looking, and popular enough, to usually score whoever he liked in this town. But not this time. Aroha had not succumbed to the powerful aphrodisiac of social status his surname represented, instead she had fallen victim to Dwight’s trashy charms. Levi wished he could blame Aroha’s dumb decision on the alcohol, but she’d only had the one glass which meant her decision had been a sober one.

It was about three hours after Josh and Jessica disappeared for a walk (and who were now cuddled up in the privacy of the sleep-out) that Dwight and Aroha performed a vanishing act of their own. Dwight had stood up and asked Aroha if she would like a ‘tour’ of his shitty house and backyard jungle. Following a brief, heavy pause—which included checking out Levi’s calm (but fake) reaction—Aroha accepted the offer and followed Dwight outside.

When Levi heard them come back inside, and avoid going through the lounge, his gut told him the only thing Aroha was being given a tour of was Dwight’s cock. His instinct had proved correct when shortly afterwards he begun to hear orgasmic moans and testosterone-fuelled grunts echoing from Dwight’s bedroom down the hallway.

Levi was tempted to call up his mother and ask her to come and get him. She wouldn’t be happy about driving all the way out here, but he knew she would if he asked her to. The only thing stopping him from resorting to such a childish tactic was not wanting to offend Josh, who would be gutted if he woke up in the morning to find Levi had ditched the birthday weekend and not even said goodbye. Also, Levi still had plans for his sexy best mate. Plans that meant he had to hang around.

The moment Josh’s dick tainted Levi’s taste buds, their friendship had evolved and taken on a sexual element, one that Levi intended to take full advantage of. It wasn’t going to be easy to push Josh into the position Levi wanted—naked on all fours and taking a dick inside him—but it was entirely possible now.

Josh had unwittingly opened a door to something that Levi intended they walk through together, but that door would not remain open forever, and Levi knew he would have to act fast before it closed again. If he let it go too long, then there was every chance that Josh would get back with Jessica, and there was no way the moral Josh would willingly cheat. Levi just hoped they weren’t officially back together already.

Everything had been going so bloody well until she turned up and ruined everything. The sight of the pretty Jessica had made Levi want to scream, but when he saw Aroha step out of the vehicle, it had helped quash some of his resentment. He had been thinking he was pretty much guaranteed a fuck from someone. Apparently not. Now he was sulking on his own in the dark, nursing balls bluer than a smurf.

Levi knew he should probably get up and turn a light on, but he figured the room may as well stay as dark as his mood. He glanced towards the floor by the end of the couch where he knew the carpet was stained with Josh’s semen he’d spat out earlier. The submissive reality of what that spot meant stung Levi’s blood with anger. It was him who should have been getting sucked off tonight, not just Josh.

“She better bloody not be staying the night,” Levi muttered to himself. He sculled back the last drops of whisky in his glass and flicked his eyes to the table where two unopened bottles still remained. He was already well past mildly pissed, having been the main culprit for finishing off the first bottle, but he didn’t give a flying fuck. If he was expected to sit out here on his own and listen to the sound of sex coming from Dwight’s bedroom then he would at least get drunk to numb the pain.

Levi went and grabbed one of the unopened bottles from the table, and stumbled back to the couch, sitting down with a grunt. He filled his glass with the amber liquid before mixing it with some Coca-Cola, and took a greedy slurp. He flicked his attention back to the television which was playing some generic home renovation show. He was about to change the channel when the camera zoomed in on a shirtless, jeans-clad builder working on the property. The dark-haired stud with pale skin was sitting on a bench, his legs spread wide as he ran a hand through his inky black hair. The total absence of body fat on his muscled frame gave away his dedication to working out.

Fuck, he’s hot!

Levi peered around the dark lounge, reassuring himself of his solitude. He cast his eyes back to the screen and squeezed his meat in delight at the beautiful sight of the sweaty builder.

Should I?

He’d held off all day from having a wank, wanting to save his load for Josh, but that seemed unlikely to happen tonight. Levi put his drink down on the makeshift coffee table and proceeded to unbutton his jeans. Then he slipped a hand through the gap of his fly, squeezing his frustrated cock, letting it know its needs would be met soon.

As if fate was against him, the moment he pulled his cock out, the sexy builder disappeared from the screen, replaced by the elderly couple whose house was being renovated. Levi resorted to using his imagination, closing his eyes and imagining himself in the sleep-out with Josh, treating him like a cheap little cock whore.

It didn’t take long for the fantasy to get him fully erect, and as soon as he pictured his member breaching Josh’s virgin pit, he felt his balls begin to tingle. He was close, very fucking close. He sat forward and aimed his erection towards the floor, taking great delight in knowing he was about to soil Dwight’s carpet with more spilled seed. But just before he could trigger his orgasm and fire an almighty cumshot, Levi heard Dwight’s bedroom door rip open followed by noisy footsteps running down the hallway.

“Fucking hell,” he muttered angrily, letting go of his dick. His cock twitched, begging for him to finish the job. He whispered to his sex-starved penis, “sorry buddy.”

Even though the footsteps had not come towards the lounge, and gone towards the bathroom instead, Levi couldn’t risk being busted masturbating by Josh’s father. The fucker would give him grief ‘till the day he died. He winced as he forced his unbearably hard cock back inside his jeans.

Looks like I’ll just have to fucking wait until I go to bed.

Suddenly, the water pipes in the ceiling burst to life, letting Levi know that Dwight and Aroha were probably having a shower together, washing away their dirty deed. He picked his drink back up, sculling down another hearty mouthful, and returned his attention to the boring renovation show.

Levi became so lost in drowning his sorrows that he didn’t even notice Aroha and Dwight had finished with their shower until he heard the front door close. He stood up and staggered into the kitchen and hid behind the curtain as he watched Aroha walk towards Jessica’s car. He half expected her to fetch a bag to bring inside, but to his horror she pulled keys out of her handbag, jumped in the car, and drove off.

What the fuck?

Apparently Jessica would be spending the weekend here too, ruining any chance Levi had of convincing Josh of another round of same-sex exploration. He bit his lip hard in frustration, cursing Jessica’s audacity for even existing, then went and sat back down in the lounge.

“Were you spying on my girl, Soggy?”

Levi flinched and followed the soft timbre to the hallway doorway. Dwight leaned against the frame, clad in black boxers and a grubby white t-shirt, his arms crossed over his chest like an underwear model. Shadows hid his face, but Levi could imagine the triumph burning in his gypsy-like eyes.

“Hey, Dwight.” Levi aimed his attention back at the television set.

Dwight switched the light on and went and sat down in the chair across from Levi. He admired the whisky on the make-shift coffee table. “Are you on to the second bottle now?”


“Mind if I have some?”

Levi swivelled his head and cast his steely gaze at Dwight. His body appeared to still be damp from the shower he’d just shared with Aroha, but the confident glint in his eyes and the wide grin on his face gave away that this was a man who’d just got his dick wet in other ways.

“Please,” Dwight added in smarmy fashion.

Levi grunted affirmatively and handed Dwight the bottle.

Dwight unscrewed the lid and raised the whisky to his lips, about to drink straight from the bottle.

“Get a glass,” Levi hissed, too drunk to care how rude he sounded.

Dwight laughed, completely unoffended. He disappeared to the kitchen and returned with a clean cup. “I didn’t think you would mind if I drank straight from the bottle,” he said, pouring himself a potent mix.

“Why would you think that?”

“Because it’s probably the only way you will ever get a taste of Aroha.”


Dwight chuckled as he topped his whisky concoction up with a dash of coke. “Harden up, soggy bollocks. Aroha is the kind of girl that any red-blooded man would crawl over broken glass to suck the cock of the last guy who fucked her.”

“Not this red-blooded male.”

Dwight grinned, raising his freshly-poured drink to his lips and having a quick sip. “It ain’t all bad. You still got that number on your arm. Maybe give that fella a call to come sort you out.”

Levi sighed loudly but didn’t respond. He pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket and sparked one up, tempted—but resisting—to blow the smoke right in Dwight’s smug face.

“So what you been up to while the rest of us have been busy?”

“Drinking… smoking… watching tele.”

“True, true.” Dwight leaned back and rubbed a hand over his head, mussing the tousled strands of his brown hair. “Looks like my boy and Jessica might be getting back together, aye?”

“Looks like it,” Levi replied, still staring aimlessly at the television.

“He doesn’t take after his old man when it comes to love. I always stayed clear of that shit. His mother taught me that it’s more trouble than it’s worth.”

Secretly Levi agreed with the older man, but he wasn’t about to say so.

“You’re better off to stay single, I reckon,” Dwight said, slapping his stomach. “No married man my age has a body like this. As soon as a guy settles down then he loses it and turns to seed.” Dwight seemed incapable of taking the hint that Levi wanted to be left alone. He continued blabbering, abruptly switching topics to how he had come precariously close to a punch up at a bar in town earlier in the week.

Levi reluctantly turned his head, pretending to give the man some attention.

Dwight spoke excitedly, waving his drink in the air as he tried to recreate the angry confrontation he’d encountered. With eyes glazed over, Levi smiled and nodded his way through the tall tale.

“Fuck it’s hot in here tonight,” Dwight declared loudly, interrupting his own story. He put his drink down on the floor and ripped his t-shirt off, casting it aside. He ran a hand across his T of crisp, dark chest hair and down to where it narrowed into a sleek treasure trail leading straight under the waistband of his briefs. His calloused hand kept pushing right under the elastic, and scratched, hard enough that the sound of his fingers raking his pubes became audible.

The noise had such an incredibly sexual sound to it, causing Levi to sit upright and take serious notice of Dwight’s scratching hand.

“Anyway, this guy was all up in my fucking face accusing me of touching his missus’s arse,” Dwight said, continuing with his story. He swung one leg over the arm of the chair, dangling his foot in the air. The position meant his legs were spread wide open, blatantly exposing the crotch he’d just finished scratching.

For some reason the casually masculine posture stirred something inside Levi, and he found himself intrigued by the sight of his best mate’s father. Dwight’s toned legs were blessed with a golden tan and covered in soft, brown hairs that dusted him from mid-thigh down. The virility of his manly legs were complimented by his chiselled chest with its moderate amount of hair. Dwight’s body was much more rugged terrain than his son’s youthful torso, but it packed just as much sex appeal. Levi licked his lips, trying to control an urge that was beginning to grow in his pants.

What the fuck am I thinking? I don’t think Dwight is hot…. Do I?

If Levi had been standing, his knees would have buckled from the shock of it all. Under the dim light he began to see what Aroha and countless other women would have seen through the years. Dwight was not some cheap rate model of his sexy son. He was a man still very much in his prime, with striking and handsome features. He studied Dwight’s face carefully and came to the conclusion that the older man’s brown hair and eyebrows, combined with his chiselled jaw and slight dimples were charming and sexy.

Levi allowed his lusty eyes to linger over the muscled length of Dwight’s half-naked body reclining on the worn armchair. He couldn’t tear his sight away from the scene, especially the shadowy leg holes of Dwight’s boxers. It didn’t matter how much he hated this man, or how pathetic he thought he was; none of that was stopping Levi’s cock from straining against his jeans. It was like he was seeing Dwight Stephenson for the very first time.

Something was happening to him. Something primal and unstoppable. An invisible magnet of mouth-watering need was drawing him towards his best mate’s father, and Levi was in very real danger of making an idiotic move on a man who was, as far as he knew, straight and an absolute homophobe.

Dwight took a break from talking and sculled down the last of his drink before sitting his empty glass between his legs. He laced his fingers together and raised his arms up high, stretching in the chair. His biceps curled with definition, showing off the strength he possessed. As he lowered his arms, he caught a glimpse of the funny way Levi was looking at him. “You alright there, Soggy?”

“I-I’m fine,” Levi stuttered. “I was just wondering if you would you like a refill?” he asked in a dangerously soft voice.

“I wouldn’t say no.” Dwight held out his glass for Levi to fill up.

Levi purposely brushed Dwight’s fingers with his own as he took the empty glass from him. As Dwight’s glass began to fill with whisky, Levi’s mouth pooled with saliva. He swallowed. And swallowed again, trying to contain the desire that had made his mind and body erupt like a broken dam. All sorts of hidden feelings were pouring out of him. It felt like time had stopped, as if he and Dwight were hovered on the verge of something… something really fucking big.

Chapter Thirteen

The next two hours felt like a marathon for Levi—sprinting pulse, laboured breaths, an urgent need to cross the finish line. However, this was a race all about timing, not speed. A move too soon could scare Dwight off, while a move too late ran the risk of Dwight calling it a night and going to bed. The game of waiting was arousing, electrifying, stimulating and lubricating the deepest, hungriest part of him.

If Levi’s predatory gaze had become visible, Dwight failed to notice it. He rambled on—about himself mostly—while slamming back the drinks, smoking like a chimney, and freely helping himself to Levi’s alcohol and cigarettes. The fool thought he was the one doing the using, he just didn’t know that his arse would be making a payment before the night was out.

Levi remained perched on the couch, tapping his scrunched-up foot, synchronizing his nervous breaths with each nervous toe twitch. He hadn’t done anything yet, but he knew it was only a matter of time before he would, and it was terrifying and exciting him in equal amounts.

He hung on every word Dwight said, searching the man’s smouldering eyes, struggling to resist the cheeky charm and raw sex appeal swimming in their dark depths. He had never noticed before just how much Dwight’s voice possessed a juvenile energy while at the same time remaining rough and husky. It was amazing how fast he had gone from viewing Dwight as skin-crawling to wanting to crawl all over his skin.

Levi imagined just how filthy his blog post would be when he shared with his followers how he’d sucked off a sexy son before fucking the boy’s fit father in the same night. His followers would beat off so much that shares in paper tissues would skyrocket.

“What’s your mother up to these days?” Dwight asked, slowly swirling his glass as he watched the amber liquid swish round and round.

“Um, same old. She’s busy helping out at The Community most days.”

“The Community?”

“It’s a spiritualist centre,” Levi explained. “Just think hippies with a healthy dash of Jesus.”

Dwight chortled, pointing a finger gun at him. “Gotcha.” His head wobbled as he tried to fix his eyes on Levi. “You look a lot like her, ya know?”

“I hope that’s a good thing?” Levi knew it was.

“Definitely a good thing. Fuck, you could have ended up looking like your old man.”

“Mark’s not my father.”

“I’m not talking about Mark.”

Levi twitched. “You’re not?”

“Nope. I knew your real dad.”

“Did you?” Levi was surprised. Even Josh had only met Levi’s father once or twice when they were kids. Levi had never liked bringing friends or their parents back to the scummy house he lived in, not to meet his dad who would be sitting in a blue bathrobe on the couch, drinking cheap beer while watching horse races on television. “I thought you had only ever met my mum?”

“I never met your dad while he was with Jenny, but I knew Barry from before you were even a twinkle in ya mother’s eye. He used to drive my school bus.”

Barry Buttwell. A man whose personality was as hideous as his name. Barry had been thirty-two when he met Levi’s teenage mother, who had grown up in an extremely religious and strict family environment. She often referred to her childhood like growing up in a prison. She blamed her upbringing for being stupid and getting married at such a young age to a man so much older. Barry had been an excuse for her to move out of her home and be free of her conservative parents. It didn’t take her long to realise she’d made a huge mistake. Levi barely gave the guy any thought these days, but that didn’t mean he had forgotten the psychological torment, and the vicious hidings, his father had dished out to both him and his mother.

“Barry was a good sort,” Dwight continued. “He was always a laugh. Much more fun than the other drivers we had.”

“At least the other drivers wouldn’t have driven you to school while they were drunk,” Levi said spitefully.

Dwight chuckled. “Yeah. We always figured old Barry was a bit under the weather behind the wheel.” He cocked one eyebrow and asked, “What happened to your old man? Do you ever see him?”

“Nope. I haven’t seen him in years.”

“Do you miss him?”


“Really? How come?”

“Because he was a piece of shit who made mine and Mum’s lives a fucking misery.”

“Touchy subject, huh?” Dwight stared at him with more compassion than Levi thought the man was capable of.

“Not really,” Levi lied. “He just went out for a packet of cigarettes one day and never came home.”

Dwight let slip a laugh before wiping the grin off his face. “Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh, but that’s just sounds like the oldest story in the book.”

“It is.” Levi’s expression was still stony, but not quite angry. “And don’t be sorry. I’m glad he never came back.”

“I guess everything happens for a reason,” Dwight garbled.

Levi could tell by Dwight’s slurred voice and the way his body slunk back in the chair, he was well and truly pissed. Swallowing a lump of nerves in his throat, Levi urged himself to steer the evening to where he needed it to be. “You were right about being in good shape,” he said softly.

“What’s that?” Dwight replied, his attention drifting.

“You were telling me earlier how you’re still in good shape.” Levi smiled. “I guess mowing lawns for a living must help with that.”

“It certainly does, but I also make sure I do fifty sit ups and fifty press ups every morning.”

“It shows.” Levi leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He flicked his eyes down to Dwight’s legs. “Even your legs have awesome definition.”

Dwight glanced down at his complimented limbs, nodding in agreement. He raised one off the floor, inspecting it for himself. “Thanks, Soggy.”

“I belonged to the gym for a while, but never managed to get my legs looking as good as that.”

“Of course not. You ain’t built like me. It’s about DNA. You just don’t have the genes to be able to get a body like mine.”

Levi bit his tongue, doing his best to ignore the thinly-veiled insult. He knew that if he wanted to get what he desired from Dwight then he’d have to eat a slice or two of humble pie.

“You see,” Dwight continued. “Joshy could look like this if he wanted to. Shit, he practically already does, but that’s because I passed on my,”—Dwight clasped a hand to his mouth as he burped—“genes to him.”

Levi’s eyes grazed over Dwight’s crotch, wondering if what lay beneath the cotton boxers had been passed on too. He summoned the courage to disguise a flirt as a joke. “Are you the one responsible for his ten-inch cock then?”

“I’m responsible for my son being a bullshit artist if that’s what he’s telling people.”

Levi shook his head, stifling something nearly resembling a snicker. They sat in silence for a moment. “So you don’t think he’s packing ten inches?”

Dwight shrugged dismissively. “How the fuck would I know.”

“What about you?” Levi asked.

“What about me?”

“Do you have a ten-inch cock?” Levi grinned, trying to add humour to the comment. “You made a joke earlier that you do.”

“What do you think, Soggy?” Dwight rolled his sleepy eyes.

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.”

“What’s this sudden fascination with my cock all about?” Suspicion growled through his slurring voice.

Levi took a deep breath and ordered his words like an army going into combat. Regimented, precise, aiming for a target. “You told me any red-blooded male would crawl over cut glass to suck the cock of the man who last fucked Aroha, so…”

The ballsy statement was met with dead silence. Dwight’s face had turned into a blank canvas, his expression unreadable. Fear rampaged through Levi’s head. It screamed and warned and threatened. Despite that, lust surged through every other part of his body, insisting he follow through with this dubious move.

It’s now or never.

He slid to the floor and slowly crawledacross the small space between them to settle on his knees in front of Dwight’s spread legs. Dwight’s eyes were wild with confusion, he was either too drunk or too shocked to know how to respond. Levi sucked in a breath, swallowing his fear into the recesses of his gut where it could soften and disintegrate.

His hands itched to grab hold of Dwight’s bulge, but he resisted acting too brashly. Instead, he started by trailing feather-light caresses up the backs of Dwight’s calves. The dusting of coarse hair tickled his fingers, and Dwight’s muscles bounced against the sensual touch. He then switched his affection to the fronts of Dwight’s legs, stroking his knuckles along his shins, grazing the hair from his ankles to his knees.

Fuck, you feel so good to touch.

Dwight still seemed in a state of shock, unable or unwilling to accept what was happening; that his body was being sexually caressed by another male. Levi searched Dwight’s golden eyes for any sign of fury. There may have been remnants of anger in the dark depths of his pupils, but there seemed to be more prominent emotions twisting and turning at the forefront. Unease, turmoil, distrust… but Levi wondered if he was also glimpsing the presence of latent curiosity.

Dwight’s breathing deepened and his lashes fell half-mast over his drunken eyes as he teasingly caught the edge of his bottom lip between his teeth.

Levi inched his body closer and relished the sight and feel of Dwight’s powerful legs. He was surprised by how hairy they really were up close—much hairier than Josh’s. He ogled the tantalizing tan lines halfway up each of Dwight’s thighs, marking the start of paler, smoother flesh. He dipped his head, peeking up one of the leg holes of Dwight’s boxers and spotted a plump, furry ball. Levi’s cock twitched at the taboo sight of his best mate’s father’s nut sac.

I’m actually looking at Mr Stephenson’s balls!

Levi placed a hand on Dwight’s bare knee, slowly raising it higher, exploring the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh ‘till his fingers got to the hemline of his boxer shorts. Levi waited for Dwight’s reaction, bracing himself for the impact of the older man’s fist crashing into his face. But it never came. He took the lack of violent response as Dwight agreeing to the sexual path they were on, and Levi’s hand slowly disappeared up the older man’s boxers ‘till his fingertips brushed against the warm, soft, hairy skin of his scrotum.

He gently fondled one of Dwight’s plum-sized balls, evoking a doubtful breath from Dwight who looked down, still unsure of what to do. He shot the wide-eyed Dwight a smile, and in the most fragile whisper said, “Open your legs up more.”

To Levi’s amazement, Dwight did as he was told, shifting his long, skinny feet apart and allowing Levi to shuffle in closer. Seeing such drunken obedience spurred Levi on. He had timed his move perfectly.

Dwight already smelled of drunken regret, and his body was about to be disciplined and taught how to accept and please another man. And he would accept it. Every fucking inch. Levi was going to take great delight in hate-fucking this arrogant arsehole’s arsehole.

Levi rubbed both balls, holding them firm in his grasp. Dwight tensed and squirmed from being gripped so possessively, his breath hitching. There were few ways to have more power over a man than literally having his balls in the palm of your hand, and as Levi cupped and tugged, that is exactly what he felt; power. He gave them another firm squeeze, appreciating their delicious size and potent masculinity.

Dwight let out a boozy breath and finally broke his silence. “Soggy...” his voice was a mere whisper. “What are you doing?”

“I’m playing with your balls,” Levi replied, stating the obvious.

“I can see that. But why?”

“I thought we could have some fun.”

“What sort of fun are you talking about?” Dwight’s voice sounded like an old door creaking on its hinges.

“Good fun,” Levi said confidently. He retrieved his hands, releasing Dwight’s privates, and rose up on his knees. He leaned forward and began kissing Dwight’s pecs, savouring the perfect mix of taste and scent. The soft hairs on Dwight’s chest tickled his lips as he brushed his mouth across them.

Dwight groaned, his legs began to jerk and shake, banging against Levi’s hips.

Levi allowed his mouth a final sweep across Dwight’s chest before heading south towards infinitely more interesting territory. He drew a thick line with his tongue straight down the centre of Dwight’s trembling body. He brushed his thumb along Dwight’s thick treasure trail, sending the hairs askew, then licked them flat with his descending tongue.

When his lips landed on the bulge contained within Dwight’s boxers, Levi gave it a wee peck, and pulled away. “Do you like this kind of fun?”

Dwight’s shoulders relaxed and he gave the tiniest of nods.

“Good. That’s good.” Levi smiled. “Stand up so I can get these off of you.” He tugged at Dwight’s boxers, keen to take them off so he could begin corrupting the older man’s body.

“Can I ask you a question first?” The edge in Dwight’s voice surprised Levi who nodded in return. “Have you tried fucking my son yet, Candy Boy?”

Chapter Fourteen

Levi quickly scooted backwards, staring up as if he’d seen a ghost. It felt like the room was spinning and closing in on him. Dwight’s whole face suddenly appeared less intoxicated somehow, as if he had been playing up how drunk he really was.

“Well, have you?” Dwight grinned menacingly.

“What are you talking about?” Levi found his voice buried at the bottom of his throat. “Why would I try fucking Josh?”

“Don’t play dumb, Levi.” Dwight using his real name felt spooky. “I know all about your little online persona and what you had planned for this weekend.”

“How-how do you know about that?”

“Because I’m not a fucking moron.”

Levi’s anxiety levels shot through the roof. If Dwight had worked out that Candy Boy was him then who else might have? The information on there was so personal, so incredibly soul-baringly personal. And the stories… the stories were utter filth and every ounce of it was true. If his online identity became common knowledge, not only would he be outed as being into guys but he would have a long line of wrathful sex partners baying for his blood.

“I have actually been a fan of your blog for quite some time,” Dwight said casually. “Coming up two years I think.”

“You follow my blog?”

“Sure do.” Dwight leaned over and grabbed the remote resting on the cardboard coffee table and switched the tele off. He then picked up Levi’s smokes, pulled one out, sparked it up and tipped his head back, blowing out skinny plumes of white smoke.

“How did you know it was me? Is it because of my username?”

Dwight took his sweet time to answer, leaving Levi hanging. “No, that wasn’t what gave you away. I only worked it out last night when I read your latest post and you talked about your sick little plan to try and fuck my son. As I read about you saying you were off fishing for the weekend for your best mate’s birthday at his ‘dropkick father’s place’—fuck you too by the way—it dawned on me that, wait, it’s Joshy’s birthday and he and his best mate are coming to stay tomorrow.”

Levi didn’t know what to say. He had fucked up. Fucked up badly.

Dwight winked and gave a smoke-curled smile. “I must say I am a little surprised that it’s your blog. Candy Boy gets way more action than I ever thought a lad like you could.”

“A lad like me? I’m not exactly ugly.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a good-looking lad in your own way I suppose, but you ain’t what I’d call a stud either. Yet you seem to fuck around like one.” The derision in Dwight’s voice was enormous, and carried more than a glitch of jealousy. “I swear to god I nearly fell off my chair at the computer when I realised it was you.”

“Good for you,” Levi spat back.

Dwight chuckled at seeing him annoyed. “Don’t get testy, Soggy. You should be flattered that you’re sitting in front of one of your fans. Your stories are fucking hot! There’s something about them, something that takes them to another level.”

“I guess I just have a way with words. I’m good at making up stories.”

“Don’t bullshit me, son. We both know what makes your stories so hot is because they are truestories. You don’t hold back anything. You share allthe juicy details.”

Levi cringed. He did include every detail he could think of with his stories, even if it showed him in a bad light.

“Yep, you go above and beyond so we can all know what you get up to, and I must say, I really do appreciate it.”

“I’m glad you enjoy living through me.”

“Cocky little shit, aren’t ya?” Dwight took another drag on his cigarette, and released a plume of fuck you in Levi’s direction. “I was a bit surprised when you turned all queer on us and started lifting shirts.”

“Fuck you,” Levi snarled.

“I don’t think so, sunshine. You ain’t going anywhere near my arse, even though it seems like you’re gagging to get ya dick inside me.”

Levi felt his blood boil with rage. “I don’t think you can sit there and claim to be this macho straight guy when it sounds like you’ve been reading all my stories, and this year it’s been mostly guys I’ve fucked.”

Dwight’s lip curled in surprise at Levi’s aggressive tone.

“You’re not denying it,” Levi added. “Did you enjoy beating ya wrinkly old cock off to stories about me getting off with other hot young guys?”

Dwight laughed like he couldn’t give a shit what Levi said to him. His feelings were too out of reach to be offended. “You can try and be mean all you like, Soggy, but that doesn’t change the fact that just a moment ago your jeans were tent-polling from having ya hand on my wrinkly old cock.”

Levi had no comeback for that inconvenient truth. No matter how much he tried to attack Dwight’s age or looks, they both knew it would be a lie.

“And in answer to your question,” Dwight said, “I may have enjoyed some of your man-on-man stories on the odd occasion.”

“So you are bi?”

“Don’t get ahead of yaself, Soggy. It isn’t about who you’re fucking in the stories that I enjoy, it’s the way you tell these stories. Like I said, you spill ya guts out and share everything. There’s a certain type of beauty involved with people speaking freely. In a world of sensitive snowflakes and trigger warnings it’s actually quite refreshing.”

Levi was surprised to hear Dwight speak like this. “Have you fooled around with guys before?”

“As much as I know you’d love to sit and talk all about where I put my cock, I am gonna have to stop you there because this isn’t about me.”

“What’s not about you?”

“The little chat we’re about to have.” Dwight leaned forward and flicked the brittle ash on the tip of his cigarette into the ashtray.

“And what chat would that be?”

“The one where you tell me if you’ve tried fucking my son yet.” Dwight’s face became etched with a protective instinct Levi didn’t know the man was capable of. “You are so good at telling the truth online so don’t start making a habit of lying now.”

Levi clenched his jaw, stress attacking him from every angle. He felt like a mouse trapped against the wall, and if Dwight was going to eat him then he may as well take one last swipe while he still could. “I sucked Josh off earlier today.”

Dwight’s whole face twisted with shock. “You fucking what?”

“I sucked his dick right here in the lounge while you took a shower.”

The surprise in Dwight’s eyes quickly turned to anger. The vein at his temple began to pulse as he tried to rein in his temper. He looked like he wanted to leap up and throttle Levi to death. Instead, he calmly leaned forward and stubbed his smoke out. “And what else happened? I want the truth.”

“Just that. He said that he’d never had a blow job before and so I offered to give him one.”

Dwight pursed his lips, his face muddled with concentration. After a lingering pause he finally spoke, “And will you be writing on your blog about what you and he did together? The truth, remember?”

“Don’t stress, Dwight. I’m not going to post the story. I’ll never be posting another story again ‘cos I’m gonna go home tomorrow and delete the whole bloody blog.” This was a lie. Not the deleting part, just the time that he would delete it. Levi would be logging onto the Crashing Hearts site on his phone and deleting it the very moment Dwight was out of his sight.

“Why would you do that?”

“I just think it’s for the best.”

“You mean you’re worried I’ll tell people that it’s you on there?”

“Something like that,” Levi mumbled.

“Do you really think I’d be that low?”

Don’t make me answer that.

“I actually think it would be a shame if you deleted your account,” Dwight said. “You’ve been busy adding stories to it for years now, answering personal questions, and not to mention generously posting photos and videos of others and yourself.”

“You’ve looked at my photos?” Levi gasped.

“You post them for people to see, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but they’re in a separate section to the stories. Why would you want to see my pictures?”

“Don’t read too much into it, Soggy. Most guys are nosy when it comes to the size of other men’s cocks. We all like to see how we compare. This is how I knew Lucas was spouting bullshit about you having a baby dick.” Dwight’s eyes aimed themselves at Levi’s crotch as if they could see right through the denim of his jeans. “I know you ain’t huge but what you’re packing doesn’t deserve to be called tiny.”

Levi shuddered. Dwight knowing this about him felt like an unfair advantage.

“As I was saying,” Dwight continued, “I think it would be a shame if you got rid of the blog. Everyone’s looking forward to the next hot story of yours.”

“Are you saying that you want me to post a story about how I sucked Josh off?”

“Fuck no.” Dwight shook his head firmly. “Believe me when I tell you that if you post even the slightest detail about what you did with my son, then it will be the last thing you ever do.”

Levi licked his lips uneasily. “You want me to make up a story?”

“Nope. That would ruin Candy Boy’s brand.”

“Huh?” Levi was confused.

“I am going to give you a good story, Soggy. Probably the hottest story you’ve ever written.”

“And what story would that be?”

Dwight’s eyes widened comically before he blinked several times. “I’m gonna make you my bitch. You will be able to tell everyone all about what it was like to finally suck a dick and get fucked in the arse.”

“No fucking way!” Levi said loudly, waving his hands in front of his face. “I don’t do anal.”

“Really? Because according to your blog you couldn’t wait to try it with Joshy.”

“Well, yeah, but that was me planning on fucking him. Not the other way round. I will never bottom.”

“I hate to break it to you, Soggy, but you will be getting fucked if you like it or not, and you will be writing about it and sharing it online.”

“I’m not letting you fuck me, Dwight. It just ain’t happening.” He laughed and looked spitefully at the older man. “And I love the fact that you’ve been sitting there calling me gay when all the while you actually want to fuck me. You fucking closet-case hypocrite.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. Fucking you isn’t about me wanting to, it’s about teaching you a lesson.”

“And what fucked-up lesson would that be?”

“That you don’t treat your best mate like a piece of meat. Josh trusts you—fuck knows why since I have always said you’re an untrustworthy little weasel—and you abused his trust just to try and get ya end away.”

“Whatever,” Levi muttered. “But thanks for finally admitting what I always knew, that you hate my guts.”

“Hate’s a strong word, Soggy.”

“It’s the right word though.”

“Sure, I give you plenty of shit, and I do indeed think you’re untrustworthy, but I don’t hate you.”

“Gee, thanks for clearing that up for me.”

“You’re most welcome. And just so we’re clear, it’s not the fact that I don’t trust you as far as I could kick you. That’s not the reason I don’t like you being friends with my son.”

“By all means, please enlighten me,” Levi mumbled.

“I don’t like you hanging around with Josh because you’re weak.”

The words cut like a knife, and they were not what Levi had expected to come out of Dwight’s mouth. “You think I’m weak?”

“You are weak, Levi. Your mummy and stepdaddy do everything for you. You couldn’t stand on your own two feet if you tried. Josh however, was brought up to be a leader, and he needs to be around people who challenge him. Not lads like you who bring him down.” Dwight may have been speaking freely, but it was little more than cruelty masquerading as honesty.

“Tell me how you really feel.”

Dwight marched right over the sarcastic response. “You get everything handed to you on a silver fucking platter, you do. You don’t even have a job, and yet you have more fucking spending money than me and Josh who both work our fingers to the bone.”

“For your information I am actually studying, so I don’t have the time to work.”

“So is Josh, but that doesn’t stop him from finding the time.”

Levi drew a deep breath then flung out his own daggers. “It’s not my fault that I have money, Dwight. Josh doesn’t seem to have an issue with it, and the fact that you do is only because you’re jealous.”

“Fucking oath I’m jealous. Who wouldn’t want an easy-street lifestyle like you have, but we don’t all have pretty mothers who fucked their way into a bottomless bank account.”

Levi sat up straight, fury gripping his very core. “You wanna watch what you say, cunt!”

Dwight tossed out an apologetic stare. “Look, Soggy, I don’t have a problem with ya mum. Jenny’s a lovely woman and she used what she had to better herself. I get that. Fuck, I even respect it in a way. But you… you ain’t the one who has to sleep with that arrogant prick Mark, you just live at home bleeding them both dry as life floats by.”

“Whatever,” Levi said, getting to his feet and casting Dwight a stormy glare. “I don’t need to hear any more of your bullshit. And you can forget about fucking me.”

“Oh really?” Dwight smirked. “It would be a real shame if I told Lucas and Josh about Candy Boy, wouldn’t it?”

“Tell whoever the fuck you want, Dwight, because I am off to bed and will be deleting the entire blog right now.” He pulled his phone out his pocket and dangled it in the air. “So go ahead, tell whoever you like but no one will believe you.” He stormed towards the hallway, heading to bed.

“I think they’ll believe me when I show them the photos and stories I have saved.”

Levi’s racing mind came to a grinding, screeching, painful halt. He slowly turned around. “What did you say?”

“I have copies. Copies of everything you have ever posted.” Dwight anchored his gaze to Levi’s. “Now come sit your arse back down so we can finish having our chat.”

Chapter Fifteen

Levi reluctantly made his way over to the couch and sat down. He swallowed back the anxiety piling up in his throat and asked in a brittle whisper, “Why did you make copies.”

“That’s a bit of a stupid question, Soggy.”

“Are you seriously going to blackmail me?”

“I don’t think I’d call it blackmail, considering how keen you seemed to be before to suck my dick.”

Levi balled his clammy hands into fists. This was fucking infuriating. It was clear now that Dwight intended to play dirty and had planned ahead. “What do you want, Dwight?”

“I told you. I want you to keep your blog going, and for you to write a hot story next week about how I popped your tight little cherry.”

Levi tapped his foot, thinking up a way to get out of this. “What if I suck you off? Or I fuck you? You really are a sexy guy and it would be an honour if you let me fuck you.”

Dwight released a humourless laugh. “Resorting to flattery now, I see.”

“I mean it. You are really sexy,” Levi used the sweetest voice he could muster. “I can do it right now if you want.”

“I hate to rain on your parade, Soggy, but I don’t take it up the arse either. That’s why you’re going to take one for the team.” Dwight grinned, the smile’s cockiness emphasised by his stubble. “It’s you who should be feeling flattered. I don’t normally do this kind of thing, but I’m willing to make an exception to help teach you a lesson.”

“You really are a prick.”

“A prick who’s gonna be sticking his prick inside you,” Dwight said with a sneer.

Levi’s arsehole twitched. He had no desire to have another man inside him, but now he was faced with the humiliating prospect of Dwight—a man he hated—taking a sacred piece of him which he could never get back. He glowered at Dwight. “You’re a sick fuck, you know that?”

Dwight chuckled.

“What’s so fucking funny?” Levi demanded.

“You, Soggy. You don’t even know what you are.” He sniggered some more. “It ain’t all your fault, I guess. It’s quite normal at your age to still be unaware of these things.”

“If you think I am hung up about being into guys, then you’re wrong. I don’t have a problem with it.”

“I ain’t talking about that. I’m talking about the fact you are just like me.”

“I am nothing like you.”

“Oh, yes you are. You’re very much like me. That’s part of the reason I enjoy your blog so much. You’re a dominant lad with a serious sadistic streak that’s waiting to be unleashed. Yes, it’s the honesty that gives your blog its raw edge, but it’s more than that. Most of us sign in to read your stories each week because we’re waiting for the day you snap and go fully dark. It’s only a matter of time before you do.”

Levi sort of got what Dwight meant, but not entirely. The look on his face must have given away his confusion.

“You like to have your way with people,” Dwight explained. “Making those poor straight guys do dirty little tricks on camera, or the gay dudes you make strip naked before they’re even allowed to suck your cock, meanwhile all you do is unzip and flop the little fella out. That’s all about you having control. You love every fucking second of it.” Dwight wriggled forward on his seat. “Which is why you are practically shaking with anger right now.”

“I am shaking with anger because I fucking hate you. Simple as that.”

“I have no doubt your ‘hatred’ of me is adding to it, but that’s not the main reason you are so fucked off right now. The main reason you’re sat there with a scowl on your face is because I have the control, and you don’t. I am doing to you what you wish you were doing to me, and don’t try to deny it.”

“Here… control this,” Levi said, flipping his middle finger.

Dwight exhaled heavily. “Why do you think I’m teaching you this lesson?”

“Because you’re a homophobic arsehole—despite being queer yourself—who is hung up about someone making a move on your precious son.”

“I’m not queer,” Dwight said calmly. He settled back into his chair, and spread his legs wide, striking an intimidating position. “And I ain’t worried about you making a move on Josh because you think I’m some sort of homophobe. Sure, I’m not overjoyed at the thought of him experimenting, and playing hide the sausage with other blokes, but that isn’t my main concern. He is free to fuck who he likes. Just like I am. My main concern right now is that I know what you are capable of, and the nasty sort of shit you would do to him if you got the chance.”

“You mean like what you’re about to do to me? A boy your own son’s age?”

“Don’t try and play the innocent with me, Soggy. You might be clueless about the type of person you are but you ain’t some little child.”

“So that makes blackmailing me all alright, does it?”

“It does if it means you learn to keep ya cock away from my son,” Dwight said. “And what I am about to do to you is nothing like the sort of crap I know you’re capable of doing to him.” His eyes drilled into Levi’s skin with unrelenting ferocity. “You’re not a good person, Levi Candy. And I know it!”

Levi worried for a moment that Dwight was reading his mind, looking for dark secrets. He quickly buried the absurd thought and replied, “You did say I’m just like you, so I mustn’t be a good person if that’s the case.”

Dwight shook his head, smiling. “Every man on this earth has a darkness inside of him that is clawing to get its way out. Usually out through his cock. You and me have a similar darkness, and that’s where we are the same; a selfish, power-hungry and sadistic darkness. But where we differ is yours is closer to the surface than mine. Much fucking closer.”

“Whatever, guru. You don’t know shit!”

“You can think what you like, just do as you’re told for the rest of the night and I’ll delete all the files right in front of you when I come to mow your family’s lawns next week.”

“Next fucking week!? Why not delete them tonight?”

“Because they’re on my laptop and I don’t have it here.”

“You don’t even have copies, do you?” Levi could feel the tide turning, and got ready to leave the room.

“Oh, I can assure you I do. That’s part of the reason why Lucas was here earlier. He came to borrow my laptop for the weekend to upload some movies onto it for me.”

Levi felt his stomach drop to his toes.

“Don’t worry,” Dwight said. “The file about Candy Boy has a password on it so you don’t have to stress out about him seeing anything.”

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

“Because it does have a password.”

“Not that. How do I know you’re telling the truth about having copies?”

“You don’t. You just have to take my word for it… or not take my word for it and face the consequences.”

Levi looked into Dwight’s eyes, exploring the windows to his soul. It pained him to admit it, but he could tell the prick wasn’t lying. For a man who was a waste of space on this planet, Dwight Stephenson was the kind of man who gave his word as his honour bond.

“So, are you going to take me at my word?” Dwight’s lip curled up, enjoying the power he had.

“Yes,” Levi snarled.

“Brilliant. Shall we make a start then?” Dwight pointed directly in front of his feet. “Come, stand here.”

Levi sighed like a disgruntled teen and got to his feet, before stumbling to the desired spot.

Dwight wet his lips and stroked his stubbled chin while he gave Levi a head-to-toe once-over like he was browsing a new outfit. “Now get naked.”

Levi flinched. “You want me to take my clothes off?”

“You don’t expect me to fuck you while you’re fully dressed, do you?”

“Aren’t you worried about Josh walking in on us?”

“Where was this worry of yours when you tried making a move on me?” Dwight said, and smiled when Levi didn’t respond. “And no, I’m not worried. The curtains are all pulled and I locked the door when Aroha left to go home.”

“That doesn’t mean Josh or Jessica won’t try to come inside.”

“Trust me. The only things ‘coming inside’ tonight will be Josh’s cock in Jessica’s pussy, and my cock in your arse.”

Levi’s mouth dried up at those words. It was happening. It was really fucking happening. Dwight was going to fuck him and claim his anal virginity. A virginity he had never once considered parting with. Everything seemed held in a brittle silence, as if the air were made of glass that even a whisper could break.

“Take your clothes off,” Dwight instructed. When Levi didn’t react, Dwight clapped his hands. “Now!”

Levi pouted ever so slightly, and blinked slowly. Then he turned his eyes away and gripped the bottom of his t-shirt, slipping it up the length of his torso and yanking it ungraciously over his head. Dwight bit down on a chuckle when Levi become tangled up in the process and looked like some sort of discount Houdini who couldn’t get untied without assistance.

“Do you need some help there, Soggy?”

“No,” Levi said, his voice muffled. He ripped his face free from the strangling shirt and sucked in a deep breath of air.

Dwight’s eyes became fixated on Levi’s torso before dropping down to the raggedy jeans covering his lower half. “Now take your pants off.”

Levi gulped silently, standing inert, hesitant to obey.

Dwight tapped the floor with his foot. “Take them off,” he prompted sternly.

Levi craned his neck, looking around the room, making sure they were completely alone. He toed off his shoes and peeled off his socks. With shaky fingers he unfastened his belt buckle, then slowly slid the leather through the loops before dropping it to the floor. His fingers hesitated a moment above his locked zipper.

Dwight watched him, licking his lips with a dry, heavy tongue.

Levi slid the zipper’s metal teeth apart and pulled his jeans down over his hips, dragging the denim material down his legs and then bending over to tug them free of his feet. He dropped them in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Barefoot in just a pair of tight grey briefs, Levi stood there with his arms folded and a resentful look on his face. “Happy?”

“And your gruts, bitch.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Dwight rose to his full height and took one big step closer to Levi, penetrating his personal space. “I can call you whatever the fuck I like… bitch.” He pinched one of Levi’s nipples and sat back down. “Now hurry the fuck up and take them off. I don’t like my bitches playing hard to get.”

Levi hunched over and lifted his knees one at a time, freeing his body from the grey briefs before dropping them to the floor with his jeans. The cool air swirled up his thighs, licking his most private of places. His ragged breaths were the only noise in the room as Dwight’s eyes feasted upon his nudity, making Levi feel smaller than a maggot.

“Who’d have thought I’d one day have the infamous Candy Boy naked in my lounge?” Dwight let out a contemplative sigh. “Naked, and waiting to be fucked!”

Levi averted his gaze away from Dwight’s burning eyes. Even though Dwight was dressed in just a pair of boxers he may as well have been covered head to toe in clothes for how vulnerable Levi felt at that moment. His young body was being paraded like an offering of the flesh, and judging by the hungry look in Dwight’s eyes he would soon be feasted upon.

“Step closer,” Dwight instructed him. Levi did as he was told and Dwight leaned forward, his face directly level with Levi’s cock and balls. “You keep it nice and tidy downstairs, I see.”

“Yep.” Levi mashed his lips together, using all his strength not to let Dwight see how nervous he truly was.

Dwight leaned in even closer, his warm breath dancing over Levi’s soft dick as he analysed Levi’s trimmed appearance. “I shaved downstairs a few times but got sick of it. Too much effort. I figure that by the time someone is down there it doesn’t matter. They’re gonna be sucking it anyway.” Levi gasped as Dwight lifted his dick up and ran two fingers over his smooth scrotum. “It does feel nice though.”

Levi’s body rolled with a shiver, his breaths becoming heavier the more Dwight manhandled his genitals. He felt like a slab of meat, not a person. This was so degrading.

“Fuck. You got little balls, Soggy,” Dwight said, jostling Levi’s nuts in his hand. “If they were tits you’d be an A cup for sure.”

Levi had never given his balls much thought. They were just balls. He looked down at the older man thumbing his sac, and realised Dwight was right—he did have small nuts.

“Helps explain why you ain’t much of a man,” Dwight added spitefully.

This is the moment, Levi thought. This is the moment you punch him and tell him to fuck off. But Levi couldn’t do it. Aside from knowing that he would be no match physically for Dwight, he couldn’t risk pissing the guy off and have him tell everyone about Candy Boy. He was fucked, and about to be fucked.

“Tell me you have little balls, Soggy.”

Irritation skittered across Levi’s skin.

“Come on. Tell me you have little balls.” Dwight suddenly squeezed Levi’s testicles, making him wince in pain.

“Okay, okay,” Levi panted. “I have small balls. I have small balls.”

“How small?” Dwight asked vindictively, still twisting Levi’s jewels.

“Really small, Dwight. I have tiny nuts!”

Dwight released his grip and began tickling Levi’s taint like an apology. “Good boy, Soggy, good little boy.”

Levi’s face relaxed, grateful for the burning pain to be gone, but his ego still throbbed with hurt feelings. It was humiliating enough to admit to having small balls, but being forced to by Dwight Stephenson made it all the more embarrassing.

“I guess it’s time to see this little pecker of yours get hard,” Dwight said, wrapping his calloused palm around Levi’s cock. The possessive grip had an immediate impact on Levi’s dick and it began to twitch to life again. “Fucking hell, Soggy. Doesn’t take much to get you going, does it?”

Levi hated the visible response of his body but he couldn’t stop it. He had been holding in an orgasm all fucking day, and now Dwight was luring it out of him. He was about to tell Dwight to stop, but when Dwight’s hand began going up and down, tickling his foreskin with sensual strokes, Levi couldn’t bring himself to ask him to stop.

“It’s okay,” Dwight whispered in a reassuring tone. “Enjoy it.”

Levi took a deep breath followed by a long shuddering sigh. His hands rested at his sides as his body shivered from the overwhelming pleasure Dwight was giving him. It seemed strange that the man would go from inflicting gut-burning pain on his nuts to now gifting him such erotic pleasure, but Levi wasn’t going to question it. The most embarrassing sounds began to escape his lips, and he kept swallowing them, not wanting Dwight to hear. The more he pulled and rubbed, the heavier Levi’s panting became.

“I like the faces you’re making,” Dwight said. “Damn, adorable.”

Levi didn’t have enough control to give him a snarky reply. He was too lost in the pleasure of having his cock lovingly stroked. His mouth leaked hankering groans, letting Dwight know he wanted more of what was being done to him.

Dwight stopped wanking him, keeping his fingers curled and gripped tight around Levi’s length. “Fuck my hand.”


“Fuck my hand,” Dwight repeated, tightening his grip as unforgiving authority bubbled in his dark eyes.

Levi sighed. He closed his eyes and began slowly rocking his hips, impaling the tunnel of Dwight’s fingers wrapped around his cock. He wished he had some spit to dull the sharp burn of friction pulling at his foreskin, but the pain did not diminish the intense eroticism of fucking the older man’s rough, calloused hand.

“That’s it, Soggy. Show me how you fuck,” Dwight said huskily, twisting his curled fingers in time with Levi’s thrusts.

Levi bit his lip, holding in whimpering moans clawing to jump out. He upped his tempo, fucking harder, chasing the orgasm he was so desperate for.

“Thatta boy,” Dwight mumbled, watching intently at his fist being speared. “If you’re fucking my hand then I think it’s best you say my name while you do it.” His voice was smooth and deliciously sexual, just like the slow slide of his fist as he twisted it over Levi’s length.

“Dwight, Dwight, Dwight,” Levi began to chant in a shamed mumble. He may have had his eyes closed but he could feel Dwight smiling at him, enjoying the submissive vocals. Levi continued his chanting as he fucked the dry heat of Dwight’s palm.

Dwight placed his free hand to the inside of Levi’s thigh, snaking all the way up until it found Levi’s taint and tickling him with erotic finesse. He cupped Levi’s balls, molesting them with twisted delight.

It was too much. Too fucking much.

Levi opened his eyes and murmured in boneless pleasure as he barrelled toward a long overdue orgasm. “Oh fuck, I’m about to—” Thit—thit—thit. His cock erupted, releasing every ounce of sticky pleasure he had. Torrents of jizz tainted Dwight’s flesh, lashing his neck and hairy torso in rivers of gluggy white gold which dribbled down and began to pool in his navel.

Dwight grimaced, chewing his bottom lip in concentration. “Hmmph. You sure can brew a lot of cum.” He tut-tutted sanctimoniously. “Messy little bitch.”

Levi shuddered and sighed. “Sorry.” He wasn’t.

Dwight pulled his hands free from Levi’s privates, looking down angrily at his torso covered in sticky cum. His anger quickly faded and his face bore an almost playful look; his eyes beaming with bad-boy heat. “I guess you’ll just have to lick me clean.”

It took Levi a moment to realise what Dwight was suggesting. “I’m not eating my own jizz. That’s just gross.”

“You will do whatever I tell you to,” Dwight said sternly. “Your body put a lot of effort and energy into making that semen. It would just be a waste if you didn’t eat it.”

Levi cringed.

“What are you waiting for, Soggy? Lick me clean before your cum gets cold.”

Levi rolled his eyes, annoyed but resigned to the fact he had one last job to do. He dropped to his knees and leaned in, slowly tracing his tongue along the slippery puddles of cum dripping down Dwight’s manly chest and taut tummy. Once he’d gathered every drop of his cooling seed, he pulled back and downed the lot in a single gulp that made his stomach turn.

“Good boy,” Dwight said. “How’d it taste?”

Levi wiped his mouth. “I wouldn’t put it on my toast but it was okay.”

Dwight chuckled, his hypnotic eyes and sensual mouth producing a tremor through Levi’s exhausted body.

Levi picked his underwear up and rose to his feet, turning his briefs ‘round the right way to put them back on

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Dwight asked.

“Getting dressed.” Levi swayed side-to-side, hoisting the briefs up his legs. The underwear’s elastic cracked like a loud whip against his abdomen when he let go of the waistband. “I’ve learnt my lesson. I promise I won’t write about Josh or make a move on him ever again.”

“Hold your horses. I’m nowhere near being done with you yet.” The words fell from Dwight’s mouth as softly as snow on a quiet morning but they still managed to crush Levi like an avalanche.

Chapter Sixteen

“But you just made me cum!” Levi squawked.

“I know, and now it’s your turn to make me cum. That’s how tonight goes, Soggy. You are here for my enjoyment, not yours.” Dwight smirked. “Consider the handjob a complimentary gift from me to you.”

“What the fuck?” Levi shook his head. “I’m not horny enough now to even want to do anything.”

“I know.” Dwight grinned. “Isn’t it great?”

Levi bit his tongue, holding back the wealth of insults he wanted to hurl at this man who was such an expert at nastiness.

“So take them undies back off. I expect you naked until I say otherwise.”

With a breath of defeat Levi pulled his underwear back down his legs, which left him standing completely naked again. He stood there, rubbing his heels together and not sure where to look. “So what now?”

“You are to do whatever I tell you for the rest of the night.”

“And that is?”

“Whatever I feel like telling you to do.”

“And that is?” Levi repeated in a surly tone.

Dwight arched one eyebrow. A tiny gesture that gave away his growing agitation. “How about for starters you begin to show me some respect?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you can stop looking at me like you think I’m a piece of shit. You’ve done it ever since you were a child, and tonight it stops.”

Levi knew what Dwight was referring to, slight lip curls with dagger eyes were his go to glance for people like Dwight Stephenson—pieces of shit. “So what? You expect me to smile at you all night, do you?”

“No. To be fair I don’t think ya gonna change the habit of a lifetime—walking around with a face like a cat’s arsehole—but you can speak to me like you know your place for starters.”

To be fair,” Levi returned snidely. “You have to earn respect to be given any.”

“I imagine I would’ve earned plenty of respect by the time I’ve got you squealing at the end of my cock.”

Levi’s lips twitched nervously. Just the image of being harpooned by Dwight’s cock made his stomach want to detonate.

“So for the rest of the evening you can call me Sir.”

“Sir?” Levi laughed. “You’re dreaming.”

Dwight’s gaze chilled the room. “Be careful how you play this, Soggy. Would you rather have a night with me where I teach you a lesson, or would you prefer all your friends and family seeing the type of sick and twisted little boy you are, when I show them what you blog about.”

As painfully pathetic as it would be to refer to Dwight as Sir, it was a small price to pay to avoid everyone finding out about his sexual exploits. “Okay.”

A bitter smirk pulled at Dwight’s lips, waiting for the sentence to be finished properly.

“Okay, Sir,” Levi said with deflated shoulders.

“So you agree that you will be my bitch this evening and do whatever I tell you to do?”

“Yes, Sir.” Levi was livid, but he knew the best way to get this over with was to give the man what he wanted.

“Now I know you might be thinking I’m being a bit harsh on you, Soggy, but this is for your own good. You need to learn that you don’t fuck with people just because you can. Certainly not your best mate. Josh is a good kid, and he’ll believe any shit you feed him. Not because he’s stupid but because he is trusting. In a perfect world a quality like that should be admired and celebrated as a strength, but nasty little fuckers like you take advantage of that strength and turn it into a weakness.”

The words may have been coming out dressed up as a father sounding concerned for his son, but the malice in his tone made Levi think otherwise. Tonight’s foray into sexual humiliation had less to do with Dwight being angry over Levi’s intentions for Josh, and more to do with the fact he didn’t like him.

Dwight’s eyes danced with merriment, traversing the length of Levi’s naked body. “Can I just say how pathetic you look right now?” He said, laughing wickedly. “Oh how the high and mighty have fallen.”

Levi trembled with undiluted anger as rage began to boil his skin. The most frustrating thing was that Dwight was right. He was absolutely right. Levi did look pathetic. He felt pathetic. But that did not mean he would break.

“I bet you’re really looking forward to me fucking you,” Dwight said whimsically. “I know I am. It means I’ll be able to treat you like my own personal fuck hole.”

Fuck hole.The word was so fucking degrading, but Levi suspected that was the whole point.

“After tonight, whenever I see you, that’s all I’m ever gonna think of you as,” Dwight said. “Nothing but a used fuck hole.”

Aggression might have been a natural response in Levi’s position, but he knew that giving into it wouldn’t achieve a damned thing. It would only fuel Dwight’s already swollen ego seeing him react to the man’s taunts.

“I think you should get down and kiss my feet, and say thank you for the honour of being allowed my cock in your arse.” Dwight raised his left foot and wiggled his toes. “Come on, slut, you know what to do. After all this is what you like to make guys do for you, isn’t it?”

Levi grunted out an angry sigh, dropping to the floor and lowering his face to delicately kiss the sole of Dwight’s long foot.

A sadistic grin spread across Dwight’s face. “Good boy. Keep going.”

Levi pulled his face back and took a deep breath before leaning back in and pressing his lips to Dwight’s foot, covering every inch with kisses from his heel to his toes. He continued alternating between each foot, showering them with tender kisses. The foot worshipping torment went on for well over five minutes before Dwight finally grew tired of it.

“How’s it feel to be getting a taste of your own medicine, Soggy?”

“It’s okay, Sir.”

Dwight leaned forward, elbows on knees, and stared into Levi’s eyes. “You might have your game face on but I can tell you hate this. You fucking hate being at my mercy.” He cupped Levi’s cheek with the palm of his hand, drawing their eyes together. His other hand caught Levi’s chin, preventing him from looking away. “I can see it in those pretty green-hazel eyes of yours.”

Levi shook his head in the cage of Dwight’s fingers, wanting the older man to think he was fine.

“Don’t lie. I know that right now you would want nothing more than to throw a punch at me. But guess what, Soggy? You can’t! You can’t do a fucking thing because you and those little balls of yours belong to me tonight.” He took a shaky breath and exhaled over Levi’s face. “Every piece of you belongs to me.” He released his grip on Levi’s face with a shove before lifting his butt off the chair and peeling his boxers down his legs, flinging them away with his foot.

Levi’s throat and tongue withered as he stared at Dwight’s pale strip of meat, which was hardening fast. It was difficult to say if it was Levi’s nude body that had sprung Dwight’s cock to life, or the fact that he was getting off on Levi being forced to submit. Maybe it was a mixture of both.

Dwight settled back into the seat of his chair, widening his legs, assuming the most masculine posture he could. “Suck it,” he said, his tone dominant, yet calm.

Levi inhaled, suppressing his fear of submission as he prepared to close his lips around another man’s cock for the second time today. His face dropped down in slow motion, and landed open-mouthed over Dwight’s penis. Then his taste buds collided with a very light tang of dick sweat.

“Ahhhhh,” Dwight groaned, enjoying the feel of Levi’s warm, wet mouth suckling delicately at the tip of his thick prick. “Take me deeper,” he commanded, the words pouring out in a heated breath.

Levi forced his lips farther down the shaft, slurping and sucking noisily over Mr Stephenson’s manhood. He glanced up from his dick-filled lips and saw that Dwight had his head lolled back, gasping. Levi started going up and down, servicing his tormentor’s cock as best he could.

Dwight moaned affirmatively, approving of the way Levi was sucking his dick. “Good slut. Such a good slut.”

That fucking word drove Levi insane, burning his already damaged pride, but he kept sucking.

The rhythm must have been too soft for Dwight’s liking because he suddenly reached out, twirled his fingers through Levi’s hair, grabbed a firm hold, and began guiding him in a steadier, faster rhythm.

Levi spluttered on the mature meat as Dwight began lifting his butt off the chair, fucking Levi’s face with selfish force. Dwight’s mouth slipped out low grunts and his cock began to inflate inside Levi’s wet mouth, growing harder and longer with each force-fed suck.

A jolt of pain tore through Levi’s senses when Dwight slapped the side of his face. “No fucking teeth, slut. I don’t want you biting.”

Levi pulled his face free from Dwight’s cock. “I’m trying my fucking best here… Sir,” he panted, trying to catch his breath as he wiped dick-stained dribble from his lips. He gazed down at the manhood he’d been polishing, finally getting a chance to take it all in.


Levi couldn’t believe his eyes. It was like he was staring at Josh’s cock. They were so fucking similar that father and son could have passed as dick twins. The only difference that Levi could pick—and it was only slight—was that Dwight was a tad thicker than the younger Stephenson.

Dwight gripped his cock, squeezing it ‘till a bead of precum came oozing out. “You like my cock do you, Soggy? It looks like it’s left you speechless.”

“It’s just weird ‘cos you and Josh look so alike.”

Dwight scrunched his face up, not enjoying the incestuous comparison. “I don’t wanna hear about my son’s cock.”

“But your cocks are identical.”

“Are they?” A look of curious fascination splashed across Dwight’s face. “Same size and everything?”

Levi sensed an opportunity to hit Dwight where it hurt. He eyed the man’s cock, pretending to re-evaluate his original assumption. “Actually, I might be wrong about that. I’d say Josh is a bit bigger,” Levi lied. “But if you were an inch longer they’d be identical.” He smiled internally, knowing he’d just planted a seed of self-doubt and jealousy.

Dwight’s mouth creaked open a tad, a mix of shock and jealousy. “Enough talking, Soggy. Just fucking suck.” He pushed Levi’s head back down, trying to make him deep-throat him as if he were proving a point. Levi tried his best but Dwight’s seven-and-a-bit inches were too much for his inexperienced mouth to take in completely. When Dwight grew tired of the aggressive face fuck, he pulled Levi’s mouth free and gave him a new mission. “Lick my balls, cocksucker. Get them nice ‘n clean for me.”

Levi didn’t fuck about. He kissed and sucked the underside of Dwight’s cock down to his tightly scrunched balls and began to lavish then with slick licks. He curled his hands under Dwight’s legs. Then, with his hands firmly behind Dwight’s knees, he added enough pressure until the man’s legs were raised enough to give Levi full access to the bossy man’s big balls.

Dwight groaned loudly, his legs wobbling and hie toes curling from the tongue bath his scrotum was receiving. His cock stood at full attention, bobbing and twitching, tapping Levi’s head.

Levi released his grip on Dwight’s legs and let them rest on his shoulders as he continued feasting on Dwight’s balls. He let his hands traverse Dwight’s belly, dragging them higher until he was raking his fingers through the healthy smothering of hair on Dwight’s chest. Had he not blown his own load already, Levi suspected he might have enjoyed touching this rugged terrain of maturity. It felt so different to his own young, smooth chest. Something innately sexual. But he wasn’t wasting time on what ifs, he had a job to do.

Come on fucker, lose ya load so I can go to bed.

Dwight writhed above him, his lips uttering tiny whispers of praise, “fuck you’re good at this, Soggy. So—fucking—good—at—this.” His feet danced up and down on Levi’s shoulders, occasionally whacking the side of his face in pleasure reflexes.

Levi gripped Dwight’s cock, slowly tugging his shaft. He dipped his tongue down lower, licking over the raised ridge of Dwight’s taint and hoping he would hit a magic spot that would make him lose his white lollies. He flicked the pad of his thumb over the head of Dwight’s penis, spreading the pearly mess of precum gathering there, wetting the crown of his cock. Between Dwight’s low moans and panting breaths, Levi knew he had his best mate’s father only a hair trigger away from coming. He pulled his mouth away from Dwight’s taint and quickly spat out a stray pube that was stuck to his tongue. He looked down at Dwight’s throbbing member, to see it was now leaking a steady stream of precum.

You are so fucking close.Spurred on by the positive sign, Levi dropped his face back down and swallowed the precum-soaked, glistening tip. He swivelled his tongue through the groove of Dwight’s piss slit, gathering as much precum as he could muster. The sweet taste made him pause for a split-second, and the intensity of what he was doing pummelled him like burning rocks and volcanic ash.

This is Josh’s dad. I am tasting Josh’s dad’s spunk!

The thought was heavy and dizzying, but Levi soldiered on, doing what needed to be done. He stretched his lips and rammed his mouth down hard, sucking Dwight’s cock with such a deep intensity that his jaw began to ache. Dwight was grunting and moaning wildly, so he was clearly doing something right. He wrapped his fingers around the base of Dwight’s cock, jacking him firm and fast, demanding he lose his load.

Suddenly, Dwight retrieved his feet from Levi’s shoulders and rammed them into Levi’s chest, sending Levi flailing backwards and landing with a heavy thudon his rump

“Why’d you do that?” Levi wheezed. “I thought you were enjoying it.”

Dwight planted his feet back on the floor and slowly nodded. “I was. Very much so actually. For someone who hasn’t sucked much dick you are pretty damn good at it.”

Levi shuffled forward and began rubbing Dwight’s strong thighs. “So why did you stop me?” He put on a flirty voice. “I was looking forward to you shooting in my mouth, Sir.”

Dwight sniggered, not looking convinced. “Is that right, slut?”

Levi nodded and kissed the tip of Dwight’s dick. “Yes, Sir. I love your huge dick.”

“Don’t take the piss. I know it’s a good size but it ain’t exactly ten inches, is it?”

“I think it is.” Levi gave the leaking tip of Dwight’s dick another lick. “It’s huge and beautiful, Sir.”

“Compared to yours maybe.”

“That’s true. Your dick makes mine look tiny.” Levi tugged on his soft cock, hoping his self-depravation would win Dwight over. “I wish my dick was as big as yours.”

“I don’t doubt that you do, Soggy, but we both know you just want me to cum so you can worm your way out of being fucked.”

Levi shook his head, maintaining a serious expression. “No, Sir. I just want to know what you taste like.”

Dwight leaned forward until his mouth was almost touching Levi’s. “Do you really think that I would give up the opportunity to be the first man who fucks you?” His voice turned husky. “Now go and bend over the couch. It’s time I fuck this arse of yours.”

Chapter Seventeen

A resentful ache fired in Levi’s chest. He masked it under a steady breath and let his eyelids half-droop in a display of manufactured ease. “Will I be the first guy you have ever fucked, Sir?”

“You’re a nosy little fucker, aren’t ya.”

“Considering what you plan to do, then yes, I think I am entitled to be a little bit nosy… Sir.”

“You can drop the Sir shit now,” Dwight grumbled. “You’re crap at it and forget to say it half the time.”

“You didn’t answer me. Will I be your first guy?

Dwight sighed like talking had become a chore. “I know you’re dying to hear all my secrets, Candy Boy, but unlike you I don’t like to share that sort of stuff with just anybody. But don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. You won’t be the first faggot I’ve fucked before.”

Despite the anger gagging to fly out of him, Levi was intrigued to finally hear confirmation that Josh’s father did indeed have a same-sex past. It was less of a surprise now considering what they’d just done, but it didn’t take away all of the shock at finding out his best mate’s father had dabbled with men. “So you are bi,” Levi blurted.

“You wanna know what I am, Soggy?” Dwight scratched the stubble lining his jaw, a contemplative glow lighting his face. “I am just a guy who enjoys sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes opportunities present themselves when you least expect them, and with people you least expect. And who am I to turn down an opportunity?” He leaned forward on his chair and stroked Levi’s face with eerie affection. “And that’s what you are, Soggy. An opportunity.”

Levi’s fear of the rough love awaiting his sphincter took a back seat to a sudden curiosity to know more about this man. “Have you ever thought of me sexually before tonight?”

Dwight’s face twitched. “Don’t be fucking stupid.”

“You’ve been following my blog for a while now by the sounds of it, and looking at my pictures… I just thought that maybe I was an opportunity you’ve been wanting to happen.”

“So you think that because someone reads your blog, and looks at your pictures, that instantly means they’re gay and want to fuck you?”

“I…uh…” Levi grabbed for his neck as if he were pulling on the collar of an invisible shirt.

“Get over yourself, Soggy. It just means they are horny buggers getting off on your exploits. Not every guy who reads your stories is into other blokes, they’re just into the twisted way you do things.”


“But nothing!” Dwight snapped. “You really wanna know what my thoughts have been about you? The very little time my brain has ever given you any fucking thought?”

Levi nodded, not looking forward to the answer.

“All I have ever wondered about you is just how fucking good it would feel to punch your sanctimonious face.” Dwight glowered at him. “You rub me the wrong way, Soggy. You always have. Now we’ve already had the conversation about why that is: that you’re weak, spoilt and untrustworthy, so let’s quit fucking around and stalling the inevitable.”

“So you don’t have one good thing to say about me?” Levi wasn’t sure why this mattered, but for some reason it did.

“The best thing about you, Levi Candy, is your mother.” Dwight licked his lips. “I have wanted to fuck Jenny for years. I honestly can’t believe she gave birth to such a little snot like you.”

“And I can’t believe that such a pathetic bastard like you could produce a nice guy like Josh.”

“You of all people should believe it, considering you just sucked the nut sac he came from.”

Levi cringed. “Charming.” He had become so consumed by their argument that he’d totally forgotten they were both naked until he saw Dwight’s hand drop down to scratch and tug at his balls.

Dwight caught him looking and shot him a callous wink. “Chop, chop. Go bend over the couch so I can fuck this arse of yours.”

The flippant remark left Levi feeling like a slab of meat. In Dwight’s eyes he was little more than a place to stick his cock, and Levi felt tremendous disappointment. Not just from what Dwight was about to do to him, but because if anyone was going to enter him it should be someone who wanted him, someone who had good intentions for him—not a man who loathed him and wanted to wreck him. The hypocrisy wasn’t lost on Levi, who knew he was guilty of treating his own sexual partners in a similar fashion. But this was different. This was him. This is happening to me!

Levi crawled on his hands and knees, weighed down with hateful resentment, and draped his body over the seat of the couch. He rest his head on his folded arms and waited for his fucking.

“I guess I better go grab the lube and a condom out of your bag.”

Levi’s head popped up in surprise. “Did you go through my bag?”

Dwight arched an eyebrow, grinning. “I may have had a wee poke around when you used the toilet earlier.”

“You really shouldn’t go through other people’s stuff without asking.”

“Relax, Soggy. I think you can make an allowance for someone who knows you so intimately.” Dwight left his chair and walked over to Levi’s bag, which was resting on the floor by the dining table, and began to ruffle through the contents noisily. He retrieved the bottle of lube and hurled it over to the couch where it rolled to a stop by Levi’s folded arms. He continued rummaging, retrieving the box of rubbers, and pulled out a foil-wrapped condom. “As rude of you as it was to think you could come stay at my house and try to fuck my son, I am glad that you at least had the courtesy of planning to play safe with him.” Dwight nodded. “Because of that I will afford you the same courtesy.”

A hard swallow caught in Levi’s throat and he put his head back down. With his nose burrowed into the seat of the couch, he could hear Dwight’s menacing footsteps cross the lounge, getting closer, until finally the older man dropped to his knees behind Levi’s upturned ass.

One of Dwight’s hands landed on Levi’s shoulders and he reached up, raking his fingers through Levi’ short brown hair. “I know I like to make fun of you, Soggy, and I make it sound like I think you’re ugly, but the truth is you’re actually quite a good-looking lad.”

“I know,” Levi said arrogantly.

“No one can accuse you of being short of confidence.” Dwight sniggered. “That is why this is going to be so much fun.” He let go of Levi’s hair and rubbed his bare cock over Levi’s arse, emphasising his internal intent.

Icy anxiety swept through Levi as he heard the condom packet rip open. He glanced behind him and saw Dwight sliding the yellowy rubber down over his thick member. It looked fucking scary the way it shielded his shaft like a weapon, a weapon that was ready to go to battle inside his arsehole.

“Eyes forward,” Dwight barked.

Levi returned his head to face the back of the couch. “Hurry up and get it over with,” he hissed. “Just put ya cock in and fuck my arse already.”

Dwight chuckled. “No surprise that a faggot like you is begging for it.”

“I’m not fucking begging, cunt.”


Sparks flew behind Levi’s eyes as Dwight’s hand whacked the skin of his rump with an almighty slap.

“You need to remember who it is you’re talking to, Soggy,” Dwight said, raising his hand to give another smack. “I thought I told you to start showing me some fucking respect, remember?”


Levi bit the tail end of a pained grunt, melting into the strike.

“And this is for being a naughty little boy and trying to fuck my son,” Dwight said with twisted glee.

Crack, crack, crack.

Levi tried wriggling away from the downpour of spanks, escaping the pain, but Dwight gripped his wounded buttocks and stabbed his blunt fingernails into the throbbing, sensitive skin. “Stop fucking squirming, ya little bitch. Take your punishment like a man.” His tone was as cold as the absence of his hands when he let go.

Crack, crack, crack.

Levi’s breaths became laboured but he refused to cry out. He wouldn’t give the bastard the satisfaction of knowing he was hurting him. If Levi’s own father had taught him anything, it was never to show weakness during a beating. He rammed his eyelids shut and suffered in silence.

When Dwight had finished with his sadistic spanks he chuckled loudly. “Got you tanned nice ‘n good, Soggy.” He placed his hands upon Levi’s shoulders, rubbing them soothingly. “I guess I should be nice to you for a bit, and make you feel good after that.”

Levi doubted that was possible. This man was only capable of misery as far as he was concerned. Before Levi could say anything, he felt Dwight’s warm breath waft over his neck, trickle down his spine, and settle over his burning arse cheeks. Though it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, it felt like an eternity before Levi felt Dwight spread his cheeks obscenely wide and drag a finger down the trench of his crack.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Levi asked nervously.

“Inspecting your arse.”


“I like to check out any place I intend to put my cock.” Dwight let out a thoughtful sigh and added, “You’re hairier than I expected.”

“Am I?” Levi blushed, embarrassed by the observation as Dwight continued to scrape the hairs around his anus. He felt intensely vulnerable with his arsehole so blatantly on display. A place no man or woman had ever inspected so up close and personal.

“Yep. But that’s okay. I’m not scared by a bit of hair.”

Levi grunted as Dwight’s thick finger sliced into the warmth of his chute. The dry invasion hurt like hell, but Levi knew that he had to ride it out. After all, he was offering up his body in the most intimate way to buy Dwight’s silence.

“Mmm, I can tell you got a virgin hole. So fucking tight.” Dwight removed his finger and laughed. “Not for long though. I’ll be fucking the virgin right out of ya very shortly.”

Levi shuddered, waiting for a painful impact from something much bigger than a finger. But it wasn’t pain that visited his upturned arse. Instead, it was the weirdest pleasure he had ever felt, the warm, wet groove of Dwight’s tongue licking the indent between his cheeks, tracing the inside of his crack and slobbering over his virgin hole.

Levi gasped, his eyes widening. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I told you… being nice.” Dwight’s wet, rough tongue gave another sweep of his crevice before stopping to attack the closed rim of his hole.

Levi writhed in pleasure at the feel of Dwight’s tongue gliding so effortlessly, wetting the wispy hairs in his crack. This was not something he’d ever imagined being done to him. Yet, here he was, hunched over a scabby couch, feet thrashing about as his best mate’s father rammed his tongue inside his hole.

“You like this, don’t you?” Dwight commented with his face full of Levi’s arse. Without waiting for a response, he swept his tongue up the full-length of Levi’s crack and Levi let out another loud moan. Dwight began alternating between sandpapering Levi’s butt-hole with his bristly chin stubble and drilling his tongue into his quivering ring. For the next two minutes Levi was lost in utter bliss as Mr Stephenson thoroughly licked his arse out. When the rimming came to an end, it was all too soon for Levi’s liking.

Dwight wiped his mouth dry from his anal feast and reached for the bottle of lube resting on the couch. He tipped it upside down and squirted a healthy-sized dollop into his palm before using it to slather the length of his latex-shielded cock. He wiped the sticky residue over Levi’s quivering muscles. He tapped Levi’s heels. “Spread your legs wider, and lower your arse.”

Levi shuffled his feet outwards, and waited nervously for what was about to happen—the claiming of his hole.

Dwight placed a hand on Levi’s hip and used the other to guide his cock to Levi’s point of entry. “Ready?”

Levi nodded and gasped loudly as Dwight pushed forward, breaching the seal of his hole. The slight nudge proved to be efficient, merciful, and far gentler than Levi had expected. But it still hurt. A shameful, lasting hurt that annihilated his dignity.

Dwight grunted and thrust again, this time with less kindness, wrenching Levi’s arsehole open even more.

“Ohh fuuuck,” Levi cried out. He began to breath in and out at a frantic pace, his body desperately trying to push against the burning fullness invading his sphincter.

“Shut up,” Dwight said mildly, and pushed firmly into him, stretching and violating Levi’s dark opening.

“Hsst. Hsst.” Levi punched the seat of the couch. His hole was stretched so wide he was sure he was being ripped apart, and he wriggled frantically, trying to escape the monster that was tearing into him.

“Christ, Soggy. Settle down. I'm not even halfway in yet.” Dwight fell forward and wrapped an arm under Levi’s chest, locking him in place. He scrubbed his hairy chest over Levi’s smooth back as he began to slowly drill into him with ruthless precision, feeding Levi inch after inch of hard dick, destroying twenty years of friction in a matter of seconds.

It wasn’t just cock Dwight was forcing inside of Levi, it was shame. A lifetime of maddening shame. Never again could he claim to be untouched in this sacred place.

“Open up, let me in,” Dwight’s voice oozed into his eardrum. “You want this big dick, slut.”

Levi curled his fists and clenched his toes as Dwight continued to apply pressure, ramming his manhood deeper and deeper inside his reluctant, tiny hole. His jaw dropped when he felt Dwight’s hefty balls pressed against his butt.

He’s done it. He’s actually fucked me!The chilling realisation left him dizzy.

“You feel that, Soggy? You took it all.” Dwight chuckled. “You greedy fucking slut.”

Absolute emasculation throbbed in Levi’s heart. Its trembling grew violent, stabbing deep into his bones. He was beyond humiliated. Levi breathed erratically through his nose, his eyes stinging as his arse began to tickle from the feel of Dwight’s scraggly pubes scraping the skin of his butt. He tried to adjust to the fullness invading him, accepting that he was fully taken and at the mercy of Dwight’s hip movements.

“You know what this means, don’t you?”

“What’s that?” Levi asked in a worried voice.

“It means that from now until the day you die, I own this arse. Whenever you see me you will know that I am the man who claimed you. The man who made you a bitch… my bitch.” Dwight ground his hips against Levi’s arse. “What are you?”

“Your bitch, Dwight. I’m your bitch.” It seemed pointless to deny it. He had every inch of the older man inside him.

“That’s right, Soggy. You chose to give your arse up to me which means you can no longer deny me the respect I deserve.”

Levi questioned how much of a choice he had in the matter, but that didn’t change how he felt. He was forever indebted to this man. The moment his hole was breached Dwight had become his superior. It didn’t matter how much of a loser at life Dwight Stephenson was, Levi would be obliged from now on to give the man the respect he deserved.

“Are you going to start showing me some respect, bitch?”

“Yes, Sir.” Levi wasn’t sure where the fuck the Sirpart came from, but it felt right. It must have felt right for Dwight too because his cock throbbed and twitched violently inside Levi’s arsehole.

“Good boy.” Dwight stroked his head as if Levi were some mongrel dog. “Now if I ask you to suck me off the next time you boys visit; will you do it?”

“But you said this was a one-off.”

Dwight pulled his cock halfway out and pumped Levi’s arse with a savage thrust.

“Hsst.” Levi winced from the immense pain of being rammed so brutally with fuck-meat.

“Answer the fucking question, slut. Would you suck my cock again if I asked?”

“If I had to,” Levi said, choosing his words carefully. He didn’t want Dwight to know that beneath his cocky bravado was a fragile masculinity that had been turned on its head, and now felt compelled to give the man whatever he wanted.

“That’s good to know. I ain’t saying that I’ll ever want to do this again, but I like to know that my fuck-holes are available if I need them.” Drawing his cock back with a guttural moan, Dwight buried his cock up to the hilt.

Levi slammed his teeth together, his breath hissing, loud and fast. He bucked and moaned and tried to pull away. But he was no match for Dwight’s strength, who held him tight and continued to thrust, expanding the limits of Levi’s hole and reshaping it to fit his thick manhood.

Levi dug his nails into the seat of the couch, trying to find an outlet from the pain of the vicious gouging going on inside his arsehole. Dwight had promised to fuck him hard, and fuck him hard he did.

Dwight’s grunts punctuated each forceful jab, his hairy, cum-filled balls slapping against Levi’s cheeks, branding his arse like a cattle stamp. “You really do have such a hot, tight hole, Soggy.” Dwight panted and plunged. “Really.” Thrust. “Fucking.” Thrust. “Hot.” He drove into Levi and held fast.

Levi’s eyes bugged as Dwight’s cock went in the deepest it had yet. He swore the man was going inside so far that his cock was playing with his heart.

Dwight unwrapped his arm from around Levi’s chest and he began stroking his fingers up and down Levi’s thighs. Slowly, Dwight removed his cock and moved away.

The retreat left Levi feeling strangely empty. Cool air assailed his back door as his hole tried squeezing shut again. “Have you cum already?” Levi asked, a premature hope surging in his chest.

“Don’t be stupid. I don’t cum that quickly.” Dwight slapped his arse. “I just wanna fuck you in a different position.”

Levi’s heart sank. He craned his neck and drank in the teasing view of Dwight stroking his cock, waiting for Levi to turn around. “What position?”

“I want you on your back so I can look you in the eyes while I fuck you.” Dwight Stephenson wasn’t content to just rob Levi of his dignity, he wanted to look him in the eyes while he drained every last drop from him.

Chapter Eighteen

Levi swallowed a lump of nerves, battling to stay on top of his emotions. They were the one thing he did have control over. He shifted back and lay down on the floor, the worn fibres of the carpet scratching his back, buttocks and thighs. He stared up at the ceiling, unsure what to do. He needn’t have worried, his older lover had it covered.

Dwight lifted Levi’s legs and rolled him upwards, pointing Levi’s feet towards the ceiling. He shuffled forward and wasted no time in skewering Levi’s arsehole back onto his cock.

Levi took it deep and sweet, the hot length of his best mate’s father burning him from the inside out. “Holy shit,” he muttered as his hole slowly reaccepted every single one of Dwight’s unforgiving inches. He was practically impaled on Dwight’s cock, stretched to his limit.

Dwight’s thumbs stroked mindlessly at the soles of Levi’s feet, his tongue tracing a wet stripe down one of Levi’s hairy calf muscles. He stared down at him, smiling, and suddenly swung Levi’s feet onto his shoulders and leaned forward, rubbing Levi’s chest with sensual strokes and tweaking his nipples.

Levi closed his eyes, feeling weird about the affection he was being given, but grateful not to be fucked so callously any more. The sensation of fullness slowly became satisfying in a way he could not explain. The intensity, the feeling of vulnerability was doing strange things to him, and he found that Dwight’s sensual hands were bringing about an intimacy that chased away the pain.

Dwight lowered his body, pressing their chests together. He raised one of Levi’s arms up and began licking his pit, soaking his underarm hair with his heavy tongue.

Levi began to squirm, and giggle. “Stop. Stop. That tickles.”

Dwight pulled his mouth away and began to lick Levi’s cheek, his tongue flirting around the edges of Levi’s mouth.

Levi surprised himself when he tilted his head to line their mouths up for a kiss. He craved Dwight’s lips so badly, wanting them as a reward for the raw passion being unleashed on his fast-loosening hole. He pushed his tongue out, desperate to get inside Dwight’s hot mouth, but Dwight turned away.

“Kiss me,” Levi whispered, his butt flexing around the mature meat rammed deep inside his arse. “Kiss me,” he pleaded again.

Dwight’s stubbled lips captured his lips, and their tongues whipped together. Dwight kissed the same way he fucked: bossy, unforgiving and hard. In other words, he was a fucking brilliant kisser. As they fed groans into one another’ mouths, their flesh meshed together from the deep, intrusive fuck.

When Dwight finally broke free from the passionate kiss he looked down at Levi with a playful smirk on his face. The desire in Dwight’s golden eyes was shameless, arousal dilating the pupils and weighing down his lids. But there was something else rotating there, a turbulent emotion sharpening the corners of his eyes.

Was it affection?

“I think it’s time we stop this kissing bullshit and I start fucking you like the greedy slut you are,” Dwight said coldly. It wasn’t affection in those beautiful eyes, it was sadism.

“Well, fuck you too,” Levi hissed.

Dwight straightened his body so he was back to standing on his knees. “In your dreams, Soggy. Right now—in case you hadn’t noticed—it is all about me fucking you.” He pulled his hips back and fired a savage thrust into Levi’s arsehole.

Levi grimaced, his sphincter absorbing the painful thrust.

“You ready, slut?” Dwight grinned.

Levi glowered back at the heartless monster who was fully embedded in his hole. He knew that his arsehole was about to be taken on a wild ride to oblivion, and all he could do was try his best to ride out the storm.

Levi bit his lip as Dwight practically bent him in half, directing his cock at an angle that made Levi whimper.

Dwight slowly pulled his cock back and tipped his hips forward against the friction of Levi’s hole. He pulled back again, bucking forward again, and again, and again until he was pounding Levi’s shitter with a steady rhythm of fuck-punches. A garbled grunt followed every thrust, each one corkscrewing through Levi’s heart, stripping away pieces that would never be recovered. Dwight kept a casual control of his fucking, pumping deeply in a rhythmic tempo as if moving to the beat of a drum only he could hear.

Levi’s panting and agitated breathing danced around the room as Dwight’s cock began to hit unreachable places. The burning of his anus was intense, and he could feel the tiny muscle becoming slack, but Levi gritted his teeth and did his best to accommodate the masculine girth spearing his sphincter.

“Oh yeah!” Dwight moaned. “You’re such a good boy...unggghh...such a good little slut.”

Dwight’s cock nudged against his prostate, hard, and Levi cried out, fingers digging into the carpet. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” he muttered between unintelligible words and gutteral noises as Dwight thrust in and out, continually nudging his prostate in just the right spot. It still hurt, but Levi could only concentrate on the intense, maddening pleasure building up inside him as his cock began to stiffen.

Dwight slowed his fucking down to a dull, constant grind. “Fuck me. It looks like someone really does enjoy being my bitch.” He tapped Levi’s growing erection. “Stiffys don’t lie.”

Levi blushed, ashamed to be turned on by the most humiliating night of his life.

“Admit it, Soggy. You love me fucking you.”

“Maybe.” That was as much of a confession as Dwight was going to get.

“Fucking oath you do.” Dwight gave Levi’s left foot a wee nip, then leaned down and licked Levi’s neck, roaming his hands all over his body. He slowly ignited his rhythm again, and started kissing and biting Levi’s neck in time with his thrusts.

Levi completely lost track of time, his whole world narrowing to Dwight—Josh’s father—his hot mouth, his hard cock, his rough hands roaming all over his body. His hole began twitching around Dwight’s cock as Dwight pounded into him without restraint, continuing to kiss and bite Levi’s neck and shoulders.

He began to chant Dwight’s name, over and over, paying homage to the man wrecking his arsehole. He felt like his only purpose was to please and impress, ride the girth of Dwight’s cock and take every single fucking inch.

Dwight’s dick suddenly hit a spot Levi didn’t even know existed, nudging him towards climax. “Oh… fuuuuck,” he groaned loudly, nearly shouting out. His body shivered and a warm tingling sensation swelled in his nuts, buzzing his cock. With a quivering lip he muttered, “I’m close. I’m really fucking close.”

“Me too, slut.” Thrust.“Me.” Thrust. “Fucking.” Thrust. “Too.”

Levi groaned, completely lost in his own orgasm—his cock fired like a cannon, shooting wet dollops that splattered between the warmth of his and Dwight’s pressed, sopping chests.

Dwight gave him another two shoves before he erupted with a brutal grunt, collapsing atop of him after his own intense release.

They lay still, riding each other’s breaths, bodies glued together from the sticky mess of sex-sweat and semen. Levi was completely overcome with the shock of having another man’s hot sticky fluid emptying into a rubber buried deep within his freshly-fucked channel. He could feel every pulse of Dwight’s cock as it twitched and shook inside of him.

Dwight remained wedged inside, not wanting to withdraw until his dick had fully finished draining. Once his cock had finished emptying, he slowly peeled his body away from Levi’s and sat up, but remained inside him.

Levi lay frozen, eyes aimed up at the ceiling, unable to break out of the hypnotic trance of having just been fucked by his best mate’s father. He was having trouble trying to fathom the enormity of what he’d just let Dwight do to him. Of what he had just become. Dwight’s bitch. After suffering such a brutal fucking, Levi had the sudden and intense longing to be cared for by him. But that was foolish hope.

Levi groaned when he felt Dwight’s softening meat slosh out of his ravaged arsehole. His sphincter felt raw and broken, struggling to close.

“Fuck, that was good,” Dwight said, stroking the inside of Levi’s thigh. “You take dick up the arse like a pro.”

Levi cringed at hearing the sordid compliment as an ache pulsed inside his anus, perpetuating the burn Dwight had left with his thrusts. Now that he’d lost his load for a second time that evening Levi was left with nothing but the crisp reality of regret.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Levi knew he’d done what he had to do to avoid Dwight outing him, but he hated himself for enjoying it. For being stupid enough to let Dwight know he enjoyed it.

Thanks to the sexual shenanigans Dwight’s hair was all over the place. A little curl stuck up on either side of the front of his head, and in Levi’s humiliated, stunned state, they seemed like devil horns.

Dwight began tickling Levi’s taint before dipping his finger lower and gently poking a finger inside his still-gaping hole. “I certainly fucked the virgin out of you, that’s for sure.” He prodded again, his finger slipping in knuckle-deep with ease. “Yep. Definitely loosened you up.”

“I guess you did,” Levi mumbled, feeling like Dwight was stabbing the grave of his slaughtered ego.

“I knew you’d enjoy it. Faggots love my cock.”

“I’m not a faggot.”

Dwight’s lips curled into a sneer, as if Levi had just said the stupidest thing in the world. “This condom with your shit on it says otherwise, Soggy.” He peeled the rubber off his cock and carelessly dropped it on Levi’s tummy. “Be a good lad and go put that in the bin for me.”

Levi looked down in horror at the white-filled rubber resting on his stomach. It was so full of cum. So much fucking cum. Cum his once virginal arsehole had milked from Dwight’s cock.

“You’re a messy little fucker, aren’t ya.” Dwight pointed to the rivulets of spunk dripping down his chest and stomach. Without asking, he reached over and picked up Levi’s grey briefs, using them to wipe himself clean before wiping Levi clean as well.

Levi wanted to growl at him for soiling his briefs, but the words dried up on his tongue. He glanced down at Dwight’s softening cock which had just claimed his arsehole, a blatant reminder of his place on the sexual ladder. Dwight was now his king. A king who had just fucked Levi to delirium and back, cementing his position as the reigning alpha male between them. If the guy wanted to use his underwear as a cum rag then he could. Levi dutifully sat up and collected the rubber from his stomach, and made his way to the kitchen to dispose of the shameful evidence. When he got back to the lounge he snapped Dwight rummaging through his jeans, pulling his phone out of the pocket.

“Why have you got my cell phone?”

“For the pictures,” Dwight said. “You gotta have pictures to go with the story.”

“You want me to write about this?” Levi gasped.

“Yep. That was the deal. I was giving you a hot story to replace the one you were going to write about Josh.”

“But I don’t think—”

“No talking, Soggy. Just do what you’re bloody told.”

Levi took a calming breath. “What sort of pictures did you want to take?”

“I thought we could start with some pictures of you licking your spunk up out of your undies.”

“You’re joking right?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Dwight’s midnight eyes roared with disgust, a glint of conceit dancing in his dark pupils. He may have just ejaculated what felt like a gallon of cum but none of it had removed his sadistic streak. “You’re my bitch, remember? And bitches do what they’re told.”

Levi had a small pocket of hope that Dwight might have been joking, but as the virginity robber aimed the phone directly at him, taking pictures with head-spinning alacrity, Levi realised that Dwight was deadly serious. He’d been had in more ways than one. He dawdled over to where his stained briefs lay on the floor and picked them up, burying his face in the grey material and licking the wet smears of cum from them.

Dwight kept clicking away as he took photo after photo of Levi licking his briefs clean of his own semen. Once that degrading chore was done, he instructed Levi to bend over the couch so he could get some shots of his freshly-fucked arse.

Boneless and light-headed, Levi hunched over the couch with his face planted flat down. Frenzied nerves buzzed beneath his skin from the close proximity of Dwight behind him, taking an endless series of grossly intimate photographs of his gaping, lube-slick hole.

“Spread ya cheeks wider. I want everyone to see just how loose you are.”

Levi clutched his pale mounds and pulled them apart, exposing his corrupted anus which still burned like a motherfucker.

“Now stick a finger in.” Click. Click.“Stick it in deeper, Soggy.” Click. “That’s it. Wriggle it right on in there.” Click. Click.“Now put another finger in.”

Levi groaned internally, his face burning bright red from the shame being thrust upon him as he wriggled a second digit into his slippery hole.

Dwight chuckled. “Mmm. These are some hot pics, Soggy. Very hot indeed.”

Levi glanced over his shoulder and saw Dwight scrolling through the pictures he’d taken. He gradually retrieved his fingers, unfolded his cheapened body, and sat down on the couch. “So are we good now, Dwight? Have I learnt my lesson?”

Dwight raised an impish eyebrow. “I don’t know, Soggy? Have you?”

Levi nodded. “I have. I really have.”

“I’m glad. It was for your own good.”

Levi rubbed his knees, nervous about the answer to his next question. “So, um, do you promise me that I’ve earned your silence? That you won’t ever breathe a word about Candy Boy to anyone?”

“That depends. Will you be posting a story about tonight?”

“Yes, Dwight. I will write about it as soon as I get home tomorrow.”

“And will it be honest, and detail everything you did without giving away my identity?”

“Of course. I will include every single detail and keep our identities anonymous. I always keep my partners anonymous.”

“Then yes. You have my word, Soggy. I won’t tell a soul.” Dwight’s eyes flickered with sincerity. “When I come to mow your folks place next week I will delete the files from my laptop right in front of you.”

“Thank you.”

“What you do next is up to you, but I think it would be a shame if you shut down the blog. I imagine Candy Boy will be even more popular after you post the story about tonight.”

“We’ll see,” Levi mumbled.

Dwight walked over and handed Levi back his phone. “Make sure you include these with the story. I don’t expect you to include your face, but I want the world to see how loose I made that sexy little hole of yours.” He smoothed a hand through his messy hair, smiling. “What do you think you’ll name the entry?”

Levi bit his lip, mulling over the question. “How about submissive candy?”

Dwight nodded, grinning. “I like it. I think it captures the essence of tonight perfectly.”

Levi stared at his clothes, which were still littered on the floor. “Is it okay if I get dressed now?”

“If you want. I’m off to bed anyway. I’m fucking buggered.” Dwight winked. “Not in the way you are though.”

Levi humoured him with a fake laugh.

“Oh, and one more thing.” Dwight kneeled down so they were face to face.

“What’s that?”

“I want you to remember tonight, Soggy. Never forget what I did to you. How I made you mine. I can’t tell you how fucking good it feels knowing there’s a used condom in the rubbish bin that’s been up your snobby arse.” Dwight narrowed his eyes to vicious slits. “It doesn’t matter how much better than me you think you are, or how much money your family has, or how many other people you treat like dirt to try and fuck the shame away. Because it will never go away. You can never get back what you gave up tonight. What you gave to me.”

Levi glowered back at him, using every ounce of strength he had not to crumble. He wasn’t sure if Dwight actually believed the words coming out of his own mouth, but that wasn’t the problem. Levi believed them.

“Do you understand me.” Dwight’s domineering glare demanded Levi state his place.

“Yes… Sir.”

“Good boy.” He patted Levi’s bare shoulder. “Normally I’d invite someone who took it as sweet as you did to come to bed and sleep beside me, but you know what they say, if you lay with dogs you get fleas. And you, Levi Candy, have more fleas than anyone I have ever met.” He stood up and walked away, stopping to turn around as he got to the doorway. “However, if you’re still horny for my cock in the morning, then you can sneak into my bedroom just after nine. I’m quite fond of waking up to a nice blow job and a hot cup of coffee.”

“No, thank you,” Levi said through gritted teeth.

“Well, just in case you change your mind, I like my coffees white with one sugar.” Dwight laughed arrogantly and disappeared into the darkness of the hallway.

The bastard could laugh all he liked, because Levi knew another old saying.

Every dog has its day.

And it would be coming sooner than Dwight Stephenson realised. Levi shook with pure rage, his heart bubbling with venom like a witch’s cauldron that was brewing a dark, hateful curse. He closed his eyes and tried to compose himself as he let his mind wander to his biggest secret. The one thing in the world that proved just how strong he could be, and what he was truly capable of.

The white t-shirt hidden in the back of his closet.

by Menzy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024