Contest Pussy

by Hugh Elliott

24 Apr 2022 11394 readers Score 9.3 (172 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My dad’s a good sport. I say that for two reasons. First, he was a star football player in high school and college – full scholarship, pictures in the papers, the whole bit. Growing up with him was one long story about all the games he won for the team. Second, even though he was pretty insistent, I decided not to pursue football and he finally gave in. My little brother followed his lead instead, taking the pressure off me.

I took up body building and my dad was cool and supportive as possible. He even began to work out with me and when I began to enter competitions, he would come help me register and oil me up before a contest. From the stage I could always see him in the front row cheering me on. I think it’s one reason I was so successful and began to win title after title at only 22.

 I wasn’t the only guy who had a Dad behind the scenes. These contests were overrun with fathers rooting for their sons and the trophies they could win. We'd see some guys and their dads over and over and even became friends with a few of them. I'd talk with the other competitors about training techniques and diet while the Backstage Dads would compare their own sport histories and boast how well their sons do.

Some of the dads had even been title holders themselves. Like Tony Manacuso’s dad. Tony was a little brick wall at 5’8” and 196, usually taking the prize for the heavy middleweight division. Now I’m 6’3” and 245, so being in the super heavyweight class meant we weren’t in direct competition and so became close.

Tony's dad, Mr. Manacuso, was a huge hulk of a guy who'd won quite a few bodybuilding awards in his past. Even now in his mid- forties, at 6’2” and 235 he was still in incredible shape and it was easy to imagine him backstage oiling up for his routine in front of the audience. He had typical Italian dark hair cut in a high and tight from his army days. He and my Dad sat together during the judging and we all usually went out to eat afterwards. He was always interested in my training, giving me tips about my legs. 

Another proud parent was Mr. Alvarez whose son Carlos regularly competed with us too. Carlos was almost unnaturally big and I think it was one of the reasons he didn’t win more often, his proportions seemed a bit  off. This was probably due to his dad, who must've just thought bigger was better. Carlos came in at an intimidating 6'3", 260 of tanned beef. He didn't talk a lot but I really liked him. You want a big bruiser on your team. 

Mr. Alvarez played football with my dad in college and being with them was always like old home week. Built like a linebacker, at 5’7” , 200lbs  Mr. Alvarez resembled a tank. His neck alone seemed as big as one of my thighs and his biceps always seemed about to rip his sleeves. He had a shaved head and a goatee sprinkled with salt and pepper. Carlos and his dad quickly became part of our group and seemed happy to be hanging out with the big boys. You could say Tony and Carlos were my best friends. We'd shared a lot of fun, I'd tell them anything and knew they'd never lie to me.

Last summer I finally made it to a national contest held in Chicago that required my dad and I to go for about three days. Carlos and Tony were also competing and we all stayed in the same hotel. I was glad Dad had buddies to run around with during the day while we weighed in and had pictures taken for various magazines.

Things went really well for me at this contest and in the end I won the overall title! It was worth all the hard work, and my  Dad was close to bursting from pride. Tony won in his division and Carlos placed a respectable second.

Backstage was a circus, cameras flashing and I even gave a few short interviews for ESPN. Afterwards we all went to a fancy restaurant and had the biggest steaks we could order. Now that it was over we even downed a few beers to make up for all the months we’d been watching every ounce of weight.

On the way back to the hotel Dad picked up more beer and invited everyone to our room to continue celebrating. He and I stripped down to t-shirts and shorts before they arrived and we all began to work on a real buzz. I was a bit of a lightweight alcohol wise and felt it pretty fast but hey, that’s what celebrating’s all about.

Our room was full of our dads getting louder and louder from the beer while us sons sat around joking and bullshitting for a few hours. Tony was a real pussy hound and Carlos and I would hang  on all his advice on how to get laid. None of it had worked for me yet but I'd also been so distracted with training. Finally Carlos and Tony decided to hit the sack and headed out to bed. I didn’t exactly have that option as Mr. Manacuso and Mr. Alvarez set up camp in our room and didn’t sound like they were planning on leaving soon.

Dad was really outdoing himself with the football stories before  they finally moved on to talk about the titles us guys had won over the years. Dad brought the conversation back to tonight's  competition knowing this was one area he had the advantage. The three of them were hyped and practically sitting on the edge of their seats while I lay sprawled on my bed across the room, tired and sore.

Finally Dad tried to get me involved as well. “Come on Rick, show us some more winning poses.” I knew this was coming and it wasn’t something I was too keen on. I was a little drunk and had been posing all day and night as it was.

“Dad, I’m tired. Give me a break. I’m sore.”

“Come on. If you do, I promise I’ll give you that rubdown you wanted.”

I have to admit that sounded appealing. He usually did that anyway and it was just the thing to relax my tense muscles. Still, I wasn’t crazy about being a conversation piece for three chatty drunks even if they were huge muscle dads. 

“Aw, I don’t even have my posing strap on.”

“Strip down. It’s just us guys and it’s not like your strap hides anything.”

He had a point and I figured if I didn’t give in they’d never leave. So I got off my bed and slid out of my t-shirt and shorts. I was now standing nude in front of them and began to strike various poses I’d used in the show earlier.

You’d think I’d feel funny doing this in front of three muscled older dads but I was so used to being practically naked in front of an audience that it really wasn't a big deal. Plus they were talking about my body like I wasn’t even there, like an expensive car or something. Dad kept pointing out how big my arms were then made me turn and he talked about how beefy and round my muscle ass had gotten. It seemed sort of ironic considering the dads were nearly as big in some areas.

Mr. Manacuso eventually stood up next to me. "Ok Rick has a great smooth ass I'll give him that much but check this out." He stripped off his shirt and began striking poses as well. After a few minutes he started showing off his thighs and legs and dropped his shorts too.

I guess Mr Alvarez  wanted to prove he was also a stud by stripping down with us. It was me and these two older muscle dads naked and striking pose after pose. Although Dad was beefy thick muscle, he hadn't competed so he just watched. The main advantage I had was youth, and though those guys may have had some leads in sheer mass, I was still firmer. My ass alone was the highest and I made sure to turn and show it to my best advantage, a smooth round bubble butt that could beat them any day.

I was still pretty impressed. Mr. Manacuso had an incredible build, thick pecs crowned by huge nipples, his abs tight and ripped. He carried an impressive piece between his legs too, one muscle I was glad wasn't a competition. Mr. Alvarez had us both beat in that department though. I was dumb founded, his cock was at least eight inches soft and I tried not to stare when that thing swung back and forth each time he struck another pose.

Finally I was exhausted and laid on my bed while they continued for a few more minutes. They eventually sat back in their chairs although no one seemed interested in getting dressed.

“OK,” I said to Dad, “Where’s that rubdown you promised?”

Dad agreed and I rolled over on my stomach while he got the baby oil. Finally he straddled my back and I felt the first squirt of liquid as his hands began to knead my shoulders.

I closed my eyes to drift while Mr. Manacuso and Mr. Alvarez continued talking to my dad from behind us. I couldn’t see them since the chairs were at the foot of the bed and Dad was in the way.

“Want some help?” It was Mr. Manacuso standing by us. “I used to be a professional masseur to pay for my training in the day.”

“Sure,” Dad said. “Be my guest.” That sounded great to me. I mean Dad got the job done and all but a real massage sounded like just what I needed. Dad climbed off me and a moment later Mr. Manacuso straddled my legs. It didn’t occur to me until I felt his butt resting on my thighs that he was still naked, his fat dick lying on my ass cheeks like a heavy snake.

Dad went back to sit in one of the chairs behind us. Mr. Manacuso’s hands started to work on my back muscles and it was an incredible sensation. He had Dad's massages beat by a mile. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan from the workover he was giving me. "Oh great," Dad joked when he heard me. “Now you’ve spoiled Rick for me." And he had. I bet Tony got  these rubdowns after every competition.

Mr. Alvarez and my dad went back to talking about the old days when they were football teammates while Mr. Manacuso silently kept kneading my muscles. I felt another squirt of oil on my back, this time in the dip right above my ass. His hands worked down my spine and all the tension melted away. I was pretty much putty in his hands and closed my eyes.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear "How's that feel son?" We all hung out together so much he called me that sometimes. I looked back over my shoulder at him and smiled to let him know I felt great. I also got a quick look at his broad shoulders and boulder arms rubbing me down. 

After a minute, his hands moved lower onto the cheeks of my ass. I'd never had a massage like his before but he was a professional so I guess it's routine. I should tell Dad what the experts do next time he gives me a rubdown. It was an incredible feeling and when his hands pulled my asscheeks apart and his fingers began working down my crack I just gave in. There were too many buzzy sensations washing over my body for me to make him stop now. 

“Then I got my scholarship ....” Dad continued. I smiled, knowing he was on a roll.

Suddenly Mr. Manacuso's finger slid across my butt hole. I don’t know if real masseurs include that in their work but I wasn’t in a position to argue. He began gently spreadin my ass lips, rolling his fingertip around and prodding my smooth pink hole. This must be some pro massage thing. It was wild, Dad reliving his college career while ten feet away I was nude on my stomach getting an awesome massage from another nude bodybuilder. A massage that was getting more and more interesting.

Dad was talking about how he met Mom in school and the two of them started dating. He lowered his voice but I knew he was recalling how great the sex was when they met. Mr. Alvarez was divorced but from his laughter I could tell he enjoyed the sex talk.

“Must be hard for you, Alvarez,” I heard Dad say to his bud next to him. "Getting some on the road while traveling with your son all the time.”

“Tell me about it. I haven’t had any pussy in two months,” Alvarez grumbled in reply.

Mr. Manacuso was really getting into working my muscles over now, including his massage of my asshole. I was surprised at how good it felt. I had no idea your butt could feel so sexy. He must have been spurred on by the turn the conversation took with the sex stuff cause I looked back and he was staring at my bubble butt. Which made some sense I guess. My ass was white and really smooth like a girl if you didn't think too much about it. Let him have a day dream, right? 

I’d had my butt hole touched before when Dad shaved me for contests but not like this.  I have to admit it was incredible. Mr. Manacuso squirted more oil on my hole, and the cool liquid ran down my crack to my balls. After he spread it all over, his thumb pushed against my butt hole again before  it popped past the lips and slid in. I gasped in surprise and Dad spoke up. 

"Nothing like the real thing, huh, son?”

That was an understatement. Mr. Manacuso’s thumb began to slide in and out and I couldn't believe how it rocked my world. After a few times, I actually started pushing back and slightly raising my round ass in the air to keep those great feelings coming.

“Yeah” Mr. Alvarez said from his chair, "I could use a tight cunt wrapped around Junior here.”

I was a little surprised by how they were talking. I could tell they were all pretty drunk but it was still my Dad and his friends. On the other hand, talking about pussy was the kind of thing my friends and I did all the time. Plus Mr. Manacuso’s fingers sliding in and out of my hole were getting me worked up. He was fingering slow and deep now and it was all I could do to keep from loudly moaning.

“What about you, Manacuso? Getting any?” Dad asked from behind him. 

“Pussy? Yeah, I do pretty good for myself,” he answered. I turned to look at him again and we locked eyes before a long stream of spit fall from his mouth right on my shaved hole where he pushed it inside. It was almost like he meant he was getting some pussy now since he'd been massaging my butt hole. I looked down to his lap and got a real shocker. Rising from his crotch was one of the biggest hardons I’d ever seen, ten inches of veiny dick, the base of it starting at my thighs while the fat head hovered above his fingers inside me. I almost felt sorry for the guy, being so hard up that just talking about getting laid made him horny. Now here he was, staring at my tight smooth hole and thinking about some girl under him.

“Yeah,” Mr. Alvarez said, “It’s been awhile since I felt someone sucking my dick.” Dad let out a low chuckle. 

I felt Mr. Manacuso’s hands moving around. He  pulled my cheeks apart and laid his thick dick between my round  buns. My ass was now like a hand around his monster and I started feeling this  weird itch in my butt. He went back to massaging my spine and  leaned over. "Fuck son" he growled in a low voice, "you have one beautiful muscle pussy. Smooth pink cunt on a big stud like you? Damn." 

I wasn't sure what to say. I mean he was complimenting me I guess. My hole is pretty enough that he thinks about pussy when he looks at it, so there's that. That talk also made me feel antsy inside, like I was hearing a big secret. I decided to just listen and take notes about how to be with a girl. I can find out what a stud like Mr Manacuso says when he's hot for pussy. There wasn’t any harm being done and after all I was getting a killer massage. If I could give him a thrill by letting him imagine my tight hole was a pussy, why not? I was still a little nervous about my dad being only ten feet behind us even though he couldn’t see a thing. Dad was always pretty touchy with me during training , feeling my arm or cupping one of my ass cheeks to test the muscle, so maybe he won't think this is weird. Mr. Manacuso sat back until his cock was dripping precum right onto my hole.

I heard Dad stand up. “I should get us more beer!” he announced. I panicked thinking he was about to see what was happening. But Mr. Manacuso put a huge hand right in the small of my back, holding me still with his 235 pounds.  Before I could move, he slowly slid all of his fat ten inches right up my hole. I thought I was going to pass out. I wanted to groan but next thing I know Dad was right beside us. Mr. Manacuso leaned forward so if Dad looked down he would just see 6-pack abs pressed against my bubble butt. As far as he could tell, I was still getting a professional rubdown.

“Feel good son?” Dad asked while I was still adjusting to my hole being stuffed. I tried to be cool and gasped out, “Incredible, Dad.”

“You’ll have to do this all the time, Manacuso.”

“I’d love to,” Mr. Manacuso answered in a low voice.

“Be right back,” Dad said before leaving the hotel room, closing the door behind him. Mr. Manacuso held still the whole time Dad was near us but as soon as he heard the door close he slowly slid back till the head of his cock was pulling at my ass lips. He then reversed and pushed the whole thing deep again. 

Now something odd began to happen. His dick hit a place in me I’d never felt before and it was like the massage a thousand times over. When he posted in and out again, I moaned from the rush and arched my back so my ass could swallow as much of his dick as possible. His hands were gripping the two halves of my butt and pulling them apart.  When he looked down it must have really looked like hot pussy lips wrapped around his pole.

“How’s that massage coming?”

I looked up to Mr. Alvarez standing by my head staring at Mr. Manacuso’s cock pumping my pink muscle hole. Alvarez's own prick was now thick and pulsing next to me. I didn't think it was possible but it was a couple of inches bigger than Mr. Manacuso’s, the tip shiny with precum. He was still thinking about all the sex talk with my dad  I bet.

“Fucking great, Alvarez. Pretty sweet looking pussy, don't you think?" Mr Manacuso growled. "Perfect muscle cunt right here". 

Wait, is he still talking about me? Am I the Muscle Pussy? I wondered if I should say something but he's my best friend's dad and I don't want to be rude. Plus, not gonna lie, the feelings coming from deep in my ass were unbelievable. I was pushing back into his lap to get him as deep as possible and hit that spot in my ass again and again. I wondered if this meant I was queer because I was so turned on but this was different, we were three big muscle guys. It wasn't really gay, it was me letting a bud pretend my hole was a girl because he was hard up and needed a release. I was just a big muscle stud being used like tight pussy, fucked like a bitch.

He started deep slotting me, really jamming that thing in me again and again. Mr. Alvarez’s cock was at full mast beside us now, super thick and rock hard. "Yeah Manacuso" he growled to his bud plowing me, "Really fuck her pussy. Next time Rick is on stage we can remember what a hot shaved cunt he has." This talk must have really gotten Mr. Manacuso hot, he gave one last shove and shuddered before his dick grew fatter and filled my pussy with jizz.

He fell on top of me, his weight knocking me flat on my stomach. He posted in and out a few more times until he withdrew and climbed off to sit in one of the empty chairs behind me. I collapsed exhausted. I figured that was it, cause I heard keys in the door and knew Dad was back.

Before the door opened Mr. Alvarez quickly hopped on the bed behind me, grabbing my hips and raising my bubble butt. As Dad entered, he pressed his dickhead on my hole and slid his whole cock  up inside me in one motion.

Dad set down the beer. “Took over for Manacuso, huh?” he asked  Mr Alvarez. 

“Doing what I can,” Alvarez answered. He was doing more. Even though I had thought Mr. Manacuso couldn’t hit deeper in my ass, Mr. Alverez’s cock seemed about to come out of my mouth.

Dad walked over again but all he saw was a washboard belly with  two hands steadily kneading my shoulder. “You still ok, son?”

In short gasps, I answered. “I love it, Dad.” And I did. I was scared by how much I was crazy for what I was feeling.

“I’m glad. I like to see my boy happy.” Dad said while rubbing a hand over my head before he went back to sit. Mr. Alvarez leaned over by my ear. "You are loving this, aren't you? You love being a pussy for big muscle daddies. "he said and I just nodded. "Yeah you gonna be our hot muscle girl when we come to contests. Put some Daddy dick in you." He  scooted back so only about four inches of his dick were still inside me.

I looked over my shoulder at him hook a finger under the other seven inches and pull up slowly so his cock began to pull out. He then pushed it right back. He was fucking me so we didn’t move and Dad was none the wiser. Each time he pulled out, I clamped my muscle pussy hard as I could until the ridge of the head pulled my smooth lips out.

Dad was reviewing his old glory days on the field while Mr. Manacuso stayed pretty quiet, probably worn out from the fucking he’d just given me. The feelings in my ass were really getting to me now and I started to feel a tingling that told me I was close to cumming. It was all I could do to keep from getting up on my hands and knees and  bouncing on Mr. Alvarez’s huge cock. He pushed forward with each thrust, getting more and more dick in my ass. Finally his fat cock turned hard as a rock and he shoved forward till his balls were pushed against my hole.

He leaned over to growl in my ear "Daddy's gonna put babies in your pussy." He began to throb and unload inside me and as he did my own dick started to twitch. Best as I could, I rubbed against the sheets and shot beneath us. My orgasm must have caused my pussy to pulse around his cock cause his fingers dug into my shoulders.

Dad noticed Mr. Alvarez had stopped massaging me and spoke up. “So how was that?”

If he only knew! “Amazing, Dad.” I answered weakly. 

Mr. Alvarez pulled out and went right to the bathroom, saying he was going to wash the oil off his hands. I couldn’t move, beat from the fuckings and my own climax. Both loads of cum began seeping out of my new pussy and down my balls.

When Mr. Alvarez came out, both dads got dressed and he and Mr. Manacuso said it was time to hit the sack. I didn’t even move but turned when they both thanked us for everything and Mr Alvarez winked at me before leaving the room.

I think dad just assumed I was too tired to get up, so he stripped and flicked off the lights before crawling in the other bed.

“Good work, son.”

“For what?” Had he seen? 

"For taking the title.”

Boy, if he only knew.

by Hugh Elliott

Email: [email protected]

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