
by Caliban

7 Oct 2021 3843 readers Score 9.4 (167 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

When I went to college, my dad scanned the local papers for the least expensive accommodation he could find in the region. When he strayed upon a commune, costing half of what the campus was charging, he decided to investigate the situation more fully. To his joy and my dismay, the place he found was an old house with four bedrooms and one bathroom. The other three occupants were engineering students. They were earthy and ultra-masculine. Meeting, Alf, Norbert, and Larry, my housemates, dad immediately bonded with these ruffians. Dad had always seen me as a wuss. For him, the prospect of sharing this den on masculinity could only benefit me.

I have to admit that all three guys were hot and much as I was wary, there was a definite feeling of excitement in my evaluation. By this time, I knew I was gay, but not naïve enough to imagine that these straight hunks would become possible opportunities in my newfound sexual liberation. I also knew that I would end up being a slave to these alphas, being as pedantic as I was.

There was doubt that during my dad’s interaction with the trio, he had surreptitiously implored them to make me less anal and rid me of my stuck-up mannerisms. I felt sure that my parents had begun to surmise that I was gay and supposed that this was my father’s last-ditch attempt to cure me of my malaise.

From my first evening, my apprehensions got allayed, as minimal clothing seemed to be the norm in their lives because all three men either ran around the house in shorts or underpants. Alf and Larry had magnificently proportioned bodies, and Norbert, although heftier, was very sexy.

On my first weekend, my fantasies started crumbling when all three men brought females home with them from the bar. The huffing, puffing, and sexual noises from their bedrooms left me in no doubt that they were all straight. Agonizingly, I lay on my bed tugging on my dick in frustration.

During the following week, the inevitable happened when as anticipated I became their chief cook. In fairness, they all assisted with the prep work, skinning, slicing, and so on. The upside of the scenario for all was, not only were we eating healthier food but at a fraction of the cost from their former takeaway regimen. Best of all, I apparently, was a good cook. For me, a pyrrhic victory was that all three men began caressing my head and shoulders in appreciation. A bonus was the odd tap on my arse that sent shivers down my spine.

A week later, I got invited to join the trio at their local pub. After our arrival, Norbert and Larry headed off in pursuit of their free-range pussy for the night. When Allison joined our table, Allison and Alf began a horny banter, which resigned me to an early departure.

To my horror, Allison soon asked, “So, are we going to have a threesome?”

With my heart pounding frantically, Alf, nonchalantly, replied, “If you like.”  

“I would like that very much,” Allison replied before casually heading off to the toilet.

As I stared at Alf terror-struck, he reassuringly smiled and said, “You can do this, buddy, trust me.”

No, I fuckin’ can’t,’ flooded my brain.

Noticing my alarmed expression, Alf said, “Nate, trust me… You’ll see it’ll be fantastic.”

Observing my agitated countenance, Alf gently spoke. “I know you are gay, buddy, but it’s time to broaden your horizons. Just go with the flow, and give it a go. Besides, wouldn’t you like to see me fuck her?” he rhetorically asked with a mischievous grin.

The bastard knew I had the hots for him. ‘You’re a real cunt,’ I thought to myself.

As his hand rested on my shoulder, I nodded like an obedient slut.

For the following half-hour, I felt like I was in a trance before we headed home. I was both exhilarated and horrified. Much as I wanted to see this godlike creature in action, the thought of pussy was so repellent and I felt like I was in a rewrite of the Agony and the Ecstasy.

By the time we got home, I was shuddering with dread. My fears got temporarily delayed when I saw Alf fully naked. His uncut dick was even more spectacular than imagined. Once I got to see his breathtaking backside twitching as he commenced pummelling Allison’s snatch, I felt like a prisoner who had received a stay of execution.

My stay, however, was short-lived before Alf arose and beckoned me over. As my body got steered onto her by Alf, I was pleased that my dick was still rock-hard.  After sliding into her pussy, Allison announced, “Now fuck him, Alf, nothing turns me on more than two guys fucking.”

As Allison and I began kissing, Alf’s cock invaded my backside. I had never felt anything more sensational in my life. As Alf plowed into me, the double sensation was indescribable, and when his mouth began nibbling on my neck and ears, I thought I had arrived in heaven.

Within a minute, I commenced hyperventilating as my balls began erupting. After my body became limp, Alf manipulated me onto my side before he rabidly started fucking Allison’s pussy one more.

A couple of minutes later, his body trembled as he unloaded into her.

After Alf lifting his body, Allison gave her next instruction, “Nate, now suck your buddy’s cream out of my cunt!”  

Like a cum-loving acolyte, my mouth now suctioned onto her pussy after I got onto her in a sixty-nine position. Added to my bliss, Alf also presented his cock to me for a cleansing. I was in a state of euphoric confusion, unable to comprehend my intrinsic emotional state. It was clear to me that Allison and Alf had colluded.

Am a bisexual?’ I pondered in ecstasy after what I had just experienced.  

Nothing could have prepared me for what would follow. That night, Alf and I double penetrated her, often using both holes simultaneously. Alf also seemed to have no problem, skull-fucking and anally penetrating me. It was heavenly.

Best of all, when Alf related our blissful evening to Norbert and Larry the following day, they appeared to be awestruck. To my astonishment, Alf left out no details.

Alf’s admission troubled me and I wondered what his Norbert and Larry made of it. My misgivings got answered two nights later when Norbert slid into bed with me in the early hours of the morning. Of the three, he had the most spectacular fat cock. A few days later, Larry also made an appearance.

In the years that followed, all three guys not only used my arse individually, even when we weren’t involved in frequent multiple bisexual sessions.

Our den of iniquity became a harbour of ecstasy, and college my life turned into the best time of my life. That, however, is another story.

I am not sure this was what my dad originally had in mind. Nonetheless, it worked for me.

All’s Well That Ends Well, as they say.

by Caliban

Email: [email protected]

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