Coming of Age

by AJ

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Scott visibly shrunk and sighed – “May I have a glass of wine before we get into the rest of our grown-up discussion?” Scott poured a glass of wine, filled up AJ’s, and handed it to him.

AJ chuckled – “So your Dad set you straight and now you are back to grumping at me like the boys do when they don’t get their way. Let me finish, please.

I want to talk about this for one simple fact – you are my boys’ father. They love you and would be hurt beyond words if you disappeared. It is why I made sure I was all in before having you move in. With that, you have to be prepared for any potential outcome including me dying. For fucks sake let me finish.

I don’t plan on dying anytime soon but neither did Syd. I need to protect my boys and you, should that event transpire. I have talked with my 4 parents and let them know that if you approve and are willing to, I want you listed as their legal guardian should anything happen to me. Eventually, I want you to adopt them as well but that is a whole rigmarole that we don’t have time for before NC…” Scott interrupted AJ – “So did you make this wine? It is fantastic and has a very subtle hint of something I can’t place and have not tasted in any of your family’s wine.”

“And you say I’m all over the place. Yes, I made this wine, it isn’t quite ready but will be bottled at the end of the year and ready for next year’s competition. Back to the topic at hand…

Scott kissed AJ deeply – “Just remember I love you to the moon and back.”

AJ shook his head and chuckled – “You are not in the doghouse Sam , always and forever. The lawyers are drawing up papers so that you can be my medical power of attorney and I yours because we can’t legally marry yet. The final thing will be adding you as a beneficiary to the trust I have set up – hold on you will only have any real control should I pass and then there is a board of family members that will also help you manage the trust for the boys.

I know you don’t want my money but I need you to commit to taking…”

Scott finally got it – “Fuck I’m an idiot. Yes, yes, and hell fucking yes, I will take this on. As my Dad has said in the past you are 10 steps ahead of us mere mortals and I was back at he’s trying to give me money. I’m unworthy of your love but I’m so fucking glad you give it to me daily. I humbly ask your forgiveness.”

AJ shut him up with a kiss. Scott broke away and started rotating his hips in AJ’s lap – “Feels like I’m sitting on a rock or maybe a stick.” AJ flexed his cock and Scott ground down on him. They were naked in record time and had satisfied each other multiple times right there in the open on the patio. Scott was completely uninhibited for the first time they made love outside. After Scott’s third and AJ’s second orgasm they headed to their room for a shower and bed.

AJ woke at his normal 5:30 and slid out of bed and went to check on the boys. They were both still asleep as he pulled the door closed, he felt Scott’s hard body pressed against his back and his lips on his neck. They kissed for what seemed an eternity when the doorbell rang. AJ was fit to be tied, their parents were to arrive this morning, and knowing his Pops they would be here early but before 6 freaking o’clock.

AJ slipped on some shorts and headed for the front door with Scott similarly dressed. They opened the door to find both families (39 people) on the other side of the door. Nanny jumped right in – “Don’t even start. I tried to talk them out of it but here we are. How are you boys this morning?”

AJ was filter-less – “To be honest we were going to make love again this morning but then this obnoxious doorbell rang.” Scott and AJ opened the second of the double doors and welcomed everyone in, as the younger ones passed, they asked for a place to crash. AJ directed them upstairs to the big playroom in the corner. The last ones through the door were Charlene and Elliot, who hugged both men – “Where are our grandsons?” AJ smiled his annoyed smile – “They are asleep where any sane person would be on a Saturday morning with nothing to do.”

Evie and JR had Conor and Caleb in their arms walking toward the kitchen. AJ was doing his best not to tear someone apart – “What the hell are you people doing? Those boys are going to be grumpy all day, why did you wake them up?”

Scott touched AJ’s arm – “Taz, it is what it is. Let’s go take a shower and see if we can have a little fun. No, you are going to take a deep breath and come with me.” Scott slid his tongue along AJ’s exposed neck and whispered in his ear – ‘If you are a good boy, I will make sure I tongue fuck you good.’

AJ was pulling Scott to their bedroom. Someone in the kitchen said something to AJ and he flipped them the bird and kept on his path to their sanctuary. They entered the bedroom and Scott locked the door behind them, something they never did but today felt like a really good idea. There was a lock on the bathroom door as well so he locked it too.

They took a long leisurely shower and played with each other, including two very long, hot rimming sessions. The really good stuff was saved for later. They dried each other off, got dressed, and were back out in the kitchen an hour later. Breakfast was being served.

AJ grabbed him and Scott's coffee and they went in search of their boys. The boys crashed out in the grandmothers’ laps both men shook their heads and went to find something healthy to eat. They loaded up on yogurt, fruit, and grape nuts and found a place to sit.

When everyone had eaten the conversation turned to a tour of the house. AJ and Scott both said – “We have only had a cursory look, we had other things on our mind yesterday when we arrived.” AJ popped up and headed for the office. He came back with the plans for the house renovation and laid them on the table.

Gran stepped forward and said she would walk everyone through the plans, she had been with Syd when the drawings were done and she was on site 2 or 3 times every week since the construction started.

“The house sits on a peninsula, so there is water all around the house. On the main floor – open concept area with a large kitchen, breakfast area, and oversized family room all facing out onto the patio and pool area. The breakfast area and family room have large retracting doors that completely disappear into a wall storage area. Beyond the eating area are a large pantry, huge laundry room, and maid’s quarters. Over here are the formal dining room, living room, and office. This hallway splits into two areas, this whole section is the main suite – bedroom, two separate walk-in closets, a huge bathroom with a walk-through shower, and a tub in a wet room. Down this other hallway are two bedrooms each with its own bathroom. Behind the bookcase in the main entrance is a media room. There are a couple of additional bathrooms on this floor as well.

On the second floor – there are 8 more bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, a laundry room, a huge playroom, and another media room.

On the third floor – there are 4 large areas – 3 are used as storage and the 4th has been set up as a family/playroom. There is a TV up there and the balcony opens up to an expansive lake view. You can see past the university and if you are in just the right spot you can see I-5.

In the basement is the largest wine cellar I have seen outside of your family’s cellar in Chelan. There is a safe room down there as well.

The house is roughly 19,000 Square Feet without the basement.”

AJ stood there in disbelief – “Hold up. Syd told me the house was roughly 10-12 thousand square feet.”

Gran smiled – “Dear boy, you honestly think Syd was going to tell you just how big this place was going to be when it was done? She knows you too well, you would have pitched a fit and fell in it. She wanted 8 kids at least and with this house, she would have enough bedrooms for all of them and room for them to get away from each other if needs be. Let me finish Skeeter. She also knew you could deny her nothing and even though you try to play this simple farm boy, your family is worth more money than mine and I know from talking with my granddaughter you quadrupled the initial tranche of your trust fund, so stop your bitching and get to living the life your wife wanted you to have.”

AJ was speechless at that point. Nanny checked her watch. “Saturday, December 17, 2005, @ 8:15 AM, Aaron Jonathan O’Brien is speechless for the second time in his life. Mark the record books.”

AJ found his voice – “Old woman, I otta give you a kiss.” With that he pulled his Nanny into a tight embrace and kissed her cheek whispering to just her – ‘Scott is going to shit kittens and I think I’m screwed.’ Nanny whispered back – ‘Give him your fine ass a few times and he’ll follow you anywhere.’

AJ stepped back – “You nasty old woman. I’m so glad you are my grandmother.” Scott was standing there with his mouth hanging open and white as a ghost.

Gran was prepared – “So here are pads of paper and pens for everyone. I would like everyone to explore and bring back notes on their favorite place in this home. AJ worked with the decorator to actually make this their home so be especially brutal on the design touches.”

AJ was watching Scott, who had not moved or said anything. When Gran made the last comment he quipped – “Old woman you keep it up and you will wind up in the lake.”

AJ shooed the family out of the breakfast room and turned to talk to Scott – “Sam what’s running through that beautiful head of yours?” No response.

Scott was trying to process everything he had just heard – ‘What the hell does he want with me? I’m bringing nothing to this relationship but my sorry broke ass. Uggghhh this is a shit show on steroids.’ “Ouch, what the fuck?”

AJ was a bit annoyed at this point. He cuffed the back of Scott’s head – “Snap out of it. What the hell is up with you?”

Scott groaned – “Did you just smack me?” AJ chuckled – “Yeah, I did. You have been checked out for the last 5+ minutes.”

Scott knew he deserved the smack – “That wasn’t really very nice but I probably deserved it for ignoring you. What was your question?”

AJ was trying to not let his annoyance show – “Good God man, what is wrong with you?”

Scott chuckled – “I obviously missed that you are basically Daddy Warbucks and I’m your concubine.”

Annoyance began to boil over – “You know what Scott, that kinda pisses me off. I have never in our time together lied to you, hid my money, or for that matter flaunted my money. Did I downplay some things yeah but you boiling our relationship down to me paying you for sex is a hit below the belt.”

AJ turned and walked away. Scott popped up and ran after him – “Taz, hold up. I’m sorry, that was not my intent. I realized I’ve been ignoring all the signs that you had as much money as you do. I love you with every fiber of my being and I’m sorry I have been ignoring a large part of who you are. I will say and do stupid things related to money; I’ve never had a ton of it but I’ve never felt like I was without it.

I will take your lead in this area and work through my shit because I’m not willing to lose you for any reason so please be patient and teach me how to better manage it, make it, invest it, and give it away. I am your Jedi in training.”

AJ kissed Scott – “You can be such a dork. Your ability to disarm me with your charm is quite annoying. I was ready to kick your arse but your little boy approach and damn smile knocked the wind out of my sails. Shit, I have it bad for you.”

Scott grabbed AJ and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Mel yelled – “You two need to get a room.” As if reading each other’s mind, they did not break the kiss and tried desperately to get to their bedroom but ran into a wall of O’Brien/Reed/O'Reilly – Gina tutted – “You two are not going to sneak off for a quicky, that will need to wait for later. Do I need to douse you both in cold water?” Gina was looking at crotch level.

Before AJ could pipe up – Scott let it fly – “If you all had stayed away and let us have our fun today, we would not be standing here with erections in front of the family.”

Teddy was not going to let that stand – “Bullshit, you two are horny all the time. A slight breeze and you have erections.”

AJ could not resist – “Teddy, I can see you chubbing up back there so stop fantasizing about all of this up here. Gina, what is on fire now?”

Gina smiled – “Nothing baby boy, we just want to talk about Christmas Day and what we are all going to be doing this week.”

The family moved to the family room and talked through the rest of this weekend, the next week, and Christmas day. AJ was doing his level best to stay engaged but he was so not into this discussion.

Eva had noticed – “And AJ will perform a few songs at Gina’s wedding in the nude.” AJ responded – “Sure fine…” Scott nudged him – “So you are performing at Gina’s wedding in the nude.” AJ shook his head – “What?” “You just agreed to perform nude.”

AJ was at the end of his rope – “For fuck’s sake, I’ll perform nude, wearing a lamp shade, in a tutu, just wrap this nightmare up. I have no idea why we have spent the last 30 minutes talking about stuff that was covered in the email I sent everyone on Wednesday.”

The conversation devolved into I didn’t see that, you missed me, on and on. AJ went to the office, found the email in his sent items, and printed off enough copies for EVERYONE to have one. Went back into the family room and handed them out. He went into the wine cellar and grabbed a bottle of one of the wines he made last year and poured a glass and brought the bottle up with him.

When he sat back down, everyone was staring at him. “What, it was either drink or go drown myself. Drinking seemed the less drastic measure.” Several adults tried to get the bottle so they could have a glass as they recognized the award-winning wine AJ made the year before. He was not sharing. “Get your own damn wine, this bottle is mine. Mama, will you watch the boys for me tonight? Thank you. Now back the hell off or I’m gonna start kicking some ass. If you want wine go get your own bottle. Just so you know my wine is locked up the rest is available though.

Mama, would you like a glass?”

AJ poured Evie a small glass and they drank together while the family swirled around them. Scott was watching the dance in fascination. He finally could not resist any longer. He went and sat with AJ and Evie – “May I have a taste? Your family is making this out to be the nectar of the Gods.” Scott smelled the wine and looked at it up to the light like he learned from AJ and then took a sip. His eyes shot open and he went to take another drink but the glass was snatched from him.

“I love you but if you want more, you will have to get your own glass.” Scott grabbed a glass and was back with AJ in a flash – “Holy cannoli, your family wasn’t kidding you are a genius. The multitude of notes in this bottle is so complex but simply wonderful. I know I screwed all that up but damn son this is freaking awesome.”

“JT, I swear to all that is good and holy, you touch me, mama, Scott the glasses or this bottle I will beat you with it. You are all on my last nerve, I sent you all the details for this coming 2 weeks and the only people to acknowledge my mail are sitting here having a glass of wine with me. The rest of you can fuck the hell off and Mama I swear if you smack me, I’ll take my wine and go.”

Evie chuckled – “JT you heard the man fuck the hell off.”

JT was annoyed – “Fine we will drink what the masses have access to.”

AJ was truly annoyed – “Hold the phone here dear brother – each family member was given two cases of this wine. The other wines we produce and that are in that cellar are tremendous award-winning wines. Did you drink every bottle of this wine? I can’t help if you all drank through your supply and just because I didn’t doesn’t mean it’s open season on AJ’s wine.”

AJ went to top off Evie’s glass and she covered hers – “I’m on cherub duty tonight.” AJ topped both his and Scott’s glasses off and chugged the rest from the bottle (not much left).

JT quipped – “Classy little brother, oh so classy. I can’t believe you are so fucking good at making wine and then have the class to drink straight from the bottle.”

Mo intervened – “Dear, I think you need to apologize. We drank our stock. AJ saved his for a special occasion and has every right to keep the full two cases to himself.”

Scott laughed out loud – “Mo, you didn’t just try and guilt my man into opening up the cases. Subtle but not subtle enough my dear sister. God this is a tremendous wine.”

Gina and Kevin plopped on the sofa across from AJ with their note pads – “Syd did a beautiful job with the layout of your home. Every inch of space was thought out in detail and with a family in mind. Skeeter, I never knew you had this type of touch with design. You brought this house to life – 8 bedrooms fully outfitted upstairs, the playroom, the media room, those kids are in heaven – yes Amanda and Chandler are keeping a reign on things. The laundry up there is to die for and the third-floor family room is a perfect place to watch fireworks on the fourth. Every room in this place follows the relaxed French country vibe but has a unique twist. I know you had a decorator help but I see you in every room – the touch of family EVERYWHERE. That family portrait is insane – who painted that for you?” Gina winked at AJ.

AJ was blown away – “Kevin/Bear, what was your favorite thing in the whole house?” In stereo – “The family room family portrait, hands down.” Those that were standing around listening all headed for the third floor. AJ did not move a muscle, he sat drinking his wine. He did warn Scott to watch his glass.

Gina smiled and waited for everyone to leave – “How did you do that portrait without anyone seeing it?” AJ gave his surprised face – “Why sister dear I have no idea what you are jawing about.” Kevin shook his head – “The fuck you don’t squirt.” “And I thought I liked you Kev.”

AJ sipped on his wine. Gina stared at him – “You’re good but not that good. You did that in your garage while everyone slept. I do love it, the way you incorporated both Scott and Syd had us in tears. We had to wait until we could get our shit together before coming back down.”

AJ skulled his wine – “I’ll let the artist know you appreciated their work. Coffee anyone? I have decaf Bear.” When AJ returned with three cups of coffee the family was streaming into the main family lounge. Scott was a mess. Everyone else was wiping tears from their faces.

JJ was the first to speak – “Son you did a tremendous job with that portrait. Everyone is so spot on; it is some of your best work.” Before AJ could say anything, the rest of the family was singing his praises.

Nanny made her way to AJ – “You are your Grandfathers’ boy. They both were intellectual, creative, and downright talented. You have the best of us all inside you, my dear boy.”

Scott found his voice – “Taz, you did that? When did you find the time?” AJ remained silent, he didn’t know what to say or how to explain the painting as he had painted it in June and July when he was here at their home. “The rings are perfect and are just like you wear them. Syd's and My ring are on your finger in the portrait and I noticed you started wearing them that way the day we proposed to each other.”

AJ looked at his hand, he had not given it much thought. He went to remove the rings so he could put Syd’s away but Scott stopped him – “Taz, don’t. I am not competing with her, what you had was timeless and is part of us. If you and I had been together first and you lost me, Syd would not have had a problem with you wearing both rings. I get it now; we have been a family for all time and we find our way to each other because we complete the circle. When did you find the time to paint that beautiful piece of art?”

AJ took a deep breath – “I finished it in July.”

Everyone was staring at him with mouths wide open. He turned to walk away but Scott caught his arm and pulled him into the biggest bear hug and began to sob. When he got hold of himself, he whispered to AJ – ‘Syd told me to have faith and that Taz has already made his decision. When you see it, you will weep to know that he already loved you. I did weep and I knew. How’d you know what the rings would look like?’

AJ kissed him deeply and passionately for what seemed an eternity. ‘She showed me.’

Teddy was getting impatient – “How the hell did you paint that in July with the exact rings on your fingers that you both chose later?”

AJ steeled himself – “Syd pushed me to paint my feelings and when I was done the portrait was what my heart told me would be. The rings were part of that vision, that is why I had Scott’s custom made by a jeweler here in Bellevue that was supposed to produce one-of-a-kind creations but these two rings are completely identical. The second ring on my finger was guided by Syd.”

Scott chuckled – “That’s why the jeweler commented that he now had two of the same rings in existence created by two separate customers the only difference was the inscriptions. He was already working on the one for me.”

Teddy shook his head in disbelief – “Up until now, I thought this family was losing its freaking minds. I thought you were all delusional with all the talk about Syd talking to them, guiding them, and everything that went with it. After seeing that painting, I’m convinced that AJ talks to dead people and Syd has talked to many of you. Why did you put that painting clear up on the third floor?”

AJ smiled – “It is in a place where all of us can look out through the windows and see the water, watch the boats and watch the sun sets. It seemed the perfect place for our little family to just be. I will finish it next summer so people don’t freak out.”

Scott was a little perplexed – “It looks finished to me.” AJ kissed his cheek – “It is for now. What else did you find that you liked or didn’t like?”

The family talked through the key features of the house. Everyone was complimentary about the house; the biggest thing was the size. Jokes were made about who was going to get pregnant first – Scott or AJ. Scott made it clear that if he could carry AJ’s baby he would in a heartbeat, which earned him a tender kiss from his Taz.

While the family was catching up Gran had let the caterers in the back yard to set up for the evening barbecue. When she came through the doors, the smell from the barbecue stopped all conversation in the house.

As the family went outside for dinner, AJ slipped away to the wine cellar. He had 23 bottles left of the wine he made last year. He grabbed 4 of them so that the adults could all have one glass. He locked his private collection room up and headed upstairs.

He uncorked the wine, retrieved two serving trays and 20 glasses for the adults. He poured the wine into the glasses and expertly moved the trays to his hands. As he came out of the house Conor and Caleb attacked his legs causing him to get off balance slightly, he saved the wine and asked the boys to go and find Sam.

He whistled loudly and everyone focused on him for the moment – “Sam, I need your assistance up here. Given that my family are gluttons and have no self-control whatsoever and evidently, I am the only one that savors great wine I have uncorked 4 bottles of my wine for your enjoyment. Becca & Gina I believe based on my studies and what I have heard from my eldest siblings a single glass of red wine will not harm the baby. But that is your choice to make.”

Nanny, Gran will you be the first to take a glass? By the way, there is no second glass so make it last because whining will not get you more.”

AJ and Scott passed the wine out. Kevin tried to take two, one for him and one for Gina, but he was quickly rebuffed. One per adult and that adult had to be the one to get the wine. Gina was not going to drink; she was feeling a little unsettled at the moment. AJ took her glass and poured half into his glass and half into Scott’s.

There were complaints heard from the adults, to which came a swift and direct blow from Nanny – “It’s not your wine and AJ is being kind in sharing, so enjoy what you were given. Thank you, my dear boy.”

The family came together to thank AJ for the wine and hospitality. Gran directed everyone to dinner and chatted with AJ and Scott while the family lined up for dinner. Eva joined the three of them, she kissed AJ on the cheek – “Thank you, my dear brother, you have saved me yet again. I shudder to think where I would be if you had not stepped in with Mat. I was weak and felt I didn’t deserve better thanks to all your efforts and with counseling, I am going twice a week and have found my inner strength coming back.” AJ kissed her cheek – “That is what family does.”

AJ nodded at his Mama, Pops, and JR who had the boys and were getting their plates ready. Pops put bananas on both plates and AJ shook his head and held up a single finger. Bananas were removed from one of the plates and replaced with more berries. Scott kissed AJ’s cheek, which caught AJ off guard – “You never stop being their superman do you?” Gran and Eva looked at the two men and Eva finally had to ask – “Scott that was random, what are you talking about?”

AJ started to answer but stopped. Scott squeezed him into his side – “My man here is directing the grandparents on what can and can’t be on the boys’ plates. JJ had bananas on both plates and Caleb would have refused to eat anything at all if there were bananas on the plate. I was just watching superman here take care of our boys while not swooping into the rescue. The thing is, it is absolutely killing him to stand on the sidelines where they are concerned. Not that I blame him I was going to go over and take charge but it was apparent he was controlling it without being right there.”

AJ interrupted – “With all that has happened this year, here is to family. Thank you all for the support this year. Cheers.” A round of cheers was given between them.

The family sat, ate, talked, and caught up on the last two weeks. Conor and Caleb were trying to stay awake by running around and working the grandparents. AJ called them over, bent down, and whispered – ‘Tell Mimi, Papi, Gigi, and GPop good night.’ They both shook their heads no and started to run off but AJ caught them by their pants, took their hands, and walked them over to the grandparents.

They crawled up into their grandmas' laps and stared at their Dada. AJ was less than amused – “So I take it by this display you both spoiled them at bedtime. That makes next time a very distant possibility.”

Scott had joined AJ and they picked up the boys who started to pitch little fits. As AJ walked away with Caleb in his arms, he looked over his shoulder at his moms and shared a disappointed stare. Scott leaned into AJ – “It will get back to normal quickly, don’t be too hard on them, they love you and the boys.” He kissed AJ’s cheek as they went into the house.

Evie and Charlene had a conversation about how much they spoiled the boys and now AJ and Scott were going to have to deal with the mess they created. They went to go inside but were stopped by JJ and Elliot who let them know that would not help tonight. AJ was not happy with either set of parents and it would be best to let him come to them.

Gran had invited Nanny to stay with her for a few days to give AJ and Scott some time to settle in. Elliot and Charlene offered the same to JJ and Evie but they declined, stating that they needed to face the music with their youngest son at some point and 'no time like the present'.

Conor and Caleb were being very difficult going down. AJ finally had enough – “Boys, listen up. Dada and Sam are not happy with your antics. If this is how you are going to act when you get a treat to stay with Mimi, Papi, Gigi, and GPop then maybe you aren’t as old and well-behaved as I thought. I guess you are still little babies and I will need to get the cribs out and start treating you like little babies, is that what you both want?”

Shakes of the heads and tears began to flow from the boys. “We big boys.” AJ smiled – “I thought you were but you are acting like babies, not big boys. You show me, big boys, from now on and we will leave your big boy beds up but if you keep acting like you were tonight it is back to baby things, deal?”

Both Conor and Caleb grabbed AJ and started kissing his face. They crawled under the blankets and waited for their story. AJ and Scott shared the reading and the boys were asleep before they were finished. As Scott and AJ left the bedroom Scott leaned into AJ – “That was pretty impressive, you made me want to behave.”

AJ nudged Scott’s shoulder – “Well in that case let’s go to the office and talk about trust funds and wills.” Scott just groaned and hung his head. He started for the office. AJ chuckled loudly – “Baby, not tonight, I just wanted to see if you would be willing to talk.” AJ kissed Scott and drug him to the backyard.