Charity Hole

by Hangry Holz

7 Dec 2023 5577 readers Score 9.4 (34 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I entered the parking lot of Padlock and took the last space in a dark corner by the trash bins. Fredo had sent a text telling me he wanted me to walk in wearing just the thong and my leather boots. In the darkness I took off all my clothes and put the boots on my bare feet. I knew from previous experience if Fredo said thong and boots, he meant only thong and boots, socks would be met with disapproval.

I walked up to the wall of man serving as the bouncer, named Doug. He was a nice guy I had slept with a few times in the past. Doug was built like a rugby player, thick and tall like a redwood. He had the most perfect dick and balls ever. I had often told him he should be a dildo model. I might have tried to make a relationship with him if he hadn't been so slow, not slow as in I needed to explain jokes to him, but rather slow as in his mother handled his money. I still remember laying naked on his living room floor after an athletic sex encounter with him and realizing his mother had probably decorated his entire condo. We remained friends, but I didn't fuck him anymore for fear of being dickmatized by him and accidentally starting a relationship.

Doug grinned at my state of undress. "I hear you're the bell of the balls tonight."

A funny pun? Maybe he was getting smarter? No, no, you've been there before. "Yeah, something like that."

"I'll make sure to come back and see you when you're all smooth. Bet you'll be sexy."

Why was the word 'sexy' never sexy? Especially out of the wrong guy's mouth. "Thanks," I replied and headed into the bar.

The cat calls, wolf whistles, dog barks started almost instantaneously, as if I had wandered into a poorly lit zoo. As I walked through the front bar area, hands came out of nowhere to paw at my crotch, spank my ass, and pinch my nipples. I made it to the end of the bar without being impaled on a cock and with my own trying to escape its confines to say hello to passersby. Kind of like a tiny queen trying to wave to its subjects.

Between the front bar and the back room were strips of leather dangling from the ceiling like a naughty carwash to buff away any inhibitions. I was surprised to see the video Alvin had taken earlier in the day being played on all eight big screens at once. It's hard to be incognito in a leather bar when you're 5'11", pale, and dressed only in a red lace thong, an item of clothing at odds with everything else in the room. Soon the menagerie of the back bar was making the same zoological sounds and Fredo came over to greet me.

I say, 'greet me,' but really it was to place a set of nipple clamps on me attached to a leash and to whisper into my ear. "So, you been a fucking whore today for some stranger? Tonight, you're going to be a real whore and all the money you make is going to charity." He growled in my ear like a bear. I thought he would think the idea of me arriving with a few loads of cum in me from some other men would appeal to him, and it may have, had I remembered to ask for permission. "If it works out, maybe next weekend you make me some money."

Being led to the waxing area near the bar, the thought ran through my head: Can a whore serve two pimps?

Next to an easel was a chain hanging from the ceiling. A muscle daddy in leather pants and a harness was quick to place a set of sheepskin lined cuffs on me. "Hey, I'm Ken I'm a professional waxer so I'll be making sure nothing gets ripped off that shouldn't."

"I'm Eric, a.k.a. Fresh Meat."

Ken stroked by body, assessing my fuzziness. "Fuck yeah, with all this fur we should make our goal tonight."

The fear of possibly losing a nipple was replaced by the thought of people attending a meeting to determine the goal of such an event. I was brought back to reality when Ken motioned to the bartender to lower the chain, then connected the cuffs to the chain before signaling to raise me. It took a moment to get use to the position of hanging by the cuffs. As I raised up Ken slipped my loosely tied boots off my feet and handed them to the bartender for safe keeping.

On a whiteboard was a menu of things people could pay for with a diagram of a body back and front as to how much each section cost. They were listed in order by which they would be happening with the numbers corresponding to my crotch being last. The last time I had done this it took a while for guys to start the festivities, but this time, perhaps egged on by my ass on display in 4K all over the place, men were quick to form a line and start paying for parts of my body to work on.

The first things to be waxed were my arms. A vanilla looking couple had bought each other three strips to use and a rough looking daddy in jeans and a leather vest bought nine to complete my arms. The couple let Ken be in charge of placing and removing their strips, but the daddy did his own. Because I was hoisted in the air, they had to climb a ladder to reach my forearms. The daddy made sure his crotch was rubbing against my face making the crowd cheer. He smelled like he'd been riding a motorcycle in the heat and his hairy belly rubbed against my forehead. For all his troubles, I nuzzled his groined with my nose and looked up to see him give me a big grin before ripping off one of his strips.

My legs were bought by the local leather group. Doing my calves was easy, but when it came time to wax my inner thighs, they hoisted my ankles onto the shoulders of two of their subs, spreading my legs towards the bar to more cheering. Ken spread the wax and then the men applied the fabrics strips, making sure to rub them on vigorously, sometimes grazing my balls and swollen cock.

Four different guys purchase the quadrants of my back, each one letting my bare ass rub against their chests. One of them slipped his tongue in my crack just as he pulled a strip to divert my attention from the pain. Another stuck his thumb in my crack and cupped my balls to stop me from spinning while he applied his strips.

My chest was the next part to go bare. The owner of the bar bought one side and Fredo bought the other. Ken took off the clamps and covered my nipples in petroleum jelly so the wax wouldn't stick. He stood in front of me for quite a long time with my growing crotch in his face getting them, as he put it, "completely covered."

The owner was an older chubby bear with thick, rough sausage-like fingers that felt like warm sandpaper against my back. His shirtless body revealed a forest of dense dark hair and bright pink nipples that looked as though they'd been pumped regularly. After Ken applied the wax, the owner climbed the ladder a couple of steps and place all six strips needed to cover half my chest at once then faced his patrons. "Should I do them two at a time?" Applause and whistles answered his query. He turned to me and grabbed the two outer strips and we both bit our lower lips just before he tore them from my body. Two more times he repeated this until I had one bare and very pink pectoral.

Fredo climbed the ladder after Ken had wiped way the jelly from my bald side and covered the other half of my chest. On his way up his hand slipped into my ass to check the plug was still in place. "Good boy." He placed all his strips and then signaled the bartender to lower until my toes touched the floor. "How about we raise some more money? Twenty bucks to pull a strip." In a flash $120 was placed in Fredo's hand and handed off to Ken to add to the pot.

A tall Native American was the first to pull. Fredo put the man's hand on my ass and said, "Hold here for better leverage." The guy smiled at the absurdity his hand on my ass would garner any leverage, but also didn't take his hand off my ass. After that, the other five guys use my ass for 'leverage' too.

The armpits were next to feel the sting of being waxed. One was bought by an African American bear in leather pants, vest, and harness. His name was Leroy and I had always had the biggest crush on him, but he never seemed to notice me until tonight. Instead of separate strips, Ken smeared the wax on my pit and then handed Leroy one large strip. His huge warm hand smoothed the strip on, and he slapped it a few times to make sure all the hair was adhered.

During one of his slaps, I teetered on my toes. "Here, let me give you a break." He slid his forearm between my legs and picked me up in the crook of his elbow, taking away my need for balance and giving my shoulders a much-needed rest for a moment. He grabbed the loose end of the strip and yanked, causing me to buckle forward and moving my nipple within reach of his mouth. He opened his mouth and bit my nipple making me whimper out loud and eliciting a laugh from the crowd. Putting me down he whispered in my ear, "Can't wait to use you later at the club."

I had heard of 'the club' before. It was rumored the owner of the bar had purchased an old house across the street, gutted it and made it into a private club. Members paid a monthly fee to be part of it and their late-night antics were legendary. Despite my years of being a whore, I had never been.

The pastor of the gay church purchased the other armpit. He was a shorter man in his sixties with a dusting of red hair on his head. He looked entirely out of place, in his ironed jeans and crisp button-down shirt, but given the charity was the food bank the church ran, I guess he felt an obligation to participate. I knew him before his religious days when he was begging me to suck his cock in his car before going home to a wife he hated. I winked at him while he carefully placed the strip on my armpit in such a tender way, Ken was forced to come over and really rub it in before he pulled it off. He grimaced when he yanked the strip away. He then thanked everybody for the donations and left, blushing the whole time.

My stomach and happy trail were the last thing to be done before the main event of my privates. Although, I'm not sure if they could be called 'private' at this point as my cock stretched the front of the lace and drooled cum onto my newly smooth thighs and the grubby floor. A group of guys were celebrating a friend's seventieth birthday and they had bought him, not only my stomach and happy trail, but also my cock and balls.

Ken pulled the thong down until the top of my bush popped out and started covering my belly in wax. I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't ready for the hot Persian daddy who approached me. He had thick salt and pepper hair and intense eyes looking down on me even though I was on my tip toes. His body was thick with hair across his gigantic chest and a trail running down into his jeans. Suddenly he smiled and I hoped he was part of the club and might be fucking me later. On top of looking like a god, he introduced himself, something nobody else had done, except for Ken. "I'm Eskandar."

I smiled like a girl talking to a boy she likes in front of the lockers in high school. "I'm Eric."

"We both have 'e' names."

Fredo must have felt threatened by Eskandar, because soon he was trying to quicken things up. "Come on Ken, get that tummy done so this guy can get a real birthday present."

Ken slathered on the wax and showed Eskandar how to apply the strips. The first one he seemed shy until I gave him some encouragement. "You don't have to be gentle with me. In fact, you can be as rough as you want."

He applied the rest of the strips with force. At one point slapping the area just above my bush and asking, "You like this?"

"I think the drooling dick down there is confirmation. Don't you?"

He back handed my package and connected to my tight balls, making me flex and pull my feet off the floor for a second. "You like that."

"Yes Sir."

Eskandar followed Leroy's pattern from my chest and ripped off two strips at a time until all that was left was the center one. The pain was making me squirm, so to steady me he grabbed my cock and balls, leaving my legs dangling in the air, and then he yanked the final strip off my stomach.

The crowd applauded as he let go and let me drop back to balancing on the tips of my toes.

Fredo saw how excited I was. He slid the thong down my legs, leaving me completely naked in a bar full of men. Ken handed Eskandar some electric clippers with a short guard on them. "Here, you need to trim him down before he can be waxed."

I looked down to watch as he ran the clippers over my bush. In his giant hands my six inches looked tiny while he clipped the base of my cock and my tight sac. Leroy and Fredo each took one of my legs and bent them over their shoulders so he could trim the back of my balls and my taint, stopping just short of my crack. Soon I felt Ken's, now familiar hands smearing the hot wax on me, but this time he put the strips on me himself and gave directions to Eskandar as to which way to pull them. For the first time in the entire process, I couldn't help but scream out when he pulled the strips from the base of my cock and my balls. All the men laughed and mocked me for being a little bitch.

After he pulled the last strip off, the crowd gave Eskandar a round of applause and sang Happy Birthday to him as a bartender handed him a flaming shot. The chains started lowering, Fredo released the cuffs, and took them off. He then walked me over to the stocks by the wall and pinned my head and wrists, leaving me bent over in front of the whole bar. The whistles again started.

Ken announced my ass was being waxed by an anonymous donor, but everyone seemed to know that it was the much-rumored club. He brought over two barstools and helped place a knee on each one, putting me in a squatting position. It was then that, even in the dimly lit room, the two-inch-wide plug was readily evident to everyone. More hooting and hollering commenced behind me, and I felt a few men come up and spank me, connecting with the plug and making me cringe.

"That plug is gonna have to come out before I can wax him," Ken said.

"Yeah, no prob," Fredo answered.

In a flash, Fredo reached over and yanked the plug, releasing some of the cum Alvin and Teddy had shot in me earlier. More cheers came from behind me. A man in the crowd commented, "Look, he he's trying like hell to make it wink but he can't!" More laughter came.

I heard a man ask, "You want my pup to clean that up?"

"Sure," Fredo replied.

A moment of hot breath and then a big wet tongue entered my gaping hole. A big man with a pink body and a carpet of grey hair came around to the front of the stocks holding a leash in one hand, "My pup'll get you nice and clean. Don't you worry."

While it was nice of the man to tell me, a strange tongue was the least of my worries. I wondered how much pain the wax would be on my bruised ass.

Soon, Ken's hands returned along with a towel and a wipe smelling of antiseptic. First one cheek was covered, and a volunteer was called on to rip it off and then the process was repeated on the other side. Then it came time to wax my crack. Ken's face was so close, I could feel his breath in wonderful places. He applied the wax and then the strips, but this time he did the pulling himself. Everyone laughed at the pain being so intense my ass clenched closed for a moment before falling back open to its previous gape.

More cheers came as I was let out of the stocks and numerous men approached me to hug me and rub against me. Fredo pulled the plug from his pocket and held it up in the air. "Hundred bucks for charity and you can replace the whore's plug."

I had never seen a hundred-dollar bill appear so fast. Fredo gave the plug to a tall skinny man with sunken cheeks and acne scars. Dressed in black in the dark bar, his sinister face seemed to float towards me. "Get up on that bar stool and face me." I did as he ordered. He grabbed my legs, tipping the barstool on two legs, my back now in contact with the vinyl seat, and my head rested on the padded edge of the bar. The evil looking man placed my calves on his shoulders and placed the plug between my ass and the front of his pants. He grabbed both my nipples and twisted as he thrusted the plug deep into me, making me scream out so loud there was a lull in the bar chatter. He leaned over my shuddering body, bending my knees into my chest. "You're gonna make a lot of money tonight." He lifted be back up onto the stool and disappeared into the crowd.

Fredo handed me the thong. "Put your clothes on whore! Don't you know you can't be naked in public." A chuckle sprang from the crowd.

A hand patted my ass as I bent over to get redressed. The bartender brought over my boots, and I had never been so grateful to have something between my feet and a sticky bar floor.

I stood next to Fredo in silence. He only liked to hear from me if I was responding to him. He and another man were discussing engine parts for a vintage car they both possessed a version of while I stared at the video screens loop the video Alvin took earlier, the video of the first guy to be waxed before me, and my waxing session. I was zoned and hadn't notice the sinister skinny man approach Fredo and start talking to him. Fredo slapped my ass, "Hey, go with Mike and make more money for the food bank."

"What?" I asked.

Fredo grabbed my nipple and twisted as he drew me closer. "What's the fucking answer bitch?"

"Yes Sir."

He let go of my nipple and backhanded my package making me bend over and taking my breath away. "Good boy. I'll see you later this evening."

I followed Mike out of the club into the cold night air and over to old van with no windows. He opened the sliding rear door, revealing a fuck bench bolted to the floor. The rest of the van was carpeted in black low-pile carpet and a solid metal panel with a small sliding door separated the front seats from the back. "Get in. You can sit on the floor until we get where were going. I'll let you know when you need to get into position.

I climbed in the van as Mike said, "I'll keep those boots up front, you won't be needing them."

He slid the door closed and left me in the darkness. The van smelled like every old car from the eighties, stale cigarettes, air fresheners shaped like trees, and that weird mix of exhaust and hard plastics still off gassing. When the engine started it became clear the exhaust system needed to be replaced and the timing was off. I heard the transmission find a gear with a massive clunk and we were moving.

Instead of trying to keep myself balanced with the plug in my ass, I opted to lay down on the stiff carpet. Turn by turn, I tried to keep up as to where I thought we might be and then suddenly we were clearly on an onramp and the motor worked hard to get up to freeway speed. Once on the freeway, there was no way of knowing where we were. I did feel a big curve, which must have been an interchange, but I couldn't make out which one. Eventually the sound of the engine and the sway of the van in desperate need of an updated suspension lulled me to sleep.

I woke to slower speeds and the distinct tilting of the vehicle entering a driveway. All around I could hear diesel engines idling. From the front Mike muffled voice chatted with another voice over a speaker. The small sliding door opened and a bright green LED sign showing the price of fuel blinded me for a moment. "Get in position. Got a few guys here for you and then we'll go to the truck stop across the freeway."

I climbed onto the bench resting my torso on the top and my shins and forearms on the lower pads. The cool vinyl shocked me and made my nipples hard. Suddenly, I was bathed in red light emanating from the areas where the walls meet the floor and roof. I heard someone talking to Mike at the driver's window, then footsteps on the gravel outside, and the door slid open and shut.

It took a minute for our eyes to adjust form the blinding fluorescent bulbs trying their hardest to defeat the night. His dirty scuffed engineer boots were the first to thing to come into focus. I felt his warm rough hand against my smooth back and a cool rivet on his jeans against the crown of my head. The warm rough hand slid down and over my ass while the snaps from his shirt got trapped between his belly and my back. He smelled like cigarettes, diesel, and the familiar scent of Irish Spring. A gruff moan that could have easily turned into a smoker's cough escaped him as he surveyed my body.

"I'm George," he said in such a low and gravelly tone, I swear it vibrated parts of my insides.

"I'm Eric."

"Well Eric, how about you get on your back?"

Awkwardly, I turned myself over. My face now aligned with George's crotch and I noticed he'd missed one of the buttons on his fly in his excitement to see me. His long button-down shirt overhanging off his belly put my head back into darkness while his hands slid over my body. "Fuck yeah, look at you in your little panties. I love a sissy."

He reached under his stomach, undid his belt, pulled apart his fly creating that satisfying sound only a button fly can make, and let his pants drop to the floor around his ankles.

"Get daddy hard."

I leaned my head back over the end of the bench and found the head of his cock drooling precum. With my tongue, I guided it in and in mere seconds his beer can thick five inches was stretching my mouth open. More gravelly tones escaped him as hairy balls pressed into my nose, filling me with the strong smell of soap and an undertone of piss. He stood up and pulled the snaps of his shirt apart then guided my hands up to his erect nipples. For a few minutes we stayed that way, with me twisting his nipples while he played with mine and slowly fucked my face.

"Fuck, you suck a mean cock. Time to try out your other hole."

He pulled his pants up around his thighs, shuffled over to the end of the bench, and let them drop again as he placed my ankles on his shoulders. In this position I could finally see his face and body. George was once a handsome man I'm sure, but years of rough living and driving had taken their toll. Deep lines ran over good bones, his thick grey stubble stood out in the dim light, more grey hair covered his big chest and ran down his belly. A dirty hat from a fuel company contained greasy shoulder-length strands.

A rough hand slid down my leg and into my ass where George found the plug firmly in place in my hole behind the thong's strap. He pulled lightly on it, but after so long in me, my ass had clenched around it. "Here, let's take your panties off so I can get this out."

After I was completely naked, George grabbed the plug and pulled it straight out in one motion.  The sensation made me emit a high-pitched girly moan. For a moment he looked around for a place to store it and settled on shirt pocket. His thick, rough finger entering me made me repeat the sound. "Nice, you're all ready to go." He slid the finger out and pressed it on my lips until I opened to clean it off. "Good boy."

He reached down, positioned his thick cock against my hole, and spread my legs apart to make way for his stomach as he entered me. A look of ecstasy washed over his face as he began a slow rhythm. More low grumbles came out of his barrel chest and every now and again he'd take my underwear and sniff it like poppers. His long wiry pubes brushed against my smooth skin with every stroke and the scent of his sweat overtook the soap and the cigarettes. He never got to a jackhammer pace, just slow and steady until his mouth opened slightly and a last low groan vibrated the air and pulses of cum splashed within me.

George paused for a moment of bliss as his fat cock softened and slipped out of my hole. He pulled up his pants and rebuttoned his shirt. "You got a great ass." Getting to the upper snaps of his shirt the plug in his pocket pressed into him. "Oh, almost forgot." He took the plug and replaced it in my hole, smiling at my face twisting in pain.

Making his way to the door he pinched my nipple playfully. "Thanks a lot kid, totally worth forty bucks to a good cause. Have to tell Mike to bring you out again."

He slid the door open, and I listened as the sound of gravel underfoot faded away. Mike slid the little door open, "Get that thong on and get back into position."

As I turned myself over to my stomach, the sound of muffled voices came from the front of the van and not long after the sliding door opened and closed, but this time two people entered.

Two masculine southern voices spoke as I stared towards the floor, occasionally catching a glimpse of a croc sandal on a hairy foot.

"Shit, look at this thong they got on him."

A finger explored my ass and then another man spoke, "Damn, look how wide that plug is. Fucker's gonna be loose like my wife after three kids. Dunno if it's really worth forty bucks."

The first guy replied, "Get up there and let him suck your dick. You're always complaining Sheila don't give you blow jobs anymore."

A pair of dirty beat-up sneakers appeared on the floor beneath my face followed by a pair of shiny nylon basketball shorts. A hand grabbed my hair and I pushed myself up to see a chubby man's small dick being pushed at my mouth. The sickening smell of fruity body wash and sweat combined with the man's clammy cold belly against my face almost made me hurl. I so wanted to put on my sassy hat and tell this fucker exactly why Sheila wasn't sucking his dick anymore, but was I bought and paid for to be used, so I stayed as opinionated as a blowup doll. His small dick darted in and out of my mouth while his body stayed firmly pressed against my face.

Behind me, the plug was yanked out of my ass and placed in the small of my back. The thong was stretched to one side and another less than average experience started to unfold.

"How's that end? This one's all soft and juicy like a fleshlight."

"Fuck, his mouth feels good on my cock."

To keep myself in the mood I thought about George's thick cock stretching my hole wider than the plug and how the thick vein on the underside of his cock pressed especially hard in the lower half of my hole. I thought so intently on it, a moan left my mouth.

The guy at my ass heard this moan. "Fuck, little bitch likes our country cocks in him."

It was probably only four more minutes until I had a thimble full of cum in my mouth and slightly more in my ass. They were quick to dress and leave at least.

Mike slid the window open, "Get that plug back in you."

It was then I realized there must be a camera somewhere videoing everything. I grabbed the plug and stuffed it back in my hole, reposition the wet strap of the thong over it. My hair was still damp with the fat man's sweat.

Muffled voices rang out from the front again and shortly afterward the door opened and closed. Two men and the overwhelming scent of cocoa butter entered the tiny space. In my peripheral were two sets of very dark feet with very white bottoms wearing flip flops. They spoke in a language I didn't understand, but the accent was definitely from somewhere in Africa. They laughed and one of them slapped my ass. His hand was huge and the stinging reach from the outside edge of my left cheek, all the way to the middle of my right.

A warm dark hand came under my chin as a pair of silver shorts dropped to the ground. An enormous curved black cock bounced up and down as if it were asking to be let in and I happily obliged its request. As the giant organ slid further and further into my mouth and then throat, the thong was taken off me and the man could see the plug. A back and forth in their native tongue resulted in laughter before the plug was finally removed. More laughter at my gaping hole and a flash from a phone camera.

"Squeeze your hole closed," a thick accent demanded as a light for what was probably a video recording was turned on. I tried, but after the plug and so many dicks, it wasn't happening. More laughing and comments in their language as another huge cock entered me. The first couple inches went in easily, but then the dick swelled to a size that stretched out my gaping hole like I was still a virgin. That exchanged words again and laughed again. He started with a normal even rhythm going deep within me, but only coming out a few inches on each stroke. They used me in silence for a good ten minutes, only letting out an occasional accented moan. I've always thought it was funny different languages and cultures have different sex noises.

A few words were exchanged, and they switched. I generally don't have a gag reflex, but this thick fucker made me gag and spit as his cock tried reaching my stomach. They spoke and laughed again, probably about how much thicker the one man's cock was and how I wasn't having such an easy time. They fell silent again until the one in my ass suddenly picked up his pace and soon, he violently grabbed my ass cheeks and tensed up. I didn't know I could feel cum that far up in me. It felt so good. He stroked a few more times in me, each time letting out a little spurt of remaining cum. I felt his dick leave my body and then a slimy hand wiped cum all over my back. If I hadn't had my mouth full, I would have offered to clean it for him instead of wasting it.

The man in my mouth move back to my ass. This time he fucked me with a furious rhythm, and I had to hang on while he jackhammered his cock into me. Soon he grabbed my hips, slammed into me, and jizzed.

While the first man pulled his shorts on the second one came around to my mouth. They spoke again and then he said, "Clean off." I was happy to comply. I sucked all the gooey goodness off his enormous cock then he pulled up his shorts and they both left. I could hear them chattering and laughing as they walked away.

"Put your thong back on, but leave the plug out," Mike ordered from the front.

It wasn't easy to find a red thong in a place lit in red. On my hands and knees, I felt around until I finally found it, put myself back together, and got back into position. Just as I got comfortable on the bench, the van started, and we were moving. I could feel van exit the parking lot, go over the overpass, and then enter another parking lot. I knew this must be the two truck stops on the south end of town. The first one was a big corporate behemoth of a place, but the second one was a little family-owned establishment run by the Native Americans. It closed at nine, so truckers usually parked there for free, hoping not to get robbed or worse in the dim lighting.

The van stopped and Mike came around and opened the door with my boots in hand. "Put these on." I put them on but stayed frozen in the van. "Come on, guys are waiting, and I got to get you back by two." Slowly I got out of the van and stood in the cold night air with my nipples erect and cum sliding down my inner thighs. "Walk to the end of that trailer."

I didn't reply, I just started walking and shivering. The closer I got to the back of the trailer, the darker it got until all I was lit by were the amber lights dotted along the side of a refrigerated trailer. I got to the back of the trailer and discovered a little dry wash area with a picnic table, an ash tray, a trash barrel, and a no loitering sign reflecting the lights from the trailer. As my eyes adjusted, I saw a few floating red dots in the night marking the end of lit cigarettes and then I could start to make out men standing around. A voice from behind me scared me, "You Mike's?"

I had to think for a moment, but at the moment, technically I was Mike's. And besides that, how many other whores are out here behind a bunch of parked trucks in a red lace thong mother fucker? "Yeah." My eyes finally got used to the dark surroundings and I counted ten men.

"Nice," a different voice said, "this one don't look all tweeked out like that last one."

"Must be why it's twenty instead of ten," said a man with a Middle Eastern accent.

A man by the picnic table patted the tabletop, "Get on up, we all got places to be."

I felt a tug on the back of my thong, "This one has pretty panties too." He grabbed my package, that had mostly retreated from the night air. "Fuck, this one got a tiny little dick too, almost like fucking a woman."

"Yeah, but without all the complaining." The men laughed as the sound of a zipper opening caught my attention.

Warm spit filled my ass followed by a nice cock with a thick head. He started with the thong pulled to the side, but after a while he grew tired of it and cut it off with a pocketknife and threw it into the trash, "That's just getting in the way."

 One after the other they slipped into me, used me to jackoff, and went back to their trucks. Sometimes I'd hear them start up and leave, sometimes, they were just crawling into the sleeper to get some shut eye. In the end it was just me and the Indian guy left in the night air. His accent was strong, and he smelled exotic from the others.

He didn't just slide into and pound me, instead he fingered me, adding a finger ever few strokes until his hand was inside me. "How many men have you had tonight?"

"Fifteen or twenty."

He laughed. "You such a whore you don't even know." His other hand jacked his dark uncut cock as he pushed his arm further into me.

"Such a fucking whore," he said into my gaping hole as he wiped his hand off on my leg. He stood behind me and put his cock in me. "Look at that, my cock can move in every direction in your stretched out hole. Such a whore."

He fucked me for a little on my hands and knees and then switched me onto my back, all the time telling me what a whore I was. As he got closer, he asked, "Who's the biggest whore?"

"I am."

"Beg for my load whore."

"Please sir, fill me with your cum. Give me your load."

"Do you ever get enough cock?"

"No sir."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm a whore."

"And what are whores good for?"

"Cum dumpsters."

"That's right you fucking whore." Out of all the men, his load was the only one I felt injected into me. His semen was so hot, it burned my raw insides. He left his cock in me to get soft. "Look at yourself out here, naked, and taking strangers cum. You should be ashamed you whore." His dick slipped out of me, and he put it in his pants still wet with the cum of strangers. "Good night whore." He walked away and faded into the darkness while I wondered: Am I a whore if it's for charity?

I got off the table and stumbled on weak legs back to where Mike had dropped me off. I tried the sliding door, but it was locked so I looked through the window to find him fast asleep behind the wheel. I tapped on the window to wake him.

He came out and opened the door for me. "Where's your underwear?"

"One of the guys cut it off me."

Mike shrugged and closed the door. I laid on my stomach on the floor of the van, trying to keep all the loads inside me as Mike got on the freeway. I reached back and felt my hole. It was soft, wet, and open. Despite all the loads I had taken, I was ready for more.

The little sliding door opened, and Mike yelled above the noise of the van, "Find that plug and get it back in you. Fredo and the boys want you ready to use."

It took a while to find a black plug in the di red light and weird shadows being cast about. I smiled and winced as I pushed it into me, knowing tonight I'd finally get to go to the club I'd heard so much about.

by Hangry Holz

Email: [email protected]

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