Camping With My Nephews

by G. Martin Blank

26 Jan 2023 7484 readers Score 8.4 (70 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

A few years ago, I took two of my nephews, Paul and Jason, camping. The two boys were about the same age (17), and Paul had just learned to drive, so we were using the trip as an extended driving lesson through the Appalachian Mountains in southern Virginia. Being cousins, the two boys didn't always get a chance to spend time together, so they were really looking forward to almost ten days of hanging out together and exploring the mountains. Both boys are about 6' tall, and while both are fairly athletic, Paul is blonde, a bit wider in the shoulders and plays football, and Jason is darker haired, with bit of a permanent tan, and surprisingly strong, thanks to years of competitive swimming.

We made the trek, survived the drive, and got our 4-man tent set up that first afternoon. We were surrounded by trees, with a nearby stream, in one of the more out-of-the-way state parks in that part of the state. After scouting out firewood and doing a little hiking, we got busy with a campfire and grilling burgers. I sat back and watched their junior-league "can you top this?" competition, laughing and rolling my eyes as the bullshit levels sometimes reached epic proportions. It was all too easy to relax and let them do all the work, and let them have fun at the same time.

Finally, I designated "that tree over there" for midnight pee breaks "because I don't want to have to look far in case the bears get you" and we all managed to visit the tree, lock the coolers in the truck bed, and settle in for the night. This quickly became a routine for the rest of the trip, and all was good. And as we hiked and fished and explored, their game of one-upmanship and hilarious bantering continued as well.

Of course, on our second night in camp I woke up to the inevitable rustling noises of a horny teenager, trying to rub one out without getting caught. First it was Paul, the younger one, followed by Jason a bit later. The next night, the older one went first. When I heard it, I'd just grunt a little, like I was still asleep, then roll over so I couldn't see anything. It was hilarious to see them freeze up when they thought they'd been caught!

But things changed about four nights in, when I opened my eyes to see Paul going at it in the center of the tent, with his sleeping bag pulled down just enough for access, and then I saw Jason awake and watching him from the far side! Next thing you know, Jason joins in, and both young men are actively jerking off! Then Jason upped the ante by kicking open his sleeping bag, leading Paul to do the same! So suddenly, I've got two somewhat competitive nephews engaged in a stroke-off right in front of me! How the hell am I supposed to fake sleeping through this? And why is my own cock suddenly rock hard?!

Of course, there was nothing I could do without causing major embarrassment to all three of us, so I found myself pretty much stuck there - laying on my side, with my eyes mostly closed, trying not to grind into my sleeping bag while simultaneously hiding my face in the pillow and watching with one eye as these two young men frantically tried to get off without waking me up! Finally, they both came, and there's no way I would have slept through the noise of it all! Jason wiped himself down with his t-shirt from yesterday, and handed it off to Paul, who also cleaned up and then tossed the wadded up mess into the corner at Jason's feet.

Now, I'm not gay, but I'd had similar experiences to theirs when I was their age and just a little bit older. And yes, I have to admit that it was hot to watch! But as rock hard as I was, there was no way in hell I was just gonna whip my cock out and let them know I'd seen them! So I ended up waiting until I heard both of them snoring before I got up, went outside, and headed for the bushes at the edge our campsite, where I proceeded to fire off an epic load! I was surprised at how quickly I came, and how much, as well. I was really not expecting that!

The next few nights, I made sure to drink a little whiskey when we were sitting around the campfire, so that I'd hopefully sleep through anything else that happened. And for the most part it worked, until our final Saturday night, when our week of perfect weather came to a sudden end. A storm blew in over the mountains, and suddenly our campsite was a complete disaster! We gave up on starting a fire, tossed the coolers into the truck, and headed straight for the tent with the hope of staying dry for the night. Or course, that didn't happen!

It was around 9:30 when the wind picked up, and suddenly our tent collapsed with us in it! So we grabbed our packs, ran for the truck, and I started down the mountain into town after assuring the boys that we'd come back in the morning to clean up the site and retrieve anything we'd left behind. An hour later, we were standing in the last available room of an old-school roadside motel, with a stack of towels, a bag of burgers, and two small double beds for three guys over 6' tall! I claimed the bed farthest from the door, leaving the other double for them.

"Hey wait a minute! There's only two beds!" came the first complaint from Paul.

"Yeah, this isn't gonna work, can't we get another room?" Asked Jason.

"Sorry guys, but this was the last room, so it's what we've got to work with. But it's better than a wet tent floor, right? I think we can all deal with it for one night."

"Yeah, OK" and "I guess so" came the replies.

"OK, so, let's eat real quick, and then we can hang up our wet stuff in the shower to dry and get some sleep." I claimed the bed furthest from the door for myself, hung my jeans and shirt up to dry, and grabbed my burger and fries from the bag.

So we quickly ate, the boys stripped down to their underwear and hung up their clothes to dry, then I killed the lights and we hit the bed.

Lesson learned: when you move two horny teenagers from sleeping bags to the same bed, things are bound to happen! It was around 2 am when I opened my eyes to see what I'll never forget: In the dim light coming through the split in the curtains, I could see them laying side-by-side, with their underwear pulled down, apparently comparing dicks with each other. Jason was a little longer, and uncut, and Paul was a little thicker and cut. They were both slowly working their own, when suddenly, Jason took the lead and started slowly stroking Paul, who's surprised gasp could have woke the dead! Of course, when Paul then grabbed his cousin's cock in return, I was suddenly harder than I'd been in years! What the hell?

I couldn't help myself this time. I found myself slowly stroking myself as well as I watched them go at it, protected by the darkness of the room and their total focus on each other. They were taking it slow at first, but very quickly they sped up, and so did I! They shifted to where Jason was on his back and Paul was on his side, leaning over him. At that point, I could no longer see everything, as Paul was blocking the light, but from the movement of his hips I'm pretty sure he was fucking Jason's right hand, while Jason was stroking himself with his left. Jason then grabbed Paul's right hand and wrapped it around his cock and whispered "oh fuck" and they both started cumming! Paul fell back onto the bed, and then I could see both of them shooting jets of cum into the air, at which point I let go of the breath I was holding and came into the blankets next to me. At that point Jason jerked his head around to look at me, but all he could see was my body hidden in the shadows and blankets, so he then focused back on his cousin.

"Did he hear us?" Paul whispered. "I don't think so?" Came the reply. At that point it didn't matter - I was so drained that it wasn't hard to fake sleeping, and I crashed almost immediately.

The next morning, I woke up at 7:30 and headed for the shower. In the morning light, I could see both boys sleeping back-to-back in that double bed. Apparently, there's nothing like trading handjobs to get you over your fear of sharing a bed! When I came out of the bathroom, they were awake, sitting on their bed, and doing their best to look innocent. After they had a chance to shower as well, we decided to head back to the campsite to gather up our gear and start the 6 hour drive back home.

"Well boys, there's definitely one thing this motel room has in common with our tent" I said with a smile as we started the truck and left the lot.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" they asked.

"They both smell like a spunk factory in the morning..." I said with a grin, as suddenly they both blushed bright red! Their reactions were hilarious, and I couldn't help but to snicker about it as they tried to deny everything!

I very quickly tried to put them at ease, and once they realized they weren't in any trouble, I made sure they both understood that I was cool with it, and they were not in any trouble. From there, as we cleaned up our campsite, I walked them through the basics of protection, responsibility, and consent. I made sure that they knew I would always have their back, that there would never be any judgement from me, and that I loved them both no matter what. Then, we let it go from there - except for the odd one-liners that they hit each other with throughout the drive home.

Since then, they've both called or visited me for advice from time to time, and I'm proud to say they've consistently made good choices. I'm still waiting for Paul to step out of the closet that he tries to hide in - he knows he's got my support, but I believe he has concerns about his Dad's reaction. And so far, Jason seems to have taken the straighter path - although I'm sure the two boys still help each other out from time to time. Either way, they want to go camping again next summer, and I have to admit that when they FaceTimed me to ask about it, my cock twitched hard, and I'm wondering "what's going to happen this trip?"

by G. Martin Blank

Email: [email protected]

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